HOW TO—Set up Online Registration Types & Activating in2CRICKET Centre Step 1: Go to Step 2: Click on ‘LOGIN’ Step 3: Using your Login ID and Password from last season, enter the details into the fields provided and click ‘Login’ Tip—if you check the ‘Remember me’ box your password will automatically populate each time you login from your computer *Please note—should you encounter problems with your login follow the prompts outlined, if this does not resolve the issue please contact Dale Osborne at Step 4: Make sure the Mode is set to ‘Organisation’ Select ‘MILO in2CRICKET Centre Management’ from the drop down menu under ‘Organisation’ Step 5: Click on ‘Step 1: Setup registration process’ If this is your first time to Setup Registration Process you will be prompted with terms and conditions of use. Please read and accept these in order to proceed to the Online Registration homepage. This ‘How To’ guide does not include ‘How To Set Up Online Payment’ This is covered in a separate user guide which can be downloaded from the Coordinators page of the SACA website Step 6: Click on ‘Step 2: Set-up Registration types / products’ Here you will be setting up what REGISTRATION TYPES are available at your club for the MILO in2CRICKET Program. Step 7: Fill out each section as shown below Name: in2CRICKET:PARTICIPANT Category: in2CRICKET Description: For children aged 5-7 years of age Price: $65 (if you ARE NOT using online payment. $67.40 if you ARE using online payment) Class: Membership Subscription Number Available: not relevant for in2CRICKET—LEAVE BLANK Available until: 31/03/2014—this is the date that registrations will be available until Active: tick this box Sort Order: 1—this is the order that the Registration Type will appear on the in2CRICKET website Start Date: 01/07/2013 This is the date that this seasons registration period starts DO NOT USE THIS SECTION Step 8: Click ‘Update’ and then ‘Back to Online Registration & Payment End Date: 30/06/2014 This is the date that this seasons registration period concludes Person Role: in2CRICKET:PARTICIPANT The Registration Type you have set up will now appear Step 9: Click ‘set-up Registration Forms’ Step 10: Select ‘CricketAus—in2CRICKET Registration Form’ from the drop down menu Step 11: Click ‘Refresh’ Step 12: Fill out sections as shown below Title: MILO in2CRICKET Registration Form 2013-14 Top Description: This area is where you can include any additional information specific to your program. It will display above the registration type when live on the webpage. *Please note This is not a mandatory field. Bottom Description: Further space to be able to utilize to display additional information. *Please note This is not a mandatory field. Status: ACTIVE Sort Order: 1 Contact Name: Enter the name of your in2CRICKET Coordinator Contact Email: Enter the email of your in2CRICKET Coordinator Step 12 cont.: Payment Gateway: This will not be activated if you have not set up this process for your Centre. If you would like to set up this process please download the ‘How To’ guide from content.aspx?p=440 If you have set up the online payment process select ‘Cricket Australia Payment System’ from the drop down box Allow Offline Payments: If you ARE NOT using online payment then check this box. If you ARE using online payment and WOULD like to also allow offline payment then check this box. If you ARE using online payment and WOULD NOT like to allow offline payment then leave this box unchecked. As you scroll down the page you will see all the fields that a parent/guardian will have to fill in to register their child for the MILO in2CRICKET Program. Step 12 cont.: The Registration Type that you set up earlier will appear here. Using only the top section, highlight ‘in2CRICKET:PARTICIPANT’ and click ‘Add’. This Registration Type will move from the ‘Available Registration Type/ Products’ list on the left, to the ‘Selected Registration Type/ Products’ list on the right. DO NOT USE THIS SECTION Step 13: Click ‘Update’ Step 14: Click ‘Back to Online Registration & Payments’ The Registration Form you have now created will be displayed on this page You have now completed the ‘Set-up Registration types/products’ and ‘Set-up Registration Forms’ processes Step 15: Go back to the MILO in2CRICKET Centre Management page After setting up the Registration Types and Registration Forms you can now activate your Centre for the coming season Step 16: Click ‘Activate your centre’ Step 17: Fill out all sections as shown below Ensure these details are for the best person to contact regarding in2CRICKET at you Centre. Ensure both a phone number and email are provided. If you are not taking manual registrations ensure your write this here and do not check the box. Then write ‘Online registrations only’ in the ‘Sign-On Instructions’ field If you are taking manual registrations ensure these details are correct. This can be the same date as your first session. Step 17 cont.: Make sure you have selected the ‘Program 1’ tab Check the box so that these details can be viewed on the in2CRICKET website Select the day your Centre will run If you have not finalized your details yet you can select the TBC box in the interim. Enter the Commencement Date of the Program If your Centre is having a break over the Summer Holidays check the ‘Break’ box and enter date the break commences and finishes Enter the Finish Date of the Program Enter the start and finish time of your Centre Enter the Program venue details Enter the cost of the Program—remember if you using the online payment function enter $67.40, if you are using manual payments enter $65 SCHOOL TERM DATES (SA) Term 4 2013—Monday October 14th to Friday 13th December Term 1 2014—Monday 28th January to Thursday 11th April Enter any additional information your would like your participants to know. Eg. We are looking for extra volunteers, if you are interested in assisting please contact our Centre Coordinator. Step 18: Nominate what centre type you are (Club/Association, School, Indoor Centre, Community Group) Step 19: Check the box to activate your Centre for the current season Step 20: Read the Indemnity and Release Declaration and check the box stating that you have read, understood and agree to the terms DO NOT USE THIS SECTION Step 21: Once you are happy with all the details entered click scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Update’ then ‘OK’ when asked to Save changes? Step 25: Click ‘Take me back to MLO in2CRICKET Centre Management’ You have now successfully set up the Registration Type, Registration Form and Activated your Centre for the coming season. Participants will now be able to go to and find your Centre, view the details and register. You can now perform any of the ongoing tasks listed. Details about how to do all these processes can be found on the Coordinators page of the SACA website. At any stage if you have made an error you can go back into each section and edit what has been entered. SACA staff are also available to assist ( and there is a help section within MyCricket that is also very useful
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