Document 2302

Into the College Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church Community
MAY 3, 2014
Pastor’s Corner—The Christian Loophole
There is a dangerous dissonance pervading
the way we live out our faith as Seventh-day
Adventist Christians. The formulaic expression, “My sins have been covered by the
blood of Jesus,” or “I am covered by the
blood of Jesus” reveals subconscious sentiments of contempt relating to the sacrifice of
Christ that can only be explained by an unintended negligence with regards to its teaching.
We pray for our sinful conduct, irreverent
behavior and debauchery to be covered by
the blood, as though the blood of Jesus is
some sort of alternative to righteous living or
moral transformation. That we can say, act,
think, feel, and be any way we want and
qualify it with the blood as a means to justification. Abhorrently abused, it is no longer
seen as that which changes us from the inside
out, but rather that which absolves us from
Christian responsibility. A loophole to holiness, it has become a way around living up to
who God has created us to be, as well as an
excuse for settling for the way things naturally are. But there is a profound difference
between being covered by the blood of Christ
and being cleansed by the blood of Christ.
For one can be covered and still not cleansed.
The Bible teaches us, that before Jesus died
on the cross, God in his forbearance passed
over (literally “neglected” or
“disregarded”) the sins previously committed (Romans 3:25). Which means, even
though ancient Israel had the sanctuary with
its sacrificial system as a means to make
atonement for sin, it still wasn’t good
enough. God had to “pass over” or “disregard
sins.” The sins were “atoned” for, which in
the Hebrew really translates to “covered
over,” but they had not been removed. For
when we read in the book of Hebrews we are
told that it is impossible for the blood of
goats and bulls to take away sins (Hebrews
10:4). Thus, there was still a need for the sin
to be carried away from the sinner, cleansing
One example that comes to mind is a bar of
soap. The purpose of soap is not to cover up
what is dirty, or even to make what is dirty
smell clean. The purpose of soap is to remove
the dirt. When we wash our hands the soap
traps the dirt, holds it and carries it down the
drain. In the same way the blood of Jesus
traps the sin, holds the sin and carries it
away from the sinner making him or her
It is not enough to simply have our carnal
behavior and fleshly proclivities covered
by the blood, we must also be cleansed by
its power. For in the same way the earthly
sanctuary served as a means by which sins
were covered for a time, is the same way
the world today has been covered by His
sacrifice. “He is the atoning sacrifice for
our sins, and not for ours only but also for
the sins of the whole world“ (1 John 2:2).
However, when Christ returns, if we are
found beneath his covering to still be unclean, never having been transformed by
its power, then the gracious covering
which we now embrace, will be of no use
us. For the Bible declares and he who is
filthy, let him be filthy still (Revelation
The blood of our Savior is more than a
cloak, for there is no need to hide in darkness what has been made new. My dear
brothers and sisters, “We walk in the light
as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of
Jesus cleanses us from all sin.” (1 John
1:7). Jesus wants to cleanse us, He wants
to change us, and He wants us to experience that life giving resurrection power.
He is not content with our playing it small.
We are more than what we have become.
He knelt down in front of Peter and said,
“If I do not wash you, you have no
part with me” (John 13:8). When we,
with a sincere heart and a humble
spirit, allow Jesus our King to kneel
down and cleanse us, it will always
result in a change in our person. For
how can we ever be the same again?
Perhaps one reason why we continue
to live defeated lives is because we
don’t really believe that the blood of
Jesus can cleanse us, change us and
give us power to walk uprightly. So
we settle for a covering instead. Let
us stop hiding among trees, with fig
leaves for clothing, covering our
naked selves. Instead, let us behold
and embrace the Lamb standing as if
it had been slain. (Revelation 5:6).
Pastor Shantel
Inside this issue:
The Following
Parkland Pathfinders
ABW News
PAA News
CUC Events
Page 2
College Heights Christian School News
The students at CHCS have been kept busy with a variety of
activities the last few months. There was a lot of excitement
over the Winter Olympics as students cheered on our Canadian athletes, and were thrilled to participate in our own CHCS
Winter Olympics. Everyone was divided into four countries
that were chosen by the students - Jamaica, Finland, France,
and Russia. The students then created flags, songs, and banners for their country. On the day of the athletic events, students participated in a wide variety of races - from pairs
"figure skating"(one person pushing another student standing
on a wheeled platform), to the biathalon (a foot race, then
dropping marshmallows into a target). The best part of the
day was the amazing team spirit - the whole school would be
clapping and cheering for the first and last student to cross
the finish lines.
