AOL: Scheduling an Event Calendar gives you the option of scheduling a one-time event, such as a party, as well as repeating events, such as monthly bingo, weekly soccer practice, and the like. This section describes how to schedule a one-time event; to create a repeating event, see Scheduling a Repeating Event You can quickly add a new event to your calendar by typing directly in the calendar area where you want to schedule the event, or you can use the Add Event button. To schedule an event by typing directly on your calendar 1. 2. Point to the place on your calendar where you want to schedule the event. Click and hold the left mouse button to stretch the event across the appropriate time slots, then release the left mouse button. Type here appears in the calendar time slot that you created. 3. Type the title of the event, then press Return. The event appears on your calendar. 4. To add additional details regarding the event, click the event to display the View or Edit an Event screen, in which you can type event details, specify reminders and repeating event details, and share the event with friends and family. To schedule an event through the Add a New Event screen 1. In one of the calendar views -- Month, Week, or Day -- click Add Event. The Add a New Event screen appears. 2. To schedule the event on a different calendar, click the down arrow next to the Calendar label and select the calendar you want to use. 3. Click the text box next to Title and type the name of the event as you want it to appear on the calendar. 4. Type or select the date and time of the event. If the event is an all-day activity or has no specific start time, click No specific time so the event appears above the timed events on the calendar display. 5. To receive a reminder, click the Remind me box and select the amount of time in advance of the event when you want to receive the reminder. To specify reminder delivery -- e-mail, Instant Message, or cellular phone -- click the Edit link that appears to the right of the Reminder line. 6. To share the event information with friends and family, for example, if this event is a family gathering, click the Share this event link. The Tell a Friend screen appears. You can specify screen names and e-mail addresses ( to which you want to send information about the event, and recipients can with a single click add the event to their calendars. 7. When you finish specifying the event information, click Save. Outlook: 1 Open the Microsoft Outlook program and go to the Calendar bar on the lower left hand side of the screen. This will bring up your personal/professional calendar. You can view this calendar by day, work week, week or month. To schedule a meeting, you should be looking at the "day" view. 2 Choose from the calendar on the left side of the screen the date you would like to schedule the meeting. Click on whatever date you choose. On the right hand side of the screen your calendar for that day will appear and be arranged by time of day. It is arranged in half hour increments. So, for example, if you want to schedule a meeting for ten o'clock that day, put your cursor next to the ten o'clock time frame so that it is highlighted. 3 Double click on the highlighted section. A box will pop up on your screen that says "Untitled Appointment." There are two tabs in the appointment planner. The one that opens automatically will be the appointment tab. Here you can insert all of the important information regarding the meeting. Fill out the subject line with the reason for the meeting and fill out the location line with where the meeting will be held. Under that section is the time and date. Make sure that this section displays the correct time and date of your meeting. 4 Click on the scheduling tab to invite attendees once all of the appointment information has been inserted. On the left hand side of the screen in the box that says "All Attendees," you can insert the email addresses ( of the people who are supposed to attend the meeting. If you are adding a contact from your address book, you can click at the bottom of the screen on the left hand side where it says "Add Others" and choose the "Add from Address Book" option. This will bring up your contacts and you can click on the names of the people who should be in attendance. 