HR Employee Self-Service System – FAQs General What is Employee Self-Service? The full complement of ESS will enable employees to update their personal information (Name, Address, Diversity information, Address changes, disability, and ethnicity), qualifications. When an employee is leaving UoG they can fill out the exit questionnaire. The Absence module will allow employees to book annual leave and some other types of leave such as study leave, special leave etc. Employees will not be able to update sickness leave, this will be done either by the manager or the sickness absence monitor for the department. Who will have access to Employee Self Service? What information will I see? You will be able to see a variety of information about yourself that is held in the HR Oracle database. This includes personal information, absences, qualifications, diversity data and more. What if I don’t have access to a computer? Employee Self Service will be available from any computer at the University of Greenwich, for example from the libraries, labs etc. In the long run it will also be available from outside of the UoG campus from anywhere. What if I have questions or problems with using Employee Self-Service? Please log a call with the IT helpdesk. They will investigate your issue and redirect your issue to the most appropriate person. How secure is the HR Employee Self-Service system? Every care has been taken to keep the system and the data within it secure. It is important that users keep their login credentials secure. Can I access Employee Self-Service from home? Not in the early stages. However, in the long term yes ESS will be made available outside of the UoG network. I would prefer not to have my HR details available via Employee Self-Service. Is it possible to opt out? No. The organisation encourages you not to opt out as the system will allow you to update your own information and to book leave. Opting-out will disadvantage you and the way you interact with the organisation. Can I ask the administrator in my department to book annual leave for me like I used to do? No, it will be your responsibility to book your annual leave and for you to get authorisation from your manager. The administrator in your department will continue to update sickness absences on the system once they have been notified. System Use/Navigation How can I access my Employee Self-Service? ESS will be made available via your desktop and through the portal. What web browsers can be used with PCs or Macs to see Employee SelfService? This is still being tested. I am new to the university, when can I access Employee Self-Service? You will be given your login credentials shortly after starting your employment at the organisation. The ‘log-out’ button doesn’t work, how do I exit Employee Self-Service? It is important that you logout safely and securely after each session. If for any reason you don’t log out, the system will automatically log you out after 8 minutes of inactivity. What is an e-payslip and how do I access it? E-payslips is not strictly part of Employee Self Service. E-payslip system is currently separate to Employee Self Service. However, there is a link from ESS that will allow you to access your payslips. You will be required to logon to the e-payslip system separately. Can annual leave be requested and authorised retrospectively? Ideally, annual leave should be requested and authorised by the manager before taking the leave. It is however, possible to request annual leave retrospectively. If leave is not authorised within the allocated timeframe (5 days), what happens? The authorisation is sent to the next level up of line management hierarchy. My annual leave records shows extra leave that I haven't taken, how can this be corrected? Please speak to your line manager or your absence rep in order to get this corrected. I'm getting married and my name will be changing, how do I update this to ensure my pay remains uninterrupted between yourselves and the bank and get my email and university records updated? When you log onto ESS, you will be able to update your Surname and your bank details. You will be required to scan and upload a marriage certificate, which will need you be authorised by your line manager. This will be true for all instances of name change e.g. divorce or changing your name by deedpole. The change will need to be verified by line manager and scanned document supporting the change. You will however need to inform IT helpdesk and the Pensions authority directly. How long will it take to action any change of address I register on the system or any other changes? The information is updated in real-time as you are accessing and updating the information, directly onto the HR database. I'm changing my bank account number from switching banks, how much notice should I give you before pay day? You can update your Bank account details through ESS. You must do the change by the 15th of the month before the payroll cut-off date. If you do make a change after the 15th of the month, please ensure that you contact payroll team to let them know that you made the change so that they are aware of the change. Will I be able to notify or change my dates for maternity leave on the new system after discussion with my manager? No, this will still be done by the HR department so you will need to speak to your line manager and the Employee Service team. Can I register a mobile number and my email address? Yes, you can register your mobile number. We currently only hold your work email address on the HR system for communication. When I make a change to my records, do I have to inform anyone, such as my line manager? For all those changes that deem necessary that your line manager needs to be informed or requires line manager verification, an automatic alert will be sent to your manager. For example updating your surname, qualification will require notification/verification from your line manager, however, updating your address will not. Will I still need to get approval from my line manager before I book annual leave? Yes. When you book annual leave on the ESS system, a notification will be sent by the system to your line manager for approval. Can I still contact HR if I have a question or need help about updating any of my details? Please read the detailed guidance on how to use ESS first or contact your departmental champion. If you require specific guidance on HR related issue please contact the HR team. What happens if I’m off sick, will I have to update my sick records when I come back to work? You need to report sickness as per the UoG sickness guidance to your line manager or the departmental administrator. Your line manager/absence representative of the department will be required to update the system with your sickness. What happens if I’m off long term sick, how will my records be updated? For those employees on long term sick, if you require any information or need to update your personal information, you can still do so through the ESS system as long as you have overall access to the UoG network. Who will have access to my details? Will my line manager be able to see my contact details? Your line manager will have access to some of the information about you for example your absences, qualifications, your job history and your emergency contact details. However, information about your ethnicity, disability and other sensitive data will not be visible to your line manager.
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