How to Run Geant4 Simulator for GLAST Balloon Test Flight Tsunefumi Mizuno (Hiroshima University) August 18, 2001 – update log of this document – August 18, 2001 written by T. Mizuno 1 Introduction Here we describe how to setup/run Geant4 simulator for the GLAST Balloon Flight. This memo is intended for Balloon Flight Simulator version 1.3, i.e., balloonsim package of v13r1p* available from SLAC CVS repositly. There are some separate reports related to the simulator. • Detector geometry: “Detector Geometry used for Geant4 Balloon Test Simulator (BalloonTestV13)”˜mizuno/Geant4/BalloonGeometry 2001-08-18.pdf • Validation of the simulator: “Validation of Geant4 Balloon Test simulator (BalloonTestV13)” • Cosmic-ray proton and electron generator: “Cosmic Ray Generator for GLAST Geant4 Simulation – BFEM Version– ”˜mizuno/Geant4/CRGene 2001-06-30.pdf • Description of digitization scripts: “Digitization and Conversion Scripts for GLAST G4 Balloon Sim” • Validation of scripts/simulator: “Validation of Geant4 Simulator for GLAST Balloon Test Flight”˜mizuno/Geant4/Validation 2001-08-18.pdf 2 Install on Your Own Machine The programs are stored in SLAC CVS, and can be checked out as cmt checkout balloonsim 1 The latest version at the moment (July 28, 2001) is v13r1p1, and requires packages of LHCbCMT, EXTLIB, CLHEP, and Geant4 (see “requirements” file in “cmt” directory). After modifying “requirements” file of this and related packages to meet your environment, you can compile programs as follows; cd balloonsim/v13r1p1/cmt cmt config make The directory structures are shown below, where “balloonsim” is the parent directory of this package. Note that directory names are given in brackets. Also note that this example is for a linux machine. In “Run” directory, execute macros and analysis perl scripts are stored, and you are expected to run the simulator here. In the next section, we describe how to run the simulator in detail. <balloonsim>-|-<v13r1p1>-|-<Visual> |-<mgr> |-<balloonsim> |-<src> |-<cmt> |-<doc> |-<i386_linux22> |-<Run>-| |-run1.mac |-prerun1.mac | |-Changelog_preCVS |-<OutputData> |-<scritps> 3 3.1 header files source files configuration files of cmt changelog and old readme are stored objects and execute file are stored execute macros are stored sample startup macro default startup macro sample execute script changelog before importing to SLAC CVS simulation outputs are stored here digitization/conversion scripts How to Setup/Run Programs Composition of the simulator The basic structure of our simulator is described in “src/BalloonTestV13.cxx” as summarized in Figure 1. If you need to modify the simulator, you have to know this structure. Therefore we describe the structure in detail below. The flow of the simulation is controlled by G4RunManager class, the Geant4 toolkit class we have to construct first in a main() function. This class handles three mandatory classes (classes we have to define to make Geant4 execute), i.e., DetectorConstruction class, PhysicsList class, and PrimaryGeneratorAction class, and all of them are derived from the abstract base class provided by Geant4. DetectorConstruction class describes the detector setup. This class is written in “src/DetectorConstruction.cxx”. In PhysicsList class, all particles and physics processes are specified. This class is written in “src/PhysicsList.cxx”. PrimaryGeneratorAction class gives the way of generating a primary event (here, “primary” means not the primary component of cosmic-ray, but the primary event of the simulation), and is written in “src/CosmicRayGeneratorAction.cxx” or “src/TestBeamGeneratorAction.cxx”. The former generates the particles that obey cosmic proton/electron spectra, and the latter allows you to shoot any particle you want. 2 G4RunManager first constructs the detector geometry as described by DetectorConstruction class and prepares numerical tables for PhysicsList class. Then it generates the primary particle as described by