Saturday, March 17, 2012 HOW TO FIND US Auditorium in the Dean´s Building (House 40) Immunoadsorption 09.00 –09.15 T herapeutische Apheresen in der Transplantationsmedizin S. Rummler, Jena 09.15 –09.30 Bestimmung von Antikörpern in Eluaten von Immunadsorptionen, gewonnen von Patienten mit humoralen Abstoßungen nach solider Organtransplantation D. Barz, Jena 09.30 –09.45 Immunoadsorption in hemophilia H. Zeitler, Bonn 09.45 –10.00 Ig apheresis for the treatment of severe DCM patients S. Pokrovski, Moscow 10.00 –10.15 Immunadsorption bei DCM und pulmonaler Hypertonie M. Dandel, Berlin 10.15 –10.30 Immunoadsorption in steroid refractory multiple sclerosis M. Koziolek, Göttingen 10.30 –10.45 Immunadsorption bei steroidrefraktärem Schub der multiplen Sklerose F. Heigl, Kempten 10.45 –11.00 Break 11.00 –11.15 Erfahrungen mit der Immunadsorption bei Myasthenia gravis W. Köhler, Wermsdorf 11.15 –11.30 Apheretische Therapie bei sekundärem Raynaudsyndrom M. Jünger, Greifswald 11.30 –11.45 Immunoadsorption in Buerger´s disease P. Klein-Weigel, Berlin 11.45 –12.00 Atopische Dermatitis und Immunadsorption A. Zink, Munich 12.00 –12.15 Erfahrungen in der Behandlung des Pemphigus mit Immunadsorption C. Günther, Dresden 12.15 –12.30 Erfahrungen mit Immunadsorption bei Patienten mit EHEC-HUS S. Stracke, Greifswald 12.30 –14.00 Break Lipoprotein apheresis 14.00 –14.15 14.15 –14.30 14.30 –14.45 14.45 –15.00 15.00 –15.30 15.30 –16.00 L ipoprotein apheresis for the CHD patients after CABG M. Ezov, Moscow Lipoprotein apheresis for Lp(a) – new data E. Steinhagen-Thiessen, Berlin Specific Lp(a) apheresis. Moscow study M. Safarova, Moscow Impact of lipoprotein apheresis on Egr-1, c-Jun, c-Fos, and Hsp70 gene expression in white blood cells V. Schettler, Göttingen Lipoproteinapherese – vom Standard zur individualisierten Behandlung W. Ramlow, Rostock How will new medications affect the apheresis situation in Germany? K. Parhofer, München University Clinical Center Dresden Department of Medicine III Fetscherstraße 74 · 01307 Dresden Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus DIE DRESDNER. 2nd Dresden International Symposium on Therapeutic Apheresis March 15–17, 2012 Lipidologische Fortbildung March 16, 2012 Dear colleague, this is already the second international symposium on therapeutic apheresis taking place in Dresden. The aim is to organize a high level international conference on apheresis, immunoadsorption for autoimmune diseases, and photopheresis. We hope that the lectures by prominent invited speakers will spark lively discussions and complete a comprehensive overview on the potential of apheresis as well as ways to reach therapeutic targets. For this occasion, it is a pleasure to invite you to the beautiful city of Dresden, which, after decades of restauration shines anew these days. In fact, the University Clinical Center is just 15 minutes away from the very center of the old city. We hope to see you in Dresden. With best regards Prof. Dr. Ulrich Julius REGISTRATION Please register by sending or faxing the paper attached to the Carl Gustav Carus Management GmbH. You can also register via E-mail: Or write an e-mail to: The registration fee for participants is 80 EUR up to March 01, 2012. Thereafter the registration fee will be 100 EUR (physicians / scientists in training 40 EUR, students (with ID) 20 EUR) The Gala Dinner will be included. We will apply for CME points at the Sächsische Landesärztekammer. Actual information about the symposium including the scientific program will be provided on