“How To Section” - Network FOB, Inc. How to Enter an Order START TO FINISH When you open up an Order Entry screen your cursor will automatically be placed in the Order Number field. 1. Tab through the Order number field & your cursor will move to your initials. 2. You will place your cursor in the Customer code field, put in your customer code, HIT TAB KEY 3. Select Order Type from dropdown (TL, LTL, etc.), HIT TAB KEY 4. Put in Bill To code, HIT TAB KEY 5. Division will default to yours – commission is paid based on your division. 6. Leave Terms blank, Hit Tab Key 7. Fill in Purchase Order and/or BL Number if customer requires them for payment (will print on invoice.) 8. Fill in Commodity/Pallets/Feet/Notes for reference (not required) 9. Equip Type is required. Please use DAT (Dial a truck) code (V, F, VR, FT, SD) 10. Class and Declared Value for reference (not required) 11. Skip over Commissions 12. On bottom right, place cursor in Rate Field – enter rate you are paying Carrier, HIT TAB KEY. 13. Enter Method you are paying carrier. 1 “How To Section” - Network FOB, Inc. You will now move to the LINE ITEMS TAB to enter in the charges to your Customer. 1.For each line item, fill in Pieces (optional), Description (required) and Charges (required). All other fields are not required. Tab from field to field. 2.When last line item has been entered, tab to the next blank line, this ensures all completed lines get saved into the system. (Note: do not enter Line Items while in the Pickup tab or Delivery tab. These will not print on the customer invoice. Only enter line items from the Main tab.) Let’s move to the Pick-Up Tab 1. Put in the Shipper’s code, HIT TAB KEY. 2. Put in the earliest pick-up date (select the “T” on your keyboard to enter Today’s date, use your +/- sign to go up and down in the calendar), HIT TAB KEY. **Double check pickup date for accuracy, this is a key field for commission payments. 3. Put in earliest pick-up time (military time), HIT TAB KEY 4. Latest pick-up date and time is optional, will default to earliest date/time. 5. PU#1 will print on Carrier Rate Confirmation, all others for reference only. 2 “How To Section” - Network FOB, Inc. 6. If there is a second pickup, click the Add Pickup button at bottom of window and repeat steps. If you decide to delete second pick-up, the bolded dash at the very bottom right hand side of this screen is the delete additional pick-up button. The Delivery Tab is next to enter 1. Click the Delivery tab. 2. Put in Consignee’s code, HIT TAB KEY. 3. Enter earliest delivery date/time (same “T” on keyboard for today’s date), HIT TAB KEY. 4. Enter Latest delivery date/time - optional. 5. PO#1 will print on Carrier Rate Confirmation, all others ref only. 6. If multiple deliveries, click the Add Delivery button at bottom of window. (same options as pick-up tab add) Enter Any Comments you want printed on the Carrier Rate Confirmation for proper handling instructions on the comment tab. Click the Update button at top left of window. Note the Order Number the system assigns. You can return to the Order Entry screen to view/modify the Order at any time until it has been invoiced. You can change pickup/delivery locations, add/modify line items and customer charges, etc. 3 “How To Section” - Network FOB, Inc. HOW TO MATCH ORDER TO CARRIER With the Order up, click the Select button (The Red Truck Button) at top of Order Entry window to Match a carrier to the Order. (Note: if cust is in credit hold, send a release request to Agentsupport@networkfob.com) You will now match your carrier to your order. 1. Put in the Carrier code, HIT TAB KEY. 3. Driver/Driver Phone optional but very good to have. 4. Click Match button to Match carrier to Order (Note: if Carrier insurance is out of date, correct in carrier’s Insurance tab in Records/Carrier Records.) Now you will send out your Rate Confirmations 4 “How To Section” - Network FOB, Inc. At the bottom of this screen you will see the Rate Confirmation Button Bolded, Click From here you can send out a Carrier Rate Confirmation Or a Customer Confirmation 1. Your cursor will automatically be in the Report Name field/drop down box 2. Select Report Name from dropdown, (there are 6 different Carrier Rate Confirmations to pick from, depending on the type of load you are moving.) 