ReviewQuestion UNIT_ I PartA (2 Marks) Whatis the needfor systemanalysisin planningandoperation of powersystem? Whatis one linediagram? Defineperunitquantity. procedures Whatare the step-by-step to be followedto findthe pu impedance diagramof a power system? partsin the powersystemnetwork. Drawthe singlelinediagramshowingthe essential Whatarethe advantages of pu representation? A transmission linehasan impedance of 0.02+ j a baseof 1 MVA,11 kV.Whatwillbe the corresponding Valuesto a baseof 2MVA,22kV? Whatconditionon baseandratedvoltagesshouldbe satisfied to giveequalpu impedances viewed ? fromeithersideof a two-windino transformer PartB (16Marks) is 0.25pu on its is connected 9. (i). The subtransient reactance of a 500 MVA,18 kV generator Find out the subtransient reactanceof the to a networkthrougha 20 I 400 kV transformer. generator on a baseof 1OOMVAand20 kV. (4) (ii). A transformer interconnects a strong400 kV and a weaker200 kV systemand is providedwitha tap changeron the 400 kV side.What is the effectof settingthe tapsuchthat the voltageratiois 410I 200kV on the400and220 kV sides? (4) (iii). Draw the pu reactancediagramof a three-winding transformer whosethree-phase ratingsare. primary(P), wye-grounded, 15 MVA, 66 kV; secondary(S), wye-grounded, 10 MVA, 13.2 kV; valuesof the impedances. The tertiary(t), deltaconnected, 5 MVA,2.3 kV. Markthe appropriate measureddatafor impeances ate Zps= 7 o/oon 15 MVAand66 kV; Zpr = 9 % on 15 MVAand 66 Zst = 8 o/oon 10 MVAon 13.2kV. (8) (iv).Sketchand explainelectricpowersystemand marf(hevoltagelevelat variouspointsfromgenerator to load.(8) 10. is shownin Fig.13 is as follows. Thedatafor the systemwhosesingleJine-diagram G1: 30 MVA,10.5kV,X" = 1.6 a; G2: 15 MVA,6.6kV,X" = 1.2cl G3:25 MVA,6.6 kV,X" = 0.56O T1: 15 MVA,33/11kV,X=15.2o on h t side T2: 15 MVA,33/6.2kV,X=16.0O on h.tside Transmission Line:X=20.5frphase Loads:A: 40 MW,0.9 p.flag,11 kV; B: 40 MW,0.85p.flag,6.6kV basevoltagesfor differentparts.Draw the Choosethe basepoweras 30MVAand approximate ( 16 ) reactancediagram.lndicatep.u.reactanceson the diagram. G1 G2 G3 11 Fig.14 showsa single-line diagramof a powersystem.The ratingsof generators andtransformers are: j0.2 pu Generator G1:25 MVA,6.6 kV, j0.15 pu Generator G2:15MVA,6.6kV, Generator Gg:30 MVA,13.2kV,j0.15pu Transformer T1:30 MVA,6.6A - 115Y kV,j0.'1pu Transformer T2:15 MVA,6.6A - 115 Y kV,j0.1 pu Transformer T3:Singlephaseunitseachrated1OMVA, 69/6.9kV,j0.1 pu. Drawimpedance diagramwithall valuesin pu on a baseof 30 MVA,6.6 kV in the circuitof generator G1. a a a a Fig.l4 (16) 12 Fig.15 showsa generatorfeedingtwo motorsthroughtransformers and line.The ratingsand reactances areas under. G: 100MVA,11kV,3 phase,x= 20% T1: 100MVA.111132kV. x=So/o T2. Bankof 3 single-phase eachratedat 35 MVA,66111kV, transformers, x=4%. M1:40 MVA,3phase, 10kV, x=20% .M2:60 MVA,3phase,'l 1 kV,x=15% The linereactance is 80 ohms. Selectsuitablebasevalues.Drawthe reactance diagram.Indicatep.u.reactances on the diagram. M1 b_ M2 b_ 13. Fig.15 Thedatafor the systemwhosesinglejine-diagram is shownin Fig.16is as follows: T1:5 MVA,13.2N132Y kV,X=10% T1: 10 MVA,138Y/69A kV,X=8% Transmission Line:Zr='10+ j100Cyphase = : 21o"6 Load, 300 Oiphase Choosethe base power as 10 MVA and approximatebase voltagesfor differentparts. Draw the impedancediagramwith valuesof per unit impedances of variouscomponents clearlymarked.Also findthe generator current,thetransmission-line current,the loadcurrentandthe loadvolr2ria/14\ 2 i MA-Li#-l-, 7p \_-/l 1 3 . 2k v ' Tr 7p Tz lz,ouo 14 Discussin detailthe variousstudiescarriedout in the powersystemplanning(16) 15. Discussaboutthe modernpowersystemin detail. 16 The parametersof a 4-bussystemare as under: L i n e Linestarting L i n ee n d i n g n o . bus bus 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 1. 2 ? v , 2 2 3 4 4 1 3 3 (pu) Charging Lineimpedance admittance(pu) 0 . 2+ j 0 8 i0 02 j0 03 0.3+j09 + j0 04 0.25 j1.0 + j j0 02 0.2 0 8 + 01 J0.4 J0.01
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