Quick Reference Guide How to Login to the ABVLM Website STEP 1: Browse to the ABVLM Home Page and click on the Quick Link for Diplomate Login… Or click on Diplomate Login in the upper right corner of most other pages. STEP 2: For all diplomates, enter your email address (where you got the notice) and your password. If you don’t know your password, follow the forgot password instructions… Don’t use the First-‐Time Users option. That was designed back when we didn’t have email addresses for everyone. Now we do, so obtain your password via forgot password. (next page for info on updating your online profile, changing your password, and FAQs) Quick Reference Guide How to Update Your Online Profile or Change Your Password STEP 1: Login to the ABVLM website (see prior page for instructions) and click on the Update Profile option. STEP 2: Modify any editable field, including office data, password, or scroll down for more fields. Be sure to press SAVE CHANGES. STEP 3: Verify your listing looks like you want by clicking on “Find an ABVLM Certified Physician” and searching for your listing, most easily done by Last Name. FAQ’s Q: I have multiple office locations. How do I list multiple addresses? A: Use the ADD LOCATION button at the bottom of the Profile to add as many offices as you wish. You may only list one (1) website. Q: What if I do NOT wish to be listed in the public Online Lookup feature? A: If you wish to not be listed in the public “Find A Physician” lookup, select Opt-‐In = No in your profile. Q: Is my email address displayed in the public Online Lookup feature? A: No, email is not listed. Only your office name(s), address(es), phone(s) and fax(es) are listed, along with certification year, languages spoken, website, and whether you are accepting new patients. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ABVLM HQ Office toll-‐free at (877) 699-‐4114, or via email to info@ABVLM.org. (next page for info on how to pay the Annual MOC Fee) Quick Reference Guide How to Make your Annual MOC Payment Online STEP 1: Login to the ABVLM website (see earlier pages for instructions) and click on the Pay Annual MOC Fee option. STEP 2: Complete the Credit Card info on the secure payment screen. Press PAY NOW. STEP 3: You will be provided a Payment Receipt Screen which you can print for your records. FAQ’s Q: What if I can’t remember if I paid the fees for this year? A: The system will only accept one payment per year. If you have already paid online, then you will get a message saying “Your annual dues are currently up-‐to-‐date.” Q: Can I pay via check instead of online? A: Online payments are the preferred method as it is automated and tracks payments. However, if you can only make payments by check, you can remit a check for $175 to the ABVLM HQ Office, and we can manually update your records with your payment. Q: What if I don’t pay the annual fee? Are there consequences? A: The Maintenance of Certification is a program in virtually all certification bodies. This fee covers the cost of reviewing your CME and SAM credit submissions for MOC, updating your demographic records, providing a physician look up for the public, and responding to verification requests from hospitals and others. The fee is part of the ongoing certification, and non-‐payment can lead to the revocation of your certification per the policies of the Board. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ABVLM HQ Office toll-‐free at (877) 699-‐4114, or via email to info@ABVLM.org.
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