4 LOS Weak? i court next Monday. Subpoenas will then ne issued calling on the railroads to appear in court May 5 to present their side of the question. TO PTtiHT HIRRIMAX LINES Retaliatory- >leamirc» Taken by the Northern Count Linen ST. PAUL. March 21.—Retaliatory measures were taken by northern coast lines ugainsi the Harriman lines today for divertling homeseeker excursions from the St. Paul gateway Rates of $52.00 were given from St. Paul. Dulutli and Sioux City to San Francisco, going by way of North Pacific coast, points, with the option of making the Puget Sound-San Francisco portion of the Tourney by either lail or water. The action carries the light into tho camp of the opposition, since the rates are made optional for a portion of the way over its own lines. The new tariff is based on the regular colonist rate of $2<V, to western points, plus the local fare. $7 :*>. l'rorr St. Paul to the Missouri river. The northern lines made a cut of $17 in announcing the new figure, which replaces a rate of Tirkets will be on sale daily during the remainder of March and April. Gould's South St. Louis Purchase ST. LOUIS. March 21.— A purchase of 114 acres of land in South St. Louis has been made by the Gould railroad lines management for additional terminal facilities. ASSESSMENTS TOO HEAVY William K. Vanderbilt Retires From the Jekyl Island Clnl> NEW YORK, March 21.—William K. Vanderbilt is no longer a member of the Jek.vl Island club, the multi-millionaires' He has sold resort off Brunswick, Ga. the one share of stock he owned to J. now has two Pierpont Morgan, who shares. Mr. Vanderbilt and Mr. Morgan were dining together recently, when »\Jr. Vanderbilt complained of the heavy assessments of the club growing out of the recent purchase of a new boat. He said he had never been down to Jekyl island and would like to be rid of his stock. He offered to sell his share to Mr. Morgan for *500 and the offer has been accepted. f Contents of Corner Stone Stolen SANTA CRI'Z, March 21. —31 was discovered today that the contents of th cornerstone of the Methodic church which was laid in 1563 were abstracted last ni*ht. The box contained several coins, tne first copy of the Christian Advocate. a copy of the S.-nrin.-i and .1 Prizes /Sfei /fry Ca.tch I more and better knick-knacks. Pe&rline Sa-ves Man Pat lp Decidedly Inferior Content Man Aitleep on Railroad Track Has a CHICAGO, March 21.—Frank Erne was Eocape >arrou given the decision over Gus Gardner of at the end of six rounds SANTA CRI'Z, March 21.-A few days Philadelphia tonight. The fight was Erne's from the ago Mr. Notley, an elderly gentleman, the issue was never in doubt. had a narrow escape from death near start and strength On the of his recent victory Boulder ('reek. On his way home ne over George McFadden Gardner was became tired and sat down to rest on thought to have a good chance with the' side of the track. He fell asleep and but he put up a very poor fight. when a train came upon him suddenly Erne, He was throughout on the defensive, and the engineer saw him lying across the it at that. was track and attempted to stop the train. During a decidedly poor defense Gardner 'r the first five rounds he fireman saw it was impossible io average a lead to a round, denot did Notley, so he stop before it reached counters, which jumped from th» cab. ran ahead of the pending entirely uponinviolably. In the Erne blocked almost engine and pulled Notley off the spurred Gardner, round to action just as the engine was within a few last started in to crowd, bv thf* hoots of the of him. Inches fight and Erne promptly battered him all around the ring. Gardner then went back to his old defensive tactics. In the first round Erne, after feinting Gardner into helpless bewilderment, landed his left on the nose. Gardner clinched and slapped Erne over the kidneys, his only blow during the round. ; l i j j j a pipe maker; George Stephenson, a paint- er. and another junk dealer named Gordon. On tlie return trip they passed through Los Nietos and entered the saloon. They found Linares there. After awhile package*. Fisher and Linares had an argument and a scuffle ensued. Linares' coat suffered in the mixup and was torn accidentally. The Mexican required pay for the rem in his garment, which demand Fisher refused to Xow It ecofriilxe<l as a Necessity In Soconsider, and in order to cut Short the discussion he and his three companions got ciety in the West hurriedly into the and drove wagon away Midnight Attack on a Small at a gallop. For a long time the chaperon was Linares procured a saddlehorse and purTown in Texas Knocks Him Out In Twelfth Round sued the fleeing Fisher, with whom he an institution of purely European excame up about three-quarters of a mile istence. By degree* a few were given After a Good Fight outside of Los Nietos. The Junkdealer's standing In social circles at the east, SAN FRANCISCO. March 21.