Jefferson City Area Chamber TODAY
April 2013
Serving the Community Since 1893
w w w. j e f f e r s o n c i t y c h a m b e r. o r g
nities share is the ability to attract and retain young workers across all industries.
New programs such as hYPe (for young
professionals) and Jefferson City START
(for interns) are designed to do just that.
In fact, the Chamber is in a unique posiChamber member? The answers varied
tion to work toward this goal, because
somewhat from person to person, but
rather than relying solely on taxpayer
could generally be grouped into three
funding, it has its own resources it can
broad categories: those who wanted to
use to support such efforts.
build their skills through the networkThere are many things that the chaming opportunities the Chamber provides;
ber can and does do for its members (prothose who wanted to grow their business viding free access to hYPe and Jefferson
with a boost from the Chamber; and those City START for example). Here are some
who wanted to use the Chamber as an
specific ways the Chamber helps memavenue to give back to the community.
bers reach their goals:
I consider all of those reasons as facFor those who want to grow their busitors in my decision to be a member and
ness, you should be interested to know
to get involved, but my principal motivathat Chamber members enjoy an average
tion is to be part of the efforts to grow
of 57% increased reputation and a 63%
and improve this community. Though I
increase in the likelihood that consumers
was born in Columbia and have a busiwill patronize their business. This effect
ness facility there as well, I choose to live can be particularly important for new
here. That choice, however, doesn’t mean businesses and startups and you don’t
that I want Jefferson City to forever stay
have to be big to realize such benefits. In
just as it is right now. I subscribe to the
fact, 70% of Chamber member businesses
theory that if you’re not moving forward, have 15 or fewer employees.
you’re not succeeding.
Those who want to give back to the
One trait that vibrant, growing commu- community might be happy to hear that
From the Chamber Chair
Why join the Chamber?
This month I would like to share with
you a little bit about the work of the
Growth task force. The “G” in our 2013
BIGS plan (Birthday, Initiatives, Growth
and Structure). This group, co-chaired by
Donna Deetz and Roger Dudenhoeffer,
is well organized and incredibly energetic. Donna and Roger have appointed
12 pairs of team co-chairs (one team for
each decade of our Chamber’s existence).
Each co-chair will recruit four current
members to round out their teams to 10
members each. Armed with incentives for
both themselves and their prospects, the
120 members of these 12 teams have been
charged with recruiting businesses to
join the Chamber. Their goal is to bring in
120 new members—one for each year the
Chamber has served this community.
I recently sat in on one of this task
force’s meetings and at the outset of the
gathering, each attendee in turn answered
the following question: Why are you a
54% of the Chamber budget is put
toward economic
development activities like nationwide
marketing to businesses considering
expansion or relocation, or advocacy
for infrastructure
improvements that
will support the
Joe Scheppers
business commu2013 Chairman
And for those
who want to network or improve their
business acumen, there are ample opportunities to meet other members through
the various groups and events the Chamber sponsors: Women in Business, hYPe,
Friday Coffee, seminars, the Small Business Academy, and Partners in Education
to name just a few. (There really are a LOT
of opportunities in this category!)
So what was your reason to join the
Chamber? Or perhaps more importantly,
if you have a business and are not currently a member, why have you not
Chamber resources leverage economic development activities
The Jefferson
City Area Chamber
of Commerce economic development
staff is presenting
its 2012 economic
development annual report to the
City and County this
month. In fact, when
you read this article,
Randy Allen
the report to the City
will have already
taken place. As with the last six years, the
report outlines the work of the Chamber
on behalf of its members and the City and
County in the previous calendar year.
The report is divided into the following
•Economic Development Resources
•Economic Development Overview
•Business Attraction Program
•Business Retention and Expansion Program
•Small Business Program
•Community Development Program
•Land Management
Other articles in this edition of Chamber TODAY focus on the specifics of some
of those programs. The focus of this
article is the specific use of chamber resources in both personnel time and cash
resources to fulfill the economic development contract and discuss leveraging
of City and County funds with Chamber
resources to maintain the economic development program.
Total 2012 Chamber expenditures in its
What do you
Visit to
review our Annual Report and
register your opinion on the
Chamber’s economic development activities. operating budget was $973,525. Of that
amount $521,917 or 54% of the budget was
spent on behalf of economic development
activities. See Figure 1.
