Taking advice from Santa Claus himself on how to accomplish amazing things, Commodore Brian Hartwell is ready to lead GIYC into an incredible year. At the Change of Watch party on December 3, he pledged to make 2005 even more fun for all the members. He is rethinking many aspects of how things have been done in the past to come up with new and better systems. A case in point is this new version of the Spray. He and Katie did considerable research to come up with ways to improve the content and cost of the newsletter. It may not have a fancy cover but the new Spray will be filled with pictures of our members in action. Editor Patti Duffett does the labor-intensive job of compiling the Spray and choosing photos sent in by the club photographers, and then burns the finished product to a CD. Finally she takes the CD to a copy service where a computer hooked up to an industrial copy machine prints directly from disk to paper. Over 100 members attended the Change of Watch that featured a delicious buffet dinner prepared by Andrew and crew. Hartwell’s longtime friend Rick Bohl made the Wassail Toast with suitable ribbing of the new commodore. Christmas music filled the air provided by Marion Boardman’s piano-playing friend Jerome Wesselman. Ron Spies led the group in Christmas carols sung from the heart, while Ann and Todd Kissel organized photography of the new bridge for publication in the Ile Camera. The group thanked PC “JP” and Brenda for a job well done and welcomed Rear Commodore John Clark and his Lady Ruth. John Rose and Lady Fran proceeded with good humor to rank of Vice Commodore. PC Shirley Roskopf announced that our own hard-working Roger Pollack had won the coveted PC Edward Lyden Memorial Achievement Award. The entire evening took on a magical air in the surroundings that were so beautifully decorated by Michelle Pandoff, Rich Bartha, John & Fran Rose, Paula Wheeler, Patti, Jonathan & Patrick Duffett. Outside Jim Butler had installed hundreds of lights all over the tall pine tree north of the bar, and Hartwells had lit the anchor and gate area. On Sunday the 5th, the club was again packed; this time with families ready to see Santa at the brunch held in his honor. It was a happy, busy scene with dozens of children and grandchildren of members all decked out in their holiday best. Dick Savage and Peter Dion did photography duty as each child climbed up to tell Santa his heart’s desire, while Kim Savage provided a delicate background of Christmas carols on the piano. A dozen lucky people brought home lovely Christmas decorations created and auctioned by the Sailmates and their spouses. It was a wonderful weekend at GIYC filled with the holiday spirit and warm camaraderie. 1 Grosse Ile Yacht Club-2005 734/676-0211 Manager: Michael Golden Chef Andrew Flag Officers Commodore Dr. Brian Hartwell Secretary Bob Hawkins Fleet Surgeon Gary Dust Vice Commodore John Rose Treasurer Timothy Walker Immediate Past Commodore P/C John Perry Rear Commodore John Clark Fleet Captain Todd Duffett Board of Directors Chairman P/C John “Terry” McCarthy Finance Glenn Arendsen Membership P/C Bruce Milkins Building William Malvesto Grounds/Security Gary Sonnenberg Special Projects Bruce Boardman Docks Roger Pollack House Tamara Dust Marketing Richard Savage Committee Chairpersons Commodore’s Ball Roger & Brenda Pollack Dr. Matthew & Sue Dubois Community Sailing Dr. Matthew & Sue Dubois Roy Baker Entertainment Commodore Brian & Katie Hartwell Photographers Katie Hartwell, Rick Bohl & P/C Kenneth Goffinett Flags & Protocol P/C Kenneth Goffinett P/Cs Donald & Shirley Roskopf Rendezvous Robert & Jeananne Joaquin P/C Bruce & Diane Milkins Michael & Lisa O’Donnell Race Program Richard & Kelly Bohl Gerald Frabutt Publicity Todd & Ann Kissel Delegates Sailmates AYC: P/C Kenneth Goffinett, P/C Russell Kissel, P/C Ronald Spies, John Rose-alternate DRYA: P/C Ronald Spies I-LYA: P/C John Perry President: Secretary: Treasurer: Merchandising: Merchandising Chits: Michelle Pandoff Lynne Savage Margaret Messer Michiko Nielsen & Debbie Dion Shirley Tracy The Spray Submit pictures (in .jpg format) and articles (in MS Word) to thespray@ilyb.com . Editor: Spray Logo: Advertising: Patti Duffett Katie & Ellen Hartwell Mari Frost To save a tree and see the pictures in color, sign up to receive your Spray via email by contacting Patti at thespray@ilyb.com. 2 Thoughts from the Commodore 2005 Thank you, members, for allowing me to be Grosse Ile Yacht Club’s Commodore. I’m proud to have my wife Katie as my Lady, and as you know, we work and play as a team. We are committed to serving and representing the club to the best of our abilities. I have three goals for the club this year: 1. Have the clubhouse, grounds and Harbor looking attractive and well cared for. 2. Have written manuals and systems for club positions and activities. 