Going Organic march-may ’13 Becoming a can make TROPO member you as ha ppy as La rry Jerry Brunetti is in town again p 8 How to assert your right to clean air ... you can you know p 7 $3.50 inc. GST printed on recycled paper Clearing the chemical mist — part one p18 www . tropo . org . au Issue No 91Official journal of Tweed Richmond Organic Producers’ Organisation, TROPO Buying Organic on the North Coast What is TROPO? To help promote the sale of organic produce in the Tweed Richmond region, Going Organic has compiled the following list of businesses, markets and box order schemes selling organic foods. If you would like your business added to this list, contact the editor. TROPO, the Tweed Richmond Organic Producers Organisation, was established in 1989 as a grassroots local action group dedicated to fostering organic agriculture and gardening on the NSW North Coast. Organic Fruit and Vegetable outlets Town Shop Ballina Go Vita Ballina Nourish Bangalow Bangalow Basics Brunswick Heads Brunswick Health Foods Brunswick Heads The Village Greens Byron Bay Life’s a Beech Byron Bay Fundamental Foods Byron Bay Ozigo Byron Bay Santos Byron Bay Santos Warehouse Lismore Fundamental Foods Lismore Goanna Bakery Lismore (Nth)Rainbow Wholefoods Mullumbimby Santos Murwillumbah Fresh Wholefoods Nimbin Nimbin Emporium Nimbin Nimbin Organics Address 19 Ballina Fair, Kerr St 2/28 Cherry St 29 Byron St 2/20 Fingal St 23 Old Pacific Hwy 44 Beech Drv 69 Jonson St BP Service Bayshore Dr 105 Jonson St 7 Brigantine St 140 Keen St 171 Keen St 49 Terania St 51 Burringbar St 43 Wollumbin St 58 Cullen St 50 Cullen St Box Deliveries Byron Organic Boxes Fiona O’Connor 0432 579 506 Nourish Anna and Ray 6686 8955 Organics for Everyone Munch Crunch Organics Coomera to Coolangata Northern Rivers and Gold Eloise 0433 707 469 Coast Region W: munchcrunchorganics. com.au T: 02 8005 6275 If you would like your box deliver service listed or removed from Going Organic please contact the editor, see the back for contact details. Markets (Rainbow Region) Lismore Organic Market — Tuesdays 7.30-11 am (rain or shine), Lismore Showground. Contact Dave Roby 6628 1084 Gold Coast Organic Farmers’ Market — Sunday 6-11.30 am (rain, hail or shine), Oval, Miami High School. www.gcorganicmarket.com Byron Farmers’ Market — Thursdays 8-11 am, Butler Street Reserve. Contact Vicki Rix 6629 1666 New Brighton Farmers Market — Tuesdays 8-11 am, 6684 5390 Grafton — Every second Thursday Lismore Twilight Market — Every Thursday, 3.30-6.30 pm Lismore Farmers’ Market — Saturday, 8 am-12 noon, Lismore Showground 2 Since then, membership has grown to over 150. Members include commercial organic producers, part-time farmers, home gardeners, conventional farmers considering converting to organic methods, and many others with an interest in supporting the kind of agriculture that does not poison people or the environment. TROPO activities include meetings and field days covering practical organic farming and gardening techniques and looking at wider issues in sustainable agriculture. In the struggle for a cleaner, healthier and more sustainable world, your views count, and TROPO helps make your voice heard. TROPO members provide input to a number of influential institutions including NSW Agriculture, OFA, organic certification groups like NASAA and BFA. The group also liaises with produce wholesalers and retailers. Annual membership costs only $28 and includes regular meetings, field days and four editions of the Going Organic Journal. Membership also provides access to experienced organic growers interested in sharing their expertise. See our membership form on page 23 and a full list of contacts on the back cover. You can also find us at www.tropo.org.au. Visit our forum page, www.wiserearth.org/group/TROPO and we’ve joined facebook. Going Organic #87, March-May 2012 Contents Farmwalk 3 Biochar in action 12 Affairs of TROPO President’s Report 4 Fair dinkum Australians 14 Classifieds 5 Organic share farming 16 Meet our organic farmers On the farm with Maureen 6 Clearing the chemical mist 18 Asserting your right to clean water - CSG 7 Healthy Cubans — but why? 20 Soilcare presents Jerry Brunetti 8 In Sue’s garden 22 Farmwalk report - TAFE summer 2012 9 What to plant this quarter 22 TROPO membership form 23 Contact details 24 So you want to be an Organic farmer 11 Organic Tuesdays 11 Front Cover Photo - Happy TROPO member Farmwalk Date to be announced Weeds as food and medicine Neville and Julie Stroud-Watts Farm, A colleague of Neville’s will take us for a walk around his farm with an eye on their weeds rather than their crops. He gained his knowledge out of necessity in his home country, the Ukraine, when the iron curtain was down and food was scarce. He will show us which foods he grew up eating and using medicinally. This will undoubtedly be a fascinating look at a resource that no farm should be without ... our dynamic accumulators ... and we will learn that they can do more than just feed the soil. The day of the walk is not yet finalised, I hope it will be in April or May (no earlier). So please keep your eye on our facebook page, TROPO emailing list or at the Lismore Organic Market. March-May 2013, Issue 91, Going Organic PS Yes, I don’t know his name either ... and tried to write this without making it look like I didn’t ... failed now haven’t I! 3 Affairs of TRopo W President’s Report e have a multiple role in improving people’s food choices, alerting them to the fallacies of industrial farming and reminding them of the close link our broader planetary environment has on the potential future. This is able to be influenced by current activity — or not. All of us, TROPO members included, are required to get active to achieve the future we want for our selves and our childrens’ children. The World Health Organisation has recently changed its considered message from ‘not enough information’ in year 2000, to state that, ‘chemicals are a real threat to our future’ this year. Why do we now have these peak representative bodies making clear statements but there is no subsequent change in availability of the causative agents? Because it’s bad for business! The US National Academy of Science reported 14 years ago ‘pesticides are a cancer threat — despite regulation’. Little has changed and the 90% of fungicides, 60% of insecticides and 30% of herbicides they reviewed, and which required this statement, are still in use here and there. While I have supported all farmers, only some make the effort to actively work towards non chemical production systems. The removal of the systemic insecticide Fenthion is imminent and users are shouting about how they have no alternative and as a result their business is finished. I suggest they ask questions of their industry 4 David Forrest leadership as this chemical has been under review for SEVEN years and nothing was done with their levy monies to provide alternatives with its inevitable removal. Saying that children would have to eat an inordinate amount of stonefruit to be at risk denies the fact that it is used on a large range of fruit and vegetables, poisoning every cell so anything which feeds on it dies. It also adds to the effect of other Organophosphate chemicals used in chemical production systems, which are all anticholinesterase active nerve poisons. Reference the contribution to increases in ADD, ADHD, Motor Neurone, MRS et al. TROPO’s efforts, including the Lismore Organic (Farmers’) Market (aka Rainbow Region Organic Market), have been to provide an alternative opportunity to globalisation and to poisoning our food supply and local region. Get on down there Tuesday morning and allow