Going Organic march–may ’11 $3.50 inc. GS T Giant Sorghum — the first in a new covercrop series p 19 Fraccing - what is it all about? p 15 Beneficials, how to get them working for you p 6 printed on recycled paper Bunya Pine Araucaria bidwillii Bunya cones drop from January to March, cones can weigh up 10 kg containing as many as 100 nuts. Trees mature at 12-15 years, producing exceptional crops (20 cones) every two or three years. A nut weighs about 15 grams and contains 32 calories. Once dropped the nuts should be processed within a week. Price Bushfood retailers currently use frozen stock and sell for $10-15/kg. Fresh nuts can be sold for $6/kg www . tropo . org . au Issue No 83 Official journal of Tweed Richmond Organic Producers’ Organisation, TROPO Buying Organic on the North Coast What is TROPO? To help promote the sale of organic produce in the Tweed Richmond region, Going Organic has compiled the following list of businesses, markets and box order schemes selling organic foods. If you would like your business added to this list, contact the editor. TROPO, the Tweed Richmond Organic Producers Organisation, was established in 1989 as a grassroots local action group dedicated to fostering organic agriculture and gardening on the NSW North Coast. Organic Fruit and Vegetable outlets Town Shop Ballina Go Vita Ballina Naturalily Organic Bangalow Bangalow Basics Brunswick Heads Brunswick Health Foods Brunswick Heads The Village Greens Byron Bay Life’s a Beech Byron Bay Fundamental Foods Byron Bay Ozigo Byron Bay Santos Byron Bay Santos Warehouse Lismore Fundamental Foods Lismore Goanna Bakery Lismore (Nth)Rainbow Wholefoods Mullumbimby Santos Murwillumbah Fresh Wholefoods Nimbin Nimbin Emporium Nimbin Nimbin Organics Address 19 Ballina Fair, Kerr St 2/28 Cherry St 29 Byron St 2/20 Fingal St 23 Old Pacific Hwy 44 Beech Drv 69 Jonson St BP Service Bayshore Dr 105 Jonson St 7 Brigantine St 140 Keen St 171 Keen St 49 Terania St 51 Burringbar St 43 Wollumbin St 58 Cullen St 50 Cullen St Box Deliveries Byron Organic Boxes Fiona O’Connor 0432 579 506 Naturalily Organics Anna and Ray 6686 8955 Organics for Everyone Munch Crunch Organics Coomera to Coolangata Byron Region Eloise 0433 707 469 W: munchcrunchorganics. com.au Dolphin Organics T: 6684 7605 Dolph Cooke F: 6684 7931 07 5523 3082 If you would like your box deliver service listed or removed from Going Organic please contact the editor, see the back for contact details. Markets (Rainbow Region) Lismore Organic Market — Tuesdays 7.30-11 am (rain or shine), Lismore Showground. Contact Dave Roby 6628 1084 Gold Coast Organic Farmers’ Market — Sunday 6-11.30 am (rain, hail or shine), Oval, Miami High School. www.gcorganicmarket.com Byron Farmers’ Market — Thursdays 8-11 am, Butler Street Reserve. Contact Vicki Rix 6629 1666 New Brighton Farmers Market — Tuesdays 8-11 am, 6684 5390 Grafton — Every second Thursday Lismore Farmers’ Market — Saturday, 8 am-12 noon, Lismore Showground 2 Since then, membership has grown to over 150. Members include commercial organic producers, part-time farmers, home gardeners, conventional farmers considering converting to organic methods, and many others with an interest in supporting the kind of agriculture that does not poison people or the environment. TROPO activities include meetings and field days covering practical organic farming and gardening techniques and looking at wider issues in sustainable agriculture. In the struggle for a cleaner, healthier and more sustainable world, your views count, and TROPO helps make your voice heard. TROPO members provide input to a number of influential institutions including NSW Agriculture, OFA, organic certification groups like NASAA and BFA. The group also liaises with produce wholesalers and retailers. Annual membership costs only $28 and includes regular meetings, field days and four editions of the Going Organic Journal. Membership also provides access to experienced organic growers interested in sharing their expertise. See our membership form on page 23 and a full list of contacts on the back cover. You can also find us at www.tropo.org.au. Visit our new forum page, www.wiserearth.org/group/TROPO and we’ve joined facebook. Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 Contents Farmwalk - Sunflower Greens 3 Affairs of TROPO President’s Report 4 Landscaping for Beneficials 6 Loradel Park 7 The floridation fight 9 Rita Oort’s Chooks 10 LOM Does coal gas mining fracc you off? 12 From floods to life coaching @ the market 14 Classifieds 14 Fracc off and leave us alone 15 Groundcovers for soil health — farm tour 17 Organic World News 18 Cover Crops: Dave Roby looks at Giant Sorgham19 Rita Oort’s Chooks In the garden with Dave Forrest 20 Earth friendly fare 22 What to plant this quarter 22 TROPO membership form 23 Contact details 24 22 Front cover pic — Hugh Nicholson www.rainforestpublishing.com.au Cartoon p6 - Gibbo Farmwalk Saturday, 2nd April, 10 am- 12 noon sunflower greens The Boomsmas, Nimbin Rd, Coffee Camp The next TROPO farmwalk will be held at Carol and Ken Boomsma’s property at Coffee Camp. Carol, a regular stallholder at Lismore Organic Market has been supplying the local area with sunflower greens for the last 9 years. The greens, more commonly known as sprouts, are grown in soil filled trays in igloos. So if you’ve always been curious about the growing cycle of sunflower greens come along on the day and find out. The day is open to everybody. Carol would particularly like to invite our regular shoppers from the organic market. As it’s a small area we will be looking over it will be particularly suited for families with younger children. Also, it is undercover so come even if it is raining. Carpooling is encouraged. Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 The property is directly behind the Coffee Camp Public School on the Nimbin Road. The driveway is before the school when you’re coming from Lismore direction. It is 18 km from Lismore and 8 kms from Nimbin. 3 Affairs of TRopo T President’s Report he current “dry and hot”conditions since mid January are very different to earlier in the season when the ducks got bogged, the pollen drowned, and half the east coast was washed into the creek. TROPO applauds the resilience of food producers in our region to get back up and give it another go. The recovery is not easy or without cost so let’s hope our TROPO eaters support the efforts of those growing their sustenance. We should be aware that certified Organic have been audited to have preventative David Forrest strategies in place for soil erosion, and don’t have chemical fertilisers or pesticides leaching or washing off their properties. They also don’t use toxic chemicals to poison their crops to obtain harvest. I understand growers trying to get yield, but what is the real cost of this. Think before buying this stuff ! The duality of human nature is a continuing reality. All those local growers at Farmers’ Markets or supplying locally are great because they’re local - even though they use all the same array of pesticides (without scrutiny) as the bad-ass maca growers who are put through the wringer. TROPO readers would know my views on the pesticide issue, and I remain progressive, I hope, trying to get growers and their representative bodies to adopt better strategies