pnMaawjpapqMMai \ PV* 'or ""• p»l»f one year i gives yo« Ibe ohoioe Of four »• M U M * P R E M I U M i"»i»™. Kvory sabeoriber in the odunty, new or old, baa the premium, who pay* in »it vance : : : : I For This Paper. VOL. XVIII. (H-ani M PM% it : The T U U K offleo, of every kind, neatly and expeditiously done, and safHEaction guaranteed, at Lowsst Passible Frices. CANISTEO, STEUBEN CO., N.Y.. THURSDAY, FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS MAPP,,: 22, 1894. NUMBER 12. cess. They have now about $ 10. for the benefit of the church. If the old society are no* careful the young people will get ahead of them in their church work. York this week. They will visit Prof. Fenner and wife at Flushing, and on Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't R e p o r t CANISTEO, N E W YORK, TROUPSBUHC T I P S . their return, the last of next week, Mrs. —BY— Wingeat will bring her spring stock F R A N K -A.. IF-A. "ST, Of '•""John Brown, one of the oldest resimillinery. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dickey and daughter Editor and Proprietor. dents of our towu, diedffiTAe14th inst. Blanch are visiting fneodAaL_Wellsville. Terms of Subscription:—$1.00 per year if sent . aged 71 years. Harmon Iloyt of North Fork, Pa^^Jjas in Steuben County, and $1.25 per yeanrat-isf jMr.. Dickey returned home on Saturday^ the County; $1.50 if not paid during the year. / T h e eight months old child of Mr. been 'engaged by JN. E. Coston as sales leaving Mrs. Dickey at Wellsville to take Advertising Rates made known on application at and Mrs. R. B. Rigby died of pneu- care of the daughter who is sick with man to take the place just vacated by B. this office. 8. Brundage. His family and bouse Office ia Uallett Block, Deput Street. raonia last Friday. scarlet fever. • Jmld goods, arrived in t^ma,4^4»-arftFrr"T^rTnd!aymgW~MErrH^ A letter from Mrs. Wm.Howland from noon; they will occupy the living rooms JOB PRINTING of every description promptly ami skillfully done. lock of Elmira spoke to a large audience Sedalia, Mo., states that the western B: S. Brundage, who has been enat the Baptist church. SNTCHCO AT THC POST OFFICt »T CANISTEO, H. T, country has become perfectly paralyzed gaged as salesman for N. E. Coston for SECOND-CLASS MAIL MATTER. James McKinley. whose cheese factory since the beginning of the present adminthe past two or three years, has accept burned, has got a new one under way istration. Who will be able to solye the ed a position as head salesman in the and will have it ready in a few days. mystery of the present situation? Who store of Mr, Burrows of Andover and ville. Ora is a good citizen and we disGOLDEN O P P O R T U N I T Y . E. M. Blowers' house that was partial- can read the handwriting on the wall? will remove his family to that place like to lose him, but wish bim the sucThe people of Cameron j«re very tena within a few days. Mr. Brundage has cess he deserves-tn-his new venture Removed to the cooper shop build- ly burned a few weeks since is being re To V i s i t t h e P a c i f i c C o a s t . paired and will be ready for use again cious to life and purpose, bound to sue resided here most of the time from boy ing. Greenwood St. Please note the extremely low rates of Mrs. E. M. Hart of Hornellsville lectin a few days. ceed and win. Otto Uallett is having hood and will be missed by a large cir- ured to the_JS. C. T. U. last evening in fare offered by the Erie lines to Pacific the old pine stump fence along the road cle of friends, place of Mrs. Bullock of Elmira, who Coast points and return, viz: — ALL KINDS OF HOME BAKING March 19. * west of the village removed and a neat over Coston's store. FRESH EVERY DAY. was detaiued by the illness of her sister. Binghamton,$82.55 Owego, $81.30 MAX. and durable wire fence put in its stead, The lecture was well received by the few Waverly, $8l.H0 