PrimaryGeneratorAction class and do the monte-carlo simulation. In addition of these three mandatory classes, three optional classes are handles by G4RunManager class in our simulator. The first class is RunAction class written in “src/RunAction.cxx”, and the second one is EventAction class written in “src/EventAction.cxx”, and the last one is TrackingAction class written in “src/TrackingAction.cxx”. In Geant4 simulator, one “Run” consists of one or more “Events”, as specified by “/run/beamOn number of events” command (see § 3.5). And RunAction class is activated for each “Run”, whereas EventAction class for each “Event”. In our simulator, RunAction class prints out the run number in standard output, EventAction class stores the simulation outputs into ASCII files (see § 3.6), and TrackingAction class stores the particle trajectory necessary for visualization. The visualization is handles by VisManager class that is initialized also in the main() function. We expect that users use DAWN to visualize the events. main() G4RunManager (control the flow) DetectorConstruction these classes are first initialized PhysicsList then these classes work for each run/evnet PrimaryGeneratorAction (CosmicRayGeneratorAction or TestBeamGeneratorAction) RunAction.................printout run number EventAction..............output the simulation results trajectory for visualization VisManager (event visualization) Figure 1: A basic structure of our Geant4 simulator for the balloon flight. 3.2 Detector Sensitivity and Production Cutoff In Geant4, user can give sensitivity to arbitrary materials, and we attached sensitivity to ACD, Si-strip detectors, CsI crystals, and plastic scintillators for XGTs. Energy deposited in these materials are recorded in output ASCII files, and their format are described in § 3.6. User can also set the cut value for particle production; a particle having range below this value is not generated in simulation, and the energy of this “suppressed particle” is deposited locally in the material. To avoid having too-much trajectories of knocked-out δrays, we set the cut value for electron 0.4 mm, whereas set 0.1 mm for others. If you want 3 to change this value by yourself, modify “src/PhysicsList.cxx” (see below) and recompile the program. PhysicsList::PhysicsList(): { // default cut value defaultCutValue = 0.1*mm; G4VUserPhysicsList() // cut for electron electronCutValue = 0.4*mm; // cut for gamma gammaCutValue = defaultCutValue; SetVerboseLevel(1); } 3.3 How to Shoot Particles User can choose two methods to shoot particles. One is to shoot proton or electrons aimed at four XGTs, and the other is to shoot particle aimed at Pressure Vessel. In order to shoot particle on XGTs, edit “src/CosmicRayGeneratorAction.cxx” as follows and re-compile the program. #define onTarget 1 #define onPV 0 Then program randomly selects one of four XGTs and chooses a landing point of the particle on a disk with minimum radius to contain the selected XGT (the disk radius is 6.123 cm). This disk is then rotated to be perpendicular to the particle direction. Note that this procedure would not distort the original angular distribution and there would not be double counting of flux for this method. On the contrary, if you would like to shoot particle on Pressure Vessel, please edit “src/CosmicRayGeneratorAction.cxx” as follows and re-compile the program. #define onTarget 0 #define onPV 1 This time a landing point is chosen randomly on a disk of 140.293 cm radius. The disk is centered on (0, 0, -11.82 cm), i.e., a center of the Pressure Vessel. You can also shoot an arbitrary kind of particle of energy and direction you desire. To do this, you have to edit src/BalloonTestV13.cxx as follows (i.e., activate the TestBeamGeneratorAction class instead of the CosmicRayGeneratorAction class) and re-compile the program. runManager->SetUserAction(new TestBeamGeneratorAction(detector)); // runManager->SetUserAction(new CosmicRayGeneratorAction(detector)); Then you can set particle kind, energy, initial position, and direction as you want by typing the following commands in Geant4 prompt (see § 3.5). 