Voice Agent’s t h

YIPs In Focus
pg 12-16
How To Get Into
That Big Account
pg 20
Ke nn er , LA
November 2013
Vol. XL, No. 9
has received an
rating for the 12th
consecutive year
LWCC has provided workers’ compensation insurance to Louisiana’s employers for more than
20 years. We have lowered overall rates by over 52% and returned more than $231 million in
dividends to qualifying policyholders. Now, for the 12th consecutive year, we’ve received an “A”
(Excellent) Financial Strength Rating from A.M. Best Company—a testament to our ability to
meet ongoing policy, claims, and contract obligations. LWCC is the standard of excellence in
workers’ compensation.
Inside This Issue
The Agent’s Voice
Published by the Professional
Insurance Agents of Louisiana, Inc.
President’s Message………………………………...........4
Commissioner’s Column.........................................6
No material may be reproduced in whole or in part without written consent of PIA of Louisiana, Inc.
Statements of fact and opinion in The Agent’s Voice are
the responsibility of the authors alone and do not imply
an opinion on the part of the officers or the members of
the Professional Insurance Agents.
Participation in PIA events, activities and/or publications is available on a non-discriminatory basis and
does not reflect PIA endorsement of the products and/
or services.
The Agent’s Voice is published ten times a year by the
Professional Insurance Agents of Louisiana, Inc. Free
subscription is included in PIA membership. Non-member subscription is $2.50 per copy, $25 per year. Contact the Editor for more details.
All communications for publications, including news,
features, advertising copy, cuts, etc. must reach publisher by 1st of month prior to month of publication. Advertising rates furnished upon request.
Address inquiries to:
8064 Summa Avenue, Suite C
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Passing It On..........…………….………….........…..........7
PIA Errors & Omissions...........................................8
YIPs Focus.................................................................12-16
How To Get That Big Account...................................20
2014 CISR Schedule ....................……………............11
Around The State.......................................................17
Partner News.............................................................22
Index of Advertisers ………….………….…....................26
Member Benefit in Focus .……...………….……...........26
Phone: (225) 766-7770
Watts: (800) 349-3434
Fax: (225) 766-1601
Email: info@piaoflouisiana.com
Website: www.piaoflouisiana.com
Mission Statement
Promoting the professional insurance agency
system, leading through support,
representation and fellowship.
Darryl Frank, Metairie
Dawn Duhé, Hammond
Barry White, West Monroe
Manuel DePascual, Metairie
Immediate Past President
Richie Clements, Chalmette
PIA National Director
Derek Bowles, Gretna
Karen Bryant, Denham Springs
Lisa Donlon, Lafayette
Lou Fey, Baton Rouge
Dianne Gibson, Madisonville
Patrick LeBoeuf, Westwego
Joe Lohman, Baton Rouge
Busty Martin, Lutcher
Guy Ruggiero, Plaquemine
Al Pappalardo, Jr., Mandeville
Chad Toups, Thibodaux
Kevin Woods, Monroe
Jody M. Boudreaux
Executive Vice President & Editor
Natalie S. Cooper
Director of Industry Affairs
Laurie Whipp
Director of Marketing
Coleen Brooks
Director of Member Services
Page 4 •November 2013
• Offering a Standard and Enhanced
• Some reimbursement outside of
limits and not subject to the deductible
for loss of earnings while attending
a trial, hearing, arbitration proceeding
or regulatory proceeding concerning
a covered claim
PIA has positioned itself well to assist
Some expense reimbursement outour members (and potential members)
side of limits and not subwith their E & O needs.
ject to the deductible for
Our national association
attorney fees and expenshas formed PIAPRO, a
es while attending regulacarrier formed to assist
Darryl Frank CPIA, Metairie tory proceedings
our small to mid-sized
agencies and brokers
For our larger agency &
that need $1,000,000
brokers, we have contractlimits. Some of the key
Fund Insurance Comfeatures of this policy are:
pany, Liberty Mutual, and Markel to offer higher limits. There are also options
• Coverage issued through Admitted
through other Surplus Lines markets
A-Rated Argonaut Midwest Insurance
that our staff can offer to give you sevCompany
eral choices.
• Non-assessable Policy
• Exception to insolvency exclusion
Please contact Natalie Cooper at our
includes Demotech rating of “A”
state office and she will be happy to asor higher and Standard & Poors rating
sist you in shopping all of these markets
of “A-” or higher.
to get you the very best value for your E
• Pay on behalf of contract
& O coverage. (natalie@piaoflouisiana.
• Consent to settle does not include a
“Hammer Clause” and includes a
peer review option
Natalie has several years experience
• Claims expense allowance is outside
working with various carriers in the Erof policy limits, subject to cap
rors & Omissions arena, and has been
• Broad definition of “Insured”
recognized at our national meetings as
• Broad definition of “Professional
being one of the leading producers for
Services” that includes activities like
PIAPRO. Why not send her your E & O
consulting, an instructor of insurance
expiration date now, while you are thinkrelated subjects, insurance expert
ing of it & she will contact you when it is
witness, and other insurance activities
time to begin marketing your policy. I
• Deductible reduction for the use of
assure you she will do an excellent job
and you will be supporting YOUR asso• Pay no more than two deductibles in
ciation. It’s a win-win situation.
a policy year
critical component of any agency’s
risk management plan is their Errors and Omissions coverage. Without
it, we can not get or maintain our contracts with carriers and brokers, not to
mention sleep well at night.
