' " " " ^ - ).:.,. :. . • 0 4. - MH5, 'He TIME«S-R.£P17BLICAN Has a larger circulation in Jasper, Greenwood a n d Troupsburg tHan a n y o t h e r newspaper. 190 2 ERLieH BR©S. MES- 148 Main Street, - Horaellsville, N. Y. We'll soon be telling you in this space of the arrival of early Spring Goods, more particularly of Musliu Underwear—our pUN chases of Muslin Undergarments runs up into the hundreds of d.0j. ens—and right here we want to impress upon you the fact that every No. 7 piece of Undermuslin sold by us is madean sanitary and well-vetitij. Vol. XXVII ated work rooms—not a single "sweat shop" garment is ever pei, mitted to come into our store. To properly display those own-mo^l quantities we must have every bit of space now taken up oy F|a„ ne\ette garments, woolen and fleeced underwear, petticoats and other cold weather garments. These have had their final reductions andl we anticipate a lively clearing. Watch for this great sale of Muslin Uudergarmentsr—there is only one such sale in Hornellsville in season, and that ie-—at this store. ^ T h e y E s t a b l i s h 1\ R e c o r d . . ' '. i '• i n ..—..•...—..nn.i n .-f. ;i —• ••"•*"1-^— - worn circulation more than three times greater than that of any other weekly newspaper in Canisteo or dorn 1 PEOPLE G i l l 1 Women's and Children's Gowns, Pettj, coats and Children's Sleeping Suits. Corsets. We have decided to make changes in ^>ur Corset department and to that end will close out many styles. These are now being picked together and in a few days they will be put on sale at a sensa tional low price for some of the best maker*1 goods. All Woolea aud Fleeced Uuderwe&rat closing prices. What we have left in Women's and Children's Cloaks have received their final cut in price. Our stock of Tailor Made Suits is com. plete with the best styles at loww price. All kiuds of Flannelette garments are T h e ' E l i t e " Petticoat is worn by eyl actually being sold at lees than they can be made (or. They must be closed out ery woman that has seen it. Let as we need the room for our great Muslin show you its good features.—Costs Underwear sale soon to take pl,ace.— . more than the old-fashioned kind. ERLICH BROST^ Women's and [Children's Clothing, HORNELLSVILLE, N. X. ecial ..Sale! * * * + + * * + + * * *- + * * • + * ! T ' H I S w e e k w e offer y o u t h e b a l a n c e of o u r W i n t e r coats, Ulsters, Boys' .Reefers and Over- Overcoats—all at prices which are M I N U S the P R O F I T to u s . We want to convince you that we can save you money on anything in our lin<\ Men's work Shirts, double front and back, 27c. This is the same shirt that our competitors have advertised as a 50c shirt. Men's Underwear, fleece lined, . _ . . . , , j „ 17c Men's » do 50c goods, all there is of several lines, \ V . 33c Men's do wool fleeced. . . . . , , , » . 45c Men^g. rio Wright'«=B*alth r 85c Boys' do 25c goods 15c Boys' do heavy fleece lined 25c Winter Mittens, calf palm, 45c 10 per cent, off on all Men's and Boys' Clothing. This does not include our Men's $5 00 Suits. Remember that all of our goods are narked in plain figures at AC TTJAL VALUE, and 10 per cent, here wwl mean more than 33J percent, where they ask $15 00 for a $10.00 suit and then sell it for $10 00 aud make you believe that you are getting it lor less than cost. We want your Clothing trade aod will use every fair and honorable means to obtain it and hold it. Our best customers are those who know us best and have traded Here the longest. It will cost you nothing to look over our stock before buying, or after buying, and we know that we can convince you that we can save you money. oavts, CROZICK & MIIUR, 9 MAIN STREET, CANISTEO. N. Y. Leahy & Wheatley. ASa U c 1 Taffeta R ibbons A chance at all silk Taffeta Ribbons at just about one-half what you are used to paying. You ought to supply your wanta for some titoe to coiue. All the most desirable colors—here's the way they will sell 20,Jj?'22imd40tPec,a,«t No. 60 and SO Special at - *• - - IOc yard 15o yard The colors are 3 shades of pink, 4 shades of blue, K shades of rod, lavender, Nile green, ceris, turquoise, black & white. Coats at Your Own Price. «? There's still a low three-quarter lengths and 27 in. Coats M l , and if you can get your size the price is right. Great bargains in Children's c®ats, Outing Gowns, Flannel