Bless the
World with
Your Talent!
George Gabriel
1:00 P.M.
@ Work
Alvin Barcelona
3:45 P.M.
June 2014
IT’S NORMAL to meet difficult people anywhere you go.
When human beings work together, there are no angels. All are frail and faulty and fallen
creatures with fangs, horns, and long red pointy tails.
In your office, I’m sure you have extremely difficult people that you pray for daily. (What
you pray for that person? Let me guess: spiritual transformation OR a massive heart attack.)
But when it comes to the topic of the difficult creatures of the universe, I always invite
people to look at the mirror. Because without knowing it, we may be the most difficult person
in the room. The only reason the problem isn’t so obvious to you is because you’re not in the
receiving end of your idiosyncrasies and weaknesses. Others are. And who knows, they’re
also praying for you daily. (Yes, either for your spiritual transformation or your massive heart
Today, we’ll find out how to have happier relationships at work. Without which, you’ll
NEVER be happy at work.
Have a fantastic Feast today!
May your dreams come true,
Today, I receive all of God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded,
limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s universe.
Today, I open myself to God’s blessings, healing, and miracles.
Today, I open myself to God’s Word so I would become more like Jesus every day.
Today, I proclaim that I am God’s beloved, I am God’s servant,
I am God’s powerful champion.
And because I am blessed, I am blessing the world, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
To Be Happy at Work, You Need Happy Relationships at Work
Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those
who are not holy will not see the Lord.
(Hebrews 12:14)
I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves,
so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.
(Luke 16:9)
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient,
bearing with one another in love.
(Ephesians 4:2)
Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.
(John 13:17)
Personal Reflection and Group Discussion:
What can you do so can you have happier relationships at work?
About two decades ago I attended a music symposium where some of the world’s greatest musicians
shared both their talents and insights on stage. They
just happened to be the band of then premier worship leader and composer, Don Moen. He had managed to invite a team of renowned artists in the secular world who had met Jesus and turned Christian.
My favorite of them all was Abraham Laboriel, bass
guitar player for the likes of Kenny Loggins, Stevie
Wonder and Lionel Ritchie. Any bass player will tell
you that he is up there on the list of the best.
For his final act he played a very simple song entitled
“I Surrender All” in various versions — ska, classical, disco, reggae, hip-hop, funk, you name it! At one
point, he was dancing around the stage and people
were up on their feet cheering his amazing performance. The crowd went wild.
As soon as the applause settled, he closed with this
line: “No matter how good you sound on stage, no
matter how talented you are, no matter how many
genres you can play, what matters most is that you
have LOVE for the people you play with.”
Love is the key.
How are your relationships with the people you work
and serve with?
May God help you improve them even more today.
Have a great time and God bless!
in Him,
George Gabriel
P.S. I’ve been missing you guys! I just came from Perth, Australia,
where Bro Hermie Morelos and I conducted several workshops
and seminars for our LOJ brothers and sisters. This week, I’ll be
observing the preparations for the Hillsong Conference in Sydney.
So excited to take back what I’ve learned so we can make our Feast
even more excellent!
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You’ve heard the line, “Walang personalan, trabaho lang.”
Although it’s true that professionalism should not be mixed
with your personal life, we know that most of the time it does.
In fact, it should – if it will bring positive results.
I always share in my talks in the workplace that ultimately
what holds you to your work is your love for your work. And
most usually, your love for your work is tied up with your love
for the people you work with, and work for.
I’ve seen companies, institutions, and professional organizations, grow and stay strong mainly because of the relationships
that have been established and deepened among co-workers.
Yes, the salary is important. Yes, the benefits are important.
But in the end I see that the relationships are of a prime factor
for being truly happy with your work.
You wanna be happy with your work? Then you’ve gotta be
happy with the people you work with, including those who are
difficult to work with.
The Bible says, “Work at living in peace with everyone, and
work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not
see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14)
Get ready for another life-changing Feast today!
“Mayroong Magandang Mangyayari Sa ‘Yo!”
Your Friend in Jesus,
Bro. Alvin Barcelona
P.S. Let’s continue to invite family and friends as we “Go for 3000” here at our FEAST PICC 4pm sess
empowering talk series will surely be a good opening to them. They will be blessed! You will be dou
by Bo Sanchez
How many people can say “Wow!” while working? Whenever
they think of their workload, over-time, deadlines, bosses or
In this brand new series, God wants you to find Him wherever
you are in your work and in your career. He doesn’t want you
to keep Him in the church or just in the scriptures. He wants to
invade and conquer your jobs, businesses and respective careers.
