BANNER-WATCHMAN. THE BAD BOY. A REVOLTING CRIME. HARMONY 6ROVE ITEtfS. ATHENS WCAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000-^1 Tickets only $5. Stares In Proportion. TnoTaiiiisisis Mate, rrlgbuwiy Abased. Hell ~ Bnt Bnb, said the groceryman to Editor Banner- Watchman: MrC OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CITY AND COUNTY the badI o,Vx»y, he came in the sU re CHATTANOOGA, TKNN., July 29. J Hood and Miss L with a high etandine collar on, a pair of this place, were married at theBappick shoes and a cane with an ivo- One ot tlie most horrible affairs T. L. GANTT, EDITOR & PIM>P»R. tooth ry head, and cuff buttons as big as indi- ever chronicled in this state came j " '* Wedo hereby certify tnat we supervise the j tie celebrate* < vidual butter plates,, "what yo got on to light this morning. Mrs. Buchhat you irrans^riufc/eUtbe'MontbJy and femi-A"that dude rig for? Now you aregoln iens, officiating. The attendants anal Drawings of the Louisiana State **&!**£££, a widow lady, and her daughse, Ten: to tarn out just as I thought you wool a anan, were as follows: Mr D D Quillain er Mary, aged seventeen years, Dally Rauat-WatobauB ...._ .WOO all the time, a no account dude. Have ive five miles from Spring City. and Miss Ida Bohanon, MrW B J WeeaJy Banner-»atohman...___. .- 1 SO your folks seen you?1' au.Aa* BaajMr-Watoh»aa ....„.'.'.'. "Yes, they have seen me," said the Several nights ago seven men, lardman, jr, and Miss Anelia Also the celebrated Stclnway, Decker -:ioo toy, Bros,. Wheelock and Gate City .Inii'advertlsemenU." as he put the head of the cane in whom she recognized as neighbors, jhankle. Harmony Grove; Col W Ills month, "and don't you call me 'onV came to the house and made insult- rV Hardy, Senoia, and Miss Eula Invariably in adranoe. I Neither Jay Oonld any more. 1 am growing so I am alDeadwyler, 100 do/en Ladies' Kid Sandals, at ,$1-25. Maysville; Dr L G VauderbUt,'or General Grant can get a paper on most as tall as you are. I am only wea: - ng proposals to the ladies. Being erudlt. Will pmltirely drop every name from ing these clothes for fun to day. Toy repulsed, the villains forced the ftarderaan. Harmony Grove and f the University 25 cases Men's P. Calf plain London Toe Ties, at* ;rta are held and con*Unt « Miss Ida Galloway, Athens. The Violin Frequent Moot our book* not paid in advance. see our wash woman has been doing mother and daughter to accompany else* arc worth ?2j All other some washing for a dude down town, them to the woods, some distance bride, the accomplished daughter Medicalalso form _ and he owed her eight dollars, and he from the house. There the ladies of the Rev W BJ Hardeman, sr., ACC.ORDEONS, BovadOwr. wouldn't pay her, and pa told her to go mttffS'th^aVi-pon^^of theU-WplJ was handsomely attired in a dark TAMBORINE3, mas. WIIUWH without e*.^ examination. .. Charles Wise was lodged in jail and deliver his washing this morning were compelled to remain all night jjreen silk dress, with gloves, hat The advantages oe HARMONICAS, mas. dsj]^ recluUonSi conrtaht with the men, who alternately, by the committing court of Ciarks- and take his clothes, and he would be FLUTES. Incorporated tn IMS tor 26 years DT the Leglsla- exercises In drawing legal ojocnmems. precuj. and laces to match. She looked In Moot Courts, sxgumea«(<*^22J£"%I& DRUMS, tnrefcTEdueational and Charitable purpose boro district on last Saturday, for apt to pay. So she got his clothes be- through the Bong night, outraged beautiful and dignified during the nthar atndenis upon tha Uterary oodetiee oz me fo«: he got up, and brought them up to mother and daughter. All attempts killing Ace Tate. The negroes our oflhe University Libraries,elc^) entire proceedings. The groom, And CTcVvthlni in the musical line, Including house, wuereshe Is at work to-day, >opon It preleraqle to private Music and Music Boot* also Sue Stationary talked of lynching him. It is said and I put them on, and when the dude at outcry or escape were threatened the only son of the merchant prince, Sheet 'madeapartor the present SI* in a lawyer's office. For Auther and Kaney Ooods,such as Albums, Pocket Booka, with instant death. In resisting the adopted DeJember Xd. A. !>.. 1879. that Charles' statement before the comes out of his boarding boose with his Satchels. Blank Booka. Picture* and nature C W Hood, was attired in an ele- Frames of all sizes, 4njthlaa: not in stock will be ond onioned fiends the bodies of both ladies T»« <ml» The only toted Lottery cm linen ulster on, and slippers, and sees justice court convicted himself. gant ordered suit of at once; black, and bore *' his 6» tkfPcopfeof a»v Stale. me, he will just lay right down and blat were mercilessly bruised. At the honors admirably. EPISCOPAJL Jt never Kale* or foilponu. The followin Prices below ?.ny Other house on the It* Orsuid I am only trying to help ip ia hard workiu break of day they were taken to the Single Number Drawing* FEMALE INSTITUTE, woman collect pay for her work. Say river and forced into a boat and the are some of the bridal presents: sii Continent. take place monthly. The old sign readers »ay that if it what kind of a masher very berry dish, Miss Ida Galloway, Also Piano would I make . Winchester, Va Tuning and Bepaldqc done In ant- A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR rains on the first dog day it will ram "O, you look too intelligent about the whole party floated down the river silver pickle