4 /gun/particle mu/gun/energy 10 MeV /gun/position 0 0 100 cm /gun/direction 0 0 -1 In this sample, µ− of kinetic energy = 10 MeV appears at (0, 0, 100) cm, and goes downward vertically. For more detail of these commands, see § 3.5. 3.4 Visualization We suppose you use DAWN, i.e., “Drawer for Academic WritiNgs”, to visualize events of Geant4 simulator. To do this, you need to declare that you will use DAWN in balloonsim’s requirements file (“cmt/requirements”) as follows # # Geant4 Visualization # macro_append balloonsim_cppflags " -DG4VIS_USE=1" macro_append balloonsim_cppflags " -DG4VIS_USE_DAWNFILE=1" macro_append balloonsim_cppflags " -DG4VIS_USE_DAWN=1" and specify link option in Geant4’s requirements file (e.g., “Geant4/v3r0p1/mgr/requirements”) like below. ## User Interface # DAWN macro_append Geant4_linkopts ‘‘ -lG4FR’’ After modifying requirements files as above, and including directory of DAWN in your path like below, you can use DAWN for event visualization. setenv PATH ${PATH}:/afs/ If you do not want to use DAWN, comment-out dawn-related macros in requirements files. Once you succeed to re-compile the program, a DAWN file (that have .prim suffix) will be generated when you run the simulator, and a DAWN control window will appear. Figure 2 and 3 show the page 1 and 4 of the DAWN control panel. You can tune viewing angle and position in page 1, and select a device (EPS file or X-Window) in page 4. These configurations can be saved by pressing “Save Default” button. Press the “OK” button and a 3D rendering of the detector will be shown. A sample of this drawing is shown in Figire 4 A click of the right button on your mouse kills the plot. After you run the events (“/run/beamOn number of events” command described in § 3.5), another DAWN panel will apear. This time you will see particle tracks. There, green lines indicate neutrals, blue lines positively charged particles, and red lines negatively charged particles. If you would like to change the viewing angles, press the right and left buttons simultaneously and you get a new control panel. Press “exit” to finish the visualization. 5 Figure 2: The first page of a DAWN control panel, where you can tune the viewing angle and position. Figure 3: The fourth page of a DAWN control panel, where you can select output device (EPS file or X-window). 6 Figure 4: A sample of DAWN drawing. Detector geometries of GLAST Balloon Flight is shown. 7 3.5 How to Execute Programs There are two ways to run Geant4 simulator. One is to run program interactively by typing “../i386 linux22/balloonsim.exe” in “Run” directory without arguments. In this mode, prerun1.mac is used as a start-up macro. After executing commands in this macro file, Geant4 prompt Idle> will be displayed and you can run the simulator interactively. The other way is to run by using macro file: edit run1.mac as you want and type “../i386 linux22/balloonsim.exe run1.mac”. If you want to save standard output to a log file, type “../i386 linux22/balloonsim.exe run1.mac > logfilename”. The simulation output files (see § 3.6) are stored in “Output” directory, so you have to make this directory if you do not have it yet. Below we list up useful commands for our BalloonTest programs. • /tracking/verbose [0–5] Set verbose level for tracking information, which is useful for studying detector response in detail. We recommend you to set this level 0 in case you simulate a lot of events and save standard output to a log file. – 0: No output – 1: Minimum information, of each step – 2: Information of secondary particles is added – 3–5: more detailed information will be displayed • /tracking/storeTrajectory [0 or 1] Store trajectories (1) or not (0). To visualize particle trajectory, set the level 1. Then after you ran the simulator (“/run/beamOn”), a DAWN window will appear (see § 3.4). If