Premium Insurance Agency Website
Web Marketing Service
$35/month, $99 setup fee
$495 setup, $100/month
• Service descriptions
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individual contact info
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and social media sites:
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 Yahoo Listing
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 CitySearch Listing
 …and more!
• Independent Agency blog for inclusion in
your agency website
 Professional content added regularly
 Make your site interesting to customers,
potential customers, and search
• Inclusion as preferred agent in our online
directory listing of local agents
• Basic monthly analysis of online presence
• Setup and monitoring of Google Ad Word
campaigns based on a budget you specify
Elite Insurance Agency Website
Web Consultant Service
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• Includes all the features of the
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 Detailed monthly analysis of online
 Preferred placement on our directory
listing site of local agents
 Monthly action plan to increase traffic
and sales
Visit us at www.agencythrive.com or call 1-800-229-2009
November 2013 • Page 5
Commissioner’s Column
By James J. Donelon
Closer Look at State and Federal Legislation
November is Long-term Care Awareness Month, which is a good time to remind your customers of this important
need. No one is exempt from needing
to thoughtfully consider how they will
spend their later years and it is essential
to take steps to prepare for the potential need for long-term care. With more
baby boomers coming of retirement age,
these are the years in which long-term
care planning and insurance becomes
efit periods.
Many assume that Medicare also provides for
long-term care needs,
but it does not. Medicare only helps to pay for
skilled nursing home care
after being hospitalized for a minimum
of three days and covers a maximum of
100 days at two different payment levels. Medicare also proCommissioner of Insurance vides for hospice care
and home-health serLong-term-care insurLouisiana Department of
vices when specific conance generally provides
ditions are met. Some
custodial care needed
believe that if they fail
when an elderly or dispublic@ldi.state.la.us
to plan for possible frailabled person becomes
ty in their old age that
so frail that help is
Medicaid will take care
needed with two “acof them over the long haul. There is a bit
tivities of daily living,” such as bathing,
of truth to this idea, but for such health
dressing or eating. Some newer policies
care assistance, the individual must begenerally cover dementia care as well.
come Medicaid eligible, which comes
Long-term care covers such services as
with an individual asset allowance of
home health care, nursing home care,
only $2,000.
respite care, adult day care and care in
an assisted living facility.
Many factors must be considered when
shopping for long-term care insurance.
Pricing based on erroneous projections
Of course the younger a person is when
has led to profitability challenges for
first purchasing the policy, the more afcarriers today and some large insurers
fordable the monthly premium will be.
have opted to leave the long-term care
Your age and health are important facmarket. According to an August 2013
tors, as are your choices of the daily benA.M. Best report, long-term care is seen
efit amount, years of coverage purchased
as high risk by carriers due to a number
and the inflationary assumption.
of factors including lack of credible industry data and older blocks of business
Costs and Funding Options
that were less conservatively written and
Costs are rising over recent years for
priced using inaccurate assumptions.
long-term care insurance and prices vary
Newer long-term care products often
considerably. According to the American
have less rich benefits and shorter benAssociation for Long-Term Care Insurance, an LTC policy for a typical 55-yearold couple would have cost about
$1,982 per year in 2007. By 2012, that
same policy was priced at about $3,577
per year.
Contact the
Department of
Insurance at
or call
Page 6 •November 2013
I advise consumers to shop around for
companies with strong financial statements and significant business in Louisiana. Insurers cannot raise rates on
individuals, but they can on a defined
group of policyholders with my approval
if the rate increase is determined to be
actuarially sound. Such rate increases
have been the norm in many parts of the
nation, as well as here in Louisiana.
Most people use a
variety of options to
ensure they can pay
for their health care
in their later years, including long-term care
insurance, personal
savings and income,
life insurance, annuities, bonds and reverse mortgages. Life-insurance policies
packaged with long-term-care benefit
riders may also be purchased, which
will provide a payout to heirs if you don’t
use long-term care. This product may be
purchased with a lump-sum payment,
removing the risk of future premium increases. Another option is a hybrid annuity policy that combines the income
features of an annuity with the security
of long-term care insurance. Money can
be withdrawn from annuity-based products income tax-free when funds are
used for long-term care.
An alternative for married couples is
to buy an immediate annuity that pays
benefits for a set number of years;
thereby preserving savings for the
“well” spouse while the other spouse
gets care. The annuity will not disqualify
them from Medicaid assistance, but the
well spouse would have to live through
the entire annuity period. Otherwise the
state would have the first claim on any
remaining payments. If you are a wartime veteran or their spouse or widow
you may also qualify for long-term-care
benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Louisiana Long-Term Care Partnership
Program and Other Resources
In addition to traditional long-term care
insurance policy coverage, Louisiana offers a partnership program to help make
long-term care more valuable for interested consumers. Established in 2010,
the Louisiana Long-Term Care Partnership Program helps protect residents
from being forced to exhaust their assets
to become Medicaid eligible if they are
faced with requiring long-term care. The
individual may retain assets equal to the
amount of the long-term care policy payments made by the policy while be
Continued on page 11
Passing It On!