Waists, Dressing Sacques and Flannelette Wrappers. McCall'a Patt#rfis9 LEAHY & WHEATLEY, l i S M a i n St.. H o m a U s v l l l a , N . SETTLED FOR $650. Jos. Rammacher'a Bill e u t In Two And Cut Again. N. 1 X P. * IN RECEIVERS HftNDS WILL GO T© F L O R I D A *> he village board settled with Jos. ammacher Friday for the use of h s hotel during the smallpox quarantine. F o r Rammacher became possessed with the G. R. Brown, Gen'I Manger, Ap* R e n d e r i n g A s s i s t a n c e in . idea that nothing less than "$1,500 in pointed Receiver and Takes cold cash" or a law suit, would make e a s e s of C h a r i t y . Control of The Railroad. good the damage sustained by him from the quarantining of IIH place. Bui the village board didn't see it as he did and The New York & Pennsylvania railisteo certainly has a very liberal he at length consented to take $650,— road has passed into the hands of a re class of people who always stand ready considerably less than- half the original— ceiver, Gen'l manager Geo. R. Brown to belp those in real need of assistance. as a balm for injured business, I having been appointed to that position, We doubt if there is a town in Western as was foretold in the TIMES-REPUBLIV York that possesses a population as Rev. 6. H. Gall Will Preach. CAN last week., quKik to perceive cases for charity and act thereon as promptly as do the people Next Saboath Rev. C. H. Gall, pastor Justice Dunwell of the Supreme Court in this pi ce. of the Jasper M. E. church, will occupy which was in session at Lyons last week, H i t week the TIMES-REPUBLICAN con- the pulpit of the Canisteo M. E. church handed down a decision on the petiti on tftinpri an account of the fire the Sunday in place of Rev. L«. P. Thurston who will of the bondholders, in which Geo. R night Ibefore, in which Warren Butler, go to Jasper to hold quarterly meeting Brown was appointed receiver and his Hand four children were burned out service. Rev. Gall is a young man trans- bond placed at $30,000.00. Yesterday ot'lfpuse and home and escaped bare- ferred from the Olean district end has Mr. Brown informed a representative of footed with their lives with nothing on the reputation of being an interesting this paper that he had filed the bond and assumed charge of the' road. H P f i i g h t clothes. Attention wa9 also and p easing speaker. . called in the TIMES-REPUBLICAN to the fact that the family were practically at ^he Ijjiercy of the people and any so riemight leave clothing, dishes, etc , em at this office, result was immediate. Bundles, ads, clocks, baskets of dishes and its of house furnishing articles to accumulate in this office until a good deal the appearance of a during house-cleaning time. All gifts were sent to the family as ly as possible, but hey formed only 11 part of what the family received, ge load of things were taken to the j by Andrew . Hal Lett, and the inual gifts of useful articles were numerous. It is said that the Butlers ave more things to start anew with they ever had before, all of which atly to the credit of the people of teo. Br. and Mrs. Butler staid at Henry flBhens' until Thursday when they ed into the Hartnet house at Carson. t . Mr*. Stephens worked early and late to make them as comfortable as possible and It 19 largely due to her that so many goods were given. Mr. Butler is working for Andrew Hallett cutting b e l t s . J. C. LATHAM, Owner and Editor CANISTEO, STEUBEN COUNTY, NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12,1902. In the course of a short time the mort gage will be foreclosed. IP f . . _ < : , National Dish Company's Machinery Being Moved There. Iluliollli W-The machinery of the National Dish company which occupied the large Babcock building in the lower part of town, has been sold to Thomas G«1J. It is being loaded on cars this week and will-be* shipped to Florida where Mr. Gale- will enter in partnership with a party in a large saw mill, lumber, and manufacturing busmess. Mr. Gale expects to go there shortly. The building occupied by the fjacfory in this place is leased to another large manufacturing eoiicern concerning which more particulars will be given later. A Lincoln Service. 