it to exist, because without your decision to do that, it can’t be there in the future. If our money is spent on produce transported into our district we all lose as a community, whether from food miles oil consumption, petro-chemical use in production, corporate retailers profiting or the goods and services not purchased because of lack of local income. Our region can currently produce far more than is able to be sold here. This message to farmers is, ‘grow large scale monoculture so you can join in the globalised food system’. If localisation is the sustainable option, why are farmers being driven to sell produce out of the region due to lack of demand? Which recent Foodlinks project didn’t address the need for food hubs like this market - where consumers, retailers, wholesalers and marketers can meet in one place? If everyone who claims to be an environmentalist supported local Organic production, then the environment wouldn’t have to put up with the onslaught of chemical production practises. Not only that, young people could have an opportunity to live and work on local farms, because they could become profitable, enabling that employment. As farmers average age rises, an increasing number are finding that there is no transition to youth because of the poor economic reality. Good Organic growers with decades of experience, like Robin and Helen Wolf, are testament to this and they are only one example of the many I am aware of in a similar position. In fact 100,000 farmers have had to exit production in the last 30 years! About 9 per day, every day for 30 years!! This doesn’t include the people that had a go but couldn’t make it to tax department criteria. One quarter of vegetable growers on the books have made a loss for the last 2 years! We need to continue to develop Organic supply to allow people to choose to buy healthy food at a fair price for the grower — all it would take to reverse this trend. We have the technical ability to measure soil fertility changes by guided observation and scientific measurement. Soilcare made a Going Organic, Issue 91, March-May 2013 visiting Italian scientist available for a seminar on such work recently. Flavio Fornasier has demonstrated a technique he has developed which can indicate variable populations of microbial activity through the enzymes present that are specific to it. This is also very fast and 90% cheaper than current techniques used. Indications are that the chemicals Nitrogen and Phosphorus deplete activity of microbes which normally make these minerals available. The rate of carbon cycling can also be quickly and cheaply measured. Testing materials potential and therefore their worth, may be cheaply classifieds wanted: Un-sprayed European Elderflower umbels (florettes) must be unwashed, clean and fresh suitable for cordial making. Organic certified citrus (all), watermelon (pref sugar baby), rhubarb (deep crimson / red only), strawberries, mango, blueberries, raspberries, mulberries, etc ... or any local fruit that’s a good colour and taste, call to discuss. Fair price paid. Spray free considered for some fruit. 04 0607 5266 John or Benna info@iceblocks.name ascertained when this technique is commercialised. All Welcome All TROPO members are invited to attend committee meetings which are now held on the second Tuesday of each month after the LOM. The Northern Branch meets on the same Tuesday at the Imperial Hotel, Murwullimbah, 6.30pm. All members of the public interested or involved in organic gardening, farming and food — and willing to be immediately forced into slavery — are welcome to become TROPO members (see membership form, page 23). Seriously, even if you are not a member but are just interested in finding out more about organics on the North Coast— or want to help see it spread — call a committee member. Landmark Simply the best ... • The best advice • The best service • The best prices For a great deal, see the experts at the Landmark. Pumps & Irrigation equipment Polypipe & fittings PVC pipe and drain coil Irrigation design Water filters White oil Dipel Derris dust Pyrethrum Garlic spray Soap spray Sulphur Yeast Autolysate Wild May attractant Organic XTRA Symbex microbial spray Blood and bone Guano Organic Booster Soft Rock Phosphate Reactive phosphate rock Natrakelp Fish emulsion Humic acid Trichoderma Soil pH kits Full soil & plant tissue analysis kits Grafting & pruning equipment Fruit picking sticks Crates & cartons Chipping hoes Windbreak & weedmat Seeds Shadecloth & greenhouse film Nursery equipment Plant pots & planter bags Work clothes & boots Bee-keeping equipment 145 Casino St, South Lismore. Ph 6621 2853 Kays Lane, Alstonville. Ph 6628 5444 March-May 2013, Issue 91, Going Organic 5 meet our farmers M On the farm with Maureen aureen has been trading her farm fresh vegetables and fruits at the Lismore Organic Market since 2000, which definitely qualifies her as being one of their earliest stallholders. She provides a wide range of organically certified produce including garlic, shallots, lemons, peaches, zucchini, tomatoes, okra, eggplant, pumpkins, watermelons, spinach and a range of culinary herbs. With the surplus harvest she also prepares a range of preserves such as sweet chilli sauce, tomato sauce, eggplant pickle and pawpaw jam. Her produce also sells at the Kyogle Produce market and through Santos and Nimbin Organics. Maureen and Scotts’ farm is situated 4km into Roseberry Creek valley on the clay/loam creek flats. There are 35 acres rising from the creek to the first shelf where they have created a ¾ acre citrus orchard where two different varieties of lemons, limes and oranges are grown. The vegetable garden comprises 3 acres where green manure crops are grown along with a range of mixed vegetables, a pumpkin patch and the garlic field. The growing areas are rotated with a fallow area, complying with organic standards. They have a water license that allows them to pump from the creek that runs along one of the boundaries. The water is pumped up the hill to a holding tank where it is then gravity fed onto the growing areas to provide irrigation. There is a 4 bay shed which includes a preparation room and storage room and in the future, they intend installing and enclosing a cool room. Maureen and Scott rely on power provided by a stand alone solar powered system that delivers to the house, workshop area and several freezers. Before moving from the Gold Coast to Roseberry Creek, Maureen, like many current organic farmers gained inspiration and motivation through the alternate lifestyle publications, Earth Garden and Grass Roots, and over the years developed her passion for growing things until 20 years later, she and Scott bought their property and began by first growing medicinal herbs, then culinary herbs and now, the wide range of fruits and vegetables that you can see each week at the Lismore Organic Market. 