A Forbes Newspaper Supplement March 19,1992 - U-13 M€ IMPfi©V€M€NT How to design a home office that works for you America was always a country of for work surfaces, white luxurious looks, and the new Iridescent Ac- look. to make it into the executive Mltrepreneuriim, and in today's high-glass laminates are impref- cents collection of luminous lami- He thinks that work surfaces sufe," he notes. tftrid that means home offices So"d<olowi laminate is becomsrve on cabinetry. If you work with nates with embedded metallic or covered in a faux granite design springing up all across the nation, ing one of the best fashion looks [n fact, almost 30 million Amenin office design, and Ferguson sugcant now work out of their homes. You nn/st be a t etoshut out/<Ws, p ^ gests the rich tones ofdeep greens If you're one of the many who must Impress a vfcfflng c/tent wflh Its professfona/fcm' and blues for traditional areas. The have decided it's time to work out neutrals "** m&y bri*hts can 8o of your house, be prepared for a rontemporary, but he warns whole new lifestyle. So warns expert against using bold color on large Weftinghouae Micarta, a company surfaces where m 1 6 *** * P ™ with move than a passing interest distracting, "limit them to acin the home ottce trend Micarta cents," he advises. decorative laminate ii used in conventional offices, so it stands to computers, you might also con* opalescent particles. are as practical as they are beauti- signs and colon for your home ofreason that athome entrepreneurs sider Mksrta's anti-static laminate Ferguson feels that the wood Ail and recommends the fantasy fice, Micarta offers a 24-page brolooks are handsome choices for looks, such as the Iridescent Ac- enure. It is free from Westingtoo can benefit from this material's for desk tops, Choosing laminate colors and home offices. good looks and easy care. cents, for custom cabinetry. "They house Micarta, Dept. HIT, HampWhen you work at home, you o>tign is tte run part of designing "fat a conservative image, go are so impressive that they're sure ton, S.C. 29924. will low such benefits as leaving your home office, for Westing- with rich traditional mahogany or commuting and dresaing-up be- house Micarta offers an incredible cherry designs," he advises. "For a hind. On the other hand, the dog range. There are colors ranging more contemporary look, choose is almost sun to bark just as an from pales to darks, from neutrals pale oak or biich. If a high-fashion important cfiant calls and cat hairs to brights, and designs include image ia important, consider the are the bane of laser printers. wood looks so real you'llfearget- new white-painted woods, the exAccording to Wade Ferguson, ting splinters, high-fashion stone otic lacewood design, or a birdaeye Westmghoute Micarta s design exComplete Lawn and Ground Maintenance pert, at-home entwpreneurs must try to create aa professional an envirorin^ent as possible. "You work beat in space that's efficient," notes Ferguson. 'You must be able to shut out kids, pets and other distractions, and the space must impress a visiting client with its professionalism.11 Ch—slag space A separate room is best, of course. Thegarage, basement or D * DM4000 fata an extra bedroom could yield office space, but remember that if clients are likely to visit, you must have direct access to the outdoors. 'You cant have a client walk through your kitchen to get to your office" warns Ferguson. If you don't have room for a sep52" SNUQQLERS SO" 3 SPEED REVERSIBLE arate office, at least create a defiPolished or Antique Brass Light Kit Adaptable nite separation between living and M0B.00 17 ColontoChoose from working space. Ferguson suggests UNION COUNTY'S OLDEST LANDSCAPE NURSERY Only T CeilingtoBlade! from $220 to $250 a room divider that provides storAlso Available in 42" W/Standard Hides age as well as privacy. "See a company that designs rOSOWM and fabricates custom furniture," advises Ferguson. 'They will create a divider - or, indeed, a roomM of furniture - to suit your special needs." Whether you have a separate office or just a comer, put decorative high-pressure laminate to work. Using this good-iooking and tough PAMANA 5 I N T E U - T O U C H material on cabinetry, shelves, OaJlery EdWon (UgNs fncf.) Dual-Mount System files, desks and even walls will Mode) 12C02TI431.S0 $71to$69 M M Available at Remote Control boost your professional image, and SCotori.UflbtiEXTRA Model 12C08R $527.50 if, like most at-home workers, you're in charge of keeping the space neat, you will love its wipeclean ease. You know how well laminate works on kitchen counteitops, so naturally it's great for desk tops and other work surfaces as well. Mon.-Wtd. 8-5; Thurs. 8-8; Frl. & Sat.8-5 Durable matte laminates are best Wfest/nrixxise Mfcarta LAWN SERVICE Spring and Fall Cleanups 654-9260 M. ROBINSON & SON NURSERIES CEIMG FANS GALORE! t Designers t Nurserymen • Consultants VISIT US AT Bloomlngdale Avenue Cranford next to the Cranford Community Center 276-1880 CRANWOOD ELECTRIC 49 South Ave. • Garwood 789-1102
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