Document 222343

The Epoch Times
Perspectives A7
January 24, 2011
How to Keep the Nuclear Genie in the Bottle
WASHINGTON—The processes associated
with globalization—the spread of sensitive
nuclear technologies throughout the world,
improved means of communication and
transportation, and the worldwide diffusion
of knowledge through the Internet—have
exacerbated nuclear terrorist threats.
Consider the following examples:
Last November two Armenian men pleaded
guilty during a secret trial to smuggling
highly enriched uranium into Georgia—fresh
proof of the continuing dangers of nuclear
materials smuggling in the former Soviet
Union. In March, the pair was arrested in a
sting operation for trying to sell the material
to Islamic militants.
Although a small amount, the uranium
was potentially usable in a nuclear warhead or
dirty bomb. Similar smuggling incidents were
detected in Georgia in 2006 and 2003, suggesting that the former Soviet bloc remains
the soft underbelly of nuclear security while
world focus is on North Korea and Iran.
Another newly revealed nuclear smuggling
incident, this time in the Congo, dates from
2008, when a group of Rwandan rebels in the
east of the country attempted to sell six containers of purported uranium that dated back
to the days of Belgian colonial rule. Uranium
from Rwanda’s Shinkolobwe mine, which
closed in 1960, was sold to the United States
by Belgium in 1943. Americans later used the
uranium to make the atomic bomb that was
dropped on Hiroshima.
Pakistan is another source of nuclear nightmares. The cables published by WikiLeaks
reveal frantic American diplomats failing to
make Pakistan’s nuclear assets more secure.
One prominent cable records how, despite
years of efforts, Washington has proved unable to induce Pakistani officials to fulfill their
legal obligation to return U.S.-supplied highenriched uranium stored at a Pakistani civilian research reactor.
On Dec. 21, 2010, the United States and
the Democratic Republic of Congo signed
an agreement to prevent trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials. The United
States has completed similar pacts with Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and
nuclear dangers
Whereas in public U.S. officials have offered
reassuring comments about Pakistani nuclear
security, the cables warn that growth of Islamist extremism and Pakistan’s nuclear weapons complex is raising the risk that both phenomena could fuse with Islamist terrorists
CHECKPOINT: Georgian soldiers speak with plain-clothed men at a checkpoint of a military
training base outside Tbilisi, on Jan. 11. Georgia has been a focus of nuclear material smuggling
over the last few years. vano shlamov/afp/getty images
detonating a Pakistani nuclear device—perhaps in Times Square, the target of a failed
Pakistani car bomb earlier this year.
A conventional explosion in Times Square
during theater hours could cause horrific casualties. But if such a weapon included radioactive materials smuggled from Pakistan,
the United States would suffer the most devastating act of terrorism in world history. The
resulting losses would be worse than those
from the 9/11 attacks. People would avoid
contaminated areas, those at risk would seek
medical care, and global transportation networks would freeze.
Islamist terrorists have launched several attacks against Pakistan’s nuclear sites in recent
years, including a nuclear missile storage facility at Sargodha, a nuclear air base at Kamra,
and a nuclear-weapons assembly site at Wah.
Leaked cables cite Russian and U.S. concerns
about “insider access” to the country’s sprawling nuclear complex, pointing to the obvious
risk that some of the 130,000 people working
in Pakistan’s nuclear establishment might aid
Islamist terrorists to attack Western targets.
In February 2009, the U.S. ambassador
wrote, “Our major concern is not having an
Islamic militant steal an entire weapon but
rather the chance someone working in GOP
[government of Pakistan] facilities could gradually smuggle enough material out to eventually make a weapon.”
Fortunately, globalization has also provided defenders against nuclear terrorism
with tools to counter it. The U.S. government is erecting a multilayered defense of
self-reinforcing initiatives to counter these
threats based on international coalitions of
governments, some of which are longstanding security competitors.
layers of defense
The first layer involves locking down dangerous nuclear materials; the second stratum
seeks to interdict nuclear materials “on the
move” through various international smuggling networks; the final layer consists in barriers erected at U.S. border posts and other
points of entry.
Prevention involves constraining the
amount of unsecured nuclear material
through various arms control, disarmament,
and threat reduction measures. In addition,
prevention includes physical security measures such as consolidating nuclear materials at a limited number of protected and
monitored sites, something the United States
has done with its own nuclear complex in
recent years.
