BBC Monitoring Online offers extensive collection of political and economic information dating back to 1997. The database is optimised to work with Netscape Navigator 4.0 and MS internet Explorer 5.0 or above and should work with higher level versions of other browsers. HOW TO SEARCH BBC MONITORING ONLINE • Simple Quick Search box on the home page. • Advanced Search page allows you to combine your key words with the country, region or topic pick lists and options to search on dates. • Queries can be saved or set up as Alerts which deliver search results automatically by email. • Use editorial Metadata for more specific source and language searches. QUICK SEARCH (HOME PAGE): The home page offers you a quick Internet style search across the last month’s worth of data. It can find each keyword you enter, on its own and in combination with other words. To find results using keywords, enter the terms in the Quick Search box and click on the search button or press return. SEARCH DATABASE: The Search Database screen offers you the ability to retrieve very specific reports using keywords and pick lists. You can also use Internet style searches and Advanced (Boolean logic) style searches (pick lists are the Available Countries, Subjects and Regions). INTERNET STYLE SEARCHING: This method finds the keywords you require in any context. Every keyword entered in the free text box or pick list option is searched for in combination with any other option and on its own. For example, searching ‘African Unity’ will find African, Africans, Unity, Africanism. INTERNET STYLE SEARCHING WITH PICK LISTS: When the internet search option is selected each selection will be searched for as though it was a separate item- finding stories mentioning any of the terms. ADVANCED SEARCHES: Advanced searches use Boolean logic to provide accurate results. Keywords can be entered as single words, phrases or as a combination using operators such as AND, OR, NOT and wildcards (*, ?) NB: Azer* will find Azeri, Azerbaijan, and Azerbaidzhan. Bin Lad?n, will find Bin Laden or Bin Ladin ADVANCED SEARCHES USING PICK LISTS: When the Advanced Search option is selected, the database will combine free text with any selected countries, regions or subjects as though they had been combined with ‘AND’. Multiple selections within one pick list will be looked for as if they were separated by ‘OR’. • Advanced searching allows you to combine your key words using and/or/not and is the best way to • Internet style searches will find any mention of the words you require in any context. retrieve very exact results. SEARCHING FOR A COUNTRY: To find items relating to a specific country, scroll down to the Available Countries list. Only the countries you subscribe to will be displayed. To move countries from the Available Countries list to the Selected Countries list either select the country required by clicking on it and then clicking the 'ADD' box to move the country across to the Selected Countries or double click on the required country. To move more than one country across at a time, hold down the Ctrl key when you click on each country. To remove a country from the search, either click on the name to highlight it, and then click on the ‘REMOVE’ box or double click on it. To move up and down the list, either use the scroll bars at the side of the Country lists or type the first letter of the entry required. SEARCHING FOR A REGION OR SUBJECT: To select a subject or region, scroll down to the Regions or Subjects pick list and click on the name in the list. To select more than one option, hold down the Ctrl key and click on all the required names. To move up and down the lists, either use the arrows at the side of the boxes or click in the scroll bar and type the first letter of the entry required. 