There have been several field trips - Reynolds Museum, swimming lessons, Canyon ski hill, Lake Louise ski hill, Youth Theatre Production, and the list goes on.
We were excited to see the return of the Scholastics Book Fair in March, along with the guest
appearance of Clifford the Big Red Dog. In order to encourage reading during the month of
March, students were entered into a draw for each book they read during the month. The winners received Book Fair gift certificates. $1600 worth of books were sold, giving CHCS $750
in Scholastics product to use in classrooms.
The Student Council decided that they would like to host a CHCS talent show, which was a
huge success. The amount and variety of talent in our school is astounding! The two hour
program consisted of students playing instruments, doing gymnastics, acting, telling jokes, and
presenting optical illusions. There were a few short skits, a mime act, groups of students singing, and a grand finale put on by the staff that had the students rolling in laughter. It was wonderful to see the result of hours of practice and teamwork turn into a great afternoon of entertainment.
Submitted by Jai Dubyna
Page 3
CHCS—A Leader in Mathletics
Recently our school introduced a new web-based math program called Mathletics to augment regular classroom instruction. I love it and
my students have caught the fire as well.
On May 10 & 11, I had a "Mathletics Marathon" with
my students to try and earn as many points as possible
in a 24 hour daily contest on Mathletics. On the
homepage of the Mathletics website there is a Hall of
Fame which displays the top 100 students in the world
and the top 100 students in Canada. This marathon
was designed to inspire my students to do nothing but
Mathletics and to see if we could top our country and
possibly the world. And we did! We scored so many
points in this short period of time that the distributor,
3P Learning Company in Canada, took special notice
of our school. This resulted in an e-mail from our
Mathletic school representative who wondered what
was going on. I responded and shared a few of the
ideas that I've been doing to implement Mathletics
with my students. A few weeks later, I received an
email from the marketing manager stating that we
were awarded the Mathletics Master class for the
month of April. This recognition is displayed on their
blog and in the newsletter that gets sent across Canada
to all Mathletics users. We also received a trophy for
this honour.
In addition, the marketing manager requested that I write some of my implementation ideas down so that she could post them on her
blog. She thought they were worthwhile and shared them with the CEOs in Canada, USA and the UK.
There are a couple of major reasons why I think this has been so engaging for my students. First, they are allowed to bring their own electronic devices to class. This prevents me from having to book the computer lab at school and we can access Mathletics at any time. Secondly, it has built positive attitudes towards math because of the wonderful recognition students get by reaching different personal goals.
Mathletic certificates are wonderful. We also have a cool bulletin board at our school that recognizes the efforts of each stu-
dent; we call it
the “CHCS Hall
of Fame.” This
board provides a
common point of
interest and some
“friendly competition” among the
students at all
grade levels.
I truly love the
excitement Mathletics has brought
to our school.
When students
are having fun
learning, it’s the
best kind of fun!
Submitted by
Steven Gabrys
Page 4
The Following
“The Following” was a series of
meetings prepared by Pastor
Joseph Augustin and his team.
The messages were especially
for the youth group, ranging
from ages 9-15. The meetings
took place on Thursday through
Saturday evenings, followed by
games at College Heights Christian School on Saturday nights.
The meetings went for three
weekends in a row, were held in
the Lacombe Memorial Centre,
and were quite successful.
Each evening the meeting would start with singing and questions that may have come up from
the previous meeting. The presentation itself was an ongoing story that continued throughout
the series. The story was about a young boy whose life had more than its fair share of struggles. After telling the story, Pastor Joe would apply the boy’s experiences to what Jesus did for
us and His undying love for you and me.
The stories were very interesting, and the youth came every night to find out the answers to the
unexpected endings. The reason for holding this series, “The Following,” is that we want people to draw close to each other, as well as to grow to love Jesus and hear about what He really
is trying to do for each of us.
Thanks for the
great food too!