in managing real risks. But the pervasive “buy local or Organic” is ridiculous. I can’t see how pesticide use in our immediate environment is preferable to use further away-in fact its always in our planetary backyard (ref. Endosulphans’ deregistration). The certified conventional growers described in the big colour adverts with an asterix are certified chemical users*, is that comforting? The Rural Buying Service Pty Ltd Simply the best ... • The best advice • The best service • The best prices For a great deal, see the experts at the Rural Buying Service where it pays to be a member. More than 40 stores in Lismore offer discounts to our members yet membership costs only $25 a year. Pumps & Irrigation equipment Polypipe & fittings PVC pipe and drain coil Irrigation design Water filters White oil Dipel Derris dust Pyrethrum Garlic spray Soap spray Sulphur Yeast Autolysate Wild May attractant Spray Tech oil Symbex microbial spray Blood and bone Guano Dynamic Lifter Soft Rock Phosphate Reactive phosphate rock Natrakelp Fish emulsion Humic acid Trichoderma Soil pH kits Full soil & plant tissue analysis kits Grafting & pruning equipment Fruit picking sticks Crates & cartons Brush cutters Chipping hoes Windbreak & weedmat Seeds Shadecloth & greenhouse film Nursery equipment Plant pots & planter bags Work clothes & boots Bee-keeping equipment 145 Casino St, South Lismore. Ph 6621 2853 Kays Lane, Alstonville. Ph 6628 5444 4 Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 Affairs of tropo seduction of chemicals is a fatal attraction, “local” is a subtle seduction that there is no chemical use - or what? We all want to be in the comfort zone. This month there has been a ground cover tour with TAFE Organic students, Soilcare members and farmers interested to see how to hold soil and influence beneficials (pollinators, parasites and predators). If that sounds like you, we’re going to keep you in check with biocontrol. This is followed by Dr Linda Thompson telling it like it is to farmscape for beneficials. Have a look at what she has found from her research in this issue. Keep your mouse on the TROPO web for Richard Llewellyn who has provided Trichogramma wasps against all species of caterpillar pests for decades, describing his journey in ID of, and rearing predators and parasites of the infamous Fruit Spotting Bug. If you think all the spraying will stop just because Endo’s off the list in 2 years, think again, because there’s a new chemical replacement with a different modus operandi, but just as harmful, already in use. It is notable that as a residual, it interferes with biocontrols. Did you know that your levy money to your industry body is paying, matched $ for $ by government, for an ongoing program to lobby for retention use of pesticides? TROPO’s seasonal farm walk will show local people doing the growing thing as best they can for you and the environment, and they’re happy to share their experience of how and why. Check the TROPO web for details. We should remember the salient words of Professor Paul Hepperly, “since chemical fertiliser and pesticide use has become widespread food is cheaper and family farms have declined, food is less nutritious and supplements have boomed, the environment more polluted and health care costs have skyrocketed.” We could add that globalisation has become all powerful but millions more starve (40 million increase in the last two years) and chemical pesticides and fertilisers are used increasingly with strong share price growth (even on GM crops – mythbusted!). They help provide a warm globe and a fuzzy feeling the doctor can’t explain. World Leaders in Sustainable Agriculture High performance, highly concentrated: Your local NTS Distributor: • Liquid Fertilisers • Microbial & Microbe Culturing Products • Humate & Dry Minerals • Fish and Kelp Products • Bio-Management Geoff & Debbie Bugden Ph: 66243085 or 0410531561 email: pecans@dodo.com.au www.wilsonriverpecans.com.au Plus educational courses for sustainable and biological farming practices www.nutri-tech.com.au 76 BFA Registered Products Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 affairs of tropo D Farmscaping for beneficials r Linda Thompson lectures on Zoology/ Entomology at the Uni. of Melbourne as she has done for the last 25 years. She was introduced to us by Alanna Danne, who completed her Honours studies under her direction, and who is currently carrying out her PhD research into our infamous Fruit Spotting Bug on local TROPO and Soilcare farms. Dr Thompson has been active in research to determine whether beneficials in farm areas contribute to productivity, and also if crop chemical sprays have an impact on this potential. To measure this takes much time and resources and consumer pressure on producers has been important in industry bodies allotting funds for these types of projects. Farmers, their families and staff, are also becoming increasingly aware that chemicals are a risk and from recognising that they work and live in this environment are interested in reducing/eliminating its use. Also there is a growing requirement to back up “clean and green”with real data for export markets. Her work has consistently shown that retaining natural areas, planting habitat and food source, and managing living groundcover contribute ssignificantly to pest species control. This is shown by counting beneficials on yellow sticky traps and also counting ground living species in pitfall traps, both positioned throughout the crop area. This concurs with many worldwide studies showing reduced need for pesticide sprays, or the capability of these features to reduce the need for pesticide sprays. Managing groundcovers and/or mulching provides for much higher biocontrol potential than the ubiquitous kill strip. Her work proves this is true. Thus spraying out under the canopy increases the need for pest management in the crop! Spraying out ground cover increases 6 David Forrest the need for added fertilisers due to the loss of roots and the biological organisms which live around them! Holy holism, maybe Organic farming practises are an ecologically sound food production system. Importantly, this work shows that we can retain efficiencies in producing single crops by retaining or enhancing the diversity surrounding it (natural vegetation or windbreaks), and within it (internal windbreaks, planted unsuitable slopes, watercourses, managed groundcovers) which are far more influential to diversity than growing more species as crops. Her work has attempted to quantify the values of habitat and she has extrapolated measured data to show how many beneficials are hosted. This is given value when the purchase costs of either buying beneficials or chemical spray applications are calculated. Alternatively this can also give benefit values against the cost of planting farm areas. She has also shown that enhancing biological control potential lessens the risk of new pests becoming established in an area, inhibits the rise of secondary pests and lowers the level of resistance in pests. She has devised a formula to total harmful affects of sprays on beneficials using toxicity ratings and the number of pesticide applications to score harm. This can be used by growers to back up decisions not to spray, as there are strong correlations found in her research data that biocontrol is harmed. This helps growers get off the pesticide roundabout as increased biocontrol stops pest populations from resurgence after sprays. It also encourages moves to less broadspectrum, low residual more specific materials or methods. Interestingly her work has also shown pesticide use debilitates the reproductive function of beneficials. There is much data from other work to show the same correlation with fauna including humans. The work Dr Thompson has done is an example of real opportunity for food security, lowering production risk, pesticide need, and creating synergism with soil fertility and environmental enhancement. If only the money spent inventing and registering new chemicals for crops was spent wisely to further work like this. Let’s support Alana Danne to carry this further throughout her career. Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 affairs of tropo W Loradel Park e started Loradel Park over ten years ago from a virgin bush block which made organic certification relatively easy. The property was selectively cleared and segregated into 6 rotational cell grazing paddocks, a quarantine area, an olive grove, market garden and a small airstrip that can also be grazed. The paddocks have been pasture improved by aeration, slashing before weed flowering and adding lime. Each paddock has its own dam filled by on farm catchment. The boundary fencing is 7 strand barb, plain and electric to deter feral pests, the separation fencing is electric, also solar powered. Our livestock’s main function is manure production. The cattle are in rotation with our horses which helps interrupt the worm life cycle and all manure is collected to deter parasite reinfestation. Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 The olive grove and market garden have been fenced with stock mesh as a physical barrier against rabbits and kangaroos. There is a mobile chicken tractor pen that is moved daily and fertilises the olive trees while protecting the chooks who produce eggs. The market garden consists of 24, 80 x 10m beds on a 5 degree slope to the north to ensure optimum sun penetration and drainage. Irrigation is piped underground from inter connected dams to 154 impact sprinklers. There are four cross spoon drains to limit erosion and return any surplus water to the main dam. 7 We utilise a row crop system in raised beds so all crops can be worked with standardised implements. Our summer crops are mainly zucchini and button squash in rotation with green manure and our winter crop is russian garlic also in rotation with green manure. Fertiliser is supplied from our livestock manure, soiled nest box material from chickens, worm castings from our worm farm and biochar manufactured on farm. These ingredients are incorporated and shredded. Plant residue is composted, mulched and returned to the garden. A 20 x 8 m grow tunnel has been constructed that produces mainly tomatoes in rotation with beans. It has a solar powered irrigation system that delivers the rain water captured from our machine shed. We have our own refrigerated transport to ensure freshness. We have designated on-farm tracks for vehicle and machinery movement to limit soil compaction and a wildlife refuge to which we have added more native plantings. Loradel Park has developed as planned even if a little behind schedule, at least we have had a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel! We have a more efficient process and packing area to build and amenities to put into place before we can open to the public. Mother nature willing we will see you at the market. 8 Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 The fluoridation fight Lismore and the Northern Rivers have a long history of opposition to the fluoridation of the water supply. It is one of the last bastions in preventing the complete coverage of NSW being fluoridated. In the last five years the NSW Government, through the Department of Health, have placed unprecedented pressure on Councils and individual Councillors to fluoridate the Rous Water supply. This climaxed last year when Rous Councillors were threatened that they would be personally liable and would be acting illegally if they did not approve the construction of four Fluoride plants at Corndale, Clunes, Dourrougby and Marom Creek. Finally a Councillor acceded to the stand-over bully tactics and changed his vote to push it through. Notwithstanding the health issues and environmental uncertainty of releasing tonnes of highly toxic Fluoride waste into the river system the fact remains that the community was never consulted and our elected representatives have succumbed to allegedly illegal inducement. A court case bought by local resident Al Oshlack has commenced challenging the Rous decision and that the Lismore Council’s 2006 approval for the go ahead to fluoridate the water supply within the LCC boundaries had lapsed. Rous have retained Senior and Junior counsel Barrister ($10k per day) and Blakes Dawson one of the biggest legal (and not cheap) legal firms in the country. The capital costs of constructing of the Fluoridation plants is well in excess of $2.2 million plus Rous will be spending around $250k upwards for the case set down for June 21st in the Land and Environment Court. On March 14 Rous lawyers are attempting to strike out the proceedings on grounds that there is no law in NSW, including all environmental and planning legislation, that overides the Fluoridation Act 1957. Mr Oshlack has retained a Barrister and is in the midst of fundraising to cover his legal costs of around $7k to defend the right to have the Court determine the challenge against Rous, Lismore and Ballina Shire Council decision to construct the fluoridation plants and add fluoride to the water supply. When asked how it was all going, Al replied, “I think we have a strong case, but what gets me is how Rous and Department of Health can spend millions on constructing and legally defending these toxic fluoride plants while the Lismore Hospital, which is screaming Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 out for funding, resources and medical staff, is told there is no money. “ Fluoridation along with tobacco, uranium and asbestos are part of the elaborate dirty secret cover up’s of the 20th century and should be halted once and for all. “ I am so appreciative of how our community is standing up to these stand over merchants who come into town after town and just force fluoridation against popular will.” Chickens T his is the story about Roger. A scrawny little rooster, who was bullied by roosters and chickens alike. One day we found him in a pen, cowering in a corner, his head all bleeding from the attacks he suffered. We took pity on him and adopted him in a pen near the house. Roger became so tame, he would scamper in the house, eat the cat food and preen himself in the mirror. He stopped being shy and often came to talk to us. We decided to give him a silky hen for company. Her name was Babette. She was a talkative girl and always rushing here and there. 