2 ALERTS: Alerts are queries that run automatically and deliver information to you by email so you can remain informed of relevant news without logging in or searching. All Alerts are delivered to the same email address (as shown on the Preferences page see below). Each Alert can be sent at different times and in different formats either as an html or text email. Alerts can be edited, deleted or turned into a Saved Query if you are unlikely to access your email box for a while. Alerts and Queries are saved from the Results List Click on the Save As tab to turn your search into an Alert. Give the query you wish to be saved a name and check the box to turn the search into an Alert. You will now have the option to change your delivery preferences to suit your needs. PREFERENCE PAGE (see menu on the left): On this page individual preferences can be set: • Email address where alerts are sent to (one email address per password). • Background colour. • Options to set whether the most recent Election Guides and Government Lists are shown on the home page. Set Alert preferences - format, frequency and delivery hour. • The number of results shown (a maximum of 400 results can be returned). • Set the number items returned per page. USEFUL HOTKEYS: Ctrl C (copy), Ctrl V (paste), Ctrl R (refresh), Ctrl S (stop), Ctrl F (find), Esc to stop browser. Alt < (back), Alt > (forward) - this allows you to move back and forwards between different screens. 3 SEARCHING BBC MONITORING ONLINE THROUGH EDITORIAL METADATA. It is also possible to search the database using the metadata which is applied by BBC Monitoring editorial staff, using language codes, media type codes, country codes and service codes. Use the following codes in the FREE TEXT query box, ensuring that the ADVANCED SEARCH box is checked. METADATA SEARCH To search for items using the CODES TA PROCESS codes: process<contains>XX Text- Will return the original item in its complete form EX Excerpt- Will return the item which may have MR Monitor’s Reports - Will return items where some passages omitted the monitor recounts events with some quotes from original To search for items using the TV Television MEDIUM codes: RA Radio PR Press AG Agency medium<contains>XX To search for items using COUNTRY codes: country_code<contains>XX See attached list for country codes used To search for items using LANGUAGE CODES: See attached list for language_code<contains>XX language codes used To search for items using SERVICE Searching using the service name will return NAMES: items that have been filed under the country service_name<contains>XX and the type of media, for example, newspaper service_name<contains>hungarian newspaper will return items sourced from service_name<contains>satellite TV Hungarian newspapers. The search can also be applied to find items filed from certain media e.g. Satellite TV. 4 LANGUAGE CODES AFR AFRIKAANS KRI KRIO XHO XHOSA ALB ALBANIAN KRK KURMANJIKURDISH XXX UNSPECIFIED YORUBA AMH AMHARIC KRS SORANIKURDISH YOR ARA ARABIC KRU KIRUNDI ZAR ZARMA ARM ARMENIAN KRW KINYARWANDA ZUL ZULU AZA AZARI LAO LAO AZE AZERI LAT LATVIAN BAM BAMBARA LIN LINGALA DAS BASQUE LIT LITHUANIAN BCS BOSNIAN/CROAT/SERB LTK LATUKA BEN BENGALI LUG LUGANDA BER BERBER MAC MACEDONIAN BIS BISLAMA MAL MALAY BLR BELARUSIAN MAN STANDARDCHINESE BOS BOSNIAN MAR MARATHI BUL BULGARIAN MGY MALAGASY BUR BURMESE MIN MINA CAM CAMBODIAN MLY MALAYALAM CAN CANTONESE MND MANDIKA CAT CATALAN MOL MOLDOVAN CHE CHECHEN MON MONGOLIAN CHI CHINESE MOR MOORE CHN CHINESE NDE NDEBELE CHS STANDARD CHINESE NOR NORWEGIAN CRE CREOLE NPL NEPALI CRO CROATIAN ORO OROMO CTA CRIMEANTATAR PAS PASHTO CZE CZECH PER PERSIAN DAN DANISH POL POLISH DAR DARI POR PORTUGUESE DIO DIOULA PUN PUNJABI DRP DARIANDPASHTO QUE QUECHUA DUT DUTCH RAH RAHANWEIN DZO DZONGKHA RUS RUSSIAN ENG ENGLISH SAN SANGO ENP CAMEROONPIDGIN SAR SARA ESP ESPERANTO SCN SERBO-CROAT EST ESTONIAN SCR SERBO-CROAT EWE EWE SES