—Ai Neil! valiant companions were scared out of but the west resisted, Insisting that Citizens Surround Desperadoes, Who knocked out Rube Ferns tonight with a their wits Dy the Mexican's threats. the daughters of the untrammeled reand leaving gion needed no one Are Securely Intrenched Rehind a stiff punch on the jaw in the twelfth Jumping from the wagon to guide their footround of what was to have been a Fisher in the lurch they promptly lost Now the chaperon has Dam, and Will Probably Effect twenty-round go. The fight was a good themselves in the bushes bordering th* steps aright. Linares forced Fisher to turn his become established In every social cirone and fairly even up to the final road. Their Capture This Morning: Los Nietos, and asround. Both men sust lined considerable horse's head towards the great lakes to the Pacific jcle from him so grievously that when ocean, punishment. Nelll outpbinted Ferns and saulted and is recognized as having her Nlckelson a found the Junkman little later on merit. won legitimate place. All unmarried women AUSTIN, Tex.. March 22.-For the past Sharing in interest with the main event he was lying unconscious in a heap upon the footboard of his own vehicle. of means and position are now chaptwo weeks there has been an epidemic of was the preliminary between Rufe TurLytton burglaries and lawlessness brought when Fisher was at he Age doesn't matter. to. claimed eroned here. ner and Jack O'Brien. O'Brien was k*Ue that Springs, this county, and last night it Linares had robbed him of $44 which They are spinsters—that's enough. No getting into the ring. It was claimed he had pocket. Fisher was positive his developed that the lawbreakers have or- :in in appeared overslept. that he had He to he had seen and felt th*» Mexican tender maid of 30 goes unattended. No ganized Into a sort of vendetta. Reports dopey during the flgst. Turner put that hunting in his clothes for the coin before single woman of any age goes to the from Lytton Springs at midnight were be the twelfth also. he lost his senses. theater alone with a man, and as for, that there had been trouble between the him out in The badly abused lunkman claimed that "buggy riding"—-the custom is unlawless element and the citizens. the township constable. John Taylor, had known. No girl goes to a The outlaws are said to have assembled HANGED restaurant loaned Linares the horse upon which the shortly after midnight, last night, and latter pursued him. Jack Nlckelson said for lunch with a youth she has known began their maneuvers b}' shooting into from the Taylor undoubtedly bthat Constable had cradle. It would not be corseems to which the Palmer house, Stanislaus La Croix Is Executed In seen the whole or part of the maltreatment rect. And it would not be entirely their central point of attack. The clt> Quebec of the hapless Fisher and had not inter- correct either for her to get another zens turned out in pursuit with bloodfered. and stated further that the conhounds. The dogs were killed by ti HULL. Quebec, March 21.—Stanislaus La stable was still at the saloon when the girl. No; she must have the chaperon outlaws, and at 1 o'clock this morning ' Croix, who murdered his wife and an old Junkman departed for Los Angeles. Nickel—the tried and seasoned veteran of is reported that the outlaws are surman named Thomas, who was endeavoring son going alone to protect tne victim of matrimony—or else the proprieties will rounded at Holler's tank. They are sai to protect her. was hanged in the Jail yard the assault and alleged hold-up. Fisher be split up the back. bidding a dam, be entrenched behind to this morning. Contrary to expecta- at midnight went to hunt Sheriff Haminel defiance to the citizens' posse. Two O here The ardor with which the cult of tions. La Croix made no statement. He for the purpose of having Linares arrestee the posse have been injured and it is said the chaperon has been taken up in last night he was perfectly happy. on a charge of robbery. thought the outlaws have suffered some, hangman, who was mobbed Kadcllffe. the the west should make the thoughtful as quite a number of shots have been yesterday for saying that Croix would pause. At the rate we're going at we'll exchanged. last Frenchman he would hang, be the OF not soon be where they are in France, At 2 a. m. a posse of citizens left th# occupied a cell adjoining La Croix all city for the scene of the attack, and it if night. An Architect Telia Why a Fiddle Can and it will be hopelessly compromising thought that with the coming of daylight for any of us to walk two blocks on the outlaws will be captured. Shake a Great Building the public street with a man of our Variation* of Convention "What force least expected doe* the acquaintance. In fact, at the end of The teacher of an intermediate grade greatest damage to buildings?" a News the two blocks, if he should be so In the Third ward school was "showlacking In his duty as a well-bred man ing off" her pupils before a number representative a-sked a well known archito neglect proposing, we will have to •>ew Vessel to Take Place of the Lost of visitors. tect. "It Is difficult to tell. But I will ven- remind him of it. In provincial France Steamship The spelling class was on the floor given ture to say that you would never expect you must not walk on the street with and a small, red-headed boy SAX FRANCISCO. March 21.