Because of the way the Chamber manages its personnel resources we are able
to track and report the use of staff time on
specific activities related both to economic development and traditional chamber
work. Personnel costs associated with
economic development activities totaled
Figure 2 shows the 2012 income and
spending for the Chamber. On the income
side, the Chamber has five categories of
revenue support for its operating budget.
These include the economic development
contract with the City for $200,000, the
Economic Development contract with
the County for $150,000; $100,000 for
Economic Development from the Chamber subsidiary corporation, 21st Century
Land Management, nearly $400,000 from
Chamber membership Investments and
finally $130,000 from Chamber events and
miscellaneous income. As can be seen,
the total commitment to the ED program
is $450,000. On the spending side, total
expenditures for economic development
were $521,912 or $71,000 more than the
base level funding of $450,000. This additional support was provided by the chamber membership through their investment
and other support.
Since the Economic Development
Program, Progress Jefferson City, began in
2007, the total investment in the program
for the City and County was $1,850,000.
During that same period (2007-2012),
direct support from the Chamber through
21st Century was $1,600,000. With additional support from membership investment of $886,079,total Chamber spending
on economic development was $2,486,079.
During that period of time the City and
County leveraged a return of $1.33 for
its $1.00 investment in the Operating
Budget for ED. During that same five-year
period, 21st Century spent an additional
$4,150,000 developing certified sites and
See Economic on page 3
Figure 1
Figure 2
Jefferson City Area Chamber TODAY
Redevelopment continues momentum
Most of the
time, community
development is about
looking forward and
putting the Chamber’s
Mark Mehmert
Community Development
strategic plan into
action. However, it’s
helpful to occasionally take a quick glance
back to see just how far we’ve progressed
as a community. To that end, we look
at measures which reflect the goals of
the strategic plan and determine if we’re
headed in the right direction.
Overall, 2012 was a good year in
community development terms. The
condition of the core of Jefferson City’s
downtown continues to improve. In
2006 (prior to the implementation of
the Chamber community development
program), the occupancy rate of
storefronts was estimated at 80%. By
2012, 95% of the storefronts in the
downtown core were occupied.
While redevelopment activity was
not as robust as in 2011, important
projects came to fruition during 2012. For
example, 128 East High was refurbished
and became home to Jimmy John’s on
the main floor, adding another option
for hungry downtown patrons. Just
as importantly, the upper floor was
remodeled into living quarters.
Jimmy John’s wasn’t the only new
business downtown. Morgan’s Grill, Cafe
a La Art, and Vitality Vegan and Vegetarian
opened for business, making the
downtown area even more of a destination
for dining. Venerable downtown favorite
Arris’ Pizza expanded its footprint, and
Cafe Via Roma’s restored facade was a
perfect match to the business. Speaking
of perfect--Perfect Fit Boutique and High
Handsome brought more opportunities
for shopping downtown, adding to the
area’s resurgence.
Old Town continued to roll out the
red carpet for new businesses. Capital
Care Pharmacy (inside Capital Region
Medical Center) was established, and
the Dallmeyer Law Office located in the
much-improved 700 block of High Street.
In the historic Village Square (the former
Warwick Village), De Noveau Salon and
Finishing Touches became part of the
revived property.
New businesses and refurbished
buildings weren’t the only success stories.
2012 saw large increases in attendance
at events such as Thursday Night Live! in
Downtown, Blues, Brews and Brats and
Oktoberfest in Old Munichburg, and Cinco
de Mayo in the Ash Street area.
These community celebrations are
important, not only because they add to
the vibe of each area, but because they
are unique entertainment venues in their
own right. They add to economic activity
and make destinations of their locations.
At Thursday Night Live! alone, attendance
has more than doubled in the past two
years, bringing an estimated 20,000
StartUp Jefferson City
Register for the Spring
Fast Pitch Competition!
Saturday, April 27, 2013 – 9:00-11:30 a.m.
Doors open at 8:30 a.m
Capital Event Center, 623 Ohio Street,
Jefferson City, MO
FREE. Registration is required. Seating is limited.
Pitch your business idea in 3 minutes or less and win your
share of the $2,000 prize money.
Review: The Startup Pitch: Essential Elements.
persons to the downtown area during
Finally, the Chamber’s community
development program include efforts to
enhance our area’s transportation system.