By Jody M. Boudreaux, CAE, CIC, CISR
Our other focus is
branding PIA with
our customers, so
we discussed several projects in order to meet that objective. First, we’d
really appreciate if
First, our Industry Affairs Committee
you “liked” our postings on Facebook,
met to discuss our projects for this
because then our messages are also
year. We’re focusing on putting togethseen by your Friends. We’re going to try
er a Company Advisory Council, which
to post more consumer education-type
will include our Partner companies that
articles on there so we’re actually eduwant to participate. We’ll use this group
cating our Friends on insurance topics
to discuss issues important to agents
as well as promoting the
as well as get an idea from
them what might be com- Executive Vice President, PIA Brand, which adds
value to your membering up so we can be sure
ship. Tied into this, we’re
to be included in that diagoing to create a consumlogue. We identified some
ers section on our webissues that might be of
site to offer information
interest to companies and
that may be beneficial to
we’re making plans for our
them. We can drive consumers to our
first meeting to be held in conjunction
website through those Facebook postwith the Acadiana Crawfish Boil since
ings, so we hope you’ll help us with this
so many companies come in for that
endeavor and “like” and “share” your
event, anyway. If you’re a company and
own ideas on our Facebook page.
interested in participating, you might
want to consider our Partnership opThe PR Committee also discussed exportunities…this is just one more benpanding our Silent Auction that was so
efit to being a Partner!
successful at convention to be offered
on-line, so that way members can parWe also have identified some compaticipate even if they don’t attend connies to personally visit that are not as
involved with PIA so we can encourage
them to become more involved. And
lastly, we’re working on some agency
management assistance projects.
We’ll keep you updated on these projects as they progress.
his month three of our committees
met and I wanted to pass on what
we’re working on. We appreciate any
input that you might have…and don’t
forget it’s never too late to sign up for
a committee.
vention. The money raised
from this Silent Auction is
used to help with our PR
efforts, so we hope you’ll
Lastly, our Vision Committee is currently evaluating
partnership models to provide back
office support services to its member
agents. The goal of these services
would be for agents to offload processoriented work and enable agents to
dedicate more of their time on sales
& book growth. Delivery of this support will be dependent on feedback
we receive from our valued agent
members, so if you haven’t taken the
survey we sent, please be oisure to do
that. You can find that by going to the
following address: http://freeonlinesurveys.com/app/rendersurvey.asp?
Or if you just email me, I’ll email you
the link to make it easier.
We appreciate all our Committees and
the work they do. Again, if you’re interested in serving on one of our committees, just send me an email. Our Membership Committee will be meeting
next month and we’ll keep you posted
on their activities as well.
Save the Date!
Our PR Committee met and discussed
our current PIA Branding projects.
We’re going to be recognizing members who wear or display the PIA logo,
so be sure to get that PIA decal on
your door. Also, you can order PIA logo
shirts, jackets and other items. Just
give us a call or drop us an email so we
can put you in touch with our vendor to
see all your options.
PIA of Louisiana’s
71st Annual
July 19-22 , 2014
Marriott Grand Hotel
Point Clear, AL
November 2013 • Page 7
PIA Errors & Omissions
By Curtis M. Pearsall, CPCU, AIAF, CPIA
How well are you holding your
customer’s accountable?
tomer is going to be held
f one were to ask insurance agents
responsible for the accurafor a list of frustrations dealing with
cy of the information in an
their customer, there is no doubt that
application if they signed
high on that list would be the followit. So when an agency is
ing – “why is it always our fault when
completing an application
a customer has a loss that is not covbased on the responses
ered? They knew that they didn’t have
from the customer, a solid best practhat coverage”. Unfortunately, this
tice is to require that the customer rescenario has played itself out over
view the application and if everything
and over again. Then when an E&O
looks in order, to sign it.
claim happens, it typically will be the
agent’s word against the customer’s
Other customer interword. While the agent
may win some, there
Special Consultant
As customers look to
is a good chance that
Utica Nat’l E&O Program
make modifications to
they will lose once in
a while. So what can Utica Mutual Insurance Co. their insurance program, once again, look
an agent do to hold
to get their signature
their customers more
acknowledging the request. This is
accountable? Some agents may conmore doable when the customer is
tend “just document the conversation
in your office or you are meeting with
in the system” but there is really more
them at their business or residence.
to it than that. Let’s took a look at
However there may be times where
some of the typical scenarios.
this is not possible and thus the
level of documentation needs to be
The agency file is discoverable
tailored for the situation. How would
It is important to start off by stating
your agency handle a request from
that when an E&O claim occurs, the
a customer to delete certain coverE&O carrier will look to secure the acage? Some agencies have taken the
tual file in question to see what it looks
position that they will not make any
like and what is included. Whether
changes without some form of written
the file is paper or electronic, there
communication from the customer.
is no doubt that solid documentation
This is great if you can get it but what
makes the E&O carrier’s job much
if the customer doesn’t want to “coeasier. Conversely a file with sketchy
documentation could prove to be a
challenge in building a strong defense
Without some form of documentation
for the agency.
that confirms or memorializes the discussion, mistakes can occur. Possibly,
Completion of an app
what the agency heard is not what the
This could involve explanations of covcustomer requested or possibly what
erages, responses to questions, etc.
the customer advised is not what
Since the best type of documentation
they really meant. Thus the need for
involves something with the insured’s
some form of correspondence. If the
signature on it, holding customers
customer doesn’t want to send you a
accountable is enhanced when an
note, then you send them one! Someagency can get the customer’s signathing to the effect of the following:
ture on a document. This is one of the
main reasons why getting customers
“per your request or per our converto sign applications is so important. In
sation, we are deleting the collision
virtually all legal jurisdictions, a cus-
Page 8 •November 2013
on your Ford truck.