the following website: International Travel Dresden International airport is approximately 30 minutes from the clinical center and served by regional railway. International trains arrive both at Dresden main station and at Dresden Neustadt with convenient connections to tramway lines. Public Transport The University Clinical Center is served by tramway lines 6 and 12 (Stop: Augsburger Straße/Universitätsklinikum) as well as bus lines 74 and 62 (Stop: Universitätsklinikum). Car For fee parking is available at the Fiedlerstraße main entrance parking deck with room for 500 cars. HOW TO FIND US WELCOME Department of Medicine III University Clinical Center Dresden Fetscherstr. 74 · 01307 Dresden · Germany Bank: Deutsche Kreditbank AG Account No.: 11 248 333 Bank code: 120 300 00 IBAN: DE 71 1203 0000 0011 248 333 BIC: BYLADEM 1001 Thursday, March 15, 2012 Auditorium in the Dean´s Building (House 40) Lipoprotein apheresis 13.00 –13.30 13.30 –14.00 14.00 –14.20 14.20 –14.40 14.40 –15.00 15.00 –15.20 15.20 –15.40 15.40 –16.00 16.00 –16.20 16.20 –16.40 16.40 –17.00 17.00 –17.20 17.20 –17.40 17.40 –18.00 18.00 –18.20 18.20 –18.40 18.40 –19.00 SC/EAS Guidelines published in September 2011 E J. Chapman, Paris Therapeutischer Stellenwert der Lipoproteinapherese im Wandel der Zeit P. Schuff-Werner, Rostock Acute and chronic effects of therapeutic apheresis A. Rammuni, Bari Lipid-unrelated effects of lipoprotein apheresis on vascular protection C. Steffanutti, Roma Break Therapeutic hemapheresis in patients with refractory dyslipidemias G. Konovalov, Moscow Lipoprotein apheresis and HDL P. Moriarty, Kansas City (USA) Regular lipoprotein apheresis maintains residual cardiovascular and microvascular function in patients with advanced atherosclerotic disease T. Ziemssen, Dresden Lipoproteinapherese-Standard für Apherese-Kompetenzzentren – eine aktualisierte Synthese und Ergänzung bereits vorhandener Standards F. Heigl, Kempten The decrease of mean platelet volume after extracorporeal LDL-cholesterol elimination in patients with severe familial hypercholesterolemia M. Blaha, Hradec Kralove Break Therapeutische Apheresen im Kindes- und Jugendalter, evidence based, technisch anspruchsvoll? V. Witt, Vienna Effects of lipoprotein apheresis on the PCSK9 levels NN Immunosorbents for clinical use. State of the art S. Pokrovsky, Moscow HELP-Apherese bei Hörsturz A. Dietz, Leipzig Actual situation of lipoprotein apheresis in Saxony U. Julius, Dresden The evidence – base for the efficacy of lipoprotein apheresis in combating cardiovascular disease G. Thompson, London Friday, March 16, 2012 Friday, March 16, 2012 Friday, March 16, 2012 Auditorium in the Dean´s Building (House 40) Lecture Hall 1 in the Medizinisch-Theoretischem Zentrum (House 91) Hörsaal im Dekanatsgebäude, Haus 40 (Medizinische Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus Dresden); Fiedlerstrasse 27, 01307 Dresden Immunoadsorption Lipoprotein apheresis Lipidologische Fortbildung (in German, free of charge) 09.00 –09.20 P lasmaaustausch und Immunapherese - Blutungskomplikationen durch Verlust von Fibrinogen K. Derfler, Vienna 09.20 –09.40 Autoantibodies against structures of the central nervous system – pathophysiological relevance and perspectives for immunoadsorption R. Klingel, Cologne 09.40 –10.00 Immunapherese auf der Intensivstation M. Meier, Reinbek 10.00 –10.20 Immunoadsorption in patients with autoimmune ion channel disorders of the PNS C. Antozzi, Milano 10.20 –10.40 Immunadsorption in der Nierentransplantation G. Bartel, Vienna 10.40 –11.00 Break 11.00 –11.20 Immunadsorption bei crossmatch positiver Nierentransplantation C. Morath, Heidelberg 11.20 –11.40 Rheohemapheresis in the treatment of nonvascular age-related macular degeneration (impact on drusenoid retinal pigment epithelium detachment) M. Blaha, Hradec Kralove 11.40 –12.00 Immunoadsorption in connective tissue diseases – an update M. Aringer, Dresden 09.00 –09.20 H ow to optimize lipoprotein apheresis treatment – a second look V. Schettler, Göttingen 09.20 –09.40 Aufgaben von Ärzten bei der Lipoproteinapherese aus der Sicht des Pflegepersonals K. Johne, Dresden 09.40 –10.00 Labor bei der Lipoproteinapherese – Was, wann, warum? A. Ramlow, Rostock 10.00 –10.20 Iron deficit in patients treated by lipoprotein apheresis and its treatment U. Schatz, Dresden 10.20 –10.40 Effects of lipoprotein apheresis on the FABP4 levels V. Zepter, Dresden 10.40 –11.00 Break 11.00 –11.20 Lipidomics in patients treated by lipoprotein apheresis J. Gräßler, Dresden 11.20 –11.40 Homocystein levels in patients treated with lipoprotein apheresis – effects of vitamin treatment S. Tselmin, Dresden 11.40 –12.00 Factors inducing cardiovascular events in patients treated by lipoprotein apheresis K. Taseva, Dresden 12.00 –12.20 Differences in the atherogenic risk of patients treated by lipoprotein apheresis according to their lipid pattern M. v. Dryander, Dresden 12.20 –12.40 Comparison of performance of whole blood and plasma lipoprotein apheresis using the Liposorber systems O. Hequet, Lyon 12.40 –13.10 Is there a future for lipoprotein apheresis after the advent of Lomitapide and Mipomersen? C. Stefanutti, Roma Photopheresis 12.00 –12.20 12.20 –12.40 12.40 –13.00 13.00 –13.20 13.20 –13.40 13.40 –14.00 19.30 xtracorporeal photopheresis: presence and future E S. Beissert, Dresden Extracorporeal photopheresis in the treatment of acute Graft versus Host Disease N. Worel, Vienna Extracorporeal photopheresis in the treatment of chronic Graft versus Host Disease K. Hölig, Dresden Extracorporeal photopheresis in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease W. Reinisch, Vienna Extracorporeal photopheresis- mechanisms of action H. Hackstein, Giessen/Marburg Break In Zusammenarbeit mit der Lipid-Liga findet eine LipidologieFortbildung statt. Diese wird von der Prüfungskommission der DGFF für die Weiterbildung im Rahmen der „strukturierten curriculären Fortbildung Lipidologie der DGFF“ als geeignet anerkannt. Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Bekämpfung von Fettstoffwechselstörungen und ihren Folgeerkrankungen DGFF (Lipid-Liga) e. V. 14.00 –16.30 1.Lipidsenkende Therapie mit Statinen, Ezetrol, Ionenaustauschern und Fibraten S. Fischer, Dresden 2.Einsatz der Nikotinsäure bei Fettstoffwechselstörungen – aktuelle Datenlage U. Julius, Dresden 3.Diagnostik und Therapie des Chylomikronämie-Syndroms H.-U. Klör, Giessen 4.Bedeutung und Behandlung von erhöhtem Lipoprotein(a); Indikationen zur Lipoproteinapherese H. Berthold, Berlin 5.Lipidtherapie – heute und morgen E. Windler, Hamburg ALA DINNER (included) G Restaurant “Italienisches Dörfchen” Theaterplatz 3, 01067 Dresden Scientific Program supported by: • Fresenius Medical Care GmbH • Kaneka Pharma Europe N.V. • Miltenyi Biotec GmbH • B. Braun Melsungen AG • DIAMED Medizintechnik GmbH • medicap clinic GmbH • Trommsdorff GmbH & Co. KG Arzneimittel • MSD SHARP & DOHME GMBH • Genzyme GmbH • Vifor Pharma Deutschland GmbH • AstraZeneca Deutschland GmbH • Roche Deutschland Holding GmbH
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