6 Sue Mangan Like many of the farmers who come into the market, Maureen’s farm is a family farm where most of the family play an important role on the farm. Maureen takes care of the regular day to day tasks associated with growing and providing for the market while Scott does the ploughing, slashing, assists with building the vegetable beds and helps Maureen with some planting and picking. Their daughter, Rose, also contributes with planting and picking and helps to trim and clean the garlic. Previously Rose also assisted Maureen at the markets but now she is studying for her HSC and also holds down a part time job. Current weather conditions have certainly provided challenges to all our local farmers and growers this year, and as well as the almost constant need for capital for infrastructure and development and the ability to see approximately 4 months into the future, Maureen cites the climate as one of the major issues; e.g. areas around Kyogle, in February, received over 230 mls in rain! Despite the challenges, however, Maureen really enjoys the aspect of her work that allows her to be outside with nature and provide high quality organic food for local people. Selling at the markets is also a great avenue for socialisation and teaching people about the benefits of growing and enjoying organic food. Maureen commented on the fact that people are now more aware of their health and nutrition and they are becoming more educated about the effects of agricultural chemicals on people’s health. Shoppers can see the point of being sustainable and ethical in their food selection. Maureen believes that local organic farmers, through our weekly market can contribute to local food security by offering another venue to buy fresh organic food and by doing so, take the dependence on supermarkets away. At the same time, farmers like Maureen can educate people on the seasonality of food, preparation ideas and also, offer growing advice. For people wanting to find out more about organic food, growing and other related issues, Maureen suggests using the local library, become a member of organic organisations, (TROPO is a good place to start) and consider finding out about the courses offered through TAFE (Dave Forrest is a good place to start!). Going Organic, Issue 91, March-May 2013 affairs of tropo - CSG Asserting your right to clean air, clean water, clean soil… “ We can survive total economic ruin with clean air, clean water and clean soil, but we cannot survive even an economic boom with foul air, foul water and foul soil!” George Oxenbridge, neighbour to the Glenugie Metgasco drill site. The bank had just that day refused a loan because of properties devalued by the neighbouring gas drilling operation. The loan was to be used to complete a house for which George was the builder. It was blatant fascism. At 4am on the morning of 7 Feb 2013 I was awoken from my roadside camp opposite Metgasco’s drill rig by bright lights, loud noises and then on exiting was confronted by a black clad line of 7 cops lead by Coffs commander Johanna Reid who had again “closed the road for any reason”, citing section 186 of the Law Enforcement (Powers And Responsibilities) Act 2002. The actual wording isn’t “any reason” but police can close a road “to traffic during any temporary obstruction or danger to traffic or for any temporary purpose”. So it’s for landslides etc not because a corrupt govt wants the police to help their crooked mates out. 18 police had confronted 4 people in the kitchen area then copped abuse from me about fascism and that they ought to be too ashamed to come back after their last effort, then continued to sweep more unhappy people to a police block 2km up the road. However there is conflicting legislation that says that police do not have the power to give move on orders at an apparently genuine protest. Australia has signed and ratified both the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights (ICSECR). Both these covenants derive from The Universal Declaration of Human Rights which has less convoluted wording and so is easier to get the gist from. As ICCPR Article 21 states: “The right of peaceful assembly shall be recognized. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than those imposed in conformity with the law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order, the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.” March-May 2013, Issue 91, Going Organic Alan Roberts Police when confronted with the illegality of giving move on orders at a protest have resorted to claiming that they are operating under different legislation, namely the road rules. So now we come to the asserting part. To fathom the genesis for the declaration of Human Rights let’s go to the preamble: “Preamble Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people, Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law, Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations, Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in cooperation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge, Now, therefore, The General Assembly, Proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement for 7 Asserting your right to clean air ... continued all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction. Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” And on for 29 more articles. In short these covenants were made in an attempt to prevent a recurrence of the horrors of the 2nd world war (unfortunately they haven’t). Clearly the right of people to stop a truck taking people to a gas chamber overrides petty road rules about blocking trucks. Similarly here our right to clean air, clean water, clean soil and a liveable climate overrides petty road rules that facilitate foul air, foul water, foul soil and an unliveable climate. As human beings and living beings we have these rights, Australia is signatory to these rights but for us to abolish the creeping systemic fascism we must continually and vigorously assert these rights. I encourage people to google ICCPR, ICSECR and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, be able to quote them, then head out and assert the whole lot. what’s not to be missed this quarter I Soilcare presents Jerry Brunetti n 1979, Jerry Brunetti founded Agri-Dynamics with a vision of providing a line of holistic animal remedies for farm livestock, equine and pets. After witnessing first-hand the results of conventional, chemically dependent, grainbased rationed farming practices, Jerry embarked on a crusade to educate and consult for farmers who made the choice to transition to ecologically responsible and sustainable farming. Jerry works towards improving soil and crop quality, livestock performance and health on certified organic farms. Prior to launching Agri-Dynamics, Jerry studied Animal Science at North Carolina State University and then moved to western Virginia to run a cow/calf operation. He served as Regional Dairy Director of the National Farmers Organization in the Northeast for five years. Amongst many other positions Jerry is currently on the board of Pennsylvania Association of Sustainable Agriculture. His timetable this year is as follows: 7 - 8 March 2013 Jerry will appear at the North Coast Regional Landcare Forum in Yamba Eco Livestock Production Saturday, 9 March 2013 1.00 PM to 5.00 PM North Coast TAFE 8 In 1999, Jerry was diagnosed with non- Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and given as little as six months to live. Rather than chemotherapy, he chose a holistic path of nutrition, detoxification and immune modulation and applied his vast experience with farming and animal nutrition to his own health. Jerry is an internationally recognised speaker on topics that include soil fertility, animal nutrition and livestock health. Jerry often speaks to audiences about the relationship of “Food as Medicine” and “Farm as Farmacy.” The links between healthy soil, truly nutritious food and profitable, sustainable farming are clearly evident in Jerry’s personal and professional experiences. His skill for communicating this to people has won him extensive praise from farmers, sustainable farming organizations and holistic health professionals. Wollongbar Block B – Room B121 Corner Sneaths Rd and Bruxner Highway (entry on Sneaths Rd.) Wollongbar, NSW Eco Farming Tuesday, 12 March 2013 1.00 PM to 5.00 PM North Coast TAFE Wollongbar Corner Sneaths Rd and Bruxner Highway (entry on Sneaths Rd.) Wollongbar, NSW He will also be talking at Robina Auditorium, Robina on March 11th, 5-9 pm. Call Jess Ferruccio at The Sancturay Byron Bay for more information. Going Organic, Issue 91, March-May 2013 TROPO farmwalk report S Wollongbar TAFE Open Day October 2012 haron, Chloe and I left home late to get over to Wollongbar for the open day. In the rush to get out the door I only gave a cursory glance at the Where Is directions on the computer. Yep easy! Just turn off the highway a bit south of Bangalow and we’re there. In reality 45 minutes later we were lost somewhere near Wollongbar. Wherever we were was picturesque and we meandered through rolling hill after rolling hill. After some trial and error we found Wollongbar TAFE. Of course, we parked in the car park most removed from where the action was taking place. The place appeared silent and deserted except for an all mighty commotion in the trees above where noisy miners angrily disputed the presence of a small hawk. I must be honest, as we walked through the campus I was wondering whether it was worth all the trouble. We found Dave Forrest and the open day participants. The first thing that struck me was the soil. My mouth watered as before me was a friable Ferrosol soil which is a volcanic red clay loam. This is great soil for growing food, although soil mineral John Hillcoat levels do need regular attention due to high rainfall and subsequent loss through very good drainage. My eyes moved from the soil and surveyed the bigger picture. In front of where I was standing were rows of young cow peas and sunflowers which had been sown as a cover crop. Adjacent to the cover crop were rows of vegetables, including potatoes, silverbeet, beetroot, English spinach, various brassicas, beans and rocket. It was immediately apparent that these were healthy plants. While a large population of cabbage butterflies were flitting around the field having what appeared to be a wonderful time, there was nonetheless little evidence of insect damage. The colour of the leafy greens was good. This sounds a bit lame but it is the best descriptor I can think of. I have seen leafy green vegetables that get that dark green/bluish look which I understand come about through plant overindulgence in simple nitrates. These are typically plentiful in artificial fertilisers. These vegetables and the cover crop are rotated around the field to help keep disease in check and nurture the soil. I did not get the opportunity to ask Dave what system of rotation they use. However, March-May 2013, Issue 91, Going Organic 9 I did make some notes of a few pertinent points Dave made about growing vegetables. Remember that the following list of points should be considered within the context of your particular growing conditions. staked or trellised to get the fruit off the ground. This minimises fungal diseases and the like. Further protection against fungal diseases can be provided with dressings of potassium as this mineral is necessary for tomatoes to develop strong cell walls. After the vegetable section of the open day finished everyone moved to the composting area. Unfortunately we had commitments in Lismore and I could not stay for this component of the field day. The doubts that had plagued me as we walked through the campus earlier had long been banished. It was an informative and enjoyable experience. Thank you to Dave Forrest for taking the time to run the open day. When planting vegetables such as zucchinis and tomatoes do not use a big dressing of compost and minerals as the plants starts vigorously but can then run out of steam. It is best to leave most of these applications to the fruiting stage, which is actually the time in the plant life cycle when most nutrition is required. Take care when leaving plants in the ground to seed. These old plants can be susceptible to disease. In cases of saving seed just keep one or two of your best plants. Snails and slugs can become a serious problem when using grass based mulches as these provide a wonderful habitat for the little critters. The use of compost as a mulch seems to circumvent this problem. Green manures are best used with inoculants. These provide nitrogen fixing bacteria that live symbiotically with the plant. These bacteria tend to hang around in a patch of soil for about three years, after which it is best to reinoculate. Left over inoculants store well in the fridge. Small amounts of side dressings applied to zucchini can double the yield. Every few weeks in the fruiting period apply approximately 10g of potassium sulphate and 50g of compost. Except during a dry spring, tomatoes are best 10 Going Organic, Issue 91, March-May 2013 S So you want to be a farmer Rita Oort, organic grower since, 1980 ome acreage to grow your own organic Maybe I should do something about fencing, it’d veggies? Nothing to it, thousands of people only costs around $600 plus. But it’s all worth it, we’ll do it, can’t be that hard, just put some each have an egg a day. I think the others have gone seedlings in the ground and there you are, broody. Just think of a whole new clutch of spritely the rain will do the rest. Oh, don’t forget the chicks running around. Ah ah, I think I just saw a chooks for some easy excess eggs for breakfast. Bob’s snake, it’s OK dear, only a carpet snake, you know, boa your uncle. And plant some fruit trees near the patio and constrictor, non poisonous. hey, presto, instant orange juice with your breakfast. Hey you know what, the feral pest control only Mangoes and Champagne on New Year’s Day, how charges $150 and they’ll set out some traps, you pay cool is that, why didn’t I do this years ago. I can see it only $200 for every dog they catch, dead or alive. Or all now, my vegetables are growing nicely... alternatively they’ll spread some poison around the place for dingoes, feral and neighbour’s dogs to die, What was that, a caterpillar? Oh, cute little fellow. agonizingly painful, but over in 30 to 60 minutes. Hey, did you see this magnificent goanna? Why did Wildlife? Let’s not worry about that, it’s wild after all, we not get any eggs today? What was that, a real live isn’t it? dingo? I must be wrong, there are no dingoes around here. Hey Martha, did we have 10 or 8 chickens? So there you are, it’s all “too easy”. Fencing? Why, the chooks are happy, you know, our 6 fat hens? H Organic Tuesdays ailing from a heavily forested portion of Northern Michigan, back in the USA, I’ve yet to have the pleasure of enjoying many markets in my time. Having the chance to check one out was an opportunity I happily accepted. As we pulled into the market it immediately became apparent that, what the market may lack for in size, it makes up for in enthusiastic cliental. There’s a buzz of happy conversation that greets you as soon as you open your door to step out, smiling faces all around create quite the cheery vibe. The word “organic” is plastered everywhere and all the food looks fresh and delicious. The vendors are friendly and eagerly answer any questions you may have about their products or just anything that March-May 2013, Issue 91, Going Organic Vincent Hagen happens to cross your mind. Everyone seemed to know each other which created a lovely small town feel. You’re offered to try a bite and it’s immediately apparent why the market is thriving, the food is as delicious as it looks. As you wander through the stalls, bouncing from conversation to conversation, a lovely smell begins to overpower the freshness that the fruit brings. The origin of the smell is a mixture of organic coffee and an Indian snack that, I was informed, is made in a very traditional way. Both are delicious. No, really. Delicious. There’s a set of tables to enjoy these tasty treats and again, you’re surrounded by happy conversations and smiling faces. Small children running around aid to the small town feel and sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between the vendors and the patrons, everyone seems to mingle freely and cheerfully. A passing shower overpowers the buzz of talk and soon thereafter, people begin to disperse. Vendors sell the last of their products as they pack away their gear for another week. Goodbyes are said, happily, as everyone goes on their way and soon the showground loses its cheery glow that the market seemed to create. It was a great experience and it seemed to be as much a social gathering as a market. Whenever my travels bring me back to Australia I plan on making a special stop in Lismore, for that lovely organic market. 