If this is contrary to
your understanding,
please contact the
agency immediately”.
The goal here is to attempt to address
any potential misunderstandings between what the customer told you or
thought that they told you and what
you heard. By simply documenting the
conversation in the agency management system does not help to identify
a misunderstanding. If the misunderstanding surfaces after an uninsured
loss occurs, this is when could turn
How about the scenario of the agency
providing the customer with a proposal and the customer orders the package, the auto and the workers compensation but states “let me think
about the umbrella and I will get back
to you”. There should be some form of
documentation back to the customer
advising them “at this time, per your
request, the umbrella coverage has
not been placed.”
Customer questions
Probably a day does go by where your
agency is asked a question pertaining
to an insurance matter. It could be a
question such as:
- Do I need to let you know if my son is
taking the car to college?
- Mom and Dad are in a nursing home,
the house is vacant. Is there anything
that I need to know regarding their homeowners insurance?
- Do I have full coverage for my wife’s
ring under my homeowners’ policy?
Again, these conversations need to be
documented…why? There is a good
chance that the customer is not only
documenting what you told them but
Continued on page 25
When a loss takes place, policyholders need answers. They need an insurance company with the
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Access Home Insurance Company is a
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November 2013 • Page 9
10/3/13 8:02 AM
Page 10 •November 2013
Continued from page 6
(Commissioner’s Column)
CISR Schedule
Personal Residential
February 4: Shreveport
February 5: Lafayette
February 11: Baton Rouge
February 12: New Orleans
coming Medicaid eligible under the Partnership Program. If you are interested in writing
Partnership Program policies you must complete eight hours of training required by the
state of Louisiana. Currently 15 insurance
companies are licensed to write Long-Term
Care Insurance Partnership Program policies. These companies are listed on the Louisiana Department of Insurance Long-Term
Care Insurance webpage.
The Department of Insurance website has a
Long-Term Care Insurance webpage that is
found at the Consumer tab on the homepage. This page has extensive linked information on the topic. As another resource, I suggest the trade group American Association
for Long-Term Care Insurance found at www.
aaltci.webce.com and the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services website,
Commercial Property
March 18: New Orleans
March 19: Baton Rouge
March 25: Shreveport
March 26: Lafayette
Register today at
or call (800) 349-3434.
Small Office Tenant Package
Auto Physical Damage
Commercial Property
General Liability
Inland Marine
And More!!!
International Disaster
Conference and Expo
On another topic, I’d like to invite you to attend the International Disaster Conference
and Expo in New Orleans, Louisiana on January 7-10, 2014. This event will bring together
experts from around the world to focus on
problems such as disaster recovery, loss
mitigation, emergency response and much
more. This is the only event that brings all industries together to discuss, learn and plan
regarding disasters, with which Louisiana
is quite familiar. I am also included on the
conference program and will be addressing
disaster issues as they impact the insurance
industry nationally and here in Louisiana. To
receive more information about this event,
please visit www.internationaldisasterconference.com. Pre-registration is open now
and will close December 6, 2013.
Fax: 318-768-3025
PO Drawer 887
Ruston, La 71273
Commercial Wholesale Brokerage
Wayne Forest
Wayne Forest Jr.
Matthew Forest
Specializing in:
• Property, Casualty, Inland Marine
• Umbrellas and Packages
Courtney Donato
Taylor Johnson
Stacy Johnson
131 Airline Drive, Suite 300, Metairie, LA 70001-6266
P.O. Box 7635, Metairie, LA 70010-7635
FAX: (504) 831-4499
PHONE: (504) 831-8040
November 2013 • Page 11
Young Insurance Professionals
of Louisiana
Young Insurance Professionals
of Louisiana
2014 Winter Conference:
YIPs: The Building Blocks
of the Industry
February 6-8, 2014
Hilton Lafayette, Lafayette, LA
Thursday, February 6, 2014
9:00 - 11:00am
5:00 - 6:45pm
5:00 - 7:00pm
7:30 - 9:30pm
Board Meeting
Golf Tournament Registration
Golf Tournament Shotgun Start
Exhibitor Set-up
Registration Open
First Timers’ Gathering
Welcome Reception with Exhibitors
Friday, February 7, 2014
8:30 - 9:30am
8:30 - 1:00pm
9:30 - 11:30am
11:30am - 1:30pm
1:00 - 2:00pm
1:30 - 4:30pm
Breakfast with Exhibitors
Registration Open
Education Session
Lunch with Exhibitors
Exhibitor Teardown
Education Session
Dinner on your own
Saturday, February 8, 2014
9:30 - 11:30am
5:00pm - 11:00pm
Breakfast Buffet
Annual Membership Meeting
Bloody Mary & Mimosa Break
Raffle Drawing/Conference Adjourns
Depart for Downtown
Downtown Dine Around
Derek Bowles
As my term as YIP President reaches its end; I can
now reflect on the great accomplishments that we have
achieved together as a striving organization. Whether it
was another successful conference, representing our organization in DC for FLS, raising money at the Charity
Bowl-A-Thon, or educating our industry at the Spring CE
and the Holiday CE/Day at the Races, we have once
again found a way of bringing our peers together.