Elmira, $8085 Fresh Butter and Eggs, PURDY CREEK C R Y S T A L S . which betters the appearance of the who attended. The medicine show deCorning, $79.90 Addison, $79.y0 SWEET MILK AND BUTTERMILK. T H U R S T O N T R I P E . place very mu£ tracted largely. Canisteo, $78.o0. Charles R. Amidon has moved to CanB the Pint LasT With the Erie's elegant train service. —Marc1fi9 Friday morning^while Clarence Spring work has commenced in good K. 0or Quart. and perfect Block Sigual system, the earnest. Ropsa was unloading hay tit the depot a Oar district school commenced last Erie cannot be beaten for safety and JASPER JANCL-E. ^ " L O O K OUT FOR THE WAGON. Monday. There were no services at either church couple of bales rolled oil onto the comfort to its patrons; you will also horses, frightening them, and they Sunday. /Some of our farmers have commencM. N, Sammet & Bro's new store on please bear in mind that the Erie is the E . W. C R A M E S , C a n i s t e o N. Y. ed sowing oats. Rev. O. P. Alderman has gone to started on a ruu down the track, soon only line with only one change of cars, Main St. presents an attractive appiaremptying the wagon, when they ran Ingleside. Rev. C. Wardner, pastor of the Bap- ance. while all other lines have from three to with fury towards the Mills, leaving now tist church, has returned home. ,five changes, and some very unpleasant C. E. Fox and family from Avoca are Mrs. Wesley Goodsell spent last week and then a part of the wagon or harness. transfers. Visiting at A. W. Keith's. Charles Hartman has rented the at Greenwood with her brother T. O. Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine. Just before reaching the high culvert at (Tke O n l y A r t P e r i o d i c a l A w a r d e d a Joseph Vickers farm and taken posses- Swan,-—*-" Take the "Old Reliable," thus avoidRev. A. J. Hurd made a flying visit the pump station they became separated, Medal at t h e W o r l d ' s Fair.) sion. ing unnecessary changes and transfers last week from Jackson, Pa. one going over the wire fence into the Mr, Bowyer and family move tomor Invaluable to all artists, art students and others en route, and assure yourself of a pleas/ E l l s w o r t h Henry and Miss'Clara Comwho wish to make their home surroundings beautiful row from thjs_JHWage~to Irtreir farm .in The Misses Knickerbocker are build riveT; the other crossed the culvert at a A specimen copy, with superb eolor plates ant trip. For further information call stoek are t o attend the spring term of CameronT ihg a kitchen anct" woodihecT"on theif breakneck speed^safely and was stopped (suitablefor framing or ocpyiugjand cupple- 1 flf* Meats of full-size working designs gent on I U ' - ' . school at the Canisteo academy. on the nearest Erie Ticket Agent, or at Cameron Mills. Very remarkably the mentioning this paper and enclosing •• Mrs. Louisa Hayes was takeu sudden residence. address S. T. Seely, Division Passenger (tegular price 35o, $100 a year). For 2 5 C . "n lnMrs. Celia VanBuskirk who has been ly ill last Friday night and is still con There was a sugar party for Rev. A.J. horses were not badly cut or hurt. structiveimauual, "Painting for Beginners," sent in Agent, Elmira, N. Y. (Ilw2) addition to the above. Our 1894 illustrated cata- confined to her bed for a long time is very fined to her bed. March 21. Hurd last Thursday evening; five dollars T. l»fue of about 200 color studies and pictures sent for '2-ttnt stamp. low and is expected to live but a few Rev. Henry Allen and wife of Harri- were realized. Notice. M o n t a g u e ITI.irk* 3 3 U n i o n S q . , N c w Y o r k days. She is at her daughter's, Mrs. son Valley, Pa., have been Obituary As I have gone out of the market busWill Kelly bas hired tor the season at visiting X J OTIOE OF DISTRIBUTION—Notioe is hereby Emeline Edwards, at Hornellsville. Mrs. relatives in town. iness, all