The second layer of measures focusing
on interdiction encompasses initiatives to
intercept or retrieve nuclear material that
has escaped secure control. In late December, the U.S. Domestic Nuclear Detection
Office delivered its long-awaited "strategic
plan" to Congress for establishing a global
nuclear detection architecture. The idea is to
create a worldwide network of sensors, communications, personnel, and other elements
to detect and report the potential movement
of illicit nuclear and radioactive materials or
U.S. Deployment
to Costa Rica
Heightens Tensions
Other assistance seeks to enhance the capabilities of their coast and border guards to
interdict nuclear traffickers. For example, the
February 2007 U.S. agreement with Georgia identifies 50 priority areas for joint action The Costa Rican legislature on Dec. 20 apto improve Georgia’s capabilities, especially proved another deployment of dozens of U.S.
those related to law enforcement, to counter ships to its territory for the next six months,
nuclear smuggling.
but denied permission for warships to deploy
The final U.S. line of defense aims to
to the country until a full debate occurs.
fortify U.S. ports of entry as well as other
The decision came at a moment when the
unauthorized border crossings against nu- country’s relationship with neighboring Nicaclear smuggling. For instance, almost all
ragua remains tense. Congress granted percontainer cargo now entering U.S. seaports
mission for the deployment of 46 U.S. Coast
is screened for radioactive materials that can Guard ships, 42 armed helicopters, and up to
be used to make either a nuclear weapon or 4,000 sailors to combat drug trafficking.
more likely a “dirty bomb,” a device that uses
Only four legislators voted against the deconventional explosives to spew radioactive
ployment. Juan Carlos Mendoza, leader of
material over a large area even in the absence
the Citizen Action Party, explained that his
of nuclear detonation.
opposition to the agreement is based on the
These measures are complemented by vari- United States being at war, and that as such,
ous domestic programs to secure U.S. nuclear even Coast Guard ships are under the manmaterial and technologies from misuse. To
date of the military. “Costa Rica signed a patake one example, new regulations now better trolling agreement with civilian authorities
control the sale and storage of radioactive sub- and not with the military part. This could be
stances to U.S. hospitals and universities.
violating the active and permanent neutrality
The threat of nuclear terrorism has even
of our country,” he said.
had a benign impact on international poliAnother deputy, José María Villalta of the
tics. Despite their differences on many in- Broad Front, said there is no evidence that
ternational security issues, Russia and the
the deployments have contributed to reducUnited States collaborate well against nuclear ing drug addiction or to traffickers changing
terrorist threats. In 2006, for example, then
their routes away from Costa Rica.
presidents Vladimir Putin and George Bush
Meanwhile, the day after its approval of
launched a new Global Initiative to Counter the U.S. naval deployment, Costa Rica deNuclear Terrorism.
nounced Nicaragua at the United Nations
Many other countries—including nucle- for the presence of troops along the San Juan
ar-armed China, India, and Pakistan—have River that serves as a border between the two
joined this initiative, which unlike many gen- nations. Its government alleged that Nicaeral nonproliferation initiatives focuses on
ragua had “invaded” and “occupied” Costa
reducing nuclear terrorist dangers by engag- Rica. The same day, Nicaragua protested an
ing a wide range of public and private actors. “incursion” into Nicaragua by Costa Rican
For example, local law enforcement personnel
ships and a plane.
exchange best practices with foreign counterCosta Rican ambassador to the U.N., Eduparts under its rubric. They also work with
ardo Ulibarri, said that his country has no
private corporations to strengthen security
military, and has instead appealed to the OAS
at civilian nuclear plants.
(Organization of American States), but that
Although China and the United States may Nicaragua had rejected the OAS’s jurisdicdisagree over how to respond to the nuclear tion. Nicaragua asserts that its troops dredgactivities of Iran, Pakistan, and North Korea, ing the river are in their own territory, which
they and other governments share an in- extends to the Costa Rican side of the river.
terest in fighting transnational nuclear terThe approval to deploy armed U.S. ships
rorists that might attack any target on the
and helicopters to Costa Rica sends a mesglobe, whether that’s Washington, London, sage that the United States could use the
or Beijing.
threat of force to arbitrate the conflict, probably in Costa Rica’s favor.
Richard Weitz is senior fellow and director of
the Center for Political-Military Analysis, the John Lindsay-Poland is coordinator of the FelHudson Institute, in Washington, D.C. He can
lowship of Reconciliation Task Force on Latin
be reached at With per- America & the Caribbean and is a contributor
mission from YaleGlobal Online. Copyright © to CIP Americas Program. The full version of
2010, Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, this article is published on Foreign Policy in
Yale University.
The ‘Nine Commentaries’ is the book that is disintegrating the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and changing China.
This award-winning Epoch Times editorial series discloses the true history and nature of the CCP. Now it is serialized here.
Epoch Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party
John Nania
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Jan Jekielek
New York: Tim McDevitt
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Southern California: Robin Kemker
Northern California: Dean Tsaggaris
Washington, D.C.:
Gary Feuerberg, Duwon Kang
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Three (cont.)
On the Tyranny
of the Chinese
Communist Party
In the meantime, the CCP has
repeatedly excited the public sentiment of nationalism on opportune occasions. The CCP may, for
example, organize Chinese people
to throw rocks at the U.S. embassy
and burn U.S. flags. The Chinese
people have been treated as either
an obedient mass or a violent mob,
but never citizens with guaranteed
human rights.
