ST MARY MAGDALEN PARISH 1213 52ND ST SE PASTOR’S COLUMN KENTWOOD, MICHIGAN MASS INTENTIONS How to Understand the Ascension Saturday, May 19, 2012 l 5:00 p.m. †Gregory Siemion by his sister T Sunday, May 20, 2012 ~ Ascension of the Lord he Ascension of the Lord was the last appearance of the Risen One; the disciples knew that they would not see him again in this world. Admittedly, this departure was not like that of Good Friday, for on that occasion Jesus obviously died a failure and all the hopes they had centered on him could be regarded as a great mistake. His departure forty days after the Resurrection, on the contrary, has something triumphal, something reassuring, about it: Jesus departs this time, not to go to an ignominious death, but to enter into life. He is not a failure; rather God has vindicated him. Without doubt, there is cause for joy here. But when understanding and will rejoice, it does not necessarily follow that the feelings will do so as well. Even while they recognize Jesus’ victory, they can suffer under the loss of his physical presence. Yet we cannot ignore the statement about the great joy of those returning to Jerusalem, even though we will never be able to explain it totally, any more than we can explain the joy of the martyrs: Maximilian Kolbe’s singing as he was being starved to death in a Nazi prison; the joyful praise that Polycarp raised to God from the funeral pyre; and many others. From such experiences we can have some presentiment of how Christ’s victory can not only touch the understanding, but can also make itself felt in the heart, and in so doing become truly meaningful. Only when we experience something of it ourselves have we understood the feast of Christ’s Ascension. What has happened here is a realization in the human heart of the definitiveness of redemption so that knowledge becomes joy. Taken from: Benedict XVI Benedictus; Day by Day with Pope Readings for the week of May 21 through May 26, 2012: Monday: Acts 19:1-8 Ps 68:2-5ac,6-7ab Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27 Ps 68:10-11,20-21 Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38 Ps 68:29-30,33-36b Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday: Acts 22:30;23:6-11 Ps 16:1-2a,5,7-11 Jn 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13b-21 Ps 103:1-2,11-12,19-20b Jn 21:15-19 Saturday: Acts 28:16-20,30-31 Ps 11:4-5,7 Jn 21:20-25 9:00 a.m. †Thomas Brailey by the Brailey Family 11:00 a.m. †Maria Bui Thi Mung by Lan Vu 5:00 p.m. †Robert Fifelski by Ann Fifelski Tuesday, May 22, 2012 8:00 a.m. NO MASS TODAY Wednesday, May 23, 2012 8:00 a.m. †Frank Brown(7th Anniv.) by Esther Brown Thursday, May 24, 201 8:00 a.m. †Edmund Richer by Tom & Cheryl Richer & family Friday, May 25, 2012 8:00 a.m. †Maria Magdalena Trang Thi An by Hue Vu Saturday, May 26, 2012 l 5:00 p.m. †Jack & Ida Blackert by the Levan Family Sunday, May 27, 2012 ~ Feast of Pentecost 9:00 a.m. Intentions of the Parish Community 11:00 a.m. †Maria Vu Thi Dau by Son Vu 5:00 p.m. Intentions of the Parish Community Scripture Readings for: Sunday, May 27, 2012 ~ Feast of Pentecost Acts 2:1-11 Ps 104:1ab,24ac,29bc-30,31,34 1 Cor 12:3b-7,12-13 Jn 20:19-23 Let us pray for one another with one mind and heart to the Lord our God Neighborhood 0 Bob & Donna Huebner Neighborhood 1 Tom Bahns Norman Czerniak James Emelander Neighborhood 2 Frank Gerke Neighborhood 4 Cecelia Bennetts Eugene Nawrocki Joan Rademacher Neighborhood 5 Pauline Hafke Geneva Ritsema Neighborhood 6 Karen Ann Smith Theresa Taggart Neighborhood 7 Tammy Hickey Neighborhood 8 Bartholomew Atkins Cheryl Montoya Neighborhood 9 Ted Cipponeri Pauline Parent Neighborhood 11 Elsie Christensen Neighborhood 12 Stephanie Smereka Neighborhood 13 Conrad Balazs Neighborhood 15 Evelyn Kehoe John Edelyn Helen Ranta Leon Rutka, Jr. Neighborhood 16 Ann Syrba Neighborhood 20 Kevin & Kyle Friar Neighborhood 22 Don Rexford Neighborhood 23 Michelle Groh Neighborhood 24 Esther Brown Joseph Najar Neighborhood 26 Gary Maher Ronald Parini Andrew Polaschik Lucy Weiss Neighborhood 28 Ken Dutkiewicz Neighborhood 30 Harry Boersma Ron Haisma Neighborhood 33 Carolyn Sheeran Neighborhood 36 Kenneth Terpstra Neighborhood 37 Darren White Others to remember: Allison Diehl Dolores Klocke Marla Jacobs Robert Ash Baby Parker Grace April Scheen Mary Drake Diane Camminga Daniel Ferguson Lyndsey Freiburger Gordan Grant Bill Louwers Sally Louwers Doug Meyers Jim Szyperski William Redmond Leocadia Jaworski Monica Swing Joe Jakubowski The Sacrament of Marriage will be celebrated between Megan Kay Wierenga & Jason Jacob Kastenholz Saturday, May 26, 2012 Let us pray for this couple as they grow in love and holiness. MAY 20, 2012 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD YOUTH MINISTRY This weekend we honor our graduates at the 9:00am Mass. It is an occasion that reminds us that time passes, life happens, children become adults… adults age. Whatever the milestone—completing an era, elementary school, middle school, high school or college, we are aware the our lives are progressing. That we are being shaped, we are becoming…something. It is a reminder that as we prepare to move into the next step in our life that we should take stock of where we have been, what we have gained, lost and given. A time to decide what to bring forward and what to leave behind. It is a time to create and dream anew