TUB WKSTFIKL1) ( N J . ) I.KADKK, THIKSDAV. MAV M, IBKO- YETP Supervisors Honored The Weslfield Community Center's youth employment and training program recently honored work site supervisors for (heir support. A dinner was given in (heir honor and certificates were presented to all work site supervisors in appreciation of Iheir contributions to this program. Speaker for the evening was Bernice Shepard of the New Jersey State Office for Community Service on Volunteers, who talked of the necessities for volunteers today. The youth employment and training program is now servicing youths, on a year round basis, from 16 municipalities in Union Counly: Summit, Springfield, Mountainside, Union, New Providence, Berkeley Heights, Cranford, Garwood, Clark, Kenilworth, Scotch Plains, Fanwood, Winfield Park, Weslfield, Hillside and Vauxhall. The program is designed to teach teenagers, 16-21, sound work habits through work experience and career counseling. Emphasis is placed on learning attitudes, habits and behavior necessary for Recreation Seminar At Nursing Home The role of recreation in building optimum health for the elderly and ill will be the topic of a seminar at Ashbrook Nursing Home, Scotch Plains, Wednesday. "Therapeutic Recreation•Not Just Fun & Games" is the title of the conference of social workers, arranged by Ashbrook's Social Service Director, Ann Bonnell. Included will be a slide presentation concerning the value of trips outside home in the process of rehabilitation. What's Happening At the Library Sheep-Shearing Sunday At Miller-Cory House Poster Contest to Advertise "Westfield is a Garden" The Weslfield Area and color. Three local arChamber of Commerce is I ists will serve as judges and sponsoring a lown-wide award 30 gifl certificates flower show, "Westfield is a from Baskin-Robbins, Hill's Garden", May 31. Area Ice Cream and Woolworlh's. florists will sell cul flowers Special awards will be given and plants from carls on lo Ihe first and second place selected downtown corners winners in each category. in Weslfield. In addition, All posters received will garden clubs will be be displayed in store winThomas Sullivan, president of Ihe Board of Education, displaying arrangements dows in Westfield before and meets with Richard Gottllck, chairman of the executive inside the stores and in the during the flower show, and committee of the Westfield Boosters, to explain need for store windows. Balloons, will become the property of sold by Ihe Weslfield High the Westfield Area Chamber passage of bond referendum on ballot Tuesday. School Chorale to help of Commerce. Children finance ils trip (o Scotland living in Westfield, and in this summer, will add to the Ihe surrounding areas, will festivities. be eligible for Ihe poster In order to make Ihe contest. Tom Sullivan, president of music rooms, science labs, 4 community aware of this Interested children should the Board of Education automotive shops, library Supervisor, llaltie Harris left, and Enroll** Sandra event, Tom Lococo, vice fill in the coupon below and recently appeared .before facilities and athletic Howers — The students working at the VWCA through president of the Retail atlach il to the back of their Ihe executive committee of facilities. the YETP Program have performed essential duties Division of the Chamber, posters. Posters must be l lie Weslfield Boosters in an assigned lo them while learning new skills and respon"While il is realized that has announced a poster delivered to Fran Marie, 84 effort to re-emphasize the sibility. According to reports, they have proved to be contest for area children. Elm St., the Linen Place, 102 importance of the passage Ihe bond issue was defeated reliable and show progress of becoming substantial The children's work will be Quimby St., or the Chamber of the school bond May 13, last lime, a vote in favor this members of the community. divided into three age office, 233 North Avenue and to answer questions lime around will insure both improved educational regular employment. The counselors for youth em- groups: pre-school to 7 (over Adler's) before May pertaining thereto. Sullivan facilities increase the youth employment and ployment and I raining years, 8 years to 10 years 26. Further information explained lhat Ihe latest safely forand all students atand 11 years to 14 years. training program, in program's office. may be obtained by calling capital expenditure of any tending the Westfield school Posters must be 18" by Ihe Chamber Office, be- size was $10 million prior to preparing youths for emDeloris Johnson, coorployment, is organized in dinator for the program, 24" and will be judged for tween the hours of 9 a.m. 1949, and (hat Ihe capital system," Sullivan said. expenditures now needed cooperation with the local said "The supervisors are originality, design, theme and l p.m. The Booster Executive are of. paramount im- Committee educational institutions. vital inlergrals of this and their portance. In addition to the membership has urged Enrollees are selected in program. They have shown capital expenditures monies conjunction with local the strength and sensitivity Weslfield residents (o "get "WESTFIELD IS