persons indebted to me are reEddytown, Yates Co., as also Altie Vose Sy given that the proceeds of the sale of the real esDied in Troupsburgh, N. Y., Feb. 23, quested to call and settle the same before tate of Lewi«'Campbell,lnte of the tiwn of Cameteo,in Eliza Edwards from the west is also at and Clinton Keith at Himrods, to com Major W. E. Craig and wife of Bel the County of SUuben. deceased, made by Julius M. her bedside. All is being done that dan 1894. Mrs. Ruth A. Atwood. April 10th, 1894. The accounts m a y b e fr»& " BUchcbx Administrator of the estate of said decedent, mont are spending some, time with his raence the first of April. far the payment of his debts,pursuant to » decree of be to comfort and cheer her in her last I The deceased was born in Brookfie}d, found at Bennett's market, my former Hie Surrogate's Court of said County, will be disdaughter, Mrs. F. H. VanOrsdale, and There was a marriage at the residence atibuted in said Court by the Surrogate, at the hours. Her son S.B.VanBuskirk of this Tioga county, Pa., Aug. 9, 1880. Her place of business. other relatives in this place. of Rev. O. P. Alderman yesterday. A 41*7 Hall in the City of Hornellsville, in said Counmaiden name was Baker, and she was ts, en tbe 4th day of Hay, 1804, at 16 o'clock In the place was summoned yesterday as it was JOHN BAILEY. Mr. Welch from Cameron Mills aud Miss forenoon. The donation for Rev. M. H . D u n h a m , thought she could last but a few hours. the youngest of nine children, seven of Bated, Bath, Moh. 30th, 1894 Canisteo, March, 15, 1894. (11 w4) Burley from Cameron were the contract pastor of the Baptist church, last ' D. M. M O M A S H R . whom are still living. She attended March 20. A. B. C. ing parties. . •• " * ' Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. Wednesday evening, amounted to about GEORGE & WEYNAND'S school at the academy at Knoxville, Pa., LATER:—Mrs. VanBuskirk died Tues$30.00. In my report a few weeks ago in re- and taught school one year. At the Gentlemen's Hair Cutting and Shaving day morning at 6 o'clock. Funeral will "'• Clothing to fit all, at UNOKR'S. The five months old son of Mr.andMrs. gard to the parties who entered J.'W. age of twenty years she was married to a parlor at No. 8 Depot street, Canisteo. ba held at the M. E church of this place For Rent! For Salel M. W. Huntington has been dangerous Collson's store there %vas an error, as Mr. Gilletie, by whom she bad- Particular attention paid to cutting at 11:30 a. m., Thursday. A. B. C. House to tent on Hall street. For ly ill for several weeks but is reported a only one of the boys was present, Good three children, Oakey, Cassiusaud Her- ladies and childrens hair. All work sell and La wall not having a hand in. bert S., two ol whom survive her. sale at a bargain; one two seated cardone in style. We intend to take pakw little better. _^_ ;_____ SOUTH CANISTEO C A T C H . No pros«icution has been made and prob- __InLi8;7SUhe was married to Urial At- to please all and hope to receive the riage, one top buggyv„one light, double _Tj£e_JestJKer? association, held in this ably there will be none as the boys are wood of Troupsburg. From that time on pTCtfoHage~ofidTe7>ublic generally. Mrs. barneBs, one single harness, robes, blanCrass is making a fine start. village last Friday evening and Saturday trying to do better, and one of them has she waB identified with the chnrch and George is always present to Day v<penal kets etc. L. A. WALDO. / S o m e serious cases of the mumps in a. m., was well attended. A very in- made a start in religion. I shall be Canisteo, Mar. 15. '94. temperance cause, always ready to help ittention to the wants of the ladies. teresting program was carried out. the place. only too glad to report progress in their in anything that would help to lift the C a r d of T h a n k s . Mrs. J. W. Wallace