--T .- ' * . - . THE TIMES, CANISTEO, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ TT^T N. V. JUNE Attended PURDY CREEK Marlatt and Miller Were Renominated . AND VICINITY 23, RECORD OF EVENTS OF y . • • _*^W^!V? 1909. Conference. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Vincent, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Cheesman of Greenwood and Rev. T. V. Moore of Jasper attended the yearly Tioga River Baptist Association meeting at Ingleside, N. Y. The conference was held last week. The next session will be held in the THE TIMES' CORRESPONDENT IN Christian church at Evergreen, Pa., commencing the the second Tuesday • COMPLETE LETTER, GIVES in J u n e , 1910. THE •*^M^. Four Young Foxes. WOODHULL DEPARTMENT LATEST ITEMS FROM T H E MOST UP TO DATE INLAND VILLAGE IN STEUBEN COUNTY — SPEC- ited her mother, Mrs. Ira Paul for some time. Her daughter R u t h will spend the summer here. Mrs. D. Coryell and Miss Hattle Coryell a r e visiting at M. E. Holmes" in Troupsburgh. r Mr. a n d Mrs. Wm. E d g e t t and d a u g h t e r of Canisteo visited a t R. C. P a r k s ' Saturday. Mrs. J. B. Stroud and Miss Alice Stroud spent Wednesday a t E . Tompkins in Cameron. \ Rev. and Mrs, Charles S t u a r t from Cameron visited at John Robinson's one day last week. R. F. D. Carrier E. G. Brownell had received his new motor which he la to use o n his route. * Miss Nellie Toby who has been primary teacher In our school, left for her home In Lindley Friday. Dr. E. E. Webster and C. W. Tubba were in Hornell on Friday attending the republican conventions. Roy Carmer has r e t u r n e d to hla home a t Buffalo after a visit of several m o n t h s with friends h e r e . Miss Alice Stroud is visiting her cousin, Miss Lizzie Stroud in Bradford, Penn., for a short time. Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Saunders and children spent several days last week with friends In East Troupsburgh. Miss Adeline Reagan Is visiting a t the home of Miss Daisy E d w a r d s before r e t u r n i n g home to Deposit. C. E. Colvln, N. P. Matson, W. S. Colgrove, Jacob Welty and Z. Taylor H u r d were in Corning last- week to a t t e n d court. Rev. Roy E. Saunders, pastor of t h e M. E. church, gave a very interesting address to the g r a d u a t i n g class Sunday evening. We w a n t active, hustling agents to sell the AUTOMATIC VACUUM C L E A N E R S ON COMMISSION. Apply Immediately before territory is t a k e n , to E. C. BARKER, Canisteo, N. Y.—the REXALL S T O R E . ' D. C. Simpson and son of Jasper IAL CORRESPONDENCE. were in town Saturday with a litter of four half grown fine young foxes which the latter captured on the Dennis Williams Dead. The assessors are busy these days. farm. He will communicate with zoMrs. Charles Stewart visited in ological gardens in various cities to Dennis Williams died Sunday morndispose of them. Hornell last week. ing. Burial will be made at FriendLeo Beattie was in Hornell last ship on Wednesday. week trying regents. Mrs. Annie Davis has been, spendMarlatt Family Reunion. ing a few days in Hornell. The Marlatt family reunion 'was H e n r y Beyea of Railroad Valley h e l l at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gaywas a visitor in town Monday. lord Marlatt Thursday. About 135 W. C. Acker of Bath attended the were present. The officers for the republican caucus h e r e Tuesday. ensuing year are as follows: Mrs. E. W. Jenkins visited RailC. W. Tubbs, president. road Valley relatives last week. Hon. C. K. Marlatt, 1st vice-pres. Veterinarian F. M. Bertron of CanC. W. Marlatt, 2nd vlce-pres. isteo was in this vicinity Tuesday. LOCAL NEWS, PERSONALS, ITEMS H. J. Marlatt, secretary. -Jesse and Crowley Zellff visit d Mrs. C. W. Tubbs, treasurer. at M. J. Gray's at Andover recently. FROM THE CHURCHES AND A J. W. Call attended the G. A. R. s t a t e encampment at Bingham ton last SUMMARY OF ALL JASPER Good Roads Meeting Held. week. An immense good roads meeting M. M. Acker and Carl Almy from HAPPENINGS. of the citizens of J a s p e r and WoodHornell were recent visitors a t F. hull was held in I. O. O. F. hall on M. Ackers'. Thursday. Over 