*'?-~ — ; - ' '••?' r ;^;JJ i ^*j^i SJPf CtL Ira T. Reeves GMstofW.ttU. FIVE CENfB CRANFORD'N VoLXXX. No. 13, ATOM CH-JPTBK ousavxs u n n n -jnnTuuB OLT/B 11M> regular monthly meeting of the Women's liepubllcan (lub wl<r at- Hayaahr* K«staurant, on u Wooa's Choral Attire Chapter. No. W. p . E. S . hold 1U regftlar meeting; In MaaonlF Hall last Friday night, which wa* PrestEtts CoBcert EkdOBktrs iVislnewlay, May llth. at ?" "" i»oi>k. Kr-purt* » ( t h e Annual la ' _..jrfi«^«yte&sstf It* tenth anniversary. Them were Every' Number Ltitened to ifafavctora Submit Ea- and wlnnnr* ot prlur* mimmnced far Tells of Difficulties in Securbest definition of I'arty loyally by Mm. Jennie Boltwi. Cleveland Organixation With Much Pleasure, and Camillo Low Hist'Clilh song, and the Urgent hi' ing Dry Law Enforcement, Pant (iramt Matron uf the Order: Many Encores ReceivHears Report* and on Orangti •ti>»af in Club memberahlti. Mrs. Carrie quarkenbOM. IHstrlet and Why He Resigned. Mnrli Mr* Nmllll. the Ih-esldeiit. then Deputy: and William itragdon. Wored. Visiting Artist* i. Work Very Chooses Officers. Mrs. Fekkert Also ntriMillcml Col J II r' IMnlley. of thlpful Mauler-of Aiurr Lodge: Mr*. Also Please. Ooae. KlUaboth. who alter imtlug elo Jrnnle Pcdernen. Junior Vast Ma Speaks. for the ensuing year were tron of Aiure Chapter, who wa*. un- The Woman'* «lioral of Cranforif ineiil tribute to lh|> tall Mil) jtud able to attend the l*»t meeting. at the Miuttial buslne* to (lie Town •Irtntli' earvkes of ll'm Hi neat It The W. C T. V. held it annual lun- » u prtvented with her Jewel, andgave thi* neroiul concert of Its Vrkrrinan *H our ri'|ireaent«ll\i', night nn ltop> Ing i>f the (Irani Clnveland I'nrwritcheon is the Pmbyrcriaa Chapel last tilth a gift, a beautiful lamp, from fourth Heamtn la*t Tuewlay night. In neiit |tro- i * \ r au Interi'ittlni anil fnrclbli' ill" Tesclier Aaaodalliin laat ,Moi|ila> Tuesday. with aa excellent attendance' p u t oltlrer* of laxt year. . At the the Caniiio, ottering an e*wlltmt on "Hilfniallii)i«l Itelatlona trum mt \u high bid r program, which wa» heard with and aa Mrmtiag program. LunThe meet Ing wa* held hi of the regular Hireling, an en low bid. that «t I' , ( ' • I'liiler Ihla Kepiiblli'an Admlnlulm nlxht cheon n ) **rr«d a t ana o'clock, and lertainment wa* Riven, under the pleasure by- a full attendaneo. Ul lion," loudillitf litHin mattera ul re I'li'M Inml Si'hiHi) ami In addition to dhl the road work In I Ian Andrew* continue* to be ihcthe asena was: Fratt Cocktail, Boiled charge of Tram Xo. S, of the Hood luleieat III Mexlciii Nicaragua lielug the l*ai meeting of Ihn year, last year. Ntreii» Included Ham. Potatoes. String B e a u . Kadlsh- and Wt'ltare (loiinnlttee of laat inu*lral dlrwtor, but Mis* Florence ' '* iMmgrani are Ms nor a v * and China. 