S66 W14325 JANESVILLE RD • MUSKEGO WI 53150 • WELS • 414.422.0320 • WWW.STPAULMUSKEGO.ORG How to Survive the End of the World: Hold On Worship for November 23-25, 2013 Experience the Joy of the Generous Giver Video Bells Hymn 728 Jerusalem the Golden Printed on page 8 M In the name of the Father and of the Son † and of the Holy Spirit. M Brothers and sisters in Christ, before the foundation of the world our great God and Father chose us in Christ to be his own. He has sent his Holy Spirit to lead us to faith and to new life in our Lord Jesus. C He saved us, not because of righteous things we have done, but because of his mercy—through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. M Having been justified by his grace, we have become heirs having the hope of eternal life. Let us draw near, then, in full confidence, confessing our continuing sin and need and trusting his loving forgiveness. All Holy and merciful Father, I confess that I am by nature sinful, and that I have disobeyed you in my thoughts, words, and actions. I have done what is evil and failed to do what is good. I recognize that my spiritual weakness is the result of my failure to stay connected to Jesus. For all this I deserve your punishment both now and in eternity. But I am truly sorry for my sins, and trusting in my Savior, Jesus Christ, I pray: Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner. | Page 1 | M God, our heavenly Father, has been merciful to us and has given his only Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Therefore, as a called servant of Christ and by his authority, I forgive you all your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son † and of the Holy Spirit. M In the peace of forgiveness, let us praise the Lord. Response Hymn 219 Lord, When Your Glory I Shall See Lord, when your glory I shall see And taste your kingdom's pleasure, Your blood my royal robe shall be, My joy beyond all measure! When I appear before your throne, Your righteousness shall be my crown; With these I need not hide me. And there, in garments richly wrought, As your own bride I shall be brought, To stand in joy beside you. Prayer of the Day M The Lord be with you M Let us pray. Lord God Almighty, we pray for your Holy Spirit. May he be the One who directs our thinking and shapes our attitudes, C so that we always look forward to the end of this present evil age. M Keep us steadfast in true and living faith, C and present us at last holy and blameless before you. M We pray through Jesus Christ, your only Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. | Page 2 | First Lesson Daniel 12:1-3, Bible page 888 When that last day comes, those who rise to live will shine like the brightness of the heavens. Verse of the Day M Alleluia. We believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. Alleluia. After the announcement of the Gospel, the congregation sings: Gospel Lesson Mark 13:24-27, Bible page 1006 The Last Day will be a day of great distress, but not for those who lived and died in Christ. After the Gospel, the congregation sings: Nicene Creed We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation, he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary, and became fully human. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate. He suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who in unity with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. We believe in one holy Christian and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. | Page 3 | Hymn of the Day 607 How Blest Are They Sermon 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Bible page 1171 Pastor Peter Panitzke “How to Survive the End of the World – Hold On!” Offering Offertory Saturday………………….………….………………Dave Weise, “Blessings” Sunday 8:00 am………………..……………..….LES 2-3, “Blessed Are They” Sunday 9:30 am…. Bruce and Betty Marggraf, “This Is My Father’s World/ He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” Prayer of the Church Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen. | Page 4 | The Sacrament of Communion M The Lord be with you. M Lift up your hearts. M Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. M It is truly good and right that we should at all times and in all places give you thanks, O Lord, holy Father, almighty and everlasting God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who preserves his Church to the end of time when he will come again as king to judge all people and take his own to glory. Therefore, with all the saints on earth and hosts of heaven, we praise your holy name and join their glorious song: Holy, Holy, Holy | Page 5 | Words of Institution M The peace of the Lord be with you always. O Christ, Lamb of God Agnus Dei Distribution of the Sacrament Please see Communion note on page 7. Distribution Hymn 215 213 Closing Prayer Jerusalem, My Happy Home Forever with the Lord M We give thanks, almighty God, that you have refreshed us with this holy supper. We pray that through it you will strengthen our faith in you and increase our love for one another. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. M The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look on you with favor and † give you peace. | Page 6 | Liturgist Pastor David Kuehl (Sunday) Organist Deb Doletzky Our Communion Practice The Lord’s Supper is a fellowship meal. In this meal Jesus expresses his fellowship with us by giving us his body and blood for the forgiveness of sins. In this meal we also express our fellowship with each other, that is, that we are united in a common confession of faith. We at St. Paul’s want everyone to enjoy this fellowship meal. However, we cannot ask someone to express agreement with us until we give that person an opportunity to discover what we teach. That is why we schedule frequent Second Connection Classes to provide an overview of our teachings. Please ask one of our pastors for the date when the next class begins. If you are a member of St. Paul’s or a member of a WELS or ELS congregation, we invite you to express our common confession by communing with us. You may wish to use the “Personal Preparation for Holy Communion” on page 156 of Christian Worship to examine yourself. Please register your intent to commune as a member or guest by filling out the Connection Card and placing it in the offering plate. The light colored cups in the center of the individual cup tray contain non-alcoholic wine. Gluten-free wafers are located in the trays on the Communion rail. If you need a gluten-free wafer, please inform an usher as you approach the rail. The first pew in the right center section is reserved for those who have difficulty approaching the Communion rail. November 30-December 2: Choose Wisely Great deceptions will come at the end. Some will claim that there will be no end. Others will encourage us to put our hope in things that will not help us. Do not be deceived. Check out the following Scripture passages: Jeremiah 23:25-32; Revelation 12:7-12: and 2 Peter 3:1-13;17-18. | Page 7 | | Page 8 | Terri Gray Richard Bluhm Jean Rozek William Mueller Beverly Gramz Wayne Boldt Doris Boldt Harold Hackbart Ray Mitchell Richard Schwartz Herbert Malzahn Verona Lopahs Sally Singsheim Donald Guderyon Carlene Boldt Dorothy Schupmann Dustin Hanson John Ross Roland Haut Wayne Weber Eleanor Tietgen William Benson Sheila Jester George Guhr Arnold Mueller Howard Zimdahl Bruce Gullekson Fitzroy Willie Virginia Zess Tony Baker Eugene Bestel | Page 9 | November 17, 2012 November 19, 2012 December 31, 2012 January 7, 2013 January 8, 2013 January 9, 2013 January 12, 2013 January 26, 2013 February 21, 2013 February 22, 2013 February 28, 2013 March 12, 2013 March 15, 2013 March 23, 2013 April 4, 2013 April 26, 2013 May 17, 2013 May 22, 2013 June 25, 2013 July 1, 2013 July 6, 2013 July 25, 2013 August 2, 2013 August 10, 2013 August 14, 2013 August 19, 2013 September 6, 2013 September 7, 2013 September 25, 2013 October 31, 2013 November 22, 2013 WEEKLY CALENDAR For the week of November 24, 2013 MON 7:00 pm TUE 9:30 am 10:00 am 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm WED 4:30 pm 6:30 pm THURS 8:00 am 10:00 am FRI Traditional Worship Service with Holy Communion Women’s Morning Bible Study Pastoral Circuit Meeting at Victory of the Lamb Handbell Rehearsal No Confirmation Class Second Connection Bible Study No Confirmation Class Thanksgiving Worship NO LES Thanksgiving Vacation Thanksgiving Worship Thanksgiving Worship NO LES Thanksgiving Vacation SAT 8:00 am 5:00 pm SUN 8:00 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 10:15 am 10:15 am 11:00 am Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study Traditional Worship Service Traditional Worship Service Traditional Worship Service Spiritual Growth Hour Kids Club / Boost / Cellar Dwellers The Bridge Kids Club / Boost Contemporary Worship Service MUSKEGO CABLE TV SERVICE UPDATE We have been notified by the City of Muskego that Cable Channel 14 will temporarily not be airing new programs, which includes