— V .THE TIMES-REP East troupsburg Ifil I UBLICAN: C 4 ^ IS T E 0, N. 7., MARCH South Cameron. I / ,* ; 19, 19 02. .-.' CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS The Harris Store « I I SECTION —Making sugar seems to be the ordei —Leslie Stephens is working in CornNEW IDEA PATat present. ing. TERNS and S H E E T S —R. B. Reynolds lost a' valuable —George H-irgraye spent Sunday af A young horse with colic. his home in tbU place. FOIi APRIL. All pat—G. H. Symonds has sold his farm to —Eugene Marlatt moved on George Matters of General Interest" terns 10 cts. E. H. Austin of Troupsburg. Campbell's firm last week„f In and About Steuben U • —-Clarence Williarcson and wife visit ather News And a Complete —Edith Quick and Joftn" Quick of County. id at Willson Husted Friday. Woodhull were in" this p'ace Saturday. Summary of Local —Since the spring movu.g, we have —Misses Cora and Bertha , Ackerman Fashion rules that no wardrobe is coniplete without its Black Events. four vacant houses in this place. —The insurance agents of Holley have of Bath are visiting friends in this place. —Arthur Plank has begun his season's —A few of our youug ' people of this tied a protest with the State Board of Gown or at least, its Black skirt. $ > section of this whole store has work for Matthew Rogers of Troups- place attendud the poverty social at John Underwriters' Association against the 25 received more attention than Black Goods foi the l&oming season and PHorey Rowley has a fine lot of yonug burg. Stuart's Thursday eveuing. All had u per ceut, advance in rates. today it ranks as one of our most important lines. There arethous bs. tine time —Thirteen boys living in thejiyrth amis of yards to choose from at Uiis moment Light .weight cloths —Wild geese were reported migrating end of Niagara Fails have been arrrsted medium weights and heavy weights. ^Soft filmy cloths, subdued th the 12th. They are charged by the Central with ^-James WIIBOU will ship stock again finish materials, deep rich finish fabrics,; bright lustrous surfacelnahaving stolen coal. week Friday— - B u r d e t t e Phillips, for five years terials, and brilliaut finish fabrics, as well as cheviot finish cloths. —Miss Hattie CrandalKhas gone t o —G. R DeGroat is i a ^ o w n . Grass showed growth in sheltered Corning. principal of Allegany's High school, wi 1 We need not say, if it's here i'ts goodV Prices are even more mod, —Geo W. Stewart is sehously ilL ces Friday the 14. resign shortly. He will enter upon a erate than usual. —Miss Metta Lowry is home from —L. B Sharpjmdwiffe will soon re-.' Lots and lots of new stylos.. Andrew Hallett will build an addi- Potter Brook. four years' term in Harvard. move to Wallace. to his barn this spring. . Black Moire Silks ai'e among the popular materials for tho —A debt of $4,000 that has* been rest—Riley Day lost one of bis horses the —Joseph Miller and wife visited re-Wesley Cornish is building a house first of the week. . ing on Warsaw's Methodist church was coming season- -these are shown in full range of qualities and in the latives at Bath last week. bis land on the Jasper road. •j^Frank Kelley has hired but to Bert «j—Miss Julia Birney is spending a few on Sunday removed by contributions and most recent effects^ 7 77T*?"* > —Eben Stewart has purchased a horse Snow for the season. pledges aggregating $ 5 , 8 0 0 * _ r j ' days with friend* at Kanona. Black Silk in every desirable weaving and in all qualities are replace the one h& recently lost. —William Biggs, of Genev^ has —Adelbert Briggs and J . P . Keefe —J. C. Barton of Kanona visited her U t t r s . Maria Allen is visiting toer each have cows with two calves. Every, yard of silk that brother, Alien Barton, in this place brought suit against the city for $5,000 here in even larger quantities than usual. ghter, Mrs. Ralph Craig, in Jasper. damages, alleged to have been sustained comes from here must wear. well. —Frank O'Harigan ot Rexville was Tuesday. —Peter Howland and his sJBter, Caty, through this vicinity Thursday selling —Robert Birney has been spending a by falling on an icy sidewalk on Geneva A complete new line of black grenadines in daintiest ideas. suffering with t h e whooping cough. moth catchers. few days with relatives and friends in street in the rear of St. Peter's church. -C. Howland, while at the spring for Black crepe du chenes. * —The Vanderbilt, one of the well —Miss Maggie Fritz of Spring Mills this vicinity. ter recently, slipped and tell into t h e was the guest of Misses Mary and Nellie New lines of black dres» trimmings. \-< —R. G. Obrien and wife attended the known Syracuse hotels, has closed its ing. McDonough over Sunday. Pomona Grange at Hornellsville Wed- doors