EVERYBODY has a “ more connected to your church and neighbor.

EVERYBODY has a “Next Step” to take to get closer to God and
more connected to your church and neighbor.
That step may be a Sunday School Class, or a weekly Bible study
or other small group. It may be a support group, or a music
group, or an opportunity to serve someone else.
Chances are, this brochure contains a next step for you.
Take a look and Get CONNECTED!
Here’s how to use this CONNECT Catalog:
1. Identify the areas that you have an
interest in.
2. Write down the number(s) assigned to
each on the PINK signup sheet.
3. Turn it in at the Connection Point or
the offering plate.
4. Someone will contact you with more
info to get you
946 Vermont Street
867 Highway 40
New Opportunities
Are you ready to grow? The first step may be the hardest, but is the most rewarding.
“Calling & Caring Training:
Reaching Inactive Members"
Taught by Rev. Tom Brady “In this class
you will learn specific listening skills
that can be applied to any relationship. You will also learn the dynamics
of the ‘drop-out track and role renegotiation model’
that will help with relationships that are in conflict. The
over-all goal of the course is to use the skills and train
participants to make calls on inactive members of the
Class runs Wednesday Sept. 7—Oct. 28, 7:00-8:30
Participants must commit to at least 6 of the 8 weeks.
E-mail Tom@fumclawrence.org to sign up.
“Justice For The Poor — A DVD group
Taught by Jerry Feese, Jesus’ life and teaching show a deep compassion toward the
poor and marginalized. As Christians, what is our responsibility toward the poor in advocating justice on their behalf? The DVD sessions are presented by Jim Wallis of
Sojourners magazine. This group study is for both those
with experience working with the poor and for those
who are looking for an introduction to this mission field.
6 week Class begins Wed. Sept 21st from 7-8:30pm. Email feedell@sunflower.com to sign up.
“Matthew — Bible Study Guide"
Taught by Pastor Mitch Todd
With a scholar’s mind and a pastor’s heart,
Tom Wright walks you through Matthew in
this guide designed especially with everyday readers in mind. Perfect for group use
or daily personal reflection. Designed to help you understand scripture in fresh ways under the guidance of
one of the world’s leading New Testament scholars.
Discover how you can participate more fully in God’s
"Faith Journey: A Reluctant Pilgrim"
Taught by Susan Mercer, this 7 part
women’s study will use the book
“Reluctant Pilgrim: A Moody, Somewhat
Self-Indulgent, Introvert's Search for Spiritual Community”, By Enuma Okoro, to
reflect on our journeys of faith.
Class runs October 4—November 15th. 7:30-9:00pm
West Campus. Contact Susan Mercer at smercer@ku.edu
to sign up.
Disciple is an in-depth study of scripture that is not just informative, it is transformative. It focuses on
the disciple as learner, believer, follower, proclaimer, and servant while providing the fellowship of a
small group for study, prayer, and support.
Disciple I: Becoming
Disciples Through Bible Study
This 34-week study lays the foundation
program as it moves through the biblical
Revelation. This is the perfect class for anyone who would like to begin to study the
Bible, or for those who simply want to refresh their
knowledge of the Bible. Class will be led by Sara
Beginning Tuesday, September 11, 11 at 6:30. 5
West Campus Celebration Center
Disciple II: Into the Word Into the World
This 32-week study takes a more in depth look
at portions of the Bible. For those who have
finished Disciple I.
This study will be led by Kent Ely.
Beginning on Tuesday, September 11, 6:30 p.m.
West Campus Celebration Center
Adult Sunday School
This fall we’re offering eight different Sunday School opportunities for adults. There are classes
at both our campuses, so identify one that sounds good and give it a try!
Adult Fellowship Sunday School Class
Betty Jo Miller
Sundays, 9:30 a.m., Room 306
The class goes back 50 years, but all ages are welcome.
