How to apply at Theobroma Systems

Information & Guidelines
How to apply at Theobroma Systems
These information and guidelines are intended to support you with your application for
an engineering position, e.g. MTS-E/MTS-QE, Board Level Designer or intern, at Theobroma Systems.
General information
Theobroma Systems' engineering & design
office is located in Vienna, Austria. We are an
SME focusing, first and foremost, Privacy &
Security, Embedded Systems, Networked IT
Applications and Smart Grid Solutions.
In our engineering departments Foundation
Software, Software System Solutions, and
Board & System Level Design, we work in a
multi-national team of electrical engineers,
OS/driver/network protocol specialists, application developers and QA engineers.
If you have previous work experience and
already completed your education
We are looking for applicants with a university/university of applied science degree in a
relevant discipline, or similar education, and/
or previous work experience in Embedded
Systems Development, offering positions for
MTS-E/MTS-QE (Member Technical Staff—
Engineering/Quality Engineering), Lead Engineer, and Board Level Designer.
We appreciate your commitment, and therefore, all our job openings are for permanent,
full-time positions and not short-term, project-related assignments.
At junior level, we are expecting basic mastery of development techniques, capabilities
and tools, while at senior level, we are
emphasizing the skill-set to produce software/hardware components that are ready
for production, to ensure high testability and
to achieve high test coverage.
Please send us your professional resume,
including education and work experience,
and a cover letter, e.g. e-mail. We will schedule a meeting in our office to get to know
you, and you will be meeting different members of our senior and management team.
Accordingly, you will receive more information about our occupation areas and employment.
You can demonstrate your skills hands-on in a
variety of practical challenges: show us your
problem-solving approach solving a small
programming task1, work with our team for a
“training day”, or—while still in an educational program—on a project assignment
during an internship.
If you are looking for extracurricular
experience during higher education
We are offering part-time employment
opportunities for students who are able to
make a reasonable professional commitment,
i.e. working 20–30 hours weekly in a team of
experi-enced engineers. We are looking forward to your application if you are currently
enrolled in a classical computer science or
electrical engineering program and pursuing
a career in Embedded Systems Development.
Our offer includes long-term employment
opportunities and, once you have completed
your education program, options to join our
core team. We are particularly interested in
creating opportunities for your personal
career and skill development and will be considering your short- and mid-term targets
pursuing a career in Embedded Systems Engineering.
Please see the preceding section describing
the application and hiring procedure.
We are offering internships to higher education students in the disciplines electrical engineering and computer science. An internship
at Theobroma Systems is an opportunity to
gather experience in Embedded Systems
Development. Project assignments for internships are 4–8 weeks full-term assignments
contributing to recent projects underway.
Send us your education resume and a short
cover letter, e.g. e-mail, stating your interests
and goals for the internship; if applicable add
your previous experience and preferred topics.
We are looking forward to scheduling a personal meeting.
1. based on the automated assessment tests by Codility
2014 US-A-Biz Award Nominierung | 2013 Energy Globe Award | 2012 Mercur Innovationspreis
2011 Wiener Zukunftspreis | 2010 ZIT IKT Call | 2009 Mercur Innovationspreis (Finalist)
Theobroma Systems
Design & Consulting GmbH
Seestadtstrasse 27
1220 Wien, Austria
Tel: +43 1 2369893-0
Fax: +43 1 2369893-9
UID: ATU63025826
FN: 286804x, HG Wien