Global Lenovo How to Internationalize a Chinese Company Since its merger with IBM's PC division, Lenovo had a hard time resolving cultural differences between the two companies. However, Lenovo made an impressive comback grabbing the No. 2 position in the PC industry. Let's discuss how they did it. By Qin Shan SYNDICATION/china entrepreneur PHOTO/GETTY IMAGES, CFP Yang Yuanqing, CEO of Lenovo is trying to create a truly global company by blending Eastern and Western management styles. Global Lenovo Lenovo kickoff ceremony . Held in Raleigh, North Carolina, April 17. Chinese enterprises are fully aware that tion faces numerous difficulties. First, the internationalization has reached the point of lesser-known Lenovo merged with the changes for Yang Yuanqing and his top man- no return; but few of them are actually choos- famous IBM; this allowed them to enter agement team, were reviewed to ascertain interviews in China and the US, including the ing to go international. Even though Huawei developed markets from a base in an emerg- whether or not Lenovo had improved. Now it Technologies' focus is on technology and ing economy. At present, brand building for seems that Lenovo has the chance to be a Lenovo's emphasis is on trade and technolo- Lenovo still has a way to go. Second, entering market leader while it occupies the second gy, it is their exploration of internationalization local markets abroad via merger requires a position in the industry at the moment. Its that is worth knowing, especially Lenovo's. different organizational structure and a new corporate culture has become fresher, but it is Since Lenovo announced its merger with management model. The two parties will still far from celebrating. Even if Lenovo IBM's PC Division in December 2004, it has coordinate their efforts deeply but certainly attains global market leadership in the future, experienced two foreign commanders leaving conflicts will emerge in developing the local it cannot afford to relax. As Liu Chuanzhi said: office (Stephen Ward and William Amelio). and global markets that will require a lot of "Only those who are not rocked off the boat The former commanders returned and then knowledge, patience, and communication. are the ones chosen by the times." subsequently left. (Liu Chuanzhi retired as This is different from the conventional pattern At the Lenovo Kick Off in the USA, the staff has been interpreting Lenovo's product cul- chairman of the board in 2005, resurfaced in in the past of gradual expansion by interna- Feb. 2009, and left again in Nov. 2011.) A tional companies. Third, as the smart phone ture in a relaxed way. Before the meeting, a similar "gone, then here, then gone again" and personal computers industries have sound technician was clipping a microphone experience happened to Yang Yuanqing, who developed so quickly with so many revolu- on Yang Yuanqing. took over the position of chairman in 2005, tions, profound thinking is required to grasp then became the CEO in Feb. 2009, and final- the strategic opportunity while solving the ly acted as CEO and Chairman in Nov. 2011. The Fastest-Growing Company problem of cultural and managerial thinking. "The past year was the most exciting for Obviously it is not simply personnel or posi- After all, upstarts like Apple and Samsung me," said Yang Yuanqing. At that moment, he tion changes. The deep-seated reason behind have already gained much attention and and Liu Jun had flush faces, as if they had these changes is cultural integration, which reaped much of the profit. been drinking. In fact, however, there was no However, Lenovo still passed all the tests it wine. The scene was the 2012 Lenovo Kick of the merger. After all, there were many faced, even though its efforts were in flux, Off. Obviously they were deeply moved by obstacles to overcome, and they did not going through numerous challenges, includ- the atmosphere at the event. Like a chief ing those mentioned above. A new chapter commander inspecting his capable troops as deeply worried Liu Chuanzhi at the beginning resort to sensationalist statements; one careless move may have well resulted in losing the would certainly cover the events of the past they draw their swords, he was encouraged whole game. half year when Yang Yuanqing was solely as well as excited by what he saw. It is evident that Lenovo's internationaliza- managing the company. Details from our Emerging Markets Insight 13 That was Yang's peak moment. He had Global Lenovo never stood so near to Lenovo's dream — to couldn't have imagined the hardships and Being number one in the industry is of real be number one in the world. It was a critical pain ahead when he insisted on making the significance for a Chinese company: Its new time for Lenovo to rise to the top while it purchase. He experienced such moments as products and advanced technologies can be remained in 2nd place. But it would be only a being entrusted with a mission at a critical and more easily promoted around the world, and matter of time before Lenovo could realize difficult time;He felt like he was standing at its brand more easily recognized. For years, that dream if it kept on developing at its cur- the edge of an abyss, and he had many Chinese enterprises like Lenovo and Huawei rent rate. sleepless nights, as he kept waking up from have taken different paths of internationaliza- It has not been easy to become what nightmares. tion. Huawei, by attempting the steep north- Lenovo is today. Yang thought being number But all these issues he was experiencing ern slope, has been praised and encouraged one in the world was an unrealistic target are gone. For ten consecutive quarters, all the way, while Lenovo, by taking the circu- three or four years ago, when Lenovo was Lenovo has been the fastest-growing compa- itous route via the southern slope, had stirred getting into deep trouble. At that time, ny among major PC manufacturers, reducing serious criticisms and doubts. Today, Yang Lenovo's sales were trailing the number one its gap with the world's number one manufac- finally has the chance to prove