We feature a different gifted guest teacher every week,
and we engage in the International Bible Study
Peacemakers Sunday School Class
Karen Moore
Sundays, 9:30 a.m., Room 203
Peacemakers utilizes printed and media materials, guest
speakers, and members of the class facilitating
discussion of Christian beliefs and issues that divide the
community, the world, and the lives of those in the
John Wesley Class
Tony Martin
Sundays, 9:30 a.m., Room 301
Adults of all ages are welcomed and encouraged to
attend. A variety of ideas, knowledge and experiences
are what make this class fun, lively, informative, and
Mid-Morning Class
11 a.m., Brady Hall
Enjoy Bible Study and fellowship following Life
worship. Discussion is lively; topics are timely and
Happy Friends
Carol Abrahamson
Sundays, 9:30 a.m., Room 305
First Church has a 25+ year history of ministry with
adults with disabilities. Our lessons follow the current
sermon topics downtown. We welcome all adults with
developmental disabilities who want to learn more
about the Christian life.
Adult Fellowship Class
Carolyn Phillips
Sundays, 10:30 a.m. in SW Corner of Great Room
There’s coffee and fellowship, followed by study, reflection
and discussion.
The Huddle Men’s Group
Adam Inman
Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Great Room
Huddle up and study. Faith from a men’s perspective.
Ready, Break!
The Crossroads
Neal Malicky
Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Great Room
The Crossroads Sunday School class is a place for people
of all ages (yes, youth too) to gather together and explore
the intersections of faith and life. We will be studying faith
and the environment this fall.
Exercise Class
This class is specially designed for those over 50 but all
ages are welcome! The class is led by Wilma Elder, a First
Church member and ACE certified group fitness instructor. The fee for three months is $25. The class meets on
Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. in
Brady Hall.
Prime Timers
Mary Lou Holcomb
As a social group, we welcome retired age people of our
congregation to be involved not only planning, but also
participating. Prime Timers is not exclusive nor has it ever
been, so we're inviting anyone interested to please make
it known. We have activities from Sept. through May, but
also participate in Farmer's Market. Activities include:
game nights, potluck dinners, Adopt-a-Family at Christmas with an evening of wrapping gifts and eating, and
New Year's Eve game night with dessert . We do have a
good time. Please join us in the fun.
Movie and a Meal
Shirley Walters
4th Tuesday, 5-8 p.m.
Being part of this group would give you an opportunity
to watch a good movie, discuss what you saw, share a
meal together and create a supportive network with
others in the group.
Writing Class
Diane Weber
Known as “Just Scribblin,” this class is a small group of
people who like to write—memoirs, poetry, fiction—your
choice. Our mentor is Diane Lazzarino, a retired KU
journalism professor. We meet every Wednesday morning from 10-11 a.m. There is no charge for the class.
Bev Burrows
Every Monday, 1-3 p.m. in Room 301downtown
Love to quilt? Every Monday there is a group of quilters
that gather to share in conversation as they quilt. The
results are spectacular. This group is a must if quilting is
your hobby!
The Roadrunners
This group plans casual daytime excursions to various area
locations: special exhibits, museums, local attractions, etc.
We share rides, enjoy each other’s company and welcome
all to join us. On the first Friday of the month, the group
meets for brunch at HyVee on 6th.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Diane Weber
This ministry at First is call “Wrapped in Love.” The group
creates prayer shawls (knit & crochet) to give to members
and friends of our congregation who have a special need
to know he or she is loved. They also provide hand made
baby blankets for newly baptized infants and hand-tied
fleece throws for older children and each year’s
Confirmation Class. One group meets on the first Thursday
of the month at 6:30-8pm at Diane Weber’s home.
Worship Schedule
West Campus
Traditional worship in Sanctuary
Christian education for adults
Contemporary worship in Brady Hall
Fellowship in Brady Hall
Christian education for all ages
Traditional worship in Sanctuary
Contemporary worship
10:30-11:30 Sunday School
11:00—12:00 Contemporary worship
Groups for Men & Women
Women’s Groups
and other service projects.
United Methodist Women
Marilyn Petersen
Mary Margaret Rowen
UMW is a mission-oriented
organization for women of all
ages. At our church there are
currently eight small groups
(circles) which meet monthly at
various times and days. We also
have three general meetings
with dinners and informational
programs and two morning
coffees. Other programs/
projects include a reading
program, church rummage
sale, prison ministry support,
Sunday Sisters
Linda Neutel
We are a dynamic, fun, energetic, welcoming group of
women! We meet monthly on Sunday afternoons.
