F2 The Exponent Home, Garden and Real Estate Sunday, July 13, 2014 Telegram PROPERTY TRANSFERS The following property transfers were recorded in the Harrison County Clerk’s Office July 2-9: — Tky-Jhy 1 Limited Partnership to North Central Resources LLC, parcel in Elk District, $9,625. — Eric J. Kirkpatrick and Karey J. Kirkpatrick to Sean Kevin Clayton and Melissa Ann Clayton, parcel in Clark District, $158,000. — Sylvia Jane Woofter to Brittany D. Woofter, parcel in Coal District, $68,500. — Tammie R. Taylor to Harry Simpson and Linda Simpson, parcels in Clark District, $39,100. — Jean Scott to Christal L. Ledbetter, parcel in Clark District, $89,000. — Heather Y. Hall, adminis- tratrix of estate of David A. Simon, deceased, and legal guardian of Andrew T. Simon, to J&J II Enterprises LLC, parcels in Simpson District, $72,000. — David A. Rice to Lisa Rice, parcel in Clark District, $75,000. — Eric S. Hurst and Stefanie M. Hurst to Larry Paul Ritter and Gregory Paul Ritter, parcel in Tenmile District, less than $100. — Peter J. Burke to Derek A. Hughes and Amber N. Hughes, parcel in Simpson District, $262,000. — Jason M. Moore and Kendra L. Moore to Erich Rodeheaver, parcel in Clay District, $93,000. — Gerald L. Farer to Mark Passerby and Sally Passerby, husband and wife, parcel in Simpson District, $620,000. — Lora L. James to Erin K. Vaughn and John D. Vaughn II, her husband, parcel in Union District, $118,000. — Brian A. Moreno and Diane P. Blanchette to Roger S. Christenson II and Kathryn K. Christenson, his wife, parcel in Clark District, $160,000. — Joanne E. Moyle to Joann E. Moyle and James Patrick Moyle, parcel in Clark District, parent to child. — Rebecca M. Vest to Carolyn Mullett, parcel in Elk District, less than $100. — Tillie DiPerna to Richard D. DiPerna, parcels in Eagle District, wife to husband. — Rebecca M. Vest to Carolyn Mullett, parcel in Elk District, less than $100. — Carolyn Mullett to Rebecca M. Vest, parcel in Elk District, less than $100. — Francis T. Lauzau and Carol S. Lauzau to Raps 30 Scarlet Oak Ln Inc., parcel in Simpson District, $1.3 million. — Clay E. Boyles and Angelia M. Boyles, his wife, to Pamela Ann Shreve, parcel in Elk District, $148,000. — Jeffrey A. Harris and Pamela D. Harris to Jeffrey A. Harris, parcel in Elk District. — Property Management LLC to Patricia Ann Ammar, parcel in Simpson District, $62,500. — Karen Vecchio to Justin L. Butcher, parcels in Eagle District, $142,500. — Linda K. Phares to Thomas H. Fluharty, trustee, parcel in Clark District. — Thomas H. Fluhar ty, trustee, to Robert E. Smith and Linda K Phares, his wife, parcel in Clark District. — Donald M. Davis, trustee of Ann J. Davis revocable trust, to Donald M. Davis, parcels in Tenmile District, less than $100. — James C. Smith and Jerilyn W. Smith to Kenneth R. Peck and Jessica Peck, parcel in Clark District, $90,000. — High Tech Corridor Development LLC to Century Hospitality-Bridgeport LLC, parcels in Simpson District, $714,000. — James E. Davis Jr. to Shawn M. Greynolds and Suzanne Greynolds, parcel in Eagle District, $85,500. — SVR One LLC to Darren R. Criss and Cynthia L. Criss, husband and wife, parcel in Simpson District, $342,744. — Roberta Lynn Oliverio to Jamie Lynn Oliverio, parcel in Clark District, parent and child. — Joseph Midlege to Theresa Gain, parcel in Harrison County, brother to sister. — Brodick Enterprises LLC to Jaco LLC, parcel in Simpson District, $152,200. — Mary Lou Delaney to Clyde Prieto, parcel in Clark District, $32,000. — Peter E. Kaites to Gina Marie Shaffer and Martin A. Shaffer, her husband, parcel in Clark District, $181,000. — Rickie Carothers to Karen S. Poling, parcels in Eagle District, $11,500. — Karen S. Poling to Timothy Stire, parcels in Eagle District, $12,000. — Shirley Stout, Helen Louise Stout, David R. Stout, James E. Stout and Alice L. Pettit, to Richard L. Cox III, parcel in Clay District, $10,500. How to prevent exhaust fans from dripping water in cold weather by C. Dwight Barnett MCCLATCHY-TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE Q: During cold weather, water drips from the exhaust fans in the bathrooms. The ducts are metal and are connected together to form one duct to go through Barnett the roof to vent outside. About 3 years ago I had a new roof with a ridge vent installed, and this problem has developed since that time. Previously I had a roof exhaust fan. How can I stop this