1 Hon. Gordon M. Patchen An< hounces His Position On an Important Measure. A short time ago petitions was circulated through the congregation of the 'If. E. church of C*nisteo which were forwarded by pastor Rev. L. P. Thurston to Senator F.D.Sherwood and Assemblyman G. M. Patch«n of this district. Assemblyman Patchen acknowledged the receipt of the petition and made his position clear as being against the desecration of the American Sabbath in the following concise terms: ALBANY, January 30. i902. Jiev. L. P. Tkurstvn, Canisteo, N. Y. A special'Lincoln service was held in the Methodist Episcopal church last Sunday, A. special sermon was delivered by Pastor L. P. Thurston which contained much new and interesting matter conMY DEAR SIR;—Your petitition of cerning the great "Emancipator " The choir rendered appropriate music and yourself aud congregation received and the service as a whole was an honor to in reply can say, that I am heartily iu accord with the object of said petition and will vote, and use my irfluuee in opposition to the "Sunday opening measure," believing in maintaining the observance of the Christian Sabbath, Truly Yours, G. M. PATCHEN BOILER EXPLODED! Albert J. Green of Hall Street Has a Loss of $200— No Insurance. Last Saturday morning a horrible ac* cident occurred on the-—Swale. The bMler in the sawmill 1>f Monroe Sutton exploded. Oscar Chase was working near it and he was envtliped in the hftt steam and boiling water, scalding him in a terrible manner. M. q, VANDERLIMDER DEAD Well Known Citizen ot Hornellsville Passed Away. Martin 0. VanDerlinder, a citizen of Hornellsville aud who was well known ; throughout this entire section, died last Wednesday morning, aged about 60 years. Death was caused by a stroke of appoplexy which he sustained Tuesday. The funeral was held Saturday. The deceased was born in the town of — Howard. He was the spn of William VanDelinder, and worked on his father's farm until the ; de^th of the latter in ', 1868. For two years afterward he conducted the farm himself. He removed to Canisteo io^lgfO and was interested in »eal estate and speculation as wtll as conducting a mercantile business. He removed to llurnellsviile in 1892, and continued in the1 real estate business up to the time of his death. He was married to Catheiine M. Cochran, of Sullivan county, N. Y., in Februaty 1864. and to them was born ono child, Mrs. John B. Wilson, who survives. Deceased was a member of Park Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. VanDelinderwa^ a successful business man and succeeded in accumulating a large property. M E T IN eniVISTEO Mrs. S. e. Williamson Entertain* ed The D. A. R. Chapter. The Canisteo Valley Chapter D. A. R. were very pleasantly entertained Saturday afternoon by Mr?. S. C. Williamson at her spacioibs home in East Main street. In the absence of the regent, Mrs. Brown, first vice-regent presided. The meeting opened with the usual devotional exercises led by the chaplain. This was followed by roll call and the mioutes of the las' mee'ingwere res./by Fire started in a house in Hall street belonging to the Landreth estate and occupied by Albert J. Green, at noon Saturday. The Are department responded promptly and extinguished the flumes Was Knocked Down. before seru us damage was done. Mr. Genial " O b e " Stephens is laid up at t h s f w e t u r j aud approved, then came Gre'en's goods were all moved out doors his home, the result of having been a brief instruction on parliamentary law and were considerably damaged, probabknocked down yesterday while collect- by Mrs. Brown which ,jvds Very enterly about $200, and ha had no insurance. ing taxes. There will probably be in- taining, as well as instructive. A trio Insurance agent Jacob Vickcrs informs composed of Dr. Rowley, Mrs. Burrell teresting developments later. the TIMES-REPUBLICAN that the fire was ', and-Mrs. S'awson rendered a delightful caused by mice and matches. It was reselection which was so thoroughly enLeased Store For Ten Years. ported that the fire started from a lamp joyed by all, that they were persuaded which had been set under a sink to thaw Druggist-E. C. Barker has leased the to repeat it later in the afternoon. Mr;' it out and that the flime ignited the Riddell store now occupied by D. U: Burrell than gave an instructive and enwainscoting. Mr. Vickers made a Davis in Main street for a term of ten tertaining lecture on "LaFayette," which thorough investigation and found very jears. Extensive al eraltions and im" was accorded the earnest attention and Missionary Social. provements will lie made on" trTeTutefior InWesTof af^present. After the singe Woman's Home Missionary socie- plainly that the fire was caused by mice, found leading - from t b AJ ile of the BtQJfl and if, will hffUarnighjed^aad^ •tBg-^-' t Amw4^^'the^ost«8S=8ervedH i e^ theJllethodttt^ehuset^ -w41i^*>idH*4= " ^ *** cellar up through the floor between the fitted up into one of the best appoiuted freshments'-and the society adjourned to at the home of Rev. R E. Thomas, and modern drug stores, in this section. meet in March.