Lenovo to the firm by 13 percent. turer, to 9% last year. It has improved this world, and believes that Lenovo represents a year, further reducing the gap to only 4% new level of company management. In fact, he was left to manage the company alone again, during the past half year — On today. Lenovo has ushered in its golden age, November 2, 2011, Lenovo announced that reminiscent of IBM in the 1960s and 1970s. Yang would serve as both CEO and Chairman As for Yang, his growth during the recent Has Lenovo been able to stand on the top of the industry to overlook its opponents and lead vigorously and boldly? The answer is no. of the group while Liu Chuanzhi would be years of internationalization cannot be com- This is the ongoing dilemma for the IT indus- stepping down from chairmanship to become pared with those during his career over the try — at no time can any firm relinquish its the honored group chairman. past 23 years. Today, he learned how to sense of crisis. Today's IT industry is experi- Looking back further, Lenovo has been con- retreat in order to advance, how to conquer encing a tremendous revolution — wave after fronting obstacles in merging its international the unyielding by yielding, enjoying praise wave of mobile internet technology is culture and management acumen since the from both the eastern and western worlds approaching, and the traditional PC market is moment it purchased IBM's PC Division. Yang while on his stage. under attack. Everybody is discussing the Lenovo's CEO Yang Yuanqing has to find a way to go beyond the everchanging PC industry. Emerging Markets Insight 14 Global Lenovo How Lenovo implemented IBM merger 2004 2005 Dec. 8 Lenovo starts to negotiate with IBM May 1 Lenovo and IBM announce the merger. Lenovo becomes the third biggest PC company 2008 2009 2007 Jan. Lenovo launches mobile business. Loses money in the first year William Amelio resigns. Yang Yuanqing and Liu Chuanzhi return to Lenovo 2010 Mar. 25 Announces entrance into developed and emerging markets Dec. 21 Steve Ward resigns. William Amelio becomes CEO Oct. Tries to acquire Packard Bell with Acer, but fails Apr. Launches consumer product group 2006 Feb. Introduces many Lenovo products 2011 Apr. 19 Launches mobile business in China and introduces mobile device i.e. LePhone Jan. 27 Lenovo merges with NEC Jun. 1 Acquires Medion AG, a German mobile company Jul. 8 Listed in Fortune's 500 Oct. 13 Lenovo becomes second biggest PC company according to IDC possibility that operating systems and busi- ber one" are the most encouraging phrase in ness models will be very different in the post- commercial world. In addition to temptation, and was firmly confident in what he believed PC Era (Yang defines it as the "PC+ Era"). however, the tests and challenges in retaining in, sometimes even going beyond Liu Windows 8, cloud services, and even the solid the honor also deserve attention. Chuanzhi's control. At that time, it was evi- Wintel Alliance will eventually break down, He developed a fast moving and forceful style dent that he was not a master of flexible creating a whole new world. While Lenovo has The Growth of Yang management, which created conflict between been striving to catch up with Hewlett Yang received many more compliments at him, the board, and the former CEO. He had Packard, the number one firm in the industry, Lenovo's Kick Off in North America on April with its tablets, Apple has become the new 18. The moment he walked off the stage industry leader. During discussions at upon finishing his speech, the staff of the When Amelio Took Power Lenovo's top management meeting, much North American region all stood up to applaud Once he took the position, Amelio, who has time has been spent defining who the most their "captain." Yang had won recognition in a strong personality, immediately started placed himself and even Lenovo in danger. the most-developed commercial country reforming Lenovo's supply chain. Within two Moreover, outsiders have been concerned which could be considered a successful "con- short weeks in August 2006, five senior man- that Lenovo, which has focused on the PC quest." This surprised Yang's colleagues, agers were replaced by new hires from Dell. business since its inception 28 years ago, may "Sitting there, I hadn't even realized that the At that time, this move was interpreted by lack the genes for innovation and reform. For people around me had all stood up." likely major competitor of Lenovo will be. years, Lenovo has been labeled for its "trade- Amelio as a restructuring to offset Lenovo's Gerry Smith, Lenovo's senior president in weaknesses. However, it produced organiza- technician-technology," and its creative prod- charge of its global supply chain, told China tional storms inside Lenovo. Many managers, ucts have not received much attention. Entrepreneur, "Yang is a good leader. He has including Liu Jun, senior vice president in Business history shows that being number one in an industry may lead to an enterprise suddenly being overrun with internal and become more confident and better at team charge of Lenovo's global supply chain, were building." removed. Liu Jun withdrew from business Winning praise from his international team management, saying he was going to "study." external difficulties. Externally, the number did not come easily for Yang. Apart from At Lenovo Kick Off in the US, the employ- one enterprise has to take on extra responsi- moving to America and starting to learn ees were interpreting Lenovo's product cul- bilities associated with its new status; inter- English, he has had to blend management ture in a relaxed way. nally, conceit can arise as a byproduct of styles of the east and west, which he says achieving its number one status, producing really challenges him. slow responses and disorientation which can Amelio's move was obviously unexpected by Yang Yuanqing and Liu Chuanzhi. Liu Before the acquisition of IBM's PC Division, recalled, "I felt unsettled by the news because Yang Yuanqing was great at business man- I thought talented managers had been ruined "Indeed, the