10 The life of our chickens and the chickens in our life Roger and Babette had their little differences but they managed to produce six baby Silkeys. Roger proved to be a perfect father, allowing his kids to sit on his back, or under his wings when they were cold. Roger is the only rooster to be a father to his offspring as far as I know. He got to the ripe old age of twelve years when he died in his sleep. Here is Roger and his floozie in a cartoon made by my friend Sophie. Sophie was enchanted by Roger and Babette, she watched, sketched and immortalised our favourite Roger and his floozie Babette, in many cartoons. Rita Oort Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 11 This week V “Does C Sarah and Jyoti — Unequivocally Jane and Josie — It seems to be a big thing happening now, I had no idea it was happening until lately and I’m glad that there are lots of people looking into it. Georgina — Apart from the environmental issue, the simple fact that farmers love their land and they have the amenity of their land taken away by someone else who hasn’t paid for it and gives a piss poor royalty and we have to put up with the residue and all the fraccing. Tom and Arlen (left) — Absolutely. Given the serious threats of climate change it is irresponsible to be investing any money in fossil fuels at expense of investment in renewable energy. Australia needs to be users of 100% renewable energy in 10 years, AND WE CAN DO IT! 12 Dave — An is causing tr water don’t Don’t use a it’s more im than where we have to Cat — Yes Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 Vanessa Eden asked, Coal Gas Mining fracc you off” David — I don’t know an awful lot about it but if they using unethical practices, which I’m sure they are ... then yes - it’s all really dirty stuff ny one messing with water rouble, don’t mess with t mess with farm land. as much energy as you do, mportant to use less energy that energy comes from ... learn to use less energy. Susie (right) — As far as I can tell coal seam gas has no positives, it is incredibly disappointing that we continue to have policies made by governments that support moneycentric organisations. Can anything good come out of it? Only if the momentum garnered by stopping this will carry us forward to stop some of the other ridiculous things our society puts up with. Jasper — Yes Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 13 local community I From floods to life coaching @ the market f you recently visited the organic market in Lismore on Tuesday morning you may have noticed a little round table with tablecloth in the middle of the market away from the other tables. You may also have noticed a green sign and leaflets that proclaim a new free community service, “Life Coaching sessions on a topic of your choice”. So what’s all that about? It all started when Gwen Channer, an organic gardener who is also a certified life coach, felt due to the major floods that she wanted to reach out and offer a chance to anyone interested to experience and be helped by life coaching, whether they could afford to or not. And so she decided to set up this free community service at the Lismore organic market. Normally Gwen does her coaching work internationally via the phone or Skype (internet phone). To be able to work internationally while at the same time living on a rural property is a definite advantage of our modern day technology. However, it is the barefoot in the garden (ancient technology) that fuels Gwen’s batteries so that she can have full attention for her clients. Life coaching is a strongly growing profession as life coaches are more and more in demand in not only the corporate and business worlds but also for personal situations. Gwen feels that one cannot really separate working life from personal life as they are part of the total sum of one’s life. A life coach is not a therapist nor a consultant. An important difference is that a coach does not need to know more than their clients. It is all about listening and responding to the client rather than advising or Share your tips We would love to hear about your labour-saving hints editor@goingorganic.organicproducers.org.au or PO Box 5076 , East Lismore NSW 2480 14 fixing. A life coach will listen deeply and ask questions to draw the answers out of the client’s own knowing. Of course a coach can offer suggestions that the coach feels could be beneficial for the client. Life coaching can be very effective because it is a cocreative relationship without an authority figure. Both client and coach use all of their knowledge, skills and intuition to come to solutions and plans of action (or less or no action as the case may be). Gwen’s life coaching is all about truthful dialogue and inspiring new perspectives which create big shifts in thinking, action and life in general. To be most effective coaching is best done on a regular basis as this continuity builds a foundation of trust and forward movement. Even so a one off session alone, or occasional sessions, can be very enlightening and is better than none. A coach holds no agenda other than the client’s and this offers a great opportunity to find clarity and inspiration. You do not need to have a problem to benefit from coaching. In fact many very successful people out in the big wide world use personal life coaches. They see it as an investment in a process that gets them where they want to be more quickly. So if you are interested come to the Tuesday Lismore Organic Market for a free 15 minute life coaching session on a topic of your choice; personal, parenting, career, health, business, relationships, work, etc. All sessions are 100% confidential. Sessions are available from 9am to 11am. classifieds wanted: Organic certified citrus (all), watermelon (pref sugar baby), rhubarb (deep crimson / red only), strawberries, mango, blueberries, raspberries, mulberries, etc ... or any local fruit that’s a good colour and taste, call to discuss. Fair price paid. Spray free considered for some fruit. 04 0607 5266 John or Benna info@ iceblocks.name NEW fruit and Veg Manager at Santos, Byron Bay. Local, fresh, Certified Organic produce wanted. Andrew Woods 0415 039 618 Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 comment T Fracc off and leave us alone he Northern Rivers Region now finds itself contemporary with the national situation, the monster is in the room and there is no doubt about who the monster is: It is the Coal Seam Gas Mining Industry! Many people ask why particular concern with CSG. That is the question and we will revisit it shortly, but first let’s contextualise our local situation. In the last few years we have seen (simply by watching the news) state governments sign away hundreds of billions, yes billions of dollars worth of gas all across the continent in every state of Australia. The market is basically China and Japan. The gas is to be delivered in the next thirty years by pipeline to the vessel delivery; that is to ships waiting offshore. Amidst much fanfare we are gearing up for a new clean gas era; we are gearing up nationally for a new national mining industry. We in the Clarence-Moreton Basin, which underlies the surface biology from Grafton through the Northern Rivers, then up into Southern Queensland, are living over the most abundant gas seams in NSW. There has been at least 47 penetrations of the aquifers to date or drill sites put in across the region in Keerrong, Lismore, Tabulam, Casino, Urbenville, Woodenbong to name a few. The capture and release of this gas will depend