5 Go to the top left hand side of the screen once all of the information is included and click on the "Send Invite" button found under the "File" button on the tool bar. This will send the meeting invite out to the people you sent it to. They have the option to accept, modify or deny your meeting request. You will receive a response back by email with the reply. Read more: How to Set Up a Meeting Using Microsoft Outlook | how_4494055_set-up-meeting-using-microsoft.html#ixzz1LJsALRqJ Outlook Express: Instructions ◦ 1 The Calendar Icon Double click the desktop icon for the Microsoft Outlook Express program. Navigate your mouse pointer to the lower left corner of the window and click the "Calendar" icon. 2 The Calendar Locate the specific date you want to work with. It will appear in the upper-left side of the window. Click on the left and right arrows to navigate between months, then click on the number corresponding to the day you need to access. ◦ 3 The Time Panel Find the time of the day you want to set an appointment or reminder for in the panel on the right side of the window. Use the scroll bar at the right to navigate between the 24 hours in the specific date you have selected. Double click the half hour slot you want to work with to bring up a new appointment window. ◦ 4 The Appointment Window Type in the name of the appointment or reminder you need to set in the "Subject" text box. Type the address of the appointment in the "Location" text box. Click the "End Time" drop-down box if the meeting is scheduled to be longer than a half hour and choose the exact ending time. Click the "All Day" box if the appointment will last the entire work day. ◦ 5 The Recurrence Button Click the "Save and Close" icon to save the meeting to the calendar. Double click the name of the meeting in the time panel to bring the window back up. Click the "Recurrence" icon at the top of the window if you need the appointment to appear on a regular basis. Click the radio button that corresponds to the frequency of the appointment, such as "Daily," "Weekly" or "Monthly." Click on the check boxes for specific days of the week if it will not occur every day. Choose the "No End Date" option if the reminder will continue forever or choose an end date from the drop-down box if the reminder needs to stop at a specific date. Click "OK." ◦ 6 Choose the "Invite Attendees" option at the left corner of the window if you want to send the appointment to another person's Outlook calendar. Click on the "To" field and choose an email address ( from your address book or type the email address in the "To" field. Type a message into the large text box at the center of the window if you want a message to accompany the invitation. Click "Send" to send the invitation. Read more: How to Use the Calendar in Outlook Express | http:// Google/Gmail/Droid phones: Invite guests to your event Share Comment Print Google Calendar lets you create invitations for special events, send those invitations to friends, and keep track of responses and comments all in one place. To invite someone to your event, just follow these steps: 1. Click on the event (or create a new event) and select Edit event details (alternatively, you can click on the event's name to open the event details page). 2. In the Guests section on the right, enter the email address of each of your guests ( and click Add. You'll see each guest appear under the Added section below. 3. Select the appropriate options for your guests under the Guests can section. 4. Click Save. 5. In the Send invitations? pop-up window that appears, click Send if you'd like to notify your guests of the event; if you do not want to notify your guests, click Don't send. If you have shared access to others' calendars, check out the Find a time feature to learn how to schedule events easily. Please note that guests who use Google Calendar will receive an invitation based on their own notification settings. Get assistance from other users in the Google Calendar Help Forum. Review our known issues page. For those using a Droid Phone, Create an appointment in your calendar, then in the place where it says “Who:” Type in the email address of the recipient ( You will be notified if the appointment has gone through via email. Please remember if your phone isn’t set to auto sync with the system, you have to sync it once you complete the appointment, otherwise we won’t be notified. If you don’t receive an email from us, you didn’t get through... Entourage2008 Cal endar Accessing Your Calendar Toopenthecalendar,eitherclickonthecalendariconinthe baratthetopofthepage,orclickoncalendarinthe navigationpanel. Tomovefrommonthtomonthinthecalendar,clickontheleft andrightarrowkeysoneithersideofthenameofthemonth atthetopofthecalendarinthebottomoftheNavigation Pane.Youcanaccessdifferentdaysinthecalendarbyselecting thespecificdatefromthecalendarontheNavigationPane. Youcanalsomovefromonedaytothenextbyclickingonthe arrowkeysatthetop,leftͲhandcorneroftheindividualday, weekormonth. Byclickingoniconsinthebaratthetopofthepage,youcan choosebetweenviewingaday,workweek,weekormonth calendar.Alsoyoucanviewtodayonlyoraspecificdate. Types of Calendar Entries Nowthatyouseeyourcalendar,youcanstartscheduling. Understandingthethreedifferenttypesofcalendarentries