3. Enter in the Email field YOUR email address 4. Click the Email Button on top bar 5 “How To Section” - Network FOB, Inc. This will bring the Email prompt box up You will change the Subject line to reflect your Order# and Rate Confirmation. Once you receive your rate confirmation back signed, you will archive it. ARCHIVING DOCUMENTS When you receive a document in your email as an attachment: 1. Open up the document >click file > Click Print > Choose Virtual fax/printer 2. This will open up a window for you to enter in the Virtual Fax#- Enter YOURS 3. This will come to you in your email inbox – where the link will now be included with instructions on how to archive. Carrier Contracts Must Be Archived. Follow these instructions... (*WebMail users see below) 1. Enter Carrier Abrv or Order # Carrier Abrv [ ] ~OR~ [ ] Order # 2. Select Document Type... [Contract \/] 3. Click [Archive] *NOTE: If you use IceWarp WebMail online, Click This Link To Archive... tassignable/agasgn.plx?fldr=20130328142944.57&flnm= 65184295361364498868407.pdf fpdin@networkfob.com OTHER ITEMS TO ARCHIVE CARRIER PACKET, POD, DRIVER INVOICE, CONDITIONAL CARRIER AUTHORIZATION, CUSTOMER PACKET 6 “How To Section” - Network FOB, Inc. Now you need to Dispatch your matched order. You will go to OPERATIONS, then to MATCHED ORDER MANAGEMENT 1. From here you will enter your Carrier Code, Hit Tab Key 2. Enter Order Number in the Unit # Field, Hit Tab Key The system will then give you the option to Dispatch your order OR if you need to Un-Match the Carrier for any reason – this is where you would come to do that. You will Select the Dispatch Button and the system will provide you with your Load Number for this Order. 7 “How To Section” - Network FOB, Inc. 1. You will go to Operations, then Dispatch Control, then Change Status to Matched, then Change Division to Your Division, and select Search Button on the Top Right of Screen. 2. You will then highlight the Order you wish to Dispatch, Right Click your mouse, scroll to Check Calls. 1. Put in Load number, HIT TAB KEY 2. Select a check call Type (dropdown in center of window)… ”P”=pickup, “C”=comment, ”D”=delivery. HIT TAB KEY 3. Click Update button at top of window to add check call. (Note: once all pickups and deliveries are check called, click the Finish button at top of window to ready Load for carrier settlement.) 4. If you wish to Check Calls all at once, you may select Finish All Button. 8 “How To Section” - Network FOB, Inc. Change Carrier Pay 1. Go to Operations/Order Entry or Operations/Check Calls. 2. Bring up the Order or the Load. 3. Click the Adjustments button at top of window. 4. Select Type from dropdown (Detention, Extra Pickup, etc.) 5. Put in the Rate. 6. Select Method ‘Flat’. 7. Tab through the rest of the fields until your adjustment shows up on new line in the Adjustments: at bottom of window. 8. Click the Update button. Invoicing Customers 1.Go to Corporate Intranet, http://www.networkfob.com/time 2.Log in using your Corp Intra username and password. 3.Click Post Invoices link. 4.Select all Orders you want HQ to invoice (checkboxes). 5.Click Update button at bottom of window. This will email your list to agentsupport@networkfob.com (Note: once an Order is invoiced it will proceed into your commissions pool.) Important Note on PODs 1. Ensure Bill-To Code has POD Required selected in the Information Tab in the Customer Record. 2. Note: Once this is selected a green POD Indicator will be present next to the Order Number on Post Invoice Screen. 3. POD’s on file will be indicated on Post Invoice Screen with a link. 4. Do Not select an Order to Invoice until POD is indicated, Otherwise Invoice will go out without back-up. 5. If Customer does not require POD, there is no need to wait for POD. 6. Storage of POD & Carrier Invoices need to be forwarded to: NetworkFOB.Image@Send2Image.com N OR fax: FAX: 651-783-4550 9
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