To that end, 2012 saw the completion of
Mission Drive, which is the site of the
new St. Mary’s Hospital. New J-turns on
Highway 54 south of Jefferson City made
at-grade crossings much more safe.
After much behind-the-scenes work, the
Lafayette Street Interchange was added to
the state’s transportation improvement
plan. Ground breakings occurred on the
new section of Highway 50 to Linn (a $30
million project) and at Osage City, where a
new railroad bridge over the Osage River
is under construction. Many sidewalk
improvements also were completed in
2012, including new sidewalks on Missouri
Boulevard and Broadway Street.
In the midst of tepid economy, much
has been accomplished. Still, there is
much more to do in 2013!
MoDOT Reception and Presentation scheduled
Plans are underway for this year’s
MoDOT Reception and Presentation.
These are annual events at which
Jefferson City area residents and
leaders visit with the Missouri Highways
and Transportation Commission and
MoDOT staff about new and ongoing
transportation needs.
“We are thrilled to have this chance to
have one-on-one conversations with our
state partners regarding transportation,”
said Mark Mehmert, Community
Development Manager with the Jefferson
City Area Chamber of Commerce. “An
excellent transportation system is
absolutely essential to our economic
development efforts. It’s difficult to
overstate transportation’s importance to
the economic vitality of our area.”
New Members
AAA Insurance of Missouri
Michael Jones
140 Bolton Dr.
Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 692-0085
Window Replacement
BFE Productions Group
Cris Ferguson
710 Maywood Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 616-1788
Video & Multimedia Production
Replacement windows can make
your home more energy efficient
and add beauty and value!
We employ our own professional,
experienced installation crews.
Our estimates are free and accurate.
Call Jennifer or Allan before you
buy anywhere else!
Canterbury Hill Winery &
DJ Drury
1707 S. Summit Dr.
Holts Summit, MO
The MoDOT reception will be held
the evening of Tuesday April 30th
starting with a reception at 6:00 p.m.
and dinner starting at 7:00 p.m. This
year’s reception will be held at the
Noren Access in North Jefferson City and
includes a tour of the river by barge. The
Chamber’s Transportation Committee
will make a formal presentation to the
MoDOT Highways and Transportation
Commission meeting the following
morning, May 1st.
Tickets to the reception are $75,
are available to the public and can be
obtained by contacting Ashley D’Eagle
Temme at 573-638-3590 or in person at the
Jefferson City Area Chamber of Commerce
office located at 213 Adams St.
The Jefferson City Area Chamber of Commerce extends a warm
welcome to individuals and firms who have recently joined the
Chamber to help promote the development and enhance the
economy of the Jefferson City area.
(573) 896-8966
Deb Phillips
2009 St. Marys Blvd.
Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 556-3820
Business Records
Management (Government)
Missouri Community
College Association
Zora Mulligan
200 E. McCarty St., Ste.
Jefferson City, MO 65101
(573) 634-8787
Photobooth Celebrations LLC
Debbie Cheshire
P.O. Box 105365
Jefferson City, MO 65110
(573) 338-0911
Subway - Route C
Matt Patel
1850 Route C, Suite D
Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 636-0303
Will West Music & Sound
Will West
807 Missouri Blvd.
Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 635-7777
Music Stores
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Jeff Carr
2 0 1 3 A P R I L C H A M B E R T O D AY
w w w . j e f f e r s o n c i t y c h a m b e r. o r g
Jefferson City Area Chamber TODAY
Keeping our eye on the ball – business attraction
It seems as though
winter just won’t end
this year but spring
is definitely in the air!
When I think of spring,
Missy Bonnot
one of the first thoughts
Director, Economic
I have, besides Reese’s
peanut butter eggs, is
baseball! I come from a big sports family
with my father being a football player and
a former golden gloves boxer in Memphis,
Tennessee, my two brothers and I playing sports and both my children playing
multiple sports. My son, who is a junior in
high school, went to Fort Pierce, Florida,
to play baseball during spring break with
his team, so baseball monopolizes many
of our conversations!
other community but 10,000 economic
development organizations!
In 2012 we had more “at bats” than in
past years. In fact, we worked 36 business
attraction projects which is more activity
than the last two years combined. Those
projects represented many different sectors from Advanced Manufacturing to
Information Technology. One particular
software project would have started with
15 jobs while 700 jobs would have been
created for a food processing facility.
