March 2010 Volume 30, Issue 3 My Business Advocate Building Better Communities by Building Better Businesses Plans to Rebound in 2010? Not Without Employee Engagement After a year of massive layoffs, longer hours, increased stress, and less pay, the number of employees who are actively engaged in their jobs declined by nine percent from 2008 to 2009, according to Watson Wyatt’s Employee Engagement Index. And even more alarming, employee engagement among top-performing workers fell by 23 percent over the same period, raising concerns for high employee turnover rates in 2010. Should employers worry? In a recent online survey by Express Employment Professionals, readers were asked if they would job hop for a better job opportunity in the coming year. Of nearly 800 respondents, 81 percent said, “Yes,” they would job hop in 2010. What does this mean? Attrition can cost companies thousands of dollars per lost employee and can significantly impact the financial performance of a company. If employers want a chance to rebound in 2010 and avoid high employee turnover, they must refocus their efforts on employee engagement and make it a top priority. How do employers get employees to re-engage in 2010? There are many key tactics, but one tried and true method for rebuilding trust and increasing employee engagement is through communication. Employers should encourage their employees to ask questions, no matter the topic, and address concerns honestly, no matter what the answer. Employees are more inclined to stay loyal and engaged to a company when they feel their concerns are being thoughtfully considered. Employers can also increase engagement by showing appreciation and recognizing sacrifices being made by everyone. Find creative, low-cost incentives. “If you don’t take a small amount of money now to invest in engaging your employees, you could be out a lot more later when your employees decide to leave your company for other opportunities when the job market opens back up,” said Robert A. Funk, CEO and cofounder for Express Employment Professionals. This recession has had a huge impact on the workforce, those who have lost their jobs, as well as the ones who are worried they’ll be next in the unemployment line. In times like these, it’s critical to remember Highlights of Coming Events Lunch 'n Learn - How to use LinkedIn Chamber After Hours - Celebration Cinema-South Daylight Savings Time Begins 3rd Fridays! Networking Luncheon Business 'n Books Days (Volunteer to Read) Lunch 'n Learn LinkedIn Part 2 Kentwood K-12 Career Expo Sport of Words Speech Contest Multi Chamber Speed Networking 3rd Fridays! Networking Luncheon Calendars on Pages 6 & 7 Log on to for details. 3/4 3/11 3/14 3/19 3/22-26 4/1 4/14 4/14 4/16 4/16 that the real reason companies are successful is because of their people. Businesses that invest in and value engagement will achieve higher levels of employee satisfaction, loyalty, and in turn, success. These are the companies that will come out on top and rebound in 2010. For more information on workplace and workforce solutions, please contact Express Employment Professionals, 616-281-0611 or casey.jankoska@ How to use LinkedIn 201 April 1, 2010 11:30am - 1:00pm Hilton Grand Rapids Airport Register on line early! If you know a little already or were one of the nearly 60 business leaders that caught the first part of this business building workship you can't miss this sequel on how to continue to build connections using Admission includes lunch. Not-Yet Members - $21 WKACC Members - $15 (You must register by the end of the day on Monday, March 29th) After March 29 - $21 Sponsorships of this great Hi-Tech, Hi-Touch workshop are available at only $100! Contact julie@ YOUR CHAMBER MANAGEMENT 2010 Board of Directors *indicates Executive Committee Member *John Crawford - President & CEO *Norine Mulvihill - American Diabetes Association, Board Chair *Todd Duncan - Consumers Energy, Past Chair *Kathey Batey - Priority Health/Spirited Presentations, Senior Vice Chair *Matt Uhl - National City Bank *Danna Mathiesen - Mercantile Bank *David Szidik - Proforma Infinite Marketing Brent VanderKolk - VanderKolk & VanderKolk PLC, Legal Counsel Richard Chrisman - Hungerford, Aldrin Nichols & Carter, Chair, Fin. & Budget Community Relations Division (Blue) *Kathey Batey - Sr. Vice Chair Tommy Brann - Brann’s Steakhouse & Grille Richard Chrisman - Hungerford, Aldrin, Nichols & Carter John Schwartz - AT&T Brent Vander Kolk - Vander Kolk & Vander Kolk,. PLC Lillian VanderVeen - Lenger Travel Services Member Relations Division (Red) *Matt