GPT Script Tutorial How to Manage E-Mail Advertisements Page 1 of 10

GPT Script Tutorial
How to Manage
E-Mail Advertisements
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How To Manage E-Mail Advertisements:
Login on your site:
Admin login:
In the menu on the top you can see Adminarea
Click on it to go to the admin area.
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Go to Ads
Ad Management
First lets Add a new advertisement:
Click on Add a New Advertisement
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Choose your Type of Advertisement (choose mail)
Now you can enter all the required fields.
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If your member buys an advertisement they can track their ad stats
The Name of the Advertisement
The URL of the Advertisement (the website where your members will go
when they click on the advertisement)
Is not relevant because it is a mail advertisement, you leave it blank
Starting Date
The Date and Time that the Advertisement starts
(only between the Startingdate and Ending date the
Advertisement will be visible and clickable)
Ending Date
The Date and Time that the Advertisement Ends.
You can easily choose the dates with the build in
Maximum Visitors
The Maximum Number of Visitors that can earn a reward for visiting the
Reward in Points
The Reward your member gets for visiting the advertisement.
Reward in Cash
The Reward your member gets for visiting the advertisement
If you leave an option blank your member won't get that type of reward.
VIP Reward
The Reward a VIP member gets.
Time in seconds
The Time in seconds when a member can get a new reward for the visiting
the same advertisement. (3600 = 1 hour / 86400 = 1 day / 604800 = 1 week)
Click on Add and your advertisement will be placed.
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You can see your advertisement in the overview list, here you can edit, copy or delete your
Also you can see the reward a member gets and the remaining visitors your advertisement can get.
Now that we have created the e-mail advertisement, we need to create the actual e-mail.
In the TOP menu, you choose Ads → Mails
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Click on: Add new ad
E-mails can be made with the WYSIWYG-editor
Been Sent:
Here you pick the advertisement you want the members to visit
The title of the mail
Has the e-mail been sent (when you edit a e-mail you can alter this)
Here you put everything you want, easily with the build in WYSIWYG editor.
If you want to use HTML-code you can click on html and use code instead of the
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Click on Add, and you e-mail advertisement has been made.
On the Overview page you can see the advertisement.
You can send the mail by clicking on No in the Been Sent Tab
You can also Edit or Delete the mail by clicking on the icons.
When you click on No, the email will be send to all members.
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Members that receive mails in their inbox will be able to watch the e-mails there.
Because <h1> tag is being used on the site, you should never use a <h1> tag in your e-mails this
will corrupt the layout of the mail in your inbox.
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Do you have any questions or suggestions please contact us:
Saffierlaan 74
3162 PL Rhoon
The Netherlands
KvK: 51652242
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