THIRTY—THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME November 14, 2010 MON, NOV 15: 8:30 AM -- 5:30 PM -TUES, NOV 16: + SI SI + 8:30 AM -- + + SI MARY LOU BOYNTON BY JOHN BOYNTON JEANNE SHIELDS BY ANNUNCIATION PARISH CHRISTY DE GUIO & FAMILY 5:30 PM -- + + BETTY PSOMAS BY HER DAUGHTER ROSA HILLEARY BY LORENZEN FAMILY 8:30 AM -- + + SI DANIELLE FLUHARTY BY GRANDPA & PAPPA RODRIGUEZ LUCILE GARNER & DIANE KATZ BY BARKER FAMILY THANKSGIVING FOR PRAYERS ANSWERED FOR SON 5:30 PM -- + + DORIS VON RIESEMANN– BARAN BY KAY & JIM MAGOVERN H.P. PSOMAS BY DAUGHTER 8:30 AM -- + SI SI JANICE BUSTOS, BEN F. ROYBAL & RUDY GONZALES BY ROYBAL FAMILY PAULA DI DONATO BY TYBOR FAMILY DEACON & MRS. HARRY GOGAN BY BILL BONNER 5:30 PM -- + ROSA HILLEARY BY LORENZEN FAMILY 8:30 AM -- + + SI BARKER & CHIADO FAMILIES BY BARKER FAMILY HELENE FRANEY BY CREE ANN MORRIS BILL TRUONG & DANH VAN—FOR BETTER HEALTH 5:30 PM -- SI SI CHRISTY DI GUIO & FAMILY MICHAEL RIMBERT BY CLARE SAT, NOV 20: 5:00 PM -- + + + IRENE MARIE FERENCIVICH BY LINDA GARCIA TOM GLENNON BY PAUL & BETH ROYER JACK RYAN BY JAN & MIKE TAGLIALEGAMI SUN, NOV 21: 7:00 AM -- + + SI DOUGLAS MILLIGAN BY HIS FAMILY JUAN C. ROMERO BY FLORENCE KENNEDY GEORGE & ELIZABETH ANDRESEN—40TH ANNIVERSARY 9:00 AM -- SI FOR THE PEOPLE 10:30 AM -- + + SI ANN MICHELE BY IRENE GREEN EDWARD PRUDENCIO SANCHEZ BY ALBINA B. MOCK FR. JUNE RAMOS BY LUCY BARLETT 12:00 PM -- + + SI ELOY E. MARTINEZ BY MARY ANN RIVERA—DEVOTED NIECE ROGER BYRNES BY HILLERMAN FAMILY REGINA & DON BOWER—60TH ANNIVERSARY 5:30 PM -- SI ST. DYMPHNA PRAYER GROUP WED, NOV 17: THURS, NOV 18: FRI, NOV 19: FAMILY CENTERED RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sr. Grace De Paoli, FdCC, Director Alisan Napier, Secretary - 296-0411 BOB GARCIA BY FAMILY THIEBAUT FAMILY TO HOLY SOULS FOR MAXINE SAAVEDRA BY D. FONTANA ROSA HILLEARY BY LORENZEN FAMILY RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR CHILDREN OF CATECHETICAL AGE THANKGIVING BASKETS A REMINDER FOR CATECHISTS The food boxes are to be brought to the Church Parking lot on Saturday, November 20, 2010 between 8:30 and 9:30 am RITE OF WELCOME Sunday, November 21, 2010 NOVEMBER 13 & 14 — Do visit our this weekend — you may discover how to use your giftedness in service of “many” others Question for Children: Jesus teaches us that work is good for us. What kind of work do you do during the week? How does it help you? Question for Youth: Jesus tells us that even though bad things will happen, we are safe in God. When have you felt the safety of God's life in your own life? Question for Adults: Paul's words to the Thessalonians are tough: if you want to eat, you must work! How does this translate into our society today? How do you reconcile this with Jesus' command to love and feed the poor? OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE KING 2 Sm 5:1-3 Col 1:12-20 Lk 23:35-43 November 21, 2010 How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done for me? (Psalm 116:12) The Parish Budget for Fiscal Year 2011 (7/1/10 - 6/30/11) is based on the giving of our faith family for Fiscal Year 2010. The portion of our budget contributed in envelopes, checks and loose cash is $1,565,512 or $30,106 per week. Thank you for your continuing generosity. Contributions for the 19th weekend of the fiscal year were $37,988.00. In the 19th week of our fiscal year, our budgeted goal for ministry programs and ordinary operating expense is $572,014.00 and our collections are $587,663.00. We encourage everyone to prayerfully consider using the Capital Improvement Envelope in your packet to help recover the purchase of the 4-plex adjacent to St. Francis Hall. Our Collection for All Saints Day was: $1,594.00 May God bless you in your sacrificial giving. Lord, help me move from comfort to sacrifice. Nov 14 10:15-11:45 am MSA Session - School bldg. 10:15-11:45 am RCIC Session - School bldg. Nov 17 4:00-5:30 pm ERE Session - School bldg. Nov 21 10:15-11:45 am MSA Session - School bldg. 10:15-11:45 am RCIC Rite of Welcome - Magdalene Hall Nov 24 NO ERE Session - Happy Thanksgiving Nov 28 10:15-11:45 am 10:15-11:45 am MSA Session - School bldg. RCIC Session - School bldg PARISH LIFE & PASTORAL OUTREACH 5 Sr. Linda Carandang, FdCC, Director Mary Agnes Sain, Secretary 299-9111 From the Pastor 2 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Our Lady of the Annunciation Roman Catholic Parish is a people of living faith rooted in the Gospel, centered on the Eucharist and led by the Holy Spirit. We are inspired by the example of Mary to continue the mission of Jesus Christ by ministering to all. Annunciation Parish Website: “Adversity introduces you to yourself.” ~ Anonymous ► ST VINCENT DE PAUL MEETING: Monday, November 15th in St. Magdalene Hall at 6:30PM. th ► COMPANIONS ON THE JOURNEY MEETING: Wednesday, November 17 in St. Francis Hall at 6:00-7:00PM. ADOPT A FAMILY FOR THANKSGIVING: We still need sponsors to adopt families for Thanksgiving and provide food boxes including a turkey for them. For more information, call Joe and Beverly at 281-5692 or email to or come by the Parish Office or pick up a form in the back of the church. The delivery of the boxes is Saturday, November 20th between 8:30-9:30am at the Church parking lot. Please use Vermont Street for entrance and Utah street to exit. GOLDEN AGERS GOLDEN AGERS: THANKSGIVING POTLUCK TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH, 12 NOON at St. Magdalene Hall. Please call Mary Agnes at 299-9111 to sign up for a potluck dish. Turkey will be provided by the Parish. ALL MEMBERS ARE WELCOME! PRAYER OPPORTUNITIES ► DIVINE MERCY CENACLE: Monday, November 22nd, 7:00 PM, St. Francis Hall ► Pro-Life Mass and Eucharistic Procession When: Tuesday, November 16, 12:00 pm – Tue Nov 16 1:50 pm Where: Holy Innocents Chapel, 625 San Mateo Blvd. NE. Abq. 87108 Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, celebrant Mass is followed immediately by Eucharistic rosary procession, benediction, and reception. Please feel free to join us for part of this if you cannot stay the entire time. ADULT FAITH FORMATION ► SUNDAY SCRIPTURE READING REFLECTION GROUP: meets every Thursday morning in St. Francis Hall at 9:30 AM. The reflection is on the Sunday Liturgy readings for the following Sunday. Just show up with your Bible and the Living Faith Booklet. ► CHURCH HISTORY: Taught by John Humbel. The topic for November 15th: Ministries; Practices in the Early Church; Deacon; Role of Women; Election of Bishops; Popular Devotions; Cult of Martyrs. Sessions will be held in the school portable classroom 304 from 7-9PM. For more information and to register call 299-9111. ► LITTLE ROCK SCRIPTURE STUDY (LRSS): ISRAEL’S STORY: Part One (7 sessions) On Tuesdays at 7-9PM & Wednesdays at 9:30 –11:30 AM in St Francis Hall. ► Ongoing Catechist Skills Workshops: The Person of the Catechist: Ongoing Echoes of Faith Skills courses will be offered at Lourdes Hall on the Catholic Center Campus on Tuesdays 6 - 8pm. There is a $10 course fee. THE NEWLY CONFIRMED Congratulations to all of our newly confirmed adults who received the Sacrament of Confirmation from the hands of Archbishop Sheehan at Our Lady of the Assumption Church on Wednesday, November 10th. We are blessed to have these Spirit-filled adults in our midst as they inspire us with a new zeal for God. May the Holy Spirit inflame all our hearts and enkindle in us the fire of divine love. MINISTRY FAIR Thanks to all who worked so hard to make this Ministry Fair a reality again this year. If you did not get a chance to sign up for a ministry, please call the office as it is never too late to offer your service to God and the Church. Thanks to all of you who are good stewards of your time, talent and treasure. May the Lord reward your goodness. CADET CHOIR The Air Force Catholic Cadet Choir will present a concert this coming Friday, November 19th at 7:30 p.m. in the church. Please join these fine cadets as they sing both patriotic and holiday music. What a great way to celebrate the coming season and to support our nation by joining in this musical opportunity. If you would like to be a host family for one or more of these cadets, please call Marc or Cheryl at 293-5201. THANKSGIVING BASKETS The annual drive for Thanksgiving baskets will conclude this Saturday, November 20th with the collection of baskets and their blessing in the morning. Then the baskets will be transported for delivery. Thanks to all who coordinated these efforts and to all who stepped up to the plate when we were in such need for donations and volunteers. Jesus said, “I was hungry and you gave me food.” Thank you for fulfilling the desires of the Heart of Jesus among the poor and the needy. CCHD Next weekend we will take up the annual collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. 