1'niRreM tn the setlle- f^* nUo l'*lh>'ra' Sl||ht Tint newiy e*> Pickles, Apple, Sauce, Ice Cream, rear. of. which Mr*. Mattel Krele KanwHn was the piano aerompanlal ifont avenue, fnl'Mi-avrt- iii<ni of itlillcnllles. nllh HIKKII rimn lectiil oltli'rr> in". Cake* and C-teel It wa* managed u u clialriuan. There u ere song* by o all elior,nl mnnlier*. Kwretl Fay Irles diltlng the t>n»t «eek lltl« \In. h. Nprlhg riahien *tn< by* a eaatt enVient eoausittee, of MIM Hahn. accompanied by Mis* and franklin lloycr were imheni. I'realdeui, Mm Cbnilea II Albiiry till' |Hlllcy Of I'leallkltt Plare, Weat Holly mreer, which V n v I L A^Rweard* was chair. Florence Yarlwl: by K. S. LHiw. «^ The Choral ha* become j»i_ rat sbMls11 \ IH'"'*JftWltf | •f*|IRl1f I I J T ' I I I Hi-t Viet- Prcalilenl. Vlri, ¥,• i IbThctl nutstfal' fealuriT<7f Cranford. , Mr*. J. A. Knnrles had charge niert by Mm. Dow; hy Minn II.ilolng not only good work Itself, but f'ol, Dudley un* eulliimlAatlcttlly n|i ii nuliiir . Itrttuntifri'nur,*. UJHe^atcorafibn*; which were y. aCi-omiiaiilcd hy Mln« Ituth .tor the ree*Ht*tnir<hHi of ^ ^ nUiiiietl mid s l i e u II rising io(t> nT heroud VI«'i«lJle«ldeiit. Mr» W I1 yellow and wart*'. ,T«a_rd the end of Kbert; and by W. Ancua, accompan- !irl<ii;lng In ont*it(W> artUts to whom 1 I hank*. „ . _ , JveniH from nth to 1Mb street, Uaor. • hurheoa two song* were sung by ied hy .MM. InMie ltaimn. Mm. IKir It Is a pleanuiv l o listen. The conMl*. Nmllll then Introduced Him inOH ot the ro»t of Mhlrb will be Third VbV I'renldent. Mix Harah "Work for Enforcement Where »thy Armntronr and Mauler Jean certed numbers on till* oreaslon r torna-by tlw> «t»tc, o« thla originally Klliral It ArkeriiiHu, who told ver) 'Mmotid went all well done, and the arrange, Tea A n . ' and -March of Allegiance." Knlin ( a w rprltatlulin: MIM M. CIIII-ent HI t« Mil WMMa 'Dial* Aid Itosil. alui »or/> tlterfalllllll) ot ItlaMalla of |L>a|H'l' ment of--| Urfanit That I Dwelt In hiinlh Vice I'realdi'iit. Mr liny A \UuHw »« lit!?* Mr*. P . B> Carrie, coaaty president ninsliain. of Dunellen, savn Kcotrh Marble Halls' was naturally part I. r»«dv«NTiteMlay iilghi.troiii four I lull to the Natitl Acadeui> nud t hi' J » t ot h e F h l like). After giving milelkileeded In 'leliienl. cularly I n t e n d i n g aVTielng the- rumCram by mtrodarias; Individually the Kenna, of Westflcld, both In (oiinnlloii mi I he isrlrt allimlloii. Tien.utir Mr- K A KlelmriN trim t\Wt Inw hid, that of J. II. tuialtlon of Mr*. Van Nil)'!!, a mem-\V<> ari> t<a— - guest* of the Unit*. The Rev. Mr. oftumo; and there were, ballet her of the Choral. "Mtlle Oriiliant Mr Ai'krrlnon >|toke ol Ilia \i«lta to Nclvlni), Mra K I' KIIK!I»II MRJ«r otNrw Voric to lu.inr,' ilanrni hy MISH Isabel Htrutliern. wntrli tor C m - w a i t , «f St. Pa_T« M. £ . Church. I'lillnit Ilia; till' elect Inn til olllwrt Annie" wa* cleverly glten. and lie Ing Kllaalielh 1'avlllg Co. » • « aeiv 'hllin nud lireaenti d the Chllii'ai< II ltd MIHH Klltalirtli Rtrttthent at the nals that aaoke a few word* -of greeting and •HuntIon (IIIIII a new ami Inluieat ml the rirelilor iif minimi re|Mirta, «lw»)H a favorite, mi'l with a warm low, t\ijm. dano. A sketch culled "Please Pan* uhliealthy