Through study, prayer, reflection and encouragement,
we seek to grow in our faith together. Our group is an
open group, you can join or quit at anytime. We
understand schedules are hectic and know the value of
flexibility. Meets at West Campus on 2nd Sunday of every
month from 2-3:30pm.
Women’s Tuesday Coffee
Mary Margaret Rowen
Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30 a.m. in Brady Hall
Whether you’ve just finished exercise class or just
want to start your day with friends and a cup of coffee,
this is the place to be. Discussion is lively.
Men’s Groups
United Methodist Men
Richard Hann
This group’s purpose is to
provide an organization for
the men of First Church to
emphasize fellowship and
expand concepts of church
mission projects. The
membership is inclusive and
automatic to all men who
want to become part of the
fellowship and service. UMM
usually meets every other month for dinner and a
program. We also have occasional mission projects and
special events throughout the year.
Men’s Monday Morning Breakfast
Phil Godwin
Mondays, 9-10 a.m. Brady Hall
Weekly opportunity to start the week with a cup of
coffee and a cookie or pastry, talk about current events,
religion, philosophy or maybe even basketball. Most
importantly, time is shared supporting one another.
Other Groups
Reconciling Hearts
Carol Abrahamson
Reconciling Hearts is open to anyone in the church who is
interested in helping our church become more inclusive of
gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons. Our
church is a Reconciling Congregation through Reconciling
Ministries Network. Our steering committee helps to set
up special informational programs, identifies speakers
and panels for special events, assists other FUMC groups
to understand the GLBT community, associates with similar groups in KS East Conference, shares our experiences with other United Methodist Congregations, and
joins like-minded community groups in supportive events.
We do not have regular meetings but are connected
through an email group coordinated by Carol Abrahamson. ciadfaks@sunflower.com
Rick & Cindy Koester
Serendipity started as a group of young couples and
has continued to see children born, grow, and graduate
from high school. It continues through these life changes
by sharing in fun, fellowship, support and care for each
other. They also provide the stuffing, mash the potatoes
and make the gravy for the church Thanksgiving Dinner
held annually the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
Support groups
Stephen Ministry
Candice Ranney
First Church has Stephen Ministers available to provide
one-on-one Christian care giving to the entire congregation. Stephen Ministers complete 50 hours of training to
provide Christian care in a confidential, effective manner.
Stephen Ministers are available to care for those experiencing grief, unemployment, the loss of a job, needing
someone to talk to, or any other minor crisis that may
arise. It’s an opportunity for the church to care for its
members and experience the support from these trained
Christian caregivers.
Walking Rainbows
Candice Ranney
This ministry is composed of church members who call on
homebound members needing to know our
congregation has not forgotten them. You are asked to
visit once a month and check in by phone one other time.
Your other responsibility is to share with the church office
any concerns you may have or changes you observe.
Walking Rainbow members go through a brief training
session and then meet together periodically to share
experience and ideas.
12-Step Groups
Alcoholics Anonymous
A support group for those recovering from alcohol
addiction. The group meets every Monday and
Thursday night at the church from 7-8.
Jayhawk Alanon Group
A support group for friends and family members of
someone addicted to alcohol. The group meets every
Monday and Thursday at the church from 7-8 p.m.
Sisters in Sobriety
A support group for women recovering from alcohol
addiction. The group meets every Wednesday night at
the church from 7 to 8.
A support group for those recovering from sex addiction
and love addictions. The group meets every Saturday at
8:15 a.m.
Narcotics Anonymous
A support group from those recovering from drug
addiction. Meets on Mondays, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 304.
Music Groups
West Campus Worship Band
Heather Clinger
Anyone in high school and older interested in
contemporary music is welcome to inquire. No audition, but musical “fit” with the rest of the band and the
worship service is desired. Ability to read chord charts
and sing “by ear” is preferred.
Chancel Choir
Sara Wentz
Thursdays, 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Choir Room
Adults college-age and up meet weekly. Time is spent
preparing music for Sunday worship and special events.
It’s a wonderful support group that enjoys sharing music
of our faith together.
Lady Belles
Sara Wentz
It’s a Wednesday morning beginning handbell group for
women. Young or old, experienced handbell ringer or
not, you are welcome!