most difficult time comes only agement. He started his career as a sales- by Amelio. So I asked Chen Shaopeng, then after becoming number one," said Yang man, enjoying the feeling brought by winning president of Lenovo China, to explain the Yuanqing. The words "being the world's num- territory through hard and vigorous fighting. Lenovo supply chain to Amelio. But Amelio make it more challenging to innovate. Emerging Markets Insight 15 Global Lenovo didn't listen and believed that he understood business management and international management much better than the Chinese. At the Kick Off in the US, Lenovo's staff take in Lenovo's culture. "Liu continued that he then appealed to a board member representing TPG, the investment group that jointly implemented the merger of IBM with Lenovo, to convince Amelio. But the Westerners thought the same way Amelio did. "He said that Chen Shaopeng is in charge of marketing in China and talked to the CEO of an international enterprise. 'Isn't this ludicrous?'" "He even said this out of respect for me." Finding no solutions, he realized how big a difference it was for people to differentiate normal people from angels. He drew the bow but didn't shoot. "It is not the right time to fight," Liu warned Yang Yuanqing. What he did was appease the staff he had let go. Managers like Song Hong business. Instead, we let the board under- least in the eyes of Liu Chuanzhi. "As chair- and Guo Minglei from the supply chain divi- stand the situation. Once they discovered that man of an IT company, one must have a sion all entered Hony Capital, an entity con- Amelio was not competent, he would be sound knowledge of technology," noted Liu. trolled by Lenovo. replaced." As Liu explained to Yang at the "Yang Yuanqing is such a talent. He has paid Despite Liu's warning, the young manager time. However, Yang was not able to reflect attention to business and already developed a Yang Yuanqing couldn't keep calm. The con- calmly on Liu's words or detach himself from good understanding of IT in the past few flict between him and Amelio soon became the losing markets of Lenovo. When noticing years. Appointing him to be chairman of the public. The areas of conflict not only involved that promotion of the European trade model board — working with the CEO in managing personnel appointments, but also business was not so successful, he actively submitted a the entire business — allowed him to feel the operations. request for a leadership position in Europe. depth of the waters, to know the top man- Half a year later, the business in Europe began agement team, and to succeed as CEO." After so many years of working for Lenovo, Yang was far more familiar with each case Yang has become more sophisticated after to prosper. and every detail of the business, more so He became more confident, and brought all his struggles. He has tried — or at least than he was with the palm lines of his own evidence to testify to the board about the pretended — to soothe his nerves. Moreover, hands. He would always give strong respons- CEO's incorrect decisions. Conflicts surfaced he started to tell jokes with foreign col- es when Amelio made short-term decisions, with the board, where he bluntly spoke of leagues, who have found that YY has become such as strengthening the business with key Amelio's mistakes and problems. The result more easy-going. (The pronunciation of Yang accounts where IBM had advantages, and he was that Yang brought trouble on himself. The Yuanqing is too difficult for foreigners, so they was only looking at the short-term benefits. board hoped Liu Chuanzhi would become the just call him YY for short, which he happily This was the direct cause of Lenovo's issues chairman again instead of Yang Yuanqing. Liu accepts.) after the financial crisis. restrained his anxiety and remained compla- They began to talk about the weather and "Yang Yuanqing was a real CEO, for he cent. It was at the expiration of the terms in family matters, and became personal friends. always led at the forefront," according to one office for Amelio in 2009 that he agreed to Yang also invited his employees to meals at former executive of Lenovo. "There was still serve as chairman again, on the condition his home. At times of interest, he himself nothing immediately wrong with the CEO's that Yang Yuanqing would serve as the CEO. does the cooking. business strategy. It was not even bad before The board eventually agreed after a period of the financial crisis. What we could see as lengthy negotiations. Qiao Jian, the senior vice president of Lenovo who has followed Yang Yuanqing for problems were not what the international years, is one of the executives who moved directors could see. To complicate things, at Birds Of A Feather earliest to the US. She observed, "He has that time, we could not get our hands on the Yang Yuanqing's stumbles were needed, at become tolerant. He used to possess a quick Emerging Markets Insight 16 Global Lenovo Lenovo is on the rise and continues to attract and retain talented executives around the world. temper. Once he gave out an order, everyone before in regards to basic management, the plans. Liu even organized several small inter- had to act at once. But he has changed after role of one who knows the mechanics of the nal meetings before announcing the news of trial and error over the past few years. system, as well as how to build a team and his return. Their biggest worry was whether Realizing that each person is independent and how to make strategic decisions. An enter- foreign executives would decide to leave, fol- is able to work by him or herself, he has prise like Lenovo will not be easily shaken." lowing Amelio's example, as well as figuring begun to rely on his team, respect everyone, Once Liu laid the foundation and Yang reno- and listen patiently to different ideas. vated it, Lenovo had a better management At that time, the most important thing Liu Yuanqing is very different from those CEOs in team than ever before. The only exception did was urging the board to agree to give for- other companies in China