you do not need to store trajectory, set the level 0 and the simulator runs faster. • /run/storeRandomNumberStatus [0-2] Determine how to store random number seed files. Size of each random number seed files is about 2 kbytes, so we do not recommend to set a level 2 (store files for each event) when you run vast quantity of events. – 0: no output – 1: store random number seed files at beginning of each run – 2: store at beginning of each event • /run/restoreRandomNumberStatus directoryname/filename By reading the stored random number seed file, you can reproduce any events. • /gun/particle [proton, e-, gamma, etc...] Determine what particle to be shot. When you activate CosmicRayGeneratorAction class, only proton and electron (e-) can be selected, and the program will fall off when you try to shoot other kind of particle. • /gun/energy 1 GeV Set kinetic energy of primary particle at 1 GeV. You can also choose another unit, such as MeV, keV, and so on. Note that this option is effective only when you activated a TestBeamGeneratorAction class, not a CosmicRayGeneratorAction class. 8 • /gun/position 0 0 100 cm Set initial position of primary particle at (0, 0, 100 cm). You can also choose another unit. Note that this option is effective also only when you activated a TestBeamGeneratorAction class, not a CosmicRayGeneratorAction class. • /gun/direction 0 0 -1 Set the direction of the particle to (0, 0, -1). Again, this option is available only when the TestBeamGeneratorAction class is activated. • /run/beamOn 1000 Start a Run and simulate 1000 events If you want to get description for other commands, type /control/manual in Geant4 prompt. When you set storeRandomNumberStatus 1 or 2, random number seed files are stored in current directory. If you want to delete files that you may not be interested in, type “scripts/”, then random number seed files of the events where there is no hit in active detectors will be removed. Typing “scripts/” move random number files in subdirectory you want. These two scripts are automatically called by using, a sample execute script. Link the Geant4 execute as name of “BalloonTestV13.exe” and type “./” for interactive run or “./ run1.mac” for batch run. 3.6 Format for the Simulation Output There are four simulator output files of BalloonTest program; a file recording the tracker hists (TrackerOut.dat), a file recording the calorimeter hits (CalOut.dat), a file recording the anti-coincidence detector hits (AntiOut.dat), and a file recording the active target hits (TargetOut.dat). We explain the file format below. In all of these four files, “EventNo=” identifies event number (start from 1), and primary particle information is stored in two lines started “BEAM=”, where you can get the particle kind (“BEAM=”), the rest mass of the particle (“Mass=”), the three momentum vector (“PXYZ=”), and the initial position of the particle (“XYZi=”). To reduce file size and save disk space, these information are not recorded if there are no hit in the sensitive detector. 3.6.1 Format of TrackerOut.dat G4 chops up a particle track into contiguous segments bounded by either interaction (including delta-ray knock-outs) or sampling distance close the one mean free path of the particle. So a proton track will be broken out whenever a delta-ray is knocked out and a delta-ray will be broken up into short segments because a low energy electron have a much shorter mean-free path. “NoTrackerHit=” in TrackerOut.dat (see a sample shown below) denotes the number of this segments of particle that deposited energy in Si-strip detector (note that a threshold level is set 0 MeV, and digitization will be applied by perl scripts). “ID=” identifies the detector component (a tracker plane; 0–25), “ParSpc=” tells a particle species, “TkrLen=” gives a length of the segment, “XYZi=” and “XYZo=” give the input/output points (entrance/exit or appearance/disappearance) of a particle track within a Si layer, “DepE=” gives the energy