Being President is easy with the help and support of
such great board members. I would like thank our entire
board, each of you have different characteristics which
make us such a great team. Next, I would like to thank
our sponsors for their continuous support. Without your
generosity, our successful events would not be possible.
Finally, I would like thank Laurie Whipp and the entire
PIA staff. Because of all your hard work, time, & dedication, this organization is where it is today.
I would like to encourage everyone, young or seasoned, to get involved with this organization. As a YIP
member, you are offered a great deal of continuing education as well as several different networking opportunities. The knowledge that I have acquired through YIPs
has greatly benefited my professional career, and the relationships I have gained through this organization are invaluable.
Congratulations to Grey Digilormo on your upcoming
year as YIP President. I am confident that you will do a
great job in leading the future of our industry.
Upcoming YIP Events
December 12, 2013 - YIP HoliDay at the Races
February 6-8, 2014 - YIP Annual Winter Conference
April 2014 - YIP Spring CE
July 18-22, 2014 - Hospitality Suite at PIA’s Convention
August 22, 2014 - YIP Annual Charity Bowl-A-Thon
November 6, 2014 - YIP Glow Ball Tournament
Page 12 •November 2013
Young Insurance Professionals
Year in Review - 2013
The Young Insurance Professionals of Louisiana (YIPs) was formed in 1998 with the idea of giving young professionals an educational resource to develop business savvy and to cultivate future leaders of PIA. Over the course of its 15-year-existence, the group
has gained much popularity for its social functions. While the association remains true to its history, providing the social gatherings as in its humble beginnings, the growth that the organization has seen in recent years has been extraordinary. In the past few
years, the networking, social club YIPs once was has morphed into a professional and well-rounded collection of young insurance
individuals. YIPs continues to host those time-honored social traditions with ease, but they have added to these events further professional growth and developmental aspects. It is through strong vision, focus and dedication that the leaders of YIPs have forged
this recent transformation.
As this year comes to a close, the Young Insurance Professionals would like to take a look back at 2013 and all of the wonderful
occasions the Association has enjoyed with its members. It is through these events and opportunities that young professionals in
the insurance industry can form lasting connections that will endure for a lifetime and enhance their professional careers.
In A
In Ju
in Po
Annual Conference
In January, the YIPs held their Annual Winter Conference, Super Bowl Bash, where attendees focused on professional development through education and networking. Delegates in attendance kicked off the conference with the Annual Golf Tournament,
followed by two great education seminars, and wrapped up a successful conference with a Dinner and Parade viewing in downtown Baton Rouge.
9th A
In addition to the fun and education presented at the 2013 conference, The Young Insurance Professionals held their Annual Membership Meeting. During the meeting, the YIPs presented their annual awards. Dawn Duhe' was honored with the Hall of Fame
Award for her unwavering contribution and dedication to the association and the insurance industry. A plaque was also presented
to Patrick LeBoeuf for his dedication and service to the Board of Directors and to Timothy Clements for his outstanding service as
the 2012 President of YIPs.
Federal Legislative Summit
The YIPs were also well represented in Washington DC for the PIA Federal Legislative Summit. Past-President Timothy
Clements and President Derek Bowles were invited to meet with other PIA/YIP representatives from the United States and work
together to strengthen our associations. We also had the opportunity to educate our Senators and Representatives about the issues
that are important to Professional Insurance Agents. Through our efforts on Capitol Hill, the Biggert-Waters Act was passed and
the National Flood Insurance Program was extended for five more years.
November 2013 • Page 13
s in
Spring CE Session
In April, the YIPs held its 1st Annual Spring CE in Baton Rouge. Free for YIPs members, the class, Ethics and the Young Insurance
Professional, was taught by Matthew Monson and instructed the YIPs on the importance of ethics in the insurance world. Make
sure to join us in spring of 2014 for our 2nd Annual Spring CE.
Pool Party/Hospitality Suite
In July, YIPs was able to maintain the longstanding, raved-about tradition of hosting the Convention Hospitality Suite at the 70th Annual PIA of Louisiana Convention as well as the YIPs Pool Party. YIPs will be sure to continue to facilitate professional relationships
among young (and seasoned) insurance professionals in a hassle-free and comfortable environment in 2014 at PIA’s 71 st Convention
in Point Clear, AL. We invite you to become a part of this YIPs tradition! See you in 2014!!
9th Annual Bowl-A-Thon
The YIPs are dedicated to enhancing the image of our young insurance professionals through community involvement. On August
23rd, YIPs of Louisiana hosted their 9th Annual Charity Bowl-A-Thon at Rock ’N’ Bowl New Orleans to support The Exceleration
Foundation, the charity chosen by our current President, Derek Bowles. With the help of over 150 participants and our generous
sponsors, YIPs was overjoyed to present The Exceleration Foundation with a check in the amount of $1,500.00.
e as
Annual Glow Ball Tournament
The YIPs of Louisiana hosted their 3rd Annual Glow Ball Tournament in a new location, Pelican Point Golf Club in Gonzales, Louisiana on November 7th . This event is fun and different, and indeed outside of the norm. To our knowledge, there is no other professional insurance organization that hosts a golf tournament in which the tee time is sunset.
