How to use Monte-Carlo GEANT4 BOREXINO code. Igor Machulin, Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Paolo Saggese, INFN, Milano, Chapter 1. Introduction. The Borexino Geant4 Monte-Carlo code is based on Geant4 release 5.2. Installations of this version of Geant4 are available on both the Borexino data analysis cluster (logins via and on pcbx(nn) workstations1. The official version of the Borexino code can be obtained from from the CVS2 server on the Borexino data analysis cluster. To get the code, first of all you need to have an account on that cluster (ask for it to Alessandro Razeto, e-mail: Once you have got the account, you can use the CVS repository either directly from a login on a machine of the Borexino cluster, or from any networked machine which can have SSH access to If you log in to one of the Borexino data analysis cluster hosts (e.g. bxmaster) or on one of the Borexino LNGS workstations pcbx(nn), all of the required environment for Borexino CVS should be already set up automatically by default3, and you should be able to start using cvs without need for any other set up. Otherwise, on any other host you will likely have to set up a few environment variables with commands like the following:4,5 export CVSROOT=$ export CVS_RSH=ssh export CVSEDITOR=vim6 1 2 3 4 Not all of them. Only on those whose hardware is powerful enough. For more info on CVS, please refer to Only if you use the default shell (bash). The command listed here are valid assuming that you are using a Bourne type shell like bash, zsh, etc.; if you are using csh or tcsh (unsupported and NOT recommended!) use “setenv” instead and change the syntax accordingly. 5 To avoid the need to re-enter these commands every time you start a new shell, you may add them to your shell login script (e.g. ~/.bashrc). 6 Of course, the variable “CVSEDITOR” does not need to be set to “vim”, but should be set to whatever is your preferred text editor (e.g. you may set it to emacs, jed, nano, ...). Once the CVS environment is properly set-up, the command: cvs checkout offline/geant4 will download the latest version of the code to a directory tree under your present working directory. Please try the commands “man cvs” and/or “info cvs” or “pinfo cvs”, and/or refer to the CVS home page on the WWW ( to learn more about the use of CVS. Chapter 2. How to set up Geant4 on bxmaster. In order to use Geant4, each user should set up a number of environment variables. The easiest way to do this is to use the (bash) shell login scripts which have been prepared for you by the system administrator. Just copy the two files “bashrc” and “bash_profile” from the directory /home to your own home directory with the new names of .bashrc and .bash_profile. Once so done, the Geant4 environment variables will be automatically loaded in each new (bash) shell started on any of the Borexino cluster nodes (bxmaster, etc). Otherwise, if you know what you're doing you can have a look at those two files and use them as templates for your own personal setup. Chapter 3. How to set up Geant4 on pcbx(nn) workstations. Since Nov 16, 20047 the required environment for Geant4 should be set up automatically by default on all the pcbx(nn) workstations where Geant4 is installed8. Thus, you should be able to use Geant4 without the need for any other setup on your side. Of course, you may override the default settings in order to customize your own Geant4 environment9. In case of any problem with the default setup, please contact Paolo Saggese. Chapter 4. How to build an executable from Geant4 Borexino code. To build an executable go to the directory geant4/offline/ and give the commands: make clean make The executable called “borlight” will be placed in offline/geant4/Linux-g++ directory. 7 If you have used Geant4 on one of the pcbx0(nn) before this date, now you may remove any Geant4 related change that you have done to your own login scripts. 8 Only if you use the default shell (bash). 