How to Score High in Logos Quiz About 5 lakhs people registered for the Logos Quiz in 2012 and the participation and excitement are increasing every year. Here are some tips to score high in the quiz, even with an average memory. Preparing for the Quiz 1. Start preparing for the quiz about 2 months prior to the quiz date, so that you will get sufficient time to read and review the portions (syllabus) at least 4 times. The quiz schedule and the due date for registering are given in the KCBC site. 2. Read the Bible portions and the guide given by KCBC. Go through the sample questions in the guide. Try to answer at least one quiz book for the year (these quiz books are published by a few parishes; some are available online. Ex.) 3. Highlight key points and prepare notes while studying. Look for potential questions in each sentence/paragraph. Spend the last one or two days only for revision going thru highlights and notes (better not to use these days for studying anything fresh). 4. Know about the structure of the Logos quiz pattern. About 60% of questions are direct and simple; then you have questions of varying complexity. Different types require different approaches; sample questions of different category and the approach to score complex questions are given in the next page. 5. If you are new to Logos Quiz, go through the previous year question paper, to familiarize with the structure of the quiz and other instructions. 6. Prepare study notes for attacking complex questions such as reference numbers, cross references, quotes, people and their characteristics, and locations (details later). Taking the Quiz 7. It is a good idea to mark answers first on the question paper and transfer it to the answer sheet in batch mode. This will give a chance for you to change your choice until it is transferred to the answer sheet. Time allotted for answering is about 90 minutes, but it is observed that most people complete it in 75 minutes. More Tips 8. Make it a practice to read Bible verses every day, early morning and at bed time. Prior to the quiz, read from the portions for the quiz. 9. Encourage all your family members to participate in the quiz; studying together, sharing, questioning, discussing, monitoring each other’s progress are all great fun! 10. Participate in the Logos Quiz every year; regular participants seem to perfect the art of scoring high. As you know, any skill improves as you use more; participating in quizzes sharpens your memory. 11. Try to listen to the popular Bible quizzes such as one conducted in Shalom TV. 12. You may also be interested to know How to memorize Bible Verses easily and have fun 13. Previous question papers and answers are at KCBC site. 14. May also refer How to Study for a Test, Quiz, or Exam More tips at th 29 Oct 2012 Logos Quiz Pattern – Types, Examples & Tips Based on the question papers for 2010, 2011, 2012. 1. Direct and simple questions (about 70 questions) km£yt]SI\nÀamW¯n\v D]tbmKn¨ acw Xmsg¸dbp¶hbn GXmWv? A tZhZmcp B Ip´ncn¡w C Henhv D Icpthew Tip: Read the portions at least 4 times and answer questions in any quiz guide; you can score about 60% just by this doing this. 2. Direct but confusing (about 2 questions) tbip km_¯pZnhkw I^ÀWmanse kn\tKmKn ]Tn¸n¨t¸mÄ Aip²mßmhv _m[n¨ Hcph³ tbip Bsc¶mWv shfns¸Sp¯nbXv? ssZh¯nsâ ssZh¯nsâ ssZh¯nsâ A A`njnà³ B {]nb]p{X³ C ]cnip²³ D ssZh¯nsâ ]p{X³ There is only a slight difference in answers here. Each one is correct in different contexts. One approach to