-The lost the word "introduction." and was playing to injure the walls of a any man but that fortunate §ne who violin then in a steamship Walla Walla, of the Pacific building. Yet that is certainly the case. is to lead you to the altar. No man Coast Steamship company, will be replaced faltering way spelled it correctly, and There have been instances when the comes to call on you unless he has anwith a new vessel. The new ship will be seemed rather surprised that he had walls of stone and brick structures have nounced to the world In general that faster, more commodious and in every way done It. he has his eye upon you as his future an up-to-date ocean going vessel of the "Do you know what the word been seriously impaired by the vibravery best class. She will take the Walla tions from a violin. Of course these wife, and then the visits are conWalla's old run between San Francisco. means?" asked the teacher. unusual, cases are but the facts are es- ducted in the presence of the family, "No'm." Puget Sound and British Columbia ports'. tablished. The vibrations of a violin one chaperon not being adequate to "What? You don't know what introIhe Kamona. which was launched last are something terrible in their unseen, cope with the situation. Should you go December and is now waiting for her ma- duction means?" unbound force, and when they come in to the theater with any one less close chinery. should be ready for service by "No'm." June and will be placed on the southern now, "Well, I'll explain it to you. contact with regularity they bear their in relationship than a father or brother route. influence upon structures of brick, stone your character will be as completely Does your mother ever have callers or iron. Of course it takes continuous lost as the gospels of St. Peter. And "Yes'm." Turku Defeat Rebel* "Well, now, suppose that two ladies playing for many years to loosen maspn- if you were to venture tnaide a resLONDON. March 22.—The correspondent came to call on your mother. Your ry or to make iron brittle, but that re- taurant you would be regarded as a of the Morning Leader at Vienna reports mother knows one of the ladies, but sult is obtained. In the great Masonic person compared to whom Nero and a conflict between Turkish troops and doesn't know the other. She has never temple in Chicago I have* thought of Caligula were respectable and moral.— Macedonian revolutionists at Sistova near and doesn't even know what the result might be if a man would Chicago Chronicle. Kastoria. European Turkey. The Turks seen the lady Now, how would she become stand on the first floor, at the bottom of surrounded the village and overcame the her name. acquainted with this lady and find out the nineteen-story light well, and play rebels. there continuously. The result could be During the fighting four Macedonians and her name?" four Turks were killed and twenty-six of "She'd send me out for a can of more easily seen there than almost any place else, because the vibration gathers He Score* (be Tabloid Food Fad la the rebels were wounded. All the male beer." Inhabitants of the village were arrested As that was the correct answer, the force as it sweeps upward. A man can Warm Fanbioii teacher had nothing further to say.- feel the vibrations of a violin on an "The man who puts out a bill of fare XnrchioneNn of Duflferln's Daughter Mllwaukee Sentinel. ironclad ocean vessel, and at the same that must expect to pay a price that time be unable to hear the music. It is like NEW YORK. March 22.—A daughter has will stagger humanity." the regularity of the vibration which The speaker was Johnny been born to the new marchioness of DufMeehan, The Climax means so much. Like ferln, formerly Flora Davis of New York, constant nephew of the late Pat Dolan, and proThey were young and romantic, and dripping of water wearing awaya stone, prietor of the Park Row refectorium, in at her town house In Cadogan square, says a London dispatch. although the minute hand was pointing the incessant vibration of the violin which the epicure (with the price) can from sinkers to cold pig to 12 o'clock they stood upon the makes its way to the walls, and attacks buy anything for the low price of fifteen cents. porch gazing at the stars. their folidity." RuMNlan Prince Arrested The "that" that Mr. Meehan so scath"That's Jupiter, dear," isn't it?" she "But why doesn't this vibration affect ingly referred to was the bill of fare put VIENNA. March 21.