Celebration Ringers
Sara Wentz
Thursdays, 6:10-7:30 p.m., Bell Room
Have you played handbells before? If so, this might be
the group for you. Have fun together as you ring challenging music.
Life Worship Band
Heather Clinger
Any adults interested in performing contemporary
music for the Life service are welcome to inquire.
Although the band is limited in numbers of people and
instrumentation it can accept, openings do occur on
occasion. Musical and cultural ‘fit’ with the rest of the
group and the nature of the service will be assessed prior
to acceptance. Must be able to play/sing from chord
sheets (as opposed to sheet music).
Children’s Groups
Sunday Morning Opportunities
Children’s Church:
West Campus: 9:15 and 11:15
Children who are 3 years through 3rd grade may go to a
modified worship especially designed for children following Children’s Time at West Campus services. During
Children’s Church our children will sing praise songs,
share joys and concerns, learn prayers of the church and
listen to a Bible Story. The children will return to worship during the last worship song.
West Campus: 10-10:45am
Downtown: 11-11:45am
Our Faithweaver Sunday School is an opportunity for all
of our kids (age 2 through 5th grade) and parents to
explore the same Scripture story every week. Even
though children and adults might be in different classes,
there are lessons designed for all age groups. FaithWeaver focues on sparking faith conversations at home.
Studies show that families that talk about God at least
once a week are stronger and spiritually healthier.
Our nursery at both locations serve children from birth
through 36 months. Our nursery workers will be happy
to assist parents during worship and church events.
Other Children’s Opportunities
Special Events
Throughout the year, childrens’ ministries will host workshop events to celebrate the Christian
year. All Saint’s
Festival, Advent,
Lenten Fair, and
Pentecost are special times for children to learn the
traditions and symbols of the church
through a variety of
activities. Be sure
to check the church newsletter and website for more information about these special events
Tween Ministry
If your child is in 5th or 6th grade, they are invited to attend
our Tween’’s Club known as Club 56. The group meets of
Sunday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:30 at the West Campus.
Fellowship and discussion groups focusing on pre-youth
topics are the focus of this small group.
Introduction to the Bible
Our church family presents a Bible to children in the third
grade. Leading up to the Bible presentation, the children
will learn how to use their Bible. This is accomplished in a
three week Wednesday evening study (the first three
Wednesdays in November) and ends in our annual overnight Bible retreat.
Jane Rock
Of Children’s
Londa Israel
Assistant Director
Of Children’s
Children’s Ministries involves many volunteers in a variety of areas. If you have a heart for this ministry and
enjoy working with children, we would love to have you
become a part of our team.
Vacation Bible School
Each summer the church sponsors one Vacation Bible
School program held at the west campus. Daytime and evening sessions are available for all children. In addition, our
5th and 6th graders may attend an afternoon session that
centers on service learning.
Kids' First Preschool and Discovery Day Programs
Our church is very fortunate to have a quality preschool
and parent’s day out program. Classes are held five days
a week at the West Campus. Children have the opportunity to participate in regular classroom activities such as
art, music, and games as part of a Christian curriculum.
If you would like more information about these programs, please contact our Kid’s First Preschool Director,
Diane Karpowitz at
Youth Groups
Middle School Sunday School
Grades 6-8
Downtown—Sundays, 11a.m. Youth Place
West Campus—Sundays, 10a.m. Room 105
High School Sunday School
Grades 9-12
Downtown—11:00 a.m. Youth Ministries Office
West Campus—10:00 a.m. Great Room
M.I.L.K. has become a mission tradition for middle
school youth at First Church. It’s a chance for youth to
get out in the community and learn what they can do
to help others. Then, we end the week with a beach
party at Clinton Lake.
Confirmation Class
Our Confirmation Class for 7th and 8th graders meets
from late January to mid-April for one hour a week.
Youth learn about what a Methodist is and are matched
with an adult mentor to guide them through the process of
making the commitment to become a member of the First
United Methodist Church. The youth come away with a
new group of friends and connections to the youth group,
church staff and the First
Tami Clark
Director of Youth
Allison Bond
Youth Ministries
Youth Council
Youth Council meets quarterly and is made up of 9-12
youth and 2-3 adults from First Church who contribute
to the UMYF program and activities schedules and organize special events such as lock-ins, retreats, fundraisers, mission opportunities and much more.