St. Paul’s worship service. This is due to a shortage in volunteer staffing. They anticipate this will last for a month or so. Multimedia Ministry TV: Time of Grace, Sundays at 6:30 am on CBS 58-2 and 7:30 am on 58-1, Wednesdays at 9:00 am on WUHQ 29, and Fridays at 1:05 am on NBC 4, St. Paul’s Church Service , Fridays at 10:00 am on Muskego Cable 14. Radio: Lutheran Radio Church Service, Sundays at 7:00 am on JOY1340 AM | Page 10 | ST PAUL’S NEWS LAST WEEK’S ATTENDANCE 1203 people attended last week’s worship services. HOSPITALIZED Randy Martin is at St. Luke’s, and Mary Schauwitzer is at Froedtert. SPECIAL PRAYERS Please keep the following individuals in your prayers: James Boldt, Dorothy Bucholtz, Ken Dibb, Pat Doll, Namine Eiche, Marilyn Iczkowski, Dr. Janet Lindemann, Jean Schedler, Robert Zink, and Andrea Zobrist. FUNERAL Eugene Bestel was born January 8, 1926 and died November 22, 2013. Funeral arrangements are pending. CONNECTION CARD OFFERINGS Just Walk Across The Room While we strive to share the good news with which the Holy Spirit has blessed us, outreach can be difficult. This DVD-based Bible study will focus on our motivation for outreach, as well as some strategies to help us share the gospel with others. The 4-week study will begin on Sunday, January 12, in the Faith Room. If interested, contact Nick Bauman at nabauman1@gmail.com to register so that we can get a participant count. Financial Peace University Financial Peace University classes meet for about 90 minutes each week for 9 weeks. The average family pays off $5300 in debt and saves $2700 in just the first 90 days. Each week watch a video presented by Dave Ramsey and then discuss in a small group setting the applications of the principles he shares. Watch an eight-minute preview here: www.daveramsey/fpu/preview. The cost of the class is $93 per individual or couple. The classes are tentatively scheduled to be held on Thursday evenings, beginning January 23. Indicate interest in the class on the Connection Card. GroupLink: Sunday, January 19 GroupLink is an evening to meet people who are interested in connecting to others in small groups. Existing group leaders and new group leaders will be there to meet those who are interested in becoming a part of a small group. At our fall GroupLink approximately sixty people formed into six new small groups. Indicate interest in GroupLink on the Connection Card. The Daily Bible The much-loved Daily Bible (more than a million copies sold) includes several helpful features. Devotional commentary provides historical and spiritual insights and helps readers grasp the flow of revelation and apply it to their lives. The arrangement of the Bible text itself is unique: 365 convenient daily readings guide readers through all of God's Word in one year, but passages are arranged chronologically, enabling readers to understand and experience God's unfolding plan of creation, redemption, and restoration like never before. Plan to begin daily Bible reading with this resource on January 1, 2014. The cost is $20 each, payable at delivery. Indicate interest on the Connection Card and we will order a copy or copies for you. | Page 11 | ST PAUL’S NEWS WEDNESDAY ADVENT CONCERTS We have scheduled three Wednesday Advent/Christmas worship concerts. Koiné (traditional Christmas hymns in a contemporary setting) will lead us on December 4. Mike Westendorf and the choirs of St. Paul’s are scheduled for December 11. Joey Schuman and the Caeli Orchestra (Celtic Christmas music) will be joining us on December 18. These concerts will be held in the church sanctuary at 7:00 pm. All are welcome. A freewill offering will be gathered. There will be no soup suppers in connection with these worship/concerts. MUSKEGO FOOD PANTRY GIFT TREE There is a gift tree in the lobby that has gift tags with requests from needy Muskego children. If you would like to help a child have a merry Christmas, please select a tag and follow the instructions on the tree. Please register your tag at the Welcome Counter so we are sure all the gifts are covered. Wrapped gifts will need to be returned to the tree by December 9. This is a great way for St. Paul’s to bless the children (and parents) within our area of influence. CHURCH BASKETBALL Any high school age boy interested in playing basketball for St. Paul’s should contact Andrew Goede at 414-331-5811or agoede@wi.rr.com. MEN'S BASKETBALL LEAGUE TEAMS Men's Basketball League teams are forming soon. The Men’s League strives to combine fun, competition, and