I really enjoyed the series, and was very glad that I was able to participate in the event!
Submitted by Hadassah Heimann
Page 5
Pathfinders—Fundraising for Oshkosh Camporee, Forever Faithful
The Parkland Pathfinders are working hard to earn the needed funds for attendance at the upcoming
camporee. Forever Faithful is the theme of the event planned for August 2014 in Oshkosh, WI.
Please stop by the CHCS gym tomorrow morning between 9:00-10:30 for a delicious Pancake Breakfast.
Bring your bottles for recycling, also in support of the Pathfinders! These activities will be taking place
at the annual CHCS Gigantic Garage Sale.
We have been busy making perogies for fundraising purposes as well. What an event it is
when all of us
amateurs get
together with a
few “pros” to
tackle this job!
If you are interested in purchasing some of
these perogies,
please contact
any Pathfinder,
or Belinda Bader.
Amidst all this hard work, we are still remembering
others. The following are pictures of work done on our
outreach project for April.
Submitted by
Belinda Bader
& Julie Grovet
Baby Dedication, Carsyn Blair on April 19
What a joy to celebrate the dedication
of Carsyn Blair! Pastor Ron lead out in
this special service on
the Sabbath of Easter
weekend, as family
gathered together.
On left:
Travis and Lorine
Blair, along with
Carsyn and her siblings Cassidy and
Submitted by
Tanya Huether
Page 6
Adventurers—Fun in Service and Learning
As usual, Adventurers are very busy with fun and service. Since our last report, we've learned how to be wise stewards, how to be safe during times of
natural disaster, around the home, in a fire, on the street and what to say
when we call emergency services. We've also studied the history of the
Olympics and had fun creating our own version. We participated in some
community service by visiting shut-ins and collecting garbage from the roadside. Finally, we learned about nature by studying rocks, insects, animals and
their homes, what it
means for something to
be endangered or extinct
and how we can stop
that from happening.
The Club year is rapidly
drawing to a close. We
only have a few more
requirements to finish. It
has been an awesome
year watching the children and their families
work together and grow
through serving one another, their church and their community. We look forward to doing it
again next year. We want to thank
the church family for your support
and prayers.
Submitted by Donelle Clarke
The Moving Van is Coming
While we are enjoying camp meeting this summer, Pastor Joseph and Sarah Augustin will be moving to Michigan so that he can enrol in the Master of Divinity program. Adding to the turmoil of
moving, Sarah s trying to prepare a CD with some of her (and our!) favourite songs – before July!
Please pray for peace and guidance amidst these challenges. If you would like to encourage them,
please contact Sarah at 403.598.3781, or email:
Sabbath Highlights
“Come Thou Fount of
Every Blessing”
“On the Desk”
CUC Ladies Soccer
Page 7
A Better World Celebrates 24 Years
On April 12, 2014, A Better World (ABW) Canada hosted their annual Humanitarian
Day program. There were many visitors, donors, and trip attendees present to celebrate the work that has been accomplished over the past 24 years. There were a lot of
inspiring stories shared throughout the event.
Sabbath School and the afternoon program highlighted individuals who personified C3 –
Compassion, Commitment and Courage. The first guest, Anke Jenkins, shared her story of
sickness to restoration and her determination to make a difference. She plans to move back
to Africa in the near future to continue her work at Jipe Moyo Nursery School. The second phase of this project includes raising funds to build a classroom that will be dedicated
in memory of Sam Klukas who died suddenly at the tender age of 2 years. His legacy will
live on through many preschool children in this rural part of Kenya.
Lindsey Pluimer highlighted her change from a pro basketball player to an individual who
founded a humanitarian organization in California, “With My Own Two Hands”. She
shared how her life dramatically shifted from being self-centered to having a passion to
help others. ABW partnered with her foundation to help St. Ann’s Orphanage in Kekopey,
Kenya. With My Own Two Hands raised funds and built a new permanent home, for the
orphanage, after the eviction from their previous location, and ABW built a classroom
The last participants of C3 were also the recipients of the ABW Citizen Award for 2014,
Melissa Farahat and
Kelly MacVicar.