100 were present Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Call were reand a permanent organization was Hand Injured. cent guests of Mrs. W. H. Ashbaugh \ effected with the following officers: J e s s e Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. at Glenwood. D. C. Hunter of Jasper, President. Supervisor C. S. Zeliff attend d Monroe Bell, had the misfortune to W. W. Stroud of Woodhull, Secy. the republican county convention at have his fingers caught in a sweep The purpose of the meeting is to power Sunday morning. The first Hornell Friday. further the movement for t h e state finger was taken off at the first Miss J u n e Burdick of Alfred spent p a r t of last week with her sister, joint and the second finger badly road to pass through Woodhull and Jasper between Addison and Caniscrushed. Mrs. L. S. Henry. teo and prospects are excellent for Mrs. Willard King and Mrs. Jay the success of the project. T H E PEACHES W I L L BE RIPE Mosher of Hornell were recent visOperation for Appendicitis. Committees were named in each S A T U R D A Y M O R N I N G . G E T Y O U R itors of G. M. Cline. L e n a Crocker underwent a n opera- town to circulate petitions. T h e supMrs. Towner of Canisteo visited tion for appendicitis Friday morning. ervisors of the towns of Addison, S H A R E . at W. M. and A. D. Donaldson's the The operation was a success and the Tuscarora, Jasper, Woodhull, Troupsfore p a r t of last week. burgh and Canisteo were named as COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. H a r r y and Teddy Pettibone from patient is doing nicely. Miss Maude is seriously ill with a committee to aid the movement. Notice is hereby given to t h e taxHartsville hill were week end visitappendicitis and she will be operatable Inhabitants of the corporation c* ors of Mrs. Lell Hendee. Charles Husted was in Addison on Canisteo, t h a t I, the undersigned co:*, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Clarke and ed upon as soon as her condition Saturday. lector of taxes to and for t h e said "• d a u g h t e r Doris spent Sunday a t J. will permit. Arthur S. Lam sou was in Rath- corporation have received t h e warS. Clarke's on Hartsville Hill. r a n t for t h e collection of t a x e s for \ bone Tuesday. Church Notes. Mrs. J. C. Hendee of Hornell and t h e p r e s e n t year and I will attend William Snyder of Jasper was a Mrs. W. O. Hamilton of Chicago have Childrens' day was observed in the a t t h e store of R. E. D u n h a m In Canb e e n visiting a t S. B. VanBusklrk's. M. E. church Sunday evening. The caller in town Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. June of J a s p e r spent isteo commencing Thursday, J u n e 10, F. D. VanBuskirk and F. M. Ed- exercises were good and were very and Saturday June 12 a n d Monday, Thursday a t S. L. Wildrick's. w a r d s attended t h e party a t William largely attended. Mrs. J. .P. Bennett of Elmira was J u n e 14 and Wednesday, J u n e 16, and L a n g s ' on Sugar Creek Friday evenT h e childrens' day exercises at the every day thereafter until and Ining. Presbyterian church will be held on in town on business Thursday. E. G. Brownell was in Addison on cluding J u n e 30, 1909, from 9 o'clock A m e r r y crowd assembled at the Sunday evening, June 27. All are In t h e forenoon until four o'clock in the last of the week on business. spacious home of S. B. VanBuskirk welcome. t h e afternoon for the p u r p o s e of reChas. E. Bowers, county superintenWednesday in the form of the Cook family reunion. A delicious picnic Alfred Spencer was in Canisteo on dent of highways was in town Thurs- ceiving payment of taxes. day. E . D. PECKHAM, Collector. d i n n e r was served on the lawn to Friday. Mrs. B. F. Gee is visiting her sis- Dated, Canisteo, N. Y., J u n e 5, 1909 which all did ample justice and a Myra and Charles Bruen were in ter, Mrs. Frank- Marlatt near Bingvery pleasant day was spent. Rela- Canisteo Friday. tives were present from Chicago, CanT H E P E A C H E S W I L L BE R I P E Miss Edith June is spending a few hamton. Lynn G. Burton of Greenwood was isteo, Belmont and