because it was being run at a loss. Dennis Whitford started the plow __ Newest things in popular gray dress goods and Suitino- shades. Tne French Brother? of New York, were nesday, March 12 the Walker farm over the river last —Rev. E. P . Hubble will preside at the proprietors, and they are now bank- New lines of Milks for waists and gowns—newest color effects. Latest k Wednesday. the quarterly conference in the M. E . rupt things in turn-over collars. The p r l n g lines in carpets and rugs are* -It is reported that George T a n ^-Bartholomew Cahill, of Penn Yan, church, March 21. now ready--all carpets are in the new styles. lver has bought the Jonathan K n a p p —Miss Eunice Walker is spending a died at his home on Cnestuut street in —Mr. and Mrs. Culver visited friends of Ad sit Stephens. few weeks with her brother, Jay Walker that village Monday night, aged 92 in Cauisteo last week. More now things in fine cotton materials for waists and George Figer was a little disconsertyears. Old age was the cause of death. and family near Bath. —Mrs. George Wilson received word gowwns—hundreds and hundreds of styles now. recently by getting a mnuse u p a —Wm. Copper and wife were guests There are two daughters surviving. last week of t h e serious illness of her New lines of hosiery. ve, while reaching into a grain bin. of George4Robinson and family in Buck Lizzie aud Maggie. sister, Mrs. Crane of Painted Post. -The quarterly meeting that was pos—Invitations have been issued for the :—Thomas Reynolds and family expect Settlement, March 11. J. H A R R 1 S & S O N S . ed from two weeks ago on account Hugh Wilson _*n"d wife of Buena weddiug of Albert Heinaman of Bath to move April 1, ,to the Baldwin farrrr the flood, was held here Saturday and one and one half miles west-of Addison. Vista were recent guests of her father, and Miss Margaret Lnunsbury of Elmiia. nday. The event will be solemniaed at the — Eugene T, Crawford is having his Ambrose Stewart near here. Wm.—Walker—sr., and—wife—have home of the bride's father at Lounsbury, residence improved with a fresh coat of Blown, and T. W. Bowles are dockpaint, his brother David is doing the been spending several days with rela- N Y., the evening of March 25. g the creek banks to protect their —The Wayne County Preserving Comtives and friends in Hedgesville, N. Y. work. jrms from the water. —Miss Sadie Walker returned to her pany at Newark is making preparations —The little son of A. E . Chislomn [—Webster Farnham's house was burnand wife had one hand quite severly home, March 9, after spending several for the largest year's business in its histo the ground with all household burned by falling against the coal stove weeks with relatives at Campbell creek. tory during this coming season, Two tads Thursday., Fire is supposed t o last week. —Dora M. Hoagland is spending a one hundred horse power boilers are beive originated "from a defective flue. —Mrs. Kimbel and child of Big Flats tew weeks with her grand parents, ing installed at the factory in place of 300 insurance on house and contents. spent Sunday in town with Mrs. North- Henry A. Timmerman and wife in Bath. the two old ones. —The work on the Lackawanna bridge —Miss Julia Stratton formerly of this rup. I t is reported that Mr. Kimbel has rented the Blides house instead of t h e place, died a t Willard insane asylum, below Campbell is finished. Forty or of Rochester, N. Y„ 25 State Street. March 8, aged neatly 80 years. The 50. men have been employed on thin woik Donahue bouse as reported last week. for many months-. This is intended to —Mrsi H. C McKen of Addison w h o funeral was held in Bath Tuesday, -Archie Loid is visiting in the lake be strong enough for anj future need of has spent part of the winter in Grand March 11, burial at Bath. auntry. growth or of resistance. Rapids. Mich., is expected home shortly. -George Moore was in Woodhull — Word was received in Hornellsville It is reported that her f-ister, Mrs. J . T . A GOOD COTJGH M E D I C I N E FOR CHILDREN fhursday. Wednesday morning of the death of Beck with formerly of this place will ac" I have no hesitancy in recommend- Mrs. Florence Wtiitt-Wardper, wife of —Riley Demun waves a broad s m i l e / Sand foe Booklet Telling company her home. ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,"says is a girl. *t —Grifford Jack and Oliver Torrence y . P . , Moran, a well known and popular Dana- Wardner, who expired at that -School commences in district N o . place last week, where she had been baker of Petersburg, Vat " W e have of this village have the agency for t h e Monday. Milwaukee mowers arid reapers. Anyone given it to our children when troubled residing the past two months. -Roy Johnson of Addison was home with bad coughs, abo whooping cough, contemplating purchasing anything in and it has alw ays gvven perfect satisfac—John McCann of Hornellsville, an er Sunday. that line will meet with courteous treat- tion. It was recommended to me by a Erie trainman, was quite seriously hurt -Theron Demun and wife visited in ment and fair dealing at the hand of druggist as thebest cough medicine for at Addison Wednesday at 1;30 p. m. aupsburg Monday and Tuesday. children as it contained no opium or While t h e Hornellsville-Elmira crew either of these gentlemen -Archie Widger a i t his foot quite other harmful d r u g . " Sold by J . W. were switching some cars in t h e yards —Raymond Goff, son of Dr. G. S. Mitchell, druggist, Canisteo; E. L. Vi Wednesday while spliting wood. thtre ne teu irom Goff of Corning, and a valuable em- Orman. South Canisteo. -Miss Grace Nortbrup commences His foot was badly crushed. ployee of the Erie expects to undergo a n school on the Bath and Cameron road operation this week for the removal of a Low RATES TO CALIFORNIA, OREGON & C. —^Wfaile Charles Reddix and William )nday. Everg day during March and April, Brainard, of Penn Yan. were working splinter of bone in.his face, which has -Eugene Gitchell of Troupsburg was been there since he was hurt at Susque- the Erie R. R. will sell tickets from in the wood lot of John Armstrong, guest of Frank Houghtelling on Satfm hanna about two years ago and which Canisteo to Ogden, Salt Lake city, Monday morning, near Milo Center, the Iday. ——=— has been disfiguring as well as painfull TTeTena, Butte for $42.15, to Spokane tree that they were working on suddenly f— Mrs. Frank Wood was in Bath for $42.65, to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, fell pinioning Brainard to the ground, at times. ' , ' iursday, called there by sickness of Vancover, San Francisco, Sacramento, breaking his right leg about half-way flatives. DepoHitH c a n b e s e n t by d r a f t , c h e c k , p o s t a l o r e x p r e s s o r d e r o r In Los Angeles, San Diego for $45.15, between the ankle and knee.' c u r r e n c y , w h i c h d e p o s i t w i l l d r a w I n t e r e s t f r o m t h e flrBt o f e a c h (—Miss Mable Northrup returned home Stop* t h e C o u g h and W o r k * off the Cold Corresponding low rates from, and to m o n t h . S h o u l d t h i s be y o u r Hrst d e p o s i t . w»* w i l l s e n d y o u a p a s s —Elmer J. O T , who h a i b e m in the l a x a t i v e Bromo-Qurntne tablets cure a book by return mall. W e will a l s o send y o u full Information con|om Auburn, where she has been workother points. Tickets on sale via all Bat'i & Hammonds port railroad offices cerning future deposits a n d withdrawals. cold in one d a y . No cure, no pay. ag for a few months. routes. Erie is the only road in this at Hammondsport for the past two years THE R O C H E S T E R T R U S T & S A F E D E P O S I T CO —Eltas Perry has moved on his farm. Price 2 5 cents. section running tourist sleeping cars. as* telegraph operator? has been promoted 2 5 E x c h a n g e S t r e e t , R o c h e s t e r , IN. Y . gj Northrup and P . Ostrander will move if you are going west to any point, see to the position of station agent, taking Capital, $200,000.00. Surplus, Earned, $700,000.00. Resources, $9,000,000.00. g hcDelmer Northrup vacated by Mr. F O U R D E L I G H T F U L EXCURSIONS TO W A S H - Erie agents or write W. G. MacEdward, the place of M. H. Hoyt, resigned. S. INGTON. |erry. D. P . A., Elmira. N . Y. X.M:M.-,M,M,M.-M-K_MM M. M, 'jm&Mirie 'M:.M.-&£-W&MMW:&li G. Haight, telegraph operater and station The Rrie Railroad will join the Lehigh —The movers sre on the go in spite of agent of Hheims, will take Mr. Orr's roads. Truman Alagsr of Jasper Vfclley in four popular excursions to the T H E E R I E ' S SPRING EXCURSIONS TO place, and I. L Crants, of Hammondas moved on the Will Alien farm now National Capital on following d a t e s : WASHINGTON. sport, will occupy the position of agent February 6th, March 6th, March 28th Jwned by E. Northrup. Two more low rate spring excursions at Rheims. and May 15th. Tickets good ten days to the National Capital, March 21st and and will allow stopover at Philadelphia —Three years &gi Dallas B. Whipple —More local and county news, later and on return within limit by depositing April 3rd. 1803, via the Erie Railroad to* was an active candidate for postmaster %ore reliable than any other weekly in ticket. Fare, round trip, from Canisteo Elmira and the Northern Central|division of Cuba, Allegany County. He was Ms section is given every week by the only $10.00. F o r fuither particulars of the Pennsylvania R. R. Stop-over at turned down when the appointment