Page 2 - Pulaski Democrat - Monday, July 17,1989 The Democrat Datebook Monday, July 17 Sandy Creek Grange to Meet Sandy Creek Grange #127 will meet Monday, July 17 at 8 p.m. for a regular meeting in the Grange Hall at Sandy Creek. Refreshments will be served. Mon.July 17-Wed July 19 C r u s a d e Scheduled Evangelist Earl Taylor from Scranton, Pa., will present "Crusading for Christ" at the Mannsville Full Gospel, located one mile south of Mannsville, providing an enriching spiritual experience for the entire family. All are invited to attend the 7:30 p.m. meetings Monday through Wednesday. Tuesday, July 18 Pulaski Grange Meeting Scheduled Pulaski Grange #730 will be meeting in their hall on Tuesday, July 18 at 6:30 p.m. for a picnic supper. The meat will be furnished for this so it is reguested that vegetable or dessert dishes be brought to pass as well as your own table service. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mandigo are in charge ofthe supper arrangements. The business meeting will beheldupstairsat7:30p,m. Our grange is making plans for a trip which will also be discussed more at this time. Wednesday, July 19 School R e u n i o n a t Selkirk Pulaski area teachers and students will meet at Selkirk's Bluff Pavilion for a picnic at 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 19. Bring a dish to pass, your own beverage and table service; also spouses, children, grandchildren and pictures. If you have any Pulaski memorabilia you would like to donate to the Pulaski Historical Society, bring that, too. D E A D L I N E POLICY The PULASKI DEMOCRAT wck-omcs its readers i n submit news items of local interest lor possible publication. The deadline for all news hems, press releases, and Letters t o the E d i t o r is noon Wednesday for Monda.v publication. Send items, preferably I.\ pew r i l l en. i n : Pulaski Democrat, P.O. Box 207. Pulaski, N.Y PS! 12. Please include the name and telephone number ol a person w h o may be contacted lor additional m i n i m a tion or clarification. When submitting photographs, include a stamped. self-addressed envelope if photo is I n be returned The deadline for all classified and disphu ads is noon. Wednesday for Monday publication. Camera reads ads or repeat ads w i l l be accepted no later than 1 p m Thursday. ADVERTISING STANDARDS Tlw greatest asset ans newspapci has is i h c '•onfidence of its readers m ilie belies abilils ol die contents o f its news and advertising columns Ti HI li and good taste in adsertising serse die readei and die advertiser equally well. No adsertising is knossingl.s published in the IM'LASK! DEMOCRAT dial is false. deceptive or misleading or which ssould r e l i e d unfavorably on any individual, group, organization, business, profession, race, creed or religion. The PULASKI DEMOCRAT will not assume any financial responsibility for failure to publish a display or classified ad or for typographical errors except to die extent of credit for I hat pari of the ad which was In error. Errors must be brought to the attention of the newspaper no later I ban :i days following publication. There is a special invitation to teachers and classmates who have never attended the picnic before. Grange Picnic Set Palermo Grange #309 will hold their annual picnic at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 19, at the bluff at Selkirk State Park. Bring a dish to pass, beverage and table service. The meat will be furnished. Legion to Meet a t Altmar The Oswego County American Legion will hold their organizational meeting on Wednesday, July 19, at Russell-Tryon Post Home in Altmar. There will be a family picnic at 6 p.m. and the meeting at 8 p.m. The meeting dates and places as well as the committee chairman will be selected for 19891990. Thursday, July 20 Saturday July 22 Wednesday, July 26 " Completion of this five-hour classroom program will meet requirements for earning the MV-278 certificate. It is stressed that to be eligible to participate in the Five-Hour Prelicensing Program, a person must hold a New York State Motor Vehicle Department's Learner's Permit and must bring this permit at the time of registration for the five-hour program. Registration will be held at 8 a.m., with the class to be held from 8:30-11 and 11:30-2 p.m. A fee of $15 will be collected at the time of registration. Class size is restricted to 28 persons. Grange Group Meeting The third and final group meeting sponsored by the Oswego County Pomona Grange will be held Thursday, July 20, at 7:30 p.m. at the Grange Hall in Central Square. The program of the evening will be furnished by the Lecturers of the following Granges: Palermo #309; Mt. Pleasant #349; Pulaski #730; and Neahtawanta #1600. Refreshments and door prizes will