3. Make it FUN for everyone. These goals should benefit all members. We are all volunteers and when we are at the club to play or unwind we want to be proud of it and enjoy our surroundings. When we accept an elected or appointed position, we should feel comfortable knowing that there are well-established guidelines to help us. Then all we need to do is add our stamp of uniqueness or apply talents that we have to improve it. Let’s try to make things easy and enjoy all that our club has to offer. HELP! It is truly essential for the vitality of the club that we increase our membership base. I challenge the members to a brainstorming session. Write down or e-mail any idea you have to me or any officer or board member. Does anyone have any marketing experience? Dick Savage has taken on the new position of Marketing Director for the club to plan and coordinate our efforts in that area. Give him your help and best ideas to work with. Although the club is “closed” during January there is a lot of work that will go on inside. The board will be working on its yearly goals, a budget and a long-term financial plan. The kitchen will undergo repairs, the dining room and bar will be re-carpeted thanks to the Sailmates, and other maintenance will take place. On February 6th the club will reopen for the Super Bowl Party. The following weekend will mark the regular opening and a chance to enjoy a Valentine’s dinner with your sweetheart. We look forward to a very HAPPY NEW YEAR! Commodore Brian Hartwell Brian Hartwell, DDS Family and Cosmetic Dentistry “It is always smooth sailing at our dental office because we care.” Commodore Hartwell www.DownriverSmiles.com 2911 West Rd., Trenton, MI 48183 734-675-5700 3 Verbiage from the Vice Starting out on a sad note...Condolences to Todd Selby on the October 31 passing of his mother, former member Elizabeth Selby. WINTER ACTIVITIES – Carpet Tear Out Party- January 8th and 9th from 9am through 5pm each day. Beer and submarine sandwiches will be provided by the Sailmates. Get your 2005 work hours in early. Needed...strong backs, sharp knives. Contact Michiko Neilsen to volunteer – 734-692-3936. The club reopens with the Super Bowl Party on February 6th and will remain open on the weekends following. The Lions will not be playing, nor will the Tigers, nor will the Red Wings. Once again, the highlight should be the commercials, although the half-time show, without Janet Jackson, will be dull enough that one might remember who is playing. The Quest Ends - It’s all over. The quest for the most sought after award in the trophy case has finally ended. That’s right, gentle readers. Your Commodore, Brian Hartwell, is the 2004 recipient of the Not So Jolly Roger Award. My first act as Vice Commodore was to present the NSJRA to Brian in front of a full house of well-oiled well-wishers. The C.O.W./Wassail attendees also had the opportunity to see 8 x 10 color glossy photographs (courtesy of Dick Savage) of the reason Commodore Brian won. I have suggested that he autographs each photo and then we can auction them off as a fund raiser for Junior Sail. As 2005 begins, I would hope that the boating members support R/C John Clark in much the same manner as I was supported. Even though six candidates for the NSJRA makes the final selection somewhat difficult, let’s make 2005 another “bang up” year. If, during the boating season, a mishap occurs, do not hesitate to inform your scribe so that so that a written record can be made and probably embellished upon. Remember, one should not allow a few facts to interfere with a good story. Although the clubhouse will be closed during January, there are still several activities taking place. The 2005 Bridge and Board feel that we need to utilize the patio deck to a greater extent. Therefore: Swinging Single Sailors, a.k.a. SSS, shall meet on Saturday @ 1pm to set their social calendar for the summer. Everyone is invited; dress