HOW TO FILE A CLAIM Please read the instructions on the claim form carefully. The form must be completed & faxed to 888-232-9835 before claim can be paid. Please call Customer Service with any questions at 1-800-773-6333. ~' 20c)()Wadr.Harnpton Blvd. ~ ASSURANT Solutions' Insured Information Name Rease __ B_ Funeral '__ Date of death __ Home Certificate The umJcni:ncli J__ ,__ of Death and Performance Social Security nbr Please complete - - ~~~~~;~~:-~~~~:;~nefirr. section below must be completed for final c",!)e~ Funeral home address. policies.) ell fields in this section. THX company II) nbr ------- indicate name. City death(check one): [J Natural Funds to be deposited through CJ _ State __ Amount to he paid to funeral homo ~:~ Funeral Director's ticense nbr C. fedel1ll Tax ']nternal Revenue Please check if a Suicide/Homicide 0 Accidental =$:~: iijQtiSi.ii'¢iiM CI check or to i'.i~1 plete for assignment after death. The dollar amount assigned must be completed. All Proceeds in the amount field is not acceptable. _ I lunewlhome ;.;;;;.,.;.U·.''".' Wltilhoiding s only. marked, o NO, Complete ______________ _ hom~:.::!~i:.:· iQ.. f¥!leral :i!!~~m~#~;;'~~~Ol:~~dilferent]~:~~~h1g scrV¥8:~~W:~f.~.ns you DO'NO'r"WifflU State ofresidenc~,l!~.~~'-·. be mailed taxable whhdrawals taxes will be withheld unless instructed otherwee. I for assiemnent after death. in the amount of $ I t;DGIbtAlnoulrlIl.tq.Jhd) Check one: beneficiary named in the policy. lfmultiple beneficiaries are named, all signatures art required. If any of the beneficlarres are deceased, death certocate is required. (Attach an additional document two signatures are required} their ifmore than is the estate of the insured: Cl ] am the Executor end/or Personal Representative of the estate. There is no estate and 1 am the individual responsible for final arrangements o Ma i1ing address City Phone nbr (~ Tax ID nbr (Beneficiary for the Above named insured Stall: -- I Zip or Estate), Signature _ 0.1< __ ' __ ' __ Wax·lli:o.a: Any person who knowingly, and with intent to injure, defraud 01 deceive any Insurer, makes any claim for the proceeds of an insurance policy containing any false, incomplete OJ misleading Informancn is.guilty of a cnme. ""TIlls formma.y be used for businessunzerwraten or administered by Un.ioo.Security Insurauce Compan.y or lAAmer:lcan.Ufe @20l0AssuJmtSolutions.ADR:igb.tsRcsrJVed.-P.O. Cl>,!-'JOO .RO')10 ~I\~_~~ Cl'vI-7W QRG R07IO Insurance Compa.n.y. Box 1906] e Greeaville, SC 29602·9051-1·800-773-6333 !',!eloi2 ~1MIIit~.M\WII;O\Ii ••••• w._~_~ffl •.•I'U·MM ••• ~t\"fI.III;I:tI_~.ItI.u.UIr/Il'lll\Wi~~V:t"I:'!I'MM1I S "'l'l~~tM.l~' ~.he following states have. additional requirements: ~R: Seller's Affidavit of Contract Performance (FNL -Cl) p.Y, LA, NC & UT: Copy of Certified Death Certificate .'N: Copy of the statement of funeral merchandise and services igned by the Funeral Director and representative of the family. [X: Copy of Certified Death Certificate, copy of At-Need I ontract and a certificate of performance to the funeral borne providing the services as noted above. I hereby certify that the indicated funeral home has fully and completely delivered funeral aervicea andlor merchandise in the amount specified. ] agree that such payment of proceeds shall discharge, in full, all Iiability of the comp8l1Y under the poiicy(ies). If the beneficiary Note: When all proceeds are payable to the beneficiary complete sections A, B, C and D and enter zero in the amount fields of sections B and D. In addition, have the beneficiary sign in section D. Any existing assignment to the funeral home for the policies listed will he considered released. I do not wish taxes withheld. (pruned name), do hereby assign paymett o ]am the .•.·:,.::' So!utlons~ .i,··I~,!.