Philadelphia on return if desired. Fare, rimes- Republican for $1.00 a year. apply to " E r i e " ticket agents. came to be made. Disgusted h e l ft the round trip, from Canisteo only $10.00. villige, going to the Ohio oil fields. He had a large amount of experience. He ALMOST INCREDIBI E ; B U T T R U E . secured leases and sank a well. It provAt Cambridge Springs, Pa., there is a ed to be a gusher. Other wells showed hotel that accommodates as many perup equally well. Then he sold part of sons as lived in the town 10 years ago. his property for $175,000. Today he is The town has 2,500 permanent residents OUR 35c Sun Dried Tea is a Winner. Ask for a Sample. worth over $250,000 a fortune due in now, and this great hotel can care for large part to the fact that he failed to 600 guests. There are other large hotels, get a post office worth $1,500 a year. however and many boarding-houses. The only industry is that of making people well, comfortable and happy. REMARKABLE CURES O F RHEUMATISM. Last year, 60,000 people visited Cam- From the Vindicator, Rulherfordton, N. C. The editor of the Vindicator has had bridge Springs, and so far as known occasion to tett the efficacy of Chambernot one but was benefited by the visit. lain's pain balm twice with the most If you are tired of drugs,try Cambridge remarkable results in each case. First, Springs for the specific you need. That with rheumatism in the shoulder from Have a 77-YR. RECORD. built upon the strong foundais merely the health p a r t : If you want which he suffered excruciating pain for ten days, which was relieved with two tion of quality. Tne stock we " W A L K I N G ON EGGS" to go to a thoroughly pleasant place for applications of pain balm, rubbing t h e TO T H E Q U E E N ' S TASTE offer for fall 1901 and spring 15*02 surpasses In qualPeople w h s are afraid of their feet of a week, a fortnight or a month, you part* afflicted and realizing instant beneP&Ck fr6e —and etch woman is tne " q u e e n " in her ity the product v y P A Y F R F I G H T ^ * arantee safe arshould try Cambridge Spring". The fit and entire relief in a very short time. of their shoes say that. of all previous y own household—is the stock of STARK FRUIT BOOK free upon ?eqneB4» upon *r-qw k rival, [nmriuiifrt fntiroe a rsalisf.iction. Buy from us and you'll be afraid of cost is small or l a r g e - t i n t depends Second, in rheumatism in thigh joint, K M ( LOI'ISIUNA, M<1 each" W i El Rl anawant and want more D 4 V f*AQH ™ almost prostrating him with severe pain, HunurlUf, Ala. " * GROCERIES mostly upon yourself. Whether interestn o n her. 6 rr\\ L A 3 f l salesmen. Outfit sent Daaxiillr. H. V.eta, which was relieved, by two applications, ed or not, whether sick or WPII, you rubbing with the liniment on retiring at *e genre up at very reasonable prices. OUR E A S T E R DISPLAY* OF SHOES No me wasting money on things that is remarkable for the beauty, quality and should have an Erie Railroad Cambridge night, and getting up free from pain. booklet. I t is gladly sent for the asking For tale by J. W. Mitchell, druggi-t. Iwe low grade when the best goods can qwanity of the goods. '"• purchased here at the same or slight- These excellent things in Men's, Women's on application t o any local agent, or by Canisteo; E. L. Van Orman, South Can• ly higher prices. D. W . Cooke, general passenger agent, isteo. ARC^THE^B E STi and Chidrea's FootWear are as fall of M New York city. y Tra* & n d Coffees are n n e x c i ' l l e d . THAT CAN BE GROWN value, as an rg£ is full of meat, S H A R E I S T O Youm SHOES. l , : ". '. . r n i ' - ' I - t ' l ! • u I f'.i . w r * * Alien's Poot-Ease It rests the fer-t. w e " known as the H E L P W A S T E D — G i r l s to learn silk Cures corns, bunions, ingrowing nails, >on tbosld read B U R P E E ' S F A R M A N N U A L F O R 1 9 0 2 —so ,!«».. tr.r,A mtmm oAAt ' T X * U." It i< mails-.! F R E E t o a i l ' Leading; American Seed Cataloj hwollen and sweating feet. At all drugwearing:—paid while learning. B U R P E E A C O . , P H I L A D E LP H IA " O D A Y . W ; A T L E E L I B B R T T SILK Co., Horaellsville, N,"Y, gists and shoe store, 25c, Ask . to-day. Wileyoille. towksoillt Cameron Wills. °/o INTEREST 4°/o UNION Horthupfiilh,— CAPITAL AND SURPLUS RESOURCES. . . S300.000.00 $2,500,000.00 "How to Bank by Wail. 0 Interest on Deposits A SUBJECT OF INTEREST. 4% Paid on Deposits After Dec. 1st, 1901. n% if I i i j Walker is Offering n A Fine Porto Rica Molasses at 25c per Gallon. * A Fancy High Grade Ponce Molasses for 50c. \ GEO. WALKER, Canisteo, N. Y. L K TREES H BURPEESfP T. K. BROWNELL, Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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