Uhl - Vice Chair Betsy Artz - Loeks Theaters (Celebration Cinema) Skip Knapp - EdwardJones Investments Tom Kruisenga - The Kruisenga Agency Membership Development Division (Gold) *Danna Mathiesen - Vice Chair Bob O'Callaghan - Citadel Broadcasting Joel Iakiri - Business Interconnect Group, LLC Financial Development Division (Green) *David Szidik - Vice Chair Brent Holland - Chameleon Ltd Carol Crawford - The Alternative Board Dan Van Dyke - PDS Group LTD Denise Hughes - D2 Marketing Rob Wells - Vantage Pointe Financial Ex-Officio Jack Poll - City of Wyoming, Mayor Richard Root - City of Kentwood, Mayor Curtis Holt - City of Wyoming, Manager Bill Doren - Chamber Foundation Chair My Business Advocate, Copyright 2010 Wyoming-Kentwood Area Chamber of Commerce 590 - 32nd Street SE Wyoming, MI 49548-2345 Tel: 616-531-5990 - Fax: 616-531-0252 Newsletter/Advert Information: Building Better Communities by Building Better Businesses Opinion by John March 2010 By John J. Crawford, Jr. President & CEO Taxing Issues. Tough Issues. Kentwood and Wyoming are holding very important millage elections on May 4. We’ve lost state and local taxpayers and our municipalities are facing some real and serious cash shortfalls. Fewer taxpayers mean higher tax rates, all things being equal. In Kentwood, voters will be deciding a 2.0 mil property tax hike and in Wyoming, the amount will be 1.25 mils. In both cases, the city will use the money in their general funds, the majority of which (about 70%) is spent on Police and Fire services. Neither city has an Income Tax. Businesses Also Pay Taxes on ‘Stuff’ IN Their Buildings, Which Homeowners Do Not For each $100,000 Market Value ($50,000 SEV), the Kentwood tax hike is $100 per year and $ 62.50 in Wyoming. A business with $150,000 SEV in Kentwood would see a jump of $300 in taxes, while their Wyoming counterpart will pay $187.50 more. Two main causes of the problem are 1) a sizable cut in state revenue sharing and 2) (probably the bigger hit) a significant decrease in property values, upon which the taxes are based. Fewer Taxpayers Means Higher Tax Rates The Grand Rapids Press reported that the 2010 values decline in Kentwood is in the 7% to 8% range while the Wyoming drop is about 8% or 9%. Actually, because of these drops, in many cases, property owners could see a small decrease in their tax bills even with the tax rate hike! The cities’ cash crunch is real and I can say that it is not caused by mismanagement. Our cities have both been good stewards of the money they do receive. They’ve been scaling back operations the last few years. Both cities often receive very high scores when it comes to delivered city services. Business Cash Crunch is Also Real One Contractor Member located in Wyoming sent me a list of the following other increases hitting his 10-employee company this past year. • • Michigan Unemployment Tax Rate Jump Federal Unemployment Tax Rate Jump (Continued on page 8) Government Cracks Down on Misclassified Employees A recent federal study reported that 3 out of 10 companies misclassify employees, which could equate to millions of workers not receiving the benefits guaranteed to them by law and huge tax fund losses for the government. Those losses could also result in higher tax cost for regular employees and businesses. With federal and state agencies facing dismal budget deficits, the Department of Labor is expected to crack down on employee misclassification. President Obama’s 2010 budget anticipates the federal onslaught against misclassified contractors to generate over $7 billion for government agencies over the next ten years. It’s a problem the government is taking very seriously, and you should too. Service (IRS) evaluates factors like instructions and training provided by the company along with a worker’s ability to profit or suffer loss. Companies who incorrectly qualify employees as independent contractors could face the cost of back taxes along with any penalties and interest incurred. Protect your company with accurate documentation and appropriate treatment of contract workers. Workers classified as independent contractors are not required to follow instructions on when, where, and how work is conducted. So, if you’re providing detailed instructions on how work is to be completed or training on company processes, you may be incorrectly qualifying an employee as a 1099 worker. Contractors are not employees and should not be treated as such. Treat your (continued on page 10) Independent Contractor Treatment When determining the classification of a worker, the Internal