waa thanked for allowing the use of i vi'iy lulereaiinii Illiiatraled levAelrome, a» <llil thu lltinl number, IH* for storm sower on Notitlt UK angle. Ms charch for the Young People'* the Cream," wan iicrtormed by Mr.t) Koli< Mlo." which was encored. preiiaratory tn tlm jierma- Alter n rMiiK vole of tllnnk> lo lure \\»* nKen by (liorge F', Amler Branch •tori** ha recent ronteit. The KemiearbolU ami Mm. Mary Miller. The (lioral wa* owilsted by three Mr, Ackeiiiimi, Mis. SIIIIIII an linn on the 'Illatory nf I oimmililrn Coimeiiueiitly liHik mil fur hi' i&nt Improvenretii of that street ami ninini-i'il H card party in n|ileiil»li I IonHer. Mr. McKeritt. newly arrived At the clow of the eiiteitalninent. iiilolsts: Alia* Marguerite Hughes, He tiRi'i'd tile ntteinpts ol Itr sonui sanitary a<>uer» wnm *tih there. wn« a march 'of ten Past al'iierlty. ami hyiwerlsy• miniater of the First M. E. Church. the Clllh lli'BMiry, which will be iimnii beluga to roiniiinnli'nl" with soprano; Mr. CliarleH (illlvert Nproa*. (iiianl Ngalnut that teiulency I IHltted by eight hidden at liMCPI' •relil at the Cnalnn mi Monday, May ueh other IIOIII Ihn inrlloat rne .spoke, of the fadnenee of America on Matron*.-earh carrying a birthday <'Oiii|ioHerit1anli>t. mnl Mr, Wendell \ritlrone~ lighted randtn. In rabrli-Me and b<> what ~[ «|nglng from l a u i u , the high hid I llth. nt two o'eloek Tickets limy he other part* of the world, more specifiIda nlnl allowed by •ti'niilltlroil Mart, whit was railed a tenor, on to ti;,!MOt low hid, that'of. the were «erml. About ytm are uot-cally Ulster; "ra Ireland, hi* native 1 leu program, but whose iittro ha* Shgo Kn«lnwrln« Cti. Thn bid ofsei'iired f'olu Mrs, llugh II hplla Hllea |lli (lir« M lit the \ltrtlllla MCttl' uoiv tirownt. Try talking - laa* abottt place, staling; that the Pmbyteriaq tho weight Of a, high harltnnn,- M|s* JarOl) J»ii|iies as aiihitilttml t4ilal*d 'iliry. >lra C l> Maraac or Mra U II HU HIHI hud hi'fii adopted In dlnVrother fellow* or Charch of Ulster wa* behind the proauin, at one dollar each. ii|, IM'rloilu nf cUlllratlou. ||il,(ttM, hut an error In carrying uut faults. hibttwit W K e a n t there, and that the The authority of prohibition agencies lughex Is not only an experienced Jlgiifi-D when fmii)i|,nin his bid t e He .h.j«i'il Imw It hail neon Inng hirer,, but Is extremely agreeable And iimrentrate a j l t t l e money spent for drink has already U strictly limited. They must prove lifVBUOAH OIOB, «M0KBn irver IllUtt). nnluilea hufnii' any method ba<l on the <"onsiru'rtlve Idea been red-red S«v per cent. Mr. F. E.their case before action can be taken, to Took U|Kltl. Her UJIIII IS delightI'lnna for tint Annual Hmnkei of I'en folllid whereby (he UH'aaage lia AM bids were relerrcil | o the fully siniNith and mellow, anil delivhi Lint. ~ j Nodocker. rke-emident of the Coun- and investigation Is slow work. Also, Comtnlttoti and the Knglnrrr for r » of Crnnford HepnhllrHii Club are idr eolild be |>iiiil ami receUed. All ty, urged