Agent’s Voice the YIPs Year in Review

November 2011
Vol. XXXVIII, No. 9
YIPs Year in Review
pg 13-17
How To Stay Top-of-Mind with Insurance Clients and Prospects
pg 15-16
A Greene LiGht for SAfety.
Robert Vilyus (left), Chief Executive Officer of Greene’s Energy Group, confers on-site with Damian Simoneaux (center), LWCC
Senior Loss Prevention Consultant, and Steve Langlinais, Global Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment Manager for Greene’s.
With corporate headquarters in Lafayette, Greene’s
Energy Group is an international provider of oil-field
services that has earned a top-notch reputation for quality
partnership and encouragement of our ongoing efforts to
maintain safe workplaces for our employees.”
LWCC’s in-state presence as the leading workers’
workmanship and attention to safety. The company has been
comp insurer in Louisiana means that decisions affecting
a policyholder with us, the Louisiana Workers’ Compensation
Greene’s and other policyholders are made on the local
Corporation, for over a decade.
level. And the dividends that LWCC has historically paid
Through its participation with the Occupational Safety
and Health Administration, Greene’s has been identified as
are an added bonus.
George Guidry, Sales Representative for Dwight
a company that is “a model for worksite safety and health.”
Andrus Insurance and the agent for Greene’s Energy
Greene’s CEO Robert Vilyus says, “We put safety at the top
Group, adds, “LWCC is small enough to listen, and big
of our list of guiding principles, and we appreciate LWCC’s
enough to respond to its clients’ needs.”
Inside This Issue
The Agent’s Voice
Published by the Professional
Insurance Agents of Louisiana, Inc.
President’s Message………………………………...........4
Commissioner’s Column.........................................6
No material may be reproduced in whole or in part without written consent of PIA of Louisiana, Inc.
Statements of fact and opinion in The Agent’s Voice are
the responsibility of the authors alone and do not imply
an opinion on the part of the officers or the members of
the Professional Insurance Agents.
Participation in PIA events, activities and/or publications is available on a non-discriminatory basis and
does not reflect PIA endorsement of the products and/
or services.
The Agent’s Voice is published ten times a year by the
Professional Insurance Agents of Louisiana, Inc. Free
subscription is included in PIA membership. Non-member subscription is $2.50 per copy, $25 per year. Contact the Editor for more details.
Passing It On..........…………….………….........…..........8
PIA Errors & Omissions...........................................9
Yips Year in Review ..................................................13-16
Yips 2012 Winter
Conference Highlights .............................................17
In Workers’ Compensation Cases,
Subrogation May be the Answer..............................19-20
Louisiana Legal Updates..........................................25
All communications for publications, including news,
features, advertising copy, cuts, etc. must reach publisher by 1st of month prior to month of publication. Advertising rates furnished upon request.
Partner News............................................................11
Address inquiries to:
8064 Summa Avenue, Suite C
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Index of Advertisers ………….………….…....................26
2011 CISR Schedule ....................……………............12
Company News........................................................21
Editorial Cartoon ......................................................26
Member Benefit in Focus .……...………….……...........26
Phone: (225) 766-7770
Watts: (800) 349-3434
Fax: (225) 766-1601
Mission Statement
Promoting the professional insurance agency
system, leading through support,
representation and fellowship.
Gene Galligan, Monroe
Manuel DePascual, Metairie
Darryl Frank, Metairie
Duane Dimattia, Baton Rouge
Immediate Past President
Richie Clements, Chalmette
PIA National Director
Karen Bryant, Denham Springs
Lisa Donlon, Lafayette
Dawn Duhé, Hammond
John Erny, Lafayette
Patrick LeBoeuf, Westwego
Joe Lohman, Baton Rouge
Jim Moore, Destrehan
Al Pappalardo, Jr., Mandeville
Barry White, West Monroe
Kevin Woods, Monroe
Jody M. Boudreaux
Executive Vice President & Editor
Natalie S. Cooper
Director of Industry Affairs
Laurie Whipp
Director of Marketing
Coleen Brooks
Director of Member Services
Page 4 • November 2011
or the last week I have been
will be introduced,
asking myself and any one
and the better our
that would listen, what topic
association will be.
would interest our members,
and does anyone actually read
joining a committhese articles? I thought I might
tee by contacting the chairperson or
recycle one of Duane’s articles from
last year. After all, he did a great job
and admitted in one article that he had
October was a month of fellowship.
“the worst memory”. Maybe, I could get
Our chapters sponsored a Poker Run,
away with it.
a Bowl-a-thon, and a Halloween Party.
Rather than plagiarize, I decided to proNovember has started as a month of
vide some information as
to what our association
Wooley, Duane Dimattia,
PIA of Louisiana
has been doing.
Darryl Frank, Lisa Donlon
and yours truly visited with
Gene Galligan Insurance Agency
As everyone knows, PIA’s
Commissioner Donelon
Mission Statement is
and Ed O’Brien. We con“Promoting the profesgratulated the commissional insurance agency system, leadsioner on his reelection, and restated
ing through support, representation,
our support for him. We inquired about
and fellowship”.
the recent decline in ratings for several
carriers. However, he advised that he
In September, our board had its first
could not discuss, but suggested that
quarterly meeting in Monroe in conjuncan agent can go to the DOI’s website
tion with the NE Association’s Insurance
and pull up company financials.
Day Golf and Social. We appointed committee chairpersons.
On November 9, the 1752 Club sponGovernment Affairs: Joe Lohman
sored one of the best CE classes that I
Industry Affairs: Lisa Donelon
have ever attended. The seminar was
Member Services: Dawn Duhe’
on Social Media and presented by KenVision Committee: Al Pappalardo, Jr
neth Petterson. I attended and would
PR Task Force: Karen Bryant
recommend this class to everyone from
the YIPs to the OIPs. It even inspired
If you check on the State website, on the
this OIP to join Face Book and improve
left side it will say “Committees”, you
my agency’s position on the Internet.
can then access a list of the committees with the Chairperson, their phone
numbers, and e-mail addresses. They
Continued on page 23
are all smart, energetic, and work hard
for our PIA, however the more members
that we can get active, the more ideas
November 2011 • Page 5
Commissioner’s Column
By James J. Donelon
Citizens Fifth Depopulation
Program Successful
any of you are collaborating I’m sure you recall Citiwith the Louisiana Citizens zens’ saw a significant
rise in its size in the
Property Insurance Corporation (Citiaftermath of Hurrizens) on the fifth Depopulation Procanes Katrina and Rita
gram. November 15 was the deadline
for agents such as you to authorize in 2005 with its policy count spiking to 174,000 polipolicies to be moved
from Citizens to the Commissioner of Insurance cies in September of
2008. In 2009, when
requesting company.
