HT66FB550 How to update the Flash ROM using the USB Module and IAP Function HT66FB550 How to Update the Flash Program Memory using the USB Module and IAP Function D/N: HA0345E Introduction The HT6xFB5x0 series are Flash type Program Memory microcontrollers which, in addition to their ISP function, also have an additional IAP function. IAP, which stands for In Application Programming, can update a part of data stored in the program memory, such as an array storing constant values, using its internal program, without requiring an external Writer. The following content describes how to update the Flash Program Memory using the USB module and IAP function in the HT66FB550. Theory of Operation This example uses the USB module in the HT66FB550 to send a data update command or read data command to the Flash Program Memory space of the specified addresses via a PC. It then uses the IAP function to write the updated data received from the PC to the Flash Program Memory, or to read the data from Flash Program Memory and return to the AP. IAP Function This device offers an IAP function to implement erasing, writing or reading the contents of the Flash Program Memory using a series of registers specifically provided for this purpose. The HT66FB550 includes several registers related with read or write operations on the Flash Program Memory. The address registers are named FARL and FARH and the data registers are named FDnL and FDnH, where n=0~3. There are also two control registers named FCR and FRCR. When data is written to the data registers, it is necessary to write the low byte first and then the high byte. After the data is written to the data register high byte, the address register will automatically be incremented by 1. As the FARL and FDnL registers are located in Bank 0, they can be directly accessed in the same way as any other Special Function Register. However, the FARH, FDnH and FCR registers, being located in Bank 1, cannot be addressed directly and can only be read from or written to indirectly using the MP1 Memory Pointer and Indirect Addressing Register, IAR1. How to update the Flash ROM using the USB Module and IAP Function Operating Principles IAP programming is used mainly to implement erase, write and read operations to the Flash Program Memory space. It is used to update data to the Flash Program Memory using the USB module and IAP function. In this application, the HT6xFB5x0 device side program will define a 16-byte constant array, which is used to store LED display data. The Program Memory space occupied by the array is the area to be updated. The AP will send a Read Status command, the specific format of which refers to the “Communication Protocol" section, to read the address range of the area from the device and display them in the ADDR of the AP. The AP can update the Flash Memory using its USB module, and then display the updated data on the LED display. First, the AP of the PC specifies the program read and erase addresses in the area to be updated, and then a command is sent to the device using the transmission method controlled by endpoint 1, such as Get Report or Set Report. If the command is a program command, then the data to be updated, which is input from the AP interface, will be sent to the device via endpoint 1 in the interrupt transmission method, and written to the Flash Program Memory using the IAP function. If it is a read command, the Flash Program Memory data of the specified addresses will be returned to the AP via endpoint 2 using the interrupt transmission method. Communication Protocol Erase Command (Action_ Erase =0x01) Setup OUT Setup IN Byte 0 21 Action_ Erase A1 Action_ Erase Byte 1 09 Byte 2 00 Byte 3 03 Byte 4 02 Byte 6 08 00 Byte 5 00 Page Count 00 08 Byte 7 00 Check Sum 00 StartAddrH StartAddrL Bytes_S Bytes_E 01 Verify Checksum 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Action_ Erase (0x01) This command will erase a certain area of Flash Program Memory data in the device. StartAddrH/StartAddrL The high byte and low byte of the start address to be erased. Bytes_S The erased byte number of the first page (if only one page, it is the home page). The erase operation is executed according to the Flash Program Memory address order. The address is incremented by 1 and a word will be erased correspondingly. Therefore, the value is an even number of 2~64 (maximum page size), including 2 and 64. Bytes_E The erased byte number of the last page, the value is also an even number of 2~64. PageCount The page number to be erased, including the first and last page. CheckSum The checksum, which is calculated by the AP (invert the sum of the first 7bytes and add one), is compared with the checksum, which is returned from the GetReport stage and calculated by the device. If they are different, then the data is incorrect and the Erase, Read, Program and other command operations will not be executed. 