How to read your statement Comprehensive investment reporting with cost basis Your statement provides details on your account activity and positions for the current period. The statement is designed to help you make informed decisions about your account, while helping you effectively manage your investments and plan for your financial future. Some of the information provided in your statement includes: •Positions in your account grouped by investment type •Current-period transaction activity •Detailed information about your investments •Cash management activity, including checking and debit card transactions, when applicable •Realized and unrealized gain (loss) information at summary and lot levels Statements consist of four sections: Front Page, Account Overview, Holdings, and Activity. Each section provides different levels of information on your account’s value and activity. Front Page USAA INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY PO BOX 659453 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78265-9825 1 John doe Jane doe 102 Summer Street BoSton, ma 02109 Statement for the Period oCtoBer 1, 2013 to oCtoBer 31, 2013 John and Jane doe, Joint WroS account number: aBC-456827 For questions about your accounts: National: (800) 531 8722 2 total Value of Your account total Value of insurance and annuities 3 for Your information $325,000.00 $315,000.00 $640,000.00 total Value of Your Portfolio Change in Value of Your Portfolio $ thousands 650 600 4 550 500 450 11/12 12/12 1/13 2/13 3/13 4/13 5/13 6/13 7/13 8/13 9/13 10/13 Change In Value of Your Portfolio information can be found in Miscellaneous Footnotes at the end of this statement. 123456 789 123456789 C 1 1 GENERAL ACCOUNT INFORMATION 3 Easily find your account number for placing orders or making inquiries. Contact information for your investment professional, including address and phone number(s), is displayed. This section provides the value of the account at a glance plus any insurance and annuity assets, if applicable. 4 2 FOR YOUR INFORMATION This section includes important information related to your account that may require further action. TOTAL VALUE OF YOUR PORTFOLIO CHANGE IN VALUE OF YOUR PORTFOLIO This chart visually displays the change in market value of your portfolio assets from the prior 12 months, or when the account was opened if later, to the current period. The line graph tracks changes in portfolio value for the life of the account. Account Overview Statement for the Period october 1, 2013 to october 31, 2013 John and Jane doe, Joint WroS account number: aBC-456827 5 Account Overview 6 Change in aCCount Value Current Period Year to Date Beginning Value additions and Withdrawals income taxes, fees, and expenses Change in investment Value $310,000.00 $10,000.00 $1,000.00 ($200.00) $4,200.00 $300,000.00 $15,000.00 $2,000.00 ($1,200.00) $9,200.00 ending Value (aS of 10/31/13) $325,000.00 $325,000.00 aCCount alloCation Options 6.0% 10 Other Securities 4.0% Cash and Cash Equivalents 20.0% Equities 30.0% Fixed Income 40.0% Refer to Miscellaneous Footnotes in this statement for more information on your Change in Investment Value. 7 margin Profile as of October 31, 2013 margin Positions market Value margin Balance (net currency credit/debit) $300,000.00 ($20,000.00) margin equity margin equity Percent equity Buying Power margin interest Charged this Period $280,000.00 93.3% $50,000.00 $45.00 Balances and Margin availability are reflected as of the closing date of this statement. Please consult with your broker/dealer prior to trading as these amounts may have changed. 8 inCome Current Period Year to Date $500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 total taxaBle $1,000.00 $2,000.00 total inCome $1,000.00 $2,000.00 taxable dividends taxable interest Taxable income is determined based on information available to NFS at the time the statement was prepared, and is subject to change. Final information on taxation of interest and dividends is available on Form 1099-Div, which is mailed in February of the subsequent year. 9 taxeS, feeS, and exPenSeS Current Period Year to Date margin interest account fees ($100.00) ($100.00) ($600.00) ($600.00) total taxeS, feeS, and exPenSeS ($200.00) ($1,200.00) Percent Cash and Cash equivalents fixed income equities options other Securities total 20.0% 40.0 30.0 6.0 4.0 100.0% total insurance and annuities Prior Period Current Period $44,000.00 $100,000.00 $150,000.00 $0.00 $16,000.00 $63,000.00 $126,000.00 $94,500.00 $23,900.00 $17,600.00 $310,000.00 $325,000.00 $305,000.00 $315,000.00 Cash and Cash Equivalents will include margin debit and credit balances. Other Securities are infrequently traded instruments or other securities which are not easily categorized. Account Allocation shows the percentage that each asset class represents of your total account value. Account Allocation for equities, fixed income, and other categories may include mutual funds and may be net of short positions. NFS has made assumptions concerning how certain mutual funds are allocated. Closed-end mutual funds listed on an exchange may be included in the equity allocation. The chart may not reflect your actual portfolio allocation. Consult your broker/dealer prior to making investment decisions. realized gain/(loSS) Short term gain Short term loss net Short term gain/(loSS) Current Period $1,200.00 ($800.00) $400.00 Year to Date $2,200.00 ($1,000.00) $1,200.00 11 Refer to Footnotes and Cost Basis Information at the end of this statement for more information. Estimated realized gains (losses) for transactions in your account as of the trade date, excluding transactions where cost basis information is incomplete. 123456 789 123456789 C 1 5 1 ACCOUNT OVERVIEW This section provides an overview of account information. The components include: • Change in Account Value • Margin Profile • Income • Taxes, Fees, and Expenses • Account Allocation • Realized Gain (Loss) 6 MARGIN PROFILE This displays margin account information, including margin positions market value, margin balance, margin equity, margin equity percent, equity buying power, and margin interest charged this period. INCOME This displays a summary of income earned in the current period and year to date. 9 TAXES, FEES, AND EXPENSES This displays a summary of taxes, fees, and expenses paid in the current period and year to date. 10 4 ACCOUNT ALLOCATION The pie chart shows an at-a-glance view of the account asset allocation, while the table provides more details for both the current and prior periods. CHANGE IN ACCOUNT VALUE This section displays a summary of account activity for both the current period and year to date. Categories include additions and withdrawals; income; taxes, fees, and expenses; other activity; and change in investment value. 7 8 11 REALIZED GAIN/(LOSS) This provides a current period and year-to-date summary of gain (loss) information for transactions, with complete cost basis information. MESSAGES (NOT SHOWN) Read important messages from your investment firm, which may include information on regulatory issues, changes to your account, and new investment products. Holdings Statement for the Period october 1, 2013 to october 31, 2013 John and Jane doe, Joint WroS account number: aBC-456827 12 Holdings 13 ALERT: You have a bond maturing in 60 days. FIXED INCOME — 32.9% of Total Account Value Quantity Estimated Price on 10/31/13 Estimated Current Market Value Estimated Annual Income Total Cost Basis Unrealized Gain/(Loss) HOMESTREET BANK SEATTLE WASH 43785QEH2 01.90000% mm/dd/yyyy CD CASH FDIC INSURED CPN PMT SEMI-ANNUAL ON AUG 19, FEB 19 Next Interest Payable: mm/dd/yyyy Accrued Interest $838.19 97,000.000 $1.00735 $97,712.95 $1,843.00 $97,000.00 $712.95 TENNESSEE COMM BK TN CD CD 2.050000% mm/dd/yyyy FDIC INSURED CPN PMT MONTHLY Next Interest Payable: mm/dd/yyyy Adjusted Cost Basis 97,000.00 D Accrued Interest $65.38 97,000.000 $1.01031 $98,000.07 $1,988.50 $97,000.00 $1,000.07 $195,713.02 $3,831.50 Symbol/Cusip Account Type Description Certificates of Deposit (CDs) 880440CP5 CASH Total CDs 14 $1,713.02 Activity CORE FuND ACTIVITy Settlement Date Account Type Transaction Description 10/6/13 CASH YOU BOUGHT PRIME FUND DAILY MONEY CLASS Quantity Amount 8,740.830 ($8,740.83) 10/9/13 CASH REINVESTMENT PRIME FUND DAILY MONEY CLASS 52.500 ($52.50) 10/17/13 CASH YOU SOLD PRIME FUND DAILY MONEY CLASS 4,981.27 $4,981.27 Total Core Fund Activity For an explanation of fixed income pricing, please see the last page. Redemption schedule(s), bond ratings(s), and other information are provided where available. If information does not appear regarding a particular investment, it is not available. The ratings on this statement are provided by Standard & Poor’s and/or Moody’s to rate the quality based on the respective rating agency’s assessment. ($3,812.06) Accrued Interest—Represents interest accumulated since the last coupon date on certain fixed income securities which may not yet have been paid by the issuer or received by NFS. There is no guarantee that the accrued interest will be paid by the issuer. 