Louisiana Department of
Citizens homeowners
I am delighted to anInsurance
market share dropped
nounce that Citizens
to 6.4% of the market
has achieved sigCitizens first saw its
nificant results with
market share move lower than the
10,890 homeowners policies being
assumed into the private insurance Citizens market share in 2004 prior
to Hurricane Katrina.
Citizens total policy count has
dropped to 105,000 policies with the
removal of these additional policies.
With this round of take outs Citizens
is predicted to have dropped to a 4.3
percent homeowners market share
and rank 6th in size of market share
in our state. This will reduce Citizens’
market share from 5.3 percent of the
market at year end of 2010.
Contact the
Department of
Insurance at
or call
Page 6 • November 2011
Another year of success in the Citizens Depopulation Program indicates
ongoing and significant improvement
in the recovery of the Louisiana property insurance market. This reduction in market share of Citizens is a
great indicator that the homeowners
insurance market as well as the commercial property insurance market
in Louisiana is rebounding from the
severe hit we suffered as a result of
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Homeowners now have a broader range
of options for insurance with 16 new
companies actively writing property
and casualty policies in our state.
This reduction of Citizens policies benefits all property owners by preventing or reducing future assessments
that could be charged to all property
insurance consumers in Louisiana.
An additional benefit for Louisiana
property owners is
that policies taken
out of Citizens and
written in the private
will be written at lower premiums for
those consumers. This is because
the rates charged by Citizens are required by law to be residual or, put
another way, the highest rates in a
parish. Many policyholders have lowered their premiums by hundreds or
even thousands of dollars after being
written by a private insurance company instead of Citizens.
It is only with your assistance in the
authorization process that this has
been possible. Citizens collaborated
with independent agents as well as
agents at Allstate, State Farm and
Louisiana Farm Bureau who authorized the move of policies requested
of them.
Five companies including Occidental,
Lighthouse, Capitol Preferred, Access
Home and Centauri Specialty successfully made offers to write homeowners policies previously written by
Citizens. Altogether, 31,458 unique
policies were requested by these
companies and 10,890 policies were
authorized to be moved, giving a 35
percent authorization rate of total polices requested. Occidental requested 133 policies and 21 policies were
Continued on page 10
November 2011 • Page 7
Passing It On!
By Jody M. Boudreaux
continuity that’s so
his issue of the Agent’s Voice
important to lead
focuses on the activities of our
the organization to
Young Insurance Professionals this past
year. As you can tell in our centerfold
exposé, they’ve been busy in 2011 as
I’d like to take the opportunity in this
well as have some good things planned
article to thank you, the agency principal,
for 2012. What’s really exciting is that
in supporting this organization.
other states that are looking to start
Whether you’re a
a YIPs group are actually
Executive Vice President,
“seasoned” agent that
looking to our Louisiana
PIA of Louisiana
sends your employees
crew to use as a model.
to YIPs events or a YIP
yourself, we appreciate
The YIPs leadership for
your loyalty. It has truly
the past few years now
made a difference in the growth of this
has joined PIA of Louisiana leaders
at our Federal Legislative Summit in
Washington, DC as well and those
The YIPs led the way in social media as
attending this past year included
they were the first to have a Facebook
President Patrick LeBoeuf and Past
page and now PIA has followed suit.
President Crystal DePascual. They join
The YIPs page has quite a following
the state on the legislative visits as
and members stay in touch between
well as attend their own YIPs National
planning meetings, which our very own
David “Moose” Bulloch serves as the
leader of that group. Kudos to our YIPs
leadership! They’re making their mark
medium. PIA hopes to grow
its Facebook following as
well. See, we can learn
from the young.
If you question what’s the benefit in
sending your employees to a YIPs event
or letting them become a YIPs member,
I would offer you the following reasons:
• YIPs provides an avenue for young
insurance professionals to network and
share invaluable experience with each
• YIPs provides an avenue for your young
employee to learn leadership skills
through the board and committees;
Continued on page 10
Mark your calandar for
PIA of Louisiana’s
One of the challenges this young group
has faced in the past is the number
of members that move around within
the industry and/or leave the industry
altogether. This had been really a
challenge in keeping a steady Board
together, but I’m excited to report that
this no longer seems to be that big of
an issue. With most of the Board having
served many years now, they have the
Page 8 • November 2011
69th Annual
July 28-31, 2012
Moody Gardens
Galveston, Texas
PIA Errors & Omissions
By Natalie S. Cooper, CIC, CISR
Get Your Game Plan:
The Invaluable Agency
Procedures Manual
An agency procedures manual can be
two CSRs in your office,
an invaluable tool in your agency. A
but find that their job descriptions conwell-developed, well-thought out proceflict in some areas, such as the way
dures manual can serve as a rule book
certificates of insurance are issued by
for your agency: the standardized proeach. These two CSRs can then work
tocol by which every situation in your
together and with management to idenagency is addressed. A
tify a consistent, efficient
good procedures manway to complete this
ual is a point of referparticular task. DevelopDirector of Industry Affairs
ence for your agency’s
ment of an agency’s propersonnel; a guide by
cedures manual should
PIA of Louisiana
which everyone in the
include input from all
office can know how
staff: Efficiency and acto implement specific
countability prevail when
procedures, from the way a customer’s
employees have a sense of ownership
file is documented, to how to issue cerand pride in the work that they do.
tificates of insurance, to how to process
your customer’s change requests.