remember those category is to prepare a tabular study note giving the context and the exact words used. 3. Memory intensive (about 2 questions) ssZhnIkz`mh¯n ]¦pImcmIp¶Xn\v hnizmknItfmSv Ahcnse kZvKpW§sf H¶ns\ asäm¶psImïv k¼qÀWam¡phn³ F¶v Çolm DZvt_m [n¸n¡p¶pv (1:4þ7). Xmsg¸dbp¶hbn icnbÃm¯Xv GXv? `ànsb ktlmZckvt\ls¯ Úm\s¯ Bßkwba\s¯ A ktlmZckvt\lw B D]hn sImïv C `ànsImïv D £asImïv sImïv The Bible verse here is C¡mcW¯m \n§fpsS hnizmks¯ kpIrXwsImïpw, kpIrX s¯ PvRm\wsImïpw, PvRm\s¯ BXvakwba\wsImïpw, BXvakwba\s¯ IvjasImïpw, Ivjasb `IvXnsImïpw, `IvXnsb ktlmZckvt\lw sImïpw, ktlmZckvt\ls¯ D]hnsImïpw k¼qÀWam¡m³ \¶mbn DXvkmln¡phn³. Here you can use memory techniques such as ‘VIBGYOR for learning the colors in Rainbow’. 4. Measurements (about 2 questions) Ir]mk\¯nsâ \ofhpw hoXnbpw F{X? cïcapgw \ofw, cïcapgw hoXn, cïcapgw \ofw, cïcapgw hoXn, aq¶papgw D \ofw H¶capgw hoXn B H¶capgw \ofw C Hcpapgw hoXn Prepare a study note for various measurements used in the study portion. 5. Indirect (about 2 questions) tbip hnP\{]tZi¯v {]mÀ°n¨psImïncp¶t¸mÄ AhnsS tXSnsb¯n, FÃmhcpw \ns¶ At\zjn¡p¶p F¶p ]dªXmcv? inatbm\pw IqsSbpinatbm\pw aäp injy·mcpw aäp A ïmbncp¶hcpw B injy·mcpw C Nnecpw D inatbm³ The Bible verse here is AXncmhnse Ah³ DWÀ¶v Hcp hnP\kvYet¯¡p t]mbn. AhnsS Ah³ {]mÀYn¨psImïncp¶p. inatbm\pw IqsSbpïmbncp¶hcpw Ahs\ tXSn¸pds¸«p. Isï¯nbt¸mÄ AhÀ ]dªp: FÃmhcpw \ns¶ At\zjn¡p¶p. As you read each sentence/paragraph, look for potential questions. More tips at th 29 Oct 2012 6. People/Locations (about 6 questions) "Ah³ ..... bn IpjvTtcmKnbmb inatbmsâ ho«n `£W¯n\ncn¡th, Hcp sh¬IÂ`cWn \ndsb hnetbdnb ip² \mÀZo³ kpKÔssXehpambn Hcp kv{Xo AhnsS h¶p’. A _Yv^sK B Henhpae C _Ym\nbm D tIkdnbm ^nen¸n _kmteensâ ]nXmalsâ t]cv? A bmt¡m_v B Fenlp C lqÀ D Dudn Prepare a study note for the relevant people and locations – their characteristics, highlights, and contexts. 7. Reference numbers (about 6 questions) aXt\Xm¡Ä tbml¶msâ amt½mZokmsb¡pdn¨pÅ CutimbpsS tNmZy ¯n\v D¯cw ]dbmsX Hgnªpamdp¶Xv hnip² aÀt¡mkv tcJs¸Sp¯nbncn¡p ¶sXhnsS? A 11:27þ33 B 9:5þ14 C 10:15þ23 D 12:1þ8 Remember reference number of important verses. Also know the structure of the bible study portions – chapter and key chapter headings. This will help you to choose the right answer even if you don’t know the exact reference number. 8. Cross references to other chapters (about 2 questions) tbiphnsâ hchn\pap³]v Genbm BZyta h¶v FÃmw ]p\xØm]n¡pw F¶v {]hN\w \S¯nb {]hmNI³ Bcv? A Psdanb B Gi¿m C aem¡n D kJdnb Refer the foot notes in the POC Bible. Prepare a study note of important quotes/cross references to other chapters. 9. Counts (about 2 questions) hnip² aÀt¡mknsâ kphntijw Bcw`n¡p¶Xv kv\m]Isâ acp`qanbnse {]hÀ¯\t¯msSbmWv. H¶mw A[ymbw Ahkm\n¡p¶Xv Cutim acp`qanbn (hnP\Øew) Xmakn¡p¶Xv ]cmaÀin¨psImmWv. ‘acp`qan/hnP\{]tZiw' F¶ ]Zw F{X {]mhiyw hnip² aÀt¡mknsâ kphntijw H¶mw A[ymb¯n D]tbmKn¨ncn¡p¶p? 3 6 9 12 A B C D Try to use the process of elimination here. If you know an answer is unlikely, eliminate it; choose one from the rest. What to do when you don’t know the answer at all? Just relax and pray to Holy Spirit to guide you to choose the right answer and choose one according to the inner voice. (Once you get the correct answers from the KCBC website, find out what % of your random picks came correctly – you will be surprised!) If you have already scored high in any Logos Quiz, probably you may have a few tips to share. Please send it to me. More tips at th 29 Oct 2012
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