attendant*; at tin* (Vntnty their strength of number* Is dispro- ered without effort, even in tlm Hearing completion and thu' affair >ntl) Ideaa n»i-il MIKI even Iliosn in |K»rt. Kxen IM> a little m«r< of ty Institute, to be held in the Presby- portionately small compared with the high note*. Thin Is her llrat visit lo The report of thi* Znnlng Hoard promise* ID be hltgor and butler ire enrly' III the nintennlli century KHth, Hope, and>r terian Church or WestHeld on Friday, number of lawbreakers, and they must Crunford, but we will hoiw not her aa tn aft Ion taken by that iHuly an i-viii than the \i<ry «<HIII orm of l**t tere Illetlllida ol Irsilallilttlllg ayintln> other fellow, Hay K>. brtinning at 10 A . U.. with devote their energies to the big of.lout. She wan encored, of eourac, yenr. lilNl, • / ^ I the axier'al applications for change ltokiug bouts arn bring arrangetl .oliUlhldl hml to be irnlnUled Into an afternoon .*rs*m> alto. Mrs. Cur- fenders rather than spend their time Bud rerp|ve<l_a beautiful tribute of Mr xonIng referred t o It, wa* a|> noguage I'rsrlltnlly nil eommiinlflowers. Mr. Kproa* Me have had rle read aa excerpt from the Chris- raurklng up convictions, for petty ofAnd )i'iir (loodnes* and flUnr I proved nurept as to th« appllratlon he I'ourinlllee lining busy, with ol Inn was by lui'nna of rode sign* » o e J y a ( ; tian Scie.nce Monitor conrowndW the fenders. If a community wants law with u* Iwfiirc. no went prepared to giMid Vhanrc for sut'cess, dickering mill II wna nelimlly found |n«t*l1d" uf I'spp for iiennlt t« entargn III* Jlnd til m i brilliant planlnt,|ierfei'tly that •trill rMW*,, old ator*Slmllillng on llurnshiv avo> for (Jeorgln Wnrd and .lack Kirk. In- transmit tolre Id- slao altowMl fiilii V . C T. U_ and then introduced the enforcement, let It get after its local ontrnlllng Ids Inatrument. A mini' ihHimunmm^ iiot Mr. - Ens^an*V-«f-«o*ell*,-_ho nffrs arid polipft.* Ppllffrrf**** n on«o « Ixmt-aiid—Kumdu-llaiikiLJit xmtaw W P | ff f l | P f I wf !»*• "l|flr\ ffV it %9jF' rWWItJfFglloT In lmt or Ills vocaT"rTiTiir"'sH10ll»~WeTII p jtfily hut through (h* told seranl amount anecdote*, and will do what their superior* tell them, ot the section but which »|ipe«rod to Knhwny, sgalnat Hln-nmnil I'ouidl if I'liiiimunleatlnii slter man had II al »Uo. *, aaat'wa g n a t change in the customs If the entire police force of New Jer- miiig by the (lioral and the soloists, W> In a dlltrrent po«ltlon from til* ol I'lalnllelil, Hi number; ~ ami he also playud one of his ii»n found (lie llr>t principle* of sound I weenie can be effected merely by sey would co-operate for twenty-four Ot the applications mid waa re- r'oiil Utber bnula Will bu atlged, iranaiidssloii. Wbll» tlm proceas 'the leader* in the change. Result* hours, they could doss up every vio- piano eoin|K>sltlona. Illn worlt'wan ferred to tho Attorney for advlcii lie rummltti'A trylna- for iiuallly. »o ev«n that It wa* not easy to tioto aiemod NIUW, yet i'iilii(mreil WUIH. ,fce prodweed by. the fidelity