While the procedures manual has the
potential to heighten consistency within
With the start of a new year fast apthe agency’s operations, and as such
proaching, now is a great time to demay aid in the aversion of an E&O claim,
velop an agency procedures manual if
an agency procedures manual is only
you do not currently have one in place,
as good as the agency using it! If your
or to revisit and refresh your existing
agency commits to an agency proceagency procedures manual. This does
dures manual, make sure that everyone
not have to be an inundating task. As a
in your agency adheres to its guidelines,
matter of fact, involvement of all agency
and that it is regularly and consistently
personnel is extremely beneficial in the
updated to meet the ever-changing
creation or maintenance of an agency’s
needs of your agency. It is also a good
idea to have one staff person in charge
of updating the agency procedures
A good place to start is with a meeting
manual. Once you create your manual,
of all staff wherein employees provide
assign a name and edition date to it.
their own job descriptions based on the
Then, upon regular review of the manual
work each performs. From there, the
at regularly-set staff meetings, one staff
job descriptions of like positions can
person can be given the responsibility
be compared and contrasted to confirm
of updating the procedures manual with
that all within the agency are operating
an amendment, of course with a name
consistently and thereby effectively. Adand edition date. This will alleviate conditionally, this meeting is a great forum
fusion as to when a new procedure was
for staff to address areas of work that
implemented within the agency.
may be duplicated or overlooked, and
provides an opportunity for employees
The agency procedures manual can be
to share ideas on how best to streaman electronic document to allow for flexline work. For example, you may have
ibility in updating and easy accessibility
to all staff. Further,
regular staff meetings are an integral
part of keeping everyone informed of
procedures, as well as provide an opportunity for personnel to discuss procedures, agency workflows and any issues
that might arise, in an effort to continually improve the agency’s operations.
One resource that you may find useful
is the Occupational Outlook Handbook
(2010 – 2011 Edition) provided by the
US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. This handbook provides
information for all different types of
jobs, with more than 100 related to insurance. The job descriptions, in part,
provide a brief overview of the nature
of the work, as well as the training and
education needed to perform a certain
job, and what workers do on the job.
While this tool can help you hone in on
the tasks associated with a particular
job (producer, CSR, etc), it may also give
you fresh ideas on how to properly and
efficiently allocate work load among
staff. The Occupational Outlook Handbook (2010-2011 Edition) is accessible
through the Bureau of Labor Statistics
website at It is easy
to maneuver through the website and
find the job classification you are seeking.
The biggest challenge in developing an
agency procedures manual is the dedication of your time and that of the agency’s employees to this project. However,
with a comprehensive, working agency
procedures manual, you and your staff
will likely reap the benefit of time saved
in the future.
November 2011 • Page 9
Continued from page 6
(Commissioner’s Column)
15,128 policies and 5,760 policies were
authorized, Capitol Preferred requested
10,000 policies and 1,003 policies were
authorized, Access Home requested
8,084 polices and 3,158 policies were
authorizes and Centauri Specialty requested 5,459 policies and 948 policies
were authorized.
In the four previous rounds of Citizens
depopulation, Citizens saw the following
reduction in policy counts: Round one 26,595 policies on June 1, 2008, round
two - 13,343 policies on December 1,
2008, round three - 3,368 policies on April
1, 2009 and round four – 3,466 policies
on December 1, 2010. Including Round 5,
a total of 67,660 policies have been taken
out of Citizens by private insurers.
The fifth Depopulation Program schedule will close out with authorized policy
files transferring to new companies on
December 1, 2011 and new companies
renewing assumed policies on their letterhead beginning March 1, 2012. On
behalf of Louisiana property owners I
welcome new companies into the Louisiana market and will continue to focus on
encouraging more companies to come to
our state.
Continued from page 8
(Passing It On)
• YIPs provides an avenue for specific
educational opportunities for the young
insurance professional…it might be a
class that a “seasoned” insurance person
may not be interested in…but don’t take
for granted that the less experienced
insurance professional couldn’t benefit
from the basics;
• YIPs provides a mentoring program that
you may not have the time nor resources
to provide your individual employees;
• YIPs provides a sense of ownership
for your young employees…they can
take pride in being involved in their own
organization that promotes and supports
their professional needs, thus leading to
happier, more fulfilled employees, which
should equal less turn around time in
staff for you.
• And lastly, just as you see the benefits
of belonging to PIA, you’re encouraging
other young professionals to support
their professional association. It’s always
good to give back to the profession that
has been so good to you. By supporting
your young employees in this way, you’re
promoting your chosen profession as
Again, we appreciate your support of YIPs
and PIA. We’re here to serve you, so let us
hear how we can do a better job!
Page 10 • November 2011
Partner News
A message from Bankers
Dear Agent Partners,
We want to let you know that in a few months, David Meehan will assume a new role at Bankers. In David’s words,
Next year I will celebrate thirty-nine years at Bankers — and my 65th birthday! As of January 1, I will officially transition from President
to serving as Executive Advisor to Bankers Financial Corporation. In that role, I will continue to assist with sales and marketing, trade
associations, civic work, regulators and public affairs. Most importantly, this position will allow me to continue my relationship with
all of you, our partners and customers. I’m looking forward to this new chapter, assisting our company in its continued success.
We are happy to announce that as of 11/01/2011, Bill Martin, SVP of Farmers Insurance Group, joined us as President of Bankers’
Insurance division, including Property & Casualty, Life & Annuity and the Bonded Builders Warranty Group. Bill holds a BA from
Stanford, and has over a quarter-century industry experience.
Please join us in congratulating both David and Bill, and as always, let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Jay Williams
BUI Marketing & Sales
Deborah Brcka
Vice President
BUI Marketing & Sales
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November 2011 • Page 11
Advertise Today!
CISR Schedule
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January 17: Shreveport
January 18: Lafayette
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PHONE: (504) 831-8040
FAX: (504) 831-4499
Page 12 • November 2011
Young Insurance Professionals
of Louisiana
Young Insurance Professionals
of Louisiana
2012 Winter Conference:
YIPs: Rock of Ages
March 1-3, 2012
Holiday Inn Lafayette
Thursday, March 1, 2012
9:00 - 11:00am
Board Meeting
Golf Tournament Registration
Golf Tournament Shotgun Start
Golf Tournament Awards Banquet
Friday, March 2, 2012
8:30 - 9:30am
8:30 - 1:00pm
9:30 - 11:30am
11:30 - 1:00pm
1:00 - 5:00pm
5:00 - 5:30pm
5:15 - 5:30pm
5:30 - 7:30pm
Continental Breakfast
Registration Open
Education Session
Agent and Company Ethics
Lunch on your own
Education Session
Risk Management Site Tour
Exhibitor Set-up-Welcome Reception
First Timers’ Gathering
Welcome Reception with Exhibitors
Saturday, March 3, 2012
9:30 - 11:30am
11:30 - 1:30pm
1:30 - 2:00pm
5:30pm - Until
Breakfast Buffet
Annual Membership Meeting
Bloody Mary & Mimosa Break
Lunch with Exhibitors
Exhibitor “Teardown”
Dine Around Departure
Downtown Dine Around
Patrick LeBoeuf
As my term as YIPS president comes to a close, I
find myself thinking back on what an exciting year
this has been. The experience I have gained while
serving in this role of leadership with YIPs is something no one can put a price on. Whether we were
planning the 2011 Conference, bowling with Boys
Hope Girls Hope to raise money for a wonderful
charity or playing night golf with the young professionals around the state, I have had a moving and
fulfilling year with YIPs.