inEntouragewillhelpyoudothisefficientlyandeffectively. Appointment.Anappointmentisanactivitythatinvolves onlyyou,atascheduledtime.AppointmentscanbereͲ curring. Meeting.Ameetingalsooccursatascheduledtime,but youinviteotherpeoplebyusingameetingrequestsent viaeͲmail.Meetingscanberecurring. Event.Aneventisanactivitythatlastsallday.Eventscan beallͲdaymeetings,outͲofͲtownconferences,vacation time,etc. Creating an Entry Tocreateacalendarentry: x ClickonthearrownexttotheNEWbutton. x SelectCalendarEvent x TypetheSubjectandLocationoftheappointment.Ifyouare schedulingameeting,clickontheInvitebutton.TypetheeͲ mailaddressesfortheinviteesintheToboxandthenclick ADD. x SelectthedesiredStartandEnddateandtimefromthedropͲ downlist.ThenumberofminutesforthemeetingisthendisͲ playedautomatically.SpecifyanallͲdayeventbyclickingon thatcheckbox. x Otherfieldsyoumaychoosetoupdateinclude: 1.Busy,Free,Tentative,Free,OutofOffice: Toletothersknowwhetheryouareavailableduring thistime,youcanchoosefromtheseoptions:Busy, Free,Tentative,orOutofOffice. 2.Recurrence:ThisbuttonallowsyoutomaketheappointͲ mentormeetingyouareschedulingtorecuronaregular basis.Entouragedefaultstoonceonly. 3.Reminders:Thissettingreflectshowlongbeforethestart ofaneventyouwillbenotifiedviaaneͲmailandapopͲup message. 4.TravelTime:Thissettingallowsyoutobuildintraveltime oneithersideofanappointment. 5.Categories:Tosetacolor category,chooseacolorfrom thecategorylist.Youcanalso providenamesforthecolor categoriesbychoosingAll Categoriesfromthelist. I know the above information didn’t do much in the way of telling you how to create the invitation, but if you look on the first page of the Entourage information under 2., you will see in the upper left corner of the picture they provided, the little icon you click to send the appointment information as an invitation. Once you click that, you will be asked to enter recipients, this means the email address: Below is some more detailed information on responding through the Entourage app. Entourage2008 Cal endar /#0$1)2()3.%1.4##%()3.5),(%+%(1)0. !"#$%&'#&$#($)*+,#%-&+($.'##/($01#2+#%/3/"# '##/($04(**.+/&'./().**-.$,(''#,(./#*-5#.,,#,/& -&+1).*#$,.167$/(*-&+8(#4.$,1#%9&$,/&/"#'##/($0 ($8(/./(&$3/"#'##/($04(**.99#.1($-&+1).*#$,.1.% !"#$%$&'"6:&+4(**.*%&1#)#(8#/"#($8(/./(&$($/"#;&1' &;.$#Ͳ'.(*.%<($04"#/"#1-&+4&+*,*(<#/&= !"# !""#$%# $"# &#"'()#### %"# &'()*+,-#,.+,#/012#+,,-'(+'*-#)3#*#)%+%(,#"## # # # # # # # # &4#/01#!""#$%#,.-#)'5),+,)0'6# +'#+**-7,+'*-#-8+)9#:)99#;-# 3-',#;+*<#,0#,.-#2-=1-3,026#+'(# ,.-#8--,)'>#:)99#;-#+1,08+,)? *+99/#17(+,-(#)'#/012#*+9-'(+2# 4208#+#,-',+,)5-#8--,)'>#,0#+#(-4)'),-#8--,)'>"# # &4#/01#&#"'()##,.-#)'5),+,)0'6#+'#-8+)9#:)99#;-#3-',#,0#,.-#2-? =1-3,02#)'()*+,)'>#/01#:)99#'0,#;-#)'#+,,-'(+'*-6#+'(#,.-#8--,)'># :)99#;-#+1,08+,)*+99/#2-805-(#4208#/012#*+9-'(+2"# &4#/01#*#)%+%(,#'-.!""#$%.,.-#)'5),+,)0'6#+'#-8+)9#:)99#;-#3-',#,0# ,.-#2-=1-3,02#)'()*+,)'>#,.)36#+'(#,.-#8--,)'>#:)99#2-8+)'#)'#/012# *+9-'(+2#+3#+#,-',+,)5-#8--,)'>"# # @01#+9:+/3#.+5-#,.-#07,)0'#04#)'*91()'>#*088-',3#:),.#/012# 2-370'3-#,0#+'#)'5),+,)0'"# # # # # # # # A/#07-')'>#,.-#-5-',#)'#,.-#*+9-'(+26#,.-#8--,)'>#*002()'+,02# *+'#*.-*<#0'#,.-#3,+,13#04#,.-#+,,-'(--3"# # 6$2+%()3.17.8+)"#'()3.9,#)%./#:;#0%0. >&8(#43+9,./#3&1,#*#/#.$#?(%/($0.99&($/'#$/3'##/($03 &1#8#$/= @6A.8(0./#/&/"#,./#&;/"#.99&($/'#$/3'##/($03&1 #8#$/6 B6C&%(/(&$-&+1)+1%&1&$/"#(/#'.$,)*()<&$(/&$)#&1 /4()#6 ()D;/"##8#$//"./-&+4(%"/&+9,./#(%9.1/&;.%#1(#%&; 1#)+11($0#8#$/%3-&+4(**1#)#(8#/"#4.1$($0'#%%.0# /".//"(%(%.1#)+11($0#8#$/.$,-&+4(**5#.%<#,(;-&+ 4(%"/&&9#$E+%//"(%#8#$/&1(;-&+4(%"/&&9#$/"#%#Ͳ 1(#%6 *)D;-&+)*()<&$+,"#$-&./#"/"(%4(**&9#$.%($0*#&))+1Ͳ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ee all Calendar tips Instead of calling or emailing friends about an event, invite them to the event when you add it to the calendar in Windows Live Hotmail. You won't have to worry whether you gave your friends the correct information or whether they wrote it down correctly. And the calendar helps you keep track of who accepted the invitation and prompts you to send updates if you make any changes to the event. Step 1: Select the day Click the date of your event, and then click Add. Add an event to your calendar and easily invite friends. Step 2: Add event details Fill in the details, and then click Add more details. Add event details to tell your friends about your event. Step 3: Invite people Click Invite people. You can enter an email address in the To: field, or click Select people from your contact list. After you click Save, you'll be prompted to send the invitation. To invite your friends, enter their email addresses or select friends from your contact list.
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