Revenue LOSE BIG, WIN BIG!! Take the Challenge Are you up for it? There is a way to shape up, have fun and make money while supporting Kentwood Fireworks and YOUR Chamber of Commerce Santa Parade. By joining an 8 week class on nutrition and weight loss for only $35, you will feel better, look better and support two worthwhile events. A portion of the registration fee will go into a pot to reward the top three losers. Dorris Flockhart from Nutrition 'n More has issued a challenge to our membership. Participants will receive: • A Personal Coach • Free body analysis • Group support • Weekly prizes for most weight loss • Nutrition information • New friendships, contacts and fun Challenges start soon so don't delay. Contact Dorris at 616-455-1775 and invite friends, family and co-workers. The more the merrier and the bigger the payout to the biggest losers. MILES SAVE THE DATE AUGUST 27 & 28 AND MILES OF COOL CARS! WKACC Education Committee Extra Credit March is Reading Month in Michigan Sponsor names will also be listed in the Sport of Words program. Sport of Words will be on Wednesday, April 14 at East Kentwood High School during the K-12 Career Expo. So don't wait any longer to get your businesses connected. Contact for sponsorship 2010 Kentwood Public Schools Area Wide Career Expo for Students K-12. Join us on Wednesday, April 14 at 6 pm at East Kentwood High School located on Kalamazoo just north of M-6, for our 4th Annual Sport of Words Speech Contest. This year 5th and 6th Grade Students will compete for top honor and a $100 U.S. Savings Bond. Feed back from parents and educators on this program in past years has been very positive. The children come away with new found confidence in themselves and a much healthier sense of self-esteem. Ba yK at he y nb Writ te y te Illu str at e d by D ez en Every child we read to during Business & Books Days will receive a coloring sheet that has a letter to parents on the back which stresses the importance of reading for success in life and encourages parents to read to their children and to let their children read to them. Every coloring sheet has the names of our business sponsors on it. Books are available for only $19.90. We can mail it for an additional $2.00 for shipping. Contact kathey@ or call her at (810) 730-6679 to get your copy. ��������������� Jim All sponsorship packages come with benefits to help you grow your business like advertising space, pre and post event publicity, your business name on the bookplate that is placed in each book and more. Don't forget to Volunteer to read! Let know if you would like to be scheduled to read to a second grade classroom during Business & Books Days - March 2226. It only takes about 30 minutes and the experience is unforgettable. If you have co-workers that would like to read simply send their name, email address and block of time they are available to Sue Bynum and the Chamber will confirm an appointment with a specific school, teacher and classroom. ��������� y Sponsorship opportunities are available for all business budgets. They start at $1,200 at the top level and can be as low as $25. details today or log on to www. n an Make sure your business is connected to these annual WKACC Community Events. Your one time sponsorship will get your business recognized in association with both of these programs for students in our area. Danny Jimenez, a Rogers High School senior, was selected to illustrate a children’s book, “I Can Eat Fuzzy Caterpillars, But I Don’t.” The 23-page children’s book, written by WKACC Board of Directors Senior Vice Chair Kathey Batey, focuses on childhood obesity and stresses the importance of healthy eating habits. Jimenez’s artwork was chosen from 10 other submissions from East Kentwood and Wyoming seniors. He will receive a $1,000 honorarium from Spirited Presentations in addition to the professionally published book to add to his portfolio. Volunteer business leaders will have the chance to read the story to local 2nd grade classrooms during the WKACC’s 12th annual Business ‘n Books Days event the week of March 22-26, 2010. CHAMBER PARTNERS These WKACC Members are offering discounts to Members on products and services that you need to run your business. Using a Chamber Partner will help you increase your bottom line while you support members and the Chamber at the same time. Chamber Partners have agreed to provide non-dues revenue to the Chamber for every member that uses their services in addition to special rates to the membercustomer. Choice Business Services As a Chamber Partner, Choice Business