Some companies prefer a greenfield
site, ranging from 10-200 acres, while others prefer saving some time and resources
and are focused on available existing
buildings. In 2007, the Chamber put resources into constructing a 50,000 square
foot speculative building in the PartnerThe process of business attraction
ship Business Park off of Militia Drive and
is a bit like a baseball game. You have
since that time 24 attraction projects have
“at-bats” with pitches, strikes, and balls.
shown interest in the facility. In addition,
Sometimes you get on base, sometimes
8 existing businesses from our region
you get thrown out, but hitting a homehave toured and expressed a high interest
run is a rare occurrence. People who
in the building. The spec building continaren’t avid fans often just look at the final
ues to be a tool in our economic developscore, but if you follow baseball, you are
ment toolbox and is a valuable incentive.
probably interested in the “stats” such
Business Attraction is a long process.
as batting averages, ERA’s, RBI’s, innings
It takes years to develop a lead and for
pitched, etc. The managers and coaches
that lead to turn into a project and hopeanalyze these stats to determine how their
fully, turn into a new business location.
team is doing and use these stats to put
For example, I met with an Information
together a winning strategy. In the end,
Technology company back in 2008 and
the game is less about the homeruns than
discussed the possibilities of the comit is putting a string of hits together to get
pany expanding to Jefferson City. The
a win.
company works very closely with several
A big difference between baseball
Jefferson City based businesses and they
and business attraction, however, is our
felt the need to have a presence in our
community is not playing against just one community.
Several years went by, but I stayed in
contact with them, and eventually they
located one employee to Jefferson City
based out of her home. This past year
we worked with them to identify available
office space, and they currently have 5
employees with plans to expand to 18 employees in the next several years. While
this project isn’t as large as IBM locating
to Columbia, this type of company is the
backbone of our community. Today they
may only be 5 employees but several
years down the road they very well may
have 30-40 or more employees. While this
may not appear to be a “home run” for
business attraction, it is a string of hits
eventually scoring a run.
Chamber Attraction Projects
Just as the baseball manager uses a lot
of strategy to win a game, the Chamber
needs a winning strategy for business
attraction. A baseball manager may use a
pitcher to throw to only one batter, or he
may put in a pinch hitter to face a particular pitcher. The general manager uses a
lot of strategy in putting together a team
with the right players for each position,
considering carefully what is needed to
build a winning team.
Chamber Projects for Spec Building
Realizing we needed to improve our
strategy, in 2007 we began putting more
resources into economic development
as Randy Allen discusses in his article
in this edition. Each year, we evaluate
our strategy and how we are using those
resources. In 2013 we are dressed out
for the game, have hit a few singles and
doubles and in the future we will be ready
for our homerun.
Local payroll numbers rise due to 2012 expansion activity
The Chamber’s existing business program
continues to work with
local employers to identify expansion opportunities for sustainable
job growth. Since 2007,
Existing Business
when the Chamber
substantially increased
its emphasis on existing
business, Jefferson City and Cole County
have experienced considerable increases
in jobs, capital investment and payroll.
Over the same time period, the Chamber
worked closely with a number of local
manufacturers to add 649 new jobs to the
community with an estimated $22.1 million increase in new payroll. In addition
to increases in new jobs and payroll, private investment by our local manufacturers eclipsed the $145 million mark. All this
has been realized during one of the worst
economic recession the United States has
experienced since the Great Depression.
From 2007 to 2012, 85% of Jefferson
City’s principal manufacturing/distribution operations experienced growth due
to expansion activity. To what factors can
we attribute these increases? When companies are considering an expansion, their
wish list differs depending on their overall
need. Our local manufacturers point
directly to our educated workforce, solid
work ethic, central location and low cost
of doing business as reasons why existing
companies expand in Jefferson City.
How did expansion activity in 2012
Chamber Business Expansion Projects
compare to previous years? Expansion
activity persisted with announcements by
Unilever and Alpla, Inc. of Jefferson City.