deposition, and “ParE=” the total energy 9 of the particle at the input point. All linear dimensions are in unit of millimeter and all energy values are in MeV in TrackerOut.dat (and also, in AntiOut.dat, TargetOut.dat, and CalOut.dat). EventNo= 1 BEAM= proton Mass= 938.272 PXYZ= -7013.11 -16700.4 -3379.47 XYZi= 526.583 1803.74 932.62 NoTrackerHit= 0 EventNo= 6 BEAM= proton Mass= 938.272 PXYZ= -3537.32 -2983.71 -356.919 XYZi= 1595.27 1146.32 860.904 NoTrackerHit= 0 EventNo= 9 BEAM= proton Mass= 938.272 PXYZ= 542.76 119.759 -972.743 XYZi= -889.39 -62.4939 1713.57 NoTrackerHit= 21 ID= 25 ParSpc= proton TrkLen= 0.461746 XYZi= -147.557 100.269 388.108 XYZo= -147.332 100.317 387.708 DepE= 0.227764 ParE= 1451.74 ID= 22 ParSpc= proton TrkLen= 0.461696 XYZi= -127.733 104.566 352.926 XYZo= -127.508 104.615 352.526 DepE= 0.194183 ParE= 1451.27 .......... 3.6.2 Format of AntiOut.dat/TargetOut.dat In AntiOut.dat and TargetOut.dat, “No(Anti/Target)Hit=” gives the number of tiles or targets hit, “ID=” denotes a ACD tile or Target scintillator ID number, and “DepE=” the sum of energy deposited in the ACD tile (or target). Below we show a sample of AntiOut.dat EventNo= 1 BEAM= proton Mass= 938.272 PXYZ= -7013.11 -16700.4 -3379.47 XYZi= 526.583 1803.74 932.62 NoAntiHit= 2 ID= 9 DepE= 2.5366 ID= 13 DepE= 5.67245 EventNo= 6 BEAM= proton Mass= 938.272 PXYZ= -3537.32 -2983.71 -356.919 XYZi= 1595.27 1146.32 860.904 NoAntiHit= 0 EventNo= 9 BEAM= proton Mass= 938.272 PXYZ= 542.76 119.759 -972.743 XYZi= -889.39 -62.4939 1713.57 NoAntiHit= 1 ID= 9 DepE= 5.16403 .......... And below we give a sample of TargetOut.dat. EventNo= 1 10 BEAM= proton Mass= 938.272 PXYZ= -7013.11 -16700.4 -3379.47 XYZi= 526.583 1803.74 932.62 NoTargetHit= 0 EventNo= 6 BEAM= proton Mass= 938.272 PXYZ= -3537.32 -2983.71 -356.919 XYZi= 1595.27 1146.32 860.904 NoTargetHit= 1 ID= 1 DepE= 8.61282 EventNo= 9 BEAM= proton Mass= 938.272 PXYZ= 542.76 119.759 -972.743 XYZi= -889.39 -62.4939 1713.57 NoTargetHit= 0 .......... 3.6.3 Format of CalOut.dat As for Calorimeter, we need to simulate the double-side read-out. In order to do this, we virtually divided each log into 10 blocks, and record the energy deposition in each of this blocks in CalOut.dat. Digitization scripts read this block ID and simulate the double-side read-out. A sample of CalOut.dat is given below. There, “LogID=” gives an ID number of each log (from 0 to 79 with decreasing z value, see Figure 4 in the geometry descriptin document), and “LayerID=” gives an ID of layer (from 0 to 7, where 0 means the layer closest to the Tracker). As already described, we divided each log into 10 blocks in order to record the position of the energy deposition, and this is shown as “LogDID=” (from 0 to 9 with increasing coordinate value of the principle axis). “DepE=” gives a energy deposition in each block and “TotCalE=” means the summation of DepE. EventNo= 1 BEAM= proton Mass= 938.272 PXYZ= -7013.11 -16700.4 -3379.47 XYZi= 526.583 1803.74 932.62 NoCalHit= 0 TotCalE= 0 EventNo= 6 BEAM= proton Mass= 938.272 PXYZ= -3537.32 -2983.71 -356.919 XYZi= 1595.27 1146.32 860.904 NoCalHit= 0 TotCalE= 0 EventNo= 9 BEAM= proton Mass= 938.272 PXYZ= 542.76 119.759 -972.743 XYZi= -889.39 -62.4939 1713.57 NoCalHit= 0 TotCalE= 0 EventNo= 34 BEAM= proton Mass= 938.272 PXYZ= -1649.4 9422.07 -4229.66 XYZi= 487.689 -1799.46 697.8 NoCalHit= 3 LogDID= 9 LogID= 28 LayerID= 2 DepE= 8.9184 LogDID= 8 LogID= 39 LayerID= 3 DepE= 1.53371 11 LogDID= 9 LogID= 39 LayerID= 3 TotCalE= 35.962 .......... 3.7 DepE= 25.5098 Analysis scripts Perl scritps are prepared to convert Geant4 outputs described in previous section into one file, called “G4Sim.irf”. To do this, just go to “scripts” directory and type “./”. Then, detector outputs are digitized and summarized in G4Sim.irf, where only events that satisfy L1T condition are recorded. For more detail, see “Digitization and Conversion Scripts for GLAST G4 Balloon Sim”. 12
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