Page 14 •November 2013
Young Insurance Professionals
Year in Review - 2013
YIPs 2013
Board of Directors
Derek Bowles
Bowles & Associates (Gretna)
Grey Digilormo
Pelican General Agency (Shreveport)
HoliDay at the Races
In an effort to continue to create professional growth, YIPs has looked beyond
cultivating leadership and is focusing on professional development through education. The association now offers a quality education seminar at it’s Holiday
CE & Social event every year. This year, please make sure to join YIPs on December 12, 2013 at The New Orleans Fair Grounds for an inspiring seminar,
followed by lunch and a day at the races..
2013 has been an amazing year for the YIPs of Louisiana and 2014 will be even
better! There is no better time than ‘now’ to become part of this growing and
changing organization which is heading into its 16th year! Start now by participating in the first event of the new year, the 2014 Winter Conference, The
Building Blocks of the Industry, being held February 6-8, 2014 at the Hilton
Lafayette. You will have the opportunity to experience what other young professionals like yourself are enjoying already.
Brigette Murphy, CIC, CISR, Eustis
Insurance Agency (Metairie)
Timothy Clements, CPIA
Clements Insurance Services, LLC
Michelle Brenan, LCI Workers’ Comp,
Guy Chabert, Chabert Insurance (Larose)
Casey Lane, Lane & Associates (Kenner)
Michael Robinson, CPIA, Rod Prejean &
Associates (Brusly)
Rusty Ruiz, CPIA, Access Home Insurance Company (Gretna)
Lawrence Sinatra, Frank & Associates
Danielle Gendusa Wagner, Gendusa
Insurance Agency (Mandeville)
(PIA of Louisiana President)
Manuel DePascual, Alliance Insurance
Agency (Metairie)
Laurie F. Whipp, PIA of Louisiana
(Baton Rouge)
YIPs 2013 Board of Directors
Front row: (not pictured) Grey Digilormo, Timothy Clements, Derek
Bowles, Brigette Murphy
Rear Row: Lawrence Sinatra, Casey Lane, Rusty Ruiz, Guy Chabert,
Danielle Gendusa Wagner, Michelle Brenan, Michael Robinson.
To learn more about the Young Insurance Professionals of Louisiana or
to become a member, visit their webpage at www.piaoflouisiana.com/
YIPs. Follow YIPs on Facebook (a direct link is available at the bottom
of YIPs’ webpage).
November 2013 • Page 15
a or
Young Insurance Professionals
2014 Winter Conference
The Young Insurance Professionals of Louisiana will host its annual Winter Conference February
6-8, 2014 at the Hilton Lafayette.
The conference theme is “The
Building Blocks of the Industry” with the focus being to
build professional development
through education and networking.
YIPs Annual Winter Conference
will kick off on Thursday, February 6, 2014 with the Annual Golf
Tournament at Farm d’Allie Golf
Club. Located just 7 miles north
of Downtown Lafayette, Farm
d’Allie is one of the area's finest
18-hole championship golf
courses and is ranked in the Top
25 Louisiana Courses. Tournament contractors will be acknowledged at the opening reception
with prizes for Longest Drive,
Closest to the Hole, and 1st place
teams. Build your team early, and
help YIPs kick off a winning conference with a dynamic round of
Blueprints for
Get to the drafting table and bring
your master plan for 7 hours of
CE sessions with the best Project
Managers and their specifically
designed blueprints formulated
with the Young Insurance Professional in mind.
Page 16 •November 2013
• YIPs Annual Membership
2 hours P&C or L&H CE**
In addition to conducting the official business of the association,
PIA President Darryl Frank will
provide a PIA of Louisiana update,
giving attendees a perspective on
current industry issues and association efforts. In addition, a representative from the Louisiana Department of Insurance will speak to
the YIPs membership.
Make your room reservations by
calling The Hilton Lafayette at
1(800) 445-8667. Please use the
Group name: "YIP" when calling
in your requests. Cutoff for hotel
reservations is Wednesday,
January 22, 2014. Space is limited, so make sure to book your
room early!
Framing for the
Every business savvy insurance
engineer knows that agent-tocompany networking is a must especially in Cajun Country where
it’s all about relationships! Because of this reason, YIPs finds
that hosting an Exhibit Hall is of
the utmost importance to developing and enhancing the relationships
between it’s young builders and
their suppliers. Therefore, YIPs
will be hosting 5 hours of agent-tocompany networking.
The Finishing
After conference attendees have
completed construction, it’s time
to put the finishing touches on
their structure with a little adventurous fun! Back by popular demand, the Downtown DineAround will take participants on a
roof raisin’ good time through
Downtown Lafayette. It will be a
night you’re sure to remember.
Don’t wait until after the holidays!
Registration is available now on the
PIA Website at
**All Education will be submitted
for approval by the Louisiana Department of Insurance. Approval is not
The State
YIPs Night
Glow Golf Tournament
CPIA Graduates
1752 Club Tailgating Party
November 2013 • Page 17
If we havent met, let us introduce ourselves
We are Capital Premium Financing, proud Sponsor, Supporter,
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Contact us today for details.
Lucy Lindsey
Page 18 •November 2013
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November 2013 • Page 19
How to Get Into that Big Account
by John Chapin
It is possible to land almost any account, all
that’s needed is the right plan, consistency, and
persistence. Of course before you can land that
big account, you have to get in the door. This article will tell you how to get an introduction to the
key person or people at that major account. Next
month I’ll tell you how to land that big account
and keep it for life.
do, of course make sure they know about it. Being a customer and sending them business can
be a big foot in the door. Another idea is to send
congratulatory notes on positive news items
about them and/or their company. In addition,
you can pass along gifts, cards, books related to
their areas of interest, and other items you send
to your current customers.