—The Tageblatt anmurmured. the player?" forth by the latest Chicago discoverer of nounces the arrest in Warsaw of the Rusa "Because a man is a flexible object. how-to-starve-while-eating. who runs "'Yes, pet: and that is Sinus," he sian General Prince Varkoff, who is atThe bill is: give way tached to the staff of Grand Duke Sergiug. replied, pointing to another star. to motion and resume tabloid restaurant. Hi- can Cts.l on the charge of complicity In the wide"Are you serious?" she cooed. his place again. A frame building would Compressed beef- |Gratlne of cauli-Cts. spread revolutionary movement. He kissed her. Then, pointing upnot be damaged by vibration, because 151 flower stealt lc Compressed fishward. he said: the timbers are flexible. But it is difIProtose nut meat. 16 Undelivered Telegrams 15iProtose hash balls "That's Mars, dove." ferent with masonry. 15 Id "You may have noticed that a dog Compressed frlc- iNuttolene "And that's pa's." she whispered, as There are undelivered telegrams at th» beans, 15) Baked asse#» crossing a room will shake the entire Western L'nion Telegraph company's of- a footstep sounded inside. Compressed roast 15| with protose 15 fice for Wm. A. Starin. Joseph Dickson. And if the young man hadn't building, no matter how small the dog. Compressed mock iSpinach croquets.. 15 Louis Phillips Co., A. F. Young, C. E. "scooted" he would have seen more A dog can shake a suspension bridge. turtle 16iTomato beefsteak. 15 Booth. Edgar C. Eustace, G. F. Smith. 15! There are some great and valuable Nut roast Louis Rairden. Mrs Vera Champion. H. stars than he ever dreamed of.—Lon• You know you can't throw food into a bridges which dogs are never allowed to don Spare Moments. M. Roche. Geo. Hickman, A. T. Huma jamming cartridge into a like cross except when carried. You see, in man phreys. gun.'' said Mr. Meehan. "There's a great that case it is the regularity of the vi- deal in eating than merely putting more Prohibition In Kentucky bration that is so powerful. The dog's so much proteids. hydrocarbons and nitroMuff Holders if a genous matter into the system. "Kentucky makes and consumes a movement is a fixed and positive instiHolders by which the muff is suspended of steel and iron tution. The first step on the bridge is man were made out around the necK are of silver or gold link vast deal of whisky, but there are seca locomotive you could shovel grub like much, every noticed but so step not chain, with, at short intervals, jewels sot tions of the state where whisky drinkinto his fire-box, and he wouldn't care a In. Satin ribbons of black or dark brown ing is much restricted," remarked the comes just alike, at the same interval blame so long as it contained the right the same flrmnew. The force chemical constituents in the proper proand with are also used, and some are decorated man from there the other day. "In gathers momentum, and each step with fancy silver slides. portions. my section one finds local option and the bridge sway more. But there makes is an•'Look at that man over there putting in the town of London there are neithhis coffee and sinkers and ham-and. may perhaps that it be ncil at Jnilitb'H Corouutlon Illus- awayhow er saloons nor side doors where one other way See he inhales the fragrance of the you better. As sit here raise one trated coffee! Out in Chicago, 1 suppose, they'd A part of the service used in the corocan buy intoxicants. True, occasionpartially on tip-toe. That's it. Now give the coffee to him in a hypodermic foot nation of Judith, wife of Ethelwulf, king ally a man brines a bottle of whisky of VVessex, the first queen consort to lie to town, and a little moonshine is sold work your knee up and down rapidly and syringe and he'd just jab it into a muscle regularly. See how everything in the as they used to dope the old skates at crowned Queen in England, will be used, sometimes from the alleys, but as a room rattles and the floor shakes? That Guttenburg. It is said, in the coronation service of Do you think that could general proposition the sale of strong the place of real coffee? Queen Alexandra. illustrates the dog step's power better ever take drinks is tabooed, and our people are than anything else. You and I and all "Do you mean to tell me any one could out of that tabloid stuff perfectly content that She Siuve* Her Best Shoes the tax on our friends could not jump up and down make a meal and keep from falling dead? 'Nuttolene, The woman who skates paves her best whisky should remain just what it is in this room and shake the fioor as you cents!' That Chicago fellow must be 115 footwear from being wrenched out of at present." have just shaken It while sitting down what the boys call dead nutty.' He'd ahape by having a pair of skates permatabloid restaurant way and u.'ing the force of one leg. It is the letter intake his nently fastened to a strong pair of neat the lake and sink it."