dish, Miss Eula Dead- elm style. TUNE, EIGHTH GRAND DRAWING KEV. J.C. WHEAT.!). p maylftnmwktf every day .for forty. Yesterday was head fora elude," said the groceryman to Smith's landing, where the wyler; Silver napkin ring, Miss CLASS H,.1N THE ACADEMY OF MU by a fall eon* of the first dog day and it rained, so "But tell me lias your pa got to drinking mother was taken to the west shore Ida Bohannon; silver mug, Young SIC, NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, Auited. Applications again? I have seen him come out of two of the men going with her gust 12, for 1884 th'e-racanlesc created by the retirement of 171st Monthly Drawing. we may look out for the next lorty. several saloons lately, and one day he The boat with the daughter and Williams; card receiver, W W Harmembers of tea gtaduaUnjc clan will now be reCAPITAL PRIZE, S78.OOO. Noah must have started out on his had his hat jammed eived. Apply tor circulars to the dy. Tne bride and groom left on down over his nose, 100,000 Tickets at Fly* Dollars Each. trip the first dog day if this sign is and another time his coat tail was split five men was taken to the east side the morning train at 8:15, on their Fraction*, in Firth In Proportion. right. clear up to his neck and he smelt strong On landing the party proceeded to way to Warm Springs, N. C. Linorruzu. of beer. It is sad to see a man go wrong the vicinity of Birchwood, Bradle where they will spend their honeyIAOOO 1 CAPITAL PWZK-. ... ChMring. that way." county, where the girl was kept ii In the NEW oatalouge of the £5,000 do ha 'No,, pa has not gone to drinking custody two days, when she made moon. We extend to them our 10,000 1 do do .... A gentleman living near Athens, 1S.OOO congratulations, and again. ask S Hch PBUESOF*6.W».... them to ias joined a new society to her escape while the men were TRENTON in conversation on yesterday, ex- prevent other people 10.000 from drinking, accept the following beautiful sen10,000 sleeping off their drunken stupor. pressed it as his opinion that crops if he don't get killed he is liable toand BUSINESS COLLEGE do 10,000 timent: THE ESCAPE. 20,000 would be better this season than for some Rood, but he has had bard lock so V I I sent FREE. Address, Then comes Hie wild weather come sleet so.ow A. J. BIDEB, Principal, Trenton. N. J. some years past. He is a close ob- far. This society pa belongs to believes The mother made known what *5,«PO We will stand by' each other, howerer it blow. 15,000 server and not an enthusiast either. In moral suasion, and when any member had occurred and warrants were Oppression, and: sicknesa. and soirow and pal a man,about to drink, they go to Shall be to our true lorellke links to the chal We should like to hear now from sees him and reason with him. Pa came taken out for the seven men and our friend George Hall, of Craw- home in a hack the first day he was on placed in the hands of the sheriff, All the attendants accompanied the -OF Aford. He is an excellent crop ob- duty. He went into a saloon and saw who, instead of taking steps to bride and groom as far asLula a man just blowing the froth oft a glass bring the wretches to justice, went Junction. Col W W Hardy goes hould' Application for iml of beer, ?nd pa went up to the man and to Cleveland. The warrants were directly IiewOrl only to the office of tlie Company in IiewOrleanl home, and Mr D D Quiltouched him on the arm and said, "If I For fimher Information \rrfto clearly. giving More Good News. then placed in the hands of United goes to Westminster, S C, to fttll address. Mtke I'. O. Mou«y Orders payReport* come to us from all the was in yonr place I wonld not drink States Deputy Marshal Rasor, who lain To the SMOKERS of THIS 18 NO HUMBUfl. TOR INFORMATION. nd ad<lrte« Registered Letters to spend a few days. The man held the brer up to the FKKE OF ClfASOE, WRITE TO counties above us, that there have that!" > " —•* it and said, ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK. arrested a man named Gilhurst, light and looked through i BlackwelTs Genuine Rev C D Campbell and wife L. H. 80BOTLBB. Sttatfort. Conn. New Orleans, La. been fine rains recently, and the 'Voshde madder fon dot i ot i*er?" Pa who. on preliminary trial, confessed came to the Grove Tuesday, and Bull Durham Smoknil ordin prospects were never better. We aid it was full of alcohol and the man to the crime and gave the names of were the guests of C W Hood and ing Tobacco. nope to be the recipients of just such laid, 'Veil, dot vosvot 1 vont,' ami pa parties who were associated with family. reports until the cotton picking sea- told him U was fnll of headache, and him in its commission. Yesterday Tuesday That gentleman preached night at the Baptist ch urch. and sorrow, and would undermine EASH.V CUBED. BOOK FBJ5K. son and harvesting is at hand. woe, DB. j. c. HomuH, nrruMR. vucemn. his health, and the man told pa to go Henry Thomas was arrested in His text was Lydia's conversion. The genuine has picture of There is a good time coining and away and mind his own business, and Bradley county, and taken to Spring Col W. W Hardy, a University DVBBTI8EB8 by addressing OEO. P. BOWBLL BULL, on every package. the people begin to realize it. We pa said any man that wonld take a viper City for trial. fcceEloSprui 8t.,NewTork,.canlea .the graduate, and a chum of Mr C I exact cost of any proposed Uneol ADVERTISsay let 'er come, the quicker it gets In his stomach, to steal away his brains Hood, enjoyed his hospitalities last ewspapen. . 