the hopes we have for ourselves. Above all, it is a time of listening to God’s voice. The question isn’t what do I want to make of myself, or my life. Rather, it is what was I created by God to be? What is God creating in me? When we dream we must dream along with God, prayerfully asking what did You imagine when You created me? What was it about me that made you, God, choose to love ME into being? Why ME. What was it you saw? If we could only see it—the perfect vision of ourselves, surely—it would take our breath away; and nothing would stop us from wanting, with all of our heart to be this person…this creation of the Almighty God. So as we plan for our next step, may we always plan along with God who know us beyond our knowing—God’s plan for us will never hold us back from good things…rather, it promises only good things! Trust! Listen! Trust more! LORD, you have examined me, and you know me. . . You know everything I do; from far away you understand all my thoughts. You see me, whether I am working or resting; you know all my actions. . . You created every part of me; you put me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because you are to be feared; all you do is strange and wonderful. I know it with all my heart. When my bones were being formed, carefully put together in my mother's womb, when I was growing there in secret, you knew that I was there—you saw me before I was born. The days allotted to me had all been recorded in your book, before any of them ever began. O God, how difficult I find your thoughts; how many of them there are! If I counted them, they would be more than the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you. Examine me, O God, and know my mind; test me, and discover my thoughts. Find out if there is any evil in me and guide me in the everlasting way. Psalm 139 Today’s English version, taken from The Notre Dame Prayerbook for Students this year’s parish gift to our High School Grads! Congratulations! FAITH FORMATION SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM We know that God has loved us since the moment of our conception. At the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism we embrace that love. We would like to thank the parents and Godparents of the children baptized for allowing us as a faith community to reflect on our own Baptismal promises and to offer our support to these children in their journey of discipleship. Please welcome into our faith community the following children: Camden Alex Bernard Henry Beckett Cusack Michael Elias Griffioen Isabella Ndayisenga Nicholas Scott Romijn Bella Caroline Shields Joseph Robert James Uturo Thomas Neil Villeneuve Jackson Richard Workman Thank You Lisa Jackson! I would like to take this opportunity to thank Lisa for her years of service as our Nursery Coordinator. We have appreciated the time, effort and love that she has put into caring for our children as well as making the nursery a fun and faith-filled place for them to gather. I know it is with both joy and sorrow that she leaves this ministry to begin another. Staff, children and parents alike will miss her. Thank you! MotherMother-Daughter Tea The parish thanks all who organized and attended the Mother Daughter Tea last Saturday. It was a pleasure to see mothers, daughters, grandmothers, aunts and special friends gather together to celebrate their love for one another! And a special thanks to all those who donated items for our raffle. First Eucharist Pictures Needed If you have a group picture from the 11 am First Eucharist celebration, I would greatly appreciate a copy. I have had several requests for copies from parents who were unable to get a clear shot. Please email the pictures to Thank you! Faith Formation Books Any Faith Formation student who did not pick up their book after the final class, can do so in the Family Center this weekend. CHRISTIAN SERVICE The SMM Women’s Expo: We are looking for vendors. If you own a business or work from your home and would like to be part of the Saturday morning event you can go to our website under the Christian Services tab where you will find the necessary forms. Taste of SMM: We are also looking for interesting foods to sell at the ‘Taste of SMM’ on Sunday, July 22. If you have something you love to make that would qualify as ‘street food’ (that can be eaten while walking) and you are willing to share with us, please contact Ruth in the office. +++ Please Note: There is NO Feeding American Mobile Food Pantry this month. The next truck will be July 28. +++ The City of Kentwood proudly presents: Cost of Freedom Tribute on July 25-29, 2012 at Veterans Memorial Park located at 355 – 48th St. They are looking for volunteers to fill various roles during that time. Please see the bulletin board near the Family Center office for more information or visit the Parks and Recreation website at recreation/specialevents. +++ FINANCIAL NEWS Date Contributions Budget May 13, 2012 Year to Date $ 12,200 $ 618,096 $ 14,120 $ 649,520 324 envelopes used 14 electronic contributions Save the date! The 25th annual Let’s Go to Bat for Kids! charity softball game featuring a team of local priests versus media celebrities will be held on Thursday, June 21, 2012 at Fifth Third Ballpark. For more information, visit our website at or call (616) 5515667. +++ Stewardship challenges us to live counter-culturally, anchored