COVER F OLD F OLD F OLD BACK COVER HOW TO READ YOUR A N N U A L S TAT E M E N T Your Annual Statement provides an overview of your account activity for the previous year, in a single place. This tool is designed to help you make more informed decisions about your account, while helping you effectively manage your investments. Some of the easy-to-read information you’ll find in your Annual Statement includes: > A year-end summary that includes your Portfolio Allocation A G u i d e t o Yo u r Annual Statement > Overview of cash management activity including checking and debit card transactions, when applicable > Realized and Unrealized Gain/Loss information at summary and lot level. For retirement accounts, Closed and Open lot Gain/Loss information will be displayed in place of Realized and Unrealized Gain/Loss > Account Profile, including confirmation of your proceeds for investments, dividends, retirement information, periodic investment plans, and National Financial Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC systematic withdrawal plans COLORS: 3/3 PMS 5415, Black, varnish F OLD 3.NF-ANN-03-0106 F OLD F OLD 422330 JOHN DOE JANE DOE 102 SUMMER STREET BOSTON, MA 02109 1 Your Investment Consultant is: BILL SMITH RR 123 BSMITH@QB.COM. Q B Annual Statement as of 12/31/yy For questions or up-to-date account information: 123 456 7890 Local In-State 123 456 7890 National 123 456 7890 WWW.QB.COM FOR YOUR INFORMATION As of 01/01/YY Our comprehensive statement gives you the convenience of having all of your investment activity in one place. It will help you understand your financial picture when working with us to plan your financial future. 4 LEGEND ) Numbers in parenthesis are debits or subtractions NFS National Financial Services LLC Page 2 of 4 031231 430 081000005 Equities Fixed Income Assets Held Away ACCOUNT SUMMARY Beginning Portfolio Value on 01/01/yy Net Trading Net Core Fund Activity Net Unpriced Additions and Withdrawals Net Additions and Withdrawals Net Income and Expenses Net Miscellaneous Activity Change in Investment Value Net Adjustments for Non-Cash Activities $292,123.00 ($36,805.00) $0.00 $3,107.69 $33,716.41 $3,345.17 $0.00 $126,737.28 $0.00 ENDING PORTFOLIO VALUE ON 12/31/yy $422,224.55 5 12/31/YY 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 62.53% 24.95% 12.52% Date INCOME SUMMARY 01/16/yy 01/16/yy 02/10/yy 02/13/yy 03/14/yy 03/14/yy 04/08/yy 04/16/yy 04/18/yy 04/18/yy 05/18/yy 05/30/yy 06/09/yy 06/05/yy 07/04/yy 07/04/yy 08/10/yy 08/05/yy 09/08/yy 09/10/yy 09/05/yy 12/31/YY Taxable Dividends $2,670.10 NET TAXABLE INCOME Muni Tax-Exempt Income $2,670.10 $1,000.00 NET NON-TAXABLE INCOME $1,000.00 Payee Detail 1171 1185 1186 1188 1189 1190 1191 1193 1194 1195 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1373 1374 JIM SMITH CONSTRUCTION MAGGIE JONES REAL PHOTO AT&T CHUBB AT&T BROADBAND MA POWER THE MAIN SCHOOL MICHAEL CONSTRUCT JERRY JOE ABC REAL ESTATE SOUTH CONSTRUCTION GARDENER AT LARGE MERCEDES BENZ AT&T MA POWER COMCAST SOUTH BANK CHUBB JEREMIAH SMITH JERRY JONES Expense Code Amount ($75,000.00) ($70.00) ($123.05) ($44.37) ($306.38) ($138.00) ($139.47) ($75.00) ($368.41) ($55.00) ($65,000.00) ($10,007.66) ($391.04) ($730.85) ($44.33) ($421.13) ($137.33) ($981.66) ($83.47) ($400.00) ($55.00) General Account Information Easily find your account number for placing orders or making inquiries. Also readily available is contact information for your investment representative, including address and phone number(s). Account Summary View a summary of your portfolio’s value for the statement year, including account activity and change in investment value. 5 Income Summary A summary of your income and interest, based on positions held in your account during the year. 6 YEAR-END SUMMARY This section provides a summary perspective of your account from January 1 to December 31 of the statement year. 12 Realized Gain (Loss) in this section may differ from the Realized Gain (Loss) on your monthly/quarterly statements due to trade adjustments and/or reclassifications that are determined after the calendar year end. The revised figure(s), if applicable, are updated here and in the Supplemental Information section of your tax-reporting statements. AMDOCS LIMITED NFS IS A SPECIALIST IN THIS SECURITY ISIN #GB0022569080 SEDOL #2256908 Date of Sale Date Acquired Symbol/ Cusip Sales Price/ Share Quantity Proceeds Cost Basis 01/24/yy 0 11/27/yy DOX $13.17 1,000 $13,169.60 $11,730.00 0 0 18,000 $83,006.43 Total Equities 8 $117,731.26 9 The information provided is a summary of your Account Profile based on information provided to NFS by your broker/dealer. This information verifies your account features as of the date the statement was prepared. If you have any questions, please contact