Services offers any member of the Wyoming-Kentwood Area Chamber of Commerce a significant discount on all office support services. CBS provides professional business support through Business Address, Conferencing Services, Clerical/Administrative Support services. Telephone Answering, Temporary and Permanent Office Leasing and much more…..You give us the task we figure out the best way to complete it! Contact Debra Bates at or call 616-975-0100 for discount details. TAB has been a ChamberPartner since 2008 and recently renewed their partnership for another year. The Alternative Board helps you grow your business, make more TAB offers business owners peer money and work fewer hours. advice, at a discounted rate, to Contact Carol Crawford at 616empower you and your 301-8081 or email her at carol@ organization to achieve your business vision. Take the Benefits Challenge! 1) It would be beneficial to have an Employee Benefits plan that ‘ b e n e f i t e d ’ all employees - including our lower-paid hourly and part-time staff at NO-COST to me, the employer. TTrruuee // FFaallssee 2) I’d like our group health insurance rates to decrease by 40% immediately and remain stable into the future. Let us show you something new. WKACC Chamber Partner TTrruuee // FFaallssee JJaassoonn A A.. R Ruusssseellll Broker Director (616) 490-0911 - direct You're getting real value when you use a Chamber Partner. Only products and services that will help you grow your business for less money are endorsed by the Chamber Partner Committee. If you would like information on becoming a Chamber Partner contact or for a copy of the Affinity Program and answers to any questions you may have about applying for a Chamber Partner Endorsement. If you would like to be part of the Chamber Partners Committee and help us recruit businesses that offer business building discounts to our members. If you know someone that would make a good Chamber Partner, contact and someone will contact the potential businesses. Chamber Partners meet on the 3rd Friday of each month immediately following the 3rd Fridays! Networking Luncheon. We meet at the location where 3rd Fridays! is held and the meetings last an hour or less. Are You Saving $$ with a Chamber Partner? Michael DeVries from Principal Financial Group is offering Members of the Wyoming-Kentwood Area Chamber of Commerce significant cost savings on Disability Insurance and only for our Chamber Member Employers and their employees. Contact Michael at 616-942-1251 ext 3020 for price and coverage details. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sun 1 March 2010 Mon Noon Gov Matters at the Chamber Tue 2 4p Ambassadors 8:15 a Chamber Foundation Wed 3 GolfNoon Outing Planning 4 10 7 8 8a Gov Matters at Wyoming City Hall 4p Education Comm @Celebration South 9 14 15 16 9 am Communications Committee @ the Chamber 17 23 24 Daylight Savings Time Begins 21 22 10 a, Finance 11:30 a, Executive Committee Noon Golf Committee Thu Fri 8a P.A.C. 11:30 a Lunch 'N Learn Hilton GR Airport Sat 5 6 11 9a Business Growth 5-7 p Chamber After Hours Celebration! 12 13 18 11:30 a-1 p 20 193rd Fridays! 11:30 a Community Roundtable @ Brann's 25 7:30 a CEO Exchange 10 a 3rd Fri! Comm 11:30 a Board Mtg @ Brann's @ Applause! 1p Chamber Partners APRIL NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 26 27 Business 'n Books Days - Volunteer to Read to a Second Grade Class! 28 29 30 31 Chamber Office Hours Monday -Thursday 8am - 5pm Closed Friday CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sun April 2010 Mon Tue Wed Thu 11 18 25 Sat 1 8a P.A.C. 2 3 7 8 9a Business Growth 9 10 8:15 a 13 Chamber 14 15 11:30 a 16 17 19 20 9 am Communications Committee @ the Chamber 21 22 7:30 a 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 Don't Miss! April 14 5pm - 8pm K-12 Career Expo East Kentwood High School Chamber Office Hours Monday -Thursday 8am - 5pm Closed Friday 4 Fri Noon Gov Matters at the Chamber 4p Education Comm @ Celebration South 5 12 8a Gov Matters at Kentwood City Hall 4p 6Ambassadors 8:15 a Chamber Foundation Foundation 10 a, Finance 11:30 a, Executive Committee 6pm Sport of Words Speech Contest @EKHS Community Roundtable @ Brann's CEO Exchange 10 a 3rd Fri! Comm 11:30 a Board Mtg @ Brann's 7:30 a Speed Networking! 