Hornell. days in Canisteo. S A TURDAY MORNING. GET YOUR Mary Brotzman is home 'from her a business caller in town t h e last of S H A R E . * the week. T H E P E A C H E S W I L L BE "RIPE school in Wellsville. C. W. Marlatt and wife of Avoca Cowles Whiting tried regents exS A T U R D A Y M O R N I N G . G E T YOUR attended the Marlatt family reunion Telephone or write F . J . Kennedy aminations in Greenwood last week. SHARE. on t h e Hornell & Canisteo electric Miss Mary Sargent returned home Thursday. Mrs. Bert Hare and children have railway for vegetable and flowering Tuesday night for her summer vacareturned to Bradford after having vis- plants of all kinds. tf tion. TROUPSBURGH. Miss Louise J. Ploss of Hornell is spending a few days with friends in ^ O oah i Grinolds and Miss Lena E. town. Mrs. Roger Spencer and children Bates were united in marriage at the Baptist parsonage by Rev. J. H. Wat- of Brooklyn are visiting at the home rous o n Wednesday evening. They of A. Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pritchard vistook a honeymoon trip to Elmira. ited her parents over Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wentworth. Commencement Exercises. Mabel Chatfield, Ruth Walrath and ^School closed Friday. Commence- Howard France were in Woodhull m e n t w a s held in t h e Baptist church last week attending examinations. Friday evening. Miss Cecile OlmMr. and Mrs. Arthur Fitch and Mr. stead was the only gradutae. The and M r s . ' W m . Olln were guests at I. M. ROSENBERG, Proprietor. well filled church showed the inter- t h e home of John Deck the first of est manifested by the townspeople t h e week. DRY GOODS, C L O T H I N G , S H O E S , M I L L I N E R Y , CARPETS, E T C , E T « in our school. Miss Mae Rose of Avoca visited at We make good every word of our advertiamenta. Money ret h e home of A. N. Bruen Thursday funded if purchases are not satisfactory. The Epworth League sold ice cream and Friday. She accompanied Mr and Mrs. C. W. Marlatt in a motor Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stephens are who attended the Marlatt family reunion a t Woodhull. visiting at Walter Kilburn's. Mrs. Mary Williams and Miss B. Prin. Harry Hall and Miss Cora InWilliams were in Knoxville Tuesday. gersoll closed a successful year of Miss Edith Price of Harrison Val- school on Friday. The teachers and ley visited Miss Josie Widger Fri- pupils enjoyed a picnic as the closing feature. Mr. Hall left for his home day and Saturday, Mrs. Chauncey Hulbert and family a t Farmersville, Cattaraugus County, have gone to Niagara to spend some Saturday. Miss Ingersoll exp?ets to time w i t h Mr. Hulbert who is work- leave soon for the Cortland Normal s u m m e r school. ing t h e r e . W a l t e r K i l b u m our hew stage drivWe want active, hustling agents er, h a s moved his family from Aus- to sell the AUTOMATIC VACUUM tinburg into t h e F. E. Williams flat CLEANERS ON COMMISSION. Apin Main street, ply immediately before territory is Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griggs, Mr, and taken, to E. C. BARKER, Canisteo, Mrs. H e n r y Everitts, Mr. and Mrs. N. Y.— the REXALL STORE. Daniel Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin GaluT h e moment they are f i t t e d . Womsha attended the Rogers fami'y reART NEEDLE WORK. en who have never worn Royal Worunion a t Glenwood Wednesday, cester Corsets can form no idea of Mrs. J. W. Chapman of Hornell the figure beautifying qualities of will hold a sale of THAT PLACE. LATEST NEWS FROM JASPER J HON. CHARLES K. Hon. Charles K. Marlatt of Troupsburgh was u n m ' m o u i y re orninated, for assemb'yman tor the fourth term" in an enthusiastic aari largely attended convention of th • r publican* for the second a s m ly distru t Steuben held in the court house at Hornell on Saturday afternoon.1" The convention was called t> order by Postmaster L. A. Waldo of Canisteo, the chairman of th? district committee who has undoubtedly called more conventions to order than any other man living in Steuben county. He made appropriate remarks and named Hon. Edwin S. Brown of Coho'ton for chairman