Note: Even if you sell to individuals versus businesses, you will still pick up some ideas here.
After all, even at the largest companies on the
planet, you’re dealing with people, not steel and
How can you show them value before they use
you?Are there any reports you can create, work
you can do, or items you can give them that will
highlight what you can do for them?
Three Steps to Get Their Attention
Step 1:
Pick several people to target at the account.
You’re in a much better position if you have two or
three people you can go after in an account. You
don’t want too many as that can get complicated
and time consuming. Also, there are usually only
a few key decision makers at any organization.
The key point to understand is that it is easier
to get in the door if you have two or three people
you can go after as opposed to only one.
Step 2: Do research on the people
and the company you’re targeting.
Use Google searches, social media, people
you know who know the people and company
you’re targeting, and other resources to find
out as much as you can about the people you
want to meet and their company. Find out what
clubs, groups, and organizations the people are
involved in, what their interests are, and where
they like to hang out. Also find out something
about their professional career, where they grew
up and have lived in the past, and where they
went to school. Next, gather information on the
company. Learn their history along with statistics
and demographics. What groups and organizations are they involved in or tied to? Also, what
are their strengths and weaknesses and biggest
issues? What have been major events or turning
points in the company? What challenges are they
facing that could give you a foot in the door?
Step 3: Develop a plan to meet the key people.
Use the information you’ve gathered to find areas of commonality and subjects that you can
use to open a conversation. Obviously if you went
to the same school, or share some hobbies or
interests, those are great ice breakers. In addition, you want to find a family member, friend,
co-worker, or acquaintance that knows the key
people and can introduce you to them. The average person knows 250 people and it truly is a
small world. Someone you know knows your target people well, it’s just a matter of finding that
Now that you know what groups and organizations they belong to, where they go to lunch, play
golf, or otherwise hang out, you can frequent
those locations, go to events, attend meetings,
and join the same organizations.
One great way to get noticed is to either do business with the company you’re trying to get into or
get other people to do business with them. If you
Page 20 •November 2013
What company developments or challenges can
you address head-on that you and your company
can solve? How can you be of major benefit to
them and their business?
You can also try the following creative ideas:
• Start using some of the same vendors the target company uses such as website developers,
plumbers, electricians, printers, etc., and ask for
an “in” to the Target Company and people.
• Set up or sponsor an event and invite them.
• Volunteer at some of the events or for some of
the same organizations they are involved with.
• Send them cookies, candy, or fruit. Send a plastic skeleton with your card: “This is me waiting for
you to call me back” (not to be used with Analytics), helium balloons with a note (make sure the
ceilings aren’t too high), and cell phones with a
note and your number programmed in.
• Advertise directly to them in industry publications or the local press.
• Send tickets to sporting events or gift cards to
Okay, you may have to ask me about some of
these, but the bottom line is: you can get pretty
creative at getting people’s attention and getting
in the door. If you have a solid plan and put in
the time, effort, and energy, you will get in. Next
month, how to land that big account.
JV Franks
Fax: 866-823-5337
Dru Garland
Fax: 866-831-8758
Dave LeBlanc
Fax: 866-310-3169
Chad Harrington
Fax: 855-439-7437
April Carter
Fax: 866-449-8184
A new logo for
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Upon our acquisition
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November 2013 • Page 21
Partner News
Access Home Insurance Company
Receives Authorization to Assume Nearly
10,000 policies from Louisiana Citizens
Access Home Insurance Company (Access Home) has received
authorization to assume nearly 10,000 policies and over $19 million in premium from Louisiana Citizens in the latest round of Depopulation.
“This additional business will significantly increase Access Home’s
premium writings in Louisiana and greatly improve our overall
spread of risk.” said Hale Campbell, Access Home President. “Although we are relatively new, the Louisiana agents’ community
has overwhelming supported us, as evidenced by the large number of policies they authorized us to assume”, added Mike Toffoli,
Access Home’s Executive Vice President.
The policies which will be assumed effective December 1, 2013,
will renew onto Access Home paper at renewal.
Access Home Insurance Company is an admitted Louisiana-domiciled insurance carrier headquartered in Baton Rouge.
RPS First Premium
Welcomes Its Newest Team Member
RPS First Premium is excited to announce our newest team member,
Wendy Bowen.
Wendy Bowen has joined the staff
of RPS First Premium as a Business
Development Producer in the Marketing & Sales Department. She
has been in the insurance industry
since 2003 and is experienced in
all areas of Personal and Commercial lines. Wendy’s primary focus
of development will be the state of Mississippi but will be assisting in the 10 additional states we currently do business in.
Please feel free to contact Wendy by phone at 985.792.4490
or 504.338.6694 Or by email at wendy_bowen@rpsins.com.
Access Home has earned a Financial Stability Rating of A, Exceptional, from Demotech, Inc. For more information about Demotech,
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Here are a few great things we have to
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Page 22 •November 2013
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November 2013 • Page 23
Grow your
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Looking to cultivate new business from your physician
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Get your commissions growing by contacting Kathy Terry at
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4646 Sherwood Common Blvd. | Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Page 24 •November 2013
Continued from page 8
(PIA Errors & Omissions)
they are also heavily relying on what
you told them. Obviously be certain that
you know the answer to the questions.