—New back regularity of the vibration, which is powIIiKKPNt Xcwannper Ad vert Inemen t shoes especially adapted to that purpose. York World. —Indianapolis News. Toward the year's profit of £43,000 eriul." An Inqnlsltlve Hoy made by the Evening News, one slngi" Gnve Client fiuoiT Advice A Definition nre ou d°ing In the pantry, advertisement contributed £400 for one 11 lie? Little Clarence—Pa, what Is executive A few years ago there was a judge largest and most heavily insertion—the "Oh, I was just seein' if everything paid-for advertisement In one of the police courts at Washingever Inserted in ability? was locked up good and tight."—lndianfny .newspaper In the world. Mr. Callipers—Executive ability, my ton Thomas F. Miller, who delighted So sail apolis News. Mr. Alfred Harmsworth at a recent son. Is the capacity for making some In poking fun at young attorneys. On Walter F. X. Parker is In the city for a meeting. The shareholders confirmed one elre paddle your own canoe for-you. one occasion a prisoner had no cunbrief stay. "When the judge Eel to defend him. the final 30 per cent dividend (maklnir —Judffe. DESPERATE FIGrHT WITH OUTLAWS handsomely The front come.* embroidered and the hack has a wealth of tine, dainty tucks. Slee\es. collars and cuffs are in the very atest, newstyle. Comes buttoned in the back. stunning, new effect in white figured lawn with This is a black and bishop cuffs, sleeves, new Gcdfeftow's You may fancy 6* 2 new collar back. and Goodenow's Sprin] Shirt Waists Spring Shirt Waists $1.25 have this in the most ex- ehambray gingham. blshnew collar, fancy cuffs, quisite striped with the pretty tucked back, op sleeves, In colors of red and blue. 51.75 I Goodenow's Sprina Shirt Waists $2.50 This style has a handsome tucked yoke with six box pleats on the front, Comes with box pleat sleeves, with dainty tucked collars and cuffs to match. Goodenow's Spring Shirt Waists $4.50. design. Made of the It Is a wonderfully becoming waist In a lovely newembroidery, newest style Ilnest daintiest lawn, front trimmed with all-over Hack Is handsometucked vike trimmed with white embroidered Insertion. a tucked match. Has handsome hemstitched to ly tucked, sleeves and collar tle 50c SNECT MUSIC 10c Don't Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve. Harum Scarum. In the Days Gone By. I'se Got a White Man Working for Me. most popular in the city. Goodenow's music department has becomehethe so sure of getting the newest and You can't buy vour music elsewhere only. today for popular hits, 'these are specials Today—Saturday \ At 10:30 A. M. and 2:30 P. M. Auction Oriental Rugs Mihran's Collection CHAPERONS COME TO STAY 440 S. Spring Street ; , No Rug lover can afford to miss this grand sale. I RHOADES & REED, Auctioneers , j I ' ; WIFE MURDERER FORCE. VIBRATION WALLA WALLA'S SUCCESSOR " THE BEANERY KING ( was apprised of the fact he called o'it to a young lawyer who was sitting 'n court at the time: "Mr. Smarty. suppose you take th.s case. Take your client Into the Jury room and Klv® him the very best advice you can, and come back into court at the end o£ half an hour." the The lawyer took the man into room as directed and reappeared in court at the end of half an hour. "Your honor," said the lawyer, "in obedience to your Instruction I am ready to report to you." "Where is the prisoner?" the Judge several times. Mrs. Culver, who is 60 years old, was awakened by the noise of the struggle and summoned help. Curry was captured and turned over to the police. The dog's throat showed the effects of the struggle. It was bruised and cut by the man's finger nails in his attempt to strangle the animal. "I am sure that Major saved my life," said Mrs. Culver, "for I did not hear the man in my room until the dog attacked him." Major was named In honor of President McKir.ley, then Major McKinley, because he was found on the night >f inquired. "Really I don't know. You told me the martyred executive's first election. —Chicago Tribune. to take him into that room and give him the best advice I could. After I A Washington Slurr heard the man's statement I advised The strained relations between Senhim, as the window was not very high from the ground, to depart from the ator Vest of Missouri and Senator Morbuilding in that way, and he took my gan of Alabama are well understood by advice. X do not know where he is those who "know the ropes" In Washbeen gone about ington. The story Is told of a new sennow, for he has ator who had been offended by a coltwenty minutes."—Chicago Chroncle. league and who approached Senator Vest and said: "Isn't Jones the worst Riiilin Mlniim Uw ass that ever broke Into public life?" The mlrving law In force In the RusThe frail and venerable statesman from fcave exhausted the mineral resources Missouri is reported to have replied: "I therein contained. In other words, the can't say. You know I am pretty thortenure Is practically perpetual lease oughly committed on that proposition from the government—that is, absoto Morgan."