A GARDEN" POSTER CONTEST will be used for the students out and vote "Yes" on May school authorities (o enable that is needed to promote a specific needs, such as 13." coordination between their good learning atmosphere, educational programs and which is necessary to NAME Business Students Learn About Jobs (he vocational (raining they motivate the enrollee's will receive in the YETP. interest, curiosity, and Mrs. Joan Smith, the students to ask the emADDRESS The work sites accepted desire lo succeed." representative. Katherine Gibbs Business ployment for the Youth Employment The Weslfield Community Some of the business School representative, was TELEPHONE and Training Program were Center is making the guest speaker in the students are now preparing selected, based upon their preparations for its summer business e d u c a t i o n their resumes in anability to teach the enrollees y o u t h employment AGE department on May 1. Mrs. ticipation for full-time sound work habits, to in- program, which is Smith spoke to the office employment. Others are crease or improve work scheduled lo begin July 2, I UNDERSTAND MY POSTER WILL BECOME THE practice and cooperative looking forward to furskills and to develop career through Aug. 30. Priority PROPERTY OF THE WESTFIELD AREA CHAMoffice education classes thering their education opportunities. will be given to community BER OF COMMERCE. business about job interview by attending The objectives of this betterment projects and techniques and the im- schools or colleges. Mrs. program are being met as special projects for the portance of making a good Smith's presentation gave they work with the summer youth employment the students a better first impression. enrollees^ whose job per- program. A date for enrollee Among other interesting knowledge of employers' formance is evaluated. applications will be anexpectations and demands Altendance, conduct, and nounced in the various The cost of getting family unit is in the very 'topics" she pointed out the progress is documented and schools and community divorced in New Jersey best interests of the state. many questions that an of employees and also reported by the work site service agencies later this could go up if State Senator Broken homes lead to a interviewer might ask a alleviated some of the fears with emsupervisor and given lo the month. Anthony E. Russo's multitude of problems with potential employee and also associated proposal to boost filing fees which the state, as well as the right questions for the ployment interviews. is approved. Russo, a its hardpressed taxpayers, Democrat who represents is forced to deal with later at the 20th District in Union a much higher cost." Russo County, said he planned to cited crime among the introduce l e g i s l a t i o n young andwelfare aid as two A blood drive to cover the blood replacement needs boosting by $10 the $60 filing by-products of broken of the community is being held by the Westfield-Mounfee for divorce. homes. He further related tainside Chapter of the American Red Cross on Russo said he would like that an entire array of Friday, May 23, from 2-7 p.m. The blood drive will be to see the additional funds emotional problems usually held at the Presbyterian House on 140 Mountain Ave. used to finance an orien- develop within) the family Georgana Love, blood service chairman for Red tation program for couples circle, and in many inCross, said the date of the drive has been changed to a stances they lead to inplanning to be married. Friday instead of a Tuesday to anticipate shortage of "With domestic violence stitutionalization. blood over the Memorial Day weekend. "We are on the rise and divorce "While a one- or two-hour asking area residents to overlook the inconvenience of approaching alarming orientation might not donating previous to the Memorial Day weekend and proportions, one is forced to dissuade young couples who lo give before they go on holiday," said Mrs. Love. conclude that we are failing are ill-matched from tying "By donating blood, donors protect not only themto prepare couples the knot, it might lead to a selves and their families, but all who are too old, too adequately for life after the greater awareness of the young, too sick or too alone to donate themselves," bridal vows have been realities of married life," explained Mrs. Love. It is philosophy of the American taken," the senator Red Cross and New Jersey Blood Service that the reRusso said. "In the long run, asserted. sponsibility for the blood supply rests with all memRusso acknowledgted that I am convinced that such bers of the community, not merely with the individual opponents of the idea would programs, properly conthat needs blood. contend the state has no ducted by responsible Further information about blood donations may be business getting involved in authorities, would have a obtained by calling the Red Cross on 321 Elm St. such a program. "I salutary effect on the twin Inquiries should be directed to Georgana Love or disagree," Russo declared. problems of divorce and lames Hill. "The strengthening of the violence within the home." Sullivan Boosts Boosters On School Bond Issue Even Divorces To