be in charge of Central Square #583; Volney #165; Granite #680; and Ricard #993. Marathon Bingo for PACS B a n d The Pulaski Band boosters are sponsoring a Marathon Bingo at the American Legion on Sunday, July 23. Sandy Creek^Orwell Seniors to Meet Sandy Creek-Orwell Area Senior Citizens Organization will have a covered dish supper at the Orwell Town Hall on Friday, July 21, served promptly at 6 p.m. Please bring your own table service and a dish to share. Beverage will be furnished. A business meeting and program will follow. CEDAR LOG H O M E S DEALER . WANTED I Cedar Log-Homes are really selling • Join a winning team • Protected territory • Dealer training. Each sale generates s 4,000. Sunday July 23 Doors will open at noon with sets beginning at 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Refreshments will be available. The hall is air-conditioned, making a comfortable setting for all to enjoy. The Sandy Creek Central School District is accepting new applications for substitute teachers for the 1989 -1990 school year. People that have substituted previously at Sandy Creek and have an interest in continuing should contact James Beardsley at the High School Office at (315) 387-3465 to update their applications. NUMBER ONE J & R Diner Harwood Dr., Lacona NY * Daily Lunch Specials * '''• Real Home Cooking * * Homemade Pies ••Receive a free beverage with purchase of meal Open Monday-Friday, 5:30 ;un. - .2:0(1 p in. Saturday, 6:0(1 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (coupon required) IT'S PARTY TIME!! Shult AMDTHI <J3Q Parkway ? WILL BE HERE ON SUNDAY JULY 23 R D , 1989! ALL HOUSES SET UPON OUR SALES LOT WILL HAVE SUPER SAVINGS - Factory Representatives Will Be Here - Kaplan (Skyline STRUCTURES, INC. CENTRAL NEW YORK'S 17th A n n u a l Fiddlers E v e n t P l a n n e d The New York State Old Tyne Fiddler's Association will hold their 17th Annual Fiddlers' Picnic on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday July 28,29 and 30 at Cedar Pine restaurant Campgrounds-Motel, Osceola. Friday, July 28: 7 p.m. Youth Program, 8 p.m. Guest Artist; Ivan Hichs, 9 p.m. Round and Square Dancing. Saturday, July 29:1.0 a,m. Fiddle Workshop, 11 a.m. Dance Workshop, 12 p.m. Guest Artist, 12:30 p.m. Affiliate Chapters programs, 4:30 p.m. Guest Artist, 6 p.m. Catholic Mass, 7 p.m. Hall of Fame Induction Ceremonies, 8 p.m. Guest Artist, 9 p.m. Show of Stars. Sunday, July 30:11 a.m. Ecumenical Church Service, 12 p.m. Guest Artist, 12:30 p.m. Individual Fiddlers, 4:30 p.m. Guest Artist, 7 p.m. Guest Artistr Guest Artist Ivan Hicks and his wife Vivian are synonomous with the traditional music of the Maritimes. Ivan is twice crowned "Maritime Fiddling Champion." He has recorded nine albums. Vivian plays the piano and sings. Donations at gate. Food and drink available in pole barn. Fiddlers Hall ofFame and Museum will be open. Bring lawn chairs. Tent for cover in case of rain. Reserve campsites early. For more information, call Jerry Fryba 315^599-7372. ^^^ J ^fc^^^7 !V "^^ v ^-^ COLONIAL JOE SLIWA, DISTRIBUTOR P.O. BOX 5280 ARNOTMALL HORSEHEADS.NY 14844 (607)739-2606 Friday, July 28 This certificate is required of all holders of drivingpermits and those persons with a lapsed driver's license before they can sign up for driving tests. The MV-278 is vaild for one year. Pulaski Senior Citizens t o Meet The Pulaski Senior Citizens Club will meet at 5 p.m. at the Springbrook Apartments on Thursday, July 20. There will be a picnic supper on the patio, weather permitting. The Skutterville Band will provide entertainment for the membership. Friday, July 21 R . O . S A . G a r d e n Club t o Meet The R.O.S.A Garden Club will meet on Wednesday, July 26, at 8 p.m., at thehome of Ralph Chase instead of at the home of Ruth Stainton. Roll call will be Australian Thong Lt. Programs will be announced. Prelicensing P r o g r a m A five hour prelicensing program will be offered at the Oswego High School, West Utica Street, Oswego on Saturday, July 22, Room 241. MH MANUFACTURERS' GIFTS AND DOOR PRIZES! FAMILY VACATION GIVE-A-VVAYTO ONT. CANADA! / mw/+N^ ^ M HUB HOMES, INC.,^* i m * MAKESTHE D I FFER E N CE S ^-^,-Fria r O X RT. 28 EXIT 35 1-81 Saturday & Sunday J PULASKI, NEW YORK 13142 9~a.m. - 3 p.m. CALL 298-5199 COUNTRY STATION it just plain sounds good io7o A M - F M 101.7 WSCP as, the country tradition continues. How to g2t throughtoyour kids. You don't havetoworiy about missing calls because your phone's busy. With Call Voting from Contel, you canreceivecalls even when then* someone already on the phone. And you know how some people like totak Can WaitingfromC O N T E L £ one £ns •vJTO**"a*.*<i\'ffl\*:C?7e,'ir-o x^&^v&£>lm»m
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