I could not have made it through this year as President without some much needed help. I would like
to thank the entire YIPS board and all of the PIA
staff for their continued help this past year. I would
also like to thank our sponsors for their contributions that have enabled this organization to have
many successful events. And, I would also like to
thank all of our members for continuing to support
YIPS. Your membership is the reason we exist.
I urge everyone to get involved with the organization. As a member, you will receive many continuing education and networking opportunities. The
knowledge that I have acquired through YIPS has
meant a great deal to my professional career, and the
friendships I have gained through this organization
are invaluable.
Congratulations to Timothy “Tim-a-rim-a”
Clements on his upcoming YIPS presidency.
Finally, I would like to thank my wife Ali, my
brother Ryan and my father Pat for their continued
November 2011 • Page 13
Young Insurance Professionals
Year in Review - 2011
In Ju
The Young Insurance Professionals of Louisiana (YIPs) was formed in 1998 with the idea of giving young professionals
an educational resource to develop business savvy and to cultivate future leaders of PIA. Over the course of its 13year-existence, the group has gained much popularity for its social functions. While the association remains true to
its history, providing the social gatherings as in its humble beginnings, the growth that the organization has seen in
recent years has been extraordinary. In the past few years, the networking, social club YIPs once was has morphed
into a professional and well-rounded collection of young insurance individuals. YIPs continues to host those timehonored social traditions with ease, but they have added to these events further professional growth and developmental aspects. It is through strong vision, focus and dedication that the leaders of YIPs have forged this recent
As this year comes to a close, the Young Insurance Professionals would like to take a look back at 2011 and all of the
wonderful occasions the Association has enjoyed with its members. It is through these events and opportunities that
young professionals in the insurance industry can form lasting connections that will endure for a lifetime and enhance
their professional careers.
Annual Conference
In February, YIPs held their Annual Winter Conference, Gaining Tools for Success, where attendees focused on professional development through education and networking. Delegates in attendance kicked off the conference with
the Annual Golf Tournament, followed by two great education seminars, and wrapped up a successful conference
with a Dine Around in downtown Lafayette.
In addition to the fun and education presented at the 2011 conference, The Young Insurance Professionals held their
Annual Membership Meeting. During the meeting, the YIPs presented their annual awards. David “Moose” Bulloch
was honored with the Hall of Fame Award for his unwavering contribution and dedication to the association and the
insurance industry. A plaque was also presented to Dawn Duhé for her dedication and service to the Board of Directors and to Crystal DePascual for her outstanding service as 2010 President of YIPs.
Page 14 • November 2011
7th A
La o
to k
Pool Party/Hospitality Suite
In July, YIPs was able to maintain the longstanding, raved-about traditions of hosting the Annual Convention Hospitality
Suite at the 68th Annual PIA of Louisiana Convention as well as the Annual YIPs Pool Party. YIPs will be sure to continue to facilitate professional relationships among young (and seasoned) insurance professionals in a hassle-free and
comfortable environment in 2012 at the 69th Annual PIA of Louisiana Convention in Galveston, TX. We invite you to
become a part of this YIPs tradition! See you in 2012!!
n in
7th Annual Bowl-A-Thon
The YIPs are dedicated to enhancing the image of our young insurance professionals through community involvement.
On August 19, YIPs of Louisiana hosted their 7th Annual Charity Bowl-A-Thon at Rock ’N’ Bowl New Orleans to support Boys Hope Girls Hope of Greater New Orleans, the charity chosen by our current President, Patrick LeBoeuf.
With the help of over 150 Participants and our generous sponsors, YIPs was overjoyed to present Boys Hope Girls
Hope with a check in the amount of $1,500.00. “YIPs hopes that by supporting Boys Hope Girls Hope, we can help
them to reach their full potential. They are a unique and effective organization that changes children’s lives for the better. This is particularly important to me as a father-to-be,” stated President LeBoeuf. Make sure to join YIPs as they
host the 8th Annual Bowl-A-Thon event again in 2012.
Annual Glow Ball Tournament
The YIPs of Louisiana hosted their First Annual Glow Ball Tournament at the East Ridge Country Club in Shreveport,
La on November 10th. The event was attended by young professionals from around the state as well as representatives from PIA of Arkansas and YIPs of Arkansas. A catfish and chicken dinner was served prior to tee time allowing
players to network, socialize and fill their ice chests before heading out onto the course. PIA of LA President Gene
Galligan was on hand to congratulate the winning team of Rusty Ruiz, Lighthouse Property Insurance Corp., Derek
Bowles, Bowles & Associates, Wayne Forest, Forest Insurance Facilities and Larry Sinatra, Frank & Associates. Be sure
to keep an eye out for next year’s tournament information.
November 2011 • Page 15
Young Insurance Professionals
Year in Review - 2011
YIPs 2011
Board of Directors
Patrick LeBoeuf, CIC, CISR
Pat LeBeouf Insurance (Westwego)
Timothy Clements, CIC, CISR
Clements Insurance Services, LLC
Derek Bowles
Bowles & Associates (Gretna)
Crystal DePascual, CISR
First Premium Insurance Group
Holiday CE & Social
In an effort to continue to create professional growth, YIPs has looked
beyond cultivating leadership and focused on development through education. The association now offers a quality education seminar at a Holiday CE & Social event every year. This year, please make sure to join
YIPs on December 13, 2011 at Smilie’s Restaurant in Harahan, La for an
inspiring seminar, “Risk Modeling, Cause and Affect,” taught by fellow
YIPs member Danny Gendusa.
