Effective Caregiving Series: How to be an Effective Caregiver? Be equipped with the right knowledge and skills to provide care for the older person! Learning Objectives At the end of the training, caregivers will learn: 1. 2. 3. 4. Practical stress management techniques Key principles for effective caregiving Practical tips for improving communication skills Practical tips for making the home safe and reducing fall risks 5. Proper steps to help older person change diapers on an occupied bed 6. Correct transfer techniques (from wheelchair to bed/chair) without hurting your back Course Outline 1. Introduction to being a caregiver 2. The age sensitization experience 3. Emotional side of care giving 4. Techniques for stress management & relaxation 5. Effective communication with the older person 6. The aging process and implication for care 7. Important of health monitoring 8. Falls prevention & home safety 9. Medication and older person 10. Protecting your back 11. Safe transfers and correct positioning Training Details: Course Duration Classroom Training: 2 days Course Fee Per Participant: S$230.00 (include GST) (Eligible for $200 subsidy by Caregiver Training Grant) You pay only S$30.00 Venue TSAO Foundation Hua Mei Training Academy Blk 119 Bukit Merah View #01- 77, Singapore 152119 Date 28 & 29 October 2013 Time 9am to 5pm Why you must attend? Self-care tips Hands-on practice to learn the techniques of transferring without hurting your own back Call Ms Lucille Lau/Alice Chiam at 6593 9547/ 6593 9555 or email 12. Safe use of mobility aids Lucille@tsaofoundation.org/ alice@tsaofoundation.org 13. Manage day-to-day care ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------information. ---- Hua Mei Training Academy Tsao foundation set up the Hua Mei Training Academy (HMTA) in 1995 with objectives to promote ageing in a positive light; by delivering positive messages that older people are worthy of respect, and are capable of living meaningful and independent lives, even as they need increasing levels of assisted living. HMTA has been specializing in a wide range of topics comprises ageing & age care issues, health promotion & management, dementia care and psycho-emotional dimensions of ageing. We conduct training for seniors, aged care & health professionals, volunteers and family care givers. HMTA is appointed by The Workforce Development Agency in 2008 to be the Continuing Education and Training (CET) Centre for the Community and Social Service (Senior Services) Sub Sector. Our CET Centre aims to raise the standards and competency of the sector through a structured competency based training roadmap. TSAO Foundation, Hua Mei Centre for Successful Ageing, 298 Tiong Bahru Road, #15-01/06, Central Plaza, Singapore 168730 Telephone: 6593-9552 I Fax: 6593-9556 I Email: tsao1@tsaofoundation.org I website: www.tsaofoundation.org 1. About the Caregivers Training Grant While those in need of care require attention, caregivers too have to learn to better cope and care for persons with disabilities (PWDs) or the elderly (aged 65 and above). The Caregivers Training Grant (CTG) helps caregivers build their capabilities so that they are able to better care for the physical and socio-emotional needs of PWDs or the elderly. A training grant to help caregivers defray the cost of training will enable them to acquire the necessary knowledge that would contribute to the resilience and stability of their families. Caregivers may now apply to attend CTG-approved training programmes, seminars or workshops at subsidised fees. 2. To qualify for the S$200 Caregivers Training Grant (CTG), the caregiver must: About Hua Mei Training Academy be looking after a person with disabilities (PWD) or elderly person (aged 65 and above) who is a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident be the main caregiver of the PWD or elderly person attend training courses approved for the purpose of this Training Grant complete the training course and receive a Certificate of Attendance 3. Scope 1. Eligible caregivers will receive training subsidies of up to $200 per year from the CTG for each person with disabilities or senior persons. 2. Trainee caregivers may be a family member or foreign domestic helper who has been/is caring for PWDs or elderly persons. 3. If more than one caregiver of the same PWD or elderly person attends the same training, only one caregiver will receive the subsidy from the CTG. 4. More than one caregiver from each family may attend different training courses in a year but the claim per family (tied to the PWD or senior) will only be up to $200. Response Slip 5. Any unused balance of the grant per PWD or elderly person will not be carried forward Yes, I to amthe interested in the ‘How to be an Effective Caregiver’ (English) caregiver training, please keep next year. e informed of the training details. 4. Application procedure Name: __________________________________________________________________________ 1. Download the application from : http://www.aic.sg/caregiverstraininggrant. You may also obtain a copy of the application form from office. 1800-8585885 Email: _________________________________________ Tel/HPTel: : _________________________ 2. Complete the application form and attach a copy of the dependent elderly’s identification card 3. Submit application at least 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the training 4. We will inform the applicant the CTG subsidy amount once the application is approved by Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) TSAO Foundation, Hua Mei Centre for Successful Ageing, 298 Tiong Bahru Road, #15-01/06, Central Plaza, Singapore 168730 Telephone: 6593-9552 I Fax: 6593-9556 I Email: tsao1@tsaofoundation.org I website: www.tsaofoundation.org
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