Jr. High UMYF
51 (United Methodist
Youth Fellowship)
Sundays, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Youth Place (downtown) or West Campus (e-mail
tami@fumclawrence.org for schedule).UMYF is held on
Sunday evenings and focuses on faith, fun and fellowship. The evening begins with a meal shared with the
high school and is followed with a service project, program, activity and/or games. The group is made up of 7th
and 8th graders, but occasionally teams up with the high
school for a special event. It is a place where youth can
strengthen their faith and discuss tough topics that affect
their lives. The schedule includes retreats, lock-ins, service
projects and conference events.
High School UMYF
(United Methodist Youth Fellowship)
Sundays, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Youth Place (downtown) or West Campus (e-mail
tami@fumclawrence.org for schedule).UMYF is held on
Sunday evenings and is focused on faith, fun and fellowship. It is a place where youth can strengthen their faith
and discuss tough topics that affect their lives. The evening begins with a meal shared with the 7th and 8th graders and is followed with a service project, program, activity and/or games. The group is made up of teenagers
from 9th- 12th grade. The schedule includes retreats, lockins, mission trips, service projects and conference events.
The District Council on Youth Ministries (DCYM) and the
Conference Council on Youth Ministries (CCYM) are
made up of youth and youth workers who are interested in organizing district and conference
events. They each meet quarterly and work as a team
to provide amazing opportunities for spiritual growth
and fellowship for the hundreds of youth who attend
events throughout the year. Youth who are active in
UMYF are eligible to be on Youth Council, DCYM and
Community Groups
Farmer’s Market
First Church has a booth at the Lawrence Farmer’s
Market throughout the market’s season, selling baked
goods and coffee. All proceeds from the booth go
towards missions projects at First. Volunteers are needed
to prepare baked goods, staff the booth, and for set-up
and take-down on Saturday mornings.
The Clothing Room
This is an arm of Women Helping Women Inside, the
UMW group in the Topeka Correctional Facility. A box in
the Gathering Area takes donations of lightly used
(mostly casual) clothing (ex: jeans, slacks, blouses, sweaters, skirts, and dresses). Our members contribute, sort,
launder, iron and deliver clothing to women working
from the prison and women being released who do not
have resources on the “outside.”
During the Christmas season First Church partners with
Penn House and the Lawrence Community Shelter to buy
Christmas gifts for low income families. The Adopt-a-Family
program helps approximately 50 families each year.
Family Promise
FUMC is a host congregation for Family Promise, part of
the Interfaith Hospitality Network. We partner with other
churches in Lawrence to provide food and shelter for
families experiencing homelessness. The goal is that by
providing individualized assistance, these families may
regain housing, independence and dignity in a time of
need. Each partner church hosts the families one week
each quarter. Four times each year, we turn our Sunday
school rooms into temporary bedrooms for four families
with children. The families arrive each evening around 5,
eat dinner in Brady Hall, and spend the night. By 7 a.m.,
they head off to schools, jobs, and work towards
permanent housing with the support of the local Family
Promise staff. Our volunteers help with this program by
setting up and taking down the rooms, providing dinner
and breakfast foods, spending time with the families in
the evenings, and overnight hosting. Volunteers are always needed (it takes more than 50 people each time we
host). Evening and overnight hosts are required to do a
2-hour, one-time training with the local Family Promise
program. Family Promise is a wonderful opportunity to
provide support for children and families that are currently homeless and to work with other members of our
church community.
Trinity Food Pantry
First Church is one of many community churches that
provide donations to the downtown food pantry at
Trinity Episcopal Church. Food drives are held in April,
July, and October, with food being collected in the
Gathering Areas at West Campus and downtown. Direct
donations are welcome any time. Volunteers are needed
to sort, weigh and deliver our donations.
L.I.N.K, Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen.
FUMC provides the meal and serves it to the LINK guests
the third Sunday of January, March, May, July, September
and November. LINK is located in the basement of the
First Christian Church on W 10th St. We provide meals to
between 150 and 180 guests each time we serve. Volunteers are needed for prep, serving and clean
up. Everyone is welcome at LINK, no questions asked. If
you would like more information about LINK please call
Mary Jones at or watch for our sign up sheets at the welcome areas at each campus.