Unilever is currently in the process of
increasing the number of production lines
as well as adding 50,000 square feet of
production space to their Truman Boulevard plant. Upon completion, the improvements will allow Unilever to increase their
current employment to the tune of 61 new
jobs. In addition to Unilever’s expansion,
Alpla, Inc. announced their intention to
add a production line which will ultimately increase employment levels by 25 positions over the coming months. Capital
investment for both expansion projects
will surpass $26 million and new payroll
to the community is estimated to be $3.1
Incentives provided at the state and
local level played a significant role in each
company’s decision to expand. Local
incentives were offered and accepted by
both Unilever and Alpla, Inc. in the form
of property tax abatement via the Chapter
100 Industrial Bond program, which offers
local governments within Missouri an opportunity to abate only the new portion of
property taxes generated by new capital
investments. In addition, the Chamber
assisted in the facilitation of two state incentives programs offered by the Missouri
Department of Economic Development.
Missouri’s Customized Training Program
provides grant funds to help offset training costs associated with new hires and
retraining for existing employees. Alpla,
Inc. and Unilever received a combined
total of $67,000 in training funds which
helped to offset costs associated with the
addition of new employees. In addition,
Alpla, Inc. will receive $124,711 in Enhanced Enterprise Zone tax credits over
a five year period based on new payroll
and capital investment. Alpla, Inc. is the
fourth local manufacturer to have received state tax credits via the Enhanced
Enterprise Zone Program since Cole
County received its designation in 2009.
Training new and existing employees
is critical for all manufacturing operations and Missouri’s Customized Training
Program offers eligible companies funding to help offset these expenditures. In
fiscal year 2013, Missouri appropriated
$14.5 million dollars via the Missouri Job
Development Fund (Missouri Customized
Training Program). Seven manufacturers
located in Cole County received a total of
$242,000 in Customized Training Funds.
Since 2007, local manufacturing operations have received over $1.4 million in
Missouri Customized Training Funds.
Again, these funds are immensely beneficial to employers and employees alike
because ongoing training and retraining is
vital to the success of our local manufacturing sector.
The sustainable job growth numbers
for 2012 were encouraging. As we look
to the future, the Chamber’s existing
business program will continue to work
with our local companies to assist them
in identifying training grants, tax credits,
and other incentives that will impact their
workforce and expansion opportunities.
Leading the way
with First Class service, attention to detail,
and experienced professionals is a hallmark
at Millard Family Chapels.
Construction of new loading docks is nearing completion at Unilever. The company is adding production
lines and 50,000 sq. ft. of production space.
Economic continued from page 1
infrastructure at the Partnership Business Park. This includes land purchase
($2.3mm), construction of a 50,000 square
foot spec building ($608k), utilities and
road construction ($672k), certified site
planning and permitting ($309k), ongoing maintenance and utilities expenses
($188k),, and the cost for providing the
key economic study necessary to secure
MoDOT funding of $6mm for the Mission
Drive / 179 interchange ($40k).
The Jefferson City Area Chamber of
Commerce continues to be proud of its
Economic Development Program on behalf of its 2000 members and the citizens
of Jefferson City and Cole County. We look
forward to the future as we work hard
toward economic growth and prosperity.
Next month we will discuss in more
detail the ROI (return on investment) of
this work.
Jefferson City Area Chamber of Commerce Ser ving the Community Since 1893
It has been our life’s passion to help
families just like yours through some of
their most difficult times.
The Leader in Excellence
Jefferson City Area Chamber TODAY
Build your business network...join the Chamber!
professionals in the Jefferson City area
that can help a business be successful.
On April 1 the Chamber kicked off its
membership drive “Build Your Business
Network. Join the Chamber”. Twelve
teams totaling 120 volunteers will be contacting businesses to share the benefits of
membership and offer them a $60 savings
off dues. It’s a win, win situation for the
business. Save money and meet a fellow
area business person. If you would like to
meet with a Chamber volunteer and learn
how to put the Chamber Network to work
for you, contact Susan Neill Albert at the
Chamber but
hurry….the drive ends May 31.
Joining the Chamber is an investment in
your business and your community…it’s
up to you how you use your membership!
Chairman Joe Scheppers (center) with Membership Drive team members: Stephanie Lehmen, JCMG;
Mark Boyer, Three Rivers Electric; Cyndy Schnieders, Central Bank; and Bob Fennewald, HyVee
People like to do business with someone they know. Quite simply, it adds a
level of trust to the business transaction.
In addition to boosting confidence, doing
business with someone you know is more
enjoyable. Let’s call it the “Norm fac-
tor” from Cheers…you want to go where
everybody knows your name! And the
Chamber can help you do that.