warm; the beer should be cold. Discussion topic shall be “How many weeks in a light year?” Junior Sail is again this year renting time on the Dialysis machine they bought for their parents. They recommend an every fourth day program, starting the 2nd or 3rd of January. Usually 20 minutes is enough, but all committee boat crew members should figure on a minimum of 40 minutes to make sure all remnants of hummers and Jell-O shots are eliminated from their systems before the spring launch. Shirley Tracy had been asking numerous members what had been written about her. It was suggested that she read it, herself. So, she went home, only to find the Spray had already been pitched. So...she still doesn’t know. Past Commodores shall hold a wine tasting event in an attempt to determine the best wine(s) to accompany In closing, it is always darkest before dawn, so if you are going to steal your neighbor’s newspaper, that is the best time to do it. V/C John Rose 4 THE REAR VIEW Happy New Year to all members of GIYC. Ruth and I want to thank you for your support in electing me as your new Rear Commodore. We are looking forward to once again having a great time at GIYC. It was great to see so many of you we’ve known for a long time and meeting some of you for the first time at the Change of Watch. NEVC John Rose presented the Jolly Roger Award to NEC Brian Hartwell and that was a highlight of the evening. John did an outstanding job. I hope that all of you had a great Holiday Season and look forward to seeing everyone when the club reopens for the 2005 season. Rear Commodore John Clark Attention all GIYC Members!! As you may know the Sailmates have purchased new carpeting for the first floor of the club. The carpeting will be installed during January while the club is closed. As a cost cutting measure, we are requesting a team of members to help remove the old carpet on Saturday, January 8th at 9AM and complete the job on Sunday January 9th, if necessary. Sailmates will provide beer and sub sandwiches. Please call Michiko Nielsen at 362-8144 to volunteer. This is a great way to get your 2005 work hours in early!! If we don’t have enough members committed to volunteering by January 3rd, we will be required to pay $2000.00 for it to be removed professionally. PLEASE call today and commit to help your club and fellow members. We can have fun doing it!!! Thanks! The Sailmates 5 Mark Your Calendars Super Bowl XXXIX Party Televised on our Big Screen Eat and Draw Your Numbers from 5 pm Until Kick Off at 6:25 pm You wouldn’t see the game any better even if you went to Jacksonville! Need work hours for 2005? Call Brian Hartwell and Offer to Chair this easy to do party. 6 GIYC Passages By Commodore Brian Hartwell Looking through the boxes of stuff that filter down to us in this newly acquired position of Commodore, Kate and I were intrigued to find this article written by Eva Glasius that had first been printed in the Spray in 1944. It has been reprinted at least one other time since, but we think it bears repeating for the benefit of new and longtime members alike. We will publish this well written and very amusing history in installments over the next three editions of the Spray. Our notes appear in brackets. As we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the incorporation of our club this year, it is a fitting time to look back at our roots. In 1934, a small group of men, interested in sailing, discussed the idea of starting a boat club. These men had all sailed the waters of the Detroit River, Lake Erie, and Lake St. Clair, and some had even sailed as far as the Orient. Every one was enthusiastic, and they immediately began preparations. The first meeting, held on Captain Fred Burdeno’s veranda, was attended by fourteen men. Officers were elected and the dues set at two dollars a year. In 1935, the club was incorporated, and two hundred shares of stock were sold at five dollars per share. A houseboat, forty-five feet by sixteen feet was located, largely through the efforts of Dr. John Nagle, and purchased for five hundred dollars. Mr. Burdeno kindly offered the club his land for their use, and the houseboat was anchored off Burdeno’s Point, where it remained until 1938. The club paid the sum of one dollar for the lease of the land. Inter-club races and muskrat dinners were the main social features of the club around 1935 and 