—Leslie's Weekly. lute title guaranteed so long as the small annual taxes are paid. The provision that the tenure is good until "Oil and truth are the mineral Is exhausted Is explained by the fact that until recently almost bound to come to aur/ace all the gold mining of Russia and Siberia was placer mining, and that /n due time." when the gravel had once been worked over it was Intended that the operator should not stand In the way of further MBLP 1 development.—Engineering Magtizin-". Saved From a Burglar by Her Do* When William McKlnley was elected president for the first time residents of a part of the West Side celebrated the victory with a bonfire. That was how "Major," a curly-haired water spaniel dog, came to find a home. He was discovered in a barrel which was about to be thrown In the fire and taken home by Mrs. Leonora Culver. "Major" was nothing but a pup then, and he was fed on a bottle until lie grew up to be a good sized dog. Early Friday morning "Major" rewarded his mistress by saving her life. He attacked a burglar who had forced his way into her room and put up such a vigorous fight the man was captured. The man, who gave his name as Daniel ~Curry, was stealing toward the sleeping woman with a pillow with wlUih, It is supposed, he expected, to Frrrather her. The dog was near the bed and jumped on Curry and bit hiin tHMEN Black Suits tThe truth about our stock of black clothesit's the best in Los Angeles. Suits from $10 $50—sack, frock, Tuxedo and full dressrightly tailored 1 and lined with the very finest materials made for the purpose. to vl Cured While You Sleep In Fifteen Deye Any sufferer from spring. Varicocele. Strlcturc and Its offProstatitis and Vital Weakness Is invited to cut out the coupon below, write his name and address fIICC TREAThC COUPON HARRIS & FRANK, 117-125 N. Spring Props., St. , I i pay you 'or poorer work. <rea.ter expense a.nd I V an inferior wash1 Xing powder. Any woman who I uses PEARLINE hai a prize, land will save enough to buy I Philadelphia I Cannot -7% ri»k to clothes. IwMf yy which you get with 1 to protect property. ! prizes ? Not worth consid- / With Ms' head wrapped up In bandages so that his badly discolored eyes and his swelled and bruised face were hardly visible, Henry Fisher, a junk dealer of 823 Vi East First street, drove up in a wagon to the central police station at 11:30 o clock last night and in trembling tones proclaimed himself the victim of a holdup by a mounted robber. Jack Nlckelson of Los Nletos. who was with Fisher, could not say whether the Junk man had been deprived of his money, but he bore testimony to Fisher's statement that he had received a most unmerciful beating near the saloon at Los Nietos from a tough young Mexican named Heito Linares, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. As near as could be ascertained from the shivering Fisher, whose voice quavered woefully at the recollection of his wrongs, ho had gone to Alamltos to buy a lot ot Junk. He had a wagon drawn by two horses, and with him were Adolph Quandt, A. Junk Denier, Deserted by Three Companions In a Critical Moment, Claims That Belto Llnnrea Set I'pon and Relieved Him of f!4 ! women. amovnt to ill SAVED BY FIREMAN ERNE WINS FROM GARDNER Was Badly Beaten, at Least, at Los Nietos I I 5» Flattery PORT TOWNSEND, Wash.. March 21. Rosendall of the bark Kate Davenport, twer.ty-four days from Honohaving unusually lulu. had reports stormy weather during the entire voyage, which is unusual at this season of the year on the route from Honolulu to Puget sound. He also reports sighting a vessel bottom up eighteen miles southwest of Cape Flattery, drifting in the track of the vessels to and from Puget sound. During the past week Indians have found considerable wreckage on the beacn south of Cape Flatterv. Some are Inclined to think that the vessel is the Laura Pike, which has been drifting in a waterlogged condition off the coast. —Captain ' 11 Cape 1 One Million Stamp* Sold CHICAGO, March 31.—A record-breaking sale of postage stamps is reported by the Chicago postoffice. The sale was one million stamps, for which the purchaser gave a check for $35,000. In onp package wer oOOOnft 4 cent stamps and In the other same number of 1 cent stamps. This is the largest individual purchase of stamps in the history of the Chicago postoffice. gpfpy of ! ST. PETKRSBI'RG. March 21.-Details of the mutiny of Russian troops at Tula, when the soldiers refused to fire on strikers, have been received. It appears the troops fired blank cartridges but when they were ordered to fire ball cartridges, the sergeant refused to obey. The officer commanding the soldiers then threatened to kill the sergeant, whereupon the troops attacked the officer. The lattei has since succumbed to the bayonet wounds they Inflicted upon him. What do Southwest Goodenow's Spring Shirt Wa'sts $1.00 I Strikers at Tula \ Sighted , RUSSIAN TROOPS MUTINY many Wreck H. FISHER SAYS HE WAS ROBBED i I j Lease of Metropolitan Roads NEW YORK, March 21.