You will boost name recognition and
expand contacts by joining the Chamber. The Chamber is over 1,800 business
Membership Drive co-chairs Roger Dudenhoeffer, Jefferson Bank, and Donna Deetz, Clickj2Sell4U,
lead a team training session.
Brian Berhorst
Tim Hagenhoff
First Financial
Credit Union,
won a door
prize from our
March sponsor,
Panera Bread.
Ski Mariea
Relationship Banking at its Best!
7:30 a.m. at the Chamber
Friday, April 12
Sponsored by:
Kelly VanLoo
Friday, May 10
Sponsored by:
Shelly Pierson
Wardsville - 573-635-0019 • Holts Summit - 573-896-4790
Belle - 573-859-3399 • Linn - 573-897-2211 • Meta - 573-229-4256
How does the Jefferson City
News Tribune stack up to other
U.S. newspapers?
News Paper
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Des Moines Register
Gannett Wisconsin Papers*
Jefferson City News Tribune
New Orleans Times-Picayune
Syracuse Post-Standard
Buffalo News
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Washington Post
Richmond Times-Dispatch
Louisville Courier-Journal
Arizona Daily Star
Cincinnati/Kentucky Enquirer
Kansas City Star
San Antonio Express-News
Columbus Dispatch
Chattanooga Times Free Press
El Paso Times
% Market
Thank you for making
News Tribune one of the best
read newspapers per capita!
81% of Cole County residents
read the News Tribune
in print or online.
*2011 Media Audit
2012 State of News Media, Pew Research
w w w . j e f f e r s o n c i t y c h a m b e r. o r g
Jefferson City Area Chamber TODAY
Thursday, April 18
4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Media Sponsor
Members Making Connections . . .
Special thanks to Ria’s Restaurant & Lounge and AERODRY for
co-sponsoring the March Chamber Connections. Thanks also to
KAT Country 94.3 for serving as the media sponsor.
Madison’s Café
Huber & Associates
Rob Agee, Owner/Manager
216 Madison Street
Christos Totsikas, Ria’s Restaurant & Lounge,
presents Rosetta Sommers, Sommers Interiors, with a door prize.
Will West, Will West Music & Sound, won a door
prize presented by Christos Totsikas, Ria’s
Restaurant & Lounge.
Melissa Dunn, AERODRY, presents Roger
Dudenhoeffer, Jefferson Bank, with a door
Dayla Penn and Denny Atwell, both with
Aire Serv Heating & Air Conditioning, were the
winners of the Chamber Buddies Drawing.
Monday-Thursday 11AM-9PM, Friday
11AM-10PM, Saturday 4:30PM-10:00PM
Years in Business: 31
House Specialty: Italian/American:
Everything on the menu!
Appetizers, salads, steaks, seafood,
sandwiches, soups, pasta and scrumptious desserts
Surprises on the horizon; new menu
items like crème brulee; food and wine
pairings; use seasonal
produce and products from local farm,
garden, and grower to table whenever possible.
Health Care Reform Update
Jim & Elizabeth Huber
1400 Edgewood Dr., Jefferson City, MO 65109
27 Years in Business
IT services/Huber Advantage,
software, hardware, networking, custom
application development
You might recognize the name, but
have you experienced the service? Huber
& Associates is proud to provide Huber
Advantage, the complete IT package
including network administration, remote
backup, outlook business email, proactive
technology management and help desk
Sign Up Today
Start Saving at the Pump!
EASY AS 1, 2, 3
Presenter – Ryan Barker, Director of Health Policy,
Missouri Foundation for Health
Date – April 24th (yes, this is a Wednesday)
John Lipskoch, was named 2012 Exceptional
support all for one price. Instead of hiring
your own IT person, utilize our service
which features dozens of certified technicians in all areas of IT. Stop tolerating
other non-responsive IT companies and
partner with Huber & Associates for best
in class, worry-free IT service and support.
SHOP the Hy-Vee
Fuel SaverTM items.
EARN a Hy-Vee
Fuel SaverTM discount
with each item purchased.
SAVE on fuel when you
swipe your Hy-Vee Fuel
SaverTM card at the pump.
Chamber Building
Cost - $10 members - $15 non-members
Lunch will be provided. Hy-Vee Fuel SaverTM
now accepted at
of Cole County
residents planning
to purchase a home
in the next two years read the News Tribune
in print or online.
