
Login to the DAIM system by clicking the Min masteroppgave link at:
http://daim.idi.ntnu.no/. Login using your NTNU username and password.
• E-mail studinfo@ime.ntnu.no if your username is missing.
The main page gives an overview of fields to fill out.
1) Push the Endre button to fill in relevant fields. * marks each mandatory field.
2) Print the master contract (and the cooperation contract if you write the thesis in
cooperation with a fellow student).
3) Get your professors signature.
4) Deliver the signed contract to your department’s administration.
Student(er) = Student(s)
• E-post, stud = Your student e-mail address.
• Fødselsdato = Date of birth.
Datoer og frister = Dates and deadlines
• Oppstartsdato = Start-up date.
• Leveringsfrist = Submission deadline (calculated automatically by the system).
Bibliografiske data = Bibliographic information.
• Hovedtittel = Main title.
• Undertittel = Sub-title.
• Oppgavetekst = Problem description. Changes to the problem description after
the contract is signed should only be done in consent with your supervisor.
• Utført ved = Carried out at (Department of …, external company, etc).
Veileder(e) = Supervisor(s)
• Hovedveileder = Supervisor (Main)
• Navn = Name of your professor at NTNU. Register your NTNU professor as
hovedveileder, and the professor/responsible from your home university and
possibly external supervisor as bi-veileder (co-supervisor).
1) Fill inn relevant fields. * marks mandatory fields.
2) Add the username of a co-student (Legg til medstudent button) if you write the
thesis in cooperation with another student.
3) Push the Lagre button to save changes.
Navn = Name
• Fornavn = First name.
• Etternavn = Family name/ Surname.
• Fødselsdato = Date of Birth.
Merknader = Comments. Information about anything that may influence the submission
• Studentassistant jobs.
• Staying abroad writing your thesis etc.
Kontaktinformasjon = Contact information
• Telefon = Phone / Cell Phone.
• E-post, stud = Student e-mail.
• E-post, privat = Private e-mail (e-mail address valid after finished study).
Studieopplysninger = Information related to the programme of study.
• Fakultet for = Name of Faculty.
• Institutt for = Name of Department .
• Studieprogram = Programme of study.
• Studieretning = Field of study.
When writing your thesis in cooperation with a co-student(s), push the Legg til
medstudent button for adding the username(s) of co-student(s). Separate usernames by
comma if more than one.
1) Fill inn relevant fields. * marks mandatory fields.
2) Start-up date for master-students/graduate engineer students is the date for starting
writing the thesis, usually 15th of January.
3) Push the Lagre button to save changes.
Datoer og frister for Masteroppgaven = Dates and deadlines for the thesis
• Oppstartsdato = Start-up date.
• Skrive i utlandet: Ja/Nei = Write thesis abroad: Yes/No.
1) Fill inn relevant fields. * marks mandatory fields.
2) Problem description (oppgavetekst) describes the problem to solve in your thesis.
3) Push the Lagre button to save changes.
Oppgave = Thesis
• Språk = Language.
• Utført ved = Carried out at (Department of …, external company, etc).
Engelsk tittel = English title
• Hovedtittel = Main title (still changeable after contract submission).
• Undertittel = Sub-title.
Oppgavetekst på engelsk = Problem description in English. Describes the problem to
solve in your thesis. (Is changeable after submission of contract.).
1) Fill inn relevant fields. * marks mandatory fields.
2) Main supervisor must be a permanent employee at NTNU.
3) Push the Legg til biveileder button to add co-supervisors (max 3)
4) Push the Lagre button to save changes.
Biveileder = Co-supervisor
• Fornavn = First name.
• Etternavn = Family name/ Surname.
• Veiledertype = Co-supervisor type (external / at department).
• Institusjon = Institution (External, Department abbreviation)
Push the Fjern biveileder button to remove a co-supervisor.
When all mandatory information is registered, push the Masterkontrakt button to print
your contract. Remember to print the cooperation contract (Samarbeidskontrakt button) if
you write your thesis in a group.
Sign the contract and get your professor’s (at NTNU) signature. Deliver the signed
contract to your department’s administration.