of lator In the State. -Cot Reeves said Thn lwn.s|iliH»at|«ns Jut <U-*ln(«a make l l n evening a big omt In »nrefcrenr«. In -the audlemo, Jwt world's iiriifrtM Dravloua to tliis • liiiliiiaiiiTr* I I i -i av^HffiaPsasaj Hra.' \vt nuntlicr woo fnost pineiit bail been marvellously rapid. *hrt Orehinl *tr»*it wer» *p- Is. limited MI It lit KMNt advice to Ilia |alk • W. CTTT iL also spoke a \nmv tnB m*n myner uy WWHI « w n * Mr, Uart In un* wall rei'i'lrj'il ami lie pruvnl hy the Zoning Doafd anil tile got them parly, either directly (rum jew wwd*.- -The R«*. Mr.-Bat*Mr ft ttoifc- With lUHKiMtf Inlet* and rivers, wa* Tt-cl'ITTKl wltif elltUn>lwmnrtrlrli *.piillratlons of Uelthsl , for lt«sr thn toinnilUi'fl chairman or through wo* bllblf toiniillinented on the Sprtngfteld. alluded to condition* for. the State- has 1000 mile* of potential bin line voice, dbdliic.t_L'MiRcl*.tinn eompli'li'iieas »t It and the eicellrnt , dunce "II" toning on Kllxahrth avn- line inemhiir. A ioin|ilete ||at of mcriy prersulina: i*rlil» cWklbood'i landing places for liquor, and the en' and masterly style desened. He uaiuier In which ho mailv Id* points, ime anil ot Halloinu ami I'otter fur home. Washington. 0 . C and gave tire State force for coping with of* was eKpeelally liked in hi* flrat num"III !»' published next week ilr Arfdcraon eniu" hern Uiriiugli llnalneaa Mining on Centennial avtv experiences in Tarious towns. Mr*. fenders Is small. However, it ha* no ber, from "Itigolelto," and In "The he I'ourteay of the Amerliiait TeleBurton, through whose agency the authority to close upeakeasies^ etc., halet Horn." hi* bold and brilliant While Serving as Committee- me and on liuriialde aveniid nere phone Hint TclKgraph Company. Mr, o i x n QiAnn HAVE TWO lo approved. Springfield Union n * organlted, alio it may merely Investigate and Make style showing to greater advantage men Make Constructive BIO OAMM ARRAKOBO Miilefpoll HII* aaalated hy Mr Joseph Attorney Warsluakl urgiMl the a case strong enough for legal action. In theae ty|>es than In the softer ami ranting of the i'app n|i|illr»tlon aa The Dixie fllonta have their hniiib I'Hiiuon, HIIO iipcrNti'd llm lantern . The Be*. Mr. Hopper spoke on "Do. He spoke also of ways of evading the nioro sentimental songs, although Criticism. un lift of Justice to Id* cllmit and a* full for thr COIIIIIIK -Hi«keiiil. a* HI him rnr the Thine; that Cannot be Done." law, Including drug store and phy- all Id* mimic was enjoyable, l i e I'ollowliig tln> talk, refreshment* making for I lie Improvement of theManager Tyree.ho* •eheiluled two ol showing that eamestssu* and deter- sician'* permit* to sell alcohol as med- gave T h e Hoail to Mandalay" as Cltl«-n«hl|i Day. a part of lloya' neighborhood, lln also irlllrlsod the Im leading leaiiw nf the County lo were aervrd, Mra, If. A, HUliwdx, mination can accomplish seeming im- icine, which were often abused; andone of hi* encores. Ikitli bo and h'eek, siKiuaori'il by the Kotary actlnti o( thn Zoning Hoard In aulaltle