11:30 a-1 p 3rd Fridays! @Celebration 1p Chamber Partners Free Seminars For Business Owners “Taking Your Business to the Next Level” April 14, 2010 How to select a bank and build a strong working relationship / PEO-HRO is it for you? current clients. Presented by Eric Mills, Senior VP of Huntington Bank Business Banking Group • This session will provide background on the right questions to ask in selecting a bank and what expectations a good bank will have for you and what expectations you should have for your bank. Presented by Daniel J. Mannes Sr. Vice President, PEO Division The Campbell Group. • A Professional Employer Organization (PEO) enables employers to cost-effectively outsource management of human resources, employee benefits, payroll and Workers Compensation through a co-employment relationship. Health Services Organizations (HRO) allows many of the same services but does not require a co-employment arrangement. (Continued from page 2) • • • • • • • • • • May 5, 2010 Direct Mail – NOT a Dinosaur: How to Improve Results and Survival of the Fittest: A CPA's perspective on opportunities and threats in Michigan's recovery. Presented by Richard L Chrisman CPA, MST of Hungerford, Aldrin, Nichols & Carter PC. • The current economic environment presents opportunities for growth and expansion. • There are things you can do that will not only insure survival, but also give you a competitive edge. Presented by David Szidik of Proforma Infinite Marketing Solutions. • Direct mail challenges in the age of information overload. What techniques can be used to improve your ROI? • PURL’s, Variable Data, Mobile Marketing and email to attract attention of your prospective and Non Business Owners $50.00 and CEO's, Presidents and Business Owners can attend this entire FREE series. Register TODAY at or Call 616-975-0125. Seminars are held at The Campbell Group Building, 5664 Prairie Creek Dr. near M-6 and M-37. Taxing Issues, Tough Issues All Michigan Licensing Fees went up General Liability Insurance went up Commercial Auto Insurance went up EPA Registrations went up $600 New PRR Training is required - $1,088 plus 64 hours of lost staff production time $1,920 Beginning April 2010, Lead Abatement Insurance now required $5,000 New Lead Work Techniques starting April $25,080 Utility costs are up. Materials costs up 3% Employee Health Insurance went up 18% to $10,800 per employee These are Tough Issues. AS Kentwood Mayor Rick Root told us, the reason for the election is “It’s Our City. It’s Our Choice”. Businesses Cannot Vote on Election Day But Businesses (and residents) are taxed on Election Day. While the crisis at City Hall is real and services remain professionally delivered, it’s not caused by mismanagement. At the same time, Jobs Providers ARE paying their fair share and then some. A millage hike will solve problems for a year or two. It will do nothing to encourage private sector job growth. Long Term Solution The Long Term Solution is to increase the number of taxpayers. It is to CHANGE Michigan to a Business Investment MAGNET. The Long Term Solution is in adopting the Michigan FairTax. At least, that is my Opinion by John! Get Ready for Golf! Our 30th Annual South Kent Swing Golf Outing committee is planning a great event in June at Maple Hill Golf Course. Watch for more details in this publication and on line at www. Take a day off of work to network on the golf course! Sponsorships available. Contact julie@southkent. org. April Multi-Chamber Speed Networking The next event is April 16, hosted by Hudsonville Chamber of Commerce Location to be Determined For You, Your Employees and Their Families! Contact janine@southkent. org for plan pricing and work and residential eligibility requirements. Spotlight Vickey Argo Business Leadership Network of Michigan We’d like to invite our entire membership to join us on March 11th for the next Chamber After Hours at Celebration Cinema South (M6 and Kalamazoo Ave). Celebration Cinema is our Service Business of the year for 2009! Vickey represents the Business Leadership Network of Michigan (MIBLN). MIBLN is a nonprofit business-led organization that promotes and advocates for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace. Vickey is the Director/Coordinator for the West Michigan Business Leadership Network Council. Chamber After Hours (CAH) is a great opportunity to network with other business owners and business leaders. It's held from 5pm-7pm with no admission fee and pre-registration is not required. Her duties include help in building the membership of the local council, coordinating events, and job development for those that participate in their Employment Network. Are you interested in meeting faceto-face with everyone there? Why not purchase a Showcase table for only $35. All attendees visit every showcase tables because doing so qualifies them for our fabulous door prizes. (And