11 Biochar in action Gibbo and Don work on Pheonix mark 3 and make biochar at the Djunbung Gardens. 12 Going Organic, Issue 91, March-May 2013 March-May 2013, Issue 91, Going Organic 13 Comment ‘Fair Dinkum’ Australians working together for a decent future! Enough is enough – it’s time we all began to view the reality of this world we live in through honest eyes. Enough is enough! The wider population is being hoodwinked into thinking that honest, decent and proper Australians with a deep concern for the future and a thorough understanding of social and environmental issues are out of touch. The ‘truth’ is, that the only ones that are out of touch with reality are the corporations and their political and media allies who have fooled themselves into believing that we can go on disregarding our environment without serious consequences. By viewing the world through honest eyes we can move on from this period of negative and unhealthy division to form a clear and united vision for a healthy future. It’s time to get ‘fair dinkum’ – fair dinkum in deciding what sort of future we are personally going to be responsible for creating, for future generations of Australians. We need to find the strength to make our own decisions for the future based on the reality of our dependence on a healthy natural resource base. We need to trust in our own values, morality and hopes for the future, and rise above the short sighted attitude being displayed by our federal and state politicians. The time has come where we must start to acknowledge the reality of the biological world we 14 live in. The time has arrived where we need to open both eyes and develop a smarter more respectful society which integrates the growth of business and energy needs with the enhanced health of ecosystems and all life on earth. The need for fertile soils, a healthy water cycle and a stable climate are not the imaginations of some sort of optional marketing gimmick. We need to realise that the health of our own lives is totally interdependent and interwoven with the health of the soils, water cycle and biodiversity that surrounds us. We need to realise that the highest value any area of land can have, is in being able to supply our most important needs; - nutritious food, clean water and clean air. These ecological services provided by healthy landscapes encompass the very ‘foundations of life’. These are some of the undeniable facts which we have turned a blind eye to in the past one hundred years of industrial expansion. The current ignorance to the reality of the world we live in, which is being displayed by certain political, media, and mining individuals is very calculated, divisive and selfish. The reality is most decent people want a healthy future for themselves and their descendants without the threat of a deteriorating environment, threats such as an Glenn David Morris increasing frequency of extreme storms, floods or fires and an increasing risk of chronic disease. It is very interesting to observe how willing we are to accept that nature is responsible for all disasters connected to the climate, and how unwilling we are to accept our own responsibility for altering the climate. For example how could the destroying of millions of acres of healthy functioning ecosystems with billions of forms of life through mining, housing development or chemical farming, not register as detrimental to the biological processes responsible for a healthy water cycle. The time has come when every thinking adult must stand up and show a responsibility to shape the future of the world we live in and will pass on to future generations. The responsibility for a secure sustainable future should not be based on the views of past generations, radio announcers or politicians, all of which have most likely had limited opportunity to study or understand the latest knowledge on the fundamental processes of a healthy eco-system connected society. We need to ignore the politics, ignore the shock jocks and put aside past positions and start reflecting on our own consciences as to what sort of future we want to be remembered for leaving to our descendants. Developing a greater understanding and respect for our environment should not be viewed as a threat to an advanced intelligent society; rather it should Going Organic, Issue 91, March-May 2013 be looked upon as an opportunity for enhancing our lives, our work and our environment, and not just for the immediate needs of the present generation but for all generations to follow. Individually I will make no difference to the future of the planet, collectively though this generation can aspire to become the most important and ecologically progressive generation of adults that have ever existed. With both of my eyes open to the reality of a living world, I see a brighter healthier future, where people show respect and care for a society which is carefully designed to be connected with the ecosystems that support us. Hopefully with both eyes open to reality we can all start to get a ‘fair dinkum’ handle on the future. nutritious food grown in healthy soils. Fair dinkum about enhancing the water cycle through greater care of the humus sponge in soils and the cloud seeding biology associated with healthy vegetation. Fair dinkum about a stable climate through support for alternative energy sources and initiatives to improve efficiency of resource use. Fair dinkum about enhancing biodiversity by regenerating habitats through wiser decision making. Fair dinkum about supporting decent political leaders and not allowing ourselves to be conned by the negative marketing of the mining industry. Glenn David Morris is a Property Manager with a Masters in Sustainable Agriculture, July 11th, 2012. Fair dinkum about restoring human health through We have a choice of TWO DIRECTIONS for the future Direction 1 or Direction 2 A positive cycle of enhancing life. A negative cycle of collapse. ACTIONS WHICH CREATE ACTIONS WHICH CAUSE healthy life enhancing eco-systems a breakdown in the water cycle and constant water shortages intelligent redesign of buildings silent and clean cities of unprecedented beauty wealth from eco-regenerative industries re-charged water cycles and rivers a restored stable and safe climate reduced diseases through good nutrition life building organic soils abundant nutritious food happy, peaceful and loving societies constant heat waves and drought continued water and land degradation millions of people to be left homeless from flooding and fires constant crop losses from severe storms rising sea levels and loss of property impacts on wilderness areas and bio-diversity increased disease outbreaks increasing conflicts and wars collapsing eco-systems with a limited ability to recover Let’s get ‘fair dinkum’ about the sort of