your representative. $1,439.60 Q B Quality Brokers, Inc. ACCOUNT PROFILE PROCEEDS Proceeds from the sale(s) in your account will be invested in your core money market. DIVIDENDS All or some of the dividends from your account are reinvested. Note: If you have position-level dividend elections, please review those with your representative. INTERESTED PARTIES INFORMATION Copies of this statement have been sent to: CAPITAL MARKETS ABC INVESTMENTS ATTN: COMPLIANCE DEPT 3333 MAIN ST ANYTOWN, MA 02444 Realized Holding Gain (Loss) Period ST ($34,724.83)* 10 MESSAGES 11 FOOTNOTES AND COST BASIS INFORMATION UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) LOT DETAIL YEAR ENDING YYYY NFS determines the appropriate cost basis method for calculating gain and loss based on positions held at the time of sale. For open-end mutual funds, NFS determines cost basis using the average cost-single category (ACSC) method unless otherwise instructed. For all other securities, NFS determines cost basis using the first-in, firstout (FIFO) method if NFS does not receive appropriate specific share instructions. NFS determines cost basis using the specific share identification method if NFS receives appropriate specific share instructions; however, such cost basis information may not correspond to a customer’s cost basis information records if a customer used the specific share identification method prior to the time that such method tracking was made available by NFS. Cost basis, associated gain and loss, and holding period information reported may not reflect all adjustments necessary for tax reporting purposes. Cost basis information for debt securities has not been adjusted for amortization or accretion. You can monitor your account online through our web site 24/7. Your monthly and quarterly statements and tax documents are available at the click of a mouse. If you do not yet have a login ID, please call your designated representative at 1-800-123-4567. For questions about your account, contact your representative or our dedicated Customer Service Department at 1-800-888-8888. Cost basis and gain/loss information is included for your convenience and is based on information you provided or that is otherwise known to NFS, at the time the statement is issued. The information may not reflect all adjustments or reportable transactions that are required for tax purposes and may not be accurate for reporting purposes. It is not a substitute for your own tax records. If you have any questions about your specific tax situation, please consult your tax advisor. Cost basis information is not adjusted for investments in Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs). In order to calculate basis for MLPs, you will need supplemental information from the partnership related to the income and distributions during the period you held your investment. ST - Short-term (Held twelve months or less). LT - Long-Term (Held more than twelve months). Equities Description Account Type Date Acquired Symbol/ Cusip Price on 12/31/yy Quantity Market Value Cost Basis/ Proceeds AMERICAN EXPRESS CO MARGIN 09/19/yy APX $56.55 1,300 $73,510.76 Unknown MARGIN RESSTK Position Total 09/19/yy 01/08/yy C $45.51 2,502 83 2,585 $113,866.02 $3,777.33 $117,643.35 Unknown CITIGROUP INC Page 2 of 4 031231 430 081000005 4 and activity as described below. REALIZED GAIN (LOSS) LOT DETAIL - YEAR ENDING YYYY Description C *This may not reflect all of your Realized gains/losses because of incomplete Cost Basis information. Unrealized Holding Gain (Loss) Period Unkown Page 2 of 4 031231 430 081000005 Account carried with National Financial Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC Account carried with National Financial Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC provide different views of the account’s portfolio value 7 8 DETAIL This section gives you detailed account activity on checking and debit card activity for the year, if applicable. 9 Portfolio Allocation See a comparison of your portfolio’s asset allocation percentages from the beginning to the end of the statement year. Account carried with National Financial Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC Realized Gain (Loss) Lot Detail Provides year-to-date lot level gain/loss information for transactions where cost basis information is complete. For retirement accounts, this section is labeled Closed Lot Gain (Loss) Detail. 10 Messages Read important messages from your investment firm, which may include information on regulatory issues, changes to your account, and new investment products. 11 Footnotes and Cost Basis Information Find explanations of important abbreviations used throughout the statement and information related to cost basis and gain/loss data. For retirement accounts, this section is labeled Footnotes and Cost information. 