CAH ALWAYS has awesome prizes!) Vickey is a former staff member of the WKACC. MIBLN is eager to work with WKACC, as it does closely with other Chambers across the country. Employing and marketing to people with disabilities is not just the right thing to do, it’s good business sense! Mark the date: our next CAH will be on October 7. Reserve your showcase table with julie@ If you would like more information on how you can get involved, contact Vickey at 269623-2348 or Are You Breaking the Law? The Government Crackdown on Misclassified Employees (continued from pg 1) contractors like the independent businesses they are, and avoid any behavior that may have employeremployee connotations. Independent Contractor Documentation Businesses audited by the IRS must provide documentation that verifies independent contractors as separate business entities, and demonstrates that the worker’s intent from the establishment of the contract was to serve as an independent contractor. Examples of documentation you should obtain include the contractor’s advertisements and business listings, a business card, insurance certificates, billing invoices, W9 forms, and 1099’s issued from other companies. Employer records should also include a signed independent contractor agreement that outlines the services the contractor will provide including, specific projects, towards independent contractors, you can protect your company from the risks of misclassifying workers. due dates, locations, expected results, and the determined compensation. Hiring an independent contractor can be a flexible and economical solution for your company’s short-term projects. Contracting also allows you access to the specialized skills and expertise you need without the hassle of administrative cost and benefits. And, by obtaining the necessary documentation and displaying the correct conduct If you’re concerned about misclassifying employees, consider using a staffing firm for shortterm contractors and project professionals as an alternative. Staffing firms provide the same advantages like cost saving and flexibility without the hassle and stress of interviews and paperwork. Win - Deluxe Weekend Trip to the 2010 Indy 500 Raffle Tickets Available at The Chamber Office Only $10.00 Drawing: 3/22/10 Proceeds to benefit Wyoming-Kentwood Foundation and South Kent Kiwanis Raffle License #: R05062 Color Ads at B/W Prices For a Limited Time Reserve your space(s) in My Business Advocate before March 31 to get black and white pricing on your full color advertising. You decide when you want the ad to run during 2010 as long as you've reserved space between March 1 and March 31, 2010. Multiple listings also apply. Ads must be camera ready artwork. Additional charge for design services. This offer is for members and not-yet-members but please note: Not-Yet-Members higher rates apply, call for details. Advertise in the New & Improved My Business Advocate Get Your Message in Front of 750+ Business and Community Leaders Each Month! (These rates for Members Only. Non-members pay 150% of member rate). Business Card ize Ad Quarter Page Ad B&W 4 Color B&W 4 Color 1X $ 40 $ 75 $ 55 $ 90 3X $ 108 $ 213 $ 147 $ 252 6X $ 192 $ 402 $ 264 $ 474 Half Page Ad B&W 4 Color $ 90 $ 160 $ 243 $ 453 $ 432 $ 852 For more information, contact Sue Bynum at 616-531-5990 or at Newsletter deadline is the 3rd Friday of the month prior to publication. Preferred formats are PDF, Word and JPEG. Other formats may be acceptable, call to verify. Member Spotlight Board Executives meet monthly and select the outstanding volunteer and Committee for their effort and results on behalf of WKACC. Renewing Members • • February Volunteer of the Month • received the honors. Lisa helped plan the Annual Meeting and Silent Auction. Lisa's expertise in the hospitality business made her the go to person when we had questions on the event or the venue. Lisa has been a dedicated volunteer for the Chamber and a Chamber Ambassador for many years. She continues to support Chamber Programs when ever possible and works very hard as one of your Chamber Ambassadors. • • • • • • • • • • • • Lisa Calhoun from the Hilton Grand Rapids Airport Hotel February Committee of the Month Annual Meeting/Silent Auction Committee Chaired by Carolyn Foote from Macatawa Bank, this enthusiastic committee successfully planned two very labor intensive events on the same evening. We served 198 people at our Annual Meeting at Noto's Fine Italian Dining in January and the Silent Auction produced more than $2,000 to be used for 2010 Chamber Programs. The