123456 789 123456789 C 1 12 1 HOLDINGS This section provides a detailed view of your portfolio positions as of the end of the statement period. This includes cash, equities, options, fixed income, mutual funds, and other securities. 13 ALERTS This displays notification of specific events occurring in your account that may require further action. 14 ACTIVITY This section provides a recap of transactions that occurred in your account for the statement period. See details on trading, additions and withdrawals, income and expenses, and other activity. Activity Statement for the Period october 1, 2013 to october 31, 2013 John and Jane doe, Joint WroS account number: aBC-456827 15 Realized Gain/(Loss) Lot Detail—year To Date Retirement account cost and associated gain (loss) information is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used for tax-reporting purposes. Such information is provided to help you estimate and track the change in market value of each position relative to your investments into this security (not including reinvestments). Refer to the Footnotes and Cost Information at the end of this statement for more information. MuTuAL FuNDS Date Acquired Symbol/ Cusip Sales Price/ Share Quantity Proceeds Cost FRANKLIN INCOME CLASS A 07/14/13 01/07/03 FKINX $2.05 5.56 $11.40 $0.00 $11.40 FRANKLIN INCOME CLASS A 07/14/13 02/05/03 FKINX $2.05 53.298 $109.26 $0.00 $109.26 Description 16 Date of Sale Gain (Loss) unrealized Gain/(Loss) Lot Detail Retirement account cost and net change information is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used for tax-reporting purposes. Such information is provided to help you estimate and track the change in market value of each position relative to your investments into this security (not including reinvestments). NFS makes no warranties with respect to, and specifically disclaims any liability arising out of your use of, or any position taken in reliance upon, NFS-provided cost and net change information. MuTuAL FuNDS Description FRANKLIN INCOME CLASS A 17 Account Type Date Acquired Symbol/ Cusip Price on 6/30/13 Quantity Market Value Cost Net Change CASH 12/05/06 FKINX $2.24 70.184 $157.21 $0.00 $157.21 Footnotes and Cost Information NFS makes no warranties with respect to, and specifically disclaims any liability arising out of your use of, or any position taken in reliance upon, NFS-provided cost and net change information. NFS determines gain (loss) using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method on all transactions in a retirement account. Cost information for debt securities has not been adjusted for amortization or accretion. LIMITATION ON COST INFORMATION: NFS’s cost information system has a cumulative lifetime limit on how much activity it can track for each individual security position in an account. For this purpose, each buy, sell, dividend, stock split, stock merger, etc., is an event. For some customers, this limit can be reached with approximately 1500 events. Upon reaching the limit, the system no longer displays or tracks cost information for the affected position, and such information will usually show as not available or unknown. Once the limit is reached, all cost information for the affected position will need to be tracked and updated by you, the investor. 123456 789 123456789 C 1 15 1 REALIZED GAIN/(LOSS) LOT DETAIL Reported on September’s statement, this section provides lot-level gain/(loss) information for transactions with complete cost basis information. 16 17 FOOTNOTES AND COST INFORMATION This section explains important abbreviations used throughout the statement and provides information related to cost basis and gain/(loss) data. UNREALIZED GAIN/(LOSS) LOT DETAIL Reported quarterly, this section provides lot-level unrealized gain/(loss) information for transactions with complete cost basis information. Your statement is customized to include information about your account. It may not contain all the sections described here, or it may contain sections in addition to those described here. Contact your investment professional if you have any questions. Screenshots are for illustrative purposes only. 437053.9.01.720471-BEM.114 0114
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