How to Embed UK-AIR Forecasts in your website ( embed)

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
How to Embed UK-AIR Forecasts in your
Date in format: June 2013
Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 1
Functions ............................................................................................................................. 1
Instructions .......................................................................................................................... 1
This Beta development currently in evaluation allows users to embed up to date forecasts
into their own websites, tailored towards specific regions if required. The plug-in is aimed
at making it easier for forecast information to be disseminated to a wider audience, and to
increase the profile of UK air pollution forecasts.
All the options come with a link to the UK-AIR website for further information and data.
Where forecast pollution levels are given, a direct link to health advice and full forecasting
summaries is also provided. There are three different sizes of plug-in available, to allow
you to tailor the forecast to the style and space requirements of your website.
The options are summarised in the table from the webpage illustrated below. The table
defines the plug-in selections available on the website. A worked example of how to create
a plug-in is given below.
Step 1 – Select the options required
To embed the latest UK air pollution forecast in webpages, users should first select the
required size and detail of plug-in from the table as shown above (examples of each are
shown at the end of this guide).
Step 2 – Register for Updates
Then select the region required, by allowing the website to detect it automatically or by
ticking the default box, as shown below, for a full UK map. An email address is required to
allow you to be contacted if any upgrades to the site are released. This will not be shared
with any third parties under any circumstances.
Step 3 – Create the HTML code
By clicking the Create HTML code to embed button, an HTML code is created based on
the users selections above, as shown.
Step 4- Save the code
To preview the code you can copy and paste it into Notepad. Open a new, blank notepad
document and paste in the generated code from the Your code box.
To the front of the code, and
to the end. This then needs to be saved as an .html file. To do this go to save as, select All
Files (*.*) from the save type and add .html to the file name as shown.
Step 5 – Preview and Testing
The html file saved under step 4 can then be opened in your browser or word for preview
and testing of the plug-in functionality.
The example forecast plug-in created in this worked example is a large map for the whole
of the UK as illustrated in the figure below.
By clicking on any region you will get a more detailed forecast for that region, in the same
format as the Slim plug-in, illustrated for the South West region below. Examples of the
two other available plug-ins, Slim and Button are shown to the right.
Clockwise from Right, Button plug in, Slim for North East and the
regional output for the South West from the worked example.
Step 6 - Implementation
To add the code to a website it will need to be copied and then given to the respective
webmaster to be added to the relevant page.
For more help please contact the developers by email through
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