100-page ING in American Newsps ONE OF THE MEN CONFESSES. mas a fool, and unfit to exercise the right here, the better we'll be pleased. Pamphlet, lOo. evening. For particulars sec our next of a freeman and vote. I guess that Gilhurst was committed to jail at TUMORS made the fellow mad, tor he took pa by Washington. The other five Mr and Mrs Robert Raines and announcement. men, Soda Water. the collar and povred the beer down the their little boy, from Thomasville, It is surprising the amount of so- beer down tha back of his neck, inside whose names are not divulged, are are stopping at the Butler House, -ATTreated by a new and wonderfully siieoesaflu da water sold in bottles in this mar- his collar, and the saloon keeper came still at large, but are known to re- and propose to enjoy the pure air method, without the knife orJoM of blood! Vastly around from behind the counter and side within a short distance of Mrs. ket. The Clinton Bottling Works threw superior to all other methods! Hundreds of pa ont doors through a wire Buchanan. dues cured. Write for deseriptlTB pamphlet. Mrs. Buchanan and of Harmony Grove and vicinity for of Augusta ship large quantities of screen. Pa didn't Address, awhile. Dr. E. §. GREEN6, get his clothes dry \-% Peachtne street, Atlanta, Oa. this cool and delightful for two days, and lie smells like a malt daughters live by farming. They Bill Arp lectured at New Salem beverage to Athens, where house. That was the beer you smellcd. are quiet and peaceable ladies of church in Banks county, yesterday, good character. The daughter is it sells very readily. The Pa went in one other saloon and found eentkynan who outlines his case below old man just pouriiiK out some whis- said to be quite handsome and in- admittance fee 25 cents- The hu- Is The a tan cou.4lilcruhlynilvam;ed In lift*, and I* Clinton Bottling Works are doing a an key, he tackled that man, ami the telligent, and in the trial of Gilhurst morous William came from New noted for his uterliiiR Intes-rity. His pwt-anksplendid business all over Georgia man and Salem church to the Grove yestertold pa to «o and soak his head, but ami South Carolina and deserve to pa isn't one ot the kind of men that goes gave her testimony in a modest but day eve in time to board the 5 succeed, as they furnish nothing and puts his head to soak every time uiet manner that denoted the lady. o'clock train for Atlanta. Mr. John Pearson's Statement: ler statement coincided with the anybody tells him, and he talked to that but the pure article. r one who will Ind a i Messrs W T Harber & Bro. are Tn the Spring of 1S8JI wa« attacked with a man real harsh. He told the roan he confession of Gilhurst The details ...Potash, ' " very bad oooj*. which continued to grow preparing to roll their old store worse uustouce In waa taking poison, a deadly poison that of Gilhurst's confession are too reuntil Fall, when T sot so weak that I THE GREAT ARTISTS of the WORLD Louisville Exposition. from its present has commence^, and the entire balance of stud wij site to make room could not «et about. I tried a groat many wonld rarely kill him, and the man ACKNOWLEDGE THE SUPKHlkinds of medicine, bnt continued to grow Cheap excursion rates to the swallowed it and said he had been tak- volting for public print. for their brick building. ORITY OF. THE PIANOS AX1) worse. I was notified that I had consumption, oa thrown conspicuously on the Louisville Exposition, commencing ing that kind of poison for forty years, THE YOUNG LADY KILLS AN ASWork is progressing finely .on R and would probably die. Dr. Holloway anally ORGANS SOLD BY told roe to cry Brewer'* Lung Restorer. They in August, are advertised by on' until he had to have about so much poiSAILANT. A Eckles residence and hotel. ent to Ward's Store and got a bottle, and I railroads. A large number of Ath- son regularly. He wiped his moustache commenced taking It right awa] »y. After -~ Uklwt -" .iave cured Blood Taint by the use of Swift's The protracted meeting at the two or three doses, I began to'Improve, and by Late news received this evening then said to pa, 'Now, look here, RixwHit:. after I had most slgnaUy failed with the neians attended the Exposition in and the time I had used up one bottle tie!_ WM able to .._ .... you temperance fellows don't want to states that Miss Bucbanan claims Baptist church continues. ercurj all' yOla» .pJJ^yjJJ" j, D^ perJi Ofc get on my feet again. _...._ 1_ am DOW low In excelli eicellent They are selected from Ten of tlie Best that place last year. Doubtless tackle an old soaker like me. What you that atter she had been taken to the VIDKTTE. health, fart confident indent that tl the ~Lung Restorer Swift's Specific tim cured me of Scrofula of II Makers.and are so Much Superior to many will avail themselves of the want to do is- to -gave young fellows vicinity of Birchwood, she got posind my neighbors are of the - the - syoung srs standing. Had sure* as large an my hand, It is the bunt Lung Remedy Others at Prices so Much Less opportunity to. take a clieap sum- that are just beginning to drink. There session of a knife. idereiyone thought I was doomed. Swift's One of the TO KILL THE TASTE OF ALCOHOL that Ptrchiisers Save from Biiwitie cured me after physicians and all oilier are a party of young fellows In the back mer trip thiiis season. that be i Louisville room nietlk-iiies bad failed." drinking wine, and what