George Dennison of West. Union, Prank Blackmer of Hornel! and Dr n . E. Webster of Woodh 11 w*re made secretraies. C. W. Tubbs of MARLATT. burgh who has served this district in an able and satisfactory manner, was given a unanimous renomination for the fourth term. The nominating speech was made by L. A. Waldo pf Canisteo who spoke in a strong and convincing manner of t h e merits of Mr. Marlatt who was m o s t highly recommended by his fine record in the assembly, and who is known from one end of the county to the other as a faithful, experienced and able legislator. Mr. Waldo also bore on the fact that a republican newspaper was greatly needed in Hornell and expressed the hope t h a t the want would be fulfilled in the near future. Dr. E. E. Webster of Woodhull seconded the nomination whith was made unanimous. Hon. Milo M. Acker and Charles Armsted wf.re named as the committee to bring Mr. Marlatt before the convention. Mr. Marlatt was given a splendid ovation uparuJLs appearance, and in a brk-fspeech of acceptance he thanked the convention for the honor and premised to serve the district to the best of his ability. JOHN L. M I L L E R RENOMINATED. The First Assembly Convention Held * At Corning Saturday, / T h e republican convention of the First Assembly district of Steuben was held at the Corning court house Saturday afternoon and w a s largely attended. The following officers were named: James Flaherty of P r a t t s b u r g h chairman; William B. Clark of Addison and Hon. Wm. H. Chamberlain of Bath, secretaries; John L a u r e n s Chatfield of Painted Post and Ambrose Scudder of Hornby tellers. Dr. John L. Miller of Corning was placed in renomination by F r a n k H Hausner of Corning.% E r a m e t t Ross of Campbell seconded it/and one balHon. L. A. Waido. lot was cast by the s e c r e t a r y for him.- The district committee was Woodhull and John Wagmr of Fre- named as follows: A. B. Houghton mont were tellers. O. W. Sutton, E. C. Smith, James Hon. Char.es K. Marlatt of Troups- Flaherty and L. H. Brown. CANISTEO REPUBL'CANS MEET. The Business Was Quickly and Harmoniously Transacted. Mr. Sanford Graduates. . • F r a n k S. Sanford ,a prominent former resident of T r o u p s t u r g h , was graduated In the course of law in the National University at Washington, D. C , Sunday evening, J u n e 6. His many friends in this section will extend hearty congratulations. The republican town caucus was held Tuesday a.t^rnoon and was w^ll attended. Chas. C. Burrell called it to order and named Hon. H. E. Buck as chairman. W. E. Hunter was elPERSONAL ITEMS. ected clerk. Judge Almon W. Burrell in a short speech, moved that : Deputy sheriff Harrison Crane is Milton W. Davison be given the priv- ; attending court at Corning. ilege of naming the delegates to both Mr. and Mrs. Milton Falling from the county and the district conven- Rexville visited relatives In town on tions. The motion was carried with- Sunday. out opposition and Mr. Davison then Mrs. John T. Slawson was called named the following delegates: to Hammondsport T h u r s d a y by the COUNTY—Amon W. Burr. 11, Her- serious condition of her nephew who man E. Buck, Harrison Crane, Joseph underwent an operation for appendicitis. C. Latham and John F. Stephens. ASSEMBLY—L. A. Waldo sr., C. Mrs. B. S. Allen and d a u g h t e r Miss C. Burrell, Dr. F. L. Sutton, John R. ; Velma F., will accompany her brothKeeler and Fred J. Kerns. er, P. A. Ostrander to his home at Mr. Waldo mOved that the county Lewis, Kansas, starting on Thursdelegation m e a'l honorable nuanrf-" day for a two months' stay. Mr. to secure the nomination of Milton , Oatrander has been visiting relatives W. Davison for sheriff. The town ' in this section for some time. committee was renamed as follows: | Chas. C. Burrell, J. C. Latham and , Rosenberg's Show Window. A. L. Jeffers, the delegations were j The big show window In Rosengiven the power of substitution and berg's department store is decorated the caucus adjourned. in gold and white, the colors of the class* of 1909. The fine umbrella is Countryman Reunion. also on display which Mr. Rosenberg The Countryman