2011 has been an amazing year for the YIPs of Louisiana and 2012 will
be even better! There is no better time than ‘now’ to become part of this
growing and changing organization. Start now by participating in the
first event of the new year, The 2012 Winter Conference, YIPs: Rock Of
Ages, being held March 1-3, 2012 at the Holiday Inn Lafayette. You will
have the opportunity to experience what other young professionals like
yourself are enjoying already.
To learn more about the Young Insurance Professionals of Louisiana or
to become a member, visit their webpage at
YIPs. Follow YIPs on Facebook (a direct link is available at the bottom
of YIPs’ webpage).
Guy Chabert, Chabert Insurance (Larose)
Joshua Cockfield, LoCA (Prairieville)
Grey Digiliormo, AU, Pelican General
Beau Hearod, Jeff Davis Insurance
Agency (Jennings)
Casey Lane, Lane & Associates (Kenner)
Brigette Murphy, CIC, CISR, Aparicio,
Walker and Seeling (Metairie)
Rusty Ruiz, Lighthouse Property
Insurance Corp. (Madisonville)
Page 16 • November 2011
of th
the T
(PIA of Louisiana President)
Gene Galligan, Gene Galligan Insurance
Agency (Monroe)
Laurie F. Whipp, PIA of Louisiana
(Baton Rouge)
of L
at th
YIPs 2011 Board of Directors
Front row: Derek Bowles, Crystal DePascual, Patrick LeBoeuf, Timothy
Rear Row: Beau Hearod, Grey Digiliormo, Casey Lane, Rusty Ruiz,
Joshua Cockfield, Guy Chabert, Brigette Murphy
• Ris
We w
ette a
r an
k Of
a or
Young Insurance Professionals
2012 Winter Conference
Recognizing opportunity for Continuing Knowledge
The Young Insurance Professionals
of Louisiana will host its annual
Winter Conference March 1-3, 2012
at the Holiday Inn Lafayette in Lafayette, Louisiana. The conference
theme is “YIPS: Rock of
Ages” with the focus being professional development through education and networking.
“Fly like an Eagle”
YIPs Annual Winter Conference will
take the stage on Thursday, March 1,
2012 with the Annual Golf Tournament at the Farm D’Allie Golf Club.
Located just 7 miles north of Downtown Lafayette, Farm D’Allie is one
of the area's finest 18-hole Championship golf courses and is ranked in
the Top 25 Louisiana Courses. Chart
Toppers will be acknowledged at the
Banquet with Grammy’s for Longest
Drive, Closest to the Hole, and 1st,
2nd, and 3rd place teams. Get your
Band together early, and help YIPs
kick off an electric conference with a
dynamic round of golf!
“Hit Me with Your Best
Come and Rock and Roll All Night
and Study Every Day… with Heavy
Metal Instructors and rockin’ CE
sessions especially designed with the
Young Rockers in mind. You can
earn up to 8 hours of continuing education credit.
• Risk Management Site Tour –
Peggy Sellers, PS Safety
**4 hours P&C CE**
We will take you on a tour of our
host facility, the Holiday Inn Lafayette and conduct an on site Risk
Analysis Assessment.
• Agent and Company Ethics –
Matt Monson
**2 hours P&C or L&H or Ethics CE**
This two hour ethics course will review ethical principles through the
use of case studies that are relevant to
insurance agents in a fun environment. The case studies used will illustrate practical examples of everyday
dealings with insurance companies
and clients. The attendees will use the
case studies in a group setting to present their best solutions to their peers.
• YIPs Annual Membership
**2 hours P&C or L&H CE**
In addition to conducting the official
business of the association, PIA President Gene Galligan will provide a PIA
of Louisiana update, giving attendees
a perspective on current industry issues and association efforts.
In addition, a representative from the
Louisiana Department of Insurance
will speak to the YIPs membership
about the importance of continuing
education in the insurance industry.
“Any Way You Want it”
Every business savvy insurance rock
star knows that agent-to-company
networking is a must - especially in
Cajun Country where it’s all about
relationships! Because of this reason,
YIPs finds that hosting an exhibit
arena is of the utmost importance to
developing and enhancing the relationships of its young rockers. Therefore YIPs will be hosting 4 hours of
agent-to-company networking. You
Can’t Fight that Feeling you get jamming with other rock stars in the YIPs
exhibit hall.
“Come on Feel the Noise ”
After conference attendees have
rocked their professional attributes, it
is time to ride that Crazy Train for a
little adventurous fun! After all —
You Wanna Rock! Back by popular
demand, the Downtown DineAround will take participants on a
head banging jaunt through Downtown Lafayette. It will be a night
you’re sure to remember.
“Heartbreak Hotel”
Make your room reservations by calling The Holiday Inn Lafayette at 1
(800) 942-4868. Please use the
Group name: "YIPs" when calling in
your requests. Cutoff for hotel reservations is Wednesday, February 15,
2012. Space is limited, so make sure
to book your gig early!
Conference Registration
Don’t wait until after the holidays!
Registration is available now on the
PIA Website at
**All CE classes have been submitted for approval by the Louisiana
Department of Insurance**
November 2011 • Page 17
New PIA of Louisiana Member Benefit
Louisiana Special Event Program
This program is designed to offer the most competitive rates and a user-friendly quoting system for special
events . Through the PIA and Lane & Associates, Inc., not only does your agency gain access to the competitive
source for special event coverage, you will also support the PIA of Louisiana through its member program.
Online Rating & Binding—Fast, Easy & Affordable—Low Minimum Premiums
Attendance up to 10,000
Weddings & Receptions, Graduations, Parties & Dances, Recitals, Reunions, Seminars, Block Parties, Concerts,
Festivals, Beauty Pageants, Meetings, Social Gatherings, Sports Tournaments, Automobile/Motorcycle Shows,
Debutante Balls, Conventions . . .
Concession, Kiosk & Vendor—1 Day Coverage up to an Annual Policy
Page 18 • November 2011
In Workers’ Compensation Cases,
Subrogation May Be a Solution
by Kevin Ring
When an on-the-job injury occurs, there are situations in
which neither the employer nor the worker is responsible for
the mishap. A recent example occurred when a Connecticutbased scaffolding contractor erected scaffolding for a
construction project. When the employees of the general
contractor climbed on the scaffolding, it immediately
collapsed beneath them due to a fault in the way the
scaffolding was set up.
party at fault, they should pay close attention to it.