12 Alerts Notification of specific events occurring in your account that may require further action. Unrealized Gain (Loss) Lot Detail Provides year-to-date lot level unrealized gain/loss information on transactions where cost basis information is complete. For retirement accounts this section is labeled Open Lot Gain (Loss) Detail. Account Profile Review special features in your account, such as details on where proceeds are sent for investments and dividends, retirement information, periodic investment plans, and systematic withdrawal plans. Your Annual Statement is customized to include information relevant to your account — so it may not include all the sections described here. Contact your investment representative if you have any questions. F OLD 3 Check Number Page 2 of 4 031231 430 081000005 sections: Year-End Summary and Detail. Both sections Annual Statement as of 12/31/yy This report is not a replacement for the Schedule D (Form 1040), which Federal tax law requires be completed and submitted when you file your tax return. NFS determines the appropriate cost basis method for calculating gain and loss based on positions held at the time of sale. For open-end mutual funds, NFS determines cost basis using the average cost-single category (ACSC) method unless otherwise instructed. For all other securities, NFS determines cost basis using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method if NFS does not receive appropriate specific share instructions. NFS determines cost basis using the specific share identification method if NFS receives appropriate specific share instructions; however, such cost basis information may not correspond to a customer’s cost basis information records if a customer used the specific share identification method prior to the time that such method tracking was made available by NFS. Cost basis, associated gain and loss, and holding period information reported may not reflect all adjustments necessary for tax reporting purposes. Cost basis information for debt securities has not been adjusted for amortization or accretion. The Change in Investment Value is the appreciation or depreciation of your holdings due to price changes, net of any activity, earned income or expenses in your account, as described above. This statement is not a replacement for your tax forms and may not reflect all adjustments necessary for tax reporting purposes. Refer to your IRS tax forms [including your Form(s) 1099 and Form(s) 5498], which will be mailed to you under separate cover. Account Number: Account Name: Quality Brokers, Inc. Equities Checking Activity (Account Number 12345670) Allocations for equities, fixed income, and other categories may include mutual funds and may be net of short positions. NFS has made assumptions concerning how certain mutual funds are allocated. Closed-end mutual funds listed on an exchange may be included in the equity allocation. The chart may not reflect your actual portfolio allocation. Consult your broker/dealer prior to making investment decisions. Annual Statements are comprised of two overall 2 F OLD NFS determines the appropriate cost basis method for calculating gain and loss based on positions held at the time of sale. For open-end mutual funds, NFS determines cost basis using the average cost-single category (ACSC) method unless otherwise instructed. For all other securities, NFS determines cost basis using the first-in, firstout (FIFO) method if NFS does not receive appropriate specific share instructions. NFS determines cost basis using the specific share identification method if NFS receives appropriate specific share instructions; however, such cost basis information may not correspond to a customer’s cost basis information records if a customer used the specific share identification method prior to the time that such method tracking was made available by NFS. Cost basis, associated gain and loss, and holding period information reported may not reflect all adjustments necessary for tax reporting purposes. Cost basis information for debt securities has not been adjusted for amortization or accretion. Account carried with National Financial Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC 1 7 ACCOUNT ACTIVITY F OLD ( As of 12/31/YY Annual Statement as of 12/31/yy ADDITIONS AND WITHDRAWALS 01/01/YY Q B Account Number: Account Name: Quality Brokers, Inc. 6 DETAIL Annual Statement Year Ending YYYY 2 YEAR END SUMMARY PORTFOLIO ALLOCATION 3 Q B Account Number: Account Name: Quality Brokers, Inc. F OLD Account Number: ABC-123456 0991029 0200 06300001 Quality Brokers, Inc. 123 Main Street Anywhere, MA 10101 F OLD F OLD INSIDE
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