* chief of a homiletic journal entitled, ett, street, Wednesday evening, studding and partitions, and on looking Lecture By Or. Morse. into it closer, traces' of a mouse nest A fine, new soda water fountain will be "The Pulpit Illustrator. " With all he 19. An] interesting program conThe third lecture of the course at the and remains of matches were found. put in, • is an elegant vocalist and n« doubt comg of music and recitations will be Ifetbodist church will be.given on FriWater Main Leak. This showed plainly that mice had bines this talent with the subject matter ered. Light refreshments will be day evening ot this week by the Rev. D e a t h of M r s . M u r p h y . i-jtftted the matches and caused the fire. A bid break in the water mains was of his lecture. d. A cordial invitation is extendDr. S. A. Moise of Lockport, N. Y It is a matter of record that fires have found Sunday in Walnut street. Work The managers have, also, combined Mys. Jennie Mnrphv died at her home • M o all. Subject, "The Mission of Song " frequently been caused in this manner, with the evening's entertainment very in Academy street Monday morning, of repairing it was begun at on™ but Dr. Morse is one of the leaders of and peopb should keep matches where attractive features, ie. Miss Laura Feb. 10, aged 68 years. Her huiband, was not fii ished until Monday afternoon," Bad Weather Coming. »1 Methodism* has supplied some o-f its most there would be no danger. Stevens, pianist and Miss Georgia Han- Robart^ Mflrphy, her daughter, Mrs. Recording to the predictions of prominent pulpits, been a del gate to sell, soloist of Hornellsville. Miss Han- Carrie M. June, and two sisttrs, Mrs. ther prophet Poster, sonfe bad the annual conference, and member of " *? Han kerchief Sale. sell is well known in Canisteo as the ft, P. Casterlineof Hornellsville and Mrs. Street e a r s Stopped. jther is coming. He says: "Special the international board of control of the The Epworth League of the M. E. most popular singer who ever visits our N. B. Hilborn "of Collingwood, Ont., lure of the weather will be a high Street car traffic on the Hornellsville Epworth League. He is also a constant church will hold a hankerchief sale and village. Tickets for the lecture and consurvive her. The funeral will be held at perature wave beginning about 19th, and Canisteo line was suspended from contributor to religious periodicals t h e ' h o u s e Fridtty at two p. m. and supper on Friday evening, March 14. lowed by rains and c o < l r ; another Saturday evening until Monday noon on through the country and the editor in cert fifteen cents. The proceeds will be used towards a burial in Canisteo. $• >rt. high temperature wave about 25th, account of the, storm. steel ct-iling in the Epworth League lowed by a cold wave, blizzard, fre« ze It Is Taxable. Will Meet Here. —-Supper to-night at the M. E. church. room. some of the worst weather of the A question having arisen as to whether The Hornellsville preachers club is to Went to Greenwood. iter." Last Friday evening a pirty of young property purchased with pension money be en'iertained by the Rev. B. VanVliet peopl^ from this place were entertained is exempt from school taxation, local Putnam of this village at its next meetMasonic Calendar. at the home of Miss Marie Woodward of parties looked up the law and inform ingThe calendar for 1902 of Morning Star tJreenwuod, The principal amusement the TIMES-REPUBLICAN that section 5 of Hotel To B e Sold, jge, No. 65. F . & A M., and Canisteo of the evening was the game of "Sir chapter 347 of the laws of 1897 provides ipter, No. 210. O. E. S., have just The Canisteo House wi'l be sold on tlinktom Runny" Duster," after which that all property purchased with the issued from this office. The calenmortg-tge