HOW TO SET UP YOUR INTEC.ME E-‐MAIL ACCOUNT Please note: You may find that the process described below is slightly different from the one you will experience. Do not worry about this. As long as you follow the on-‐screen instructions, you will set up your account s uccessfully! 1. Go to h ttp:// The page should look like this: 2. Log in to Windows Live by using your e-‐mail a ddress and password. Your e-‐mail address will b e your s tudent number So if your s tudent number is 1000198768, then your e-‐mail address will be Your initial password is 999999. Please note: Since we have already created your account, you must use the s ign in function, n ot the sign u p function. After you have s igned in, you will b e asked to verify your information and to create a new password. You will go through the following process: 3. Verify your information. Here, insert your initial password, which is 999999. 4. Change your password. Choose a new password that you’ll use to log in to Windows Live. You can also decide to make your password expire every 72 days. You will then b e required to change your password every 72 days. Then press submit. 5. Set your Country/region and b irth year. 6. Read the Windows Live s ervice agreement and Privacy Statement, and then click on I accept. 7. You will then get the following screen: Click the Sign in t o Windows Live button. 8. You will then get the login screen a gain. Please type in your username and your n ew password that you’ve just created. Then click on the Sign in button. 9. You will then s ee the following page: Here, s elect your language and time zone. If you are in South Africa, change the s ettings to the following: Then click OK. 10. You will then b e directed to your Outlook page. 11. If you click on Options ( in the top right-‐hand corner), you will b e able to customise your Outlook. Here, you can insert your address details and telephone numbers (if you want to). You can also link other email addresses to this one, such as your Hotmail or Gmail account. 12. However, the most important s etting to change is to s et an additional email address for when you forget your password. F irst, click on Change your password. You will then s ee this screen, which will open in a n ew window: 13. Under Password reset information, click on the word Add n ext to Email: You should then enter an alternate email address where your password confirmation can b e s ent to when you forget your password. Then click on Add. 14. Now s et the d efault question you’ll b e asked when you forget your password. Click on the word Change n ext to Question: Default secret question? 15. Now type in your current password, s elect a secret question and then type in the answer to your s ecret question. Click on Save. You will b e s ent this question to verify your identity when you forget your password. 16. You will then b e asked to s ign in again: 17. Your account d etails will now b e u pdated and you will go back to this screen: From h ere, you can either simply close this window, or you click on the Profile link in the top right-‐hand corner to set up your p ersonal profile. Well done! You have now set up your mailbox, and you have s et up the process to receive your password to an a lternate email address, should you forget it. Now take your time and explore a ll the d ifferent functions provided b y Windows Live, such as how to manage your calendar, manage your contacts, and link to your Facebook profile from here. How to set up your SkyDrive 1. When you are logged in to Outlook Web Access, click on More, then click on SkyDrive: 2. You will now arrive a t your SkyDrive page: In S kyDrive you can save up to 25 GB of data. You can choose whether other p eople can s ee your data (under Public), or you can keep it private (under My Documents). Or you can share your files with s elected p eople only (under Shared F avorites).
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