family reunion has given as a prize to t h e valedicwill be held a t Glenwood July 1. All torian of the class and which will be relatives are inviUd. Those who de- officially presented to Miss Velma sire dinner at the usual rat?1 please F. Allen. notify W, A. June of Canisteo not later than June 28. WANTED—Tuttie & Rockwell Co. want a reliable man in everv town M. E. Church. to sell their A n n a b e l s Carpet CleanNext Sunday morning Rev. L. L. ers and AnnabTnle Sewing Machines Rogers will preach on the subject: Write or call at the store for pari "Antiseptic Principles." In th^ ev- tleulars. ening his subject will be: "Pleasure FOR SALE—Good one horse lumand God." All are cordially invited ber wagon. Enquire W. K. Thatcher to attend. corner Hall and Bennett s t s „ jn3.0 T H E PEACHES W l L L ^ B l P m P E S A T U R D A Y MORNING. GET YOUR SHARE.' THE PEACHES WILL BE RIPE SATURDAY MORNING. GET YOUR SHARE. " - " T H E BEE HIVE - I H I DEPARTMENT S I Royal Worcester Corsets They beautify your Figure CAMERON MILLS. 8TAMPED T h e Baseball Question. A meeting of the baseball enthusiasts was held Saturday evening of last week. A team was organized with Wm. Crawford as manager and F r a n k Caparulo captain. Games will be arranged with neighboring towns. The candidates for the team h a r e been practicing and it is assured that a fast baseball team will be organized. Thomas Harrison of Cameron was In town Sunday. A picnic was held on the school grounds on Thursday, June 17, it being the last day of school. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Miss Ruth Crawford spent part Of last week In Horseheads. Mrs. E. Crawford left Sunday evening for Geneseo where she will attend t h e graduating exercises of hte Geneseo Normal School from which her son will be graduated. Mr. and Mrs. John Northrup of Addison spent Sunday in town. Watson Northrup atteifded court In Corning last week. F o r one week commencing June 28 a t the home of Mrs. Moore in Jasper. New things in waists, lingerie, collars, jackets, belts, hats, center pieces, sofa pillows, towels, etc. A fine line of hand painted china and everything at very reasonable prices. New patterns, new stitches, free lesson with a purchase. T h e ladles of the vicinity are invited to call and examine goods whether they purchase or not. WHITE8VILLE. We want active, hustling agents to sell the AUTOMATIC VACUUM CLEANERS ON COMMISSION. Apply immediately before territory is taken, to E. C. BARKER, Canisteo, N. Y.—the REXALL STORE. T H E PEACHES W I L L BE RIPE B A T U R D A Y M O R N I N G . G E T YOUR SHARE. IF Y O U W A N T P R I N T I N G GOTT E N OUT WITH THE MUCH TO BE D E S I R E D Q U A L I T Y CALLED Maybelle—Aren't yon going to pal GOOD T A S T E , COME T O T H E CANon your slippers this evening, fatherl F a t h e r - N o t until after that bean of I S T E O T I M E S . yours leaves. Many of our citizens are drifting toward brights disease by neglecting BUCKWHEAT MIDDLINGS. symptoms of bladder and kidney trouDon't delay drderlng your buck- ble which Foley's Kidney Remedy We have a large supply now. Later w m quickly cure. Sold by all drugon w e may not be able to have suf- Sistsu j u n e 30 T H E P E A C H E S W I L L BE RIPE T H E PEACHES W I L L BE RIPE B A T U R D A Y M O R N I N G . GET YOUR S A T U R D A Y RSORNING. G E T YOUR SHARE. SHARE. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com these stylish models. setiere to show you, GOODS ROYAL Ask our Cor- WORCESTER CORSETS are U N Q U E S TIONABLY T H E BEST M E D I U M P R I C E D CORSETS M A D E . H E R E A R E T H E D E S C R I P T I O N S of T H E STYLES ILLU8TRATEDD: 641 Is the new Dlrectolre p a t t e r n for average figures. Has high bust and is extremely long below the waist, most of the extra length being In pliable s k i r t . b e l o w the booing. WHITE BATISTE. PRICE I $2.S0 460 is a new and very popular model for average figures. I t la one of this season's best values. Has high bust and very long front, hips and back.' PRICE WHITE BATISTE. $1.00 I. M. ROSENBERG THE BEE H I . ' E CAMSTEO
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