1936. At [that] time, the boats were of various types and sizes, which made racing difficult, but this was by no means sufficient reason to prevent this activity, and racing started as soon as the club was formed. Races were a convenient means of settling friendly arguments, and when any disagreements came up, off the two parties would go to fight it out with wind and sail. The members found that they could depend on the houseboat’s sinking annually. Every year, a big northeaster would blow up, leaving the furniture placidly floating inside, and the thick layer of mud covering the floor. Everyone would help to raise and clean the houseboat and then life would calmly continue again until next year. The Northeasters still come up, but since the houseboat is now on land, it is well protected. Last year, all of the Nippers were out sailing when a storm broke. One by one all of the occupants were forced to swim, but everyone was rescued and the boats towed back to the dock. In 1935, Dayton Burdeno was elected the first Commodore of the Grosse Ile Yacht Club, and in 1936 presented the club with a perpetual trophy to be sailed for by the catboats on July 4 each year. This has been done, though not on the date specified. [Actually we now do sail for it on July 4 once again but not in catboats.] Paul Toepp became Commodore in 1937, and the same year, Leander Knight was elected secretary, a position he held until 1942 when Mrs. Knight became secretary. Be sure to look for the next issue of the Spray to find out, when and how our club came to be located where it is today, some 3.5 miles south of the original location, and how much this beautiful site cost the members back then. 7 Attention Board of Directors and Bridge Mark your calendars now for January 6, 2005 7:00 p.m. We will have a working financial meeting of the Board of Directors!! News From Your Fleet Captain All wellholders are reminded that in order to avoid unnecessary billing for 2005 dockage, those who will be relinquishing their wells should notify the Fleet Captain in writing before January 15, 2005 (8863 Woodside, Grosse Ile, MI 48138 or todd@ilyb.com). All dockage applications for 2005 must be submitted to me no later than January 15, 2005. This applies to new wellholders as well as those who are interested in changing wells. All members storing their boats on Peek-A-Boo Island, please remember that Fire Code prohibits leaving shore power hooked up to your boat for any reason unless you are present. Finally, dockage and other fees for storage services, etc. for 2005 will be published when finalized by the Board or Directors. Fleet Captain Todd Duffett 8 Summer Fun Rendezvous Come and Play with the Rich and Famous! The Thousand Islands Alexandria Bay, New York We have a large group of rooms in the heart of The Thousand Islands At the Bonnie Castle and Riveredge. Help us find our own Island – “GIYC Annex” Visit the world famous Boldt Castleacross from our rendezvous headquarters. Evening cruise aboard the Bonnie Bell. Also, in Clayton, 20 minutes upstream to the south, visit the world famous Antique Boat Museum. Come by our own bus or drive (tow your boat) Or cruise there on your boat – We’ll have Dockage available. Rendezvous Chairpersons: Bruce & Diane Milkins Terry & Patti McCarthy John & Karin Cozzi Ron & Carol Stempien Dave & Sandy Branik For more information, call 676-7937 MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW! 9 PHOTO GALLERY AWARDS NIGHT 10 CHANGE OF WATCH Lady Brenda and P/C J.P. celebrate for different reasons than Lady Katie and Commodore Brian! 11 The Goffinet S A N T A B R U N C H 12 January 2005 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Happy New Year 2005 Dockage Applications Accepted by Fleet Captain 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 p.m. Bd of Directors Financial Meeting 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Spray Deadline 18 19 20 21 22 Organize Your Home Day 16 17 Martin Luther King Jr. Day 23 24 Toronto Rendezvous 30 31 25 26 Deadline for Toronto Submitting Rendezvous 2005 Dockage applications 27 28 Toronto Rendezvous 29 Picture of the Month Farewell to our old hoister!! Grosse Ile Yacht Club 29677 East River Road Grosse Ile, MI 48138 734/676-0211 www.giyc.com Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Grosse Ile, MI Permit No. 15
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