future we want to be remembered for creating. March-May 2013, Issue 91, Going Organic 15 Community Opportunities for future farmers on an organic share farm I Alana Danne t’s obvious that Australia needs to come up with novel ideas to encourage young people to want to become farmers, more specifically on organic polyculture farms. The way I see it, if we don’t begin soon we are in for a major food and health crisis. I’m 30 years old and I’ve always wanted to be a farmer. I’d love if this was a common goal for people of my age but I’m definitely in the minority. But you can’t blame us. Here are three very good reasons to dispel anyone from becoming a farmer, especially a small organic farmer: • There is no money in it • It is often a lonely life laden with frustrations and stresses • You usually need to have a large amount of capital money for 16 land and equipment I’ve been told these things repeatedly all my life and despite this my dream to be a farmer has remained strong. And I am extremely excited because I start work as a farmer on my own sharefarm this coming July, yeeehaa! This farm is an organic, polyculture/permaculture-style farm near Woodenbong/Kyogle. It is a novel idea for transitioning societies towards locally driven communities. It will feed local people who own a share in the farm; the 265Ha block of land already has approximately 350 owner-members. People who become owner-members must live within 200km of the farm, although they don’t have to work for even one day on the farm in their entire life. For the majority of owner-members this organic farm will provide them with food security, something that most of us cannot guarantee for our own future. A small group of farmers will be paid a salary to grow food for the owner members. The ownermembers simply pay for their food Going Organic, Issue 91, March-May 2013 food production. It is a model that has potential to rejuvenate the health and happiness of the ecosystems including that of all humans involved. If you would like to learn more about organic farm-share go to www. organicfarmshare.com.au that is delivered by bus to locations near the ownermembers. Livestock, fruit, nuts, vegetables and grains are being grown on the farm, and co-producers make an assortment of products such as bread, cheese, yoghurt, biscuits, cakes, preserves etc. to sell to owner members. In terms of the farmers, you must be an ownermember to be a farmer. But even a young person on a basic wage can afford this as a share costs $4000 and can be made in part payments; this farm-share is designed to be inclusive of everyone. A full-time wage itself for a farmer on this farm is between $40K and $65K per annum. The only thing that is required of a potential farmer a passion for farming, an open mind and a willingness to work as part of a team and community. Young people need not have any experience in farming; this is a job where skills can be learnt as you go. I am thrilled to be a part of this farm-share, and not as a martyr for the planet but as a contributor of a realistically achievable model for modern March-May 2013, Issue 91, Going Organic 17 We are what we eat M Clearing the Chemical Mist - Part 1 y name is Claire. In 1994 I was diagnosed with bi Polar disorder or manic depression as it is otherwise known. I was prescribed medication and told it was for life as there is no cure. It is now 2013 and for twelve years I have been living drug free, a life that is better than it ever was on drugs or before. My friend Susie, who is editor of Going Organic, was interested in how I did this and thought that her readers would be too. It has been a long process and is ongoing. I still receive disability support and continue to suffer from anxiety. I am prone to depressive thinking but I have not had a manic episode in all that time, which puts me outside the medical definition for the disease1. I have suffered from depression off and on since my teens: I had been sent to a psychiatrist at age twenty, who told me I was clinically depressed but did not prescribe drugs. I was suspicious of pharmaceuticals and rarely took a headache tablet and so I was grateful for this. In 1990 I was committed against my will to Melbourne’s Royal Park hospital2 for five weeks. 1 Bipolar Disorder: Australian Treatment Guide For Consumers And Carers, The Royal College Of Australian And New Zealand Psychiatrists, August 2009 2 A psychiatric hospital that no longer exists since the introduction 18 Claire Chatfield There I was given a diagnosis of Shizophreniform Psychosis3 and heavily medicated. I experienced severe and distressing side effects to the drugs and was eventually allowed off them by the psychiatrist I was compelled to see after my release. growing number of symptoms I was experiencing, despite being warned by one doctor of the highly addictive nature of Benzos. My moods became increasingly erratic and disturbed and every time I tried to stop taking them I experienced frightening psychotic episodes. I preferred counsellors after that but continued to experience disturbing mental states that would take over for months: either depression or manic highs that would leave me exhausted and back in the depressive part of the cycle I so feared. After one more attempt, I managed to call the doctor at a point when my brain was shutting down all my bodily functions one by one. I found out that sudden withdrawal from Clonazipam can cause potentially fatal seizures5. I was put back on the drug and told that what I thought of as psychotic episodes were in fact withdrawal symptoms and that I was addicted and would now have to withdraw gradually. In 1993 I finally agreed to see the psychiatrist who made the initial diagnosis of Bi polar Disorder and who prescribed Lithium.4 On its own it was not sufficient to relieve my symptoms. A long series of trials on medications followed but I was not able to tolerate the side effects. Eventually I was given Clonazepam: a drug from the Benzodiazepine family (Benzos) of which Valium is a member, although I was not aware of this at the time. By 1995 I was on the disability pension and had stopped seeing the psychiatrist, relying instead on doctors for prescriptions. I continued taking both drugs and a cocktail of others, to manage the of community based care for the mentally ill. 3 A psychotic episode of less than six months duration 4 A mood stabilizer used in the treatment of Manic depression It took six months, slowly reducing the dose every few weeks and by this stage I had developed a deep distrust of doctors. I felt they had been using me in an experiment that had gone wrong. By this stage I had only one friend who I was still in contact with. I had become increasingly socially withdrawn during my time on the drugs and I let her know I would not be in contact for a month as I wanted time for myself. I started to go for long walks every day while I was withdrawing, as it was the only thing that gave me relief. I had also been in contact with a Benzo support group. They recommended drinking lots of water to help flush the drug out of my 5 Treatment of Benzodiazepine Dependence; K. Jean Lennane, FRACP, DPM: The Medical journal of Australia Vol. 144, May 26,1986 Going Organic, Issue 91, March-May 2013 We are what we eat body, a low salt diet and plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. However I was still taking lithium6and new problems developed because of the dramatic reduction in my sodium levels. Lithium is a mood stabilizer which has a very narrow therapeutic range, below which it is ineffective and above is toxic, so it has to be very closely monitored with regular blood tests7. This balance can also