— Argument was heard by Justice Glldersleeve in the supreme court today in the proceedings by H. H. Content and I. and S. Wormser to restrain the proposed lease of the Metropolitan Street Railroad company to the Interurban Railway company. The decision was reserved. / CAPSIZED VESSEL SEEN ; Plan Is to Conuect With Clark's Road DENVER. Colo., March 21.—The Times this evening says: D. H. Moffatt returned home last evening from a trip to New York, which was undertaken chiefly in the interest of the new short line to Salt Lake City from Denver. In relation to this matter Mr. MofTatt consented to make the following statement: "The purpose is to build a railroad from Denver over Berthoud' pass, there to connect with the road which Senator Clark of Montana Is building to the By this route the distance from coast. Denver to Salt I.ake City will be 525 miles and the railroad time schedule will be shortened ten hours. "In my Judgment no more important project for the benefit of Denver and its citizens could be undertaken. Realizing this, I have become interested myself and am endeavoring to interest other capitalists in the building of this road." the of the Methodist history church in California up to that time written by the Rev Mr. Hecox. the first Protestant minister in California. manuscript Made of lovely plain ehambray with tucked yoke front, stoqk collars in colors of red and blue. It has that pretty new dip effect in front which makes It still more becoming. NEILL DEFEATS FERNS LINE Says Refuse to Fire on —-" G:odenow's Sprlnj Sh'rt Waists $1.50 lot are made of the popular new ehambray ginghams. Come in the handsomest blue and white or red and white stripes Backs are prettllv tucked, new bishop sleeves, new style cuffs I Moflfatt swell. Mats. Goodenow's Spring Shirt Wclsts 75c This I SALT LAKE-DENVER Ait . i j i „ II * " You will all be on the lookout for shirt waists today. Such a host we have to offer you! Don't think of selecting a shirt waist without seeing the Goodenow styles. We have made prices that are shamefully sir»ll. No matter how modest your means, you can have a shirt waist that would suit any woman's taste if you will take quick advantage of this sale. Read carefully each following description: | CHICAGO. March 2J.-Attorne>» for the various railroads that it is sought to enjoin from secretly cutting rates held a conference this afternoon, and it is said, agreed to make no fight against the action of the government. This step was decided to be advisabie on the ground that the contest would be a practical admission that the transportation interests desired the inInjunctions dissolved, in order that secret manipulation might be carried on. The only feeling among the railroad lawyers is over the alleged failures to treat all lines alike. Several of what are called the most chronic rate cutters have not been proceeded against- The feeling on this point, however, is net of sufficient intensity to prompt the big companies attacked to tight over the seeming discrimination. t The first evidence of the effect of the injunction proceedings was the announceeast today by operating the roads ment from Chicago of a reduction in the tariff become packing on to products house rates effective Tuesday. The injurvctlon proceedings against railroads centering in Chicago will be caheo on Judge Grosscup's docket in the federal t "Ac KniVinrrnnneil Whale "I do not mind the notoriety so much," soliloquized the whale, after it had left Jonah on the beach, "but those smart young whales in our set will be sure ot always be asking me to take* something for the inner man, or to go spouting around about how hard it is to keep a good man down."—Baltimore American. Tantalizing Shirt Waists | w«y. John 21: "The Colombian government notifies us ihai all consular and diplomatic messages must be subjected to censorship." WASHINGTON. March 21.—The state and navy departments have been informed of the purpose of the government of Colombia censor all disto patches passing over the cable between the diplomatic and consular offices on the isthmus and their home governments. The notice came to the navy department from Captain Reisinger of the Philadelphia. now at Panama, and the state department had its information from the cable companies. Not much importance is attached to the aotioe for there have been many such in recent years wh'ich never were enforced, against the United States, nt least. Our government being under obligations to protect the isthmian transit, undoubtedly would hold that the free use of the cables and telepraphs is necessary to the exercise of that power and would net permit any interference with it. With a war vessel on either side of the isthmus there is little doubt of the physical ability of the government to protect its cable communication. PANAMA. March 21.