Their passion to be more involved in humanitarian
work started with the idea of delivering bicycles to a
remote community in Kenya. The challenges and
obstacles were significant; however, their dream was
partially realized when ABW was able to deliver 200
bicycles to students in Grades 6 to 8, in cooperation
with KONA bikes. The intent was that these bicycles
would be loaned throughout the year to students who
have to travel the farthest to get to school. Melissa
and Kelly continue to raise funds for this project.
Pastor Dan Cochrane from the CrossRoads Church
in Red Deer shared a message, entitled “Everyday
Heroes,” during the church service. His message
expressed the importance of making a difference in
the lives of other individuals through the little actions that we do as “everyday heroes”. During the morning services, as well
as for the afternoon program, Ihana Youth Choir provided a vibrant collection of musical selections.
A wonderful catered lunch was organized for attendees after the morning services. This provided an opportunity for individuals to reconnect with fellow travelers as well as listen to progress reports on various projects around the world. Another
exciting development presented that day was the introduction of the revised/improved ABW logo and website. Many hours
went into making the distinctive logo and creating a more user-friendly website.
This annual celebration was a wonderful event to highlight various projects as well as thank the church for their ongoing support of A Better World. From that day’s offerings alone, a total of $34,740 was raised to make this “a better world.”
Submitted by Angela McKenna
Page 8
ABW—Neighbours, 2014 Signature Project
Nyah is a beautiful, happy little eight-year-old girl who was born with a unique chromosomal disorder. She is cared for by
her parents, Todd and Angela, and her eleven-year-old brother, Jacob, who has become an expert on her care. Nyah uses a
wheelchair and other pieces of medical equipment that are difficult to use in a
standard home. The family has already had to build accommodations such as a
wheelchair ramp, and hoists on ceiling tracks above Nyah's bed and in the bathroom.
As Nyah grows older and heavier, caregiving activities such as bathing her are becoming more difficult, requiring upgrades to equipment and a major renovation of
the bathroom and other areas of the home. Unfortunately, Todd was recently seriously injured in a workplace accident that has left him unable to work, and the
family is struggling financially.
Neighbour's signature project for 2014 will be to fund and complete renovations
to the home, to ease the burden on the family. The renovations would include at
least the bathroom, doorways, and the living room, but could extend beyond these
Please consider how you could get involved in this project. If you can contribute,
please contact Ronda Ziakris at 403.350.7180 or
Submitted by Rhonda Ziakris
Outdoor Social at J.J. Collett Nature Area
A group of about 20 individuals took advantage of the
pleasant weather (+9° C was a welcome relief compared
to the -26° C the previous week!) and enjoyed a Sabbath
afternoon at J.J. Collett Nature Area on March 8. Many
of us thought this was the start of spring! The majority
of the group hiked, and we appreciated the variety of
conversation as we ambled along the trails.
After our walk, we stopped at the gazebo for an energy
boost with some refreshments, brought by Tena and
Jack Zazulak. While we sat around and devoured the
snacks, we were able to get better acquainted with one
another and learn names of people we have seen at
church but not officially met. By the time the sun
went down, it was rather cool again and we headed for
the warmth of our vehicles. This casual social event
was a good reminder of the wonderful Creator, and of
fun-loving church members we have here at the College Heights SDA Church.
Submitted by Marcia Hill
Page 9
Parkview Adventist Academy News
With April showers being replaced by occasional snowflakes, spring still seems like a long way off. Nevertheless, PAA students are barreling toward the end of the 2013-2014 school year and the calendar doesn’t wait for anyone to catch up! When
students return from Spring Break (April 25-May 5) there will only be 12 school days until graduation weekend, and 38 days until the end of the school year. In that short time,
there are year-end parties, class trips, PAA Days and final exams – along with all kinds of
planning for next school year.
Two new graduates of CUC’s education program, Katrina Knopp and Melinda Purviance, have recently concluded their Practicum teaching experiences at PAA. Miss Knopp
was working with Mr. Landon Sayler and Mr. Del Spenst, teaching Biology 20, Chemistry
30, and Math 20-3; Mrs. Purviance has been teaching with
Miss Kristy Grovet in English 20, CALM 20, and Religious
Studies 25. Both Practicum teachers were great additions
to our program, and we all enjoyed the experience.