Our God is a God who wants to be involved and to bless us in
every area of our lives – even in our professions.
sion. Our current practical and
ubly blessed! God loves you!
On the other hand, Shirley too came early to work.
She’s smiling as she puts on her make up. Yesterday
she attended the Feast with her boyfriend. It was
wild. She was still singing the songs in her head.
When she saw the stack of folders on her desk, she
prayed to God to bless her work. Then the boss
walked towards her, with more work due before
the day ends. She remembered the message that
she learned from the Feast the day before. She
expressed gratitude to her boss. And when her boss
turned around, she raised her hand to bless him:
Lord, make him less grouchy.
Lord, heal him of hemorrhoids.
Lord, heal his marriage.
In Jesus name! Amen.
Then she happily goes back to work.
The Wonder of Working
I pray that you will see God not only on a Sunday but
every day. You will find God in the store, in the cubicle, in the
lavatory, in the school — He is everywhere.
Working full-time for the Lord
At the end of the series, as you
choose to follow God, I pray that
you will receive more promotions
and more excellence in your areas
of expertise. I pray that you experience a profound change in the way
you look at your work. There will
be more excellence, more productivity, more anointing, more
equipping, more results, more good
grades, more promotions. There
will be more recognition of your
excellence. You will find your gift to
the world.
You do not have to quit your job to please God. You do not
have to become a lay missionary, a preacher, or an evangelist
to be able to say, “I am working full-time for the Lord!”
We often think that lay missionaries, preachers, or evangelists
are the favorites of God – that is a misconception. 1 Corinthians 3:23 says, “Work willingly at whatever you do as though
you are working for the Lord rather than for people”.
Whatever you’re doing, I pray that you can say with conviction that you are working full-time for the Lord through your
profession — whether as scientists, stock brokers, engineers,
seamstresses, fishermen, and so on. Every job is an opportunity to work for the Lord.
Let me tell you a story.
There are two officemates named
Suzy and Shirley.
Suzy came to work. She’s smiling
as she puts on her make up. Last
night, she went to a party with her
boyfriend. It was wild. She was
still singing songs in her head. And
when she saw the stack of folders
on her desk, she groaned, “Why is
all the work on me? Am I the only
one working here?”
She sat down and started to work.
Then the boss walked towards her,
with more work due before the day
ends. She forced a smile to thank
her boss. When her boss turned
back, she whispered:
May your hemorrhoid enlarge…
May your dandruff multiply…
May your mistress be so evil…
May you fall into a manhole…
All sorts of curses played in her
Page 3
by Jon Escoto
My work brings me to different places. I conduct seminars in
hotels that serve good food. But sometimes I don’t get the
chance to eat. So, I developed a habit. Take out. I’d pray that
God will bring me to a person who will be blessed by the food.
God’s work did not end during the Creation. God continues to
work even up to this moment. Re-member Romans 8:28, “In all
things God works for the good of those who love him, who have
been called according to his purpose.”
In one of my usual trips, I was walking towards the airport parking lot when I saw an airport sweeper. I motioned him to come
and handed the wrapped banana cake. As soon as the man received the food, he dumped it straight to the garbage bin. I was
surprised and even a bit insulted. I blurted that if he didn’t like
the merienda at least he could have returned it, so I that can give
it to somebody else. When the man heard of this, his face lit and
he hurriedly dug the wrapped cake from the garbage bun. He
then said, all his life whenever somebody would call him, they
would hand him garbage. He nearly missed the blessing while
he was working because all he was expecting was trash.
When God works with us, we are co-creators of God.
Whenever a person works at something worthwhile, God himself
is working.
We are sometimes like the airport sweeper. We miss God’s blessing, because each
day of work was meant to bless.
Survey says that 4 out of 5 people work
because they have to. This phenomenon
is universal. These people work only for
salary. Work then becomes a torture to
endure. Joy becomes an elusive dream.
The tagalog for work is “hanapbuhay”.
Have you ever wondered why it is not
called “hanap pera”? Our ancestors want
us to find life at work. We spend more
than 60% of our waking hours working for
the will of God; therefore it is imperative
that we find happiness by doing it.
I encourage you to understand the meaning of work and find joy in it. Let me share
three perspectives:
The holy people in the bible were working people. Jesus spent
almost 80 percent of his life as a mason, stone cutter, contractor,
house maker and yoke maker.