*2011 Media Audit
Jefferson City Area Chamber of Commerce Ser ving the Community Since 1893
2 0 1 3 A P R I L C H A M B E R T O D AY
Jefferson City Area Chamber TODAY
Leadership Jefferson City 2013
The Leadership Jefferson City Class
of 2013 began their Diversity Day at Page
Library on the Lincoln University campus.
The class learned about the history of
Lincoln University and the many proud
achievements of the school, its programs
and its students. After touring the campus, the class travelled to the Providence
Bank Community Room and enjoyed a
Jamaican lunch with international deserts.
They heard from several guest speakers
and participated in various activities designed to increase their awareness of our
community’s diversity. A special thank
you is extended to the session coordinators: Hank Vogt, Re/MAX of Jefferson
City; Georgeta Dacila, JC Multicultural
Forum; Judy Healy-Mendez, JC Multicultural Form; and Angela Martin, Lincoln
University. The JC Multicultural Forum
was the session sponsor.
Partners in Education Appreciation
Banquet to be held Tuesday, April 30
“Partnerships”… “Priceless” is the
theme of this year’s Partners in Education Appreciation Banquet scheduled for
Tuesday, April 30 at the Truman Hotel &
Conference Center. Guest speaker is John
Ruth, JCPS School Board member. Youth
Service and CHARACTERplus® Awards
will be presented to area students along
with the Program of Excellence Award
recognizing outstanding school/business
The Partners in Education Committee’s
Co-Chair is Lori Massman, Scholastic, Inc.
Serving on the committee: Amy Coffey,
Jefferson Bank of Missouri; Karen Enloe,
JCPS Foundation; Debbie Farris, Missouri American Water; Debbie Hamler,
Special Learning Center; Theresa McCellan, William Woods University; Mallory
McGowin, Jefferson City Public Schools;
Angela Nale, Central Bank and Amy Re-
inkemeyer, Ascend
Business Strategies. Sponsors for
the event include;
Alpla, Central Bank,
Hawthorn Bank, Jefferson Bank, Lincoln
University, Missouri
American Water,
Modine, Scholastic Inc., Unilever, and
William Woods University. The Characterplus sponsor is Scholastic. Tickets for the
banquet are $16/person. Reservations
are available on the Chamber’s website: or by contacting Dana Struemph: 638-3589.
The Partners in Education (PIE) program has grown to over 70 business/education partnerships. For more information about the PIE program, contact Dana
Struemph at the Chamber.
Membership Meeting gives members
opportunity to take the spotlight
The Leadership Jefferson City Class of
2013 began their Technology Day by visiting the Christopher S. Bond United State
Courthouse, enjoyed learning about Central Technology Services, then traveled to
Linn State Technical College for lunch and
a campus tour, and ended the day with
a visit to Modern-Litho Print. A special
thank you to the session coordinators;
Scott Peters, Linn State Technical College and Jill Hansen, Central Technology
Services, along with the session sponsor;
Jefferson City Information Technology Coalition and Linn State Technical College.
Dr. Lora Folz, Janet Wear-Enloe, and Dr. Amanda Rodemann with JCMG, with Warren Krech, KWOS News Radio
Over 170 members gathered on March
20 to celebrate the Chamber’s 120 years of
progress. Our presenting sponsor, JCMG,
is celebrating 20 years in our community
and several other business birthdays
were recognized as well. The networking
luncheon is an opportunity for members
to enjoy a short program featuring an update on Chamber activities, a presenting
sponsor spotlight, and announcements
from members. The event took on a festive and fun atmosphere with table sponsors decorating their tables in various
themes designed to highlight their business or organization. Members were also
given a chance to promote their business
Regina Ruppert, Serenity Valley Winery and Kris Nocula, Kim’s Nail Salon.
Over 170 members attended the luncheon.
through door prize giveaways. Media
sponsor for the event was Zimmer Radio
Group, featuring Warren Krech, KWOS
News Radio 950 as emcee. The next membership meeting will be held in October.
2013 Capital City People’s Choice
Missouri Wine Competition
May 21, 2013
5:30 – 8:30pm,
Lincoln University
Contact: Tyler Beck, Leadership
Jefferson City 2013 , (573) 301-2077
Hosted by: Leadership Jefferson City 2013
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