leak? A: Moisture from the bath fans condenses inside the pipes in colder weather and drips back through the fans. I don’t think adding the ridge vent in place of a powerventilated fan would make any difference. The power fan generally does not operate in the winter. You might want to ANGIE (Continued from Page F1) Top-rated contractors tell us that kitchen and bath upgrades generally land near the top of the list of projects that earn the best return on investment. After all, highly rated real estate agents say potential buyers spend more time in the kitchen of a home being shown than any other room. The most you’re likely to recoup from any project is 85 percent of what you spent. From surveying top remodelers and real estate pros, our team found that these are typical returns on invest- check to see if the roofers covered the opening where the bath fans vented through the roof. Bath fans and ventilated kitchen range hoods must vent by means of a metal pipe to the exterior either through the roof or through a sidewall to the exterior. Bathroom vent fans cannot terminate in an attic or vent to the soffit area (overhang) where humidity buildup can cause mold and decay. Too many times I have seen damage to the roof’s decking where fans are improperly vented. The dampness will also soak into the attic’s insulation, providing an ideal environment for mold and ceiling stains to appear. Each fan should have its own opening to the exterior. The separate pipes should not be joined together, because one fan could push the moistureladen air through the vent pipe to the other bathroom’s fan. Most bathroom fans have a one-way gate valve so that air flows out but not in, but the gate valve can become stuck open due to the buildup of dirt and lint. The pipes should be insulated in the attic space to slow the condensation process. In addition to your question concerning vent fans, in most homes there is either a vented or an unvented range hood. If the hood is vented and open to the attic, a grease fire could naturally be sucked up through the greasy pipe to the attic. If your home has a vented range hood, make sure the hood vents through the roof with a vent termination designed for that particular hood. ment for common projects: ■ Kitchen: 85 percent. Tip: Limit spending to 20 percent of your home’s value. ■ Bathroom: 80 percent. Tip: Current trends favor larger showers over tubs. ■ Deck: 80 percent. Tip: Before building, study what other homes in your area have done. ■ Siding: 80 percent, and replacement windows, 70 percent. Once you know what you want to do — assuming your budget’s in order and financing is arranged — the next big step is making sure to hire the right contractor. Plan to get several estimates from businesses that have good online reviews from local consumers and are appropriately licensed, insured and bonded. Ask for and contact references, and make sure all details — including payment terms and schedule — are in writing. Good luck with your project. Let us know how it turns out! SUNNYSIDE REALTY, C. Dwight Barnett is a certified master inspector with the American Society of Home Inspectors. Write to him with home improvement questions at C. Dwight Barnett, Evansville Courier & Press, P.O. Box 268, Evansville, Ind. 47702 or e-mail him at d.Barnett@insightbb.com. (c) 2014 McClatchy-Tribune Information Services. Each month, Angie’s List collects more than 65,000 consumer reviews covering 720-plus home and health services. We welcome your questions at askangie@angieslist.com. For answers, Angie’s List researchers condense the best advice from highly rated service pros. (c) 2014 Angie’s List. Distributed by MCT Information Services. Ventilated kitchen hoods should vent by means of a metal pipe to the exterior. This is either through the roof or a sidewall to the exteriror. Keep an eye on water and vegetables by Debbie Arrington THE SACRAMENTO BEE As we enter summer, drought awareness will get ramped up as we try to squeeze the most out of every drop. Keep your vegetable garden consistently watered (twice a week irrigation for most veggies is sufficient), mulched and weeded. Water before 8 a.m. to reduce chances of fungal infection and to conserve moisture. Monitor soil moisture before turning on the hose; you may be able to skip a day here or there. Those water savings all add up. But if your tomatoes are wilting, give them a drink. ■ It’s not too late to get a few