in the Gospel message and wholly cognizant that only in living as our model steward, Jesus, will we find hope, true freedom, and lasting joy and peace. Stewardship: • Asks that we help each other recognize the gifts and talents with which God has blessed us and the ways in which we have been blessed through the gifts and talents of others; • Invites us to help discern, call forth, and continually encourage one another to use the gifts and talents with which God has blessed us according to God’s will., • Challenges us to share our time, talent and treasure beyond what we believe we can do or give so we can grow, individually and collectively, as God desires. ( $1,920) ($ 31,424) So, I’m pretty sure that all of us can relate to at least one of these scenarios: A.) You’re on vacation, or maybe just a weekend away, and making provision for your weekly financial support for your parish was one of the things you meant to do before leaving, but just forgot (along with the sunscreen and your golf shoes); B.) You’re scrambling like crazy to get yourself and the kids ready for church in the morning, hopefully arriving in time to go down the aisle before Father does, when you remember that you haven’t written your church envelope, and precious seconds are ticking away, or C.) You’re high-tech; you watch TV on your computer, you converse with your Smart Phone, and carrying cash and writing checks is something your parents do. For these situations, and others as well , we have Electronic Contributions, via automatic withdrawals from your checking or savings account. It’s safe! It’s easy! It’s convenient! It’s GREEN! Now’s a perfect time to sign up, while you’re making your vacation plans for the summer. Cards are available in the back of church to enroll; just fill one out and return it to the Parish Office, along with a voided check. Questions? Call Joe at the office during business hours. Catholic Services Appeal 2012 Assessment $ 84,511 Pledged to date $ 76,266 (90.2% of goal) Balance $ 8,245 PARISH STAFF Hospice of Michigan is offering a ‘Loss of Spouse” support group. They meet the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.. at the Dominican Center at Marywood. To register or for more information, please call 616-356-5258. +++ Over (Under) Pastoral Staff: Ruth Bush: Mary Evett Jenna Fowle Molly Wisdom Coordinator of Christian Services, x16 Coordinator of Youth & Young Adult Ministry,x15 Director of Music Ministry, x25 Coordinator of Faith Formation, x12 Administrative Staff: Joe Hakeem Business Manager,, x14 Nancy Baum Parish Secretary,, x10 Sharon Mascarenhas: Admin. Assistant, Maintenance Staff: Bobby Jackson Jr., Supervisor & Brenda Bush Pastoral Support Staff: Deacons Mike Dordan & Michael Wood Sacristans Wayne Ball, Joseph Nguyen Music Ministry Dave Doppel Nursery Pastoral Council: Bob Dodde Laurie Emelander Patricia Guzzo Pamela Kosten Kim Levesque Daniel Moomey Mark O’Gorman Luisa Ortiz Tom Richer Tom Roos Ronald Stephan Josh Theisen (Youth Rep) Finance Council: Matthew Bielecki Tom Nawrocki Stewardship: Brent Hawkins Becky Vetter Mike Bush Lynie Huynh Cathy Wells Monica Dean Chris Loerch Parish Registration: Contact the Parish Office for information, 455-9310. Sacrament of Marriage: Call the Parish Office at least 6 months in advance. Sacrament of Baptism: Please call the Parish Office to register for Baptism Prep. PARISH NEWS Widow/Widowers Group will be meeting for dinner at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, May 21st at Arnie’s Restaurant, 54th & Clyde Park. We warmly welcome those in the parish who have lost a spouse to join us for an enjoyable evening. Pictorial Directories are in! If you had your picture taken for the directory, you may pick up your copy at the Parish Office during office hours, M-F, 9 to 5 p.m. FIRST FRIDAY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION On June 1, 2012 we will have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament beginning after the 8am daily Mass and concluding with Benediction beginning at 8:30pm. We would like those who can sign up to spend time before the Blessed Sacrament for one hour to please do so. It is imperative that we have 2 people for every hour that Our Lord is present on the altar. If you can offer one hour, please see the sign-up sheet in the Gathering Area. Walk-ins are always welcome. Come sit with Our Lord in quiet and peace. THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH Tuesday, May 22, 2012 7:00 p.m. Men’s Group Meeting Wednesday, May 23, 2012 9:00 a.m. Morning Mass Class in Room 1 9:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study in Rm 3 6:45 p.m. Adult Study in Rm. 15 8:00 p.m. Men of Emmaus in Rm. 15 Thursday, May 24, 2012 5:30 p.m. Bell Choir Practice in Church 6:00 p.m. M.S. Faith ‘n Fun Nite in BAC 6:30 p.m. Adult Choir Practice in Church Two Faith Opportunities The Adult Faith Formation Class is continuing through the summer. We will be doing an intro to the New Testament and then on to the Gospel of Mark. We will begin at 6:45 p.m. on Wednesday evenings in Room 15. Men of Emmaus: Also continuing this summer, the Men of Emmaus will meet on Wednesday evenings at 8:00 p.m. in Room 15 of the Family Center to break open the scriptures for the coming weekend’s liturgy. For more information, call Wayne Ball at 551-1454.
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