and sister, Miss reformation. The boys are of good clouds of intemperancejud advance the Advertised Letters. It is s"aid the raindrop is yet a physiMrs. William Langs and family take cal mystery. Dora Ellis of Jasper, are at Ark port to families. Remaiuing in the postollice at Canisteo good of all. ' She was a ready writer and attend the celebration of their father's, this opportunity of thanking the neigh for ihe week ending Mch. 20, 1894. /Floyd Preston works for James Wilsome of her writings have had a good March 19. K. Albert Ellis, sixty-ninth birthday which bors and friends for their kindness and son this season. Mrs, E.,N. Day, Mrs. Hattie Robinson, — effect for the cause of right. She was not occurs today. Blair & Thrasher. help in the sickness and death of her afraid to give ber opinion on all subjects Work has begun on the foundation brother, hoping and trusting that God March 19. E. When calling for above named letters TOO LATE FOR LASt WEEK. that had for their object the good of for the new church. "ia his wisdom will not let thrm suffer, say advertised, giving date. MisB Matie Wilhelm ia home for a mankind. She always had a kind word The temperature reached 72 degrees, but will providerfriends for them also in If not called for in 14 days will be GREENWOOD C L E A M 8 . for all, and old and young sought her visit, Sunday, which brought out the frogs times of afflict ion. sent to the Dead Letter Office. counsel and advice. Alie Vose is with his parents for a few and peepers Monday morning, Will Kellogg is home from Ithaca for MRS. W I L L I A M LANOS. H. 8. BBBBB, P. M. days. On Dec. 23d she was taken sick and Mrs. Bowles of Swains, accompanied a few days. Canisteo, March 19 1894 » —Postal Cards were first issued M a j l , C. F. Cooper and family from Hor forvweeks she was laid upon a sick tied. by her sister, Mrs. Butler, is visiting rel Mrs. Sarah Norton of Canisteo visited 187a. The first year's sales were 9 1 , For a time we had hopes of her recovery, nellsville are guests «f the Knicker atives in the place. Mrs. Butler is con in totvn last week. 079.000, while last year over five hunand all that loving hearts and willing bocker girls. siderably over 90 years old, yet is able Rev. J. H. Cheesman of Evergreen, dred millions were used. to travel about with the ease of one Mrs. Eliza Parker is moving today hands could do was done, but the death Pa., is in town for a few days. many years younger. and Isaac Bowers moves in the house angel was hovering over her and all our Insanity Last Year. We are glad to report that MJSB.- A. P. she vacates, tomorrow. tearg and prayers were of no avail, the Mr. and Mrs. John Knight have the The increase of insanity last year over the Woodward is regaining health. good Fatber wanted her, and on the preceding rea-r was startling! Think of it, sympathy of the community in their sad Miss Minnie Piatt is caring for her persons suffering from nervous troubles, such bereavement, in the death of their baby Miss Maggie Burger was in Hornells- grandmother at Savona, who received morning of Feb. 23, her eyes closed on a* sick and nervous headache, nervousness, all of earth and the spirit took its flight ville the latter part of last week. serious injuries by a fall a few days ago. convulsions, neuralgia, apoplexy, dyspepsia, boy, which occured Saturday evening. to that bright home whose builder and Ed Hamlin of Jasper was a welcome Bkieplessneas, paralysis, nervous prostration, Funeral at the house Monday a. m. InRev. A. J. Hurd is holding meetings maker is God. On Sunday, Feb. 26, her epilepsy, etc. The ontlook would certainly terment in Hillside cemetery at Canisteo. yisitor at the school last VtOBUBjT^ ckson, Pa. His wife is still at the funeral sermon was preached by Rev. F. to discouraging for you were there no me:nis Miss Lottie Freeland of Jasper baa Arnot Ogden