be affected by a number of things, one of which is salt intake. Ironically, reducing my salt consumption to healthy levels had sent my lithium levels into the danger zone. I later met an ex psychiatric nurse, who had the view that excessive salt consumption is a major contributor to the mood swings. She suggested that if doctors recommended a reduction in salt intake, healthy diet and moderate levels of exercise, the Lithium would not be needed in the first place. I had chronic insomnia and would lie awake reading all night and was heavily overweight, which I later found out are side effects of the drug. I developed painful swelling in my joints, hands and feet and had constant ringing in my ears. I saw a doctor who suggested the latter symptom could indicate lithium poisoning and suggested I trial coming off the drug. He was not aware of my medical history and if he had been, it is unlikely he would have suggested such a step. I said nothing and 6 Lithium Carbonate in salt form 7 Monitoring Lithium Levels; Parker, G: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 2008; 42(7):643-45 March-May 2013, Issue 91, Going Organic decided to give it a try. I had been increasingly unwilling to get out of bed each morning, I later realised, unconsciously putting off taking my next dose. I decided to experiment but after only a few days the descent into what felt like another psychosis was swift and frightening. I resumed taking lithium but it was not long before the depression returned and I realised that what I was told was the result of a chemical imbalance in my brain was affected by my values: I had never wanted to be on drugs and I needed to listen to that. I stopped the Lithium again and noticed that the exact same progression of symptoms followed in the same order and at the same time over the next few days. I started to suspect it was not just the return of the original condition, unchecked by drugs but something I had not experienced before, except when I was withdrawing from the benzos. I felt neither able to tolerate this or nor to go backwards. I returned to the psychiatrist who originally prescribed the lithium. She confirmed that I did have signs of poisoning but she could not understand why, as I had told her I was not doing anything different. The diet and exercise routine from the benzo withdrawals had long been in place and I hadn’t made the connection. For now at least I had official sanction to stop taking Lithium. I recalled that a doctor I had once seen who used complementary therapies had told me that if I avoided certain foods, I could go off the drugs. If he was aware of benzo withdrawal he had not informed me and at the time it had been too much for me but now I decided to try it. I also chose to start eating organic produce again; having gone back to conventional produce over the time that my health was declining for financial reasons. I started to keep a diary of everything I ate and any adverse reactions I had and soon got clear enough to eliminate dairy, wheat, sugar, most carbohydrates and caffeine from my diet. These were my favourite foods. A picture was starting to form: I am what I eat. What had been labelled a chemical imbalance was in my case at least in a large part determined by my food choices. Bibliography: Aussie Kids eating too much sugar; AAP: The Epoch Times, October 24-30th 2012 Benzodiazepines: Paradoxical Reactions and Long Term Side Affects; www. benzo.org.uk Depression Set To Be the Top Global Disease by 2030; Krumova, K: The Epoch Times, October 24-30, 2012 Don’t Push Your Limits; Craven, L: Nova, February 2013 Fructose, the Low Fat Fattener; McCoy, L: The Epoch Times, June 20-26th 2012 More Than a Gut Feeling; Goodyer, P: Sydney Morning Herald, p.29, October 27-28th, 2012 Organic Food and Nutrition – The Debate should be Over; Leu, a: Living Now, issue 153, September 2012, QLD Sweet White Death; Chisholm, B: Informed Choice Magazine, February 2006 Take Back Control; Evans, M: Nova, May 2012 Next GO Claire will continue to account her own experiments and experiences with food and mental health. 19 News from the world “ Healthy Cubans — but why? A true man does not look on which side living is better, but rather on which side duty lies, and that is…the only practical man, whose presentday dream will be the law of tomorrow, because he who has set his eyes on the core of the universe, and seen the peoples aflame and bleeding, seething in the cauldron of the ages, knows that, without exception, the future lies on the side of duty.” Jose Marti 10/10/1890 in Obras Completas, Havana: Editorial de CIencias Sociales, 1973. Jose Marti is the inspirational ‘hero’ of the Cuban revolution. He lead the people’s uprising against the Spanish colonialists in the late 1800s … and Fidel Castrol followed it through 150 years later. Moira Kenny Cubans are very proud of their history, and it is their ability to adapt to changing circumstances that have enabled this proud history. During the “special period”, after the collapse of Cuba’s main trading partners in the 1990s, Cuba became an economic island where supply ships had suddenly stopped…no wheat, rice, foods, oil etc, hence bike riding replaced motor vehicles, minimal electricity was used, and inability to transport goods from afar meant people had to improvise. 7iÊÃiÊ>ÊÜ`iÊÊ Û>ÀiÌÞÊvÊÀ}>VÊÊ vÀÕÌÊ>`ÊÛi}iÌ>LiÃ]ÊÊ À}>VÊ«ÕÃiÃ]ÊÀViÃ]Ê yÕÀÃ]Ê`Ài`ÊvÀÕÌÃÊÊ >`ÊÕÌÃ]Ê«>ÃÌ>ÃÊÊ >`Êð ✓ 7iÊ«>ÞÊÌ«Ê«ÀViÃÊvÀʵÕ>ÌÞÊ«À`ÕVi ✓ ->ÛiÊÊ«>V>}}Ê>`ÊvÀi} Ì ✓ ii«ÊÞÕÀÊ«À`ÕViÊ>`ÊÕÀÊiÞÊV> µÕÀiÊ>LÕÌÊÕÀÊÜ iÃ>iÊ«ÀVià ÕÕLLÞÊ\ÊÈÈn{ÊÎÇÇÎÊÞÀÊ`ÕÃÌÀ>ÊÃÌ>ÌiÊ\Ê£ÎääÊnxxÊxÎ{ ÞÀÊ>ÞÊ\ÊÈÈnxÊÇäÇ£ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÃ>ÌÃÌÀ>`}°V°>Õ 20 Going Organic, Issue 91, March-May 2013 Food was grown in small private farms, urban allotments, and road verges. There were no chemicals and fertilizers available, and not required in easily managed smaller plots, thereby Cuba became organic as a reaction to the American trade embargo. It worked … with food as plentiful as it was before the Soviet Union collapsed, and a lot healthier, the people had abundant to share, even with visitors — tourism now represents an important source of foreign income. Changing times have enabled better access to oil now though. Interestingly enough, when I interviewed doctors working in different hospitals in Cuba, they reported that the incidence of cancer and mental health issues were still unusual. As opposed to Australia where current statistics report that 1 in 3 will experience cancer in their lives and 45% of adult Australians will experience a mental illness. Now there are definite reasons why I would consider Cubans more susceptible to these health issues than Australians if I were to use the environmental argument. You see, Cuba is famed for its old cars with the arresting shapes and funky colours from a bygone era. Unfortunately, more than half of these vehicles still belch polluting fumes by the visible load – made before clean air acts were invented. Cigars and smoking are a constant past-time, along with drinking rum and eating pork, and white bread. Australia definitely hosts a ‘cleaner’ environment visually – however, our farming methods is the telling difference – monoculture production in large land lots with heavy assistance from fertilizers and chemicals. When one also considers the collapse Cuba experienced, it makes the global financial crisis and similar look ridiculously petty, yet levels of mental health issues are minumal compared to Australia. It has been stated that no modern economy has undergone such a shock as Cuba experienced. Are we ready for the same here? Does the Cuban experiment mean anything for the rest of