that I see who still was when the President and COO of Lenovo eign executives bonuses in cash instead of shout out orders like an emperor in their Group, Rory Read, left for AMD in 2011, and stock options. "The foreign executives went office." Yang had to take on the work of his former along with the cash idea, but members of the board who had a background in private equity out how to keep them engaged. This type of flexibility allowed Yang associate as well. Liu had hoped that upon Yuanqing to earn the title of an outstanding finding a candidate with strong strategic were used to attaining stock options. In the leader to his team. "Yuanqing allows me capabilities for the company, Yang would only end, I nearly had to force all members to raise enough freedom to realize my own idea in my work as executive chairman, and focus on their hands to agree to my idea." way; he has this sort of confidence in me. But technology development and business inno- Later on, Yang succeeded in building a new when our team falls behind, he is able to ask vation. People familiar with the matter ana- team. Upon the formation of the Lenovo challenging questions, and work with us to lyzed that the candidate should be either Executive Council (LEC) at the beginning of find ways to improve. Once you have accom- Chen Shaopeng or Liu Jun, though Chen had 2009, all major decisions were discussed by plished the task he assigned, he gives you already been asked at the end of the previous council members to ensure well-rounded con- more room for freedom." David Schmoock, year to join Legend Holdings Ltd. siderations for all strategies while, at the President for North America, expressed this same time, fostered a sense of ownership with a sense of great achievement and satis- Rebuilding Culture faction. Looking back to Feb 2009 when Liu trast to Amelio's time when each member Meanwhile, Liu thought it was time to let returned to his post as chairman, he and Yang operated under their own quotas. This work- Yang Yuanqing free to go do his own work. were feeling a lot of pressure. In order to do ing style was not smoothly implemented at "He has gotten a deeper understanding than things well, the two made comprehensive the beginning. "It was difficult for me at first Emerging Markets Insight amongst members. This was in direct con- 17 Global Lenovo David Schmoock, president of Lenovo North America who is having his head shaved bald, was one of the heroes for Lenovo's leaping development. its." He illustrated with an example. Once, he target was not acceptable. "This different each other. Lenovo was in danger then and in was trying to contact his new boss during an understanding of standards has probably the red. Everybody was unhappy and attend- emergency, when Amelio was on vacation. impacted strategy formulation and employee morale." because we on the committee didn't know ing meetings was difficult," recalled Milko van His secretary was unable to tell him where he Duijl, the senior vice president of Lenovo could find him. "At that moment, I felt hugely Upon taking office, Amelio had tried to Group. depressed. I realized that I had not taken a solve these issues, clarifying the role culture Lenovo during this time was lacking internal holiday in four years. When a foreigner gets a played in an enterprise as well as defining the motivation to sustain the system and get out better job title, higher pay, a more comfort- culture at Lenovo. He invited Liu, as the of the downturn. able job, and yet has fewer responsibilities, founder, to explain the Lenovo culture. One former executive said, "Lenovo had why should I stay?" He finally chose to leave, However, Liu refused, "it was inappropriate to been cultivating talents diligently. It tolerated though he still suffers a deep psychological praise Lenovo culture when contradictions some of your shortcomings, but when you blow several years later. were everywhere." made some achievements, you would be Though he feels regret, Liu believes that Liu continued, "There should be three prin- given more challenges." This executive even- such a process was unavoidable. "If you just ciples when preaching culture. Firstly, leaders tually left Lenovo in 2009, but he was still stand up and speak, you won't be recognized. set examples; secondly, executives must be grateful for his growth while working at After all, you must let everyone know who consistent and unified; and lastly, culture Lenovo during those years. "Amelio, however, you are and you must earn their trust before should be preached from the top down. All of was a professional man and thus, required your words can have meaning." this couldn't be done by Yang at that time achievement from others. He was unable to In the Lenovo culture following this, a say- tolerate your shortcomings, which put a ing turned up: "we do what we say," reflecting After Liu's comeback, he rechecked even if he wanted to." damper on morale." As a result, when Amelio the cultural difference between Lenovo and Lenovo's 4P culture: PLAN before we pledge, moved around Lenovo's employees, a great IBM. IBM tended to set a very high target, but PERFORM as we promise, PRIORITIZE to many of them chose to resign. considered accomplishing 80 percent of the benefit the company, and PRACTICE The former executive continued, "There work as acceptable, and 90 percent as won- improvement everyday. Different from were many contradictions. The first one was derful. This was not the case at Lenovo. Amelio's time, Liu now personally goes to distrust. Your abilities were not recognized. Lenovo was known for its execution ability, each main sector to preach Lenovo culture. The second was the differences in work hab- and attaining less than the 100 percent of the Being good at this, he always tells the story of Emerging Markets Insight 18 Global Lenovo when he had just set up the company. He harmony and trust among all employees. But One year later at the kick-off, the promises couldn't afford to buy good cigarettes, but in the end, it is only through sharing a com- were all fulfilled. Yang's promise was