The improvement of a nation’s
culture is the basis for raising the
consciousness of the people. The
moral principles of Confucius and
Mencius have, for thousands of
years, established moral standards
and principles. “If all these [moral]
principles are abandoned, then
people would have no laws to follow and discern no good and evil.
They would lose their directions …
the Tao would be destroyed.” 1
The purpose of the CCP’s class
struggle is continuously to generate
chaos, through which it can firmly
establish itself as the one and only
ruling party and religion in China,
using the party’s ideology to control
the Chinese people.
Government institutions, the
military, and news media are all
tools used by the CCP to exercise its violent dictatorship. The
CCP, having brought incurable
diseases to China, is itself on the
edge of demise, and its collapse is
Some people worry that the country will be in chaos if the CCP falls
apart. Who will replace the CCP’s
role in governing China? In China’s 5,000-year history, a mere 55
years ruled by the CCP is as short
as a fleeting cloud.
Unfortunately, however, during
this short period of 55 years, the
CCP has shattered traditional beliefs and standards; destroyed the
traditional moral principles and social structures; turned care and love
among human beings into struggle
and hatred; and replaced the reverence for heaven, the earth, and nature with the arrogance of humans
The Epoch Times welcomes submissions
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We reserve the right to edit for clarity and
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Letters to the Editor
conquering nature. With one act of
destruction after another, the Party
has ravaged the social, moral, and
ecological systems, leaving the Chinese nation in deep crisis.
In Chinese history, every benevolent leader viewed loving, nourishing, and educating the people as
the duties of government. Human
nature aspires to kindness, and the
government’s role is to bring about
this innate human capacity.
Mencius said, “This is the way
of the people: Those with constant
means of support will have constant hearts, while those without
constant means will not have constant hearts.” ii Education without
prosperity has been ineffective; the
tyrannical leaders who have had no
love for the people but who have
killed the innocent have been despised by the Chinese people.
In the 5,000 years of Chinese
history, there have been many benevolent leaders, such as Emperor
Yao and Emperor Shun in ancient
times, Emperor Wen and Emperor
Wu of the Zhou Dynasty, Emperor
Wen and Emperor Jing in the Han
Dynasty, Emperor Tang Taizong
in the Tang Dynasty, and Emperor
Over the last five years, an unprecedented grassroots movement has been sweeping the Chinese nation
The Global Center for Quitting the CCP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit
which helps Chinese people to renounce the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP). For details, please visit
To make a tax-deductible donation to this cause:
1. Check/money order payable to: Global Center for Quitting the CCP, 40-46 Main St, Suite 201, Flushing, NY, USA 11354
2. Direct Bank Transfer to: Bank of America, Main Street, Flushing, NY, USA, 11354-4107
3. Paypal account: 483014891615 Routing No:021000322 Swift: BoFAUS3N
Phone: 1-818-338-2883
Fax: 1-718-358-8871
i Translated from
ii Red Guards were civilians who were used to lead the
way in implementing the Cultural Revolution. Most were
youngsters in their mid-teens.
Please send letters to the editor to or to
34 W. 27th St., 5th floor, New York, NY 10001, U.S.A or fax to 646-213-1219. Include
address and a daytime phone number. We reserve the right to edit all letters.
Support the world’s largest peaceful movement for freedom
As of January 2011, 87 million Chinese people have renounced the
Chinese communist party (CCP) and/or affiliated organizations.
Every day, an average of 50,000 more join their ranks.
Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong in
the Qing Dynasty.
The prosperity enjoyed in these
dynasties was all a result of the leaders practicing the heavenly Tao, following the doctrine of the mean,
and striving for peace and stability.
The characteristics of a kind leader
are to make use of virtuous and capable people, be open to different
opinions, promote justice and peace,
and give the people what they need.
This way, citizens will obey the laws,
maintain a sense of decorum, live
happily, and work efficiently.
Looking at world affairs, we often
ask who determines whether a state
will prosper or disappear, even
though we know that the rise and
fall of a nation has its reasons. When
the CCP is gone, we can expect that
peace and harmony will return to
China. People will return to being
truthful, benevolent, humble, and
tolerant; the nation will again care
for the people’s basic needs, and all
professions will prosper.
Inspired by the
‘Nine Commentaries,’
as of January 23, at 7:05 p.m.
Chinese people have announced
their intentions to quit the Chinese
Communist Party and its affiliated
organizations on a special Web site
established by The Epoch Times.
Many others, unable to break
through the Chinese Internet
blockade, have posted their
withdrawal statements on
poles or buildings. Others
have written them on Chinese
currency. Read recent statements
of Chinese quitting the Party,
the latest news on the “Nine
Commentaries,” and more at