25% of the collection remains in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe to fight poverty in projects like bringing water to those living on the mesa and housing to the homeless poor. The other 75% will go to national projects to fight the ever increasing poverty in America. Archbishop Sheehan led a call for stricter oversight in the grants on a national level to make sure that those receiving CCHD funds follow Catholic values and norms. You may visit to read more details on CCHD’s efforts to break the cycle of poverty across the country. ADORATION CHAPEL RETREAT OPPORTUNITY We celebrate four years of the establishment of our Adoration Chapel on Wednesday, November 17th. I want to thank all of you adorers and all of our coordinators for making these years of blessings for so many souls. What an oasis of grace and silence in our noisy world. What a place to grow in intimacy with Jesus Christ, Our Eucharistic Lord. Please consider inviting a friend to become a committed adorer by signing up in our office for hours when we have a vacancy. Many hours have more people than we can accommodate, so you might want to consider moving to an hour that is less busy by calling the office for a change. Thank You Lord for the grace of Your Presence in our midst! Living out Catholic Social Teaching through your Sacramental Life Retreat! Saturday November 13th 2010 from 9:00 am-5:00 pm at The Norbertine Community of New Mexico located at 5825 Coors Blvd. SW. This retreat is offered by the Office of Religious Education and the Office of Social Justice and Respect Life of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Participants will earn eight (8) hours of on-going faith formation. This will encourage deeper theological reflection connecting our sacramental experiences to our daily lives in society. Registration is $30.00 and includes breakfast and lunch. Contact Dawn Wenzl at 505.831.8129 or Janet Olmsted at 505.831.8205 to register. Spaces are limited. Housing is available before and after the retreat for $40.00 a night per person. Call the Norbertine Community at 505.873.4399 to reserve a room. BREAKFAST WITH SANTA — Saturday, December 4, 2010 St. John’s United Methodist Church’s Family Life Center (2626 Arizona Street NE, 87110; across from Coronado Mall) Two Seating's: 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM —Tickets $10/Child; $12/Adult. Call 884-4693 for tickets or information. Hosted by Casa Angelica Auxiliary. 3 LECTIONARY READINGS November 14th — November 20th, 2010 MONDAY Memorial: St. Albert the Great Rv 1:1-4;2:1-5 Lk 18:35-43 TUESDAY Memorial: St. Margaret of Scotland & St. Gertrude School Mass Rv 3:1-6,14-22 Lk WEDNESDAY MEMORIAL: ST. ELIZABETH OF HUNGRY Rv 4:1-11 Lk 19:11-28 THURSDAY Memorial: FRIDAY Weekday SATURDAY Memorial: 19:1-10 The Dedication of the Basilicas of Saint Peter & Saint Paul in Rome Rv 5:1-10 Lk 19:41-44 Blessed Virgin Mary Rv 10:8-11 Lk 19:45-48 Rv 11:4-12 Lk 20:27-40 MUSIC & LITURGICAL MINISTRY Dr. Jane Smith, Director 298 298--9636 Emeline Trujillo, Assistant MINISTRY & MUSIC HAPPENINGS MUSIC Children’s Choir Rehearsal: Monday, November 15, 4:00–4:45 pm, in the church Laudate Rehearsal: Tuesday, November 16, , 6:45–7:30 pm, in the church Cantor Rehearsal: Thursday, November 18, 6:45–7:30 pm, in the church Parish Mixed Choir Rehearsal: Thursday, November 18 7:30–9:00 pm, in the church MINISTRY Visit the Ministry Fair this weekend!!! If you’ve been thinking about becoming a Lector, Communion Minister, Greeter, Altar Server or Musician, stop by the Liturgy Table at the Ministry Fair this weekend and peruse the possibilities. Don’t wait – take that step now that will deepen your faith as you take a more active role in our liturgies! YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Leslie Monette 293-6760 The Air Force Academy Catholic Cadet Choir will present a concert at Annunciation on Friday, November 19 at 7:30 pm and an additional concert at Prince of Peace on Saturday, November 20 at 6:30 pm. We will also be blessed to have the Choir sing at Annunciation for the 10:30 am Mass on Sunday, November 21. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear this wonderful choir! The Laudate Men’s Choir will present their celebrated Renaissance Madrigal Dinner on Saturday, December 11 here at Annunciation. This event, presented in a Merrie Olde 16th Century England setting, will feature great food and entertainment by the Eldorado High School Madrigal Singers and the Laudate Men’s Choir. Look for future announcements about reservations. Early reservations are recommended since seating is limited. The Liturgical Minister Schedule is available on the Annunciation Parish Website: R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) RCIA for the 2010-2011 year has begun. The next session will be held on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 from 7:00—9:00 PM in St. Magdalene Hall and will continue on successive Tuesdays throughout the year. If interested in RCIA please contact Mary Agnes at the parish office 299-9111 so a team member can contact you. Coffee and Donuts will be served by Marianites on November 21st in the Community Center. THE FRANCISCAN FRIARS OF THE RENEWAL ARE HOSTING A THANKSGIVING DINNER FOR THE POOR & HOMELESS Tuesday, November 16, 1:00pm—4:00pm, at St. Francis Xavier (820 Broadway SE, 87102) Donations & Volunteers are needed Visit or call 746-3034 for more information. YOUTH CONFIRMATION 2010—2011 Thank you to everyone who turned in their completed sponsor forms on time! Sunday, November 21st—3:45—5:15 p.m. CONFIRMATION SAINT PAPER DUE Most of the Candidates have chosen their saint name and have the guidelines for the paper. Please e‐mail or call Leslie at the parish office if you need another copy of the guidelines. Sunday, December 5—5:30 p.m. RITE OF WELCOME MASS for candidates and sponsors Sponsors must have their paperwork turned in to be able to participate in the Mass. If a sponsor if from out of town and cannot attend the Mass, then a proxy can accompany the candidate. Meet at the Community Center at 4:00 p.m. for practice. Young Adults Frassati Society Mission Statement We are a group of young adults encouraging each other to live in holiness as our patron, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, did in his time. In today’s world, we’re making friends while learning about living an d growing in our Catholic faith. Our group consists of men and women (ages 20 –30) helping to bridge the gap for individuals through different stages of their lives and of their faith. We aim to reduce temptation and increase holiness through the power of God’s will in service, forgiveness, and equally important if not most, prayer. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for us! For more information about our group, please stop by the Young Adults table at the Ministry Fair on November 13th & 14th. Our next meeting is Thursday, November 18th from 6—8 pm in the Community Center. Bring your rosary! BOY SCOUT TROOP 280 LUMINARIA SALE Troop 280 is selling luminarias for $7/ dozen, $9/dozen if you would like them set up. This fundraiser helps finance our summer camp trip. Contact Mary at 856‐5622 for more information. REACHING OUT The following opportunities are available to all high school youth who would like to “lend a hand” to our parish and city community. You can also earn service hours that are required for your school. Saturday, November 20th between 8:00 - 9:30 am, help load the Thanksgiving food boxes in the trucks. Saturday, December 4th—Breakfast with Santa hosted by Casa Angelica Auxiliary. Four high school girls are needed to work from 8:30 to noon in Santa’s Workshop. The workshop is a gift store where children can shop for parents and siblings from a great collection of inexpensive gifts. To sign up please call Leslie at 293-6760. 4
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