realized. when he did, it was only for when he enter- mon goal that Lenovo can achieve the "com- "David is a person with many merits. Apart tained his customers. "It was hard to distin- rade" relationship it wants its employees to from being able to pressure his team, he guish when I smoked due to business needs have with each other and the company itself. knows how to motivate them." Qiao Jian con- or my own desire. I decided to give up smok- fessed to China Entrepreneurs that David ing at the end." Through examples, Liu A Full Counterattack Schmoock was one of the heroes for Lenovo's aligned every employee with Lenovo culture. You can see the process of how the execu- leaping development, because he took the The intention of Liu's preaching was to instill tives were able to bring about the growth in company from red to black in the first year, the words that were so popular among senior the North American market. At the North achieved profit in the second, and increased employees: "Do what we say, form support American Lenovo swearing-in ceremony, profits by a large margin in the third. At pres- teams, and review decisions" into the mind of David Schmoock, senior vice president of ent, the market share of Lenovo in North foreign employees as well. Today, most of Lenovo Group and president for North America has hit a record of 7.5 percent, quite Lenovo's country managers around the world America, had his head shaved bald by Yang close to Lenovo's objective of attaining 10 are local, which is quite different from other Yuanqing and others. "That was the conse- percent market share overseas. transnational enterprises. It's impressive that, quence of a bet," said David Schmoock, with A few glasses of wine, a swimming pool, in Lenovo offices all around the world, its his hand on his own bare head, "I have to get and two cars were not the only things that employees, regardless of nationality, are able used to it." were responsible for the $1 billion growth. In to recite the 4P culture. As for the foreign The bet took place at a retreat for top man- executives, Liu has set higher expectations of them: Each must possess a sense of "ownership." The world economy is developing as is the enterprise management model. In the 1980s, Japanese enterprises emphasized a family code of management, which resulted in the fact, those from Lenovo's supply chain earned the most thanks at the ceremony in the US. Most of Lenovo's managers around the world are local, which is quite different from other transnational enterprises. impossibility of shedding off redundancy As Schmoock had said, his accomplishment of the objectives had depended upon other teams' support. Last year, nearly all the major manufacturers raised prices at distribution channels because of a shortage of hardware as a result of the floods in Thailand. Lenovo was an exception, which was, without dis- when needed. Then the professional man- pute, the most solid support for David who agement model from the West seemed to be agement, meeting one year after Schmoock had been earnest about seeking cooperation more popular. However, even this style of made up on the deficit of the North American from distribution channels. What was more is management has been questioned, since it market. At the meeting, somebody quipped, that the indices of shipping time, product can't match the sense of employee loyalty "David, you must be able to achieve more." quality, and product return rate of Lenovo "I can try," he nodded. were the best according to unpublished data hopes to come up with a new kind of man- "If you achieve the goal, I'll reward your top from retail sales cooperation channels. agement model that balances the two man- sales with two cars," said Yang Yuanqing, sit- "The current team spirit is exciting. It is like agement styles of the Japanese and the ting nearby. David Schmoock agreed and at IBM in the 1960s and 1970s, valuing talent Western. the end he got a Ferrari and an Aston Martin. and sharing encouragement. I like such an This requires Yang Yuanqing to create a At another get-together, the senior executives atmosphere," said Thomas Looney, who is in better stance. Liu explained, "Lenovo is began to holler when they had a little too charge of key accounts in North America, "All undoubtedly an enterprise dominated by much drink. "David, you can realize a much of us are fighting for better goals." Take the Chinese. So, in order to create a sense of higher goal." This time, the goal doubled that channel policy for example. Originally, 27 (family and) company ownership, the process of last year's. "OK, but you have to support channel programs were set by different may be an ambitious one. Thus, to make the me," said Schmoock, "and give me an even departments for their own reasons, conse- foreign staff realize that they are indeed bigger reward, Yuanqing." that family style companies have. Lenovo quently, the channel policy was not clear and respected, Yuanqing needs to be more toler- "What reward do you want?" Immediately, kept changing, resulting in non-cooperation of ant; he may even need to pay more attention Schmoock called his wife, who said that they channels. Now it has changed, "the only prin- to his international team than he would the needed a swimming pool. Yang consented. "If ciple is to satisfy the needs of the channels as Chinese staff." I really make it, your teams have to give me a well as the needs of Lenovo at the same hand and shave my head," added Schmoock. time." Yang has tried various methods to facilitate Emerging Markets Insight 19 Global Lenovo Actually the overall situation at Lenovo was model and the relationship-oriented model. tem with pressure from the top could guaran- improving, in addition to its growing North The strategy of "attack and defend" was also tee progress," according to Chen Xudong, the senior vice president of Lenovo and president American market. Lenovo had turned from put into action. On the defense side, the abili- defending to attacking since the pair of Liu ty to maximize profits was the main focus; on of China. Of