First off, the insurance carrier, in most instances, holds all
the cards as the only party that can determine whether to
subrogate or not, and it will only do so if it believes it’s worth
the time, money and effort. And there is a whole laundry list
of reasons it may not be, but more on that later.
The general rule for fixing experience mods is that you can fix
the current year and up to two prior mods, if the error affects
all three. However, because of the length of the subrogation
process, a special exception exists.
The most obvious example of possible third party negligence
would be a motor vehicle accident, particularly where the
other driver is cited. The employee could be a delivery person
on the way to drop off a package and is waiting at a red light
when somebody rear-ends them.
Another good example could be the dog that takes a bite
The general contractor’s Workers’ Compensation paid both out of a utility worker’s leg while answering a service call.
medical and lost wage costs for the injured employees. Then, Any time injuries like these occur, agents should make
note of it and immediately notify
the insurance company filed a suit
against the scaffolding contractor Kevin Ring is the Lead Workers’ Compensation the insurance carrier about the
in an effort to recoup the money Analyst for the Institute of WorkCompProfessionals, possibility of recovering some of a
it had paid the general contractor the Asheville, NC-based organization that trains paid claim.
for the claim. It maintained the insurance agents to help employers reduce
sub-contractor should be at least Workers’ Compensation expenses. A licensed Another major reason agents
partially responsible.
insurance agent, he leads workshops, analyzes should stay in the loop goes
Workers’ Comp programs and is the co-developer of beyond simply helping to initiate
The process of trying to recoup a Workers’ Comp software suite that helps insurance subrogation. Once the insurance
makes a determination, it’s
money from a negligent third party,
professionals in working with employers.
important to stay involved and
also known as subrogation, can
He can be contacted at 828-274-0959 or
to follow up to make sure the
often be a source of “found money”
refund check has been properly
for employers and a feather in the
processed and that the ratings
cap of the agent who points out the
possibilities to the insurance company and the employer. The bureau has been notified so it can update the Experience
major benefit is reducing the company’s experience mod by Mod.
recouping the losses paid by Workers’ Compensation.
It’s folly to assume this will happen automatically, particularly
Still, the process is not as simple as may seem, and perhaps, since the process may take several years. It’s the agent’s
the reason many agents don’t put their heart and soul into it responsibility to insure the client is credited for the money
the insurance company has recovered.
since it’s a process they can’t completely control.
The magnitude of the claim should not be the determining
factor looking at the possibility of subrogation. The
determining factor should simply be is there a negligent third
party involved.
When there is a third party recovery, you can fix up to three
mods that are either the current or up to four prior mods. As
an example, if an employer has a 1/1/11 effective date (and
had a 1/1 date for the last 10 years), the mods that COULD
be changed would go back to the 1/1/07 mod. This 1/1/07
mod would have policy periods ranging back to 2003. For
this employer, if the insurance company recovered from a
negligent third party on 6/1/11 for a claim that occurred
during the 2003 policy period, the insurance company would
be responsible for filing revised information with the rating
bureau, and then refunding money to the employer when
their experience mod for that year went down.
It’s also important to be aware of the most common injuries
that should record a blip on an agent’s subrogation radar.
And if they recognize that an accident may have been a third
When there is this much time between the injury and the
recovery, there’s a good chance your client isn’t currently
working with the insurance company it had at the time of the
Still, insurance agents should always determine if there is
a third party in the mix when a job-related injury occurs. If
there is, then the agent should at least raise the question of
subrogation to both the employer and the insurance carrier.
To do otherwise would be irresponsible, as the claims will
affect at least three experience mods.
November 2011 • Page 19
claim, which makes the process if not more difficult, at least a lot slower.
Not every potential subrogation is cut and dry. Product liability cases can be trickier. For instance, if an employer buys a new
ladder and the ladder breaks when an employee is climbing it, causing an injury, very often the claim is paid and nothing
further happens. Then, by the time someone realizes maybe there is a case to be made against the ladder’s manufacturer,
the “evidence” is either firewood or buried in a landfill somewhere.
But for all the good a successful subrogation can to do for an agent’s client, it is also a complicated and expensive process
for the insurance company. While the potential recovery may look attractive to an agent and an employer, the outlook may
not appear as rosy to the insurance carrier that may now have to possibly bring into the fight more administrative staff and a
number of lawyers, all causing the costs budget to escalate.
And if that isn’t enough deterrent for the insurance carrier to sidestep the subrogation waters instead of jumping into them, a
recent article in the Journal of Workers’ Compensation offered a list of obstacles the insurance carrier may need to overcome,
• The responsible party does not have
• There are low limits of insurance by
the responsible party.
• The responsible party cannot be
• The responsible party is in
• A key witness cannot be located.
• The injured employee cannot be
located or is not cooperative.
• The employer does not want
subrogation pursued against one of
his primary customers.
• The statute of limitations has run
out due to late notice of compensation
• The attorney fees will exceed lien
• The injured employee or employer
shoulders some comparative
• The insured has a hold-harmless
agreement in favor of the responsible
But even in the face of what appears to
be a mountain of adversity, good agents
shouldn’t shrink from the responsibility
of serving their clients to the best of
their capability.
No one can control all aspects of the
subrogation process. But by being
extremely diligent and keeping close
track of all injury claims, you can at least
keep an employer in the game. And as
long as you stay in the game, you always
have a shot at winning.
Phone: 318-628-6730
Fax: 318-628-6737
Page 20 • November 2011
Company News
The HomeBuilders Self Insurers Fund announced it has
returned $2 Million in dividend distributions to qualifying
members of its statewide workers’ compensation program
for contractors. With this dividend distribution, nearly $60
Million has now been returned to fund participants, based
on their individual claims experience and premiums paid
into the fund.
The HomeBuilders Self Insurers Fund is a workers’
compensation program designed especially for both
residential and light commercial contractors. Endorsed by
the Louisiana Home Builders Association, the program was
the first group fund authorized to do business in Louisiana,
and is sold exclusively through select
insurance agents across Louisiana. For more information
about the program, go to
Small Business Owners View Agents More
Favorably, Study Shows
The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. announced the results of
a new survey that demonstrates small business owners trust
independent insurance agents and commercial insurance
carriers significantly more than other financial services
The study was commissioned by The Hanover as part of a
broader effort to stay appraised of the evolving needs of
small businesses and to build upon its expertise in that area.