the world? An agronomist would call the country’s farming “low-input,” the reverse of the Green Revolution model, with its reliance on irrigation, oil, and chemistry. If we’re running out of water in lots of places (the water table beneath China and India’s grain-growing plains is reportedly dropping by metres every year), and if the oil and natural gas used to make fertilizer and run our megafarms are changing the climate (or running out), and if the pesticides are poisoning farmers and killing other organisms, and if everything at the Stop & Shop has traveled across a continent to get there and tastes pretty much like crap, might there be some real future for low-input farming for the rest of us? Or are its yields simply too low? Would we all starve without the supermarket and the corporate farm? Bill McKibben in Deep Economy, The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future The effects of climate change, the damage to water and land through mining, terrorizing wars, could mark our own ‘special period’. Are we equipped? Cuba had to return to using oxen for farming and found that firstly there were only a handful of farmers who knew how to use them, and there were hardly any animals left. Cuba used to have more tractors per acre than California! Remember, the essential question for all and sundry is ‘what’s for dinner’? That question can’t be asked without knowing where and how we are going to access that food. Hopefully, we won’t have to experience a “special period” such as the Cubans had to, but it is sensible to learn from their model, and comforting to know that it’s all possible. March-May 2013, Issue 91, Going Organic 21 What to plant the home gardener T March to May In Sue's garden he mid January sudden flip from drought to storm, tempest and persistent rain has tested many a garden and gardener in this region! The forecast of climate change seems to be the new reality as these are the exact conditions predicted and now increasing in frequency in our region. Elsewhere England is wet and flooding, while the USA has a warm winter again with less snow to melt as a summer drought recur. The resilience to, recovery from and solution to, this weather lies in Organic farming transferring CO2 Dave Forrest Beans, beetroot, all cabbage family, carrots, endives, herb cuttings, kohl rabi, lettuce, leeks, onions, garlic, parsnip, peas, radish, rhubarb crowns, silverbeet, strawberries, tomatoes. back to the soil as humus. So in this garden it was no problem to keep up with moisture needed in the dry. Beets and Kale hung in right over summer. There has been no topsoil erosion from the wet and crop roots are able to withstand the persistent leaching rain. Physically the heavy raindrops bruised soft leaves such as lettuce and made weed control difficult as they grew roots again in the saturated air. Growing seedlings also were washed out of trays and hammered during germination. A protected growing structure proves its worth in these conditions. Human resilience is also tested, but as the old hands know, the real secret to success is not to give up – replant asap and go again! Favourite stayers which like the wet are snake beans, kang kong, pumpkins, cucumbers, bananas and rice seedlings germinating out of the mulch. If blown over at a younger stage corn will stand itself up again and likes lots of rain, except when tasselling as pollen is carried down to earth instead of a pubescent female stigma. Pre-autumn plantings of brassicas, beets, strawberries and potatoes should continue to get the most of the abundant cool. Season variety listed in the seasonal planting guide. Protect-A-Fruit Fruit Fly Exclusion Bags Fruit flies are a common problem around most Australian gardens. With the help of our reusable exclusion bags you can protect your fruit from these pests without using any harmful chemicals. Bag: 300 x 350 - Small - $2 600 x 500 - Large - $3 Sleeve: 600 x 300 - Small - $2 900 x 350 - Large - $3 (Reduced prices on orders of 10 or more) Bigger orders better prices *Commercial organic growers wanted for trial* Contact David on: 0240327158 or 0419594697 chloerachelma@hotmail.com 22 Going Organic, Issue 91, March-May 2013 Get into organics — join TROPO now TROPO Membership Form To join the Tweed Richmond Organic Producers’ Organisation (ABN: 43 805 045 275), fill out the following form and send cheque or money order for $28 to: TROPO, PO Box 5076, East Lismore, NSW 2480. Please make cheques and money orders payable to ‘TROPO’. Name Interests Organic certification type Total Land area (ha) Producing now (ha) To be developed (ha) Would you like to be included in a list of members available to other members? YES/NO Address Town Postcode Phone (wk) Fax Occupation Phone (hm) Email Can you help in TROPO organisational activities? YES/NO Skills to share Information/experience wanted Signature Date STORES Keen Street, Lismore Old Post Office, Byron Bay 219 Given Tce, Paddington (Brisbane) UÊ ÝÌiÃÛiÊÀ>}iÊvÊ i>Ì Êv`ÃÊ>`ÊÃÕ««iiÌà UÊ "À}>VÊvÀÕÌÊ>`ÊÛi}iÃ]Ê>ÃÊ ÞLÀ`ÊÃii`ÃÊ>`ÊÃii`}à UÊ 7iÊ>ÃÊÃÌVÊiÛÀiÌ>ÞÊÃ>viÊÃiVÌÊëÀ>ÞÃÊvÀÊÌ iÊ ÕÃi]Ê}>À`iÊ>`Ê«iÌà UÊ ÃVÕÌÊvÀÊLÕÊLÕÞà 7iÊii`Ê}ÀÜiÀÃÊvÀÊÀ}>VÊ«À`ÕVi°Ê7iÊ«>ÞÊLiÃÌÊ >ÀiÌÊ«ÀViÃÊvÀʵÕ>ÌÞÊ«À`ÕVi° µÕÀiÃ\ * i\ÊÃÀiÊ>Ê"vwViÊpÊÈÈÓÓÊÓ£ >\Êà «JvÕ`iðV°>Õ March-May 2013, Issue 91, Going Organic 7iL\ÊÜÜÜ°vÕ`iðV°>Õ 23 Special Interests Going Organic Maureen Pedersen 6636 4307 roseberrygardens@yahoo.com Dave Forrest 6688 4346 (ah) organicforrest@hotmail.com Dave Roby 6628 1084 robyalst@nrg.com.au Alan Dow possibly@exemail.com.au Alan Roberts 6663 5224 alan_roberts@ozemail.com.au Carol Boomsma 6689 9348 kboomsma@clearmail.com.au Susie Godden 6689 9338 go@tropo.org.au Northern Branch Secretary Sue Beckinsale 07 55909468 suebeckinsale@gmail.com Registered by Australia Post Print Post No. PP225824/4031 or 100004956 TROPO Committee 2012-13 TROPO ABN 43 805 045 275 Those listed below generally give a lot of time to TROPO and make their phone numbers available for contact by members and other interested in organics. Please remember all have ongoing commitments to their families, farms or jobs so phone between 8.30 am and 8.30 pm. If unclaimed please return to Tweed Richmond Organic Producers’ Organisation PO Box 5076, East Lismore, NSW 2480 Get in touch with TROPO Alternative Technology — Paul Jessop 6621 2465 Avocados — David Roby 6628 1084 robyalst@nrg.com.au Bananas — Tony Lattanzi 6676 4264 Citrus — Phil Buck 6677 1421 Coffee — Rod Bruin 6679 2012 Food Nutrition — Tony Stillone 6621 8007 Macadamias/Custard Apples — Dave Forrest 6688 4346 organicforrest@hotmail.com Permaculture/Small Crops/Sheep — Hogan Gleeson 6689 9217 Poultry — Rita Oort 6688 8307 Organic Foods — Russell Scott 6689 1668 Climate Change Action Network — Alan Roberts 6663 5224 alan_roberts@ozemail.com.au Going Organic Magazine Editor — Susie Godden 6689 9338 go@tropo.org.au Advertising — Carol Boomsma 6689 9348 advertising@goingorganic.organicproducers.org.au TROPO on the Web www.TROPO.org.au Winter ’13 Contributions due: Mid May, 2013 24 Postage Paid Australia Copyright 2013 TROPO and individual authors. Material in Going Organic may not be reproduced without permission. Please consult the editor. Opinions expressed by contributors to Going Organic are not necessarily those of the editor or of other TROPO committee members. Every effort is made to publish accurate information and stimulating opinion, but neither TROPO nor the editor accepts responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed or implied on these pages. Such statements or opinions should not be taken as professional advice. Surface Mail Contributions welcome
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