Jubilee Café
Kitchen and Brady Hall
Jubilee Cafe serves free breakfasts in a restaurant setting
to members of the Lawrence community that would otherwise have no breakfast. This project is a joint effort of
the KU Center for Community Outreach student volunteers and the First United Methodist Church. Food is prepared on site in the church kitchen under the direction of
student coordinators and served in Brady Hall from 78am. Approximately 90-110 meals are served each day.
Volunteers are also needed for clean-up, which is generally completed by about 8:30 am. This is an opportunity
to interact with KU students as well as the guests of Jubilee Café.
Mission Trip to Honduras
The date for next year’s mission trip to Honduras is July
2012. If you want to extend your borders (personal,
physical and spiritual) consider joining this journey
Welcome Ministry: Want to get to know more people? Join our Welcome Ministry and greet folks at the front
door each Sunday, Downtown or West Campus. Help everyone feel welcome…..that’s all there is to it!
Worship Team—Downtown
So much goes into our services each Sunday and it
takes the support of many. Consider using your gifts in
this ministry.
Volunteers are needed for:
Alter Prep
Communion Servers
Audio/Visual Team
Banner Team
Worship Team—West Campus
Share your gifts and serve the church by helping our Sunday services run smoothly each week.
Volunteers are needed for:
Audio/Visual team
Service Set-up
Communion servers
Kitchen help
Scripture Readers
G r o u p s
GLOW Groups are small groups that come together for fellowship, study, support and fun!
Make new friends or grow your relationship with existing friends. Groups can meet weekly,
bi-weekly, or monthly!
Groups will be formed around the interests of young adults, young families, just girls, parents of teens, just guys, a mix of folks, young couples/no kids, women’s studies, and more!
Each group follows this meeting rotation:
Gather (food, fellowship & support)
Learn (study, read, watch a video, talk faith stuff)
Offer (Give back, do a service project, volunteer)
Whatever (Go out, stay in, pray, take the night off).
So, if you’re looking for an opportunity to connect with others, learn more about God and
grow in your faith…..join a Glow Group!
Even if you’ve been in a Glow Group before, now is the time to change things up and possibly join a
new group!
See the Pink Sign Up Sheet attached to request more specific information. Or you can contact Colette Wedan for more information on getting into a group!
Groups will begin the first part of October!
Ministry Teams
The ministries of FUMC are supported by several important teams, listed below. Do you have an interest
in serving on a team? If so, write the number of the team on the pink sign up sheet.
NOTE: You are NOT signing up to be on one (or more) of these teams, just expressing an interest in
learning more about them.
Board of Trustees
Care for our buildings and grounds
Communications Team
Advertise, market and share info both inside the
church and in the community.
Congregational Care Team
Care for those in our congregation and promote
healthy living.
Disaster Response Team
Help our church mobilize in the face of emergencies.
Evangelism Team
Reach out for new members and respond to them
when they come.
Fellowship Team
Plan activities to bring people together.
Finance Team
Monitor and plan for responsible use of our church
Global Missions Team
Plans for global mission experiences for FUMC
Lay Leadership Team
Promote leadership within the church and work to
populate our teams.
Ministry Connections Team
Connect new and existing church members with
meaningful ministry opportunities and encourage
their growth within the church.
Mission and Justice Team
Support the work of the church as it responds
local, regional and global needs.
Recreation Team
Create church-wide opportunities for sports, active events and fun.
Senior Adult Ministries Team
Support a variety of programs for our Senior
Small Group/Adult Education Team
Support and plan for Sunday School classes, small
groups, book studies, and other learning opportunities for adults.
Staff Parish Relations Team
Support the pastors, develop policies and procedures for staff. Support staff employment.
Stewardship Team
Support the church’s work with prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Conduct the annual funding campaign.
Service Evangelism Team
Random, and not-so random, acts of Christian
kindness to the people of Lawrence.
Children’s Council Team
The planning and working group which oversees
all activities for children in our church.
Youth Council Team
The planning and working group which oversees
all activities for the youth in our church.
For questions or more information on how and where to get Connected, contact Colette Wedan, Director of Ministry Connections. Colette@fumclawrence.org