SESOTHO FIN FINNISH SHI SHILLUK FRE FRENCH SHO SHONA GAL GALLICIAN SIN SINDHI GEO GEORGIAN SIS SISWATI GER GERMAN SLK SLOVAK GRE GREEK SLN SLOVENE GRT GARO SNH SINHALA GUA GUARANI SOM SOMALI GUJ GUJARATI SOU SOUSSOU HAU HAUSA SPA SPANISH HEB HEBREW SRB SERBIAN HIN HINDI SWA SWAHILI HUN HUNGARIAN SWE SWEDISH IGO IGBO TAG TAGALOG ILO ILOCANO TAJ TAJIK IND INDONESIAN TAM TAMIL ISL ICELANDIC TAT TATAR ITA ITALIAN TEL TELUGU JAP JAPANESE TET TETUM KAB KABYLE THA THAI KAL KALANGA TIB TIBETAN KAN KANNADA TIG TIGRINYA KAR KARAKALPAK TON TONGAN KAZ KAZAKH UKR UKRAINIAN KIK KIKUYU UNK UNKNOWN KOR KOREAN URD URDU KRB BAHDINANIKURDISH UZB UZBEK KRD KURDISH VIE VIETNAMESE KRG KYRGYZ WOL WOLOF 5 COUNTRY CODES AFG AFGHANISTAN GDL GUADELOUPE NGR AFS SOUTHAFRICA GEO GEORGIA NIG NIGER NIGERIA AGL ANGOLA GHA GHANA NIU NIUE ALB ALBANIA GIB GIBRALTAR NMB NAMIBIA ALG ALGERIA GMB GAMBIA NOR NORWAY AND ANDORRA GNB GUINEA-BISSAU NPL NEPAL ANT ANTARCTICA GNE EQUITORIALGUINEA NZL NEWZEALAND ARG ARGENTINA GRC GREECE OCE FRENCHPOLYNESIA ARM ARMENIA GRD GRENADA OMA OMAN ARS SAUDIARABIA GRL GREENLAND PAK PAKISTAN ASC ASCENSIONISLAND GTM GUATEMALA PAL PALAU ATG ANTIGUA&BARBUDA GUF FRENCHGUINEA PAQ EASTERISLAND ATN NETHERLANDSANTILLES GIU GUINEA PHL PHILIPPINES AUS AUSTRALIA GUM GUAM PNG PAPAUNEWGUINEA AUT AUSTRIA GUY GUYANA PNR PANAMA AZE AZERBAIJAN HKG HONGKONG POL POLAND B BRAZIL HND HONDURAS POR PORTUGAL BAH BAHAMAS HNG HUNGARY PRG PARAGUAY BBC BBC HOL NETHERLANDS PRU PERU BDI BURUNDI HTI HAITI PTR PUERTORICO BEL BELGIUM I ITALY QAT QATAR BEN BENIN IND INDIA REU REUNION BER BERMUDA INS INDONESIA ROU ROMANIA BFA BURKINAFASO IRL IRELAND RRW RWANDA BGD BANGLADESH IRN IRAN RUS RUSSIA BHR BAHRAIN IRQ IRAQ S SWEDEN STKITTS&NEVIS BIH BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA ISL ICELAND SCN BLR BELARUS ISR ISRAEL SDN SUDAN BLZ BELIZE J JAPAN SEN SENEGAL BOL BOLIVIA JMC JAMAICA SEY SEYCHELLES BOT BOTSWANA JOR JORDAN SLK SLOVAKIA BRB BARBADOS KAZ KAZAKHSTAN SLM SOLOMONISLANDS BRM BURMA KEN KENYA SLO SLOVENIA BRU BRUNEI KIR KIRIBATI SLV ELSALVADOR BTN BHUTAN KOR KOREA(SOUTH) SMO SAMOA BUL BULGARIA KRE KOREA(NORTH) SMR SANMARINO CAF CENTRALAFRICANREP KRG KYRGYZSTAN SNG SINGAPORE CAN CANADA KWT KUWAIT SOM SOMALIA CAS CENTRALASIA LAO LAOS SPM STPIERRE&MIQUELON CBG CAMBODIA LAT LATVIA SRB SERBIA CHL CHILE LBN LEBANON SRL SIERRALEONE CHN CHINA LBR LIBERIA STP SAOTOME&PRINCIPE CKH COOKISLANDS LBY LIBYA SUI SWITZERLAND CLM COLOMBIA LCA STLUCIA SUR SURINAM CLN SRILANKA LIE LIECHTENSTIEIN SWZ SWAZILAND CME CAMEROON LIT LITHUANIA SYR SYRIA COG CONGO LSO LESOTHO TAJ TAJIKISTAN COM COMOROS LUX LUXEMBOURG TCD CHAD CPV CAPEVERDE MAG MAHGREB TCH CZECHREPUBLIC CRO CROATIA MAU MAURITIUS TGO TOGO CTI COTED’IVOIRE MCD MACEDONIA THA THAILAND CTR COSTARICA MCO MONACO TIM EASTTIMOR CUB CUBA MDG MADAGASCAR TON TONGA CVA VATICAN CITY MEX MEXICO TRD TRINIDAD&TOBAGO CYP CYPRUS MLA MALAYSIA TRM TURKMENISTAN D GERMANY MLD MALDIVES TUN TUNISIA DJI DJIBOUTI MLI MALI TUR TURKEY DNK DENMARK MLT MALTA TUV TUVALU DOM DOMINICANREPUBLIC MNE MONTENEGRO TWN TAIWAN E SPAIN MNG MONGOLIA TZA TANZANIA EGY EGYPT MOL MOLDOVA UAE UNITEDARABEMIRATES EQA ECUADOR MOZ MOZAMBIQUE UGA UGANDA ERT ERITREA MRA MARIANAISLANDS UKR UKRAINE EST ESTONIA MRC MOROCCO UNK UNKNOWN ETH ETHIOPIA MRT MARTINIQUE URG URUGUAY F FRANCE MSR MONTSERRAT USA USA FJI FIJI MTN MAURITANIA UZB UZBEKISTAN FLK FALKLANDISLANDS MWI MALAWI VEN VENEZUELA FNL FINLAND MYT MAYOTTEISLAND VTN VIETNAM G UNITEDKINGDOM NCG NICARAGUA VUT VANUATU GAB GABON NCL NEWCALEDONIA WBG WESTBANK&GAZA 6 COUNTRY CODES XAF AFRICA XAS ASIA/FAREAST XCA C.AMERICA/CARIBBEAN XCS CIS XEP EUROPEANUNION XEU EUROPE XIO INTERNATIONALORGS XLA LATINAMERICA XME MIDDLEEAST XNT NATO XPI PACIFICISLANDS XSD SADR XWI WESTINDIES YEM YEMEN YUG SERBIA-MONTENEGRO ZAI CONGO(DR) ZMB ZAMBIA ZWE ZIMBABWE 7
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