you want men, whose name she did not know, | tell tin i of tho wonderful cure K made In my R. L. HIGH. Lonoke, Ark. and Cincinnati are attracting the to do U There are many drinkers who case. to reason with them,' That was dragged her into a cornfield, and attention of the south as commercial enongh for pa, and he went in there and on another attempt on her person, can break up the habit for a time, "Give like a Christian, speak in deeds; By Visiting or writing to centres, and are using strenuous found (oar young fellows sitting around which had already been violated and who would gladly refrain from A noble life's the best of creeds; and and unparalleled cut rpide in the Ank he shall wear a royal crown efforts for a share of southern pat- a table, and they were pretty full. 1'a several times, she stabbed the man, ever touching it again, but an un- Statement of Mr.Benj.F.Hearndon: G. 0. ROBINSON & CO. began to talk to them about their course , made Who give a lift when men are down." ber, 1881, while aewlnjr ronage. on the Early In N her controllable way into the woods, and thirst for the beverage maf blue, myy wife was taken with a Beveru pain and how they were going the rijjht way j ft>4 O HA A wonld not purchase from me what followed by bemorto reach the penitentiary, and how they finally back to her- home. The attacks them and never lets up un- In her side, whtrh was and Man of all Work. done for me. II severe cough. E. I. 0. M. -L. P- Q. S. (blD.UUUswlfl'iSpecHlruas lias cured me of Rheumatism caused by malaria. would ruin themselves and their fami- man was left dead in the field. til they give way. A prominent J'teyur commenced, she could aneither eat nor Uncle Calvin Johnson is the man lies. AKCIIIE THOMAS. Springfield, Tenn. sleep, and In a few weeks she was reduced to a Pa says he thinks the first bottle Though some doubt this statement, gentleman in Richmond, Va., tells living G. O. Robin-on & Co. I'AY ALL skeleton. Tho attending physician told statement of T. L. Kusenberg, Mtcon, Oa. of ull work in Athens. You can exploded its cork accidentally, but the Miss Buchanan swears it me that he tbpogut ono of her lungs is true, how he broke this up: ngs wa FREIGHTS and SAVK 11ONKY to ;%was I have known much of the urn ot Swift's Specifhear of him earlly in th the morning cork hit him on the nose and the wine and offers to take parties to find gone. She could ..... not retain in the I ic, an.l have seen many ol the worst cases of "I was one of the unfortunates tlrely her stomach. I then ery purchaser. delicate nourishment writing some old fellow's will; then went all over his shirt and down his ,I.«K,.I Blood Taint ami Blood Poisoncured with it, after with IJr. Sullivan, roy family pnystetan. given to strong drink. When I agreed neek, SHEET and he having is MUSIC, not tried all other torts of treatment; In fact, sure tlie but LATEST oneoftbe Everything will be sold reau'dless of cost. On PUBlnc oooy. you see him tearing out to the Geor- young I have never known it to tall when taken properleft off I felt a horrid want of some- to call Dr. HoHoway In consultation. They LICATIONS, 51USIC BOOKS of every i» di<) it on purpose. He says I can iite the ease of a young van who had gia factory to marry a couple; next before fellows It is n description; the best Italian Strings. he could recover from hi* astonthing I must have or go distracted. BpttkaUoma Or SkU Cancer. > treated by tha bast physicians for Blood early and get some of the choice bargains, ou can hear of him over in Buck ishment two of the wicked wretches that on, but an to no purpose; and as the time This form of cancer is the most preva- I could neither eat, work nor sleep. alartreiort. I imt7<*'a butUeTanFmve her The Latest and Most Popular Sundayits marriage waa approaching h* was nearly less to enumerate all the goods but come and sec t! J ich district holding a prayer he was trying to save took him by the lent type, and is in many cases a dose. I found that »he could retain, it on her racted. fatal, He as finally Explaining took SwuVs my Specific, affliction and to a man School Book, stomach, and after about the third dose I beian meeting and eating a big dinner, heels and stood him on his head up it gradually eata awayunt il it destroys of much education and experience, to cured as sound as a new dollar. notice noroe Improvement In her condition. who had tried everything, and spent tour against a partition and two others pop- life. It would awem that Swift's Specific I continued medicine mralarly, and by the lie is kept busy from morning until ped LOVE AND PRAISE." trier His at the Hot Soringf without benefit, was at he advised me to take a decoction thne the hadtbo oorks down his trousers legs, and is indeed a specific for this scourge. taken two bottle* aha was aWe to cured by this remedy. His case was like ralsnight writing up documents in all he thought walk about the bouse. Sho Is now In better LOWEST PRICES, at a regular Niagara Falls o' oi ground quassia, a half ounce health than ane has enjoyed for several :me from tho dead. 1 could go on and tall yoi Mrs. K. A. Armstrong, Verona. Miss; years. his various occupations he manages wine waa running down him. Then writes under date of Slay Iti, 1SS4: "Af steeped in a pint of vinegar, and to 1 believe the long Restorer saved her life. G. 0. ROBINSON.