How to register for pre-LEI applications on the NordLEI web...

How to register for pre-LEI applications on the NordLEI web portal
Part of the NordLEI web portal, clients can apply for pre-LEIs for its legal entities. Furthermore,
NordLEI also allows for so called assisted registration (pre-LEI application on behalf of others) as
well as bulk registration (pre-LEI registrations for multiple legal entities using Excel-templates).
Both assisted and bulk registrations are further described in the appendix found in the last section
of this document.
In order to complete a standard pre-LEI application for your own legal entity, simply enter in your internet browser, and then follow the below steps:
1. Register an Account: By clicking menu “REGISTER ACCOUNT” in the main page of the
NordLEI web portal (, you will be redirected to an account registration form
whereby you are requested to:
a. Enter the name of the legal entity (e.g. company name, fund company
name, etc.) you represent
b. Enter a valid e-mail address to be used for any future login to the
NordLEI portal
c. A password fulfilling the following requirements: 8-20 letters long and a
mixture of lower case, upper case and numbers
d. Clicking the “terms and conditions” checkbox
Once the above is completed, click the “Register” button. Within a minute, you will
receive a verification e-mail in which a link is attached. The contents of the e-mail looks
as follows:
Datum: torsdagen den 26:e december 2013
Ämne: NordLEI confirmation email
This is an automatic email from NordLEI.
Please click on the link below to activate your account at
By clicking the attached link, you will be redirected the NordLEI pre-LEI registration form.
Note – If you haven’t received the verification e-mail within one minute after registering
your account details, check your spam filter for (, or
otherwise contact for assistance.
Once redirected to the NordLEI pre-LEI registration form, the registration form will be
shown (see next page), and step 2 of the registration process can proceed.
2. Enter details for your legal entity: Once redirected to the registration form shown in
menu “ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT” / “NEW LEI APPLICATION”, you can start applying
for one or more pre-LEIs.
In the registration form, a number of legal entity details need to be entered. All fields
marked by a star (*), are mandatory, and will hence be required as a minimum amount of
submitted information. The green question marks on the right hand side of each field
provide guidance on the details to be submitted for each specific field.
Note: Only set the “Registration Status” field to THIRD_PARTY if you register an pre-LEI
application on behalf of others as further explained in the Appendix section of this
document. Where registrations concern your own legal entity, chose PRIMARY_PARTY.
When all required company/legal entity details are entered, press the "Register"
Please note that for any future registrations of additional pre-LEI applications, you do not
need to register new accounts. Instead, simply log in to the web portal ( using
the credentials chosen once you registered for your account (blue log in button found in
the upper right corner of the NordLEI web portal).
3. Await validation and pre-LEI generating: For any pre-LEI applications undertaken, the
status of each of your registered applications is shown under menu "REGISTERED LEIS"
found in the "ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT" section of the portal (note that these menu
items are available only once you’ve to logged in to the NordLEI web portal).
Most commonly the turnaround time for pre-LEI issuance is 5-7 banking days. Once your
pre-LEI is generated and published, you will receive a notification e-mail.
Remember: For any questions with regards to registration or the NordLEI services
in general, send an e-mail to
Appendix: Assisted and bulk registrations with NordLEI
1. Assisted registration
For any client seeking the means to facilitate the LEI registration process of others, NordLEI
supports what is commonly referred to as an assisted registration process. The service thereby
allows for LEI registration on behalf of third parties. Such circumstances include, but are not
limited to:
A parent company applying for LEIs on behalf of its subsidiaries
A fund company applying for LEIs on behalf of its funds
A financial institution seeking to facilitate its end-clients LEI registration
process, and therefore perform the registration on behalf of its client under a
power of attorney.
The process for assisted registrations follows the standard process as described in previous
sections. However, in order for NordLEI to accept assisted registrations, clients are obliged to
collect and store any relevant documentation (e.g. signed power of attorneys, etc.) and
eventually provide NordLEI this on request. Furthermore, as part of the registration forms (as
well as the bulk registration Excel templates mentioned in the below section) on the NordLEI
web portal, registrants are requested to indicate if a LEI registration is on behalf of others
(having “Application status” set to “THIRD_PARTY”, thereby committing to the mentioned
provision of documentation). NordLEI accepts such approving documentation issued by the
party for which a LEI registration is intended, in any of the languages spoken in the NordLEI
home markets in addition to English.
One important aspect of the NordLEI Assisted registration service is that it distinguishes
between the registrant and the final beneficiary of the registration, hence ensuring any future
invoices are directed to the legal entity for which the pre-LEI issuance is intended and thus not
yourself as registrant (where preferred).
In the case the above situations concerns multiple legal entities, the process can be further
simplified from an operational point of view, by using the NordLEI service for bulk registration
explained below.
2. Bulk-registration
For clients having a larger number of LEIs subject to pre-LEI applications, registering these one
at a time in the NordLEI portal quickly becomes time consuming. Therefore, clients also have
the option of using NordLEIs bulk registration service whereby the information required for valid
pre-LEI applications instead can be filled in into an Excel template. Populated templates
(available to logged in users of the NordLEI web portal) are then sent to NordLEI using e-mail
address Any users of the NordLEI bulk registration service are
requested to specify the email address entered when registering the NordLEI account, as part
of the Excel file submitted.
Furthermore, all Excel file fields marked in light green are mandatory and hence require data (all
mandatory fields have comments explaining in detail what information is required).
The NordLEI bulk registration Excel template