2 How to update the Flash ROM using the USB Module and IAP Function VerifyChecksum The checksum calculated by the device, i.e. in the SetReport stage invert the sum of the first 7bytes and add one. Read Command (Action_ Read =0x02) Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 21 09 00 03 02 00 08 00 OUT Action_ Read Start AddrH StartAddrL Bytes_S Bytes_E Page Count 00 Check Sum Setup A1 01 00 03 00 00 08 00 Action_ Read Verify Checksum 00 00 00 00 00 00 Setup IN IN (EP2) Byte 7 64-byte Action_ Read (0x02) This command will read the Flash Program Memory data in the device. When the AP performs a verify and blank and check of the checksum, send the read command to the device too. Program Command (Action_ Program =0x03) Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 21 09 00 03 02 00 08 00 Action_Program Start AddrH Bytes_E Page Count 00 Check Sum Setup OUT StartAddrL Bytes_S Byte 7 Setup A1 01 00 03 00 00 08 00 IN Action_Program Verify Checksum 00 00 00 00 00 00 OUT (EP1) 64-byte Action_ Program (0x03) This command will program the Flash Program Memory data in the device. The AP executing the program action includes the following three commands: Action_ Erase (Erase first) Action_ Program (Program) Action_ Read (Verify). Read Status (Action_ReadStatus =0x04) Setup OUT Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 21 09 00 03 02 00 08 Action_ ReadStatus Setup IN Byte 0 00 00 00 03 A1 01 00 Action_ Verify Action ReadStatus Checksum Status ICType 00 00 00 Byte 7 00 Check Sum 00 00 08 00 Program Program Program Program StartAddrH StartAddrL EndAddrH EndAddrL Action_ ReadStatus (0x04) When the device is connected to the PC or when executing a Program, Read or Erase operation, the AP will send the command to read back the related information of the device. ActionStatus The current state of the device, IDLE (0x00), erase, read or write. ICType Return the IC model code, the HT66FB550 ICType is tentatively "01". ProgramStartAddrH/L High and low byte of the start address in the area to be updated. 3 How to update the Flash ROM using the USB Module and IAP Function ProgramEndAddrH/L High and low byte of the end address in the area to be updated. Note: The address range of the area to be updated is what the device specifies for the constant array. After the AP reads back the returned addresses, they will be displayed on the "ADDR" interface. Application Circuit ICP/OCDS ICP/OCDS VDD U2 1 2 3 UDN 4 UDP 5 V33O 6 VDD 7 VDD 8 GND 9 10 OCDSCK 11 12 PA0 VDD R29 100K R30 OCDSCK 300R C12 0.1uF PE5 C13 0.1uF V33O C14 0.1uF PE5 PD0/TP3_1/OSC1 PD1/TP2_1/OSC2 PD2/TCK2 PD3 PD4/TCK3 PD5/TP1_1 PD6/TP3_0 PD7/TP2_0 NC NC NC PC3/AN11 PC2/AN10 PC1/AN9 PC0/AN8 PB7 PB6/INT1/AN6 PB5/PCK/AN5 PB4/TP0_1/AN4 PB3/SCS/AN3 PB2/SCK/AN2 PB1/SDI/SCL/AN1 PB0/SDO/SDA/AN0 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 3 2 1 PA0 UDN miniUSB PC7 PC6 PC5 PC4 VUSB DD+ NC GND SHELD PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0 HT66FB550 1 2 3 4 5 6 VDD Bead FB1 R16 R17 C10 2 4 6 8 10 12 33 33 C11 47P 47P PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 10 9 8 5 4 2 3 7 a b c d e f g DP K K UDN UDP USB 7 VDD 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PA0/TCK1/OCDSDA PA1/SDOA/C0X NC PA2/SDIA/C0+ UDN/GPIO0 PA3/SCKA/C0UDP/GPIO1 PA4/SCSA/TP0_0/C1X V33O PA5/TP1_0/C1+ UBUS/PE1/AVDD/VDD PA6/TCK0/C1HVDD PA7/INT0/AN7 VSS PE0/VDDIO/VREF PE3/XT1 PC7/AN15 PE4/XT2 PC6/AN14 /RES/OCDSCK PC5/AN13 PE2 PC4/AN12 1 3 5 7 9 11 OCDSCK J16 1 6 Q5 8050 R33 PE5 10K DS0 This application circuit is mainly comprised of the USB communication interface, an LED display circuit, reset circuit and MCU etc. In the USB interface circuit, the resistors and capacitors in the USB cable are mainly used to reduce interference, improve communication stability and reduce the possibility of data errors during USB data transmission. The USB host device provides the power source for the whole circuit. When it needs to write programs to the MCU using a writer, the USB cable must be removed. In this paper, the related operation Flash memory addresses, used to store the 16byte constant array, are set to 0x0800~0x0807, which correspond to the LED display codes of 0~F. After connecting to the AP, the element order in the array will be rearranged by the USB communication and IAP function, so that the LED display order of 0~F will be changed. It can also be connected to the e-WriterPro, to read the data of the corresponding address for comparison. 4 How to update the Flash ROM using the USB Module and IAP Function S/W Function Block Flowchart The main functions of the program for the HT66FB550 are to display the ROM data in the area to be updated on the LED after power on, enable USB module and then enumerate. After which and connected to the AP of the PC, according to the AP sent commands and the endpoint 1, 2 sent and received data, the Flash Program Memory of the specified addresses will be performed program, read, erase and other actions. After programming, the LED displays the updated data. The program structure can be divided into main program, USB enumeration, data transmission and IAP related operations. Main Program Flowchart The main functions include: LED display and to determine whether to perform IAP related operations. 