—There are no fears of immediate disturbances on the of traffic. railroad or an interruption When circumstances demand it. marines will be landed to keep the railroads open For Ye*rs She Was In Misery Till Fl. nally She Determined to Be Happy Agairv-Hoir She Succeeded A story of suffering that rings true in the heart of many a woman is that of, Mrs. Joseph Adam?*, the wife of a retired farmer who lives at No. 303 Third street, Webster Ci*y. lowa. Her trouble and how she secured happiness at last is best told In heif own words. "For three or four years," she say?. "I was miserable. I suffered awful pain' from cramps in my stomach. 1 could eat hardly anything, for nothing seemed to agree with me. I would grow faint and suffer very much with cramps every little while and after these attacks I would be very weak. I had a doctor twice a week for about two years but lie; couldn't cure me. I would be In bed for; a day or so. fhen up for a day and then down, and so it would go. "But now I am well, and, for a woman of 72 years, am pretty strong. 1 had been suffering, as I say, for three or four years when I saw an advertisement in the paper telling about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I decided to try this medicine and felt relief with the taking of the first box. I took three boxes in all and now I don't neejJ to take any medicine for lam perfectly well. It is all due to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." These pills will not only cure cases similar to that of Mrs. Adams, but, containing as they do, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves, they have proved efficacious in a wide range of diseases. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after-effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions and all forms of weakness either in male or female. There are many Imitations of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pule People but none of them possess the wonderful power of the genuine—the power that cures when ordinary medicines fail. Do not let your dealer sell you an inferior preparation. If you have difficulty in getting the genuine near home you can get six fiftycent boxes by mail, postage paid, by sending two dollars and a half to the Dr. Williams Medicine company, Schenectady. N. Y. The genuine are never sold in bulk, always in the trade-marked j For 25 years I have never missed I90& Of RIDDING HERSEtf Of TROUBLE AND SECURING HAPPINESS # " taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla every spring. me reel It cleanses mv blood, makes strong, and does me good in every P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N. Y. 23, One Woman's Way There Were Thieves There It is an old story, but there is more fact in it than in most stories, old or new. The scene is laid in Sing Sing prison and the parties to it a convict and Keeper Connaughton. The convict was in the dressing room putting on a new suit. The new coat designed for him was on a table. While arranging some other portions of his costume the new coat disappeared. The convict looked for it, and not finding it where he had left it. turned to Mr. Connaughton and said: "There must be thieves around here."—New York Press. lawyers MARCH MORNING, 25 per cent for the year) recommended by the directors. [The advertisement referred to waa, of course, one in connection with the so-called "tobacco war/'J —Pall Mall Gazette. COLOMBIA ORDERS A CENSORSHIP Then you want strength. c Good food, an active liver, All Consular and Diplomat i Messages Included Decision of Railroads in and pure blood will bring it. Chicago You naturally think of eggs State an<l Xavy Departments Are Inand milk, Ayer's Pills and formed of This Action of Colombia, but Sot Much Importance Is Contest Would Bo Admission ol Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ask Attached to the Matter the Charges your doctor if he can come NEW YORK. March 21.—The Western any nearer to the truth. Do Union Telegraph company's central caof Some of the Kailroads ble office 1s In receipt of the following rate. as he says, at any advices, dated Panama, Colombia, March Claim That the Government Has Discriminated and That Several of the Most Chronic Hate Cutters Have Sot Been Prosecuted SATURDAY | WILL NOT FIGHT INJUNCTIONS ANGELES tifeRALD: >' \\ St. James Medical Association 26G St. James Bldg. Cincinnati, O. Please send me a copy of your Illustrated Work upon the Male Syssealed. PREPAID, tem. securely FREE of all CHARGES. Nam« Address plainly, mail It to St. James Medical Assn.. 26ft St. James Bids.. Cincinnati, 0.. and thev will send their Illustrated Treatise. showing the parts of the malo system involved in urethral all- FRFF 1 ments. PREPAID. ST. JAMES MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 2SS St. James BidA. CINCINNATI,O. • SHERMAN & HENSHEY , Third »nd Broevdwty The new store for Ladles' Raglans, Coats, Jackets, Suits, Waists arcd Skirts C. F. Heinzeman Druggist and Chemist Everything First Clui 222 IMo. Main St.
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