& CO.'S. Mr. Heamdon's post-office l» Tatc«vllle. Up to iay by a right good lot of money. they set him up on the floor and sham- ter taking six bottles of Swift's Specific put about a small teaspoon of it in a Oonnty, Oa. He Is a thoroughly reliable 831 Broad St., AUGUSTA, GA. At present he is acting devil in the pooed his head with champagne, poured the cancer is healing; is greatly reduced little water, and to drink it down ion man In every particular. TUB SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. his boots full, pulled bis hat laslO-diwly down over in size. It now gives me no pain, and my every time the liquor thirst came Manner-Watchman office. UrawerS, Atlanta, Oa. his eyes and let him out the back door. general health has ha so much improved .office, l.V> W. dd St..betCthand7th LAMAB,RANKIN, &LAMAR. He got a hack and was taken home, and that I am able to be up and attend to my on me violently. I found it satisfUUUelphla office, U06 Cheatnnt Street. Going to Hove. ma eays she hasn't Seen such a sight household duties something I had not fied the cravings, and it gave a MACON, GA. Our old friend, Hope Hale, who since the last presidential election. She able to do in several years. I feel feeling of stimulus and strength. I now occupies one of the most im- asked pa how it happened that so much been that It will me." continued this cure and persevered posing business houses on the main good wine got outside of him, but pa Air. M. N.cure Clayton, of Red Clay, Ga; wouldn't 8a»Janything, he was so mad. writaa under recent date: "All painful until the thirst was conquered. For street of Nicholson, and has enjoyBe loaded his revolver this morning sensations in my cancer are decreasing. two years I have not tasted liquor, ed the distinguished title of merch- ond will convert somebody to temper- I feel decidedly better, and the cancer and I have no desire or inclination ant prince of that flourishing burg, anceheprinciples or haves funeral. When commenced to heal." for the stuff. Lately, to try my has decided to move to more exten- these old hard drinkers become reform- hasDr.M. F.Crumley, Oglethorpe, Ga; strength, I have handled and smelt A Cyclone of fiumbugs. sive fields, where his well known ed they are the worst temperance fanat- writes under date of May 10th: "Mr. whisky, but I have no temptation ics In the world, don't you think so?" business sagacity can find more Naves, who bad such a terrible cancer to take it. I give this for the conthey are usually pretty numer- on his face, Is about well. New skin has scope in which to fling itself; he is ous"Yes, ully flash from beneath the slorui cloud, pond, Public School Notice. ideas," saia the grocery- grown all over his face, is about well. sideration of the unfortunate, severbrth from subterranean vaulu. ami Kjeaui In Hie going to Maysville. We wish him man.with"Atheir Medical Department UnlTenlty ot Louisiana. temperance man who has white persons dcsirintf to teach iu the pub ;cphyrsof theevenlilg t-rlli ski n has grown all over his face, and al of whom I know have recover- lieAll . gs'of their praise, while the sombre shades of school* of Clsrbe county, the present year all the success that he anticipates in always been that way, will overlook the New NEW ORLEANS. looks almost as well as it ever did, and ed by the means which I no longer will meet the undrnicned at the Court House, i.lgutlalHooTershailow their demise. Tbey touch As it Is universally admitted that Practtca the proposed change. We have not faults of those who drink, hoping they I would like some of your ' ' >fJune, between the.hoursoft the feverert brow company to require." "~ofhope odicino and Surgery ca¬be taught alse ' ' they sicke >'clock p. m. Colored applicant! artofth, . Ksnilalearned who will occupy the mer- will see the error of their ways some see him." here than at the bedside of the sick and wound.._.___ pfus The __ Saturday, code of mendlcal >ame hours. ethle li luc Bach withered time, bnt the reformed drunkard wants Mr.W. H. Gilbert, Albany, Oa; cantile palace which he vacates. candidate must be proTlilcd with "Trustees Rec- in the dust at our feet while H.c Ixx tor still char- ed, this institution Justly claims unrivalled adDotOxtsnioa. to knock a glass of liquor fdown a rnan'f writes under date May 8th: "Mr. Brooks, iiKea in the iutroduettoh of Its classes Into the ommendation" dull* mado ont and properly ahrn- Kea one dollar for writing"socliuio chloriili and ' great charity Hospital, whose aquapura" ed. Forma as a garglifor >at such tor Insteod sore, "Recommendation" thn of throat, glass will M and all, and if "Say," he will not said one of our Jewish of Baconton, is Improving fast He Is now A 01»Unaui*h«d Visitor. lu»<tr«l beds and an any day Irom this dale to day of exam- saying "ganjle with salt and wate liutthe great to advice, he wants to maul him. able to be up. when he commenced merchants yesterday, as we were furnished IRON AMI. BRASS CASTINGS, 1 NO, MTNINO AND MIU. WACH1SKKV, Thaamrul patienU __ ., __ _ _ ination upon application at my office: -Parties capacity of General P. G. T. Beaureeard is listen linical Bat yon can nev«r make that work in this Swift's Specific he was not expecting to pulling along the sidewalk, "haf you tailing Cir lars sent upon applicato attend the sxamlnation upon days lispending a short time at Tallulah world. When I see a man go to take a live. He has a cancer on his face." ed. It examined afterwuds. will be reonlnd to A Man's Stomach. heard pay de the news?" attendant expense ol three dollars. By drink I feel as though I wanted to go up falls. He is one of the most distinMessrs. J. & J B Harterof North ManThe writer knows a wholesale merchant of AtAthens. Juno 2nd, 1SS4. 