Thank you for using Acute3D ’... Smart3DCapture Viewer module. Please make sure you use the latest... 1 1-3

Thank you for using Acute3D ’ s solutions. This manual describes how to use the
Smart3DCapture Viewer module. Please make sure you use the latest version available on or by contacting our staff at
Smart3Dcapture™ Viewer is a visualization software, which allows users to navigate 3D models generated
by the Smart3DCapture™ solution. 3D models are loaded and displayed using S3C level-of-detail ( LOD )
management system, and users can measure distances, pick GPS coordinates, generate animations…
Smart3DCapture™ is a registered trademark of Acute3D SAS. Copyright© 2011-2012 Acute3D.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and is provided « as is » with no warranty.
Acute3D makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Acute3D shall not be liable for errors
contained herein or for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with
the use of this material.
Windows 7 with 4Gb RAM and a video card supporting OpenGL with at least 512 Mb of dedicated memory.
Please download the installation file from the Acute3D website or copy it from the storage unit on which it
was provided to you by Acute3D or one of its authorized resellers.
Select and launch the right file depending on your OS:
 64-bit: S3CViewer-…-x64.msi
 32-bit: S3CViewer-...-x86.msi
Once the Smart3DCapture Viewer module is installed, you can load any file with the
S3C extension by double-clicking it in the Windows Explorer.
The 3D model loads in different tiles and is displayed with a dynamic adaptation of
the level-of-detail depending on the viewing point.
Hand mode: move along horizontal plane
Orbit mode: move along camera plane
Arrows + Alt
Rotate around center ( rotate head in first person viewing mode )
Arrows + Ctrl
Move along vertical and lateral axes
Arrows + Shift
Move along the horizontal plane
Move to home position
Home + Shift
Update home position
Mouse: Double click ( or Click + enter )
Update rotation center / Select new center
Mouse: Left button
Hand mode: horizontal pan ; Orbit mode: Rotate around center
Mouse: Left button + Shift
Hand mode: rotate around center ; Orbit mode: Pan
Mouse: Left button + Ctrl
Rotate camera
Mouse: Middle button
Hand mode: move along camera plane
Mouse: Right button / Wheel
Change distance
PageUp / PageDown
Change elevation
Select a primary 3D point at mouse position
Shift + Space
Select a secondary 3D point at mouse position and show distance
Increase/Decrease speed of keyboard motion
Start/stop animation ( Ctrl + A: loop mode )
Toggle environment
L / Shift + L
Increase/Decrease LOD scale ( change image quality )
Toggle point cloud
Toggle texturing
Toggle wireframe overlay
Toggle strero
Turn minimum height constraint on/off
On screen stats
Shift + S
Output Stats to console
Lock/Unlock vertical axis
Shift + V
Update and lock vertical axis
Toggle Full screen
Toggle Console
under ViewerPro license
Take screenshot
Shift + C
Toggle continuous screen capture
K / Shift + K
Add/Remove animation key point
Shift + A
Start/stop animation with screen capture
Ctrl + Space
Display geometry file at mouse position
Toggle backface culling
Toggle normal smoothing from mesh normals
Open the Measurements window ( menu Tools >
Measurements ) to measure distances and positions.
If the model is georeferenced, then GPS coordinates
are shown, as well as altitude, and distances are indicated in meters; otherwise distances and positions will
be relative to the default referential.
Several rendering modes are proposed for a photorealistic model or to highlight the model geometry.
Rendering modes are available in the menu Display > Rendering mode.
Textured mode
Wireframe overlay
Shaded mode
Point cloud
Open the Preferences window ( menu Edit > Preferences ) Select the options corresponding to your 3D
screen in the Stereo page.
Click Stereo display checkbox.
Select the screen width in cm.
Select the screen height in cm.
Select the distance between the users and the screen
in cm.
Click Ok, and enter in Full screen mode ( F12 ) to hide the user interface
Example of a display in Vertical Split mode
To return to the default display mode ( non stereoscopic ) , just opt-out the Stereo checkbox from the Display menu.
If you encounter any problem installing or using the Smart3DCapture Viewer, please check our FAQ below
or on our website ( updated on a regular basis ) . If you do not find the answer to your question, we invite
you to contact our support team by email at
How accurate are the 3D measurements?
It depends on the georeferencing accuracy, as well as on the 3D model
accuracy which is linked to the images resolution.
There are artefacts in my model.
This is most probably due to a lack of data/images when generating the
model. Moving objects, thin parts, reflective or peripheral areas are
known to generate artefacts.
I can ’ t get close enough to the
ground. Why?
A minimum height constraint may be activated in the project to avoid
viewing close ( if the model is not accurate enought for street level
navigation for instance ) .
Under ViewerPro license, Minimum height constraint can be disabled
from the Camera menu.
How to set up the Smart3DCaptu- Stereo display is setup from the Stereo page of the Preferences winre Viewer for my 3D screen?
dow ( Menu Edit > Preferences ) . Select the proper parameters for
your 3D screen and click Ok to go back to the 3D view. Activate Full
screen mode with F12 to hide the user interface.
Any other question?
Acute3D, stemming from 25 years of research, designs and markets Smart3DCapture™, a breakthrough
software solution revolutionizing the process of creating true-to-life 3D models.
Smart3DCapture™ allows to build real-3D, high resolution models from simple photographs. The acquisition step has near-zero shooting constraints, and the processing step, designed with high scalability and
performance in mind, is performed within minutes or hours, without any human intervention.
Smart3DCapture™ is available:
As a custom software solution, which can be integrated by 3D software vendors into their products, or deployed on industrial 3D production lines.
As a production service, for medium or large-scale projects, to produce ready-to-use true-to-life 3D models
from a set of acquired photographs.
Business Pole, 1047 route des Dolines
Allée Pierre Ziller
06560 Valbonne Sophia Antipolis
+33 ( 0 ) 9 70 44 60 58