The common thread that weaves the fabric of holy men is their
work. All work is holy. All work is full time Christian work. If
you are a loving person at work, then indeed you are a loving
person. If you are an excellent person at work, then you are an
excellent person. If you are a holy person at work then you are
a holy person. You cannot be a holy person only on Sundays but
compromise your values on other days at work.
Margaret Young said it best, “Often people attempt to live their
lives backwards. They try to have more things, or more money,
in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier.
The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who
you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have
what you want.”
- with reporting by Judee Quiazon, Ruby Albino, Lucy Aresco and Angelo Taton
Last Sunday, June 22, we celebrated the institution of the Holy
Eucharist, otherwise known as the Solemnity of the Most
Blessed Holy Body and Blood of the Lord or Corpus Christi.
In his homily, Fr. Eric Santos encouraged everyone to celebrate
Mass and to receive the Holy Communion daily or as often as
possible. He explained that every mass is in fact a healing mass
since sacred bread and wine becomes the real body and blood
of Christ (transubstantiation) and shared.
There is a hunger for life and a hunger for love that no money,
fame or success can ever relieve. Christ alone is the true bread
that nourishes, sustains, satisfies and gives life eternal.
Fr. Eric stressed that as we allow Jesus in our lives through the
Holy Communion and His life-giving Word, we grow increasingly
like Christ in thought, word and deed. The challenge is to go in
peace and start sharing Christ to others, as each of us becomes
more and more of what we also share.
- by Jill Loquellano & Ahjh Sabado
by Alvin Barcelona
Clad in a working man’s get-up, Bro. Alvin Barcelona began Talk 1: Believe of the new series titled
The Wonder of Working (WOW!) by imparting a message: “If you bring God in your workplace,
you are working for the Lord. Your work is therefore your worship.”
God wants us to find joy in all the areas of our lives -- including work. We often have this faulty
perspective that in order to answer the Lord’s call to serve, to be holy, or to be pleasing in His
eyes, we ought to sacrifice everything else.
Bro. Alvin emphasized that in reality, we are already answering God’s call to serve through
our different vocations. He exclaimed: “If God is in your work, then everything will hold tightly
together. You must be conscious that you are serving the Lord. If your work is not your worship,
then you might be worshipping your work. You are blessed by God through the work of your
Our work is a blessing from God. It is a venue to provide for our needs or of that of our loved
ones. Failing to find joy at work might mean that we either change it; or we change our negative
attitude towards working.
We were preconditioned that labor is a form of punishment – the consequence of being
vanished from Eden, where we don’t have to toil the soil or work in order to live. Bro. Alvin
revealed that this form of thinking is actually flawed because many blessings are hidden within
our jobs. But we spend most of our waking hours at work, thus it affects many things.
Bro. Alvin shared that when he began working full time for the ministry, he realized that he needed money to serve the Lord – to visit
and care for prisoners. And to top that, Bro. Alvin added that as a father, he needed to pay for his son’s tuition fee. “Because I love
them, I need to provide for them”, Bro Alvin said.
Work is a means of loving. It is therefore sacred. And as Bro. Alvin puts it through a quote of Radyo Veritas’ Fr. Ben Carreon, “Work is
love manifested.”
Fr. Bob McConaghy challenged
us to play an active role in the
celebration of the Holy Mass.
And for us to further realize how
God is blessing us whenever we
partake in the Eucharistic celebration, Fr. Bob imparted some
symbols during the mass, whose
profound meaning we often fail
to recognize:
1. The mass starts with a
procession of the ministers and
the priest. This signifies that our
Lord is journeying with us to
heaven – our final home.
2. The two candles in front are
reminders that Jesus commissioned us to be the light of the
world. That the noblest deed that we can do for our spiritual
brothers and sisters is to lead them to Christ—and therefore
to everlasting life, especially those who have not yet intimately
known the Lord.
Fr. Bob suggested that prior to the start of the mass; we can ask
the guidance of the Holy Spirit to point us to someone whom we
can lift up in prayer.
3. The priest kisses the altar stone as a sign of affection to the
Lord. This stone contains the relic of a saint, as their body had
once become the vessel of the Holy Spirit. During the mass these
saints are also spiritually present, and we can ask their effective
intercession for our petitions to the Lord.
4. We can ask the Lord for surprises during the Liturgy of the
Word. Fr. Bob advised that we can ask the Lord to hark us a word
or a simple phrase to catch our attention. And it is with these
words that we should seek the Lord’s guidance as He will reveal
the meaning of this message in the weeks ahead.