8TBAH ENGINES, CIRCULAR SAW Mil CANE MILLS, ROLLERS, (for wood (ric "What news?" we eagerly inquir- order 01 the Board. him and get in conversation with chester, Ind; writes under date of May jnta, Ga, who says hv drank 24 gallons of one H. It. BEESAR1). C. 8. Comm'r. guished visitors that has honored to HORSE POWERS. THRESHERS, COLT POWEEaud LEVEK COTTON fl: patent medicine (^l_78.00 w*rth) before being contell him of the wrong he is doing, 1st: "The lady with cancer is improving ed. VAN HILLS, BABK MILLS, IRON FENCING, &c. this iamous summer resort with bis him, and offer to " right along, The Specific increased the "Anotler big extension in New .pacity. WESLEYAN presence. We are glad to know 'Drink with him," said the bad boy, discharge for the first few days, but tne York." . . _. ...... ._-poison. that our state has attractions tor bottles, (fjoaoo worth) of a certain paihe got ont doors about four inches soreness is gone and she is much better. Athens, Ga. nt medk-int, before he decided that hlscomll"What do you mean by a big exsuch men as this brave General, ahead of the groceryman's foot. Mrs. W. H. Rout, of Gordonsvllle, Va; whose very na'me.thrills the heart Mr. J. R. Stewart of Macon, Ga; a writes, under date of May 11, 1884: "I tension?" we queried. STAUNTON, VA. - _____ 3 and «KPUUTQB8. TURBINE WATE. ' Vhy, deres a veefteen million CAPITAL REPRESENTED, am much improved. The cancer is betof every Southern soldier when well known and trustworthy gentleman, ter ; does 1 Three Boiler Can* Vitia,COOKla rvaporaUin. &• Opens September Ma. 1884. One of the First pain me at all. It is a won- tollar extension dere. School! for Young Ladles In the United States. mentioned in connection with the makes the following statement: "My ton der to all not THOS. kAlLEY, Agent & Supt. Surroundings beautiful. Climate unsurpassed. my friends." "What -extension do you mean, $6O,OOO,OOO. brilliant deeds which clung around who was between three and four years Mr. James E. Llgon, of Micbaux Ferry, anyhow?" One hundred and forty-three boarding pupils A Crazy Druggist. said we. from eighteen atatea. Terms among the beat In , . AthenS, Ca. was all drawn up with rheumatism. Va; writes under date of May 16, 1884: his record as an officer. Our little old the union. Board, Walking. English Course, PAC XTRER8 ?MCK8. mtX i'"1-' His FINDING bones "Dot FDKNI8HKD were Prooklyn twisted, AI pridge. and he was Dot's all a Latin, French, German, Instrumental Music, Ac. Prompt Attention to buscity would feel highly honored by a double ont of shape. He suffered intense "My condition is greatly Improved: my for Scholastic year, from Sept, to June, SBS. for oy was nearly blind and one bottle of a certain veefteen million tollar extension, geneeral health Is • good; my appetite call from him while in this locality. pain, had lost his appetite, was cross and good; cancer decidedly better, iness. patent medicine Reasonable effected an entire cure. rates We know don't it?" and he laughed immoder, and has , . , irtalneditor who ha< catarrh ami three betfretful. He was reduced to a mere skeleStaunton. Virginia. ow can lever re ately and wondered that the bycured him. A doctor .near Atlanta cured a guaranteed. Death From Apoplexy. ton, and had to be carried abouton a piltof Scrofula with one'bottle of the same medyout" standers didn't join him. 'Mr. John B. Craig, who was low. Aa these cases of rheumatism, pay iae. Another eentleman, hobbling around on Mr. J. 3. Rhodes, of Mill River, N. C; two crutches, suffering from rheumatism, watcurstruck with paralysis some six years where the bones where twisted and the writes under date of May 19. 1884: "My "What inturn are you trying to «1 with four bottles- A eentleman ai Athens. Ga. all crooked, had for years mother baa been using Swift's Specific get through your head, anyhow?" ad a .Scralulous ulcer of the leg which had been Out of the Jaws of Death ago, and who has since for most of joints were the skill of the most eminent about unnlug sore for Bfty yean and six bottles cnrtwo weeks, and is improving. The we asked. the time been suffering severely baffled him. Theee cases are not myths; they are rephysicians, I determined to use Swirs cancer not now painful and is healing." pevtable and weir known people, who were cur- The gentleman who outlines his case below U "I mean dot veefteen million toifrom the terrible infirmity, died at Specific, as I bad seen testimonials from Mr. is '., NEAR LOWER MARKET, by the use of that new and wonderful mood a mau considerably advanced In life, and hi notT. J. Teate, of waclssa, Fla; lers vas de biggest extension ve had ubout T i o'clock. He was born at mah whom I knew to be trustworthy, writes under date of May 2, 1884: /.- ----- B_ B;B- Threc bottles for SW3 c.l r<.r hU ftfrliug Integrity. His paatofflee Is MONROE, WALTON CO., GA. ~ - -lywhero. Address YntesTllle, Uuson county. Oa, The allowing ls Federal Point, in this county, and of similar cases it had cured. I used "Swift's Specific has cured a cancer ca mit der banic, and dot vas der two large bottles of H. S. 8., according my face, and has almost nude a young Prooklyn pridge." . ' table poison. 