hospital, Elmira,not much ' H. Rowley, and amid sorrowing friends of escape. Any of the above difficulties, Rev. S. E. Matthews 6fBe1fttell.7~ and many more, are advance symptoms of been visiting friends here for the past improved. March 20. W. ber remains were laid away ia Mount insanity or some other equal ly deplorable conweek. *• dition ending in suicide or premature death. Hope cemetery. The lawsuit, which commenced the S W A L E 8IFTINO«f. •\ Dr. Franklin Mi lea, the noted specialist, A few friends of 8yd.. Her inner were 10 inst. and closed the 12th, between has devoted over 20 years to the investigaHymeneal. Peepers and angle worms on the invited to his home on Monday evening David Peters, piff and J. K. Petera,deft. FAIR AND C.Lx tion of nervous affections, and in the result for warm sugar. of his Ubom lies the only hope of those afflict- Swale, March 18. before Squire Kennedy and a jury, with —that's the way your skin will he, ed with the tronMea named His RestoraA very pleassnt social event took if you'll take Dr. Pierce'N (volden Rev. J. Wootton of Jasper gave us a C. D. Wood house cotinsel for pi ft", and Mrs. E. O. Downs is visiting her partive, Nervine is a positive means of relief. place at the residence of Mrs. Miranda Medical Discovery. Pimples, blotchE. B. Ross for the deft, caused quite a very pleasing missionary sermon last If you have any nervous affection attend to ents at West Union, House, Reward, Thursday. March 15, es, eruptions, and humors are utsensation in this commonly quiet town, it at once. Do not wait till your intellect is Sunday morning. Miss Lina Wilson began school in alt altered or the freniy of suicide overcomes 1894, the occasion being the marriage of terly banished by this medicine. It and resulted in a judgement for the Miss Deal Stephens has engaged for a you. Delay is dangerous. takes away, mure thoroughly and district No. 8 Monday. her daughter Carrie to Mr. Oscar Swain, plaintiff. • fourteen weeks term of school in Arkcertainly than anything else, the Re*. I. R. Miller. r W nf the M I nhnmh. Mr. Northrup and Mr. Nezbeth of a prosperous young merchant of J How blood troisons or impurities t h a t M j Ron, P a , writes "Overwork canted me to port, to commence next Monday. March 14. " K" break down completely The eff >ru of several | the Hwalc. h a v e s t a r t e d the p l o w . ard. The ceremony was performed by cause, them. •rood doctors, and eight week* of travel, did me Prof. F. SToanford and Miss Cooper little good. I could not read or study, and my | the Rev. J. P. White in the presence of George Barber and son of North Hill eorwlition was serious I began using Mr Stiles' , For every Skin, Scalp, and Scrofattended the teachers' association at JasCAMERON CREAM. about sixty friends of the contracting Meliorative Marvlne, four bottle* of which com ! were callers at George Fairbanks' Sunulous affection, no matter how it a+etoly cured me Accept mv gratitude " per last Friday and Saturday. day. parties. A bountiful repast was after- rami', the " Disr-nvery " i* a dirfM* " I was taken sick la<t tprti, and had the Attend an^enf three of our tail phviclans The result f The sugar party at the Christian The Moore* girl who was bitten by the ward served. The bride received many remedy. It cleanses, baiida tip, Mr. Moore's daughter, who was bitten was that at the end of four month* I w n a help- I church last Wednesday evening netted dog, is doing well. toss Invalid, eonld not eat, and did not get thlrtv i useful and ornamental presents, strengthens, and invigorates every by a StBernard dog, is doing as well ia I notes' sleep In 94 hours i/>st ss pound* in | the society a neat little sum. Among the guasts from out of town part of the system. K< leina, Rryatpweight. Fonr weeks ago I began using Mr Mil**' as could be expected. Mrs. Minnie Clum, who has been on Restorative Nervine, Restoistive Tonic »nd Nerve Rodney Foster of Slate Creek was the sick list the past week, is improving. were: Dr. Bowen and wife and Mr. and elas, Salt-rheum, Tetter, Boils, ('ara>*i Uver Pills. Have gained *.'» pounds in The mumps are on the hill and does weight, nan eat and sleep, and feel as well as I buncies, Knlitrgstl SIAMA, and tb# buried from the Putman school house Lucius Kinner is laid up with a Mrs. Dixon of Almond; Mr. and Mrs. worst Scrofulous S r c s and Swellings ever did."