These efforts are intended to help ensure that it offers small
businesses the most valuable and innovative products and
services for today’s current economic environment.
In a statement, The Hanover noted that the finding that
independent agents and carriers are perceived with high
regard is important, especially as it comes in a time when
confidence in the financial services industry is at an all-time
low, as witnessed by thousands of protesters hosting “Occupy
Wall Street” events across the country to force change within
the financial system.
This study was conducted by The Pert Group, a third-party
independent consulting and research firm with broad
experience in financial services industries. Results for this
survey are based on online interviews conducted September
14-23, 2011, among 501 small business owners with less
than 30 employees.
November 2011 • Page 21
Page 22 • November 2011
Continued from page 4
(President’s Message)
Finally, I would like to thank the YIPs for their sponsorship
of the Glow-Ball Golf tournament in Shreveport. Chairman
Grey Digilormo did a fantastic job in organizing this event.
Everyone that I talked with enjoyed themselves. Grey advised that this would be an annual event. They even invited
Arkansas PIA to the event and volunteered to help them start
a YIP’s chapter.
Shreveport is an important area of our state, but PIA does
not have an active chapter. Our January board meeting will
be held in Shreveport, and PIA will sponsor a Trade Show
and CE. Shreveport needs representation in the PIA, and we
need Shreveport. Please join us in January. If anyone has
any ideas, please contact me at
In December, I will be attending all of our chapters’ Christmas parties, and I am looking forwarded to meeting everyone.
A closing thought: “Catch wandering ideas.”
November 2011 • Page 23
Did you know that PIA has defended the crop insurance program and agents who
sell crop insurance from an attack on both? In an August 26, 2011 opinion article in
the Grand Forks Herald (North Dakota), Eli Lehrer, a vice president for The
Heartland Institute, argues that the U.S. crop insurance program is a waste of
taxpayers’ money, and the $6.5 billion spent on it each year is an egregious example
of welfare for business. Lehrer argues for the complete elimination of the crop
insurance program. He goes on to say that agents who sell the policies get
“enormous commissions” that serve to “reduce competition between the companies
that write crop insurance.”
Lehrer is a member of a coalition, GreenScissors, which has also called for the
eventual elimination of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). This unusual
coalition includes representatives of the environmental group Friends of the Earth,
Taxpayers for Common Sense and Public Citizen, an advocacy group founded by
Ralph Nader.
PIA National responded to Mr. Lehrer’s preposterous allegations, first in a statement
to BestWire and then in an op-ed in the September 8 Grand Forks Herald. PIA will
not allow such attacks to go unanswered. You can read Mr. Lehrer’s article and
PIA’s response here:
PIA fights for agents and the issues that are important to them everyday. If you are
not a PIA member, please join today. To learn more about PIA membership, please
give us a call or visit us online at
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Page 24 • November 2011
Louisiana Legal Updates
General Liability
Workers Compensation
U&E Wins Summary Judgment
Plaintiff sued the Esplanade Mall and Cintas, the supplier of mats,
alleging that she tripped and fell over a mat, and sustained serious
injury. U&E filed a Motion for Summary Judgment at the conclusion
of discovery. Plaintiff developed no evidence suggesting a defect in
the mat. Over our objection, the court granted plaintiff additional
time within which to conduct discovery, retain an expert and oppose
our Motion for Summary Judgment. Plaintiff did all three. Plaintiff’s
safety expert was only able to look at the mats that are currently in
place. Those mats were not the same mats which were in place at
the time of plaintiff’s alleged accident. Thus the expert’s opinions
were not relevant regarding the appropriate timeframe and whether
or not the mall had “notice.”
An employee had a knee injury resulting in surgery with a first employer, then a subsequent knee injury, again resulting in surgery, with a
second employer. The Workers’ Compensation Judge (WCJ) held both
employers solidarily liable for benefits for a 3 month period following
the accident with the second employer, but there was no medical testimony suggesting that the second accident only caused a 3 month
aggravation. The appellate court reversed that finding, and held that
both employers were solidarily liable, subject to appropriate contribution. Silverman v. Weatherford International, Inc., --- So.3d ----, 2011
WL 5036014 (La. App. 2 Cir.), 46,402 (La. App. 2 Cir. 10/19/11).
After oral argument, the judge took the matter under advisement and
thereafter granted U&E’s motion for summary judgment at plaintiff’s
cost. (Sonia Costales vs. Esplanade Mall Limited Partnership d /b/a
The Esplanade Mall)
Davis v. Country Living Mobile Homes, --- So.3d ----, 2011 WL 4949018
(La.App. 3 Cir. 10/19/11)
Patron of mobile home vendor brought slip and fall negligence action
against vendor after she was allegedly injured from fall in a muddy
area on the mobile home vendor’s sales lot.
In this case, Country Living based its motion for summary judgment
on two assertions: that Davis is unable to bear the burden of proof
to show the required notice, or Country Living’s awareness of the
purported defect, and that Davis is unable to show that the mud on
the grassy land is a defect that constitutes an unreasonable risk of
harm under Louisiana law.
Davis argued that the trial court erred by finding that Country Living
lacked notice of the allegedly dangerous condition. Country Living
submitted the affidavit of manager Rita Luneau to support its contention that it did not, in fact, have actual or constructive knowledge.
The appeals court stated that the burden in a Summary Judgment
Motion after the mover shows there is a lack of evidence on an essential element shifts to the non-mover. In this case, Davis needed to
present evidence that showed, more likely than not, that Country Living knew of the defect or that Country Living caused the defect. The
court found that the fact that Country Living’s employee had a wet
sponge, while suggestive of some possibility, is not direct evidence of
use of a nearby faucet. The use of a wet sponge, standing alone, fails
to establish that Davis would be able to carry her burden at trial. As
a result, the appeals court agreed with the trial court and stated that
Summary Judgment was appropriate.
An employee agreed to attempt a return to work with his employer
within the confines of his regular job, even though his regular job exceeded his doctor’s restrictions. The employee was taken back off
work when he had difficulty working beyond his restrictions, and the
employer failed to re-institute benefits. The First Circuit affirmed an
award of penalties and attorney’s fees as a result of that improper failure to reinstitute benefits. Lewis v. Temple Inland, --- So.3d ----, 2011
WL 5386631 (La. App. 1 Cir.), 2011-0729 (La. App. 1 Cir. 11/9/11).