5 How to update the Flash ROM using the USB Module and IAP Function Access Endpoints to Receive and Send Data Subroutine EnableUSBBoot() Flowchart The main functions include: according to the accessed USB endpoints, transmit the corresponding data. Endpoint 0 is mainly used to enumerate, receive and return the AP sent commands. Endpoint 1 is used to receive the data to be programmed. Endpoint 2 is used to return the AP read ROM data. The endpoint 1 received data is always 64 bytes, and sent by page, that is 64 bytes per page. When the first and last page size is less than a page, the AP will automatically fill out the remaining part with zeros and then send to the device. Similar to endpoint 2, when sending the data to the AP, parts of less than a page will be zeroed out. 6 How to update the Flash ROM using the USB Module and IAP Function Endpoint 0 Data Processing Subroutine AccessFIFO0() Flowchart The main functions include: According to the endpoint 0 received USB requests, return the corresponding data to complete the enumeration Analyse the set report request to find out whether the AP performs a program, read or erase operation next and calculate the checksum Analyse the get report request and according to the AP sent commands in the set report stage, send back the corresponding data, the specific format of which refers to the “Communication Protocol" section. 7 How to update the Flash ROM using the USB Module and IAP Function IAP Programming Subroutine IAPProgram () Flowchart The main functions include: according to the AP sent command which can be a program, read or erase command, perform the corresponding action. AP Program Main Functions Description The API functions in the program, used to access the USB interface, belongs to hid.lib and setupapi.lib. The hid.lib can refer to the attached AP program file, and the setupapi.lib is the VS2008 own library. The following describes several functions used to find a USB device, send commands and receive/send data in the program: 1. API_HIDFindDevice(HIDPARAMENT *nHIDParament,int nReadWrite); Function: According to the nHIDParament information, find a HID device and return a handle. The HIDPARAMENT is a structure declared in the HID_Lib.h, includes the VID, PID, Usage and other informations. When the nReadWrite is 0, return a read handle; when the nReadWrite is 1, return a write handle. 2. API_HIDReadFeture(HANDLE hHandle,BYTE *Buf1,BYTE *Buf2); Function: The hHandle is a write handle obtained by the API_HIDFindDevice, the Buf1 is used for storing the command given by the device, and the information returned from the device is stored in the Buf2. The first byte in the two buffers is Report ID. 3. ReadFile( hReadHandle, //Read file handle ReadReportBuffer, //Save the data read from the device to the ReadReportBuffer 65, //The byte number to be read, the Report ID takes up one byte, //in addition to the transferred data size NULL, //A pointer to the actual read byte number &ReadOverlapped //Specified as asynchronous read data ); //Used to read the Flash Program Memory data from the device 8 How to update the Flash ROM using the USB Module and IAP Function 4. WriteFile( hWriteHandle, //Write file handle WriteReportBuffer,//Data buffer pointer, sending the WriteReportBuffer data //to the device 65, //The byte number to be sent, the Report ID takes up one byte, //in addition to the transferred data size &BytesWritten, //Storage area pointer for storing the actual written byte number NULL //Specified as synchronous read data ); //Used to send the data written to the Flash Program Memory to the device PC AP Use Introduction PC AP Interface When the device is connected to the PC, the AP will automatically search the device. The device VID, PID and the used IC type will be displayed on the interface, and the programmable address range will be displayed on the "ADDR" interface. The AP can implement erase, program, read and other operations on the Flash Program Memory space of the device corresponding to the address range on "ADDR". Note that the "ADDR" specified addresses should be within the programmable address range otherwise the AP will give an "Address format is error!" warning message. After the device program starts running, the LED displays from 0 ~ F as default. After setting the address, click “Read”, read back the 16 bytes of constant array data as shown above. When the LED display order is to be updated, such as from F ~ 0, as shown below, enter the following data for the address of 0x0800 ~ 0x0807, click “Program”, to complete the device LED constant array update. 9 How to update the Flash ROM using the USB Module and IAP Function Button Functions Open: Open the data file to be programmed (.txt format), the data will be displayed in the blue area on the left. Program: Update the data in the blue area on the left to the Flash Program Memory of the specified addresses. NewFile: Setup the programmed content. The data in the blue area of the main interface can be directly changed, or click on “NewFile” to change. The NewFile dialog is shown below. Enter the data to be programmed on the right side, the default display is the data read from the device (DeviceData), FileData is to display the data content of the files opened by "Open", the left side is the preview area. Program Example Device: IDE Version: 7.82 or above configuration option: High Freq.OSC: HIRC ; other option select by users. AP:Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 / C++ For program code and description refer to the attached files Conclusions Using the HT66FB550 as the master MCU, this application note has introduced how to use the USB module and IAP function to communicate with the PC side AP, to perform related operations on the Flash Program Memory area. 10 How to update the Flash ROM using the USB Module and IAP Function Accessory Device Side Source Code File HT66FB550_IAP_DEMO_Device.rar PC Side Programming Software and Source Code File IAP_DEMO_AP.rar 11
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