on hydraulic fracturing. To put it simply, they have already geared up to rip up the northern rivers simultaneously with Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 the rest of the country. We consider it the greatest threat that Australia has ever faced and will explain why. The national gas industry will be 80 percent dependent on hydraulic fracturing to be economically viable. Fraccing is the process of blasting open aquifers under pressure with sand, water and a highly toxic mix of chemicals. We understand that the use of chemicals is a huge issue in itself but we in the Keerrong gas squad do not want to be led away from the heart of the issue — the opening up of aquifers on a spring fed, aquifer dependant continent. At any given moment 70-80% of Australia’s sweet water is under the ground, water held by rock at various depths within the geological strata created over aeons. There are various rock strata composed naturally of different rock types eg. basalt, quartzite, sandstone and shale to name a few; it is these geological rock strata that hold water at a stasis under pressure. The pressure can vary according to the density and porosity and the level of Doug of the Antigassquad interference on the aquifer. The coal seam is surrounded by gas at layers from 400 metres to two kilometres down. To reach the gas all aquifers between the surface and the gas have already been punctured, when the geological strata that hold the gas are shattered under pressure what happens to the aquifers is simply unknowable. One site can be repeatedly fracced. They can drill laterally as well as vertically. All aquifers are inter-connected. The findings of the Atomic Energy Commission in 1978 revealed that underground water is very, very old, on the western edge of the Great Artesian Basin it was found to be upwards of half a million years old and in the Maitland aquifers it was found to be one hundred thousand years old. Seen through the time frame of a larger lens we can appreciate that this water is hardly a renewable resource in any immediate sense. J. Habermahl and K. Waterhouse writing ironically for the mines department in the sixties and seventies urged a harvest of water based on the patterns of recharge. The major recharge areas of the GAB are the great divide from the northern rivers to north Queensland. Poison can travel slowly and insidiously underground and not be detected for decades. All Australians pay for water. A farmer wishing to put down a bore has to get both a license and a quota and the reason for this is to assure a longevity of our most abundant and precious resource, aquifer driven underground water. 15 Evaporation pond near Casino However, the mining companies have all of these regulations and checks and balances waived even though they are fast becoming the biggest users of sweet water in the country. There are simply no statistics able to measure their use and abuse of water. In the first instance they are in fact mining water!!! And up to now the government oversight as to what they are signing away has been negligible and their investigation into the results of the fraccing process have been non-existent; We, the people, have become responsible for this. The government simply accepts the assurances of the mining industry whilst our survival possibilities are being leached away. When the water was found to be polluted with heavy carcinogens in recently fracced sites in Queensland, the Queensland Farmers Federation, the NSW Farmers Federation and the National Feedlot Association spearheaded the process of demanding a moratorium on the Coal seam Gas. The farmers understand all too well what damage to the underground water systems means for us all and we are with them but ask not for a moratorium but simply an end to this process. Fraccing aquifers is an aberration! The process is irremediable and the toxins that are locked into the coal gas are being and will be spread throughout our aquifer system threatening all 16 waterways and inter-connected water systems on a spring fed continent, thus all biological life forms are threatened, not least our own. In the Clarence Moreton Basin we have as part of the water management system Rous Water administered by two councillors from each council of the integrated system — Richmond Valley (Casino), Lismore, Ballina and Byron Bay. They are currently involved in the Reconnect To Country Programme together with the community to devise a system that will offer long term water quality and supply in the region. The invasion by Red Sky, Arrow Energy and the big one Metgasco with the spectre of Shell-Petro China standing behind them puts this whole endeavour under threat. We are waiting to see if the Casino Council will approve the construction of holding ponds, 12 hectares of them next to the Casino airport. We believe that no council within the Rous water system can take independent decisions over the entirety of our water supply. Imagine 12 hectares of toxic water balanced over a floodplain that washes out in Ballina. The approach by Rous Water has been varied but the attempt is to clean the regional water systems. We are in accord with Rous with their intention to extend operations further north to extend water management into a bioregional process as it was in the past. We believe that our system of government should be bio- regionally based and bio-regions are best understood through catchment and integrated water management. Of course our support is contingent on their stance towards coal seam gas mining and on the measures they wish to adopt. And so is the situation across the nation. We have known of the alternatives for decades but the complicity of all levels of government with the mining industry will not allow, in fact ensures, that none of these endeavours can flourish. Doug and the Antigassquad can be contacted on antigassquad@ hotmail.com, they are also Keerrong Gas Squad on facebook. All Welcome All TROPO members are invited to attend committee meetings which are now held on the second Tuesday of each month after the LOM. All members of the public interested or involved in organic gardening, farming and food — and willing to be immediately forced into slavery — are welcome to become TROPO members (see membership form, page 23). Seriously, even if you are not a member but are just interested in finding out more about organics on the North Coast— or want to help see it spread — call a committee member. Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 groundcovers S Groundcovers for a soil health — farm tour oilcare members, TAFE Organic students and interested farmers were treated to a bus tour of participating biological and Organic farms improving soil and farm health with groundcovers.The Northern Rivers CMA has supported this and many other projects which demonstrate environmental benefits in farming systems. This active interest, particularly by Gerry Ryan our CMA officer, is an important partnership to create real outcomes. Bonnie Walker, Chair of Soilcare, deserves praise for her consistent hard work as catalyst for these activities. Geoff and Debbie Bugden showed off their pecan orchard. Their objective three years ago was to establish ground covers (nitrogen fixing legumes along with a range of other grasses including smother grass) to improve soil health and reduce the amount of purchased fertilizers, irrigation requirements and fungal problems. Today they have achieved some of the above and are now improving what has worked, along with making their own compost, refining their fertilizer program and establishing insectary plantings. With this they hope to establish a low risk farming method for orchards on river flats. Judy and Bob Howard conducted a variety of ground cover trials on their macadamia orchard, with emphasis on improving biodiversity, soil health and beneficial insect populations. Pam and Brian's macadamia orchard is also planted with groundcovers to promote sustainability and productivity. We don't have the detailed reports here but the information sheets are posted online for you to peruse at your leisure, wiserearth.org/group/ tropo. If the internet doesn't do it for you, drop the editor a line and she'll see if she can work out another way to get the information to you. 7iÊÃiÊ>ÊÜ`iÊÊ Û>ÀiÌÞÊvÊÀ}>VÊÊ vÀÕÌÊ>`ÊÛi}iÌ>LiÃ]ÊÊ À}>VÊ«ÕÃiÃ]ÊÀViÃ]Ê yÕÀÃ]Ê`Ài`ÊvÀÕÌÃÊÊ >`ÊÕÌÃ]Ê«>ÃÌ>ÃÊÊ >`Êð ✓ 7iÊ«>ÞÊÌ«Ê«ÀViÃÊvÀʵÕ>ÌÞÊ«À`ÕVi ✓ ->ÛiÊÊ«>V>}}Ê>`ÊvÀi} Ì ✓ ii«ÊÞÕÀÊ«À`ÕViÊ>`ÊÕÀÊiÞÊV> µÕÀiÊ>LÕÌÊÕÀÊÜ iÃ>iÊ«ÀVià ÕÕLLÞÊ\ÊÈÈn{ÊÎÇÇÎÊÞÀÊ`ÕÃÌÀ>ÊÃÌ>ÌiÊ\Ê£ÎääÊnxxÊxÎ{ ÞÀÊ>ÞÊ\ÊÈÈnxÊÇäÇ£ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÃ>ÌÃÌÀ>`}°V°>Õ Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 17 News Organic News Snippets WASHINGTON A new report launched by the Worldwatch Institute recognizes that the fight against hunger and climate change will not be won using industrial agriculture. ‘State of the world: Innovations that nourish the planet’ strongly supports the role of agroecological farming methods in developing food security, concurring with the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) report written by 400 scientists and approved by 60 countries. Emma Hockridge, head of policy at the Soil Association (UK), said ‘This excellent and timely report provides overwhelming evidence for the expansion of agroecological farming systems such as organic, to achieve food security for all. Organic farming systems benefit biodiversity, are resilient in the face of climate change, and have been shown to improve yields and the ability of poor communities ... to feed themselves.’ Timothy LaSalle former Rodale Institute chief executive officer estimates that if 434 million acres of cropland in the United States shifted to organic production, nearly 1.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide could be sequestered annually, mitigating close to one quarter of the country’s total fossil fuel emissions. IN HOLLAND According to a Dutch government funded study — Organic milk is the most researched with significant findings in its favor. Organic milk and dairy products contain more beneficial nutrients than non-organic — because organic cows eat more grass (and conserved grass in winter) and less unnatural feed like maize and soya. In total six studies have now found that organic milk has more fat-soluble nutrients-omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin E and beta-carotene than non-organic milk. The most scientifically robust study is by Glasgow and Liverpool Universities, which found that UK (whole) organic milk has on average 68% higher levels of the essential fatty acid omega 3 and a healthier omega 3:6 profile than non-organic milk. 18 Tropo News is brought to you by Cath ford from various sources including The Ecologist, New Scientist, The Independent Newspaper (UK); The New York Times (USA)The Soil Association (UK); CBS and NBC news; local and international internet services; Western Farm Press. The Dutch research provides us with proof of an actual health impact from organic food. IN WALES Lack of support for organic farming in Wales has prompted farming unions to demand that the Welsh Assembly government recognize the extra proven environmental benefits delivered by organic farmers by increasing the agri-environmental payments under Glastir. Under the proposed Glastir scheme farmers in England will be getting more than double the maintenance payments of their Welsh counterparts – receiving £60 per hectare under the Organic Entry Level Scheme rather than £28. THE WORLD As the GM industry continues to peddle the myth that GM crops are needed to ‘feed the world’ scientific evidence is proving otherwise. The recent Foresight report on the future of food and farming, published by the UK government’s Office of Science, estimated that the application of existing knowledge and technology could increase yields two to three fold in many parts of Africa. It too supported research in agroecology, as a way of getting substantial increases in productivity and sustainability. Evidence is mounting too of the problems for farming caused by growing GM crops. Weed resistance to glyphosate has become a major problem in GM herbicide tolerant crops in North and South America, whilst the cost of GM seeds is cutting into farmers’ incomes is the USA. The GM FREE label is the fastest growing grocery label in the USA and the earths second largest supermarket, Carrefour, recently made the move to label foods derived from animals fed on non-GM diets after research revealed that 96% of consumers backed honest labeling and 63% would stop eating products from animals reared on GM feed. WARNING! Boca Burgers - a popular so-called ‘natural’ brand of veggie burgers owned by Kraft foods work hand in hand with Monsanto to lace common foods with genetically modified ingredients, with absolutely no Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 News labeling or safety-testing required and in many cases these products are marketed as ‘natural’. Kraft, one of the USA’s largest food companies, has perfected the art of turning GM crops and animals raised in factory farms on GMO feed and injected with Monsanto’s (now Elanco’s) rBGH, into food. Whilst Kraft or Boca claims to offer what they describe as ‘non-gmo’ version of its soy foods, these products are neither certified organic or monitored by the Non-GMO Project, so it’s impossible to verify their claims. Likewise Back to Nature, another so called ‘natural’ Kraft Brand claims that some of the corn and soy ingredients in their non-organic foods are ‘non-genetically modified’, however – again, these claims are not verifiable. UNITED KINGDOM Every bride wants to look stunning on her wedding day, and princess-to-be, Kate Middleton, seems to be no exception. For the last year or so, she has reformed her habits. She reportedly makes sure she is not tempted by fattening snacks by always eating and cooking healthy organic food. Organic porridge in the morning, organic fruit and nuts at morning tea, salads, chicken, turkey and tuna. She is sure to get the ‘royal’ tick of approval from her future father in law Prince Charles! ‘The Mind, once stretched by an empowering idea, can never fully shrink to its original dimensions’- Oliver Wendell Holmes, paraphrased. THE WORLD A leading organic charity has raised concerns about misleading labeling on supposedly eco-friendly garden centre products. In a survey conducted by Garden Organic and consumer watchdogs, found consumers have been confounded by products labelled ‘natural’ or ‘organic’ and thought that the two were interchangeable*. Dr. Margi Lenartsson of Garden Organic said consumers were being ‘duped’ into buying products. ‘It’s great that the industry is addressing the need and demand for more sustainable products, but the current approach to labeling is leading to a lack of clarity and this needs to be addressed.’ GERMANY Cheers Cath * The editor would like to note that something labelled organic doesn’t mean certified organic. Only something with a certifiying bodies logo on it is certified organic. Hot off the press ... by the Editor An open letter has been sent to US Secretary of Agriculture outlining the discovery of a, ‘previously unknown organism’. At the size of a medium-size virus this reproducing micro-fungal-like organism appears the be the first of it’s kind. There is evidence that it promotes disease in both plants and animals, and is found in high concentrations in Roundup Ready soybean meal ... find out more at our wiserearth site or on facebook. Germany is the biggest consumer in Europe of organic produce with a share of 32% in the region. Asian organic food markets are set to grow at an estimated CAGR of 20.6% from 2010 to 2015. Japan leads the Asian countries in terms of organic food consumption with nearly 54% of the share in 2010. The Global organic food and beverages market is expected to grow from US$57.2 billion in 2010 to US$104.5 billion in 2015 at an estimated CAGR of 12.8% The organic food and beverages market is also expected to benefit from subsidies, financial aids and R&D programmes conducted by different government and non-government organizations such as FiBL (Switzerland), APEDA (India) and USDA (US) to support conventional farmers switch to organic farming. Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 19 cover crops T Giant sorgham o me a cover crop is a monoculture species used as a farming tool to allow another crop to benefit. Two that I have used successfully are giant sorghum and lablab. Here I am going to discuss my uses of giant sorghum and in the next magazine I will discuss Lab-lab. I will discuss how the use of these species benefitted me at the time, place and conditions of use. It doesn’t necessarily follow that they will benefit you at the time, place and conditions of your use. I first used giant sorghum when I grew tomatoes. My main interest was that sorghum wasn’t a host to root knot nematodes, a major pest for tomatoes. By monoculturing my tomato growing area with the sorghum I left no host crop for the nematodes. The cover crop doesn’t kill nematodes, it simply deprives the nematodes of food and a home. If the area is nematode rich they will return. By rotating sorghum and tomatoes you get to sneak in a crop before the nematodes repopulate. Of course, tomatoes have more pests than nematodes and a 7 year rotation gives much better overall results. The books all tell you that marigolds kill nematodes. Before I tried the sorghum approach I planted 50 000 marigolds on my tomato growing area. The sorghum was totally effective while the marigolds showed no discernable benefit. Growing sorghum had many more benefits than just lessening the nematode numbers but at that stage of my agricultural knowledge one win was enough. David Roby move very slowly down through the soil profile so you need to be able to make use of every soil incorporation to help them. I should note here that this orchard was planted on flat ground. Orchards on slopes may need different approaches. Also I will refrain from giving application quantities as they would be pertinent to my soil and conditions and understanding and may be very different for you. First, I devegetated the whole block by forage harvesting. I made compost with the vegetation and returned it to the tree sites after the construction process. I then gave the block its background fertilizer – metal dust, rock phosphate, dolomite and composted chicken litter. I then deep ploughed the block resulting in mounds slightly higher than the in-between gaps. Nowadays I would probably forget the mounds and disc the soil instead of ploughing. Then I seeded the whole block with giant sorghum. From memory, I think this was done in spring. Nowadays I would probably add some winter ground covers to the seeding process so that when the sorghum dies off in winter the clovers and peanuts etc will establish. The third time I planted an avocado orchard I made use of the successes and the failures of the first two attempts. Next I deep ripped the tree rows. If you tie a fertilizer bag around the top of the ripper shaft you end up with an open furrow. I measured out, staked and fertilized each tree site, pulling in the sides of the furrow with a chipping hoe around each site. Now the furrow is still open except where the tree will be planted. Irrigation lines are laid in the furrow but they come out of the ground with a loose loop a metre each side of the tree stake. This allows two metres of exposed line around each tree so that when the tree trunk is a metre thick it doesn’t compromise the irrigation line. It also allows you to start with one sprinkler per young tree and move to multiples as the tree ages. When you plant an orchard there are some jobs that are better and easier done before you plant the trees. Spreading metal dust from a spreader truck, for example, allows you to apply 10 tonne to the acre easily without harming sensitive young trees. Some fertilizers By this stage the sorghum should be getting some useful height. A good time for tree planting would be when the soil at the planting site has settled and absorbed the nutrient, the sorghum is at least a metre high and the conditions are mild. This type of Over the years I have planted avocado orchards on 3 separate occasions, mainly because I couldn’t afford all the trees in one hit. I’m a great believer in doing things three times. Like focusing a camera, you go too far in one direction then too far in the opposite direction and then settle in the sweet spot. 20 Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 cover crops preparation means that the tree holes can be dug by hand easily. The planted trees should now be protected from sun and wind by the sorghum which will grow to three or four metres high. light to penetrate germinating the ground covers that were spread with the sorghum. I have also at times re broadcast sorghum seed in spring and got a second crop without attempting to cover the seed. As soon as the sorghum reaches these heights I slash one side of the tree row. The sorghum can be cut 2 or 3 times and still reach its tallest position before dying in the winter. After I cut one side of the row I rake the mulch onto the avocado mound. This constant mulching really gets the biological organisms happening in the mound. As the cut side regenerates the other side is cut and added to the mound. Now the tree is being protected from one side at a time but it is enough to protect the tree until it develops its own structural integrity. One season of sorghum is enough to overcome grasses like kikuyu if you get a good enough strike rate. I’ve never tried to calculate the enormous amount of organic matter that is added to the soil but when you consider three cuts of 4 metre crop, it must be huge and greatly appreciated by the soil population. When the sorghum dies in winter it remains standing and protecting the young