Approximately 10 years after an employer had been ordered to pay
temporary total disability benefits due to a pulmonary and psychological condition, the employer submitted to the district office that had
issued the initial judgment a request for the appointment of an independent medical examiner on Form 1015. The WCJ requested the
employer to file a 1008 in connection with the IME request, and this
was done. The employee responded with an exception of res judicata
and a request for attorney’s fees. At hearing, the WCJ indicated that
she had no jurisdiction to consider an IME request and awarded the
employee $500 in attorney’s fees. The First Circuit reversed both rulings, noting that a request for an IME under §1123 may be submitted either directly to the director of workers’ compensation or to the
district court which had previously considered the matter, and that
there was no basis for an award of attorney’s fees, since there was
no La.C.C.Pro. Art. 863 violation. Gaylord Chemical Corp. v. Short, --So.3d ----, 2011 WL 5402685 (La. App. 1 Cir.), 2011-0321 (La. App.
1 Cir. 11/9/11).
An employee entered into a settlement with a tortfeasor, which was
not approved by the employer. The settlement amount was in excess
of the workers compensation lien. Subsequent to the settlement,
the employee reimbursed the employer all medical expenses and
indemnity benefits that had been paid, subject to a reduction for attorney fees and a pro rata percentage of court costs. Thereafter, the
employer refused to pay further benefits, until the full amount of the
settlement, in excess of its lien, had been exhausted. The Third Circuit, treating the settlement, as an unapproved settlement, declared
that the employee did not need to pay any more than 50% of its settlement, nor could the employer obtain a credit in excess of 50% of the
settlement, before the employee could obtain additional benefits. The
decision appears to completely ignore the last sentence of §1102 (b).
Mercer v. Neighbors Drilling USA, L.P., --- So.3d ----, 2011 WL 5402685
(La. App. 1 Cir.), 2011-0321 (La. App. 1 Cir. 11/9/11).
Source: ungarino&Eckert, LLC
November 2011 • Page 25
Member Benefit in Focus
Index of
Emergency Restoration Inc. ....................….…....23
First Premium Insurance Group.............….…....11
Forest Insurance Facilities……………………….....12
Hull & Company, Louisiana………………….……...23
Imperial Fire & Casualty Insurance…………….....22
Lane & Associates...............………………...…......18
LEMIC Insurance Company………………...…......24
LUBA Workers’ Comp……………………..Back Cover
LWCC…………………………………Inside Front Cover
North Central Agency……………………….…….….. 12
Physician’s Trust ..............................................24
Progressive…............................Inside Back Cover
The Timbermen Fund.........................................20
Find out more details on advertising in The
Agent’s Voice by calling the PIA office at (800)
Page 26 • November 2011
PIA and The Partnership announce
a new deliverable tool for PIA members.
In response to challenges from direct and captive marketing channels, The
PIA Partnership is announcing its newest deliverable website: Current PIA members are able to access this website by
using their PIANET user id and password.
The website is the culmination of 18 months of work by The Partnership.
This work involves research into customer attitudes and preferences aimed
at identifying the specific advantages PIA members have in competing on the
basis of “more than just the lowest price.”
The research clearly demonstrates that professional independent insurance
agents have strengths and unique capabilities that insurance customers are
looking for. These include: Expert advice and counseling, personalized attention and interaction, the ability to offer comprehensive protection to meet
individual needs and excellent “relationship based” customer service.
However, the new Partnership deliverable is much more than just survey results. It helps agents better understand the results, identify opportunities
and take action in response. The deliverable website also offers a variety
of revenue building tools and resources agencies can use to maximize their
“touch point” opportunities with customers and prospects.
The first step for agents to take advantage of this new deliverable is to TAKE
THE QUIZ and become acquainted with a few of the most important survey
results. Find out if your answers agree with your customers. If not, you could
be handing over advantage to your competition.
This survey is highly reliable. Our research is national in scope and scientifically accurate with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of plus
or minus 4%. This is the same level of accuracy typically cited by Gallup for
their surveys.
More Agents are Selling Preferred and Earning Higher
Commission in Louisiana with the Signature Agent Program.
Congratulations to the following agents who have joined the
Progressive Signature Agent® program in July.
Boswell Insurance Agency
Epperly Insurance
Stone Insurance, Inc.
Bourg Insurance Agency, Inc.
Emery & James, Ltd.
TWFG Insurance Services
Lake Charles
Community Financial
Grant C. Bennett Insurance
TWFG Insurance Services
Courtney Insurance
Integrity Insurance, Inc.
Dupre Carrier Godchaux
Southern Costal Insurance
They join an elite group of agents already in the Signature Agent Program.
A Foto Insurance
Bruni Insurance Agency
Morgan City
Harlan Insurance Agency
Pam Price Insurance, Inc.
The Firm of Louisiana
Lake Charles
A Victory Agency, Inc.
Castello Agency
Insurance Network of LA
Baton Rouge
Pat Leboeuf Insurance
The Hopper Agency
A Victory Agency, Inc.
Curtis Insurance Agency
Lake Charles
J. Everett Eaves, Inc.
New Orleans
Plescia Insurance Agency
Thomson, Smith & Leach
ABC Agency Network
David Cordell Insurance
Baton Rouge
John Kelly Dabdoub
Pontchartrain Insurance
Tim D'Angelo Insurance Agency
Action Insurance, Inc.
DJW Insurance Agency
New Iberia
Liggio Insurance Agency
Premier Metro Group
Total Insurance of Watson, Inc.
Denham Springs
Advanced Insurance Solutions
Eagen Insurance Agency
Louisiana Independent Insurance
Quality Plus
Toups Insurance Agency
Alliance Insurance Agency
Gary Losey Insurance
Baton Rouge
Riverlands Insurance Services
Warren Tibbetts
Baton Rouge
Barry Hebert Insurance
Gendusa Insurance Agency
Shaver Robichaux Agency
Beasley-Keith, Inc.
Bossier City
Glenn Dean Insurance Agency
Page & Sons Insurance Agency
Steve Teal Insurance
15/12 commission on preferred auto business.
A $2,000 marketing allowance to co-op with Progressive on advertising or marketing materials.
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