hi* Dixie idnyeri On Knlur Mra, K .1. llnnnlng nud Mrs, Kratik Mrs. J. A. Know;[lea, «m|i rrtjU for dispensing alcohol for Hughe* were, arronipanled by lub. saw the JIIIIIIRIT generation provlhg the mipllealioiis for the day afternoon at :i .'HI on tho Month Iyer*, conatlliiti'd the refrvahmenl county rarnvponding. secretary, *a«i «al<l ihanul . iufMturir.it purposes. This alcohol, Mr. ftpros*. In a moat artlatlr man- rriipy the seals of the solon* hi tlm Not III aveplie ehaiiKO* to lillsllien* avenue ground* tint atlmi'tloii will 'omiiilllen, who »cri> omlated hy that she waaid.gire her talk-time to containing elements making It unfit ner. aa not wurmnlod and iiiiotwl a bn IlKrstiong Ml. Mnry A. A, or KM Ilia* iHmrr, linrher of lloilieatlr the next speaker, who-w_i-M«»*-Ed* to drink, could be reaisTuTed and pu- Mr*. Andrew*. Mrs. Van Nuys and ToMlisldp Kuonw lant Thursda> eth and nu ejiei'iiillngly good fnal Hrleni'ti mead. nperi*d«aeat of Cranford rified, and employed for making whis- Mis* Haihjoin were given lovely lion- night, and explain how they would r«rent devhdniMn aiiplMirt itf till*. govern Cranford. and make II a mori Capl. ArUiiiM{lihJ»rd, (iUUti Hose gaum limy he looked for '11m Dlile 'Ihn noMilnntliiK vonuiilttit' wa* acbaoh. Mn-T Ednwod was absent, key'of all sort* of brands, professing w . Thn dtagi* wa* also w r y atimiMM'd of Mra.. Krinik Mynt*. Ml** o (Viin|i»iiy, for HID «'lr« IWipartlnoiit, battery for thla gnmr will be Hun bat-Me-—Carrie *pake_sppe<iayTeAy to be "prewar or imported, but really trartlvelj—iteror»tr>d—-with -Hprlng attractive place In which to live. i-Kiihil awl VMX- Thii-umpliii »lll S'lmt- VVIill»i'r<L «m| Jtls* (ii-nnuli' aitkiil-pemtft t o t»k«*-on> tH«"«- of of her to opuatlea in the matter of a fresh made artificial combination. foliage and IdoMoma. Miny T4u<lr iii|Kiit wa* adopteil Altogether, Unsatrance cdacathn in the schools. Alcohol professedly for hairtonics, the Choral may consider tbla one of Mayor and U'alle Uragdmi, Town apparatu* and lo men t o Atlantic iie the well ktwmfi letter rnrrler- iimnlmoiialy and the flislritiAn wan ship Clerk. The otlwr Committee- City In Keptemlier, to thf-.VHIl aiilll- hawihall player of Cra-fiford, Howard Mra. IMIejr, aawshfast of the Bepub- iodine, denatured alcohol, are in most It* liiont snceawful concert*. ii'lrtieted to eit«t iiiii> ballot (itf the men Morn lloh<-a Zundcl, heading u'r»ary riili'brstlon of the Clremon's Holt, Ikaa Caaaty Oaa-eO, was also called cases simply procured to make drink. The iirogram wax as follows: (Jucstlon wa* On Ktiinlsy altiriiiKin lit 1,'m <>n 'Mllle tlrhKt. KollnvtlnjJ tile report he Koad Cominltled: N'Rny Al Itnlii'f AMorlallon. • a , bat Mlhwiaishwt b e r i m e t o the Nevertheless^ prohibition Is making A Moorland Hide.,. —. bcrt*. Klre, QiilntDii Krawr, t'nllce raised whetlwr thla ruiild l>« done Im loeal diainonil, the \>\%W* nlll I ihla rmiiinlttee, Mbt* Kllliond, progress under the surface, and inI.I I tie f^rphanf Annie ..... anil William ISIake. Mtfhfn