course, the most critical compo- Chuanzhi and Yang Yuanqing took up their the offence or "attack" side, rather than pur- nent is that this practice goes with the payroll offices again. They made up the deficits and suing short-term profits, the focus was to program. achieved surpluses within a year, outpaced increase the market share to greater than 10 their competitors for ten consecutive quar- percent via continuous investment. Simply put, employees' salaries came largely from bonuses. There is a big gap ters, and rose to second place from fourth in In order to create trust amongst employ- between the bonus rewarded to those who three years. Such a radical speed of develop- ees, those who were familiar with Lenovo's met their targets and those who did not. The ment was beyond the expectations of the top way of doing business were sent to assist in carrot-and-stick policy convinced those who management at Lenovo. This quick and effec- the emerging markets, in addition to inviting initially had trust issues with Lenovo. "Since tive development of the company was due to various local teams to China for visits and the merger with IBM, many have come and Liu Chuanzhi's "three treasures" which were: study. "Shaopeng was then in charge of the gone. But the core managing team has stabi- Building teams, forming sound strategies, and emerging markets. On one hand, he made lized and gone through numerous hardships effectively leading teams. After LEC was strategies and objectives for the markets of together. Liu Jun and I have worked together founded by Yang Yuanqing, the next thing to different countries; on the other, he demand- and will unite our teams, establish the product do was to divide the markets into the devel- ed that managers of these different areas strategy, and decide on a staffing structure oped and the emerging, implementing the maintain close communications with the when our work seems to be repeated, instead two business models — the trade-oriented assistants sent from China. Only such a sys- of leaving areas open intentionally, enabling Mini Interview ❶ Liu Chuanzhi company had delved into the consumer “If you are not rocked off the boat, you are the one chosen by the times” market,) Lenovo would have more brand Lenovo has a history of 28 years. Do you think you are the one chosen by the times? equity. More investment is still needed. I think so. The word "chosen" is very What they go by is to do whatever is need- appropriate. Times are always changing. At By Zhang Gang ed for the future, not for the short-term the beginning of China's reform and open- stock market performance like in the past, ing up, for instance, all of us were stepping so they have done quite a good job. What do you think about the changes of Lenovo in the half year since you retired? Generally, everything goes as planned. Lenovo now focuses on building brand equity and expanding the landscape of mobile internet products. In short, they have done everything that is needed for the future. forward with confidence. However, in the process of reform and opening up, some Lenovo has a need to be innovative. But it was labeled early on as "trade-techniciantechnology." Does this mean that it is difficult for Lenovo to take the path of technology innovation? Lenovo still has to make breakthroughs in technology innovation. The Chinese always say that "we'd better return to our hometown with How do you think Lenovo's brand awareness and influence in the world has changed, after all these years? Ltd., I still hoped for a break- It is far from good, I mean international- through in the industry. I'm not ly. Our market share has reached 14 per- satisfied with simply making cent, but that is not the case for our brand money. I hope I can make equity because ThinkPad products were breakthroughs in industry, mainly sold to big business accounts, especially in PCs, but this takes whose total market volume is much smaller time. We also need people like than that of the consumer market. (If the Yang Yuanqing. honor." Even in Legend Holdings Emerging Markets Insight businesses began to be weeded out. There were many people being weeded out as the result of the contradictions between a planned economy and a market economy; later, some companies and business people had to exit because of the property mechanism and, in the end, some had to exit because of the wrong business strategy. I think it is somewhat like standing on a boat: If you were not knocked off, you are the one chosen by the times. 20 Global Lenovo our rivals to prosper. Day by day, trust comes absorbing talented executives, like Acer's for- below its market performance. Lenovo gained into being," said Peter Hortensius, president mer CEO Gianfranco Lanci. At the Lenovo access to Best Buy on condition that its prod- of Lenovo Product Group. Kick Off in Europe, Gianfranco Lanci was uct price would be $50 lower than HP's with It was comfortable for Yang Yuanqing to appointed Lenovo senior vice president and the same configuration. "You can imagine manage the business again. Being chairman president of Europe, the Middle East, and what a loss it has been to give up $50 out of a product retail priced at $500." for several years made him a leader with Africa (EMEA) to make up for Lenovo's weak- long-term strategic insight. When he became nesses in these markets. Lanci himself also Moreover, the trailing opponent HP came the CEO in 2009, he turned in a four-year plan made it clear that he would put Lenovo in the back, hosting the 2012 Summit of Technology to the board covering annual market share, top three in the market of EMEA before 2013. Impact 2012 in Shanghai early in May, 2012. turnover, and profit. Yang said, "This long- He was highly praised and has even been HP had been wavering in its PC strategy. But term plan directed us to concentrate on honored as King of PC in Europe by Yang since Whitman took over the presidency, the growth in the last two years, and then later Yuanqing. PC business of HP has gone on, further merg- on, profit. Before, managers who managed So does Lenovo have it in the