Mr. Rod Jamieson, PAA’s Athletic Director, has been working very hard to support Adventist
athletes in our community. Students like Austin Holly and Andrea Laskowski, who both recently represented PAA in Central Alberta Schools Athletic Association (CASAA) 2014 Senior
Bowl at Red Deer College, have benefitted greatly from
PAA’s commitment to Sabbath observance and teamoriented training. On April 7, PAA made an important
application to CASAA. This association includes all high
schools in Central Alberta, both public and private. In
this application, PAA requested all play-off games be
adjusted around our Sabbath hours. Traditionally, these
games are scheduled for Fridays and Saturdays. PAA
has been laying the groundwork for this motion for several years with our skilled and sportsmanlike regular-season league play. One of the case studies used to support this request
was the willingness of CUC’s
athletic league, the Alberta
College Athletic League
(ACAL), to make such an
adjustment in their playoff
schedule. The motion was
tabled until September,
when a decision will be
made based on Mr. Jamieson’s submission. He is
preparing an alternate schedule for tournament times
that does not interfere with
classroom hours.
Prayers are appreciated, for
this and other future plans,
as well as for our students as
this school year comes to a
Submitted by Katelyn Ruiz
PAA dorm students display their new hoodies!
Page 10
Showcase Extravaganza
Part of the joy of belonging to a university college church congregation is reaping the benefits of the students’ hard work and the faculty members’ instruction over the past year. April is traditionally the culmination of many hours of practice, particularly in the Music and Athletic Departments. A wide variety of events were recently available for our enjoyment.
The final Evensong of the school year on Sabbath evening, April 5, focused on God's gift of Spring through readings and prayers, by Dr. Denise
Herr, and musical selections by CUC students. This combination of words and music reminded the listeners of the beauty and delight of the
new season. Immediately following this program, the CUC
and Community Band Concert, directed by Mr. Leo Ganson,
took place in the Administration Building Chapel. Their repertoire included traditional band/show tunes which got your
foot tapping and hands clapping.
The next major performance was the Choral Union’s spring
concert on Friday evening, April 11, under the direction of
Dr. Wendolin Munroe, in the College Heights SDAd Church.
The concert featured several student soloists as well as a special appearance by Josh Friend, who may be Canada's lowest
bass singer. Dr. Haynal interviewed Friend, a pastor at the
First Christian Reformed Church in
Red Deer, who
teamed up with Proclaim for two gospel
numbers. Both the traditional and the contemporary selections were effective in preparing us for the Sabbath hours.
The next evening (April 12), director Mr. Cristian Neacsu led the Canadian
University College Chamber Orchestra in their annual Concerto Concert,
which featured student soloists performing excerpts from major orchestral works. The soloists were Aaron Boscanin (violin), Pablo Montes (bassoon), Rhanda Bonet-Graham (soprano), Seth McMillan (viola), Heidi Baumbach
(violin), David Benjamin (trumpet), Taylor Lakusta-Wong and Maison Leitch (two pianos) and Candace Anderson
(harp). This unique repertoire certainly showcased the musicianship of each performer.
As part of their degree requirements, music students must present a recital in each the junior year and senior year.
Over the last few weeks we were blessed with exceptional performances by Cody Shearer (piano/junior), and the
following seniors: Amanda Baber (clarinet), Jason Biel (organ), Aaron Boscanin (violin), Sydney Lakusta-Wong
(piano), Pablo Montes (bassoon) and Antoneil Roca (piano). We will miss many of these talented students on the
hilltop next year. We wish them the very best as they pursue their careers.
The Physical Education department also had a popular year-end performance that attracted school and community fans. The Acronaires, under
the direction of head coach Mr. Ron Schafer, presented their home show,
“Circus in a Box,” to packed houses for two performances (April 11 & 13) in
the CUC PE Centre. Using a large, square stage in the centre of the gym, Stacy
Hunter (VPSS) served as the Ringmaster, and led as the Acronaires wowed the
audience with a daring, action-packed show of tumbling,
gymnastics, cheer stunting, and acrobatics. Sunday’s
performance included a special feature, “Hot Diggity
Dogs,” as well as performances by the Junior Acronaires.
If you were unable to attend any of these programs or
want an encore performance, many of them are available on LiveStream at the CUC website
Check it out!