a love for basketball, while building relationships with others through which to share our faith. The season will run January 12 – April 6, 2014. Games will be played Sundays at 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 or 8:00 pm. Start gathering your teams or contact Rich Gray at grayrich87@gmail.com if you are looking to join a team. More information and registration forms will be available later in November. NOVEMBER MALAWI MISSION COMMUNIQUE Join our Mission Partner John Holtz in celebrating 50 years of gospel ministry in Malawi in this month’s newsletter. Your gifts to “Mission Partners” provides approximately a 1/3 of the cost to keep Missionary Holtz serving in Malawi. Thank you for your generosity! WISCONSIN LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL WLHS upcoming events are listed on the Grace Room bulletin board, including an upcoming International Student Host Family Information Night on Tuesday, November 26, at 7:00 pm. INNER CITY KIDS – A CHANCE TO HELP KEEP THEM WARM If you are looking for a way to give back this Christmas, we are collecting new coats, hats, scarves, and gloves for Garden Homes Lutheran School again this year. Nearly new coats will be accepted if they are washed. Please put them in the bins in the church lobby area or the Trinity Café. Collections will be taken until December 16. Contact Sally Wallner at swallner@stpaulmuskego.org with questions. Thank you. Our vision is that by every possible means we bring every person in our area of influence closer to Christ through regular worship, small groups, and serving together. | Page 12 | STAFF NEWS MR. THIEL ANNOUNCES RETIREMENT Dan Thiel, one of our Christian Elementary School teachers, went on medical leave at the beginning of this year. Recently he announced his retirement. We will celebrate his ministry among us early in 2014 at which time we will print his entire letter. Here is a brief excerpt that gives the background behind his decision. I am writing to inform you… that I am retiring from my teaching call with St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. I am doing so with a heavy heart but it is necessary for health reasons. I have been diagnosed with chronic daily migraines. Even with all the specialists and treatments over the past 5 years I have yet to find relief. The daily headaches have necessitated hospitalization three times and medical leaves twice in the last three years. Unfortunately this had made it impossible to fulfill my duties in the teaching ministry here at St. Paul’s, and has created a burden for the congregation and the overall ministry of the school. After prayerful consideration and pastoral counsel I filed for long term disability while on my second medical leave. MRS. KOOK ANNOUNCES RETIREMENT Julie Kook, our current fourth grade teacher, also announced her retirement this week, effective at the end of this school year. She wrote: As much as I continue to love teaching at St. Paul’s, with mixed emotions, I now announce my retirement from teaching as of the end of this 2013-2014 school year. My husband and I hope to have more flexibility in our work schedules once I retire from teaching in order to spend a little more time in the Nashville area with our sons and their wives. God has blessed us with a wonderful, loving family, and we thank God for them daily. God has also blessed me with a wonderful, supportive St. Paul’s family. I will miss the day-to-day contact with the students and staff but hope to stay involved as a substitute teacher as needed. PASTOR BACKUS ANNOUNCES CALL Pastor Backus has received a call to serve as an associate pastor at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Red Wing, Minnesota. He would be one of two associate pastors. St. John’s was founded in 1858. It is a congregation with approximately 900 members and an average weekly attendance of 300. There is a four-room school attached to the church with approximately 80 students in the school. The pastoral duties would be equally shared between the two associate pastors. This means that Pastor Backus now has two calls to serve. He still has his call here at St. Paul’s and now he has the call to serve in Red Wing. In the coming weeks he welcomes your good counsel and your prayers as he seeks to determine where his abilities would be most useful in God’s kingdom at this time. | Page 13 | Your Plans – Our Plans You may be wondering why we are asking you to share your giving plans for 2014. In January the budgeting process for the 