'Send for proof ol all we say. For Mr. John Peanon's Statement was in his 6Sth year. His trade to rORK, Domestic and Imported, directions, with the most satisfactory man ont of me." particulars bonsnll all drngglKta. "You mean suspension, we prevrasthatofa merchant tailor. He results. In tho spring o( 1SS21 was sttaeded with a very ATLOWtRICBS: My son commenced improving Mr. Tinsley, of Burr Mills, Va; sume," we remarked, as a faint idea bad cough, which continued to grow worse untfl • belonged to the Independent Order with the first dose of the medicine. His writes B. GEORGIA A? I SOUTH CAROLINA MONUMENTS tail, when I cot to weak that! could net gttt May 1,1884: My wife has taken creeped into our cranium at what of Odd Fellows, and will be buried sufferings diminished daily and his ap- four bottles about. 1 tried a great many.klndaof medicine of Swift's Specific for a canbut continued to irrow worse. I was notified tha NOOTJRENOPAY. with the honors, of that institution. petite increased; he became cheerful cer, and DM improved wonderfully. I he was driving at I had consumption and would probably die. Or and in gook spirits. Gradually he re- hall keep Hup; have no doubt it will "Maybe dot vas it I shust made t and (HUHITB WOKK always o> band, ready for J.ET1 'KKl>» Holloway finally told me to try Brewer's Lna Deceased leives a wife and several gained use of bis limbs, the twisted cure her." Uratorer. Thay sent to Ward's store and got a mistake. I dot it vas extension, " children." [K>ulo and 1 commenced taking It light away bones and joints straightened, and less It may not be out of place to state but it is a tarn good shoke. don't it? After taking two or three doses. I began te ImThe above is copied from the than two months he was entirely cured, that prove, and hy the time I had used Swift's Specific (S. 8. S.) is entirely You ort to but it mit der baper." " one bottle and could walk and get about as any a vegetaple 1 was able to get o my feet again.. upI am now la preparation and seems to Wilmington, N. C., Morning Star, child ealth. I am confident ellent health. fident tthat Cie Loac We told him we Would, and left of bis age. Treatise on Blood and cancer by forcing out the poison Restorer saved my life and my Detihbors areot are of the aoth inst The deceased was Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift cure him waiting to sell somebody else the same opinion. It it the best Lung Bemedy through tha cancer. The "public should Co., Drawers, Atlanta, Oa., be cautioned ever made In my opinion. Dr.- H. promised m . about imitation? of our re- with his "ox tension," the father of our young friend, J. H. Specific that he would write to the manufacturers an l£9W. 33d St., N. Y., and 1305 Chestnut medy, and beware of all potash and merAell them of the wonderful cure tt made In m Crmlg; formerly bookkeeper for T. St. rhila. s«e. febM cury mixtures gotten up to imitate us HE 8TH OR o.TH DISTRICT. Fleming & Sons, but now with and sell their poisonous staff on the reFram the Free State. need to-Crockery. Ola»*rare/F!ne China, Lamps. Culler;, Fsntf Since CoL J. A. Billups bos reputation of our Specific. These potash aao Silver Plsted Ware. Merchant arelnvitcdlo examine Swift Bros, of Elberton. We symMr.Jeff Scotland J. A. Green mixtures not only do no good In i a»d geod* before stocklmt «p. cancer moved back into the 8th district We guarantee How Lost, How Restored ! , , pathize with Mr. Craig in the loss Will probably be the candidates for treatment, but are abolnMly dangerous. he is prominently spoken of as eleciWEST PBICE8 OK'EVKKYtHlNO. Jurtpnblished.aneweditionofDR. ROBKRT the legislature in the Free State. Send for full history ol Blood and Skin tor on the ULVERWELL'8 Celebrated Essay on RadiCleveland .ticket Col. "t»f his father. This will make a close race, as both Diseases and OanoerTreatanent. al cure ol BemUtal Weakness.or Spermatqrrbm, jduoadby SeUVlboa*. Involuntai ~ ' ' the gentlemen are very popular in The Swift Specific Co: Drawer 3, At- Thomas P. Janes, of Penfield, has Bfiv > »' ' tMM Extra. 11 ' " «"» mpoMncy.Nftmras Debility, and nd Impediments Ga lanta, G»; 169 W. 23d St; N. T; and also been spoken for this position. . o Varrlan founDy; Consnmpt K , /n t . It was reported OH the streets thts- the county, and either one of them 120oOheatout Either of thexe St; gentlemen Pfaila. would A s»«ay Inferior Imitations aodnts itental andPhjJacal In iftt litui morning that the Banner-Watch- will* make a splendid representative. on the market ta packages «o be as 'good a selection as the disona aa to deoaU* <IM unwary, K -man had sent out "an extra." An Cure for Piles. the purchaser to ste that the reli trict could afford. . .. Waits to Rua. YOUNO L. A Th« first raptan «fHJ««is anlatamaeitche*u In whteb tt to padtetaiwaru b»an uTJes" oTMf!»nse^aFbe~effeciaaliy~».investigation was made at once and 8TEVHN8 THOMAS. 