more veggies in the ground. Plant seeds for corn, lima beans, green beans, okra, parsnips, pumpkin, summer and winter squash and watermelon. ■ Harvest vegetables promptly to encourage plants to produce more. Squash especially tends to grow rapidly in hot weather; keep an eye on the zucchini. ■ In the flower garden, plant seeds for alyssum, celosia, marigolds, periwin- kles, sunflowers and zinnias. ■ Pinch back chrysanthemums for bushy plants and more flowers in September. ■ Cut back Shasta daisies after flowering to promote a second bloom in fall. ■ Feed camellias, azaleas and other acid-loving plants. Make sure to water well (and deeply) before fertilizing. Otherwise, you may harm instead of help your shrubs. (c) 2014 The Sacramento Bee (Sacramento, Calif.) Matthew Aksila, Broker Dana Aksila, Assoc. Broker LLC 2 3 9 S u n n y s i d e R o a d , We s t U n i o n , W V 2 6 4 5 6 842-1969 • 873-2558 • 349-4377 NEW! File photo NEW! ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!! Spacious LOOKS LIKE A NEW HOME! Brand PERFECT COUNTRY RANCH! Almost 4BR, 3.5BA on 2+ acres a mile to Rt. 50. new: roof, facia, soffit, gutters, downspouts, 2 level acres along a paved road. 2 master suites Beautiful throughout, 2nd kitchen, main really dressed this 3 or 4BR farmhouse up with BAs, LR, DR & eat-in kitchen. GFA/CAC, floor master, pool, large level landscaped Newer BA w/whirlpool, GFA/CAC, 50+ acres interior is fresh & new, workshop & yard, superb views. Ellenboro. . .$$ 3 3 0 , 0 0 0 & so much more!! Eastern Dodd. $ 1 6 9 , 0 0 0 fishing out back. Southern Tyler. .$$ 6 7 , 5 0 0 4 C RY S TA L L A K E L O T S . Mostly wooded, above the frey, long lake view, water well, electric & slab on site........$ $37,500 6 3 + A C R E S in Southern Doddridge Co. Great hunting or home site ...............................................................................$ $69,500 1 2 + A C R E S Old Davisson Run Rd location. Developed building site with driveway, city water, septic & electric in place. Easy access to Rt. 50 &/or Rt. 19. Sellers O&G.........................................................................................$ $ 11 0 , 0 0 0 8 3 0 + / - A C R E S F O R F O R Y O U R T O TA L R E T R E AT ! ! Mixed habitat, hunt, farm, relax. Ponds, river frontage, 4BR, 3BA log home. 3 bay garage/shop, free gas reported..............................................................................$ $2,000,000 NEW! NEW! SITTING PRETTY IN THE COUNTRY O N 4 4 + A C R E S. 3BR, 2BA ranch on full finished basement offers plenty of space. GFA/CAC, screened porch, front porch, deck, garage & free gas apo.....$$ 1 2 9 , 0 0 0 F U N ! F U N ! F U N ! Paddle boat included with this inviting 1BR, 1.5BA light, bright and clean bungalow on two lots with fenced yard & outbuilding. Terrific view of Crystal Lake from the porch. . .$$ 6 0 , 0 0 0 W H E R E ’ S T H E B E E F ? ! 60 farmable acres with long bottom meadows, hillside pasture and privacy in Sardis. 2 or 3BR, 1BA, free gas apo, GFA, hardwired generator, barns, garage/shop & more.......$$ 1 7 5 , 0 0 0 MATT 304-669-5166 • DANA 304-669-5167 C L A R K S B U R G - Location! Location! Warehouse, office, & retail space with 3BR/2BA apt. upstairs. Paved off-street parking and close to downtown Clarksburg. Minutes to Rt. 50 and I-79! $ 4 2 4 , 9 0 0. S N O W S H O E - Very nice home in a great recreation area, close to ski resort and outdoor activities. Comes with hot tub on back deck for relaxing. Beautiful interior! $ 4 0 4 , 9 0 0. N U T T E R F O RT - 2 building lots in desirable location. City utilities available! Mobile homes are permitted with permanent foundation! MOTIVATED SELLER! $ 7 , 9 0 0. H O R N E R - 53.25 Acres of unspoiled land. FREE GAS APO! Older farmhouse and buildings. Hunter’s paradise! $ 1 5 5 , 0 0 0. H O R N E R - Located between Weston and Buckhannon. Beautiful lot! Home has some hardwood floors. Lots of potential! $ 1 2 8 , 0 0 0. H O R N E R - 31 Private acres. Borders Stonecoal Lake property! 3 stall horse barn and older bungalow. $ 11 9 , 9 0 0. F L AT W O O D S - 62.72 acres with nice home! Great area to have a working farm. Quiet location. Multiple barns/buildings for usage. MOTIVATED SELLER!! $ 2 0 9 , 9 0 0. A L U M B R I D G E - Very nice ranch home on .6 acres. Wrap around deck and finished basement. All appliances stay with home. MUST SEE! $ 1 4 4 , 9 0 0.
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