How to log into College network and E-bridge

How to log into College network and E-bridge
In the College, Press CTRL-ALT-DELETE and login onto a College computer by
using username: cu+number from your ID card and password: ddmmyy,
e.g. 021282 (if you were born on 2nd December 1982)
Once you login, click on Internet Explorer and E-bridge will open as home page.
E-Bridge Login, click on the Login icon
You will find your ‘cu’
number on your ID card
For your password
enter your date of birth
in a DD/MM/YY format.
From home or elsewhere, go to the College website
and click E-bridge or simply search for E-Bridge in Google.
Important information on
1. Health and Safety
2. Equality and Diversity
3. Additional Learning Support
4. Financial Support
5. Exams
6. Student mentors and enrichment
Your student email
e.g. username:
password: ddmmyy, e.g. 021282
My Home= Your courses
and Messages
IT and e-Learning
Information about the Library,
Flex and useful resources
and e-Books for your course.
College Website
Click on My Home. You will now be looking at:
1. Any messages received from other users.
Click on Messages if you want to send a message
or create a contact list for your friends and teachers.
2. A list of the courses you are enrolled on.
3. The calendar showing assignment deadlines and
upcoming events.
4. My profile which you can edit.
5. My private files.
Click on your course, e.g. Beauty WorkSkills.
In your course you can find:
1. Assignment briefs and
online assignment
2. Presentations, interactive
resources, videos, links,
quizzes and course
3. Forum where you can chat
with your teacher and
peers and see news and
important announcements
about your course.