bag? No. ing its PC business with its printer business. based on financial statements cared about Yang Yuanqing was concerned with Lenovo's This is a new business model for HP, which is the top line and bottom line, turnover, and brand promotion around the world. "Even aiding it in competing with Lenovo.It was not profits. Regardless of the quality of analysis, it though we produced better products than easy for Lenovo to outperform HP. But a big- was very superficial. But now Lenovo pays Apple, we couldn't achieve as much as Apple ger challenge was looming. attention to logic: If the strategy is correct in did. Our brand influence is too weak around logic, profit will follow." Lenovo is on the rise and capable of Interview ❷ Yang Yuanqing the world," said the frank Yang. Outside New Genes China, brand awareness of Lenovo was far It was still the Kick Off. Before the Kick Off gic preparations have you made for this change as internal discussions go ahead? agent for HP. I made my contribution to There are many advantages after you HP's distribution channel in China. HP once My first job at Lenovo was to be the “I’m proud that I have a hammer” become a leader. The suppliers will give you By Qin Shan a better price. But your rivals and your cus- Later on, it emphasized efficiency, which tomers will have different expectations of won short-term profits but sacrificed the You said that "smart TV is PC," raising disagreements with others. Some remarked that you see everything as a nail because you have a hammer in your hand. What do you think about that? focused on people and innovation. you. In other countries in the past, no one future of the company. Sony was quite regarded us as a major opponent. Now we innovative before and produced plenty of are in the spotlight, and more manufactur- great products. ers will take us as their rival, which will lead But today, almost all the enterprises with to fiercer competition. Our customers will First, it's better to have a hammer in a glorious history no longer are also have higher expectations of us. There hand than to have nothing. It is easy for playing a leading role. They are many negative reports about Apple, for people to talk without action. I'm proud that instance, and they may not be fair reports. I have a hammer. But this is the reality. For a leader or an out- So my feeling is that standing person, there are more Lenovo should bal- Second, hammering the nail is not the have lost out to the innovative Apple and efficient Samsung. purpose. You have to know what your pur- demanding requirements. pose is. If you want to build a building, will a ance efficiency and And one little fault will be hammer be enough? If not, you should innovation. It is not amplified if found by others; have the correct tools in your tool box. And an easy thing to that is life. manage the this is our response. Smart phones and Smart TVs are the buildings that Lenovo will build. From a follower to being a leader, Lenovo may face different problems. What strate- direction of an The IT industry is constantly changing; if companies aren’t on top of the trends, they run the risk of getting trampled by competitors. Do you have any feelings about that? Emerging Markets Insight 21 enterprise and lay the foundation for its corporate culture and management. Global Lenovo Lenovo's biggest concern is the weak brand awareness. Outside China, brand awareness of Lenovo is far below its market performance. in Beijing started, Qiao Jian discovered a seri- again stressed its cultural motto of 'we do members to think about how to conceive a ous problem when looking at the schedule what we say.' But in fact, Lenovo has become creative idea. arranged for her by her secretary. She and less tolerant of failure. Everyone tends to do Yang Yuanqing were asked to rehearse twice. things assuming there will not be a single mis- Yang Yuanqing concluded Lenovo's achieve- "It was about who stands where or which take." ments in the new areas. "By introducing At the Kick Off of the new financial year, hand you would hold up. Should senior exec- An important move Lenovo took early this smart phones of $158 to mainstream con- utives be required to rehearse such little mat- year was to add one more P — Pioneer, to the sumers, our mobile internet business quickly ters?" Qiao gave the order and the execu- original 4P culture. Qiao Jian was not making achieved its first victory. Our mobile business tives' rehearsal was cut. a tempest in a tea pot. Practically, daring to be has entered the top three in the China market a pioneer was just what Lenovo lacks in its with the market share reaching double digits. mobile internet strategy. This was never realized by phonetic phones in This move frightened the organizers. Mentioning this matter, Jian later said, "I knew I had frightened you. This has never hap- Qiao said, "Now we are encouraging the past 10 years, so this was a historical pened in China before, correct? But anyone employees to think out of the box and tell breakthrough. As for our tablets, they have with an IQ would remember where he should them there still is a tolerant atmosphere." risen to second place and play a leading role among manufacturers adopting the Android stand, which hand he should raise, and which She even organized various training work- button he should press. Even if they didn't shops so that staff from different depart- know and made some small mistakes, they ments could communicate their ideas and But it was superficially auspicious. would be acceptably small mistakes." strengthen the overall innovation conscious- Smartphones with a price of $158 and other "I thought it was serious, for this conveyed ness of the organization. There is a training hot-sellers have helped sales reach over some horrible implications that no mistakes activity named "Leader in Lenovo" for execu- $940,000, which can be expected to exceed were allowed at Lenovo," said Qiao, "In order tives. In this activity, every participant is $3.947 million at the end of this year (all data to confront such difficulties in reality, Lenovo involved