8«oaiTA»T. at Ubt AsVffgncwarm. Thto unpleasant Mvell without dangerous surgical «persUons, Mr. Claude Chandler is anxious it was discovered that the report nnata*. satton is hnjBMUataV or cordials; pointing , instruments, , rings -!f"S--:-. ertaln and effectual, to run anybody . PUe. three hours' go as BosaakotHI outa node of cure at once certain - originated at the Athens Foundry. Mr. W. H. Gilbert ofAlbany, Oa; unm and Bincworai ean LSaltahemai matter what his coader date ot May 8, J884, says: Mr. Brooks In baying; the Imitation yen pay' aa aach (ot an , ,t,Mn Thoa. Btailey, the gentlemanly you please race. He has a track at u* M, M,2jXi*cr«* re CTroolu* R«ald«nt DiiwetoM: nfsrlor arante a* tb*««mlB«eoMi:~ ;afrent,when questioned about the Center where he practices nearly all S3y, ITIosA onta. lUmfrelued fomra L. O. which had nearly kiHed him, every one 6mm Tmosua, . , inatteryatafed in substance as ft&- the time. We hope Mr. Chandler eveiryonth and every man in the land. JOH» BE H. SURE Nmrroir, YOU OBTAIN TNE 6ENUINE. thought J. 8. HannVTOV, . he would be dead In* short time Beitiinu«s«al,l»a'plai».nvelope,toan y_adcan get accommodated, as there are lows: That this morning on opening FxBonruip Pmnxr, Aunt F. DBABora. , SA)I)tBS ANJ> LEATHER,, as nothing seemed to stop the ravages of some fast runners in the counties Greenesboro Herald: Willie Dy)«. E. 8. LTirooif, Joox W. NICXOUOB, the cancer. H«oomn> hi. LorUlferd's Climax..,! looking around that would make it rather «on and Manch stamps, two negro Specific two months RED T1N-TAGPWG TOBACCO. boys, went to the Commercial hotel a wonderful efleeton out of aaid paper on to lively for awhile. buff it! MUSIC EMPORIUM SSSra SSfSFSSBSgss*** .S.L. &S&EZ^&* a-i^sss*8* &. ESTEYORGAN ' LAWSCHOOL, AT$1- ~ ... PIANOS, MW fpr GOODS! S S. JACKSON. Information. IN CASH BALDWIN & BURNET] EPILEPSY, FITS, FALLING FITS, CURED. GIVEN AWAY CHLORAL AMD HABITS MORPHINE;OPIUM A ON THE CRATER VOLCANO! GREAT ERUPTION CANCERS OatoftheJafsofDeatli $1,OOO M. L HARRIS. THE-CLEARING(pSAl| WIFT'S CPECIFICC G. 0. ROBINSON & CO. BARGAIN COUNTERS! $1O TO $1OO WITHOU T /MERCY. i . THE G RE CLEARING DUTSALEI ATHENS/FOUNDRY AND Grant, INSURANCE AGENTS, FEMALE INSTITUTE, MACHINE WORK] SAW MILLS, SMITHI1 REPAIRING, PAT'N WOWJ AND ALSO AGENTS )R THE MOST APPROVED ENGINES PORTAB] THEO,]^RKWALTER' 2 FITS! FITS! STEAM MARJLE ANDiGBANITE WORKS rUSTAVGA. AYCOCK & LANIER, CURE FITS BY CONTRACT As V PECIALTY. GESt, CHEAPEST AND BEST- IVfANHOOD THE SOUTHERN MUTUAL MAGCOBO¥ SNUFF. INSURANCE CO., btEls'ALE &;RBTAIL PEALER IN- Mr! Schevenell's desk, and went in the direction oi the telephone, whereupon he ,w«s intercepted by Mr. Scbevenen and . placed under a glass tube for future inquiry. Mr. Bailey stated Unit,, the.. nimaLwM ther.e and subject to the order of the ._."*« ... ' J* ' k -» -' '*: _*.**._ *,V. «^ulA« «.< aVklk in anything) that he was M , beyond a reasonable doubt that thia bu-'was the largest specimen of iU species extant. Mr. Schei'enell stale J that on first sight of the intruder, that hi: concluded that Editor GaiUt had returned from his northern tour where he had been sojourning in the attic story of soine fifth class hotel. The animal will be exhibited at the otlice of the Athens Foundry to-day, when to-morrow it will be raffled DlV for the purpose of adding to a ' "lection or for making soap grease. Out ot PattUn. Jones Meadows, one of in* tallest and cleverest men in Madison conn- j ty, was in the city yesterday and gave us some very interesting, reminiscences of what he did white running.for the legislature several Jones Is now out of pol._, ^-.ngb be could bs elacted for any office in the county, yet be prefer* living quietly on faM farm., , CoHa tor sMM. ' There is riearly\ 'eje^rjf, Mn,fl pf trade carried on in country produce Sunday night, and catching George Green, a boy about their own age, asleep in the hotel office, baund him securely hand and foot. They then stufled cotton between his toe* and wrapped paper »nd rags bout his leg* and ignited them. His cries broogbt »s*i»*»nce, not, however, before to W*s tedl; hurried, end tbebnildiag itself w ta danger.. Dyson »nd Stamps took leg bail. rtoy stock for the sprlngand summer trade, I THE-WORLD. The Greenesboro Herald reports *the following curious item: '"Mr. . P. Wagnon exhibited apelo'n oh a purpsUT. JVne-, wasyellojyj loupe, the other w*» . . Mr'Wagnon has cantaloupes to Oolcwdo or KewXerioo, fcf.pnre ah- watermelons growing m the 6a,.,t to reiievBConronptlon, is all **£«£*• paten and thinks the one exhibited in our city, but when it comes to Any reasonable man would U*» Of' *JOS» Was a cross between the two." trading watermelons for a coffin we anko's Cough and LunjrSyrnpto Copr sumption iu nil its first stages. It never think the end is about reached. Zeke Edge js tlie man who made the trad and says it is a fact that he sold a coffin and took pay for it in watermelons. ST. terday BO far recovered as to be out at his Tto Hastt Swsat llar>ChDwia|T«taccoa1ada work, and esttts in Cair way to get enalways bears a ml Tin-Tag with tirely well. Treatise on Blood and Skin TbeOenolns)oernam* tbereqn. Diseaes mailed free. The 6w«t Specific BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Co.,Drawer3, Atlanta. .Oa. 1» W. 23d t., K. Y; and 1205 Chestnut St ; Phlla NOTICE. The National Democratic Comfails to give relief in all cases 1 of first Coufflis, Colds, Bronchitis. Pains m the mittee have met in Albany, N. Y., chest and allaflections that are uomdered and notified Gov. Cleveland of his ] nomination. AMNG.A SPCIALTY. MCKINNOM, Jndonappllca;!. BLACJ5MITHING K. C. BAKNKTT, t'*yj State") J w. A. WRiGiilr, ceKf. SeaX .; p, N. SPEElt, Treasurer. J ' *g* FREEf, ^RELIABLE SEU:-C1!RE JBEEDREV AND -/AFTER' JWltejIjeJiKcei ars sent on 30 Dlfl' Trial. " VOLTAIIIIIT »fl., OR OLD, f AND REPAIRING^ SHOP .TACKSOX STKET, NEXT TO K. H. ALLEN'S. I! SmUlilnS snd Repairs done at short notice. Only the beat'workmen are em»W* Satisfaction guaranteed In everj- instance. ' GUNSMITHING. PISlOLS ot all kinds repaired in the best manne^ GUNS Stocked to order.
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