Documenting back to the customer the
essence of the conversation will confirm
the discussion.
Offer limit options
Virtually every E&O class has advised
agencies to get rejections on various
coverages or limits provided. One very
effective manner to do that is to offer a
variety of options. Don’t just offer a proposal for a $1mil umbrella; offer multiple options. By the insured accepting
the $1mil umbrella proposal, this then
is confirmation of the rejection of the
other limits offered.
Customer contact providing information
Let’s assume that you are completing an
app with a customer and you ask them
if they have been cancelled for non-pay
in the last 3 years. They don’t know so
they pledge to call you the next day with
the answer. When they call you the next
day, they advise you “no, we have not
been cancelled for non-pay in the last 3
years”. This should be documented and
confirmed back in some form of written
communication. Once again, the goal is
to build a file that contains quality documentation and while this takes time, it
could make all the difference if an E&O
claim were to develop.
Bottom line, if your agency is really looking to hold your customers accountable,
documentation is the key. Getting a
document with the insured’s signature
is the best approach but that is not possible, then document the various conversations in your file and send some
form of written communication back to
the customer memorializing in detail
the discussion.
Welcome New
Associate Insurance
Baton Rouge, LA
Howard Risk Advisors
Lafayette, LA
Patriot National
Insurance Group
Charlotte, NC
November 2013 • Page 25
Member Benefit in Focus
Index of
PIA Has New E&O Markets Available to Members!
What are the benefits to having your agency’s E&O with PIA of Louisiana?
► PIA wants to personally know you and your agency;
Access Home Insurance…………..….....…...….....9
Berkshire Hathaway Guard Insurance.….....21
Capital Premium Financing.....…..….....…...….....18
Emergency Restoration Inc. ................….…....24
► PIA understands your agency’s needs and the challenges Louisiana
agents face;
► PIA is accessible and accountable to you;
► PIA offers exceptional service;
► PIA is a local, agents’ association — having your E&O through PIA supports
the Louisiana economy and helps to strengthen the Louisiana insurance
Hull & Company, Louisiana………………….……..21
► PIA specializes in Insurance Agents & Brokers Errors & Omissions and can
assist in placing risks of any size, history and nature, including startup
Imperial Fire & Casualty Insurance…………….....19
► PIA is here to serve your agency needs and has your best interest in mind;
LEMIC Insurance Company………………...…......24
► PIA offers FREE annual E&O Seminars for PIA’s policyholders and their
Forest Insurance Facilities……………………….....11
LUBA Workers’ Comp……………………..Back Cover
LWCC…………………………………Inside Front Cover
North Central Agency.......................................11
Physician’s Trust................................................24
Progressive…............................Inside Back Cover
RPS Covington........................................….…....22
The Timbermen Fund.........................................20
Find out more details on advertising in The
Agent’s Voice by calling the PIA office at (800)
Page 26 •November 2013
To get an E&O quote or to learn more about our products, please contact Natalie Cooper at Natalie@piaoflouisiana.com.
These agenTs have made Their marK
Congratulations to these 6 Louisiana independent agents who’ve
qualified for the Progressive Signature Agent® program*.
all Premier insurance agency
Denham Springs
a victory agency, inc.
Jones insurance services
arnold insurance group
Bubrig insurance agency
Belle Chasse
raymond m. Fondel Jr. ins. agency
Lake Charles
They join these 49 agents who have already earned Signature Agent status.
a victory insurance agency
Castello agency
glenn dean insurance agency
Quality Plus, inc.
aBC agency network
Community Financial
grant C. Bennett insurance
riverlands insurance services
aBC agency network
Curtis insurance agency
Lake Charles
harlan insurance agency
semon insurance agency
aBC insurance agency
Cypress insurance
insurance network of La
Baton Rouge
shaver robichaux agency
action insurance, inc.
david Cordell insurance
Baton Rouge
insurance Unlimited
Lake Charles
Thomson, smith & Leach
advanced insurance solutions
John Kelly dabdoub
Tibbetts insurance services, LLC
Baton Rouge
alliance insurance agency
dJW insurance agency
New Iberia
Kyle Thomas insurance agency
Total insurance of Watson, inc.
Denham Springs
Baton rouge insurance agency
Baton Rouge
eagan insurance agency
Liggio insurance agency
Toups insurance agency
Beard insurance
Baton Rouge
emery James LTd
market insurance
TWFg insurance services
Lake Charles
Beasley-Keith, inc.
Bossier City
First Federal insurance /
Community Financial
Lake Charles
TWFg insurance services
Walpole insurance agency
Bossier City
Page & sons insurance
Whitney insurance agency
New Orleans
Boswell insurance
Bourg insurance
gary Losey insurance
Baton Rouge
gendusa insurance agency
Pam Price insurance, inc.
The Signature Agent program recognizes and rewards agents for selling an average of at least one preferred
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To find out how you can become a Progressive Signature Agent, contact your account sales representative.
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*The Signature Agent Program is not available in all states. For a list of states where it is available, contact your Progressive
account sales representative. The Signature Agent Program is only available to agents. We define a preferred auto policy as
one in which the named insured: Is a homeowner, has continuous insurance with no lapses, and has a good driving record.
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