committee was: • Carolyn Foote - Macatawa Bank • Judi Holland - Chameleon Ltd. • Lisa Calhoun - Hilton Grand Rapids Airport Hotel • Casey Jankoska - Express Employment Professionals • Ame Seymour - Flagstar Bank • Amanda Lewis - gNetworks/ Framework Sites • Ashley Parkes - Hyatt Place Grand Rapids South • Shawna Myers - Celebration Cinema • Rob Wells - Vantage Pointe Financial (Silent Auction Sub-Chair) • • • Adoption Advocates Advance Newspapers/ Jenison Printing Allied Photographic & Imaging Lab ATL Credit Union Axios, Inc. BCM International West Michigan Berends-Hendricks-Stuit BMW Motorcycles Brann’s Steakhouse & Grille Carrabba’s Italian Grill City of Kentwood Cleaning Specialties D.C. Byers Co. DHL Global Forwarding Engels Jewelers Gerrit’s Appliance, Inc. Grand Valley Health Plan Karlson Enterprises • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Kay L. Meerhof Bookkeeping Services Loeks Theaters –Celebration Cinema MarketingHelp! Matrix Manufacturing, Inc. Mercantile Bank Michigan Turkey Producers Coop, Inc. National City Bank New Life Thrift Store Park Center Bowling, Inc. Property Tax Appeals Remax Lifestyles Specialized Language Development Center The Hinman Company The Kruisenga Agency Touchstone Systems & Services L.C. Trans Overseas Corp. Welcome New Members Quad Tech, Inc. - Ronald Redder, (616) 532-1606 Welcome Back Returning Members WOOD-TV 8 WXSP Channel 41 for more info Community Connections Let us know how YOUR Business is building better communities. Submit community improvement project announcements to Subject to space availability. Grand Office Supply We continue to collect gently used stuffed animals for Blare's Bears for Haiti. For more information on this program, contact or go to www. Taking donations through March 15, 2010. For the Kids - 2010 Easter Egg Extravaganza sponsored by The Grand Rapids Jaycees, Saturday, April 3 2010, 10:00am - 1:00pm, Centerpointe Mall. Description: Activities include a free Easter egg scramble, carnival games, inflatable moon walk and obstacle course, face painting, and a free coloring station. The Easter Bunny will be available for photos. Emergency response vehicles and staff will be stationed outside the mall for viewing and tours. Local mascots will also be on hand. Kentwood Cares - Middle School Mentoring Program impacts students socially, emotionally and academically creating safer, healthier, more productive citizens of our society. The focus of Kentwood Cares Mentoring Program is to create caring relationships between students at the brink of success and positive adult role models who will promote the growth and development of adolescents to help them build a strong foundation for their future. For more information contact Terry Gates, Kentwood Public Schools, at 616-455-1200 extension 32275 or email terry.gates@ Donate Durable Medical Goods to go to Haiti Earthquake Victims Metro Health is partnering with Physicians for Peace and Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics to collect durable medical equipment for Haiti in response to the January earthquake. Injuries have left many people permanently disabled. Metro Health is asking for braces, prosthetics (including socks that sit beneath them), slings and immobilizers. Donations are being accepted at the security office next to the emergency department entrance from now until August 2010. For more information contact UCOM Benefit Concert to Fight Poverty Talented artists like Celtic Woodwinds, Kristen Hartnagel and Philip Pletcher will perform at the 7th Annual United Church Outreach Ministries (UCOM) Beneft Concert to fight poverty on Sunday, March 28th at Aquinas Performing Arts Center located at 16907 Robinson Rd SE in Grand Rapids. The program starts at 6 pm and tickets are $20 and there will be a 50/50 raffle. Proceeds from this fun raising fundraiser will be used to support UCOM's various poverty fighting programs like "Homework House". For more information on UCOM programs and this event, log on to or call Bruce Roller at 616-241-4006 to purchase tickets. 2010 Fireworks Fundraiser Kentwood Parks & Recreation is looking for your support for the 2010 July 4th Fireworks. Benefit Tickets available for only $10.00 which entitle the bearer to lunch on Thursday, March 18, 2010 from 11 am to 2 pm at Texas Roadhouse, 3776 28th St SE, Kentwood. (616) 575-0361. Choose from: 6 oz. sirloin w/tossed salad and baked potato (incl non-alcoholic beverages) or grilled chicken breast w/tossed salad and baked potato (incl. non-alcoholic bevarages).
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