~~ 3 plete this section for annuity products only. Phone nhr'-~ CUU5e of j~ _ hc:n:b)' cct1i1ics thut the funeral home indiclitffi.1telow pe.rronncd the fllncrul services for the above named deceased. Note: If above Tax ID number is registered with the IRS under a Parent/Holding .. ulred: Complete this section with performing Funeral Home ormation. The amount field must contain the dollar amount. All Proceeds in the amount field is not acceptable. CJ F amily Coverage Riders Only '__ ..} ICY complete all fields in this section. of insured/deceased ~ .. uired: Complete this section with deceased's information and numbers for claim. Funeral Horne ClaimFonn ~~.:iJ~~29602-9061 (800) 77l.clll Please fax completed form to (888) 232~9835 ASCU·R ,. ASSURANT 2000 Wade Hampton Blvd. PO Box 19061 Greenville, SC 29602-9061 (800) 773-6333 Please tax completed form to (888) 232-9835 Solutions" A. Insured Information Funeral Home Claim Form Please complete all fields in this section, Name of insured/deceased _____ . __._ _.__._. __ .___ ___ 0 Family Coverage Riders Only Policy nbr(s) Date of birth Social Security nbr Date of death . . _ B. Funeral Home Certificate of Death and Performance Please complete all fields in this section. The undersigned hereby certifies that the funeral home indicated below performed the funeral services for the above named deceased. Performing funeral home** --c~----,-,---..,--,-----,---..,.--:-_.____,,____,~---___.__c~~---Tax lD nbr (** The At-Need Assignment of Benefits section below must be completedfor final expense policies.) 1 Note: If above Tax ID number is registered with the IRS under a Parent/Holding company indicate name. Funeral home address Phone nbr( __ City ------------------------------------ ) --------- ._.. State Zip - _ ---- _ 0 Natural Cause of death (check one): 0 Funds to be deposited through o Accidental D Suicide/Homicide EjX.PRESS FUN DS State of residence at death or 0 check to be mailed to funeral home. (must be pre-registered'> Amount to be paid to funeral home $-=-=-=-_----:-:,------=-=_ (Dollar Amount Required) Funeral Director's License nbr C. Federal Tax Withholding Name of funeral home if different from performing funeral home Signature of Funeral Director Complete this section for annuity products only. Intemal Revenue Service regulations require us to withhold 10% from taxable withdrawals unless instructed otherwise. Please check if you DO NOT wish taxes withheld. If not marked, taxes will be withheld. D NO, D. At-Need Assignment of Benefits I, _. . . I do not wish taxes withheld. Complete for assignment after death. (printed name), do hereby assign payment in the amount of $ ._._. _ (Dollar Amount RPJjuirOO) to the funeral home providing the services as noted above. I hereby certify that the indicated funeral home has fully and completely delivered funeral services and/or merchandise in the amount specified. r agree that such payment of proceeds shall discharge, in full, all liability of the company under the policy(ies). Check one: o I am the beneficiary named in the policy. If multiple beneficiaries are named, all signatures are required. If any of the beneficiaries are deceased, their death certificate is required. (Attach an additional document two signatures are required.) if more than If the beneficiary is the estate of the insured: o I am the Executor and/or Personal Representative of the estate. Q There is no estate and I am the individual responsible for final arrangements for the above named insured. Mailing address Phone nbr ( . J . . ..... - ._._. __ _._. __ ._ .... .._._ ._. ._ City, Tax ID nbr (Beneficiary OT .______________ ..._.. Estate) State . Zip .. . ._ ._ Date Signature ''\Iarning: Any person who knowingly, and with intent to injure, defraud or deceive any insurer, makes any claim for the proceeds of an insurance policy containing any false, incomplete or misleading information is guilty of a crime. '"This form may be used for business underwritten or administered by Union Security Insurance Company or IAAmerican Life.Insurance Company. ©2010 Assurant Solutions, All Rights Reserved. • P,O. Box 19061 • Greenville, SC 29602-9061 • 1-800-773-6333 CM-700 R0710 Page [of2
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