9 Please make sure that you know what you're doing before doing it! Chapter 5. How to simulate particles inside Borexino. Input files. In order to simulate particles inside the Borexino detector you should specify two input files: a) geometry file b) macro file to run the simulation a) The geometry file BorexGeometry.dat is in the /offline/geant4/data/borex/ directory and contains the information about Borexino inner vessel filling and calibration sources. It is possible to simulate Borexino with either air, water or scintillator inside. To choose the required geometry, one should comment or uncomment the corresponding lines in the file BorexGeometry.dat b) The macro files to run the simulations are in the /offline/geant4/Linux-g++/ directory. The available macro files are: • run.mac to simulate electrons or alpha particles (the simplest one); • RealParticle.mac to simulate e-, e+, alpha, neutron and gamma particles; • geneb.mac to simulate photons, using the output file from GENEB code (the code devoted for radioactive background simulations); • laser.mac to simulate the laser beam runs. • vis.mac to draw the picture of Borexino and particles trajectories As an example, the file run.mac looks as follows: /run/initialize #Here you put the Energy of the Particle /gun/energy 7.688 MeV #Here you put the particle type - Alpha or Beta /Borex/particle Alpha #Here you put the paricle position: #Center - in the center of Borexino #/Borex/source/position Center #Uniform - distributed uniformly in Scintillator vessel #/Borex/source/position Uniform #gun - some point inside Borexino /Borex/source/position gun /gun/position 500. 500. 500.0 mm #Here you put the number of simulated particles /run/beamOn 1000 Any line beginning with the “#” character is a comment. Start of simulation: To start the simulation go to the offline/geant4/Linux-g++ directory and type the command: ./borlight run.mac (you can replace run.mac with some other macrofile such as vis.mac, geneb.mac, etc.) Output files: The program produces 3 output files: 1. bin.fil a binary file, which can be read by the “bx_elec” program which simulates the Borexino electronics; 2. borexinoSMALL.txt text file with short information about each simulated particle with the following format: Event number Particle energy Number of emitted photons Number of detected photoelectrons 0 5.4897 1092 260 1 5.4897 1092 231 2 5.4897 1092 247 ... ... ... ... 3. borexino.txt text file with the full information about each detected photoelectron with the following format: Event number Photoelectron number PMT number Photoelectron time (ns) 0 0 647 22.5983 1 1 1568 61.0049 2 2 2060 25.6600 ... ... ... ... Chapter 6. How to simulate the Cherenkov light from Muons going through the Outer Muon Veto detector and/or Inner Part of water-filled Borexino Detector. To build the executable go to the geant4/offline/mug4/ directory and give the following commands: make clean make This will build an executable called “muonveto” which will be saved in the directory offline/geant4/mug4/Linux-g++/. Input files: In order to simulate the Cherenkov light in Borexino detector you should specify one input file: run.mac which looks as follows: /run/initialize #Here you put the Energy of the Particle /gun/energy 300.0 GeV #Here you put the Position of the Particle (cm) /gun/position 0.0 0.0 1000.0 cm #Here you put the real particle type #like: mu-, mu+, e-, e+, opticalphoton /gun/particle mu#Here you put the Direction of the Particle /gun/direction 0.0 0.0 -1.0 #Here you put the Number of /run/beamOn 100 Particles to be simulated. Any line beginning with the “#” character is a comment. The macro file vis.mac can be used for detector and particles visualization. Start of simulation: To start the simulation go to the offline/geant4/mug4/Linux-g++/ directory and type the command: ./muonveto run.mac (or replace run.mac with vis.mac.) Output files: The program produces 3 output files: 1. bin.fil the binary file, which can be read by bx_elec programm (this code simulates the Borexino electronics) 2. muon.txt a text file with short information about each simulated particle with the following format: Particle energy (MeV) Distance from detector center (cm) Number of detected photoelectrons in inner part Number of detected photoelectrons in outer veto 300000 0 15678 317 300000 0 16736 122 300000 0 13405 164 ... ... ... ... 3. muonbig.txt text file with the full information about each detected photoelectron with the following format: Event Photoelectron number number PMT number in inner part PMT number in outer veto Photoelectron Number of photon time (ns) reflections 0 0 -1 4 37.2324 0 1 1 -1 0 39.4505 0 2 2 -1 25 50.5902 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... In case of any question, don't hesitate to contact: Igor Machulin - or Paolo Saggese -
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