2014-2015 fiscal year will begin. The first item of business is estimating the offering receipts. The Ministry Board makes comparisons with previous years and tries to make accurate estimates, but the more giving plans that we receive, the better our estimate is. In the coming year, we would love to do more for God’s kingdom work. Your giving plans will help us determine if we will be able to increase our compensation to our workers to synod code. to provide more resources for our school. to commit to Wisconsin Lutheran High School’s Gifted for Praise program at the “hoped for” level. to expand our participation in the synod’s worldwide mission efforts. The total of giving plans for the mortgage could be very helpful next spring as we refinance our mortgage debt, especially if we are able to achieve the double-the-mortgage-fund-giving goal that we have been praying about. Thank You Thank you to all who have returned your 2014 Giving Plans already. If you misplaced your Giving Plan form, there are blank copies at the Welcome Center in the church lobby. You may complete it and place it into the “Experience the Joy” lock box on the Welcome Center or place it into the offering. The congregation owes a debt of gratitude to those who have given us this opportunity to Experience the Joy of the Generous Giver: Steering Committee members Jay Oswald, Vince Kirchoff, Tammy Miller, Steve Pawlinski, Joe Klein, and Pastors Kuehl and Panitzke. Art Flater and his company Central Office Systems Corp for being a major sponsor of our Advanced Donor reception. Video production crew Joel Trettin and Kathy Knoop. Lynn Scheff, Sony Jensen, and volunteers from Stoney Creek who prepared mailings and our 2014 Giving Plan packets. Most of all, thanks be to God, the most generous giver of all, who gives us joy as we give with a common goal – to bring every person within our area of influence closer to Christ. | Page 14 | GroupWork Bible Study Discussion Starters Life application materials for us in Connector Groups, home devotions, and other small groups . 1. Highs and Lows: What was a high point from your life this week? A low point? 2. This week we remember to hold on to hope because of what God has planned for our future through Jesus. What’s one thing in your life you are looking forward to right now? 3. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, a description of the the world’s future. What hopes do these events convey? Which of these events do you think will be the most mind-blowing to experience? 4. Read Hebrews 11:13-16, 39-40 and skim the rest of the chapter. List some of the challenges that believers in Old Testament times experienced that could have caused them to lose hope. What enabled them to hold on? 5. What’s something or someone in your life you have given up on? What caused you to give up? 6. What are some of the different ways the Bible encourages us to hold on? 7. Of all the places you live (at home, work, school or church) where do you feel the need for more hope? How can your group help you? | Page 15 | NoteSheet Sermon Outline Take notes during the sermon to help you remember the main points How to Survive the End of the World – Hold On! 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, page 1171 1. Losing your grip? a. Paul wrote of the s___________ grip of the Thessalonian Christians (1 Thessalonians 1:3, 6,7, 2:14; 3:2-4,8) b. They started to lose their grip because of d_____________ 2. Grab the handle offered you. a. The handle I want is __________________________________________________________ b. The handle God offers is ______________________________________________________ (1 Thessalonians 4:14) 3. Hold on to hope. a. The hope of the r_____________________ b. The hope of the r_____________________ c. The hope of the r_____________________ 4. Grab someone else’s hand (1 Thessalonians 4:18). PREPARE TO SURVIVE! Check on the Connection Card if you are interested in these opportunities to be prepared for Jesus’ return. Yes, I want help “Holding On” to the promises. I am interested in the next GroupLink to participate in a small group. Yes, order a copy of The Daily Bible ($20) for me so that I can read through the Bible in chronological order in 2014. Yes, I want to be better trained to share my faith. I am interested in the four-week course Just Walk Across the Room. Yes, I want to be a better manager of my finances. I am interested in the course Financial Peace University. | Page 16 |
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