and acts as a group leader, helping provided by Lenovo), but Lenovo is not Emerging Markets Insight 22 operating system in China." Global Lenovo authoritative in the high-end product area. the iPhone in order to win the mobile internet The sales of its tablets with the Android sys- market, standing high as a giant at its debut. said Chen Xudong. Meanwhile, Lenovo will continue making tem are not encouraging enough in terms of But LePhone failed in its launch, with only global market share, which is quite small 700,000 sold at the end of the year, lower work with Intel to launch the smartphone compared to that of Apple's iPad. Lenovo later than the objective of 1 million. It was nothing K800 based on an Intel design. It was saw sharp sales increases, the result of the less than a drama, with many twists and revealed that K800 has powerful perfor- decline in sales of competing products. turns. A manufacturer of twenty some years' mance. Besides the ability to multitask, it can According to the market research agency experience had made a foolish mistake at a present content on screen, relying on Intel's comScore's report on market share of tablets critical time. wireless display technology. The performance new attempts in the smartphone area. It will with Android in February, Lenovo took only 1 Blindly believing in their technology, they of K800 needs more observation, but the percent while Amazon's Kindle Fire had 54.4 neglected the process of product commercial- cooperation between Lenovo and Intel shows percent and Samsung's GalaxyTab series ization and branding, from research to mar- their ambition. If they make the best of this trailed behind. In June, the figure for Lenovo ket launch. "The process requires standard- opportunity, both of them will embrace a ization in areas such as quality control, and bright future. had climbed to 3 percent. Lenovo adapted itself to changes by alter- procurement of components. This applies to Regardless, developing mobile internet will ing its structure. In 2011 it formed Mobile one machine as well as one million machines. be a painful business for Lenovo. Yang Internet and Digital Home Group (MIDH), Otherwise, all you have is a conceptual prod- Yuanqing was criticized by industry insiders as mainly researching and developing terminal uct," said Chen Xudong. seeing everything as a nail because he held a products for mobile internet use, including tablets, smartphones, and smart TV, and providing cloud service by developing integrated terminals and applications. Liu Jun is commander-in-chief of MIDH. The retired Liu Chuanzhi feels hopeful about having a dedi- hammer, saying that "smart TV is PC." But "To our customers, our partners, and our government officials: You are all our family." cated organization for this new business. Yang Yuanqing believes that it is still better to have a hammer in hand than having nothing. Internally, the building of an innovation system turned out to be more difficult than the system of "doing what we say." "It has taken a long time for us to know what innovation is, "Putting one organization in charge of what a pioneer is, and that we shouldn't allow research and development, product, procure- Lenovo Mobile, sold in March 2008 and ment, and sales, just like when Yang bought back at the end of 2009, took over trying to ensure a company system that sup- Yuanqing was managing one business unit product commercialization for a short while. It ports everyone's efforts to be a pioneer, before, means the strategic planning will be even evaluated whether or not LePhone accommodating all or only some people to try very straightforward. MIDH produces differ- would meet the standards for going to mar- it out." Lenovo, a mature organization, is ent products from those produced at the ket. But the fact was that LePhone appeared sprouting green buds but it needs timely Lenovo Research Institute. After thinking after a high-profile launch — the timing was auditing to avoid mistakes. about developing a product, all matters relat- all wrong. any mistakes. Now that we've learned, we're According to Yang Yuanqing, currently, ed to procurement will be considered, allow- Recently, Lenovo released its smart TV ing no stocking of parts, which optimizes the series, a result of the lessons taken from the of products within a 12-18 month period. "In supply chain.This is advantageous for com- failure of LePhone and from Lenovo's first my opinion, some technologies and products peting in the market." blueprint for mobile internet. It has been said are of revolutionary significance." Lenovo aims to launch three or four batches The reason that MIDH excites Liu Chuanzhi that the product is already "third generation" These days, Liu is more relaxed about inno- is mainly because Lenovo had once stumbled and has been strictly checked by Yang vative products. He said, "My years of efforts with LePhone, which was launched on April Yuanqing. Lenovo believes it has thoroughly are not reflected through a physical product. 19th, 2010 with a high profile. Ma Yun, Cao evaluated both the strengths and weakness- What I'm striving for is to make an enterprise Guowei and other business heavyweights in es of the product. last for 100 years." Lenovo is capable of doing China attended the product launch. Liu "The appearance of the smart TV may not Chuanzhi, dropping his customary low-key reflect any breakthroughs, but the content firmly on the ground and march forward, style, shouted out: "To our customers, our and applications will be attractive to consum- even in a passive situation." Liu Chuanzhi partners, and our government officials: You ers. Apple might make a good balance believes that Lenovo needs to gather are all our family. You power us; thank you for between its products' appearance and con- momentum, which is now more important that." Liu hoped to take a bloody gamble with tent, but for Lenovo this is still a challenge," than launching a revolutionary product. Emerging Markets Insight 23 that. "We have been able to keep our feet
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