trees but allows Giant sorghum is readily available at any agricultural supply business. None of the seed produced by the crop is viable so after winter the sorghum has disappeared leaving organic matter and happy micro-organisms. Protect-A-Fruit Fruit Fly Exclusion Bags Fruit flies are a common problem around most Australian gardens. With the help of our reusable exclusion bags you can protect your fruit from these pests without using any harmful chemicals. Bag: 300 x 350 - Small - $2 600 x 500 - Large - $3 Sleeve: 600 x 300 - Small - $2 900 x 350 - Large - $3 (Reduced prices on orders of 10 or more) Bigger orders better prices *Commercial organic growers wanted for trial* Contact David on: 0240327158 or 0419594697 chloerachelma@hotmail.com Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 21 the home gardener What to plant C March to May In my garden oping with extremes of continuous wet and then hot and dry conditions takes the comfort from our garden plants. The benefit of having developed well structured, humic topsoil makes the difference under these conditions. Not that all is perfect, but plants can cope rather than cark it. When drainage is paramount it’s this soil structure that gives aeration and allows water to move through the profile, instead of backing up and fostering pathogens to feed on a stressed root system. This water, though, doesn’t leach nutrients because the humus has 10 times the ability to hold them as does clay. So the plants remain well fed, with the important macro and trace elements, the plant uses to protect itself, available. The same effects help in the reverse situation of hot and dry. Foliar top ups become useful in the wet and the dry to assist this process, and as they are applied in an Organic Beans, beetroot, all cabbage family, carrots, endives, herb cuttings, kohl rabi, lettuce, leeks, onions, garlic, parsnip, peas, radish, rhubarb crowns, silverbeet, strawberries, tomatoes. Dave Forrest form also carry and feed foliage microbes. Having this background fertility particularly comes to the fore when there are extremes. Of course adding water in dry times is possible, whereas stopping rainfall is not. A dry space to start seedlings increases their health rather than being stressed and susceptible. The foliars of fish hydrolysate, liquid calcium and potassium silicate promote strong cells, having boron through the fish or foliar Solubor allows the plant to make its natural protective compounds. All this has helped the zuchinnis, beans, tomatoes and cucumbers make it through and keep bearing even though they are all disease susceptible with the continuous wet. Two weeks into the heat the broccoli was ready from “Early Risers”. What it needs, apart from a bit of shade from pole beans, is protection from Cluster caterpillars. They’ll take out the growing point and there’s no recovery, so get on their case and keep the Bt weekly until they back off as it cools down in March. Then you only need to monitor for cabbage white which eats big leaves but is less threat. Some plants, like Snake beans, thrive in the heat. They have a different growth and flowering habit to the others but are prolific. As it cools a move to the winter bearing plants gets easier, but if you have a warm frost free position all the summer types can be planted until early April. Check out the planting guide for all these types. At the moment there is a mild spell with good sun and a little rain, plants that had help to get going are now powering, and big enough to take advantage. Don’t forget to weed them before they need it — it’s the only way to succeed. earth friendly fare Bunya nut pesto Sue Mangan Ingredients Method 1 bunch of basil leaves 2 cloves of garlic 200 ml macadamia or olive oil 200g finely chopped cooked bunya nuts 1/2 cup parmesan cheese Salt and pepper To serve 22 Blend basil, garlic and olive oil. Add bunya nuts, parmesan cheese, salt and pepper, and mix well. Stir through cooked pasta, over steamed or baked potatoes, through steamed rice Use as a dip, on a pizza base or a cheese plate To cook bunya nuts, boil in water for 20 minutes, until they split at the pointed end .Insert sharp heavy knife into the split and cut open into halves. Remove the yellow ‘sprout’ and then use the nut as you would any nut or as a potato. Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 Get into organics — join TROPO now TROPO Membership Form To join the Tweed Richmond Organic Producers’ Organisation (ABN: 43 805 045 275), fill out the following form and send cheque or money order for $28 to: TROPO, PO Box 5076, East Lismore, NSW 2480. Please make cheques and money orders payable to ‘TROPO’. Name Town Fax Interests Organic certification type Total Land area (ha) Producing now (ha) To be developed (ha) Would you like to be included in a list of members available to other members? YES/NO Address Phone (wk) Occupation Postcode Phone (hm) Email Going Organic #83, March-May 2011 Can you help in TROPO organisational activities? YES/NO Skills to share Information/experience wanted Signature Date 23 Special Interests Alternative Technology — Paul Jessop 6621 2465 Avocados — David Roby 6628 1084 robyalst@nrg.com.au Bananas — Tony Lattanzi 6676 4264 Citrus — Phil Buck 6677 1421 Coffee — Rod Bruin 6679 2012 Food Nutrition — Tony Stillone 6621 8007 Macadamias/Custard Apples — Dave Forrest 6688 4346 organicforrest@hotmail.com Permaculture/Small Crops/Sheep — Hogan Gleeson 6689 9217 Poultry — Rita Oort 6688 8307 Organic Foods — Russell Scott 6689 1668 Climate Change Action Network — Alan Roberts 6663 5224 alan_roberts@ozemail.com.au Going Organic Maureen Pedersen 6636 4307 roseberrygardens@yahoo.com Dave Forrest 6688 4346 (ah) organicforrest@hotmail.com Dave Roby 6628 1084 robyalst@nrg.com.au Steve McAlpin mcalpin@dodo.com.au Alan Dow possibly@exemail.com.au Alan Roberts 6663 5224 alan_roberts@ozemail.com.au Carol Boomsma Registered by Australia Post Print Post No. PP225824/4031 TROPO Committee 2011-12 TROPO ABN 43 805 045 275 Those listed below generally give a lot of time to TROPO and make their phone numbers available for contact by members and other interested in organics. Please remember all have ongoing commitments to their families, farms or jobs so phone between 8.30 am and 8.30 pm. If unclaimed please return to Tweed Richmond Organic Producers’ Organisation PO Box 5076, East Lismore, NSW 2480 Get in touch with TROPO Going Organic Magazine Editor — Susie Godden 6689 9338 editor@goingorganic.organicproducers.org.au Advertising — 6689 9338 advertising@goingorganic.organicproducers.org.au Contributions welcome www.TROPO.org.au Winter ’11 Contributions due: May 10, 2011 24 Postage Paid Australia Copyright 2011 TROPO and individual authors. Material in Going Organic may not be reproduced without permission. Please consult the editor. Opinions expressed by contributors to Going Organic are not necessarily those of the editor or of other TROPO committee members. Every effort is made to publish accurate information and stimulating opinion, but neither TROPO nor the editor accepts responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed or implied on these pages. Such statements or opinions should not be taken as professional advice. Surface Mail TROPO on the Web
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