CostMore? Sheep wilt be shorn Sunday as a typical spring day activity at the MillerCory House. Each spring brings a new crop of lambs. In mid May, a new year's cycle of wool processing begins with the shearing of the older sheep. The fleeces are shorn, scoured and picked as seasonal activities. Many hours of preparation were required after shearing to make the wool ready to spin. After it was washed, burrs had to be removed by hand. Then the wool had to be carded laboriously by hand into rolls before it could be drawn out and twisted on the spinning wheel. The shearing at the Miller-Cory Museum will be done with hand shears using the same tools and techniques common to the 18th century farmer. Members of the Colonial cooking group will feature the preparation of wafers, a food customary for children to present to their mothers on Mothering Day in Old England. The Miller-Cory Museum is located at 614 Mountain Ave. and is open from 2-5 on Sundays. Costumed docents are on hand to guide guests through the house and to demonstrate daily and seasonal farm tasks. There is a small admission charge. Rinaldo Dinner Monday Night The Rinaldo for Congress Committee will launch Congressman Matt Rinaldo's re-election campaign with Sammy Davis Jr., and the Larry Elgart Orchestra providing the entertainment at a $lO0-a-plate dinner Monday at the Town It Campus in West Orange. Hugo Pfaltz of Summit and William Franklin of Westfield are co-chairmen of the dinner. They announced that tickets for the dinner may be obtained by contacting the Rinaldo for Congress Committee, 1961 Morris Avenue, Union. About a thousand guests are expected to attend the start of Congressman Rinaldo's campaign for a fifth term in the House of Representatives. Rinaldo is unopposed for the Republican nomination and was endorsed for re-election by more than 1,400 delegates to the Union County Republican convention in March. Among those scheduled to speak at the dinner are Congressman Guy Vander Jagt, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, and Congresswoman Margaret Heckler of Massachusetts, one of the leading Republican women members of Congress. Rinaldo is a member of the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee and the House Select Committee on Aging. He recently was named one of the top 15 Congressmen in the nation by the Veterans of Foreign Wars and has been cited as one of the state's leading legislators by the New Jersey Grand Jurors Association, UNICO, the Alumni Association of the Rutgers Graduate School of Business, and numerous other civic and cultural organizations. Red Cross Blood Bank May23 The Westfield Memorial Library will be closed Monday, May 26, in ob.servance of Memoiral Day, and will reopen Tuesday, May 27, at 9 a.m. ADULT DEPARTMENT Thursday, May 8, 1 P.M. — Society of the West Fields, meeting. Mrs. Barbara S. Irwin, member of the Board of Trustees of the Westfield Memorial Library and director of the New Jersey Historical Society, will speak. — Wateunk Room Thursday, May 15, 8 P.M. — Library Board of Trustees, meeting. Open to the public. — Hopkins Room Thursday, May 15, 1-9 P.M., Friday, May 16, 9-5 P.M., Saturday, May 17, 9 A.M.1 P.M. — Annual Book Sale, Friends of the Library. — Wateunk Room Vocal Concert at Friday, May 23, 4-5:30 P.M. — Friday Film Previews WHS Saturday — Wateunk Room by Julie Lammers CHILDREN'S The WHS vocal music DEPARTMENT June 2 through 27 — department will hold its Registration for pre- annual spring concert at 8 school story hours. Three- p.m. Saturday in the high year-old story hours will school auditorium. be held Tuesdays, July 8 Five separate vocal through Aug. 12, from 10 divisions will perform in the to 10:30 A.M. concert: the Choir, which Three-and-a-half to five- will open and close the year-old story hours will evening, the Chrous, Boy's be held on Tuesdays, July Ensemble, Choralcers and 8 through Aug. 12, from the Chorale. 11:30 A.M. to Noon or The Chorale will be Wednesdays, July 9 performing in Glasgow, through Aug. 13, from 9:30 Scotland in June as a part of to 10 A.M. an international youth "Come Fly a Kite" Mini- festival. Reading Club. Each child This event marks the last who reads two books major concert for director receives a kite to mount of vocal music, Edgar with his or her name on the Wallace, who will be big bulletin board in the retiring at the end of the children's room. present school year. A Spec/a/ Gift For Your THUMBODY SPECIAL ON MOTHER'S DAY The Gift That Will Suit Her to a Jee NOTICE CANDIDATES FOK THE JUNE 3rd, 19H0 PRIMARY ELECTION DESIRING TO APPOINT CHALLENGERS, MUST SUBMIT THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF THEIR CHALLENGERS IN WRITING TO THE: UNION COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS 53 RAH WAY AVENUE ELIZABETH. NttvV JERSEY 07207 NO LATER THAN MAY 20. I'MO. TWO 12) CHALLENGERS FROM EACH DISTRICT ARK PERMITTED BY LAW. ALL APPOINTED AS CHALLENGERS MUST BE REGISTERED VOTERS IN UNION COUNTY. trio. y The business suit that knows how to look casual. T-SHIRTS, TOTES, NITESHIRTS, APRONS, LADIES TOPS & MORE THE T SHIRT I'iilm Iteicii' lias taken ;i handsome. 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