foreclosure to-morrow at 11 exceeding y dainty refreshments were proceeds of a pension granted by the [ShowM the two local masonic bodies o'clock a. m. It is the opinion that the served. The evening was a very enjoy- United States for military or naval purpe in an unusually growing and prosproperty will be bid in.by the plaintiff. able one though they werejslightly'-snow- poses, is TAXABLE for school and highSU8 condition, Morning 8tar lodge way purposes. Sach property is exempt bound." , Advertised Letters. having an active membership of 137 from state and county taxes. Where you will surely Sncl something you wil need at I |ch is a gain of thirty-six over last The following letters remain unclaimed The Wesleyan Quartette. prices away below what they are usually sold for. r,and Canisteo chapter, which was inin the Canisteo post office, Feb. 14. The famous Wesleyan male quartette D a n i e l A. B r o w n e l l . ^uted but a few months ago already LeGraud Cotton, Mrs. J a n e Bryson, Wben we took our inventory we found a great, many will give the next entertainment in the Dauiel A. Brown-ll died Friday *ven- Mrs. D. Min^.r 2. a membership of forty-three. articled ibitt <vu want tu ui a| ,„,,;: ox conuUllnu of Winiod'Uigltsia'i le'.p.re comae, on lues- ning at tLe He nollsville hospital, af.er L. A. W A L D O , P . M. day evening, February 18. This quart- an illness of pneumonia. He leaves a A B e a r on T h e S w a l e . ette comet recommended as one of the wife, two sons aud two daughters The Soen to^Be Married. The Swale correspondent of the finest in the country,and all lovers of sons are Aden and Leyi Brownell, the f Invitations have been issued for the IKS-RRPUBUCAN Bends the following fine music should not fail to attend. latter of whom resides on the Swale; the wedding of Joseph Schaul of Hornellslei eating news: Single admission 25 cents. daughters, Mrs. Richard Hood of Osand a great many things which will all be ville and Miss Minnie Tuchler, of Canasp'While Joseph Northrup was skidding wayo and Mrs. Miles Covil of Hornellsupon the BARGAIN COUNTER. placed eraga which will be celebrated at the l» in the woods last week he found a Pickles For Carneoje. ville, Hotel Kingston in the latter place Tueslar up a tree that was lodged against COME IN AND LOOK IT OVER. Deceased was 67 years of age. He Caniateo-m&de pickles are regularly day, March 4th, at 6 p. m. h t h e r tree. Mr, Northrop hitched his was born in Caniiteo and has passed nil found on Andrew Carnegie's tables. Mrs. im to the butt of the tree to pull it A. R. Miner, who annually does an im- his life in this vicinity. For the past 30 " T h e P e n n s y l v a n i a D u t c h m a n . " i i W I L L LOST YOU NOTHING TO LOOK. >wn. When the bear came tumbling mense business in pickles and preserves, years he had been a.faithful employe of Rev. Dr. B. H. Stauffer of Buffalo |wn to the ground everybody dlsaphas already made two consignments of the Erfe. In the wsr for the Union he delivered an entertaining and instructive j k e d in.the woods and w t e n thsy re her goods to the noted millionaire. In did gallant service, first In the 86th N. lecture in the M. E , church last Thursf n e d his bearship had vanished.'* this as in most other things he does, the T. Vols., and later in the 189th. day evcr.ln% under the auspices of the shrewd Scotchman ihows extremely good — The managers of the Methodist Brotherhood of St. Paul, on the subject, W A N T E D - I will pay the highest taste as Mrs. Miner's pickles are among M church lecture course have reduced the "The Pennsylvania Dutchman. A large C A N I S T E O , N. Y . rket price for veal calvet, lambs, fat the very finest in the world., price of tickets for the next lector* to at Hence was present and pronounced ' • • ' ep and hogs for shipment Saturday tti s lecture one <«f the beat that has been f ternoon, February 15. at the Erie —Have you visited the bargain counter fifteen cents, or the last two for twentyh« ird t s Canisteo in a long time. five cents. pot, Canisteo. J A M S B E. WILBOH. at the Park store! I. A BARGAIN COUNTER Tinware, Lamps, Saucers, Plates, Tumblers, Dry Goods, Shoes . . . f |CRANDALL&STEPHENS,§ S7 Y, .^*irs anc it lowest prices. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com &3&VX^VteSKV&S£y&K
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