—J C -Hephena, Carlisle. Pa. not show any distinction between rich " I was afflicted with nervou« prostration ovsr last Friday, Rev. D. E. Stiles officiating. strained hip, received while out with the Arthur Allen, Mr.and Mrs, Darius White or poor, old or young. two yean, and during that time was nnaMe to are completely and permanently and son Clarence, Mrs. Cora Russell, •crforni any work. Through the use of Or Mile*' The sugar party for the benefit of the flag. cured by it. ^.••tiratlvn Vsrrine I am entirely restored to Spring' opens tip with a good boom Miss Mary White and Mr, Harry BillL O. T.M. last Saturday evening passed, an 1 able to conduct mv business the ««me The medicine show draws good audiDepot -1 r» ct Unlike ordinary spring 'medicines, as before mr <Hckness I recommended the Nervine of business »t Cameron. off vtry pleasantly. Abot $10 were the ence*, willing to be pleased, but not to iard, of Hornellsville; Mr. and Mr?. M. the "Discovery " works equally well In t W'lnj man also nfterln* from neryons prrw and every available place to bitch a team tration, and he too rwefve.1 wonderful benefit R. Lake, and Merritt R. White, of Cannet receipts to the ladfes. buy Waski oil. at all seasons. trrit ft l)r Miles' remedies arc considered * pan- was occupied Saturday. isteo; Mr. Eben White and Mies Carrie • "<•» at our house." W H ("\iuhsw Oallcn M'ifi> Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Webster are in T*r Practically, it's sold o»i triiil. If Dr Miles' m i — ' Restorative •»--. »— Nervine l« sr,M by all Your Swale correspondent should W h i t e of Fremont and Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, instead of forming a part d cgglstson a positive_guarantee ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _or^ hv ^ ^Dr. . . .MS ™_ Buffalo today in consultation with a it ever fails to benefit or cure, yon have been in town last Saturday if re Frank Green of Buffalo. V Medical On.. Elkhart Elrnert !nd Ind . on receipt of prff-» f • T.erihip with w Geo. Peck, has hired out specialist regarding Mr. W's health. He thinks Cameron is dead , if it is dead it's have your money back. Ton t bottle, or six bottles for fP>. erpre«* prepsid. It P*7 positively free from all opi«tc<i and dangcrou. to him at $10 per week and board. has ft troublesome and serious stomach only for the good you get. drugs Dr Mllea" Verve snd !,! *cr pi lis ? c m a livelier corpse than a Swaler could maice Goo4 fsea are wanted everywhere. Next to knowing n thing ourselves per ho«. frve botes, ti OP Mailed anywhere, r*roc difficulty. No eheap Mili«titutc, urged by a if he died alive. hook at drufflsta. or by mall. ^ * *mm # * ^ is to know linere to find information tricky clealefj tfloogl it may be betThe young people's social at Mark Mrs. Sarah VVingett aud daughter, For 8 n , t - i . y After April 1st Ora Carver launches upon it, and the owner of a Coftimbhn A I Jones' last Thursday evening was a siic- Mrs. v¥. O. Slocum, are going to New ter for him to W/, can be " just as out in the irnifbf basinet* at Haskia- Cyclopedia ii insured against if uotaace n n H T U m n KVKHX T H U R S D A Y AT Powdep- ABSOUrrELY PURE HOME BAKERY s MILK DEPOT. FRESH OYSTERS THE ART AMATEUR. L> I STARTLINGJSCREASE! r good " lor you to huy Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 c 5 ,1
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