- With reporting by Andrew Tia and Rofy Lagundino
Experience God’s Unending Mercy
The Sacrament of Confession is available at the 2nd floor lobby
of the Plenary Hall from 10:30am to 1:00pm.
check out
Page 5
PISTARA, Year 2 Na!
by Anne Sanchez
The Feast PICC servants gathered at the Rizal Memorial Coliseum
last June 21, 2014 for PISTARA, Year 2 Na! with the theme: Paligsahan, Kasiglahan Tungo kay Kristo. The event was made possible through the skillful administrative prowess of the Couple’s
Registration for the set groupings commenced at 7 A.M after
the opening of the gates. The whole coliseum was rocked by Bro.
Bene Sanchez and the Misfits band. They led the worship with
their rendition of Hillsong’s Oceans, Alive and Through Christ
by Generation Unleashed. Masters of the Ceremony, Bros. Joey
Binay, Efren Borja and Ritchie Davila graciously hosted the event
with much wit and humor.
Bro. Rolly and Sis. Donna Espana formally opened Pistara
with a passage from Mark 6:31: “Come with me by yourself to
a quiet place and get some rest.” They pointed out how Jesus
values the importance of rest among His followers. Pistara is
a venue wherein servants are encouraged to have fun through
friendly competition. It has since then became a hub for the
launching of the core values of the Light of Jesus Family (LOJF).
Each core value has a color assigned to it. The colors
correspond to the groupings chosen by the attendees during the
registration. The core values were the following: Faithful (blue),
generous (yellow), humble (white), passionate (red) and obedient (green).
To jumpstart the Parade of Colors, all the participants were
called to proceed to the center of the Coliseum. Warm up exercises ensued headed by Sis. Poma and Sis. Joy.
After the teams have gone back to their respective areas,
game Masters Kevin James and Rommel Bautista presented the
point system; games and their brief description.
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The first game was titled Acid Walk. It was a race between
two teams with 10 members. The goal was to follow a path and
cross it without falling from the boxes. Members cross from the
vacant box unto the finish line.
Blanket Volleyball had 20 participants per team. The two
teams were given 5 blankets to catch the ball. Each team was
given three seconds to toss the ball to the other side of the net.
The first team to reach 10 points was declared winner of the
While Acid Walk and Blanket Ball were both based on a
knock-out system, the last game – Obstacle Course was a time
trial event. Each team had 10 participants and the objective was
to complete four stages: Into the Tunnel, Memory Game, Nerf
Shooting Range and Squeeze and Run.
Thunderous cheers from competing groups echoed inside the
Coliseum as participants rooted for their teammates. Every team
carried out their game strategies and all were determined to
claim victory.
While lunch was being served and while the scores were
being processed, teams were called to reflect on two questions:
“What were the things that you did which displayed the core
value of your team? And how will you show these core values as
you serve at The Feast?
For the closing remarks, Bro. Bo Sanchez, the founder of The
Feast, exclaimed: “Thank you for serving with me. The Feast will
make many people closer to God. We have just begun. Many
are spiritually thirsty. Together, we will bring them closer to the
Lord. Thank you. I love you.”
Afterwards, the final scores were announced and the Yellow
team was proclaimed the overall champion.
Sis. Lei Caraan led the closing prayer to conclude the success of
yet another event offered to God’s glory. Who says service is all
work and no play? Come join us and be blessed beyond your
ies shirt
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BUY our WOWwork!
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Page 7
Bo. Sanchez
PICC Feast Builder & LOJF Founder
George Gabriel
1 PM Session
Alvin Barcelona
4 PM Session
Feast Council
Rolly Espana, Council Head
Donna Espana
Vita Monforte
Beckie Sanchez
Ministry Clusters
George Gabriel
Events & Programs Cluster Head
Ed & Olive Co
WARMTH Cluster Head
Marc Sto. Tomas
Liturgical Cluster Head
Mhean Liwag
Prayer Cluster Head
Tom Yokingco
Family/CG Cluster Head
Email feasteditor2@gmail.com
for ministry inquiries
Experienced an awesome miracle lately?
Are you so blessed you just have to share your story?
Let us know! Email your sharing to
feasteditor2@gmail.com. Don’t forget to include
your profile photo!
The FEAST Bulletin, published by the Light of Jesus Family, is distributed during The Feast PICC, a weekly prayer
gathering of the Light of Jesus held at the Philippine International Convention Center, CCP Complex, Roxas
Boulevard, Manila, every Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.,
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., and 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The FEAST holds office at The Lighthouse, 60 Chicago St.,
Cubao, Quezon City, with telephone numbers 725-9999. Contact us thru www.lightfam.com.