Submitted by Marcia Hill, with some information and
pictures from the President’s Blog
Page 11
Celebrate Spring with Earth Friendly Cuisine
Dietitians of Canada & The Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics have position papers endorsing a Vegetarian diet for it’s nutritional adequacy. If well planned, even a Vegan diet will not only meet needs during infancy, pregnancy and peak athletic
years; it can reduce chronic disease in the areas of heart health, blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and cancer.1,2
Key nutrients for vegetarians include protein, iron, zinc, calcium, Vitamins D & B12 and Iodine. Compare your diet to the
following food guide and if you are unsure whether you are consuming an optimal diet, ask your doctor to refer you for a
free nutrition assessment by a Registered Dietitian.
1. CDN J Diet Prac. & Research (2003), 64:62-81.
2. J Am Diet Assoc. (2009), 109: 1266-1282
This article and the following chart were submitted by Diana Lakusta-Wong. More details are available, but were not included here due to space limitations. Please contact Diana if you are interested additional information.
The following is the new Vegetarian Plate Food Guide, recently released by Adventist Health Ministries.
Page 12
College Heights Seventh-day
Adventist Church
Celebrating Baptism, Elliot Chokka
6915 Maple Drive
Lacombe, AB T4L 1Z9
Phone: 405.782.6131
Fax: 403.782.7779
We were happy to celebrate with Elliot Chokka
as he was baptised.
Pastor Adam Deibert
was happy to support
Elliot through this very
important event.
GLIMPSES is prepared by
Julie Grovet , Editor/Design
Marcia Hill, Assistant Editor
Communications Team:
Tanya Huether, Ellen Bell, Sheila Clark
Church Photographers: Darrell Huether
and Laurence Wong
Thank you the various contributors for
the articles and the pictures!
The special day was
April 5, 2014.
We’re on
the web!
We are growing Christians
offering meaningful
fellowship through
spiritual leadership and
Our Vision
Worshipping God in spirit
and in truth. (John 4:24)
Caring for our neighbours.
(Matthew 25:31)
Seeking the lost. Luke19:10)
Feeding the sheep. (John
Equipping the saints.
(Ephesians 4:12)
Adventists believe a Trinity
of three persons--the
Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit--make up one God.
God made salvation possible
when Jesus, the Son, came
to earth as a baby in
Bethlehem and lived a
sinless life in accordance
with the Father's will. When
Jesus was crucified for the
sins of the people of the
world and arose from the
dead on the
third day,
victory was
won for
SAGE Alberta Upcoming Events
This year there will be no less than three opportunities to share in the fun and fellowship of campouts with other SAGErs. Why not mark each one on your calendar now ?
Crimson Lake - September 1 to 4. Loop G at Crimson Lake Provincial Park is the perfect site for
our Golden Heritage Club RV campout. We’ve established a tradition of arriving there on the afternoon of Labour Day, this year it will be September 1, and enjoying a variety of activities and great
Miquelon Lake - September 7 to 9 (Sunday through Tuesday). SAGE Alberta has reserved Group
Area 7, the same commodious site we had last year, providing powered sites and a nice toilet block
with hot showers.
Sheep River Provincial Park - September 14 to 17 (Sunday through Wednesday). Another SAGE
Alberta RV camp at the Sandy McNabb Group Site A. This mountain location in Kananaskis Country is directly west of Okotoks, south of Calgary. There are lots of recreational opportunities in this
area, and the group site has nice facilities with powered sites.
Look for more information about these RV opportunities at the SAGE exhibit during Alberta Camp
Submitted by Keith Clouten
Yellowknife Coach Tour: Don’t miss your opportunity to visit Yellowknife during a 7-day coach
tour, June 11-17, 2014, to coincide with the Yellowknife Adventist Church anniversary and homecoming celebrations. The tour cost of $670.00 will cover coach transportation, 6 nights in comfortable hotels, 2 meals daily, and 3 days in Yellowknife for visits to area sights and participation in weekend events planned by the Yellowknife Church.
There are still several seats available. This tour is sponsored by SAGEAlberta. Brochures are available in
the church foyer on the table by the parent’s room. To book a seat, please contact Darlene Reimche
at 403.342.5044, ext. 206.
Submitted by Ellen Bell