unit f'ln with salety t'i the timu and' the stark up »g*lu»l I hi' Cmtieerits or upervlalng l'rlhil|inl, a*kiit thn Pr-hftittoo Admin spite of Its bed name. New Jersey has CM.Ira .Tlwtna* Atnbrone snw. , matter was taken umler advlaitmenl I'lalnftidd. Wb'i are romhig here d<- irlvllege of Hie floor, and In » very aa then in- few death* tram poison alcohol. iitermilng and alncere talk on the Choral fatrstar at tUa if tlm fonnnlit'-rr C*|»", Hulitanl vrmliiwl | o take the l)l»l"» into COnimlwIoner r*rawr .adtwated ited-tbat nearly 08 •aniprmit -Jlenagor T>rt-i*-t«>»7-!1»» theatarnn f v&f tittt (iHtgoittg otnfmm-Kigolettoi.; the horn™ smTtake rtrrg of Inrn-as n July or Augtml, to r*l#e fnnibj t o hall w«." Tim battery feir the I'laln- rra, |iri'»i'iilt'd fthe boriv,aj_tJrery f»w arc naturalised. Pnaslng By*_, •.PreilIng (raffle, elalnilng-w* Jiarn lew itfitr Hm ffMt of.Hut trip to AU fU-Ixt aggregation will-be Dnhny and lent, Mr* \V«*ley A.retrling B a f e t r t i * ^ Mr recent resignation, The Kerry Dane* w-..--i... Manger, With lantlr City. Till* wa* granted. \A-I>, while Ihn |)fili>* wilt usn Menu>n now than a roar ago, k*-arttVtait * • • « » « • - t h a t it was Wisdtf Trae .(toininiaiJoner Uu L'oy and Wsahlngtun. Amorif-thf t beaiitlflil allfgutor skin tiaiid bag e_n««d tiKiKp*neti*kanenn<te be- H* ioyo!J]n^ng™,.itebtiM^ro»« PlrejD«liunl»stootr Albert* «wtl«- Harry sakori wlieiMr tlie 'tuwnahlp llrn>-|i|i of Hie f'lablltabl learn will mil * largo boUf|iiet ot raniatlon* idJ mm; In th» HM, i*alBiBaVaBd.<WB..AndrMra m i own* a strip of land along the river lie maiiy well known itor*, siirh as Aim said that the gift wa* tin- result tfcatJM ,ka- »at two brtsnrfews lltmiilde and * Hprlngfleld avo- Millar. Mtrsu**, ct». Holt will also f * s|Mtutammi* out b u n t and ex> .Ittatna i o prevent needles* rail*. reaaion ot affeetkiiv for one who IIUM. Tlie sidewalk h« *ald I* Inumpire thi* gaw«. Irom bnuh ami ehlomtj- Are*. "~>—<-<*—* 'HlaWUnotight - nrt bad condition. Till* wa*. refer- WtOWBIDAT MOKimO 0L.OB mil f e n e d mi faithfully oiwl eonIll* affair* uf the Association red to the KnginMr a* also migge* further rtep should be tskerr to Ttie W'edriMKlay Morning Club «> Imrtartlally. and that with It went plac« clMtrle llgbt wire* nnd«r llori* for Iwtterlng HIP turn* at ifiilttml It* regular meeting till* tlm heartfelt good wlttliea of everyground' In I be btuUiMsn ewtten of UprlngflHd and (Jiang* strnurs. Mr. Meek, due to the fart that the did*raai__atkm.jwlikh,ha» oot.jrat Uro iiullaj-ry als»ji4k«lJtJijMj(» rauiwi Ifn^-wajwei^^hlebjmold^arr ib !Mie~A*»orlafToii"r«wiiineii=:BrrflvTtIe» >M> fouhil to prevent uroiiilscuou* that «tro«t to be wlrtWrrfi, , dmnplng.un varant lot;, L'nlean It were present at tb>< annual etmrtm- 'h#-flr»t Monday tn Octnlier, He-" -""-'••-alfiiirHa.liai.—S- _ I* a matter Un the. |to«nl ol Health Km oribn N«w J<-r*«t Mtatff rht- port* nf rarlon* oiTlccr* and < otnmltreatirt t « thi* ran nut It* dune, Maybr Aldrlru •ration ot Women's Club*. |n Atlatv tee* tixllrat» that Ul" ANKielallon and -hw adroeafcd 4*ld. Commlssldner Jnul *aM tin tie City. TIM delegate* elected I* In a flourl«h|ng eonilltlon and that rpadnauditrjet* ' <an*Tuid a bit of rain water on *ueb were Mm. John H. (>arrl«on. West- tho past year ba* been onn uf great >.f thi. tiult. and Mr*. Ha" " liinsi umwiulMiia HJ Mt The alternate* were Mr*. avrrint, and jUL were thow^who do keep their property 1/O»(fil, K.iT. Ti/wler and Mr*. ThonMM-Te(> thaeeorrf wftb hi* MIMMUOII tliat clrare»l up. MBVBBL AT mtavtiar. i _^^^fe__l_ff__h_ - __^oa_k^_A_kA_*____M1 - h*UUi.^.*n**Mi^aiat*TsBlgaV * _l * _ _ w—fc—it j a * • * * * a\ v " '" m&mmffimmte jys ueraoMtrate How To Roo Town V ha t t e fltato Is la d a . Ceaaty. and ta^fcaioaTairwfaalt-rb-ttheTb*. f H. if far the «aU» to I fry and ga far the • • >afwo- all eltbens jet,behind the Rltrer An application for ehango of ZonCShitralttflOe Wld*B.3ait 4«i, and fnl oq Vortb arennn wa*'flletfby /aauw-Dryant front K*»lden<* A topormiu'wn* emitted, fitMlneMM-tlM |ifofyrty affeetrd Ttie L'nloti County Pa>k Commb> oeing iitar the Garwood lln*, above skm. In a circular tetter asked that M-iiiniar,ioomhtsT av-jtrwip of Orchaid street, Thla was rahrrrod tfao <>>ramlMfon*be itotllled of all 3llw«___lMa ,„ development map* Bled tor apprv^ tat*T6*>7fcf<m!*lyXo U» the Zoning Hoards • ~ '' ?>' al, Imintw tftat uny bearing on Yearning".! Tfbalkows . ._ OourrtyWIi VMM* hiay be noted owner* <» \nm «TI*SI- SAM. « • « • »" Let All Mjr Ufa V* Jlwlc.-Jlprds* n uoy. Meooiav ifOTa riitianeiiij «nar» aim TJila waji ordered, ' - • • * h a t aan n oro r MredabtutoSew VorltWty; wfVr^ .Vorth Sorth arenttf, avenue, atking asking tthat Choral la a latter, tba V, t. A. asked endinance laJk b«\|«aa«d prohlUltlng a. a.-.— -prore«ded . - ^ . - - ^ ^ - - - l aboard,the _tf_*«_*->-f J l u BattleD-I>.r_c. <tl«taina>-l tawMke-awi frPfihltlf tlntT the 4tt4 Clurir* liom Glover 7T»e^_pTi t Jlo.Uw the b btu* .jtwsMontL by tbe Twrnablp Co«_ burning off paper, atcv _p ^ #uvr*f aVwWar MC • ^ r s w 'w "v \- e fleet b 1 l o w and sit tb« World Mltlcw of tb» prule#t to rataa-1140* nea* tect^^waejlaatntad a~4 fe> Hirer. at antbor In the lladaan V i n e i furred to JWSmltt** iand —t »n*j*?fa ^ *f*lt terred J^JSllw^wVaplat s n - v s e »•*•*mmtw^r * « AttoTn«y *Krr., anJ^aeroptooe carrier and _ s | . n j |_^J| N |_i 1 L Otifnumtpi ingM '—*2i— TIw Vodiw Man** Chb will tmct oh; *Mp. Tlas hrke'oo whWKJbe I Haartog on "Oir reeomi x Thl^.waa ipjMWredJiy tb* snes : Uti Wndiu'sday fven^ur. May « h . • lioan or more OanCurd (rtaoda>a( Mr. Marry Hrhubei iwhoiwi home J* > on line street!, bfaklea many from 1 Klliabeth and New York ilty, atteoilud the concert NpMuwerf by , KallM-rlim Itogflm, at VVwlitaer ' \ BnlldlDg, West « n d ,*trMi,- Kaw _ rorkr Clty.vbnre Mr. fSchabcf ssfat ,„llveMng*r All»agree that'lie-8ehw>- - v tiel Inane a deop-and-deUfbtte! Im- - \ prewiort upon Ute auabme* wbett be • rendered In hut, rleb tofleai abd,«lth_rfr
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